Chapter 14
Joanna hugged and kissed both Julie and Daniel goodbye and wished them a good time as they left for the cabin. Then she looked at the chrono and watched and waited for exactly five minutes.
"Ben! Can you come into the living room, please?"
Her 21 year old son entered the living room. Joanna loved Ben to pieces, but to be honest, he had always been something of a disappointment to her. Her brown haired son had her father's handsome looks but not his temperament. He was smart and bookish but he lacked people skills, specifically skills in attracting women and he had no friends that Joanna knew of. Ben was not exactly the best candidate to bring into the Hive, but Joanna had run out of options, as well as time.
"I'm getting ready for school, Mom," he said. At least Ben was tall and had his father's broad shoulders.
"This won't take long," Joanna said.
"What won't take long?"
"Ben, it's time you took a rider and joined the Hive," she said.
"No!" said Ben. "I'm not doing it!"
"You have to," said Joanna. "Your father is taking a rider, and you will too."
"Dad? Dad would never take a rider!"
"Why do you think he went off with your sister to the cabin? They're planning a romantic weekend where your sister will give him a rider."
Ben's jaw dropped open. "Sis? And Dad? She wouldn't! And he wouldn't!"
"She would. And he will."
"I'm calling him right now!" Ben lifted his Pad.
Joanna effortlessly smacked his hand, sending his Pad flying across the floor. "The only thing you're doing right now young man, is taking a rider."
"I won't! You can't make me, I won't, I won't, I won't!"
Suddenly there was a buzz at the front door.
Mother and son stared at each other.
There was another more insistent buzz. Then a fist, hammering on the door. "OPEN UP!"
Joanna pointed a commanding finger at her son. "You stay there. Don't move! And don't touch that Pad!" She ran to the door, opened it, and gasped.
Nils stood there, flanked by two uniformed peacemen from the Department of Wellness. Jo noticed that the peacemen had Anal Control Rods holstered in their workbelts.
"Good morning, Jo," Nils said pleasantly.
Jo was gripped by panic. "You, you're early! You said 10 AM! You're early!"
"Nonsense, Jo. The Hive is never early or late. It is always exactly on time." He stared at her hard. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"
Jo trembled as Nils entered their home, followed by the two peacemen.
"Mom, who are these people? What do they want?" Ben asked.
"You must be Ben," said Nils. "My name is Nils. Your mother and I have been spending some time together." He enjoyed the shocked look on Ben's face. "I'm here to take you to the Hive."
"No!" said Jo, interposing her body between Nils and Ben. "Give me a little more time!"
"There is no more time, Jo," said Nils.
"I'll do it right now!" said Jo. She stared into his eyes. "I'll do it right now, while you're standing right there!"
Nils' rider inflated on his back. He cocked his head and nodded. "This should be amusing," he said.
Jo turned to Ben, her face a mask of panic. "Take off your clothes."
"What?" said Ben.
She slapped him in the face. SMACK! "Take off your clothes!"
"You heard your mother, Ben," said Nils. "Take off your clothes."
Ben looked from his terrified Mother to the smug Nils to the two peacemen standing there defiantly with the Anal Control Rods prominently displayed on their workbelts. He slowly pulled his shirt off.
"That's a good boy," said Nils.
Jo pulled her own shirt off. Next came her breast control collar. Ben's eyebrows shot up when he saw his mother's bare breasts. He had purposefully missed out on her very public adventures at the Swim Club.
"Do you like your mother's tits, boy?" Nils growled. When Ben didn't immediately reply, he said, "Ben, I asked you a question."
"She, uh, they're... they're big," said Ben, as he stared at his mother's heavy breasts which sloped downwards.
Nils laughed, as did the peacemen. "They're big! Your son has a way with words, Jo!"
"Yes, he does," she said, trying to keep the tension out of her voice.
"And now your pants, boy. Don't stop now," said Nils.
Ben removed his pants while his mother removed her skirt, showing off her shapely legs.
"And now the rest," said Nils, in a bored voice.
Jo saw her son hesitate. "Do it, dear," She whispered.
Ben reluctantly removed his underwear while Jo took off her panties.
"Not very impressive," said Nils, staring at Ben's genitals. "Does he take after his father, Jo?"
Jo glared at him.
"Ben, what do you think of your mother's vulva?" Nils asked.
"Her vulva?" Ben said.
"Vulva. Do you know what a vulva is, Ben? Don't they teach you anything in Colonial College nowadays?" Nils casually walked over to them. He pointed to Joanna's vagina. "Spread your legs, dear."
Joanna slowly complied, showing off her Hiveflesh enhanced pussy lips.
"That, dear Ben, is a vulva. What do you think?"
"It's big!" said Ben. "I didn't know they came that big!"
One of the peacemen laughed again.
"They do, Ben. Once you join the Hive, you'll get to plunder all kinds of pussies. Including your mother's."
"No." Ben shook his head. "It's wrong."
"Once you join the Hive, the burden of determining right and wrong will be lifted from you, dear sweet Ben," said Nils. "Your head will float as high as an angel. Look at that beautiful gem dangling between your mother's legs. Doesn't that make her cunt look really beautiful?"
"What... what is it?" Ben asked.
"Touch it. Go on Ben, touch it."
Ben curiously reached out and felt the small green gem which was connected to his mother's vulva by a small chain. He saw where the chain was hooked into her hairy pussy lips.
"That's her Hive Tracker, boy. It lets the Hive know where she is at all times. You'll get one too."
"But I don't have one of those," said Ben, pointing to his mother's vulva.
The peacemen laughed again.
"That's true," said Nils, smiling broadly now. "But we'll find something on you almost as suitable." He leaned close to Ben's ear. "Ben, I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at your Mom's pussy."
"No, I wasn't!" said Ben. "I was looking at the gem, just like you told me to!"
"Now now, Ben," said Nils. "You were looking at her pussy, weren't you?" His tone hardened. "Weren't you?"
Ben bit his lip and nodded.
"The truth is always rewarded," said Nils. "Touch it, Ben."
"Touch your mother's pussy." Nils grabbed Ben's right hand and raked his fingers over his mother's pussy lips. "How does it feel, Ben?"
"Soft." Ben looked into his mother's eyes, and felt intense arousal and shame.
"Keep petting, Ben." Nils gradually released his hand.
Ben started to touch his mother's cuntlips on his own. "I, I never knew they were so soft, Mom!"
Joanna smiled appreciatively.
"Not only are the outsides soft, but the insides too!" said Nils. "Ben, do you think you might like to put your cock inside of her?"
"She's my Mom!" said Ben, even as he continued to rub Joanna's cuntlips.
"I didn't ask for a family tree, Ben. I just wanted to know if you'd enjoy putting your penis... inside her vagina." Nils gave him a hard stare.
Ben felt his resistance crumbling. "Maybe," he admitted.
"Maybe! The walls are crumbling!" Nils shouted, making the peacemen laugh once more. Nils continued. "Ben, you said your mother's breasts are heavy. How heavy are they?"
Ben shrugged.
"Well, feel them in your palm, boy!"
Ben looked up at his mother for permission. Jo gave a small nod. Ben, with trembling hands, reached up and palmed his mother's heavy breasts. He gasped as he squeezed them.
"Nice, eh?" said Nils. "Ben, I have another question for you. I couldn't help but notice that you're getting a bit excited. Ben, that erection between your legs... any idea what's causing it?"
Ben's face turned beet red. His penis had indeed gotten hard, from the moment he started fondling his mother's vagina.
"No," said Ben.
Nils grabbed his arm roughly. "Do you know what the Hive does to liars, Ben?"
"Tell him, Ben!" Joanna cried.
"It's Mom!" Ben cried. "Mom is doing it to me, all right?"
"Very good, Ben," said Nils, releasing his arm. He watched Ben continued to fondle his mother's breasts. "You don't need to squeeze them so hard, like you're kneading bread, Ben. Fondle them more gently, like you're holding very ripe tomatoes."
Ben relaxed his grip and started to fondle his mother's breasts with his finger tips. She smiled appreciatively at him.
"Isn't that nice?" Nils asked.
"Now put down your mother's breasts and-Ben, I told you to put down your mother's breasts!" said Nils sharply.
Ben released them.
"Good. Obedience is prized above all things in the Hive," said Nils. "Now Ben, have you ever kissed your mother?"
"I want you to kiss her again."
Ben reached forward and pecked his mother on the lips.
"I guess I should have expected that," said Nils. "Jo, give him a preview."
Joanna leaned forward and took her son in her arms. She pressed her lips against his and grinded smoothly, lovingly for a long moment. As she did she felt her breasts pressed against his chest and his erection pressed against her groin. They were mother and son but soon, very soon, would be nothing more than man and woman, joined by the Hive in the continuing cycle of life.
"How was that, Ben?" Nils asked.
"Nice! You're a good kisser, Mom!" said Ben.
"You hear that, Mom?" Nils asked.
"Thank you dear," Joanna said, smiling sweetly.
Nils put an arm around Ben again. "Tell me, Ben, have you ever been with a woman?" He gave Ben a deep, appraising look. "I'm going to make a wild guess and say no. Am I right?" Nils asked.
Ben reluctantly nodded.
"Well, Ben, this is your lucky day! You're going to make love to your mother, and she's going to give you a rider, and that's going to make you very, very happy!"
"No!" said Ben. "I won't do it!"
"Joanna," said Nils. All he had to do was to motion with his eyes.
Joanna got on the couch. She spread her legs.
"Look at those luscious pussy lips you were just touching and admiring so avidly," said Nils. "You could be plowing in between them right now, Ben! Think of it!"
Ben, frowning, shook his head.
"Ben Harris, you come over here right now," said Joanna.
Ben reluctantly came to his mother.
"Ben, I want you to take that penis of yours and put it inside me," said Joanna sternly. Her eyes narrowed. "Ben, do you hear me?"
Ben just looked at her obstinately.
Joanna slapped him. WACK! "Ben, put it me RIGHT NOW!"
Ben frowned, rubbing his cheek, as the peacemen laughed. He got on top of his mother and aimed his penis at her vagina.
"That's a good boy, such a good boy," She said. "I'm sorry I hit you. Put it in me, Ben. Put it in me and we'll get this over with."
Ben looked over at Nils, who had a very amused look on his face. He looked over at the peacemen, who were quietly chuckling. Then he looked at his Mom. She was beautiful! Sighing heavily, he inserted himself into her. Immediately, instinct took over. He started thrusting madly.
"That's right! That's right, dear!" said Joanna, feeling pleased.
"Mom! You feel so good inside!" Ben cried. He had never been with a woman before, certainly not a woman with a Hiveflesh coated cunt.
"So nice of you to say, dear," Joanna grinned. "Once you get some practice, you-"
"Aaahhhhh!" Ben sighed and laid still.
Nils' mouth dropped open. "Did what I think just happen, happened?"
Joanna pushed her son off. Sperm leaked out of her cunt.
"So, Jo, was ten seconds enough time for you to make a rider for dear Ben?" Nils asked. "No? Well, I guess we'll have to do this my way after all." He gestured to the peaceman with a flick of his hand.
"Wait!" Jo cried. She jumped up and flew into Nils' arms. She kissed him passionately, even as her son's sperm dripped out of her pussy. "Please!" she said, looking imploringly at him. She kissed him again, this time grinding her breasts and pubis against him strongly. "Please, Nils!"
Nils sighed. "I was expecting to be here for ten minutes. I guess my next appointment will be a bit delayed."
He started to undress himself. Jo hurriedly helped. While Nils removed his shirt Joanna helped with his shoes, pants, and underwear.
"What are you doing, Mom?" Ben asked.
"Saving you," Joanna explained. She pulled Nils down to the couch, and started sucking on his cock.
"Mom! Dad wouldn't like that!" Ben cried.
"No, he probably wouldn't," one of the peacemen said, making the other one laugh.
"You're mistaken on that, Ben," said Nils. "By the end of this weekend, I'm confident your father would simply be thrilled to see your mother sucking me off!" he grinned, making the peacemen laugha gain.
"I don't know if Daniel would be thrilled, at least, not at first," said Jo, letting Nils' semi-hard penis slide out of his mouth.
Nils patted her head as he reinserted himself into Jo's mouth. "I stand corrected. At first he'll accept it, maybe without much enthusiasm. Then, somewhat later, he'll be more willing to let it happen. And finally, by the time we're done with him, he'll be positively eager to see me fuck you. He'll be begging me to put my big, juicy cockmeat inside of you!"
The peacemen snickered loudly, while Ben looked intensely distressed.
"Do you know what your mother is doing for me now, Ben?"
"She's... she's sucking on your thing," said Ben. He saw his mother avidly sucking on another man's cock. She gave him a helpless look at she sucked Nils off. Ben saw the heavy rider on her back. The enormous bones gripped her tightly. Her rider was making her do this... and soon enough he would have a rider making him do things too.
"Quite right, Ben, she's sucking... on my thing," Nils grinned. "But do you know why?" he paused. "We can't all have instant erections when we see your mother naked like you do, Ben. Your mother is kind enough to prepare me so I can properly stimulate her to make a rider for you."
Joanna gave Ben another helpless look as she sucked on Nils' cock, his Hiveflesh coated penis bobbing in and out between his mother's plush lips.
"You're going to sleep with Mom... so she can make a rider for me?" said Ben.
"You don't yet appreciate how much of a favor I'm doing for you, Ben. But I'm confident that some day, you will." Nils pulled out. His penis was hard and glistening. He saw Joanna smiling nervously up at him. He took her by the hand and led her to the couch. Nils lay on his back and Joanna got on top of him. She took his long penis in her hand.
"Mom, don't do it!" Ben cried.
"I'm afraid that your mother doesn't respond to your commands, Ben. But she does respond to mine," said Nils. "You may begin, Jo."
Jo nodded and slowly moved downwards. As Ben watched, Nils' long penis disappeared inch by inch inside his mother, her cuntlips gripping every inch of his shaft tightly. Then, as Ben watched, Joanna started to move up and down on it.
"I just realized this must be a bit surprising for you, Ben, being a very recent arrival from the virgin community and all, especially considering that your entire sexual history is less than thirty seconds long," said Nils. "Feel free to ask any questions. Perhaps you're surprised that your mother can fit my entire rod inside of her."
Ben nodded. "I, I did wonder about that."
"The vagina is an amazing thing, Ben. It's very elastic and stretchable," said Nils, staring at the way Joanna's thick, orangey cuntlips gripped his cock. "That's what makes it so wonderful. That it's so tight and form fitting."
"Form fitting, I like that," Joanna smiled.
"I know you do," said Nils. "Tell me, my dear, who feels bigger inside, me, or your darling Daniel?"
"You, Nils," said Joanna, as she obediently rode up and down on his penis.
"And who feels better inside you, dear?"
Joanna gritted her teeth as she tried to figure out an appropriate answer. Ben saw Nils' penis disappear once more inside his mother's body as she frowned mightily.
"Joanna, I asked you a question," Nils asked mildly.
"Why can't I like both of you?" Joanna asked, as she pulled out once more. "The Hive gives us that option, doesn't it?"
"Indeed it does," said Nils. "It frees our sexuality from cumbersome conventions." He smiled at Ben,"Your mother appreciates it, and soon you will too Ben." He gasped and turned back to Joanna."Oh, my dear, you feel so good inside! Ben, do you know what I'm feeling right now?"
"I can guess."
Nils chuckled. "That's probably all you can do. Right now, dear Ben, the inner walls of your mother's vagina are stimulating the head of my penis," said Nils. "When the time comes, this will cause me to release inside of her, much as you did in your thirty odd seconds with her."
"No!" Ben cried. "Don't come inside my Mom!"
Joanna gritted her teeth and shook her head. Her giant rider pulsated on her back as she continued to fuck Nils.
The peacemen chuckled again.
"I'm afraid you don't have any say in the matter, Ben," said Nils. "In fact, since you were the most recent occupant of the space I'm now occupying, I'd say your moral authority in the matter is close to nil. You should thank your stars that your mother had such a sexy body. If she didn't, you'd be spare parts in the Hive by now."
Joanna gasped as her rider started to sizzle on her back.
"There is also another biological process going on, Ben, one which more specifically concerns you," said Nils. "Have a look at your mother's back."
Ben peered over and saw that Joanna's rider was sizzling and bubbling up. "What's happening?"
"I'm stimulating your Mom so she can make a rider for you. Perhaps you'd care to thank me."
Ben frowned.
"Thank him, Ben!" Joanna cried, as she ground her hips around Nils cock. The rider on her back was jetting enormous bubbles. Reproduction was imminent. "Thank him now!"
"T-thank you," Ben mumbled.
"You're welcome, Ben," said Nils.
Ben looked at the enormous bubbling rider. A line started to form down the middle of it.
"Watch carefully, dear Ben," said Nils. "When one becomes two, your new master will be ready for you. A master made from the flesh and life energy of your own loving mother."
Ben watched in horror as the rider on his mother's back continued to split. Joanna worked herself hard up and down, her body covered in a sheen of sweat as she worked frantically to help her master reproduce.
"Don't do it, Mom!"
Nils chuckled. "You might as well ask the clouds not to rain. It's all perfectly natural, Ben. Exactly what nature intended." He started to pant. "I'm getting close, my dear. You?"
"I'm... I'm almost ready," said Jo.
"Let's synchronize," said Nils.
"Yes!" Jo cried, as her body glistened with sweat.
They stared into each other's eyes.
"Ah!" Jo cried.
"Oh!" said Nils.
"Ah!" Jo's body stiffened as one rider suddenly became two.
Reproduction had occurred!
Jo's rider rewarded her with an enormous orgasm. Joanna's vaginal walls clamped down on Nils' penis like a vise. The constriction sent Nils over the edge. He cried out Jo's name as he spilled his seed inside of her in several healthy spurts.
And then it was done.
Joanna slowly pulled out, revealing Nils' still erect penis which was glistening with their combined juices. They both stood up and Nils turned her around, showing Ben her sexy round ass... and the results of their lovemaking.
"Wonderful, dear," Nils said, scooping up the baby rider and handing it to her. "You make the most beautiful riders!"
"Thank you," Joanna grinned. They hugged and kissed. As they did Jo's much smaller mature rider reasserted itself in a space between her shoulders which was covered in a large red rash.
"All right, finish it," said Nils.
Joanna turned to Ben. "All right, Honey, lean against the wall."
"No! I'm not taking a rider!" Ben cried.
SMACK! Joanna slapped him so hard that her breasts bounced from side to side. "Lean against the wall NOW, Ben."
"Forget it," said Nils.
"What?" said Joanna.
"I said forget it," said Nils.
"He's too resistant. He'll be nothing but trouble, I can tell," said Nils.
"No," said Jo.
"Let's take him to the Hive Mind. It can decide what to do with him."
"No!" Jo's eyes flashed with horror. "He'll be obedient, he will! He just hasn't been trained yet! He hasn't even taken a rider!" When Nils shook his head, Jo turned to Ben. "Beg me for it!"
"What?" said Ben.
"Beg me to give you this rider!"
Ben looked at her like she was insane. But he finally realized that his mother was trying to save his life. He gulped, "Mom... can you give me a rider?"
Nils raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really want it, son?" Joanna asked, her heart pounding in her chest with fear.
"Yes! Yes, I do!" said Ben. He looked around at the men watching him. He went over to his mother and took her in his arms. He gave her a long and passionate kiss, grinding his shrunken shaft against her sweaty, doubly sperm stained pubis. "Please Mom, give me a rider! I want it so much!"
Nils raised the other eyebrow.
"Lean against the wall if you really want it, son," said Joanna.
Ben bit his lip and leaned with his palms open. He had a strong back but a large ass for a 21 year old. Joanna leaned forward and put the baby rider between her son's shoulder blades.
Ben stiffened immediately. "My head, my head! There's something in my head!"
Joanna took him in her arms. "It's all right, dear. Everything will be all right."
Ben's face went blank.
"What are you?" Nils asked.
"I am Hiveflesh."
"What is your purpose?"
"To spread health and wellness in the Community. In the Community, wellness is priority one," said Ben.
Joanna anxiously looked at Nils for approval.
Nils nodded and gave a grudging smile. "That was a very close call, Jo. I still have my doubts, but we'll see. What can you tell me about dear Daniel?"
"He'll join us before the end of this weekend as I promised. Julie won't fail us."
"We'll see," said Nils. He clapped a hand on Ben's shoulder. "Welcome to the Hive, Ben. Your journey has only begun."