Chapter 13.2
She pulled him wordlessly back to the cabin. She started to take off her clothes. She looked grateful when Daniel undressed himself as well. When they both stood nude together, he said, "Well, let's get it over with."
She gave him a hurt look. "I understand you don't want a rider, Daddy. But since you've agreed to take one, does the process have to be unpleasant for the both of us?"
He loved her so much! "No, I guess it doesn't."
She gave a flickering smile. "Then kiss me, Daddy. Kiss me like you want it. Pretend at least for tonight that you're attracted to me."
"Darling, where you're concerned, I never need to pretend." And then Daniel reached out in a very masculine way and kissed his daughter.
"Oh Daddy!" she cried, sinking into his arms. The feeling of full body flesh on flesh was incredible. As they hugged and kissed and rubbed against each other, Julie could feel her rider starting to get hot on her back. "To bed, Daddy," she said in an urgent voice.
At Julie's bidding Daniel was on bottom and she was on top. Daniel didn't have to be told why. He knew that she needed to exert herself more to make a rider for him. He loved his dear daughter so much, despite what she was about to do to him.
Julie inserted his penis into her and started to ride up and down. The young 18 year old looked so sexy, so beautiful as she athletically took her father's penis into her cunt. Daniel watched as her cuntlips grabbed the sides of his penis tightly as she moved up and down, in and out. The glowing upside down U symbol with the dot in it right above her cuntlips made her look so sexually mature, and so alluring.
"Oh oh oh oh. I can feel it, Daddy! I can feel my rider growing!" she cried.
"Swell," said Daniel.
"Don't fret!" she said, as her ass cheeks flexed and unflexed and her cuntlips moved around him. "Mom was right about you."
"Right about what?"
"That I was the only one who could seduce you." She ground her hips so she could better feel the head of his penis inside her. "Mom tried and failed. Casey tried and failed. But Mom felt sure I would succeed in getting into your swim trunks. And she was right!" Julie was so smug, and yet her grin was so sexy.
"I can feel it bubbling up on my back, Daddy! It won't be long now!" she cried.
"Tell me honestly, Julie. What's going to happen to me when I have one of those things on my back?" Daniel asked anxiously.
"It will be like living inside love itself, Daddy," she said, giving a huge grin as her small breasts bounced up and down, her nipples proudly erect. Julie's tender cunt felt so warm and inviting around his thrusting penis!
"Will I... will it control my thoughts, my actions?" Daniel asked.
"No, Daddy," she assured him. "It doesn't make you do anything," Julie assured him. Then she gave a sly smile. "But over time you'll find you want to."
Daniel's eyebrows shot up.
Julie gasped. "Daddy! My rider is splitting! Pound me harder, Daddy, please!"
Daniel bit his lip but thrust upwards as Julie moved down on his penis, synchonizing his movements with her own. "Oh Daddy! That's exactly what I need! You feel so good inside! I'm doing it, Daddy! My master is doing it right-Ooooooh!" she cried, making an incredibly pained face. Then she stiffened and gasped like a fish.
Reproduction had occurred!
"Is it...."
"Yes!" Julie panted. "It's all done now, Daddy. Thanks to you!" She gave him a sly smile. "Your brand new rider is almost ready for you now."
Daniel watched with panic as a small yellow circle started to crawl down her arm. Julie's hand was wrapped tightly around the back of his neck.
"No!" he cried. "Please, Julie, no!"
Julie frowned, and then she did something totally unexpected: she plucked the rider off her arm and got up, standing away from him.
Daniel was shocked. "What are you doing?"
"Daddy, I don't want your introduction to the Hive to be a memory of terror. I want you to feel it happily, like I did when Robbie gave me mine while people cheered us on at the Swim Club."
"You'll never get me showing enthusiasm like that," said Daniel. "By the way, isn't there a deadline to call your Mother so she doesn't do the same to Ben?"
Julie casually checked her Pad. "We still have 16 minutes. Plenty of time, Daddy! Lean against the wall."
"Lean against the wall, Daddy. NOW!" The naked girl put her hands on her hips, making her tits stick out.
Daniel reluctantly went to the wall and leaned against it, palms out. Julie got between him and the wall and squatted down, showing off her sexy firm ass.
"What are you doing?" Daniel asked.
"Making your introduction to the Hive a more pleasant one. Now, whatever you do, Daddy, you mustn't move your hands. If you move, I won't call Mom, and Ben will be the one to get a rider, not you. Do you understand?"
Daniel nodded.
"Good." Julie squatted down and put the baby rider on her father's right foot. It slowly started to climb up the back of his leg.
"No!" Daniel cried.
"Yes!" Julie replied. And then she gently grabbed his erect penis and started to suck on the head of it.
Daniel moaned with intense pleasure, even as the rider climbed up his leg. "Oh Julie! It feels so good! Where did you learn to do that? Robbie Westwood?"
Julie shook her head as his penis popped out of her mouth. "Neil Nelson. He knew more tricks than Robbie. A lot more tricks," she grinned.
The rider had made its way to the back of his upper thigh. Daniel felt the tremendous impulse to pull it off him before it lodged on his back. He flexed one of his hands pressed against the wall as if to grab it.
"Don't you dare take your hands off that wall, Daddy! Don't you dare!" Julie cried, as his penis once again slid out of her mouth. "Just let it happen!" She started sucking him again. As the rider climbed onto his buttocks Daniel groaned with pleasure. He looked down at his adoring daughter. She stared into his eyes blissfully as she sucked on his cock. Daniel was terrified by what was about to happen to him, but in a way he was also grateful to Julie. She was obviously trying to ease his fears and his entry into the Hive. She loved him so much!
Daniel felt the rider crawled up onto his back. He felt it crawl upwards inch by inch even while the head of his penis was fabulously stimulated. It felt so good! Daniel's balls felt heavy and tight. He was almost ready to climax. He looked at his sexy daughter's face. The blonde highlights in her light brown hair made her look so adult, so mature. Her eye cheekbones and green eyes were so sexy. Her lips embraced the head of his penis lovingly as her dainty hand held onto his shaft. She was giving him the most pleasure a woman could give a man... and the woman doing it was his own sexy daughter!
The rider crawled onto his middle back. In seconds it would be out of reach. This was his very last chance to remove it! The last chance before his mind and body became enslaved by the Hive. Daniel's right arm tensed up as if to reach behind him and grab it. But as he readied himself he looked into his daughter's pleading eyes.
Let it happen, Dad. Just let it happen! She seemed to be saying, staring at him so lovingly, so adoringly, as she continued to suck on his cock. As Daniel stared into those sexy eyes he realized he could deny her nothing. So he pressed his hands harder against the wall and let the inevitable occur, just as his penis was about to explode.
Julie timed it perfectly. As the rider slid between his shoulder blades, Daniel's penis erupted inside her mouth. Salty cum bathed Julie's tongue in large globs. She swallowed eagerly. As Daniel felt his climax wash all over him, his rider inserted its tendrils into his mind. The juxtaposition of the two masked the takeover of his mind almost perfectly, causing him to barely notice what was happening on his back. He groaned and sighed as he emptied himself inside her, giving his daughter an exhausted smile as his aching balls finally went dry.
When all was done, Julie pulled out and moved upwards, kissing him on the lips passionately while pressing her warm breasts against him. "Welcome to the Hive, Dad," she said softly.
They were lying in bed together, their arms and legs intertwined. Daniel wasn't sure how they had gotten there or how much time had passed. Julie looked at him lovingly, brushing through his dark hair with her fingers.
"Mom was right," she said. "I was the only one who could persuade you to take a rider."
Daniel smiled back at her. His genitals felt so relaxed now.
"So how do you feel, Dad?"
Daniel shrugged. He felt the rider on his back, but so far it didn't seem to be doing anything to him. "I feel fine."
"See?" she smiled at him and kissed him on the nose. "Told you!"
Daniel sat up abruptly in bed.
"What is it, Daddy?"
"You forgot!" said Daniel. "We forgot!"
"Forgot what?" Julie asked in a sleepy tone, as she rubbed her breasts.
"To call your mother! You said you had to call her by 9 to prevent her from taking Ben!" He checked the chrono. It was almost 11. "You have to call her now!"
"No, Daddy."
"Call her now! Please, dear. Perhaps she hasn't given him a rider yet!" said Daniel.
"No, Daddy," she said, smiling at him.
"What do you mean, no?" he asked.
"Mom has already given Ben a rider," said Julie.
"Perhaps she hasn't! It's only-"
"Daddy, Mom gave Ben a rider first thing after we left the house this morning."
Daniel's jaw dropped open. "You... you lied to me. You lied to get me to agree to take a rider."
"Yes, I did," she looked at him with her sexy green eyes. She started to slowly squeeze his hand. "I did it to save your life. Daddy, I don't want you to die in the coming plague!"
"Oh Julie! Julie Julie Julie!" he cried, shaking his head. He reached behind him to try and remove it, but couldn't.
"You can't reach it, Daddy. And by the time it grows large enough for you to reach, you won't want to."
"Then you remove it!" said Daniel.
"No, I won't do that!" said Julie. "I've saved your life, and I have no intention of undoing it! I'm not especially proud of the way I did it, but it's done! Accept it, Daddy!"
The next morning Julie was bubbly and flirtatious with her father as she made breakfast. She was wearing a half shirt which was tied over her breasts, with no control collar underneath. She was again wearing short shorts which showed off every contour of her firm, upraised ass. "I can't wait to begin your training, Daddy! I know you'll quickly grow to love it!"
"I wouldn't be so sure," said Daniel.
"What do you mean?"
"I will not agree to be trained."
Julie stiffened. Her rider inflated on her back. She cocked her head. Then she unfroze and came alive once more. "All right, Daddy. If that's the way you want it," she said, with an easy grin.
After that, Saturday was an ordinary day for father and daughter. They went fishing by the river. They went for a walk in the forest. They went berry picking in the afternoon. Julie was laughing and smiling and joking with his father, and he with her. It was as if the events of the prior night had never happened between them.
Except for one thing.
Daniel's penis was aching.
It was his rider. He could almost feel the lines of control from his back to his penis, tantalizing him, stimulating him. It made his penis supremely aroused and tingling. Soon the tingling became pain. Daniel tried to take a shower after lunch and relieve himself, but his penis actually felt like it was burning when he touched it.
Julie smiled and spread her creamy legs in her short shorts. She leaned over and showed off her breasts inside her tightly tied half shirt. And she smiled and laughed and flirted with him as if she had no idea what he was going through. She made it very clear that she was there for the taking. All he would have to do is ask.
"Something wrong, Daddy?" she asked in the late afternoon, as they sat on a large boulder. Julie's legs were widely spread. He could see the stress lines in her short shorts, leading to her vaginal opening. How he desperately needed to cream inside of her!
"No," he said.
"You keep looking at me like you want something. Are you sure there's nothing I can help you with?" She asked innocently. Julie slowly crossed one sexy leg over another. Daniel had to bite his lip not to scream.
Daniel managed to last until nightfall. Julie was surely aware of the torment he was going through, but she smiled gaily and acted like nothing was wrong. It was only when Daniel lay down to go to bed that he realized he would never, ever be able to sleep this way. After an hour of fruitless tossing and turning he sought his daughter out. He went to her bedroom.
"Julie? Are you awake?"
"Hmmm? Yes, Daddy?" she yawned and stretched her arms. "What's wrong, Daddy? Did you have a nightmare?"
"I need you!" he said, and suddenly he was all over her, hugging and kissing her wildly. But Julie was not kissing him back. She pushed him back with the palm of her hand. Daniel looked hurt and confused. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"What's wrong, Daddy, is that this morning you refused your first training. My master says there has to be a penalty for that."
Julie cocked her head and listened. "You can have me... but not until tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow morning! Please, Julie, I won't be able to sleep a wink tonight!"
Julie gave a cold smile, and it seemed to Daniel that he was no longer talking to his daughter. He watched her rider inflate on her back. "I'm sorry Daddy, but this is what my master says." She took him by the hand and marched him out of her bedroom. "Goodnight, Daddy." She closed the door firmly between them.
When Julie opened her bedroom door the following morning she found her father bleary eyed and slumped against it. He jumped to his feet. "Now can we do it?"
Julie gave an exaggerated yawn and stretched her arms. "Don't you want breakfast, first?"
"No, I don't want fucking breakfast first!" said Daniel. He needed release, and he needed it now!
She smiled at him. "Very well, Daddy. Take off your clothes and get into the shower."
"The shower?" he looked confused.
"Now, Daddy!"
Daniel frantically stripped off his clothes and literally ran for the shower. His penis was erect and purple and throbbing. Julie followed him more leisurely a moment later. She, like him, was now naked. He immediately grabbed her and started hugging and kissing.
"Easy, Daddy, easy," she said, palming him off. "Put your hands against the wall, Daddy."
"Daddy, my master doesn't like it when I have to ask twice. Please don't make it angry with you," she said. The nude 18 year old put her arms on her hips and spread her legs, showing off her cuntlips and the small green rock hanging below it.
Daniel gulped and leaned against the wall, spreading his arms and legs.
"That's so much better, Daddy," came her voice.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see...."
Daniel felt a finger stroking his lower back. He was so aroused that he gasped.
And then that finger moved to his rider.
He cried out, his entire body stiffening. "Oh!"
"Do you like that, Daddy?" Her finger started to move in circles along the edge of his immature rider. "That's how I felt when you did it to me on the beach yesterday, the first time we made love. Do you remember that, Daddy?"
"I remember!" Daniel gasped. His penis was hard and erect and painful and pointed straight upwards, his balls tight and nearly bursting from hours of edging, courtesy of his rider.
"Your rider feels different than mine," said Julie. "Nice and soft. Newborn riders are always the softest, did you know that, Daddy?"
"No I didn't!" Daniel gasped. Each caress of her fingertip on his rider felt like it was on his penis. He felt more than ready to explode... and yet he didn't. Something was holding him back. Something was keeping him on the edge. And he knew what that something was.
His rider.
"My rider was soooo disappointed when you declined your training this morning, Daddy," said Julie, as her tantalizing finger continued to move in circles. "I tried to tell it that you've learned your lesson, that you're going to be so obedient now. Isn't that right, Daddy?"
"Yes!" Daniel gasped. "I will be very obedient!"
Julie smiled. "I know you will. But my rider needs convincing, Daddy. It doesn't know you nearly as well as I do. Tell me, Daddy, do you agree to serve the Hive?"
"Then say it!"
"I will serve the Hive!"
"Very good, Daddy! Now say you want your rider to grow large and strong on your back."
Daniel grimaced.
"I'm waiting, Daddy!"
"I... I want my rider to grow large and strong on my back!" he gasped.
"Very good Daddy! I know how hard that was for you to say!" She stroked her father's immature rider some more. Good behavior is always rewarded. Daniel's body shuddered and his stiff, upraised penis bobbed wildly between his legs. "The good news, Daddy, is that obeying will get easier over time. Much easier! Now tell me you want to be controlled by the Hive."
Daniel bit his lip. He didn't! But he would say anything to get his release. "I... want to be controlled by the Hive." He gasped again as Julie's fingertips on his back gave him another jolt of erotic pleasure.
"You want your rider to grow strong and take over your mind," Julie said.
"I... I want my rider to grow strong and take over my mind." Daniel winced as he said it.
"And it will, Daddy, it will." Now in an entirely new move, he felt Julie's soft, feminine hands on his shoulders and the heat of her breath on his ear. He was so aroused by that slight touch that he was almost ready to climax. Almost.
"Are you ready to come now, Daddy?" she asked softly.
"Then touch yourself while you keep repeating, 'I will serve the Hive.'"
Daniel looked down at his penis. The last time he had tried to touch it he had burned his hand.
"Do it, Daddy! It's perfectly safe now. The Hive demands it!" Julie ordered.
The Hive demands it.
Daniel reached down and tentatively touched his penis. For the first time today his own touch didn't burn himself. He immediately started stroking madly, rubbing his fist up and down his shaft. "Oh... ohhhh!"
"That's it, Daddy! Enjoy your reward!"
It didn't take long for Daniel's overstimulated cock to react. "Oooooh!" he cried out, as a thick wave of sperm shot out of the head of his penis and splattered against the shower wall. A second line of sperm followed immediately after that, and then a third, a forth, and a fifth, each smaller than the one before it. "Ooooh," Daniel groaned again. He could feel his rider pulsating on his back perfectly in sync with his ejaculations.
"That's right, Daddy, let it out. Let it all come out," came a soothing voice behind him. "It's all so natural now. Your rider controls your orgasms now, Daddy. It's what nature intended."
Daniel panted as the last of his sperm exited his penis and his rider stopped pulsating. Keep going, please! he thought. But that was the end of his orgasm. He felt his entire body suddenly becoming exhausted as it was released from the enormous strain it had been under all day and night. He turned and practically fell into his daughter's arms.
"What a good boy! Such a good boy!" his daughter cooed. Daniel looked at Julie. His tired mind realized she was naked with him in the shower with erect nippled tits and a slender, very attractive 18 year old body. How he wanted her! But his penis was totally deflated. Now that he wanted her... he couldn't have her!
It was as if she could read his mind. "That's another part of the lesson you learned today, Daddy. Always accept what is offered to you. You never know when you'll have another chance." She smiled and hugged him contently, pressing her pubis against his spent organ, rocking back and forth ever so slightly.