Chapter 16.2

Two days later Jo and Julie came over to Daniel and Ben when they were taking a break from fucking the Hive Mind. Casey was explaining how she kept the green gem on her vulva chain from stabbing her in her panties when Nils and Jo and Julie showed up.

Julie was all grins. "Daddy, I have great news!"

"What is it, Honey?"

It was Nils who answered for her. "Daniel, your darling daughter's rider has matured. Again."

"Look, Daddy!" she said. Julie turned around. Her rider was double banded now. It looked like giant hand bones were gripping her back tightly. "Isn't it wonderful!"

"Wonderful," said Daniel wearily. "Congratulations, Honey."

"I offered your darling daughter a gift," said Nils.

"What gift?"

"Sexual intercourse with anyone she wanted. And do you know who she chose, Daniel?"

"I can guess," said Daniel. He spread his arms and smiled.

"Sorry Daddy, I chose Mom!" said Julie. She hugged her mother tightly.

"I'm so happy for you both," said Nils. "You two take the rest of the afternoon off and have fun. You deserve it."

"Thank you, Nils! Come along, Mom!"

Jo gave a bewildered smile, and let herself be led away.

"I love making people happy," said Nils.

"Uh, Nils, you could make me happy if you answered a simple question," said Daniel. He ignored the warning look that Casey gave him.

"Of course, Daniel. Ask away."

"This coming plague. The reason we all took riders. It's not actually happening, is it?"

Nils took a deep breath. Casey recoiled and shrank back. Nils gave them a hard stare. And then his hard stare turned into a smile.

"You are correct."

"What?" said Daniel.

"Must I repeat myself?" said Nils. "The story of a plague was a sham, to get you all to take riders. Now that you are all wearing riders, there is no reason for you not to know the truth now."

Casey was stunned. "But... the Future Predictions...."

"There were no Future Predictions-"

"Leader Barrington told us-"

"She told you whatever I and her rider told you to," said Nils. "Only a select few knew the truth, I among them."

"Why?" said Daniel. "Why betray your own kind?"

"Because it is better to serve on top than on the bottom, as you have learned, Daniel," said Nils. "I was seduced into the Hive, just as you were. But once I got taken, the Hive offered me a choice, to serve on the bottom, or the top, if I cooperated. So I cooperated. The Hive used the threat of the plague to get everyone to take riders. And what a success it was! Nearly 50% of the population actually volunteered to take riders! And the rest were taken by very open and very public persuasion and peer pressure. It was the easiest takeover of a society the Hive has ever completed."

"The Hive has taken over many societies?"

"Oh yes, Daniel," said Nils. "They are natural masters, the top of the food chain, so to speak."

"So where is their food supply?" Daniel asked. "Why don't they have servants of their own?"

Nils looked away. "Unfortunately, while our masters are strong, their servants aren't... as durable. They are in continual need of a fresh supply of them. That's why we are mass producing riders like mad. Even now a Survey Service ship is on its way here, thinking to negotiate a treaty with us. Once we take over its crew, we will have opened the door to the invasion of Earth. Sexy women like your wife who were one of the earliest volunteers helped make this happen. You should be very proud of her. And now I think your break period is over. You should return to work."

And he walked away, completely confident they would obey.

"They lied to us! They lied to all of us!" said Daniel over dinner that night.

"Yes, dear," said Joanna mildly, as she ate her dinner.

"Yes dear? Is that all you can say, Jo?"

Jo shrugged. "It's what the Hive wants. Who am I to say otherwise?"

"It's horrible!" said Ben. "We should fight them!"

"We can't fight them," said Julie.

"Julie, dear Julie, you can't tell me you approve of this!" said Daniel, looking imploringly into her eyes.

Julie struggled against her rider. Like her mother she was doublebanded, but her rider had only recently matured again, and had less of a hold on her than on Jo. "No... no... you're right, Dad, the Hive deceived us, and we... we shouldn't serve them," she said, with an effort, as her rider inflated on her back. "But Dad, we can't resist! The Hive is too powerful."

"We can go hide in the woods!" said Ben.

"You forget, we have tracking devices attached to our genitals," said Daniel.

"We can remove them!" said Ben.

"Try," said Daniel. "Go on, son. Try."

Ben stood up and opened his pants, and lowered his underwear, showing off his penis to his family. They had gone far, far beyond such shyness now.

Ben reached for the chain holding the green gem which was attached to his scrotum. He was about to pull hard on it when he found... he couldn't. He simply couldn't. His arm wouldn't move.

"We can't," said Daniel. "Our riders won't let us."

"Well... we can simply stop going to the Hive every day. They can't make us!" said Ben.

"Of course they can," said Daniel. "Our riders can make us. And even if we could resist them, the peacemen would come for us. There is no escape, Ben."

"But we have to fight them!" said Ben.

Daniel felt his rider inflate on his back. There is no way to resist the Hive, son.

"There is no way to resist the Hive, son," he said sadly.

The following morning Nils came over to the Hivemind, in the company of two Harem Guards. "Is there some trouble here?"

"No," said Daniel.

"Yes!" said Ben.

Ben had tried not to get into the air car with his family to go to the Hive. But his rider had other ideas. He had watched helplessly as his single banded rider played his body like a fiddle and got into the car with them. It was then that he knew that resistance was futile.

Still, he had to try. He was not going to spend the rest of his life as a sexual component in an alien ecosystem! So he had refused to fuck the Hive Mind, despite his father's entreaties.

"I won't be a slave to your monsters any more," he declared.

Julie and Jo came running forward. Somehow they had heard what was happening. "Dear, what are you doing?" said Jo anxiously. "You have to serve the Hive Mind!"

"No I don't," said Ben. "I refuse!"

"I respect your determination," said Nils. He made a small nodding gesture with his head. The two Harem Guards, grabbed Ben. One had an insect head and a male body; another had an insect head and a female body, complete with big floppy tits.

Ben struggled against against them. "No, I won't go! I won't!"

"Momomomomomomom!" said Nils.

"I won't go!" Ben repeated.

"Momomomomomom!" Nils repeated.

"Momomomomomom!" said Ben.

"Momomomomomom!" Nils said.

"I will go with the guards," said Ben. He relaxed in their grip.

"Momomomomomom!" Nils repeated.

"I will not give them any trouble," Ben repeated.

"Momomomomomom!" Nils said.

"I will go where they take me."

"Momomomomomom!" Nils repeated.

"Goodbye Mother, Father, Sister."

And then Ben was stiffly led away.

"Where is he going? Where are you taking him?" Joanna asked.

"That is no longer your concern," said Nils.

"Ben! Ben! No, don't take my Ben!" Joanna cried.

Daniel tried to run after him, but his feet wouldn't work.

Julie cried out.

"Momomomomomom!" Nils said again.

Daniel, Jo, and Julie's eyes went wide as they all said, "Momomomomomom!"

Nils repeated the sound several more times. When he stopped, they gradually returned to normal.

Daniel blinked rapidly. "What... happened? What was I doing?" he struggled to remember, even as his rider snatched thoughts away from him.

"You were enjoying a rest break with your family," Nils explained. "But now you are going back to work."

"Yes, of course," said Daniel. He looked around. "Where is Ben?"

"He has been given a new assignment, one of great importance and prestige."

"One of great importance and prestige," Jo smiled. "I'm so proud!"

"Well, I'd better be getting back to work," said Daniel. He inserted his penis into the Hive Mind and started thrusting.

"See you at dinner, Dad!" said Julie, giving a cheery wave as she and her mother headed back to the Enrichment Chamber.

The next day, Daniel was enjoying a break at the base of the Hive Mind with Joanna and Julie. It was one of the rare times when their breaks overlapped and he wanted to enjoy it. They always came over to him when they were on break and he would chat with them while fucking away at the Hive Mind. Or he would come to visit them on his break while they were working their way through long lines of patient men who wanted to use his wife and daughter for sex and/or Hive related purposes (the two were becoming increasingly hard to differentiate). Ben was not there, nor had he come home last night, but they understood that his new and important work required him to live away from home now.

"Hey, Dad!" said Julie, rubbing her sore cuntlips. "Doesn't that look like Colony Leader Susannah Barrington?" She pointed a short distance away.

In fact, there was not just one Susannah Barrington, but two of them. One had a rider and one didn't. The one without the rider was all smiles with shiny skin and fresh looking hair. The one with the rider was blank faced and looked worn and old. Her husband and daughter were there too. Like one of the Susannah Barringtons, they both wore thick double banded riders on their backs.

"Goodbye Mom," said Lauren, kissing her mother on the lips, the Susannah who wore the rider on her back. "I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too, dear," said Susannah, in a tired voice.

"Goodbye dear," said Doug. "I'll miss your sexy body! I had so many wonderful orgasms with you after I joined the Hive!"

"You won't have to miss her body for very long," said the other Susannah, the smiling one with the shiny skin. She reached out and kissed Doug. "Ummmmm. I'm going to enjoy you." She smiled at Doug, and Doug smiled back, even as his rider became a beach ball between his shoulder blades.

The other Susannah turned to the original. "It's time, Mom," she said. "You have served the Hive well. Now you must serve it in one final way."

"Yes. I understand," said Susannah, her face totally blank. She turned and left the auditorium.

"Where is she going?" Julie whispered. In the dimly lit chamber it was hard to see, but it appeared a moment later that Susannah, the original Susannah, reappeared on the balcony, which was adjacent to the top of the Hive Mind.

The original Susannah looked down at the top of the Hive Mind. It was completely open, as if the head of a person were cut open, but inside instead of brains was a boiling bubbling black liquid. Susannah stared at it without really seeing it. Her rider pulsated on her back. Susannah nodded.

And then, she jumped.

There was a small splash... and that was all.

The new Susannah stood in the Auditorium with her hands on her hips. She matched gazes with the Hive Mind and nodded with approval.

The following day Daniel, Joanna and Julie arrived at the Hive and were about to begin their respective assignments when Nils appeared, flanked by Harem Guards. "Good morning, ladies and gentleman," he said pleasantly.

"Nils!" said Jo. She ran up to him and kissed him passionately, rubbing her tits and cunt against him. "We were just about to go to work! Really we were!"

"I believe you," said Nils. "And a fine job you've been doing too!"

"Really?" Jo gave a smile.

"Really!" said Nils. He stared at them with lust in his eyes. "You and Julie are the most fuckable mother daughter team in the entire colony!"

"Oh, Nils, that's so nice of you to say!" said Julie, smiling shyly as she wiggled her hips.

"But now I have a new assignment for you," said Nils. "Julie, do you know what your Slave Mark means?"

Julie looked down at the green glowing upside down U with a dot in it just above her vaginal folds. "That... that I am marked for reproduction."

"Correct," said Nils. "And now the Hive has decided the time has come for you to fulfill your purpose. Does that please you?"

Julie briefly thought about the women she had seen with the enormous green bellies. The women who squeezed pulpy green pods out of their vaginas. "Y-yes," she said hesitantly.

Nils smiled. "You will be pleased to know that we have selected your inseminator." He gestured with his eyes.

"Daddy?" Julie's jaw dropped open. "You're going to have Daddy impregnate me?"

"Indeed we are," said Nils. "Daniel is marked as an imseminator. You are marked for reproduction. You are the perfect fit."

Julie and Daniel exchanged wide eyed looks. Julie grabbed his arms. "Daddy, we're going to make a baby together!" She hugged him and he laughed. Their riders inflated on their backs at the exact same time.

"Come, you must be prepared," Nils said.

Nils led them to the Hive Mind. Weeks of intimate sexual contact had removed all their fears of it. Nils instructed Joanna to spread her legs and to stand very still.

"Me?" said Joanna, spreading her legs. "Don't you want Julie-" she gasped as her vagina was invaded by a thrusting tentacle.

"What's happening to Mom?" Julie cried.

"The Hive Mind is using suction to extract one of her eggs."

Joanna's mouth was in the shape of the letter "o" as the tentacle pulsed in and out of her.

"Why?" said Julie. "I thought I was the one having a baby."

"And so you are," said Nils. "But the Hivemind is so impressed with your mother's genetic material that it wants her to contribute to your union."

"How wonderful!" said Jo, even as Julie frowned.

Daniel watched blank faced as his wife was sexually molested by an alien tentacle. His rider had recently become second banded and he had become much more agreeable. When offered a reward of anything he wanted when he became double banded, he had begged Nils to make love to Joanna while he got to watch. Julie assisted, stroking her father's penis as Daniel watched Nils put his own penis, his much more manly penis, inside of Daniel's wife. As Nils made love to Joanna Julie fisted him up and down with wide grins all around. Their riders had romantically arranged for them all to climax together, with Daniel shooting a stream of sperm into the air even as Nils climaxed inside his wife. Even Julie climaxed, gasping as she rubbed her thighs together, even though she hadn't even been touched. Afterwards, Daniel thanked Nils profusely for having such erotic intercourse with the woman he loved.

-And then the Hive Mind's tentacle withdrew from her vagina and Joanna gasped.

"Mom, are you all right?" Julie asked.

"I think so," she said. She patted her head. "How does my hair look?"

Nils smiled as he held something in his hand. "This is for you, Daniel. I think you know what to do with it, don't you?"

"Yes," Daniel said in a monotone. He took the vibrating rubbery black patch and wrapped it around his testicles. He gasped with pain for a moment and then the patch was gone, totally dissolved, and his testicles were jet black.

"Very good, Daniel."

"I exist to serve," said Daniel.

"I know you do," said Nils. They all stood still as stone for several minutes, until Nils' rider inflated and he nodded. "Come," he said. "It is ready." He walked them to a wall where a tall green column stood with a proboscis. He told Julie to pet it.

"Pet it?"

"Pet it. Tease it. Fondle it."

Julie tentatively touched the green bulb which seemed to hang on a stalk from the column. As she touched it with her dainty feminine hand it hissed and opened up, revealing a green oval.

"What is it?"

"The egg. Your egg. Take it."

Julie took it in her hand. It was soft and rubbery.

"Now spread your legs, dear."

Julie complied.

Nils couldn't help but admire her young cunt. Now that Julie was double banded, her cunt lips were thick and orangey and projected a full inch out of her skin. Below that, a beautiful green emerald hung from her short vulva chain. Julie had a crisp brown pubic triangle, below which was her Slave Mark, indicating that her cunt was the property of the Hive. The upside down U symbolized her uterus, and at that moment Julie realized that the dot inside the U symbolized the egg that was about to be put inside her.

"You're so beautiful, dear," Nils said, his eyes full of hungering for her.

"Thank you, Nils!" she said.

"Now put the egg within you."

Julie took the alien egg in her hand and frowned. She was trying to remember something, but each time she tried, her rider snatched the thought away from her.

"Is there some difficulty, Julie?"

"No, no difficulty." Julie tried to remember why the idea of putting an alien egg in her vagina troubled her. But try as she might, she simply couldn't remember.

"Then obey."

"Of- course," Julie said, with just the tiniest bit of hesitation. She could feel the strong knuckles of her rider pressing into her back, pushing her forward. Julie reached down and spread her delicate pussy lips. She was so proud, so tremendously proud of her pussy lips, now that they were big and thick like her mother's! Julie, still vaguely feeling she was doing something wrong but not quite sure why, inserted the egg into her vagina. Her pussy lips spread beautifully as the oval shaped egg was inserted into her.

"Push it up as far as you can," said Nils.

"Of course," said Julie. She frowned as more of her fingers disappeared inside of her. Then she nodded. "Done!"

"Very good," said Nils. He knew that Julie couldn't reach her own uterus, but Daniel's penis should finish the job that Julie's thrusting fingers had begun.

"And now you both may begin the act of reproduction and expanding the Hive. Have fun you two!" Nils turned and left. He had other duties to attend to. But he was so confident that Daniel and Julie were so deep into the Hive now that they wouldn't disobey. They couldn't.

Joanna prepared to depart as well. "Well, I'll leave you two to get started. I have a long line of entitled Hive Slaves to fuck in the Enrichment Chamber," she said, kissing each of them in turn. "Have fun, dears!"

And then it was just Julie and Daniel... and the enormous Hive Mind glowering above them.

"Dad?" she said uncertainly.

"We must reproduce and expand the Hive," said Daniel, easing her down to the spongy ground.

"Are you sure?" she said.

"We must be fertile and fruitful," said Daniel, as he inserted his penis into his sexy daughter. "Ahhhh," he smiled, as he started thrusting within her.

Despite her intangible misgivings, Julie instinctively wrapped her arms around her father as he made love to her. She briefly touched his double banded rider, her fingers falling on the thick, protruding v shaped knuckles before her fingers moved elsewhere.

As her father made love to her she tried to think. There was something very wrong here. She was going to grow an enormous green belly and give birth to something... what was she going to give birth to? Julie clutched on the thought long enough to think about it.

"Dad, what are we doing?" she asked.

"We are expanding the Hive," said Daniel, poling in and out of her.

"Dad, you're going to impregnate me with an alien! Do you really want to do that?"

"We must expand the Hive," said Daniel. After weeks of fucking the Hive Mind it felt good, really good, to be inside a real vagina. Julie's cunt felt so warm and moist. The head of his penis felt so wonderfully stimulated by the Hiveflesh inside of her. And of course the tip of his own penis was now coated in Hiveflesh as well, a gift of his double banding. His penis was so stiff, so aching! More than anything in the world he wanted to fill his little girl with his seed. As he thrust at first he felt the head of his penis, pushing the egg onwards, through the cervix, into his daughter's uterus. Exactly where it needed to go. Daniel smiled as his balls grew tighter and tighter.

Insemination was about to occur!

"Daddy, I have a feeling," said Julie.

"What kind of feeling, Honey?" he said, still mostly concentrating on the feeling in his cock and balls.

"They took the egg from Mom, right? Daddy I think... I think they're going to make a copy of Mom!"

"That would be so beautiful," Daniel grinned. His ass cheeks were tight and clenched. His rider formed a giant balloon on his back. He just needed to be stimulated a little bit more....

"No!" said Julie. "You saw what happened to Susannah Barrington! They made a copy of her and got rid of the original! I'll bet that's what they're planning to do with Mom! We're going to be used to breed an alien copy of Mom who will replace her! We have to stop, Daddy!"

"We must be fertile and expand the Hive," said Daniel.

"No, Daddy no!" said Julie.

"We must be fertile and expand the Hive!" Daniel repeated. His back and ass were as stiff as a board. His penis was aching.

"No, Daddy pull out, pull out now!" Julie cried.

She struggled against him. But the act of struggling caused her vaginal walls to rub against the ultrasensitive head of his penis even more intensely. Daniel gasped as he flooded his baby girl with his cum. Black, gooey alien sperm whipped out of the head of his penis with enormous velocity, splattering into her vagina, through her cervix... and some of it inside her uterus, where the egg was waiting. A droplet of alien goo touched the egg, and it immediately started to bubble and fizzle.

Reproduction had occurred!
Next page: Chapter 17.1
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