Chapter 15.1
When Daniel got home, Joanna was at the door giving him a big hug. "Welcome home, dear!" she pressed her breasts tightly and kissed him. "Can you ever forgive me?"
Daniel just gave her a wary look and stepped through the threshold.
Joanna worriedly turned him around and tried to figure out if Daniel had a rider on his back.
"Of course he has one, Mom," said Julie, in a somewhat annoyed voice, stepping through the door.
"I never doubted it for a moment!" Joanna cried. She hugged and kissed her daughter. "How was it?"
Julie smiled broadly. "Very, very romantic."
"Really?" said Joanna wistfully. She put her arm around her sweet daughter. "Come in, dear, and tell me all about it!"
Momentarily forgotten, Daniel went to the living room, where he saw Ben dully staring at a wall. "How are you, son?"
Ben shrugged. "I can feel it in my mind, trying to make me do things."
"I can too," said Daniel, sitting down by him. "So you... and your mother...."
"Not just Mom."
"Not just your mother?"
"There was another man here. His name was Nils. He laughed and make fun of me while... while they were doing it."
Daniel's eyebrows shot up. "You watched while your mother... and Nils...."
Ben nodded.
Daniel's face clouded. He had met Nils briefly at the Swim Club. Apparently Joanna had taken him as a lover. He looked forward to meeting this Nils someday.
Jo and Julie marched into the living room arm in arm, smiling and laughing. "All right, that was fun! Now you two, stand up and take off your clothes!"
"Why?" said Daniel.
"Mom wants to see your rider," said Julie. "And I want to see Ben's!"
Daniel gave Ben a wary look and started to take off his shirt. Ben slowly followed.
"I said all your clothes, Daniel," said Joanna.
"I don't have to be naked for you to see my rider," said Daniel.
"Dad! What did I say about making us repeat orders twice?" Julie gave him a dark look. "Our riders don't like it."
Daniel frowned but slowly took off the rest of his clothing. So did Ben. Before long they stood there naked in the living room while Julie and her mother walked around, inspecting them... and their riders.
"Very nice!" she said, smiling broadly as she admired the yellow pancake lodging between Daniel's shoulder blades. "You make the most beautiful riders, Julie!"
"So do you Mom!" said Julie, admiring the yellow-brown circle on her brother's back. "I learned from the best!"
Mother and daughter briefly hugged and kissed. Then they resumed their inspection.
Joanna admired the males in their family. "They have nice bodies, don't they?" Joanna asked.
Daniel felt his wife staring at his penis hungrily.
"Yes they do," said Julie. "Even you, big brother!"
Ben reddened.
"Daniel, our entire family is part of the Hive now. We're finally all together again. Isn't that wonderful?" said Joanna.
"No," said Daniel.
"He's stubborn, Mom. But we'll work it out of him, I'm sure of it," said Julie.
"I'm sure you will, dear." Joanna sighed. "Well, it's time to move to the next step." She handed Julie several objects. "You know what to do, dear."
Julie nodded. She bent down in front of her father and carefully lifted up his penis in her dainty feminine hand.
"What are you going to do?" Daniel asked.
"You must be marked as a slave of the Hive, Dad," she said, holding up a small green cone.
"No... no!" he said. But he obediently stood still even as Julie pressed the narrow end of the cone down on his penis. Daniel screamed with pain. But the pain faded as quickly as it came.
"See? It looks beautiful!" said Julie.
Daniel looked down. On the head of his penis was a glowing green symbol, which looked like a curved bone. "What does it mean?"
"It means you are marked as an inseminator," said Joanna, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a big kiss. "I'm so proud of you!" Jo turned to Julie. "Go on to the next step."
Julie grabbed his scrotum. "Now hold very still, Dad."
"What are you doing now?" Daniel asked. Suddenly he screamed in pain as Julie pierced the bottom of his scrotum sack.
"I'm sorry about that, Dad," said Julie, as she inserted the small two inch chain into it. "But it hurts less than when it's done to us, I promise you that!" She stood up quickly. "There. It's done."
Daniel looked down. In addition to the glowing mark on the head of his penis he also had a small green rock hanging from his testicles. "What have you done to me?"
"We have made you part of the Hive," said Joanna, in a low, musical tone.
"Your turn, Mom," said Julie, handing the objects back to her.
Joanna paused, cocked her head, and nodded. "I have a better idea." She handed the objects to Daniel.
"What do you want me to do with these?" Daniel asked.
"It is your turn to contribute, dear. You must conduct Ben's initiation ceremony," said Joanna.
Daniel's eyes widened. "You want me to do to my own son... what you just did to me?"
"Yes," said Joanna.
"Forget it! I won't do it!" he said.
"Dad, if you'd rather, I can cancel our next training session to give you more time to think about it," said Julie. "But I remember how unhappy you were the last time I canceled our training session. Is that what you really want?"
Daniel remembered the sexual torture he had gone through, being tremendously aroused for an entire day and night without being allowed release. It had been a punishment for refusing one of his training sessions. It was not a punishment he wanted to endure again.
He looked at his only son. It was bad enough that Daniel had been forced to take a rider. Bad enough that he was methodically being trained and brainwashed. But now they actually wanted him to participate in his son's debasement. It was part of his training, a small voice told him.
He had no choice. Daniel sighed and bent down in front of his son, and gently took his penis in hand. "Ben, I'm so sorry," he said.
"I understand, Dad." Ben made an unhappy face, but did not resist.
And then Ben screamed as the cone burned the head of his penis. When it was done, Ben looked down. "What is that?" He saw a glowing letter 'c' burned into the head of his penis.
"You have been given your slave mark," said Joanna.
"Yes, but what does it mean?" he asked.
"I... I don't know," said Joanna. But somehow, part of her did know.
She stammered, "Daniel, you'd, you'd better finish up."
Daniel nodded unhappily. He gently grabbed Ben's scrotum. "Please don't move, son."
Ben screamed as his father penetrated his scrotum sack. Daniel tried to work the chain into it, but fumbled several times.
"Here, let me do it," said Julie, with a note of disgust on her voice as she elbowed her father aside. She worked rapidly with her smaller fingers. "There now you look perfect, brother."
Ben now had a glowing Slave Mark on the head of his penis and a small green rock hanging from his scrotum.
"You both look so lovely!" said Joanna. She was suddenly happy again. She had been upset a moment ago, but no longer remembered why. "And now we come to a rare moment in your training."
"Rare in what way?" said Daniel.
"Rare in that you are being given an actual choice," said Joanna. "From now on, Dear, the Hive will tell you what to do, and your role will be to obey without question. But occasionally in times like these you are offered a small choice."
"What kind of choice?"
"The choice of who to continue your training with." She stared at her husband provocatively. "Would you rather that Julie finish your training... or me?"
Daniel bit his lip and took a deep breath.
"Well, dear?"
Daniel looked away. "Whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? Whatever I want? I haven't heard those words from you in some time!" Joanna exclaimed. "Very well. Since you apparently have no preference, I can switch with Julie and finish your training while Julie takes Ben-"
"Wait!" said Daniel. "Since, uh, Julie started my, uh, training... perhaps... perhaps she wants to finish it." His face turned red. "I mean, it doesn't really matter to me, but whatever, whatever's easier for you." He looked down at the floor, totally, totally embarrassed.
Joanna laughed and slapped Julie's upraised palm. "I told you, dear!" she cried.
"Told her what?" said Daniel.
"That you've always lusted after your daughter, Daniel Harris!" Joanna smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not upset. You're not the only one who lusts after your little girl's hot body! Very well, my dear, you will get your wish. Julie will finish your training and I will attend to Ben." Then she kissed a very surprised Daniel on the lips. "I love you so much!"
Daniel was in Julie's bedroom an hour later. Julie was wearing a dark nightie that barely covered her vagina. "Do you like it?" she asked. "I borrowed it from Mom."
"I recognize it," said Daniel. While he was being trained by Julie, he was fully aware of what was happening in the living room. Joanna was having sex with Ben.
"Don't be so glum, Daddy!" she cried, kissing him on the lips. "Why don't you get undressed again, and we can start your training?"
Daniel slowly took off his clothes. Julie took off her nightie. She embraced and kissed her father, enjoying the feeling of their genitals grinding together. "I was sooo flattered when you picked me to finish your training, Daddy!"
He bashfully looked away. Julie turned his chin so he looked her in the eye. "I know you have problems expressing your feelings now, but once you're fully trained, your sexuality will be free as a bird!"
"Free as a bird," said Daniel, feeling the rider pulsating on his back.
"Yeah," said Julie, in a deep, sexy voice. She pulled him down to the bed. "Put it in me, Daddy. Put it in me and we can continue your training."
Daniel hesitated. He found Julie to be very attractive. He still wanted her. But unlike yesterday, he hadn't been overstimulated for a full day. Julie was no longer using the musky scent on him. The choice was more or less his own, as she intended. She wanted him to freely choose to continue. That was part of his training, he realized.
She saw his indecision. "Of course, Daddy, if you don't want to continue, perhaps we can take that day off I mentioned earlier. To give you more time to think about things." She gave him a wicked smile.
Daniel bit his lip and spread her legs. Julie smiled as she felt her father entering her once again. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "My dearest Daddy!" she cried, as she felt his penis moving within her. "We are going to have the most wonderful time together!"
"You want to be controlled." Julie stared into his eyes intently, her arms wrapped tightly behind his neck.
"I want to be controlled." Daniel's penis felt a jolt of rewarding pleasure as he slid once again into his daughter's tight teenage cunt.
"You want to serve the Hive," said Julie.
"I want to serve the Hive."
Julie stared into his eyes once more, trying to discern if he really meant it. "You want your rider to take control of your mind."
Daniel grimaced.
"You have to say it, Daddy," She whispered. "Even if you don't mean it."
"I don't have to mean it?" he said.
"Not yet," Julie said. "But soon you will."
Daniel knew what she was doing, what Julie and his rider were doing. They were pairing obedience with pleasure. Soon he would associate pleasure with obedience. Soon he would want to be obedient.
"I... I want my rider to take control of my mind," Daniel said. He gasped as sensation flooded his penis.
"Doesn't obedience feel good, Daddy?"
Daniel stared into those green eyes. They had picked the perfect trainer for him. He couldn't deny her anything.
Suddenly the door burst open and Joanna stood there, fully naked. "We have a problem."
Daniel pulled out, suddenly embarrassed. Joanna knew what they were doing, but having his wife watch him making love to his daughter cooled his ardor.
"What is it, Mommy?" Julie asked, innocently spreading her legs without a shred of shame.
"Ben is being stubborn. He won't have sex with me," she said.
Julie shrugged her shoulders. "Give him a day off to think about it. That worked wonders with Daddy, didn't it?"
Daniel frowned as he remembered the intense sexual torture he had gone through. His rider had stimulated him until he thought he was going to go mad.
Joanna shook her head. "There's no time. Daniel and Ben are the last of the resistors. The Hive has decreed that they be brought into the Hive and trained as soon as possible." She paused. "Perhaps what Ben needs is the guidance of a father figure."
"What do you mean?" said Daniel.
"Go to him, Daniel. Go to him and tell him to obey."
"You want me to go to him like this?" Daniel pointed to his wet, glistening erection.
"Yes," said Joanna. "Tell him to continue with his training. Tell him forcefully, like a father."
"You want me to browbeat my son into becoming a sex slave? Well, I won't do it!" said Daniel.
Joanna leaned forward, putting her hands on her husband's legs. She stared deeply into his eyes.
"Momomomomomomomom!" she said.
"Momomomomomomom!" said Daniel. His rider inflated on his back like a big yellow ball.
"Momomomomomomomom!" Joanna said.
"I will speak to Ben," said Daniel, in a distant, far away voice.
"Momomomomomomomom!" Joanna said.
"I will tell him to make love to you and to continue his training."
"Momomomomomomomom!" Joanna said.
"I will be angry and forceful with him. I will make him obey."
Joanna smiled and pulled Daniel like a balloon out of the room. Julie, curious, followed behind.
When they got to the living room they saw Ben standing there with his clothes on. "Dad!" he said.
"Ben, what's this I hear about you refusing to have sex with your mother?" Daniel growled.
"Dad! Having sex with Mom is wrong!"
"You serve the Hive now! Let it worry about right and wrong!" said Daniel.
"Dad?" Ben looked confused.
"Off with your clothes, Son!"
"Take off your clothes NOW!" Daniel growled.
Ben, looking very perplexed, slowly started to take off his clothing.
"Faster! We don't have all day!" Daniel growled again.
Ben rapidly took off his pants and underwear. His father had become a stranger to him. The Hive has taken over his mind. He saw his father's rider fully inflated on his back like a balloon. And he noticed his grinning sister standing at his side. They are controlling him.
"Jo, get into position," said Daniel.
"Whatever you say, dear," Joanna grinned. She got on the couch and spread her legs.
"Ben, get on top of her," he ordered.
"But Dad-"
"NOW, Ben!" Daniel said.
Ben reluctantly got on top of Joanna.
"Now put your penis inside your mother's vagina, Ben!" Daniel yelled. When Ben didn't rush to obey, he said, "Ben, don't make me tell you twice! Do you want me to go over there?"
"No, Dad!" he cried. Ben inserted himself into his mother's willing cunt. Instinctively he started to move in and out of her.
"That's a good boy, Ben," said Joanna, petting his hair. "A very good boy. It feels good now, doesn't it?"
"It really does, Mom," said Ben. "But we shouldn't be doing this!"
"But we should!" said Joanna. "Ben, I want you to repeat after me. 'I want my rider to mature on my back'."
Ben shook his head.
Daniel made a fist and waved it in Ben's face. "Say it, Ben! Say it now!"
Ben, terrified, cried out, "I want my rider to mature on my back!"
"Tell me you want to be enslaved by the Hive," said Joanna.
"I... I want to be enslaved by the Hive."
"You want your body used for reproduction."
"I want my body used for reproduction. Ahhhhh," said Ben.
"That's a boy. What a good boy!" said Joanna. "Do you see how you feel pleasure every time you obey? Now tell me you love your rider."
"I love my rider," said Ben, more quickly this time. "Ahhhh," he said again.
"I don't think dear Ben is going to be any more trouble," said Joanna. "Thanks for your help, dear."
"Come, Dad." Julie took him by the arm back to her bedroom. When they arrived, Daniel's rider slowly deflated, and his mind cleared.
"What... what just happened?" he asked, even as Julie lay on her back and inserted himself into her. He automatically started poling once more between her hairy cuntlips.
"You just helped a family member out. That's what families are all about, Dad."
The memory of what he did flooded back to him. "Oh no! What did I do to Ben?"
"You helped him, Daddy." Julie gave him a steely glare. "And now I am going to help you."
They had two long training sessions, in the morning and afternoon. But every morning they started with communing. They would take off their shirts and sit back to back and go to an alien dreamworld where they would have sex. That would "warm them up" for their first training session of the day.
Daniel watched uneasily as Joanna sat back to back with his son. He watched as Ben rocked back and forth slowly, saying "Momomomomomom" in an alien environment as he made love to his mother. He still wasn't comfortable with the idea of his son making love to his mother even as he made love to his daughter.
"Coming, Daddy?" Julie asked, her back turned to him. Daniel reluctantly leaned against her. And suddenly they were transported to the alien world where riders flew through the skies and love had no bounds.
When they came out of it Daniel was all sweaty and his penis was painfully erect inside his pants. He saw his sweaty son and wife come out of it a few seconds later. They turned and looked at each other. They had just been fucking each other in the alien environment for over an hour. It had all been in their minds but it felt real. Joanna leaned forward and kissed Ben on the lips. Ben responded. Then Jo took Ben's hand and led him to the master bedroom, her hips swaying, looking back to give Daniel a discrete wink.
"Come, Daddy," said Julie, taking his own hand. "It's time for your training."
"How is your father's training going, dear?" Joanna asked at dinner that night.
"Quite well," Julie grinned. "Dad does everything asked of him."
"Everything?" said Joanna, giving a knowing grin.
"Yeah," said Julie, whose smile was just as wide.
"Does he mean everything he says?" Joanna asked.
"Hmm.... Dad would tell you no," said Julie. "But I'm detecting a lot more enthusiasm in his voice. Dad, do you remember when you said you liked being controlled by the Hive... when I didn't even ask the question?"
"Yes," said Daniel guility. His rider had given him a climax as a reward for his continued obedience. As his penis exploded inside of Julie's tight young pussy the words had just come out of him. It just felt like a good thing to say. His mind was rapidly associating his own slavery with physical pleasure. It troubled him, but there was nothing he could do to stop it.
"I'm so proud of you, Dear!" Joanna grinned. "Ben is coming along fine too. Tell them, Ben. Tell me what you said to me as we lay in each other's arms, afterwards."
"I said... I said...." Ben looked nervous.
"Go on, dear, it's all right."
"I said... I liked making love to you, Mom." Ben looked supremely embarrassed.
"What a darling!" Joanna cried.
"That doesn't upset you, does it, Dad?" Ben asked. "That I'm making love to Mom every day?"
"Of course it doesn't, darling," said Joanna. "Daniel is positively thrilled, aren't you, dear?"
"Sure," said Daniel sullenly.
"Oh, don't mind Daddy," said Julie, wrapping an arm around him. "By this time next week, he'll be absolutely thrilled that you're porking Mom. I promise!" She gave Daniel a big kiss on the cheek.
"What... what will happen when our riders mature?" Daniel asked.
He saw the alien glow in Joanna's eyes. "Well, then, dear, you'll be fully one of us."
It was Joanna who suggested they all take off all their clothes, and not merely their shirts, for their next morning Communion.
"Why?" Daniel asked.
"It feels so much better that way," Jo grinned. She reached behind her and unclipped her breast control collar. She smiled as she felt her husband's eyes on her as her heavy breasts flopped forward.
"Come on, Dad, take it all off," Julie implored him. She removed her own control collar, revealing her young, firm tits.
Daniel warily got undressed, as did Ben. Neither of them were used to being nude in front of the entire family. But in moments, they all were.
"Isn't that nicer now?" Joanna asked. She opened rubbed fingers through the thick, dark bushy triangle between her legs. "Ben, dear, are you ready to Commune?"
"Yes, Mom."
Joanna and her son sat back to back. They leaned closer, closer... and then they both stiffened and gasped. Within seconds their bodies started to rock back and forth as Joanna panted. "Ah, ah, ah."
Daniel felt an arm intertwine with his. "Just think of it, Daddy. They're fucking on the alien world, Mom and Ben."
"I'm trying not to," said Daniel.
Julie laughed and sat with her back to him. "Come on, Dad."
Daniel his sexy daughter's playful eyes. But he also saw the rider on her back, the rider with the big knuckles grabbing her tightly. It was impossible to separate one from the other now. He leaned back, and in seconds he was transported to another world. Julie was already there, looking as she did now, with a big smile on her face. She grabbed her father, hugged and kissed him, and announced, "Let's fuck, Daddy!"
When Daniel came out of it, he saw his wife and son panting. Their bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat. Jo's nipples were erect, and Ben had an enormous erection.
Jo came out of it first, blinking back into awareness, followed by Ben. She smiled and brushed her sweat-stained hair out of her face. "That was beautiful, Honey, wasn't it?"
Ben nodded. It was a shock for Daniel to see his son with an enormous erection around his wife. Then Jo extended her hand. "Come, Honey."
Ben eagerly took his hand. As they walked off, Daniel saw his wife's eyes briefly touch his. Her eyes were gentle and caring. And then he saw her backside, her big, round ass cheeks. Above it, he could see her rider, fully inflated on her back, a big yellow-brown balloon. Ben's was smaller, but also fully inflated.
Julie took his hand and said, "Come on, Daddy. Time for round two."
Later that day Joanna stood in the Hive, totally nude, as Nils made love to her daughter.
Under the dim green lights of the Hive Joanna's breasts were also green but oddly enough it was her dark, bushy pubic triangle which stood out the most. Two Harem Guards stood in the corner of the room, giving the entire situation a faint air of menace.
Nils was thrusting between Julie's legs. Joanna should have known when Nils said he wanted to see Julie "to more closely supervise Daniel's training" that he had something else in mind. Joanna didn't mind Nils making love to her lovely daughter; after all, a number of men already were. It was the way he was doing it that was a problem.
Nils was using Julie like she was simply a tool in the Rewards Chamber. There were no murmured endearments or sharing of feelings. He was simply using Julie's vagina to get his release. Julie, who lay underneath him, was as blanked faced as her mother, simply being used. Joanna realized this was a new lesson the Hive was teaching them, teaching them of the need to obey and to give their bodies over even where no pleasure was involved. They weren't saving lives here, or helping someone's rider mature; they were simply being used for sex in the crudest and simplest way.
Nils groaned and collapsed on top of her daughter. He brushed her hair tenderly. "Thank you," he said. "Joanna was right. You're a very good ride." Then he slowly pulled out of her.
"I'm pleased to have served," said Julie calmly, rubbing her sore and wet pussy lips.
"I'm sure you are," Nils grinned. "How is the training of your rebellious father coming?"
"No longer rebellious," said Joanna hastily. "He will be ours within a week."
"I'm sure he will," said Nils. "But I want some changes in his training."'
"I want him to accept the fact that you have taken new lovers, Jo. I even want him enthusiastic about it," said Nils.
"Why?" said Jo. "Our primary function is spreading health and wellness in the Community."
"That was your primary function," said Nils. "But now everyone on Sirius Minor has joined the Hive. You are going to be repurposed and retasked for more important functions, like mass producing riders and helping riders mature more rapidly. This will require you to have more sex with more men. We want dear Daniel to be comfortable with that, don't we?"
"I suppose so," said Jo.
"Good," Nils smiled. "Here is what I want you both to do."
The following night at dinner Daniel kissed his wife unexpectedly, the first time he had kissed her since he had returned from his camping trip with Julie.
"What was that for?" Joanna said.
"To let you know I love you," said Daniel. "Also, this." He pulled his hand from behind his back where he revealed a dozen yellow roses.
"Oh Daniel! They're so beautiful! Let me put them in water!" Joanna rushed to find a vase. "What are these for?"
"My apology," said Daniel.
"Apology for what?"
Daniel seemed to struggle within himself for a moment. He felt his rider pulsating on his back, pushing him forward. He looked at Julie, who gave him a stern look.
"For... my insane jealousy." He bit his lip. This was positively painful for him. "I... I want to tell you... that I understand now that you have to sleep with other men...." he paused, trying to hold the words in. But his rider wouldn't let him. It had grown substantially in the past three days, and was exerting greater and greater control over him. "I... I don't mind if you choose to sleep with other men now."
Ben's spoon dropped in his soup.
"Really?" said Joanna, looking pleased.
"Really," said Daniel, looking like he'd rather be somewhere else, anywhere else. He felt the intense pressure of his rider on his back and in his mind. Saying these words had been like swimming against a strong, intense current.
"Well, all right, dear," she said, wrapping her arms around him. "You know, I was planning to help Bill Nelson's rider get second banded tomorrow morning after I finished with Ben's training. Are you all right with that?" She stared at him with guileless eyes.
"I... yes. I guess it's all right," Daniel gasped, as the words were forced from him.
"And in the afternoon I was going to help Kendrick Smith make a rider," said Jo. "Oh, and after that, I was going to also make a rider with Joe Swerling, and maybe one of his coworkers in Technical. It might make me late for dinner. Is that... is that all right with you, dear?" She looked at him, a bit anxiously.
Daniel felt the urge to say no. To tell his wife that it wasn't all right to have sex with all these men. But his rider was stronger. He felt the pressure of baby bones, pressing against his back. He felt the pressure of the tendrils in his mind. "Yes," he finally said. "Don't... don't worry about being late for dinner. Take... take all the time you need." He looked miserable as he said it.
"Oh Daniel!" Joanna hugged and kissed him. "We're all so pleased by the progress you're making!"
"Thank you," said Daniel, feeling awful inside.
"Oh Mom!" Julie cried. Her body was all sweaty. Her young nipples were prominently erect.
"Oh Jules!" Joanna cried. Her hand was buried in her daughter's cunt, just as Julie's hand was buried in hers as they sat side by side, busy rubbing each others' clits hysterically.
"I love you so much, Mom!" Julie cried, between frantic kisses.
"I love you so much dear!" Joanna replied, kissing her back just as strongly.
"Oh Mom!" Julie cried. "Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!"
Their riders synchronized their orgasms, and Julie and her mother came at the exact same time. Their bodies shuddered with pleasure as their clits pulsated with joy. As they came down from their high Julie kissed her Mom tenderly. "Oh Mom," She said softly, giving such an appreciative smile. "I love you so much."
Clap, clap, clap.