Chapter 15.2
They turned to see an equally naked Nils clapping appreciatively. He pushed Nikki Clarke, the big breasted woman from Accounting, off of his cock, which was now shrunken and wet at the tip.
"Very good, girls. Very very good," said Nils.
"I'm... I'm glad you're pleased," said Joanna, giving Julie a warning look.
"Indeed I am," said Nils. He turned to Julie. "You are delightful in more way than one, my darling."
"Thank you Nils," said Julie nervously.
"How does the training of dear Daniel progress?" he asked. Nikki looked at him and he nodded. The heavy breasted blonde went behind him and started rubbing his shoulders.
"On schedule," said Joanna. "His rider should mature in the next two or three days. The first bones have appeared, and Julie says she can already see the faint appearance of his first band."
"Good," said Nils. He always asked about Daniel, but never Ben. "Did he accept your new lovers?"
"Yes," Joanna smiled. "He brought me beautiful flowers and was so kind to me at dinner. He agreed to let me go about my business."
"Agreed? Was he eager?"
Joanna looked to her left. "Maybe not eager, not yet. But he was certainly willing," said Jo.
Jo held her breath as Nils considered, and nodded slowly. "Very good. But his training must continue. Who was that man you went to the rider races with?"
"Nigel Williamson," said Jo.
"Yes, the handsome lifeguard," said Nils. "I recall that Daniel was particularly enraged when you mounted him at the Swim Club, was he not?"
Joanna smiled nervously. "The old Daniel was."
"Well, let us see how the new Daniel feels."
"You, you want me to have sex with him at the Swim Club again?"
"No," said Nils. "That's not necessary. Have Daniel invite Nigel over for dinner. Have Daniel cook the dinner, making Nigel's favorite foods. Then have Daniel invite Nigel to use you in his own master bedroom after dinner."
Joanna's eyes went wide. "Nils, why are we doing this? He's accepting his conditioning. This feels like torture."
"Torture, Jo?" Nils' eyebrows shot up. "Are you implying a personal animus? The Hive doesn't allow for that. It is true that more than once I had to explain to the Hive Mind why your husband and son were not taken into the Hive when you were already such an eager and able performer. The pressure the Hive Mind put on me was enormous, but to hold a grudge against you or your husband? Nonsense! I'm merely carrying out the will of our Master," said Nils. "Does that clear things up for you?"
"Definitely," said Joanna. She saw the frightened look in Julie's eyes.
Daniel and his daughter lay in bed together on their backs, hand in hand. Both their genitals were completely relaxed. Daniel's penis was shrunken and red, and Julie's cuntlips were wet and stretched. They had just completed another training session and Daniel had passed with flying colors. He had said all the key phrases eagerly and without resistance.
She looked over at him. "How do you feel about the Hive, Dad?"
"What do you mean?" said Daniel.
"Do you love the Hive like we do?"
Daniel shrugged. "Love it, hate it, it's irrelevant. I am Hiveflesh. I have to serve the Hive."
"Yes, you do," said Julie. Her father was almost there. He had given into the Hive. After acceptance would come love, in time.
"Yes, Honey?"
"There's something I need you to do." She explained what she wanted. As the explanation progressed, her father's grip on her hand grew tighter and tighter.
"What?" said Daniel. "You want me to invite this man, this man who fucked Jo at the Swim Club, over for dinner? You want me to call him and ask him his favorite foods, and to make a special dinner for him? And then I need to watch him eat said dinner before he has sex with Jo in my own bedroom? Do I have that right, Honey?"
"Yes, Dad," said Julie.
Daniel struggled within himself. "No. No. I won't do it."
"You will do it!" said Julie.
"No, you're asking too much!" said Daniel.
Julie sighed and turned her father's head towards hers.
"Momomomomomomom!" she said.
Daniel's body immediately stiffened and his eyes got a far away look.
Nigel was all smiles as he spoke to Daniel over the holocom. "Sure I remember you! You're Jo's husband! We've never really spoken, but of course I know who you are! I see you around the Club all the time!"
"Good," said Daniel.
"What can I do for you, Mr. H?" Nigel asked. He was so young and handsome and muscular--everything Daniel wasn't.
"I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight at my home," said Daniel.
"Dinner?" said Nigel.
Daniel felt an elbow in his ribs. "Yes. Dinner... and then to have sex with my wife, Joanna."
Nigel gave a puzzled grin. "Are you serious, Mr. H?"
"Absolutely," said Julie, coming into pickup range. "Nigel, my Dad is on the verge of getting his first band. This is part of his training."
"Training, huh?" Nigel grinned. "Sure, Mr. H. If it would help with your training, I'd be delighted to come over tonight and have sex with Jo. We could make a rider together... if that's all right with you."
"Of course," said Daniel. "What would you like to have for dinner before you have sex with my wife?"
Nigel considered. "I wouldn't want you to go through any trouble."
"It's no trouble at all," Daniel assured him.
"Well, I like meatballs," said Nigel.
"Meatballs it is," said Daniel.
"And a nice red wine. Nothing fancy, mind you," said Nigel.
"I understand. See you around 6?"
"Looking forward to it!" said Nigel. "Thanks, Mr. H!"
As his image faded, Julie said, "You did well, Dad."
"I am so very pleased," said Daniel.
Joanna knew exactly what was happening, of course, but she pretended to be surprised when Nigel entered their dining room.
"Nigel dear!" she cried, leaping up to hug him. They embraced and kissed.
"Yum!" said Nigel, after their lips parted. "Good to see you again, Jo."
"Good to see you too, dear," she said.
"I haven't seen you since the rider races," he grinned, taking a seat.
"Rider races?" said Ben, who hadn't been present for that event.
"It was a competition," said Nigel. "To see which team could make a rider the quickest. Twenty girls riding on top of twenty men. Everyone thought that some young teenage couple would win, but it turns out that the winners were me and your sexy Mom," he grinned.
"Fascinating!" said Daniel. "Do have some meatballs, Nigel. I made them specially for you!"
"Thanks, Mr. H!" Daniel bit into one of them. He made a surprised face. "Really good! Thanks for making my favorite food!"
"Dad, why did you make Nigel's favorite food for dinner? In fact, why did you make dinner at all?" Ben asked.
"This is a special occasion, son," said Daniel. "I invited Nigel over to make love to your mother."
Ben's mouth dropped open. "Did you really?"
"Uh huh," said Daniel.
"To show there are no hard feelings," said Daniel. "Jo, you know how much I love you."
"It's so nice to hear that, Daniel!" said Jo brightly.
"Yes. Well, I want to say to you, in front of my family, in front of everyone, that you can sleep with as many men as you like. Wherever you like. You can sleep with Nigel. You can sleep with every Tom, Dick, and Harry in Accounting."
"That's, that's nice of you, Daniel," said Jo.
"In fact, you can sleep with the entire Accounting group. No, You can sleep with the entire Admin group. No, why not think big, really big. I give you permission to sleep with the entire male population of the colony," said Daniel. "It's a large number, and will take you some time to get through, but I'm confident you can do it."
"Dad!" said Julie, giving him a warning stare.
"Dear, you're interrupting," said Daniel mildly. "This is what the Hive is about, isn't it? Free love! Nigel, I hope you'll feel free to use my bedroom and my bed tonight when you have sex with my wife."
"I will, Mr. H!" said Nigel, with a big grin.
"You can do that now, Jo. I know I said before I didn't want it in my household but I've changed my mind," said Daniel.
"That's, that's very nice of you, dear," said Jo nervously.
"Yes indeed!" said Daniel. "Bring your lovers here, Jo. Bring them all here. We can turn the living room into a waiting room while you handle your clients one at a time in the bedroom. Maybe Julie can entertain some of them in her bedroom while they wait."
"Ha ha ha, Dad is such a joker," said Julie, giving Daniel a hostile look.
"Who's joking?" said Daniel. He lifted a bowl. "More meatballs?"
"-and so we won the race not merely because I'm thicker than most men down there, which I am, but also because my penis is coated in Hiveflesh. Mrs. H found the stimulation irresistible, and was able to produce a rider baby before any of the other contestants," said Nigel.
Daniel nodded vigorously. "Truly fascinating, Nigel. Thank you so much for that story! I always wondered how exactly was Jo able to make a rider before everyone else when you fucked her with your admittedly above average sized cock."
"Daniel!" said Jo, in a warning tone.
"It was something I was always wondering! I also enjoyed hearing how you and the other lifeguards have always lusted after my wife, calling her a Hot Momma. Well, now you can have her! You can all have her! But you'd better get to her soon, because I anticipate a lengthy waiting list!" He reclined in his chair. "Did I pick a nice wine for you?"
"The wine is great, thanks Mr. H!" said Nigel.
"Careful Jo! I think that's your second glass!" said Daniel. "If you drink too much you might do something in the bedroom you might regret! But I forget, we're all in the Hive now! We have no regrets, do we? Drink away, Jo!"
"Daniel, I think that's quite enough," said Joanna quietly.
"If there's one thing the Hive has taught me it's that enough is never enough," said Daniel. He turned to Nigel. "Have you tried rubbing your penis, sorry, your above average sized penis, against my wife's clitoris?"
"No!" said Nigel. "Does that help?"
"Yes, it really gets her in the mood," said Daniel. He paused. "At least, it gets her in the mood with me. I can't speak to whether it works with the 30 other men she's been with."
"Daniel!" Jo cried.
Daniel continued. "She also loves having her tits sucked."
"She does?" said Nigel.
"Would you like me to write this down for you?" Daniel asked.
"I think we can remember, Daniel," said Jo, giving him a dark look.
"Tit sucking yes," said Daniel. "And when you're inside her, rotate your hips in a circle to grind your cock inside of her."
"Mr. H, you're a fountain of great ideas tonight!" said Nigel.
"I'm so glad to be of help," said Daniel. "One more thing. You'll know you've sexually satisfied her if after she climaxes she looks you in the eye and tells you that she loves you so much. That you're the only man who can make her feel this way. She used to say that to me all the time!"
"Thank you, Daniel," said Jo, in a hard tone. She stood up abruptly and said, "Are you ready, Nigel?"
"I'm always ready, Mrs. H!"
"A man after my own heart," said Daniel. "Good luck you too! Have fun! And Jo, if his cum stains the sheets, remember to change them afterwards. There's nothing more I hate them sleeping on cum stained sheets of another man!"
As they left down the hallway they heard a door open and close.
Daniel turned to Julie who looked very cross. "Daddy, what was that?"
"What was what?"
"You know," said Julie. "This was supposed to be a lesson for you."
"And a lesson it was, Julie. That we're all slaves of the Hive, and it can do whatever it wants to us. Maybe it's a lesson to you and your mother as well."
They emerged an hour later. Nigel had a very satisfied grin. Jo held a baby rider in her hands. "Look, darling! Look what we created with our love! Isn't it beautiful?"
"Gorgeous," said Daniel.
"Touch it, Daniel."
"Touch it!" she said and her eyes hardened, and Daniel knew she was getting revenge on him from before.
Daniel distastefully touched the extremely soft rider. It disgusted him to touch a rider which was the union of Jo's intercourse with another man and she knew it. Touching it reminded him of how Nigel must have pounded his wife's pussy, how his wife's cunt had stimulated another man's penis enough to create an alien form of life which symbolized the brief union of their love.
"Do you like it, dear?" she asked, with very innocent eyes.
"It's nice," said Daniel woodenly.
"I can leave it under your pillow, if you like," said Jo sweetly.
Daniel got mur*er in his eyes until Julie got between them. "Ha ha! You two are such jokers!"
Finally the glorious day arrived.
Daniel was all sweaty as he finished Communing with Julie. He had just had a particular inspired fuck session with his sexy 18 year old daughter. He came out of it to find Julie inspecting his back carefully.
"It's almost there, Mom!" she announced.
"Ben's just about ready too," said Joanna.
And then Joanna started to hug and kiss Ben on her couch, and Julie started to do the same with Daniel on hers.
"What... what're you doing?" said Daniel.
"We're making love, Daddy. Have you forgotten how it's done?" Julie teased, as she rubbed his cock.
"But shouldn't we go somewhere in private?"
"Today we do it together," She said, kissing his neck. "Today is celebrating."
"Celebrating what?" Daniel asked.
"Your rider is about to mature. Yours and Ben's."
His rider was maturing. Daniel didn't know quite how he felt about that. He had accepted that he was Hiveflesh, and that he had been enslaved by the Hive. But he didn't yet love it. Far from it. At this time in their development both Joanna and Julie had learned to love their riders but Daniel didn't. His mind was still firm and resistant. His rider could make him do things, but Daniel didn't obey eagerly.
Would his mind change once his rider matured? Would he become a smiling sex tool like his wife and daughter? He shuddered at the prospect.
"Come on! Put it in me, Daddy!"
Daniel watched out of the corner of his eye as Ben slowly inserted his penis into his mother's vagina. It was his very first time watching them go at it. As his son's big, thick penis slowly disappeared between his wife's very familiar looking cunt lips, Daniel felt the full weight of despiare on his shoulders. This is wrong, he thought, as he watched Ben's penis pole in and out of his mother's cuntlips. This is so very wrong!
"Oh, sorry." Daniel inserted himself into Julie. He felt the familiar friction and started to become very excited. He was having sex with his daughter in front of his wife... but felt no shame. His rider had done that to him. Daniel noticed that even as Ben rodded his dear mother he was carefully looking away from Daniel and not making eye contact. Good old Ben. Daniel had a feeling that the Hive would never fully bend him to their ways.
He looked over at Jo, who had an extremely pleased smile on her face as her son fucked her while her husband watched. "You've come so far dear," she said. "I'm so very proud of you."
"Thanks," Daniel mumbled.
"Julie looks so happy in your arms, dear," said Jo.
"I am so happy in his arms, Mom!" said Julie. "Dad makes me so happy. And... so do you, Mom!" It just came spilling out of her.
Daniel's eyebrows shot upwards.
Joanna nodded as her dear son's penis split her thick juicy cuntlips anew. "That's right Daniel. Now that your rider is about to mature you have a right to know. Julie and I... have a special relationship," said Jo smugly, as Ben's penis filled her love canal so tightly.
"You... and Julie?" said Daniel. "You're... you're lesbians?"
"Love goes beyond mere words like lesbians, dear," said Joanna. "Julie is attracted to me and I to her, but not to other women."
"I'm glad to hear that... I guess," said Daniel, as his penis continued to plow between his daughter's tight pussy lips.
"And I'm glad you're so accepting of it. It's one of the many gifts of the Hive." Jo looked so content, her heavy breasts sloping forward, as her son porked her avidly. "Seeing you making love to Julie is so sexy. It feels so long since we've been together. Watching your penis go in and out of our little girl's sexy cunt is so rewarding, so enriching!"
Jo felt enriched by seeing him make love to her daughter!
Daniel shuddered as he saw the alien light in his wife's eyes. And yet her words excited him in a way he didn't care to admit. "Jo, I feel my rider doing something!"
"Doing what, dear?"
"I think it's bubbling up on my back!"
"Your rider is about to mature, Dad!" Julie cried. "Fuck me harder! Harder!"
"No!" Daniel cried.
Julie grimaced, and rotated her hips in a tight circle. The walls of her vagina stimulated the head of his penis cruelly. She yanked Daniel's face down and inserted her tongue in her mouth, penetrating him while he was penetrating her. Her soft, warm breasts stimulated his chest. She wrapped her legs tightly around his. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She pulled back from the kiss and looked so sexily in his eyes and whispered, "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me like your life depends on it."
Daniel pounded into her as hard and as fast as he could. He couldn't resist. He wanted her so badly. He felt Julie's cuntwalls cruelly rubbing the ultrasensitive head of his penis, making him cry out in pain and pleasure. The extra stimulation pushed his rider over the edge. Daniel felt his rider grow bigger and thicker. He could feel the immature bones getting harder, pressing against him. He felt a heavy curtain descending inside his head. Suddenly, he felt a wave of euphoria wash over him.
"Ohhhh!" he cried out, his body stiffening.
"What is it?" Julie cried.
"It's my rider!" Daniel cried. "It loves me, and wants the best for me!"
"Oh Daddy!" Julie hugged him tightly, even as they were still so intimately connected.
Daniel's rider flicked a switch in his brain, and suddenly he flooded inside of his darling daughter's cunt. He had never emptied his balls so pleasurably in a woman as he did in that moment, his penis wrapped in her beautiful warmth as he blissfully pulsed inside of her.
When Daniel could think again, he turned his head and saw Ben, sitting blankly on the couch. His rider now had a bright golden band on it.
The same as Daniel's did.
Joanna got up and took her husband in her arms. She looked him in the eye and said, "Welcome to the Hive, dear," and gave him a big kiss.