Chapter 19.2

"Come for me as you imagine us breaking all the regulations in the fucking Survey Service Manual!" she cried. Taylor's penis was rock hard and red, the head of his penis firmly engorged. Taylor stared at Susan's pear shaped breasts, her bright hair, her captivating smile. He imagined fucking her, filling her with his seed, emptying his aching balls into her-

"Oooh!" Taylor cried.

"Yes, Michael!" said Susan, her eyes wide.

"Ooooh!" he cried again.

"Come for me, Michael! Come for me now, Darling!"

"Ooooh!" Taylor cried, his body stiffening mightily. Sperm whipped out of the head of his purple penis and shot upwards in a high arc, landing on his coffee table. His penis gyrated wildly as spurt after spurt shot out of him. One of them landed in a sticky line on Susan's right breast.

"Ahhhhh!" said Taylor, as he finally got his much needed release.

"Woooow!" said Susan, looking impressed. "That was quite a show!" she said, with a big grin. Susan worked her hand slowly to work the last dribble out of his cockhead. "Feeling better now, darling?"

"Way better!" said Taylor, as his most intimate body part shrank in her dainty hand. His second officer had just given him an orgasm! "Thank you."

Susan frowned even as she continued to milk him for the last few drops. "Is that how you thank someone who just did this for you?" she asked.

Taylor grabbed her and kissed her strongly, rubbing his hands all over her back. "Thank you," he whispered finally.

"That's better," said Susan grudgingly. She reached down and touched the line of sperm on her breast with her finger.

"Sorry about that," Taylor mumbled.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, my dear Captain," she said. She put a finger in her mouth and gave a sexy smile. "It's just a taste of things to come."

Taylor stared at her. Susan was so sensual! Even more than Sophie!

"Now you do me," she declared. Before Taylor could object, she took his hand and put it inside her vagina. She started to manipulate his hand in the same way he had manipulated hers. But then Taylor shook free of her hand and started to rub her the way he wanted to.

Susan's eyes widened. "Ah... ahhh... ahhhhhh!" She stared at him appreciatively. "You really know your way around a woman's clit, Captain!"

"I have some experience in the area," said Taylor, as he expertly worked his fingers inside of her.

"From Sophie?" Susan inquired, as her Captain's hand moved inside her widely spread red, thick pussylips.

"And others," Taylor said, reddening.

"You're such a ladies man!" said Susan. "And yet you also have a soft side to you. You can get embarrassed talking about it. I like it. I like you!" she decided, smiling at him.

"I'm glad," Taylor smiled bashfully. Taylor stimulated Susan expertly, rubbing the hard tip of her clit to get her aroused, and then switching to her less sensitive clitoral hood when she came too close to climaxing. He played her expertly like a fiddle, taking her up an octave and down, up and down, up and down. Before long Susan Cleary was moaning and fidgiting wildly under his touch.

"Oh Captain, my dear Captain!" she said, her eyes full of lust. "I love you, Michael!"

Taylor said nothing, continuing to stimulate her. Susan looked so sexy now. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat; her areolas were so bright and red, and her nipples were erect, pointed straight at him. She wanted him, and he wanted her.

"I love you, Michael!" Susan cried. "It's all right if you're afraid to say it. You will say it, Michael, when the time is right, I know you will!" She had such amazing self-confidence! Taylor found himself stiffening again between his legs.

"Enough with this pleasurable torture!" Susan cried. "Make me come, Michael! Make me come now!"

Taylor switched from her clitoral hood to her ultrasensitive clit itself. He started rubbing madly.

"Oooh! Ooooh! How I love you, Honey! I love you so much, Michael Taylor!" Susan cried, as she felt his fingers moving inside of her. "I want you to be my lover! I want to feel you inside me forever and ever!" Her body stiffened. "Back off, Michael, back off now!"

Taylor immediately switched back to her clitoral hood as Susan's clitoris became too painful to be touched. Susan cried out as she went over the edge, crying "Michael!" one last time as she climaxed. Her body arched beautifully and her face and chest turned bright red.

Susan collapsed on the couch, panting to recover her breath.

"That was incredible!" she said, her cheeks still red with exertion.

"Was it?" said Taylor.

"The best!" said Susan. She grabbed him and kissed him to show that she meant it, taking her time to do it properly. Then she pulled back, and with a very emotional face, said, "I love you, Michael Taylor."

Taylor just stared back at her.

"Don't worry," she said, using a finger to play over his lips. "It will come naturally. When the time is right."

Chloe stood stiffly at attention before the Hive Mind. Her Slave Mark glowed brightly in the dim green light of the auditorium. Below her hairy cuntlips hung a green gem suspended by her vulva chain.

"I have brought four men and one woman into the Hive, Master," she said.

Five slaves in five days, she heard in her head. Too slow!

"Soon their riders will mature and they will be able to bring others into the Hive," said Chloe.

Your ship is scheduled to depart in less than two weeks. With a crew of over 500, most of them will not be under our control.

"It will happen, Great One. It will just take some time," said Chloe.

We need to keep the ship here so we can assimilate the entire crew. And to do that we need control of their Captain.

"We could take him and put a rider on him, Great One," said Nils, who had been listening.

It would be much better if he joined us of his own accord as this one did. Slaves who give themselves freely are much easier to control.

"There might be a way," said Chloe. "I think I know a way to persuade Captain Taylor to join us."

"How?" said Nils.

"Taylor is in love with Sophie Astor. The two had a long preexisting relationship together. If we can get Sophie to join the Hive, she in turn will be able to persuade Taylor."

"I've tried to get Sophie to join us and failed," said Nils. "Do you think you can succeed where I failed?"

"Yes," said Chloe, with a grin. "I know her weakness."

"You wanted to see me?" said Sophie, entering Chloe's quarters.

"Yes, Sophie, come in," said Chloe, watching the door close behind her. She smiled. When Sophie left her quarters, she would do so as part of the Hive, with a rider on her back. "How are you doing?"

"I am fine," said Sophie.

"How are the negotiations going?" Chloe asked.

"They are progressing," said Sophie. "I have work to do. Will you now tell me the real reason you called me here?"

"Blunt as always. I appreciate that," said Chloe. "So I shall be blunt as well. Have you noticed the increasing amounts of time Captain Taylor has been spending with Susan Cleary?"

"No," said Sophie.

"I thought Passive Observers are trained not to lie," said Chloe.

"I observed it, but didn't think it was worthwhile to notice," said Sophie.

"I see," said Chloe. "She's wearing him down. We both know that. They've probably had sex already, or if they haven't, they will soon. How do you feel about that?"

"I have no feelings at all in that regard." Sophie stared straight ahead.

"Now I know you're lying," said Chloe. "You have intense feelings for Taylor. Everyone knows it."

"We... we cannot be together," said Sophie. "So what the Captain does and who he does it with does not matter."

"I see," said Chloe. "And what if I told you that you could be with the Captain?"

Sophie's eyes perked up. "With him?"

"Not just for a day. Not just for a week. For the rest of your lives," said Chloe.

"That's not possible," said Sophie. "Our job assignments keep us apart-"

"Forget about job assignments, Sophie. Job assignments are no longer relevant. The Foreign Service is no longer relevant. Even the Survey Service is no longer relevant," said Chloe.

"Then what is relevant?" Sophie asked.

"I'll show you," said Chloe. She stood up and pulled off her dayshirt. Then she turned around and showed Sophie her rider. She felt a wave of satisfaction when the normally cool, calm, and collected Passive Observer gasped.

"What is that?"

"This?" said Chloe. "This is my rider."

Sophie stared at the pulsating creature lodged between Chloe's shoulder blades. "That's the wrongness Captain Taylor sensed."

"Wrongness? More like a rightness," said Chloe. "Our riders free us to love one another. It is love itself."

"It... removes your inhibitions?" said Sophie.

"Yes," said Chloe. "If you took one, and the Captain took one, you'd be lovers forever."

Lovers forever.

Suddenly Sophie remembered her Future Prediction, the one she had paid Moudy's so much money for six months ago. She had been told that if she quit the Survey Service and joined the Foreign Service that she and Taylor would be together for the rest of their lives. She didn't understand how one could lead to the other... but now she did.

Sophie remembered when she had been with Taylor on the planet New Eden. Both of their bodies had been genetically reengineered to turn them into plant people. It was only under alien control that the two of them could have a sexual relationship. Then she remembered their shared experience on the alien space station. They had been coerced by an alien species into having sex to produce a new breed of humanity. Both times it had taken alien influence, and alien control, for Sophie and Taylor to be together.

And now she was being offered it a third time.

It must be connected to her Future Prediction. It had to be! If Sophie hadn't joined the Foreign Service, she never would have been picked for this mission. She never would have gone to Sirius Minor and encountered these riders. This is what her Future Prediction had meant. To have Taylor and to be with him... she must take a rider. And so must he.

Sophie swallowed heavily. "These riders... they control your mind?"

"They guide us," said Chloe carefully.

"They control you," said Sophie bluntly. "That's the price I will have to pay, the price we will have to pay, isn't it? They will control our minds and our bodies... but Taylor and I will be together. Is that correct?"

"Yes," said Chloe. "You will both become slaves of the Hive Mind, but you will love every minute of it, I promise you. I gave myself voluntarily to it, as you will. As the Captain will, once you join us. So Sophie, what will it be? You can rush out of here right now and inform the Captain. I won't stop you. But if you do, you will never have the chance to be with him, not ever. So what will you do?"

Sophie swallowed heavily. She was being asked to make a decision which would affect the rest of her life. And the rest of Taylor's life! She felt an extreme tightness in her chest. She knew where her duty lay, but she didn't want to follow her duty. She wanted Taylor. And she could have him... if she and him gave up control of their mind, and their bodies, and their lives.

"You're sure of this?" Sophie asked. "If we surrender ourselves... both of us will always be together?"

"If you obey the Hive in all things, you will be together, always. And the Hive never breaks a promise," said Chloe, even as a little voice in her head whispered, promises to slaves have no validity.

Sophie nodded thickly.

"You'll do it?" said Chloe.

Sophie nodded again.

"You'll take a rider?"

Sophie nodded once more. "Yes," she managed to croak, her voice choked with emotion.

"Very good. Take off your shirt, please."

Sophie, with trembling hands, removed her dayshirt. She saw Chloe opening up a container and pulling out a small pulsating yellow-brown circle.

"Is that-"

"Your rider, yes," said Chloe.

"It's smaller than yours," said Sophie.

"Riders come in all sizes," Chloe smiled. "Now turn around and lean against the wall, palms out, dear."

Sophie's arms were trembling as she leaned against the wall. She felt Chloe's finger running along her horizontal breast control collar strap in back. "You have a such a delicious body. You're going to make such a wonderful slave."

"Just get on with it," said Sophie tensely.

"As you request, my dear," said Chloe. "Take a deep breath. Good. Now take another. Now say, 'I want a rider. I want to be ridden."

"I want a rider. I want to be ridden," said Sophie. Her entire body was shaking.

"Louder!" Chloe grinned.

"I want a rider! I want to be ridden!" said Sophie. "I want a rider! I want-" suddenly she stiffened and gasped as something warm and clammy touched her back. She grabbed her head. "My head, my head! I feel things moving inside my head!"

Chloe stared at her dispassionately. Sophie slowly settled down, lowering her arms. Her face was blank.

"What are you?"

"I am Hiveflesh," said Sophie.

"What is your purpose?"

"To incubate eggs, and grow the Hive," said Sophie.

"Good, very good," said Chloe. "Kiss me."

Sophie leaned forward and pressed her lips against Chloe. Chloe frowned. "You can do better than that. Take off your clothes."

Sophie quickly and efficiently got undressed. So did Chloe. She admired Sophie's nude body, her heavy tits without a hint of sag, and the bushy pubic triangle between her legs.

"What an incredible body you have," said Chloe, as Sophie stood stiffly at attention. She reached out and casually touched one of her tits. "Nuclear implants?"

"Yes," said Sophie.

"I thought so," Chloe grinned. "We are going to have the most wonderful time together." Sophie was now a slave of the Hive. Chloe could do anything to her, anything she liked. "Come here," Chloe commanded.

Sophie flew into her arms.

"Now feel what a real kiss is like," she said, grinding her lips against Sophie.

As Chloe kissed her, Sophie felt her rider pumping her with intense arousal. She wrapped her arms around Chloe and kissed her strongly, passionately, grinding her body against the blonde woman strongly.

Chloe grinned when she pulled back. "Have you ever been with another woman before?"

"On rare occasions," said Sophie simply.

"I thought so," said Chloe. "And now, let the first lesson begin."

Chloe and Sophie made love. Sophie's rider filled her with attraction and she simply gave in to it. She knew that her rider would make her do many things and this was only the first of them. As Chloe ground her breasts and pubis against Sophie she told her what lay in store for her in the future.

"I'm going to enjoy melting that icy exterior of yours," said Chloe, rubbing her cuntlips against Sophie's. "I'm going to enjoy seeing your self-repression disappear and see you become a truly sexually liberated woman. You're going to be made to fuck men, many men, and probably women too."

"No," Sophie gasped.

"It is inevitable. You belong to the Hive now," said Chloe. "You will have your precious Captain Taylor. Once he joins us he will be given to you as a reward, like candy to an obedient child. But to earn that reward you must obey the Hive in all things!"

"Oooh!" Sophie gasped, as her cunt was sexually stimulated.

"Kiss me!" said Chloe. "If you want to be enslaved, kiss me now!"

Sophie leaned forward and gave Chloe an incredible kiss, grinding her lips against her captor. She rubbed her heavy nuclear tipped breasts against her as well. Chloe groaned with pleasure. She squeezed one of Sophie's heavy breasts possessively. "You are mine," she whispered. "Mine, mine, all mine!"

Sophie exited Chloe's quarters hand in hand with Chloe. Both were clothed once more. Chloe had a wide smile on her face while Sophie's was blank. Chloe had experienced an incredible orgasm, her master's reward for bringing Sophie into the Hive, but Sophie hadn't yet been rewarded as such by her own master. That would come during her training.

Captain Taylor happened to walk by and blinked in astonishment when he saw the two coming out of Chloe's quarters hand in hand. "What's happening here?"

"What's happening, Captain, is that I am escorting Sophie to the next round of negotiations," said Chloe.

"I thought Lieutenant Penfold was escorting you, Sophie," said Taylor.

"I took over for him," said Chloe.

Taylor looked at Sophie. "Sophie, are you all right with this?" The two were holding hands. Sophie had no interest in Chloe. What was going on here?

Sophie felt Chloe's eyes on her. She also felt her rider on her back, pumping her, telling her exactly what to say. "I'm fine, Captain. Are you going to your next meeting with Susannah Barrington?"

"No... I have some facts and figures to go over first. I'll join you later."

"I'm sure you will," said Chloe.

Chloe took Sophie not to the Executive Office Tower but to the North Building and the Hive. Sophie obediently took off her clothes in the alcove room as Chloe did and let Chloe lead her deeper into the Hive. They passed by rooms of men and women fucking each other, of women being experimented on by men with Insect heads and enormous penises. Sophie observed them without comment, but she passively observed every detail.

And then Chloe brought her before the Hive Mind. Even Sophie, the trained Passive Observer, gasped when she saw the forty foot tall enormous black ball with giant eyes. "What is it?" she breathed.

"This is our master. The Hive Mind," said Chloe. "Come, come forward. It so wants to meet you."

Sophie's body was trembling as her rider urged her forward. She felt so naked, so helpless as those giant dark eyes stared down at her heavy breasts and dark, furry pubis for a long moment. Then she heard a booming voice in her head.

Sophie Astor, we are told that you joined us freely, of your own accord. Is this so?

"Yes... Master," she said.

You will be trained and obey us in all things.

"Yes, Master," said Sophie.

A harsh white spotlight played over her body. It focused on her left tit, then her right, then descended to her groin. Sophie gasped as she felt her cunt being crudely stimulated.

This one has a pleasing body. She will be most useful for our purposes.

"Exactly my thought, Master," said Chloe. "I look forward to training her."

No. That task will be given to another.


Nils stepped forward. "I have been given that distinct honor. Hello again, Sophie."

"Hello, Nils," said Sophie blankly.

Brand her and begin her training at once.

"Yes, Master," said Nils. He kneeled down in front of Sophie. "Spread your legs, please."

Sophie immediately obeyed, spreading her legs before Nils... and the Hive Mind, who was still watching her with those enormous dark eyes which made her shiver.

"You have such a sexy body, Sophie. What big tits! I really like the look of them. I know I will enjoy having you," said Nils, looking downwards to admire her fleshy cuntlips.

"I will obey... as long as I am given my reward," Sophie said.

"You will get your reward, I assure you. Your reward, and much more," said Nils, raising a green cone shaped device in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked.

"Stand very still. Do not move."
Next page: Chapter 19.3
Previous page: Chapter 19.1