Chapter 17.2
"I have to admit I'm surprised to see you back so soon. The day after you left Earth, as I recall," said the holoimage of the Admiral. Even in holo, his eyes still bounced left and right.
"There was a failure on the part of my first officer to order the proper food supplies. We're in the process of rectifying it. We should be underway in another day," said Taylor.
"Are you getting along with your latest first officer, Captain? If you burn through three first officers in a row, it might give you a reputation as being difficult to work with," said Jekl.
"I'd hate for that to happen, Admiral," said Taylor. "But I'd also hate for the Service to get a reputation for promoting unqualified officers who aren't up to the job or who have clearly political agendas. I'd hate for that to be publicized even more."
"I see," said Admiral Jekl simply. Taylor was a hero. He had saved the planet. He could command the attention of the space media any time he wanted to. The Survey Service would have a hard time suppressing him. "When will you be under way again, Captain?"
"A few hours sir."
"Very well," said Jekl. "And Captain... no more slip ups."
"Not in my plan, sir."
The Immortal once again had food that the crew could eat, which was a very good thing, but Chloe wasn't chastened by her reprimand. His reliable spy Susan Cleary reported on all her doings. It wasn't long before Taylor had Chloe in his quarters once again for another rebuke.
"Commander, what is our current destination?" Taylor asked.
"The colony on Sirius Minor," said Chloe.
"And what is our current velocity?"
Chloe paused. "I believe we are traveling at 30% of Varonkov Drive."
"And how long will it take to get there at 30% speed?"
She took a deep breath. "Nine weeks."
"Nine weeks... when we're expected in three. Would you care to explain that?"
"Sir, the foremost experts in astrophysics claim that using the Varonkov Drive pollutes outer space."
"They claim that traveling at high velocities pollutes outer space and causes Galactic Warming."
"How? How does one lead to the other?" Taylor asked.
"I'm not an expert, I don't know! But I trust the experts!" said Chloe. "They recommend that until more research is done, all ships not exceed speeds of 30% of maximum."
"What a prudent suggestion."
"I'm glad you agree, Sir."
"Obviously you have no knowledge of the concept of sarcasm," said Taylor, "Once again you have exceeded your authority. What part of 'consult with your captain before changing ship's routine' did you not understand? Well?"
"Do you want me to consult with you on every order sir? If I order Mushy to do a sensor scan, or for Yoram to check up on the engine readings-"
"I want you to use common sense," said Taylor. "Which, so far, you don't seem to be doing."
Chloe swallowed heavily. "I'll, I'll try, sir."
"Good," said Taylor. He turned away.
"Sir?" Chloe asked.
"Yes?" said Taylor.
"While I'm here, can we talk about the personnel situation?"
"And what situation is that?" Taylor asked.
Chloe wanted to promote crew members to key assignments. She wanted Ensign Shabow and Crewwoman Ojubujabuja to take duty shifts on the bridge, and for Ensign Pottyman to be assigned to Engineering.
"And why did you pick these crew members in particular?" Taylor asked.
"To improve diversity, sir," said Chloe.
Here we go again. Taylor had had the same arguments with Runningbear. "What kind of diversity?"
"Racial diversity," said Chloe.
"I see," said Taylor. "So if we give preference to Ensign Shabow and Crewwoman Ojubujabuja because they are black, won't we then be discriminating against crewmen who aren't black?"
"I don't understand, sir," said Chloe.
Taylor repeated it, more slowly.
"But.... it's impossible to discriminate against white people. White people are the oppressors. Any preferences given to other races is simply reparations for past injustices."
"I see," said Taylor. "And what of Ensign Pottyman? Why did you select him? He's white, as I recall... and one of your so-called oppressors."
"No sir!"
"Then why did you select him for promotion?"
"He... he likes...."
"Sex in the ass?" Taylor asked.
"I wouldn't put it that way, Sir," Chloe frowned. "The correct term is Assosexual."
"Well, you've given me a lot to think about," said Taylor. "Should we promote people based on skin color, and what kind of hole they put their dicks into? Or... should we promote them based solely on competence and ability?"
"Competence and ability are white power terms, sir," said Chloe.
It was Taylor's turn to frown now. What was the Survey Service turning into? "Well, on my ship, Commander, competence and ability are the only measures we used to determine promotion."
"The Survey Service wouldn't like that," she appeared to half-threaten.
"The Survey Service doesn't run my ship, Commander. I do," said Taylor.
"I think she was threatening me. I really think she was," said Taylor. He was lying on his stomach, shirtless, as Susan Cleary sympathetically rubbed his back.
"Could she?"
"I don't know," said Taylor. "Admiral Jekl made it clear that he was fed up with my conflicts with the last two first officers. If I had to get rid of a third one...."
Susan's fingers pressed into his back.
"Ah!" said Taylor.
"Too hard?" she asked anxiously.
"No, just right," said Taylor. "Thank you."
"My pleasure, sir," Susan grinned, as she continued to rub him.
"I almost don't recognize the Survey Service anymore," said Taylor. "It's become so political. So radicalized. It makes me wonder if I have a future in the Service."
"Of course you do! The Service is your whole identity," said Susan, her fingers pressing downwards.
"It is?"
"You're the most famous officer in Survey Service history! You saved the entire planet!" said Susan.
"Yes, there is that," Taylor admitted. He shook his head. "I don't know."
"Well, I do." Susan got off of him and stood up. "Better?" she inquired.
Taylor sat up and rotated his shoulders. "Yeah! You're really good with getting out the knots!"
"Glad to be of service," Susan grinned. She reached down and pulled her dayshirt over her head.
"Wait! What are you doing?" Taylor said.
Susan stood before him wearing only her pants and her breast control collar, with the Survey Service spaceship and sun logo on each of her breast holders. She's beautiful, Taylor thought. Susan's breasts were smaller but filled out her control collar quite well. And then Taylor noticed something else.
Her control collar was padded.
Susan put her hands on her hips and gave him an incredibly sexy smile. "Ready for my turn, Sir?"
"Your turn?"
She pushed him aside and lay face down on the bed. "I have a back too, sir."
Taylor paused. This was highly improper. "I guess you do," he said.
Susan smiled into the bed as she felt Taylor's hands starting to rub her back. Step Two.
"That's it, sir! No, a little lower, a little lower."
"Right about here?" said Taylor, rubbing her just above the strap of her breast control collar.
"Perfect," Susan said. "Ahhh.... that's so good."
Taylor's fingers accidentally brushed the back strap of her control collar. The control collar which was keeping her breasts in place. He was very conscious of the goal that Susan was patiently pushing him towards, step by step.
"You're wearing a padded control collar," he said. It was not a question.
"Yes." She turned her head to face him. "Do you like it?"
"You're a beautiful woman, Susan."
"Am I?" she said, obviously pleased.
"Yes," said Taylor, as he rubbed her neck.
"Oh, that feels so good, Captain!" she said.
"When you're topless and I'm rubbing your back, you can call me Michael, Susan."
"All right... Michael."
She gave him such a sexy smile! It sent tingles down his spine. Taylor felt powerfully attracted to his second officer. "Where was I? Your control collar. You don't have to wear a padded one."
"True," said Susan, enjoying his touch. "I don't have to wear one at all." She grinned at him. "It was Sophie who gave me the idea."
"Sophie told you to wear a padded control collar?"
"Not exactly," she said. "She told me that her superiors listened to her advice more when she got nuclear implants. I presume that included you." She grinned at him again. "Have you started paying more attention to me now that I'm wearing one?"
Taylor pressed against her back and gave her a grudging smile. "I guess I am."
"I guess you are too." Again that sexy smile! Taylor felt he was starting to fall in love with her. But I can't! I shouldn't! he thought.
"Have you talked to Sophie?" she asked.
"I tried to. She was cold and monosyllabic," said Taylor.
"How sad," said Susan. "Perhaps I could give her a try."
"You?" said Taylor. "Why would you want to help Sophie and I get together?"
"Surprised, Captain?" The sexy redhead turned her face to look at him again.
"Yes," said Taylor. "You... let's be honest. You like me a little too much."
"Just a little," she grinned.
"So why then would you want to help me and Sophie...."
"Because I care about you," she said. Susan sat up suddenly. Taylor became acutely aware that the tops of her breasts were practically bursting out of her control collar. She stared keenly into his eyes. "And when a person cares about another person, really cares about them, they want whatever will make that person happy. Even at the cost of their own happiness."
Her green eyes glittered. Her lips were so full and red. She was so kind, so caring, so lovely! They didn't kiss, but they didn't have to. It was at that moment that Taylor knew he was falling in love with Susan Cleary.
"Hello, Sophie," said Susan, sitting down next to Sophie in the cafeteria. Sophie was eating alone, as usual.
"Hello Commander," said Sophie.
"Please, can you call me Susan? I like to think we're friends," said Susan.
"You know, we served together for several years. That creates feelings of friendship, sometimes," said Susan. "I admit you were not the most... affectionate... with your feelings, but I sensed you liked me."
"I found you to be a competent officer," said Sophie.
"See? I knew you liked me!" said Susan.
"Captain Taylor obviously values you," said Sophie.
"We've become friends, good friends, since you left."
"So I've seen. Have you slept with him yet?" Sophie asked.
Susan took a deep breath as she considered her answer. "No."
"But not from lack of trying, I think."
"I'm making some progress," said Susan. "You shouldn't feel jealous, Sophie. You gave up any claim you had on him."
"Indeed I did," said Sophie. "Perhaps you will succeed where I failed."
"Sophie, he loves you!" said Susan.
Sophie stared at her. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I care for Michael and want him to be happy," said Susan.
"Perhaps you will make him happy," said Sophie.
"Maybe I will. Eventually. But this is the last time the two of you will ever have together. Don't you want to share it with him?"
Sophie looked at Susan and saw her in a new light. She saw how much Susan loved Taylor. She loved him so much that she wanted him to be with Sophie, even if for a short while. The depth of Susan's commitment to Taylor's well being impressed her.
"I... I can't," she said slowly. Suddenly she gave Susan an incredibly vulnerable look with those big hazel eyes of hers. "If... if you can make him happy... that will make me happy." Sophie shuddered, and looked about to cry. "Excuse me," she said, in a shaky voice, as she abruptly left the table.
"Sex," said Susan.
"What?" said Taylor, as he rubbed her back with his probing fingers.
"Sexual intercourse. Penis, into vagina," said Susan. She frowned. "Am I not being clear?"
Taylor stopped rubbing her.
"Hey!" said Susan, sitting up.
"Are you serious?" Taylor said.
"I heard it with my own two ears," said Susan. "First Chloe offered to have sex with Lieutenant Galloway. Then while he was thinking about it, she offered to have sex with the entire bridge crew."
"This is a joke. It has to be," said Taylor.
"I only wish it was," said Susan. "Ensign Bateman took her up on it."
"They're in her quarters. If you hurry you can catch them at it right now," said Susan brightly.
Taylor, with great reluctance, made his way to Commander Chloe's Fema's quarters. He could not imagine that Susan was telling the truth. For a senior officer to openly solicit sex from the crew was a court martial offense. What could really be happening here?
Taylor stood before the door to Chloe's quarters, debating whether or not to enter. If he was wrong, the entire encounter could blow up in his face. He had just decided to buzz her with some excuse he quickly thought of when the door to her quarters abruptly opened.
"Oh, oh it's you, Captain!" said Ensign Bateman, looking really frightened as he pulled down on his dayshirt. His hair was all messed up, giving him that classic "freshly fucked" look. "I was just... I was just...."
"Just leaving," said Chloe, appearing at the door frame in a radiant nightgown which was semi-transparent. "Come in, Captain. I was expecting you."
Taylor entered her quarters. The bed was a mess and the room reeked of sex.
"Do you have an explanation for this?" Taylor asked.
Chloe looked smug. "I offered to relieve Ensign Bateman's sexual frustrations. He accepted. Now that his balls have been drained, you'll find he'll be much more competent for the next few days." She smiled flirtatiously at him.
"I already found him competent," said Taylor. "Do you realize how many regulations you've broken by soliciting sex from an officer under your command?"
"I don't know." Chloe rolled her eyes upwards. "Could it be... none?"
"You won't be able to talk your way out of this one," said Taylor.
"Won't I?" she approached him and pretended to adjust the high collars on his dayshirt. "My dear, dear Captain. You really haven't been keeping abreast of new Survey Service regulations, have you?" As she said "abreast" she rubbed her own through her flimsy nightgown and smiled. "A new exception has been carved out of the rule against prohibitions of sexual relations with junior officers. The new regulation states that officers who are also licensed Pillow Workers may in fact serve a dual role, and relieve the crew of their sexual tensions."
"No... I don't believe it," said Taylor.
"Believe it," said Chloe. She held up a Pad, and handed it to him.
Taylor read it, his eyes widening. Then he turned to her. "And you....."
"I'm a full Commander in the United Survey Service... and, as of last April, also a licensed Pillow Worker. My certificate of achievement is in my file." She smiled sweetly at him.
"But... why?" Taylor asked.
Chloe ran her hands down her sweaty thighs, which were visible through slits in her nightgown. "The purpose of the World Government is to care for all needs. Food and shelter is fine, but just the beginning. Every living being has a need for sex. And nowhere is that need more repressed than in the Survey Service. I shouldn't have to tell you that, Captain Taylor," she said, giving him a knowing look. "My goal is to relieve these needs. I'm like... I'm like the Immortal, answering a distress call from a disabled ship. But the distress calls I answer are just as valid. I'm helping people with their needs."
"And... that makes you feel good... letting men... use your body... for sex?" Taylor asked.
"You talk like someone with old fashioned attitudes. Surely you don't look down on sex work? It's one of the most honorable careers in the World Government Job Pyramid."
"I'm sure it is," said Taylor. "And so you plan to-"
"Offer sex to anyone in the crew who wants it. Man or woman, I don't discriminate!" She smiled as she saw how uncomfortable she was making him. "I said when I came aboard that one of my goals was to promote social justice and equality. Well, this is about bringing orgasmic equality. After all, Captain, we can't all have attractive second officers tending to our needs, can we?"
And so Commander Chloe Fema, the first officer of the USS Immortal, offered her body to any man--or woman--who wanted it. She boldly stood on a chair in the cafeteria and made her pitch, offering to relieve any of the sexual frustrations of the crew.
Crewmen cackled and laughed and made derisive jokes.
But some crewmen took her up on it. Crewman Jones in Hydroponics. Crewman Weathers in Engineering. Even some of the lower ranking officers, including Lieutenant Kiley, the junior helmsman.
"I can't believe it," said Susan, during one of her control room watches. Susan had one watch in three, alternating with Commander Fema and Captain Taylor. She turned to Kiley. "You really had sex with Fema?"
Kiley felt all eyes on the control room on him. "Why not? It's permitted by regulations, isn't it?"
"Yes I suppose it is," said Susan. "But... to go to a prostitute."
"Prostitute is a proscribed term for a Pillow Worker," Kiley grinned. "The World Government says that Pillow Workers are to be prized and highly respected."
"So how was she?" asked Eric Penfold, the Tactical Officer.
"Not bad," said Kiley. "You know, she's kind of a cold fish on the bridge, but in bed she's a completely different person."
"Really?" said Mushy Takorama, the science officer.
"Yeah," Kiley grinned. "She's so... attentive. Eager to please."
Yoram Stoneheld, the chief engineer, snorted and shook his head.
"Really?" Mushy repeated.
"Are you interested in giving her a try, Mushy? I hear she does girls too," said Kiley, making Crewman Tolliver laugh.
Mushy felt all eyes on her. "I... I don't know," she said, looking down at her console with a shy smile.
Taylor watched as stories of Chloe Fema having sex with the crew circulated throughout the ship. He was frankly surprised how many crew members had signed up to have sex with his first officer. Maybe it's a good thing, he thought, never realizing that other crew members besides himself might be suffering from sexual tension. And then he overheard Crewwoman Marx talking with Crewwoman Farrow in the cafeteria.
"You know, if I became a Pillow Worker, I could do it too," said Marx. "I could sleep with anyone. Even the Captain!" They laughed, until they noticed they were being watched... by their captain!
"Hello, Captain," said Marx, giving a little wave of her fingers.
Taylor was suddenly struck with an idea. He found Sophie in her quarters. "Can we talk?"
"So you want me to become a licensed Pillow Worker," said Sophie.
"Yes!" said Taylor. "Don't you see? That's how we can be together again! You rejoin the Survey Service, get your Pillow Worker's certificate, and we can be together, as often and as much as you like." He smiled at her, but saw her frowning. "What's wrong? I thought that would please you."
"You thought it would please me to become a professional whore, a professional prostitute?"
"Sophie, Sophie, people don't look at it that way anymore."
"I do," said Sophie. She stared defiantly at him. "Tell me, Michael, when you came up with this grandiose plan to make me your prostitute, did you ever consider the other implications?"
"What other implications?"
"How the crew would view me? They would look at me as your personal whore, Michael!"
"No they wouldn't," said Taylor.
"Have you also considered the obligations and responsibilities of a Pillow Worker?"
"What do you mean?"
"A Pillow Worker is obligated to offer her body to anyone who wants it." She saw the recognition slowly dawning on her face. "Not only would I be known as your whore, but I'd have to have sex with anyone who wanted it in the crew."
"No... that can't be right...."
"Obviously you haven't thought about the implications of your little scheme. You were thinking with... something else." She went to the door, and it opened. "Goodnight, Michael."
"And she practically threw me out of her quarters!" said Taylor, lying shirtless face down on his bed.
"My poor, poor, Michael," said Susan sympathetically. Her shirt was off too, her top only encased in her padded breast control collar.
"I thought it was a way we could be together," said Taylor miserably.
"I'm so sorry, Michael," said Susan, rubbing her fingers into his shoulders.
"Ahhhh... that feels so good, Susan," said Taylor.
"You're so tense and knotted up!" Susan grinned. She proceeded to rub him in silence for several more moments. Then she stood up and reached behind her.
"What are you doing?" Taylor asked. He watched as Susan removed her breast control collar. Her breasts came springing out at him. She smiled gloriously as she revealed herself to him, making her look so incredibly sexy.
"I'm not showing you anything you haven't seen before, have I?" she asked, pulling him from the couch. Taylor remembered the very intimate encounter he had had with her when he rubbed his erect penis against her vagina, trying to break her cuntlock. But that had been business, not pleasure....
"Why have you taken your control collar off?" he asked, as she pulled him towards her.
Susan shrugged. "More comfortable. Easier to massage without the control collar strap in back." But as she started kissing his neck it became very clear that massage was the last thing on Susan Cleary's mind right now.
"Susan, Susan-"
"Shhhh," she said, as she continued to kiss a trail around his neck, moving to his cheek. She was moving closer, inevitably closer to his lips. And then she hugged him tightly, pressing against him. Taylor groaned with sexual pleasure as he felt her soft, pear shaped breasts pressed against his bare chest.
"You like it, Captain?" She said, looking innocently at him.
Taylor, not trusting himself to speak, only nodded.
"Perhaps you'll like this even better," she added. And then, for the first time, she kissed her Captain on the lips.
Taylor responded instantly, kissing her back. And for the first time in his life he found himself in a romantic embrace with his second officer.
The following morning, the Immortal received a distress call from the SS Patagonia. It was a small ship, with a crew of 17. There had been an unexplained explosion on the ship shortly after takeoff. Its engines had failed, and it was slowly being pulled into the atmosphere of Ardent 2, a small mining colony.
"How long until we get there at maximum speed?" Taylor asked.
"Four hours, 20 minutes," said Lieutenant Galloway, the navigator.
"How long do they have before burning up in the atmosphere?" Taylor asked.
"Not much more than that, sir," said Mushy.
"Get going," said Taylor. "Full speed. 100% Varonkov drive." He turned to Chloe to see if she would contradict him, but she carefully turned away.
They arrived just as the Patagonia was starting to burn up in Ardent 2's atmosphere.
"Captain, have your crew ready to evacuate," said Taylor over the holocom. "I'm sending two shuttles in."
"We have four crewmen sealed behind bulkheads because of the explosion," said their captain. "They're trapped!"'
Taylor looked at the buckling, glowing ship. "We'll get them." Major Kearny's rescue team was already in the shuttle. But for this kind of search and rescue, they would need special expertise.
"Chloe, you have the ship," he said. He saw the panicked look from Susan Cleary.
"Captain, I should be the one to go," said Susan.
"You went last time, remember? It's my turn," he said. "Besides, I have more experience in emergency rescue than half the ship combined." He gave her a reassuring look and ran for Bay 1.
But when he got there, he found Sophie standing by the entrance to the Hanger Bay.
"Michael, a word," she said.
"Sophie, I don't have time-"
"Don't go!" she cried.
"Sophie, I have to go," said Taylor.
"Send someone else. Send anyone else!" she cried.
Taylor saw the concern written all over her face. He reached down and gently kissed her on the lips. "Sophie, I'm still with the Survey Service."
"And you don't leave people behind," she whispered.
"I'll see you soon," he promised.
Susan raised an eyebrow when Sophie entered the control room where they were all watching the rescue on the viewscreen. Sophie came to stand right next to Susan. "Any word?" she asked quietly.
Susan shook her head. "They're still on the ship."
They watched the glow around the Patagonia grow brighter.
"How much longer can they last?" Sophie wondered.
"He'll make it." Susan's hand surreptitiously moved leftwards. It found Sophie's hand and squeezed. Sophie's eyebrows went up but she said nothing.
"The first shuttle is returning!" said Mushy.
"Is it Michael?" Sophie asked.
"No!" said Mushy, listening to the comm chatter. "It's Major Kearny. He says that Captain Taylor is still rescuing the crew stuck behind the bulkhead."
"The ship is destabilizing," said Lieutenant Galloway.
Susan pressed the comm. "Michael, you've got to get out now! Captain? Captain, do you hear me?"
Sophie gasped and cried out as the Patagonia started to break up in Ardent 2's atmosphere. Suddenly, the ship was in pieces. "No!" she cried, gripping the railing tightly.
And then, out of the piece of debris which contained their hanger bay, a shuttle emerged.
"This is Shuttle 2," said a familiar voice. "Returning to ship... with all crew rescued."
A cheer went up over the bridge. Even Chloe Fema looked elated.
"He did it! He did it!" Susan cried. She hugged a surprised Sophie, who gently embraced her back.
Susan grinned at Sophie. "We're the Survey Service!"
"We don't leave our people behind," said Sophie, and at that moment she felt immensely proud, and regretful. Regretful that she had ever left the Service, for reasons which were increasingly unclear.
They didn't even pretend to massage each other any more.
Taylor and Susan were both completely topless. Susan's padded breast control collar lay discarded on the floor on top of her dayshirt. Susan stood there with her perky, pear shaped breasts, smiling as she reveled in how much progress she was making with him. Then she embraced him, hugging and kissing her captain passionately.
"I worried about you so much!" said Susan. "You could have been killed!"
"That's the risk we take when we do our job," said Taylor. "Standard Survey Service service."
She stared at him with open admiration. "You're so strong... so brave... so handsome!" She kissed him hard. Taylor felt aroused by her strong, plush lips and kissed her back.
"You're really getting into it," she grinned.
"Yeah, I guess I am," Taylor smiled back at her.
Susan grew bolder. On her next kiss her hand started to snake its way inside his pants.
"No... no, Susan," he managed to say between kisses, pulling her hand out.
"Why not?" she asked, with a pained look on her face.
"I'm not ready for that," said Taylor.
"The rest of the crew are fucking. Why shouldn't we?" She kissed him again. He kissed her back. She slowly moved her hand down again, this time to touch his groin outside his pants, but Taylor pulled her away once again.
"I'm not ready for that," he repeated. "Not yet, anyway."
"Yet," she grinned.
The following day, Susan reported that Chloe hadn't showed up for her shift in the control room. This was odd as one of Chloe's few virtues was that she was punctual. Taylor and Susan went to Chloe's quarters and buzzed, but received no response. Taylor gave the ship's computer the override code and they both entered.
They found Chloe sitting in front of her holoscreen.
"Chloe? Chloe?"
Chloe was not moving.
"You love the World Government," came the voice over the holoviewer.
"I love the World Government," Chloe repeated, in a monotone.
"The World Government wants what is best for you."
"The World Government wants what is best for me," Chloe repeated.
"What is happening?" Taylor whispered.
"It's one of the World Government's new purity broadcasts," Susan whispered back.
"Purity broadcasts?" said Taylor.
"I heard about them, but have never seen one," said Susan. "It's supposed to be for relaxation, like meditation."
"Doesn't seem relaxing to me," said Taylor.
"No it doesn't," Susan agreed.
"Obeying the World Government is best for you and me," said the voice.
Taylor and Susan watched as Chloe repeated what the voice said word for word.