Chapter 19.1

The next day, there was a small reception in the Executive Office Tower. Nils was chatting with Chloe Fema.

"I've been looking over your Survey Service record. Most impressive, if I may say so," said Nils.

"Really?" said Chloe. She was flattered beyond belief that the tall handsome blonde man was even talking to her. Ever since they had arrived he only seemed to have eyes for Sophie Astor.

Nils smiled charmingly at her. "Yes, you've been decorated numerous times. The World Government must be very pleased with you."

"I like to think so," said Chloe, giving a pleasant smile. "We're trying to import the best of the World Government's values into the Service, but we're encountering a lot of resistance from the old guard, you know?" She cast a glance at Captain Taylor, who was chatting amicably with Susannah Barrington. "What they don't realize is that the World Government usually knows what is best for us. They have all the experts. They have all the smartest minds. We should listen to what they tell us."

Nils replied, "So you believe in the virtues of a centrally led government, where the government knows what is best, and the citizens carry out their central plan?"

"Of course," said Chloe. "Isn't that the whole basis of your colony here?"

"Yes," said Nils, smiling at her. "You're quite perceptive. Excuse me for one moment." He walked casually over to Susannah.

"But why, Captain Taylor?" she was saying. "Your crew is sitting out there on the tarmac, inside your tiny spaceship."

"Not so tiny, Susannah. The Immortal is the largest ship in the fleet," said Taylor.

"But why must they be locked inside your ship at all? Let them explore our gorgeous planet!" said Susannah.

"I'd like nothing better," said Taylor. "But unfortunately, the crew is in the middle of an all-hands system check. We're examining every ship system from top to bottom."

"How long will this... system check... take to complete?"

"Hard to say," said Taylor. "It's routine maintenance. It depends on how much they find."

Nils approached them. "Excuse me, Captain Taylor, could I borrow Leader Barrington, for just a moment?"

"Of course," said Taylor.

As Nils and Susannah walked away, Sophie said, "What shipwide systems check?"

Taylor put a finger to his lips.

Nils gently led Susannah to the far side of the room. "Has the capture plan for Captain Taylor been put into effect yet?"

"Not yet," said Susannah. "The Hive Mind is still weighing alternatives."

"Well, I have another alternative," said Nils. He explained what he had in mind. Susannah went stiff for a moment, as if staring off into space, and then she relaxed and nodded to Nils. They returned to Taylor and Sophie.

"There's been a small change of plans," said Nils. "Captain Taylor, Leader Barrington will continue to review your requirements for the Survey Service base with you. But Sophie, I regretfully inform you that I have duties to attend to elsewhere. Can my associate Neil Arjun substitute for me in this session?"

"Of course," said Sophie.

As the session got under way, Nils went up to Chloe. "Would you mind if I had a word with you in my office?"

Nils' office had incredible views, as did every office in the Executive Tower. Chloe stared out the window eagerly.

"Enjoying the view?" Nils asked.

"Yes! You have an incredible city! So orderly! So neat and tidy!" said Chloe.

"It's the result of intensive central planning, which I know you admire," said Nils. "Actually, we've put into place a rather unusual kind of central planning here."

"How so?" Chloe asked.

"We have a very specialized planning group. We call it the Hive. The Hive advises us on nearly every matter. It tells us what job we are best suited for. Where we should live and sleep. It even selects our lovers for us."

"Really?" said Chloe. "You let this... Hive... select your lovers for you?"

"Yes, of course. It knows best for us. It teaches us how to maximize happiness in life."

"Really?" said Chloe. "This... Hive actually maximizes your happiness?"

"It does," Nils confirmed. "The Hive is so wise and so brilliant. It guides us. It even tells us what to think."

"How can it do that?" Chloe asked.

"Let me show you," said Nils. He removed his shirt, and slowly turned around.

Chloe gasped as she saw the giant double banded rider on his back. She saw the giant knuckle bones grasping on to Nils. She gasped again when it pulsated. "What is that?"

"This... this is my rider," said Nils.

"What is it doing to you?" Chloe asked as she watched it inflate and deflate.

"It's guiding me. It's guiding all of us."

"You... you all have riders?" Chloe said, eyeing the hard bones grasping Nils' back.

"Yes," said Nils. "The Hive makes us happier than we've ever been. Every day is a simple one. We get up every morning, and our rider tells us what we have to do to maximize happiness for everyone in the community."

"And this... this Hive knows how to do that?" Chloe asked.

"Yes," said Nils. "It is the secret to our success as a colony."

"Can I... can I see this Hive?" Chloe said.

Nils smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

Chloe had no qualms about taking off her clothes in the room filled with alcoves in the North Building. She was after all a fully licensed Pillow Worker, as well as a full Commander in the Survey Service, and was not ashamed of her body. She admired Nils' tall, handsome body and his long penis. As he led her deeper into the Hive, Chloe felt the air getting hotter and more humid and stale. The lighting grew green and dim. And then they passed an enormous room where people were having sex by the dozens.

"So this is where everyone in the city is!" she said.

"Yes. This is the Enrichment Chamber," said Nils. He gestured to row after row after row of women fucking or getting fucked. "The Hive makes sure all our needs are met. Especially our sexual needs. It uses its brilliance to match us with partners who will be best for them, and best for the whole community."

"Amazing!" said Chloe. "I've often wondered if the World Government could do something like that! You know, I'm a licensed Pillow Worker. I firmly believe in the redistribution of sexual wealth!"

"I know you do," Nils grinned.

He took her deeper into the Hive, into the Main Auditorium where Chloe beheld the Hive Mind for the first time. Chloe stared at the giant black oily ball, forty feet tall, with the two enormous eyes. "What is it?"

"This... this is the Hive Mind," said Nils.

Chloe stared at the giant black ball. "It's beauuuutiful," she whispered.

Nils spoke quickly in her ear. "The Hive Mind has the genetic wisdom of the ages. Thousands of years of experience guiding lesser races. It is wise and all knowing. And it wants to make all of us happy. It wants to make you happy."

"Yessss," Chloe hissed. She was mesmerized by those giant eyes. A bright white spotlight shone down on her. It played over her tits, and moved down to her pussy. Chloe shuddered as the Hive Mind inspected her, feeling the heat of it on her pussy lips.

"Momomomomomomom!" they heard.

"What did it say?" Chloe asked.

"The Hive Mind is pleased with you," said Nils. "Will you join us? Will you help us bring unity and perfection to the planet Earth?"

"Yes!" said Chloe immediately. "I will join you! I can clearly see that the Hive Mind is the next logical evolutionary step after the World Government, the living embodiment of centralized control of everything for everyone's benefit!"

"I thought you might feel that way," said Nils. He led her to a wall, and had her lean against it with her palms out. He snapped his fingers, and a Harem Guard appeared carrying an organic container. Nils opened it, revealing an immature rider.

"Is that...."

"Your first rider. Are you ready to join us, Chloe?"

"Yes!" she cried. "I want a rider! I want to be ridden!"

Nils smiled. True volunteers were both rare and beautiful. Chloe would make an exceptional slave for the Hive. She would help the Hive infiltrate her fellow crew members and in turn pave the way for the invasion of Earth. Her breasts were small and her body not exceptionally pretty, but Chloe would be the tool they would use to leverage their way into the Immortal and to enslave humanity.

Nils held the throbbing rider in his hands. Chloe's bare shoulder blades looked in such need of guidance. "Now take deep, easy breaths, one at a time, like that. You'll feel a little pinch...." He gently placed the baby rider between her shoulder blades.

Chloe immediately grabbed her head. "My mind, my mind! I can feel something moving in my mind!"

"Yes, I imagine you can," said Nils.

Chloe gradually dropped her arms and stiffened. Her face went blank,.

"What are you?" Nils asked.

"I am Hiveflesh."

"What is your purpose?"

"To spread the Hive and help enslave humanity."

"Very good," said Nils. He bent down between her legs. "This may sting for a moment." He pressed a green cone against her, just above her pussy lips.

"Ow!" Chloe cried. "What was that?"

"Your Slave Mark."

Chloe looked down to see a green glowing shape above her cuntlips, and upside down "V" with dots under it.

"It's beautiful," she whispered.

"And now I must give you your tracker," said Nils.

"My tracker?"

"It will allow the Hive Mind to know where you are at all times. It will help monitor your safety and wellness for the Community."

"I am ready to receive my tracker!" Chloe grinned.

She was so obedient!

"It would help if you are distracted while I do this." Nils said.


Nils stood before her and said, "Momomomomomomom!"

Chloe stiffened and said,"Momomomomomomom!"

While she was staring into space, Nils reached down and pierced her labia. Chloe barely shuddered. Then Nils shoved the vulva chain into it, and secured it. Hanging from the bottom of it was a small green rock.

When he was done he stood up, and awareness slowly returned to her. She looked down at the green rock hanging from her pussy. She touched it with her fingers. "Niiiiice," she said, with a rin.

"You are now a slave of the Hive," said Nils. "Are you ready to begin your training?"

"Yes, sir!" said Chloe.

Nils looked around. He saw Daniel busily fucking the Hive mind, his double banded rider pulsating on his back. "Daniel! Come here, please."

Daniel approached. He was still erect, having been interrupted in the middle of a Hive Mind fucking session.

"Chloe here is our newest recruit. You will help her rider mature."

"I understand." Daniel's face was blank.

"You may begin."

Daniel lay on his back on the spongy ground, his erection sticking straight up.

Chloe was about to ask what was required of her when her rider pulsated on her back, and then she knew.

Nils smiled as Chloe obediently mounted Daniel, and took his penis in hand.

"You know what to do, Chloe, don't you?" he said.

When Chloe returned to the ship later that day she happened to run into Taylor, who was in the company of Mushy Takorama, talking about the upgrade to the ship's sensors.

"Chloe! Where were you? You didn't show up for the lunchtime break," said Taylor.

"Well...." said Chloe, pulling down on her dayshirt. She looked a little nervous, for some reason.

Taylor instinctively screaned her. Chloe now had the same wrongness about her as the colonists did. What could that mean?

"Nils gave me a tour of the city," said Chloe.

"It must have been some tour," said Mushy, her Japanese eyes momentarily going wide like a white woman's. "You were gone all day!"

"We discussed advanced aspects of urban planning," said Chloe. "There's a lot the World Government could learn about administration from the people of Sirius Minor."

"I never thought I'd ever hear you say that the World Government could learn anything! Isn't the World Government staffed by the top experts who always know what's best for us?" Taylor asked.

"I... yes, I used to think that," said Chloe. "But now... now I feel that it may have more to learn."

"They say travel broadens the mind, Commander." said Taylor. He frowned at her. "Are you sure you're all right, Chloe?"

"Yes... why do you ask?" Chloe said. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. Surely they couldn't see it.

"No reason," said Taylor, with a smile. "Carry on."

When Taylor returned to his quarters he found Susan Cleary dressed only in a bathrobe. "Getting in or coming out?" he inquired.

"Getting in, I think," She kissed him. "But I was waiting for you, Captain." She stared at him slyly.

"Oh oh," said Taylor, feeling a tingling in his pants.

"Oh oh is right," said Susan. She gave him a very friendly smile "Or is the big, bold Survey Service Captain, the one who traveled to the year one billion, the one who fought the Ramadan pirates, afraid to take a shower with little old me?"

"Well, when you put it like that-" Taylor turned to leave.

"Hey!" Susan grabbed him and kissed him again. "Shower time, Captain!"

"Is that an order?" Taylor asked, looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"You bet, sir!" she said.

As they kissed again, Taylor lifted her arms and let her take off his shirt. She reveled in his big, strong hairy chest. His shoes came next, and then his pants. Then her hands went to his underwear. He instinctively put his hands over hers.

"Captain," she said, in a warning voice.

Susan's plot was suddenly revealed. Her invitation to shower with her had been an excuse to finally see him naked, to breach the final barrier of modesty Taylor had struggled to keep intact between them. Once Susan got his underwear down, it would only be a matter of time before she persuaded him to make love to her.

This is so wrong, Taylor thought. And yet as he moved his hands away from hers, he reveled in her grin.

Susan pulled down his underwear. "Yeaaaahhhhhh!" she said in a low, sexy voice, as she stared at her Captain's big, thick penis.

"You... you like it?" he asked hesitantly.

"Do I!" said Susan. "I had forgotten how long it is! Just look at it, Michael! Really look at it! Have you ever really looked at your own penis?"

"Not really," said Taylor, making her laugh.

"Well, look at it now!" said Susan.

Taylor looked downwards. "What?"

"What? What?" Susan cried. "You're not even erect, and already it's so long! Look how far down it hangs below your balls!"

Michael looked a little embarrassed. "You mean, other men's penises don't hang down that far?"

Susan laughed. "No, they don't! You're a gem, Michael, a real gem!" She grabbed his face and kissed him hard. As she did, Taylor got into it, unwrapping her bathrobe and letting it fall to the ground. He hugged her tightly, reveling in the feeling of her soft, pear shaped breasts against his chest, and farther down his penis against her pubic mound.

"I feel movement down there, Michael," Susan grinned. "Look!"

They both watched as Taylor's penis slowly started to point upwards, making small jerky movements. "It's like it's alive!" said Susan. "It's alive, with a mind of its own!"

As they watched it grew stiff and pointed upwards.

"Up up and up!" said Susan, looking extremely pleased. "I think it wants something, Michael. Can you guess what that is?"

"I... I can guess," Taylor said, his face turning red.

"Hug me now, Michael," said Susan. "Hug me with that giant cock monster sticking between us!"

"You really want it?" Taytlor asked.

"Yesssss!" Her green eyes sparkled with delight.

Taylor hugged her again and Susan groaned. "Oh Michael! I can't wait to feel your massive cock monster inside me!"

Taylor pulled back. "Susan... I'm already doing more than I should with you! But we can't actually have sex. That would violate regulations!"

She gave him a cynical look. "Of course not. We're not violating regulations right now, are we?"

"Well... kind of," said Taylor.

Susan snorted derisively. Then she turned and pulled him by the hand to the shower.

Susan was kissing and hugging him and rubbing her hands all over his body as the hot water sprayed down on the both of them. Taylor was terribly aroused and excited. He kissed her back and ran his hands over her slender, sexy body as enthusiastically as she did his.

"Oh, this feels so wooonderful!" said Susan. "You feel so good, Michael!" She gave him a giant sized grin.

"You do too, Susan," said Taylor, getting a dreamy look on his face. "You're so beautiful! I love your breasts!"

"Again with my breasts!" Susan cupped them critically. "Smaller than Sophie's! Smaller than Andrea Farber's!"

"But so very cute on your thinner frame," said Taylor. He cupped them firmly. "They excite me. You excite me!"

The lovers kissed again. Susan's hand snaked down between them.

"No!" said Taylor abruptly, pulling her hand away.

"No?" said Susan.

"Not there. Not yet," said Taylor stubbornly.

"Not yet?" said Susan pleadingly.

"Not yet," said Taylor again.

Susan sucked her lips. "All right," she said. "If you won't let me touch you in that way, then I'll just have to touch myself." She stared at him defiantly as she pressed her ass against the shower wall and spread her legs in a very extroverted sexual display, revealing her bright red cuntlips to him. She used one hand to spread her cuntlips for him and the other to start rubbing her clit.

"Oooh... ohh... oohhhh....."

Taylor watched as she writhed with sexual pleasure. Susan was so hot! Taylor felt immensely attracted to the young, sexualized redhead. Instinctively he started to rub his own cock, even as he thought, I shouldn't be doing this! We shouldn't be doing this! The rule against having sexual relations with junior officers was teetering on a very fine edge now. They weren't touching, but they might as well be!

Susan grinned as he started to fist his cock. "Do I make you hot, Captain?"

"Do you?" Taylor said. "You excite me so much, Susan!"

"Do I?" she said again, eager to hear more.

"Yes!" Taylor cried. "It's not just your amazing body. You present yourself in such a sexualized way! I've never seen anything like it!" He licked his lips. "The way you spread your legs for me. The way you spread your pussylips! The way you rub your clit while staring me hungrily in the eye! I've never seen a woman with such a strong sex drive!"

"It's all because you excite me so much, Michael!" she said, with a determined look in her bright green eyes. "You excite me like no man ever has!"

"I do?" said Taylor.

"Yessss," she smiled at him, even as she continued to rub her clit. Once again it looked like a little cockhead. Susan nipped it, caressed it, teased it, all the while giving that sultry smile of hers. Her bright red pubic hair was covered in droplets of water. Her legs were slender and firm, supporting her weight as she pressed her ass tightly against the wall while she put on a private sex show for her captain. "I love the sight of your enormous cock. I can't wait to feel it inside me!"

"No, Susan!" said Taylor, even as he fisted his shaft strongly. "We can never do that!"

"We will do that!" she asserted, leaning forward strongly to tell him to his face. She rubbed her clit more rapidly now, as she started to pant.

She's getting close to climaxing, Taylor thought.

"You're going to fuck me, and put that monster cock inside me!" said Susan.

"Susan, I'm sorry, I can never do that," said Taylor.

"You will, Captain, you will," she said firmly. "I've gotten you this far, haven't I? Did you ever imagine we would ever be naked in the shower together like this?" She rubbed her cuntlips for emphasis.

"Not really," Taylor laughed, as he continued to fist his own cock.

"It will happen." She stared hard into his own eyes. "I will make you want it," she insisted.

Her determination, her absolute confidence that she would get him to give in excited Taylor beyond reason. He felt his balls tightening, and an intense tingling at the head of his penis as he fisted himself hard. "Oh Susan... dear sweet Susan!"

"Oh Michael!" she cried. "I'm about to come! And you?"

"Me too!" said Taylor.

Susan rubbed her clit like mad. Her cuntlips glistened with wetness. Susan's wet hair draped around her neck and breasts. Her nipples were hard and red. Droplets of water covered her belly and her bright red pubic triangle.

Susan stared hard at Taylor's enormous cock. How she wanted to feel him inside of her! "I'm going to come, Michael! I'm going to come staring at that magnificent cock of yours! Oh Michael! Oh Michael!"

"Oh Susan!" Taylor cried, as he felt himself about to cross a line which couldn't be uncrossed. He fisted himself more rapidly.

"Oh Michael!" She gasped.


"Michael, I love you!" she cried. Susan gasped, and her body went stiff, and she suddenly jammed her sexy wet thighs together. "Oh... oh... ooooooooh!"

The sight of the red headed cutie climaxing send Taylor over the edge. Sperm whipped out of the head of his penis and struck the shower wall to the left of Susan. Susan watched wide eyed as huge ropes of sperm arced through the air and splattered next to her, one, two, three, four, and then a fifth time.

"Wow," she said in an amazed tone, when the display was over. "So much came out of you! Michael, that was really impressive!"

"Did... did John ever produce that much for you?" Taylor asked timidly.

"No!" said Susan. "No man ever did!" She looked at him, his penis spent and wilting, and still felt an amazing attraction to him. "Come here, you!" she growled. She took him in her arms and kissed him passionately, reveling in the feeling of his firm body against her own. Susan looked him in the eyes. "Did it make you uncomfortable, when I told you I loved you?"

"I... no," said Taylor.

"Good," said Susan. "Because I do love you." And she kissed him passionately. Taylor kissed her back, wrapped his arms around her, and enjoyed the feeling of her soft, wet body.

Chloe bounced up and down on Daniel Harris's penis. Daniel, with his heavy double banded rider, seemed little more than a robot, but that didn't matter to Chloe. She was doing what the Hive Mind wanted. She knew that the Hive Mind was the next logical evolutionary step after the World Government. She welcomed her rider on her back and in her mind, letting it guide her totally.

"I want to be enslaved by the Hive!" Chloe chanted, as she bounced up and down on Daniel's cock.

"I want my rider strong on my back and in my mind!" the curly haired blonde shouted, moving up and down once more.

"I want to be used to create riders and expand the Hive!" she said.

Nils smiled as he watched her. He had never seen anyone so committed to the Hive as Chloe Fema.

"She's good. Really good," he said.

"When will she be ready?" Susannah Barrington asked.

"Her rider should mature within a day or two," said Nils. "Then she will be ready to spread the Hive to the crew of the Immortal."

"How are your negotiations going, Sophie?" Taylor asked one day over dinner in the cafeteria. Sophie refused to have dinner with him in his quarters now.

"They are progressing," she said coldly. "There are still a lot of details to work out. The Federation treaty has a lot of requirements which need to be met."

"I'm sure it does," said Taylor. "My negotiations with Susannah should be wrapped up in just a few more days."

"I anticipate ours taking approximately two more weeks," said Sophie.

"Two more weeks," said Taylor. "Then our work will be done, the Immortal will leave, and you... will be left behind, as our new ambassador."

"Yes," said Sophie, focusing on her food.

"Sophie, this could be our last chance to be together!" said Taylor.

Sophie gave him a blank look. "I've already told you how I feel about that." She resumed eating. "Have you consummated with Susan yet?"

Taylor took a deep breath. "Not yet."

"You will," she said. She stood up with her half eaten tray. "If you will excuse me, Captain."

Taylor looked around, and saw Chloe chatting with Lieutenants Mushy Takorama and John Galloway. "Chloe! Where have you been?"

"On the planet, sir. Nils has been showing me around," she said.

"For three days?" said Taylor.

"There's a lot to see," said Chloe.

Taylor screaned her. He sensed wrongness in her. He screaned Mushy. No wrongness. He screaned John Galloway. No wrongness. Whatever had changed the colonists of this planet had also done their work on Chloe. It could be something as harmless as a bacteria, he supposed. Still, he regretted giving her the run of the planet. He had been afraid that if he left her in command of the ship while he was negotiating with Susannah Barrington that she would do something imprudent. After his disastrous experiences with Sasha Runningbear and Jessica Hale, Taylor was taking no chances.

"Sir, when are you going to give the crew shore leave?" Chloe asked.

"Not at present," said Taylor.

"It's cruel to keep the crew locked up in the ship while we're just sitting here on the surface of a gorgeous planet," said Chloe.

"Yes, well, I specialize in cruelty," said Taylor.

Mushy smiled. "Seriously, sir. No shore leave, not at all?"

"Not at present," said Taylor, turning away. Something wasn't right here.

"I want to betray the Survey Service! I want to give them all riders!" Chloe's body was glistening with sweat. Her breasts were green under the harsh lights of the Hive. Above her, the enormous black round bulk of the Hive Mind watched approvingly as she declared her allegiance over and over, even as she bounced up and down on Daniel Harris's cock.

Chloe's rider had gotten bigger and thicker since it had been implanted, five days ago. She had obediently come to the Hive every day to help it grow. And now her hard work was about to pay off.

Her rider bubbled up on her back. "I feel something! Nils, I feel something good!"

"Keep going, Chloe!" Nils encouraged her.

Chloe bounced up and down more vigorously on Daniel's erection. Daniel was silent and unmoving, staring up into space. He was simply Hiveflesh, serving a purpose.

"Ah... ah... ahhhhhh!" Chloe stiffened beautifully as her rider matured on her back. The newly minted golden band gleamed brightly in the darkly lit room. She slowly stood up on aching legs. "My rider... it loves me, and wants the best for me!"

"It certainly does," said Nils approvingly. "What is your purpose, Chloe?"

"To be fertile and reproduce! To spread the Hive far and wide!" Her blonde pubic triangle was glistening with sweat. Beneath it her Slave Mark glowed brightly. And beneath that, the green gem dangled from her cuntlips.

Nils smiled at her. She was ready. "Then you know what you must now do."

Chloe nodded, with a newly determined look in her eyes.

Over the next few days Taylor started to notice subtle changes in the crew. First it was Crewman Ross Gelder, one of Chloe's regular sex partners. Taylor passed him in the hallway and saw an alien gleam in his eyes. He immediately screaned him and sensed wrongness.

"Crewman!" said Taylor suddenly.

"Yes, sir?" said Gelder.

"How are you doing, Crewman?" Taylor asked, studying him closely.

"Fine sir," said Gelder, giving a broad grin. "How are you?"

"Also fine," said Taylor, staring at him as he screaned him intensely. Wrongness! Something was wrong with Gelder, but Taylor just didn't know what it was.

"Was there anything else, sir?" he asked.

"What? No, you may go. Thank you," said Taylor.

The next person he sensed wrongness in was Ensign Robin Mast. Then two days later it was Crewman Chad Thompson, and then Crewman George Forman. All people he knew or strongly suspected were using Chloe's services as a Pillow Worker. What was going on here? Were they simply passing along some harmless bacteria that his sensitive screaning ability was flagging, or was it something more nefarious? Taylor again remembered the planet of the sea monkeys. Was this merely another planet of the sea monkeys, or something more?

He couldn't talk about it with Sophie, so he tried to talk about it with Susan. But Susan had other things on her mind.

"I sensed a wrongness in them," Taylor said, as Susan kissed her neck.

"I sense a wrongness in here too," she said, slowly making a trail of kisses from left to right.

"Susan, I'm being serious," said Taylor.

She stared him in the eye. "It's sea monkey territory, Michael. We've been on this planet for nearly two weeks and nothing has happened to us. Nothing at all. To you, everything is wrong. The planet is wrong. The people are wrong. Us having sex is wrong-"

"Us having sex is definitely wrong!" said Taylor.

Susan gave him such an amazing sexy look at that moment that almost took his breath away. "Then maybe it is I who sense a wrongness in you!" She gave him a passionate kiss that made his body tingle all over.

Susan took a step back and pulled her dayshirt over her head. She felt Taylor's hungry eyes on her breasts, which were practically overflowing from her breast control collar. She reached out and lifted his own shirt up and smiled as he cooperated with the inevitable by lifting his arms. Taylor had come a long way, she thought, but still has a bit farther to go.

She modeled her control collar for him. "Would you like me to leave it on today?"

"Why?" Taylor asked, his eyes glued to her fleshy breasts.

Susan shrugged. "For variety's sake?"

"Come here, you!" Taylor growled.

Susan giggled as she turned around and she felt Taylor unsnapping her control collar. She was training him well.

As it came off her, she smoothly turned around and cupped her breasts before releasing them in front of his hungry eyes. "Oh Michael, I feel so free, free, free!" She gave such a beautiful smile and kissed him, pressing her pear shaped titties against him, making him groan.

His pants came next, and then hers. Taylor's eyes widened as she removed her Survey Service panties, with the spaceship and sun logo on it, revealing her tight, trim red pubes. And then she put her hands on his undergarment.

"No, Susan," he whispered, showing the first signs of resistance.

Susan looked him in the eye. "Captain, either I'm removing it, or you are."

Taylor felt a tingling in his penis. She was so controlling! Part of him was so turned on by it! He sighed and reluctantly took off his underwear.

"Oh, don't act like you're being tortured, Michael!" said Susan. "You know you want it too!"

"I do want it, Susan," said Michael. "But what we're doing is still wrong!"

Susan grinded her pubis against his, making Taylor groan with pleasure. "How can this be so wrong, when it feels so right?"

Taylor had no answer for that. Susan continued to grind her furry triangle against his penis. She felt his penis getting hard as she rubbed against him.

"Oh Susan... oh Susan...." Taylor groaned.

"You like?"

"Yes!" Taylor cried.

"Then kiss me!" She demanded.

Taylor pressed his lips strongly against hers. As he did, Susan felt his now firm erection against her belly. Soon that enormous cock monster will be inside me, she thought. The idea of it drove her wild.

When he pulled back, she gave a smug smile. "Maybe you do like it," she said. She took him by the hand and led him to the couch, where they sat side by side with each other.

"What are you planning now?" Taylor asked.

"You'll see," said Susan. She took his penis in his hand and started to fist him.

"Susan, no!" said Taylor. "We shouldn't have direct sexual contact like that! It's against regulations!"

"Yes it is," Susan agreed. She moved her hand up and down, up and down over her captain's hard, fleshy penis.

"Oh Susan! Oh Susan!" said Taylor, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "Over the top, Susan, rub it over the top! And tighter, tighter!"

"Like this?" said Susan, making her hand linger over the tip.

"Better," said Taylor. "Only... let me show you." He wrapped his hand over hers. Instead of pulling her hand away, he started to move with hers, up and down, up and down, just the way he liked it. "Every man has his own rhythm that he's used to."

"Is this the rhythm you use to pleasure yourself, when you're lonely and have no one else to turn to?" she whispered softly to him.

"Yes," said Taylor, his face turning red. He moved his hand over hers. "Up... down... up... down... yes, that's it... exactly like that...." He released her hand, letting her continue on her own.

"Up... down... up... down...." said Susan. "Thanks for showing me how you touch yourself. I love you so much!" She kissed him on the lips, making him turn red. Susan marveled as she ran her dainty hand over her captain's enormous penis in the way she knew Taylor adored. "It's so big!" she exclaimed. "I don't know how I'm going to fit all that inside of me!"

"You're not!" said Taylor sternly, as he watched her masturbate his penis. "That's something we can never do!"

"We'll see about that," said Susan, with a cocksure grin. "Up... down... up... down..." She carefully worked her hand over his stiff erection. "Does that give you pleasure, Michael?"

"Yes, Susan. It really does!" Taylor whispered. "It... it really turns me on to see you doing this for me!"

"I'm so glad," said Susan, as she rubbed his penis. "I like giving you pleasure." She gave him such an adoring look!

"Oh Susan!" Taylor cried, giving her a big kiss.

Susan looked up at him with big eyes. "Is this what you used to do after you saw me? After we fooled around in a hot and heavy kissing session when I took off my breast control collar?"

"And even before it," Taylor admitted.

"Even before!" Susan was stunned.

"I wanted you soooo badly," Taylor admitted. With her hand on his penis, he was baring all his intimacies for her.

Susan was so incredibly moved. "Then why didn't you simply take me? I could have been yours at any time, darling!" She admired the enormous erection between his legs. Nice and stiff! Nice and hard and ready for her cunt!

"I know," said Taylor. "But... regulations...."

"Regulations," said Susan, in a deep voice, making them both laugh. "Tell me, sir, do regulations describe how I should rub my commanding officer's cock?"

"No, they don't," said Taylor with a little smile, as he watched her dainty hand linger over the head of his penis, just as he liked it.

"Perhaps you should look harder," she said, squeezing him more tightly. "Harder, Michael," she repeated, squeezing him over the tip.

Taylor groaned with pleasure.

"Come for me, Michael," said Susan. "Come for me as you imagine fucking me for the first time!"

"Oh Susan!" Taylor cried.
Next page: Chapter 19.2
Previous page: Chapter 18