Chapter 19.3

Sophie cried out as she felt incredible heat between her legs. Then, even as the tears were streaming down her cheeks, the pain was gone. "What have you done to me?"


Sophie bent her head downwards. There was a green glowing symbol above her cunt, an upside down U with a dot in it. "What is it?"

"It is your Slave Mark," said Nils. "It marks you as a slave of the Hive, which you shall be for the rest of your life."

The permanence of what she had just done suddenly sank down on her. Perhaps a rider could be removed. But a glowing tattoo was for life. Marked by the Hive.

Sophie looked at the glowing symbol on Nils' penis and the one between Chloe's legs. "You each are marked with different symbols."

"We each have been assigned different purposes," said Nils. "Chloe has been marked as a propagator, to bring people into the Hive. I have been marked as an inseminator."

"And me?" Sophie asked, looking down at the upside down U with the dot in it.

Nils took her by the arms. "And you... you are slated for reproduction."

"Reproduction?" Sophie's eyebrows shot up.

"You have been given the most important assignment of any slave in the Hive." Nils eyes met her own. "Reproduction. When the time is right, you will be filled with Hivelife, and made to expand the Hive."

"No!" Sophie cried.

"Yes!" said Nils, grabbing her arm tightly. "The time for choices is past! You made your choice, Sophie! And from now on, your choices will be made for you!" He suddenly held a device in his hand.

"What is that?" Sophie asked.

"I am going to pierce your labia," Nils explained.

"No!" Sophie cried. She tried to run, but her feet were stuck in the ground.

Nils looked her in the eye and said, "Momomomomomomomom!"

Sophie immediately stiffened. "Momomomomomomom!" she cried.

Nils nodded with satisfaction. He reached down and inserted her thick, fleshy labia into his device. Sophie groaned as her labia was pierced. Nils smiled as he inserted and affixed the chain. Then he stood up.

Sophie blinked as awareness returned to her. She felt a throbbing pain in her vulva which her rider was quickly suppressing. She looked down and fondled the green gem hanging from her bushy cunt lips. "What is this?"

"It's your tracker. So the Hive will always know where you are," said Nils. He smiled as he saw her look of horror. "Come. We must begin your training." Nils pulled her down to the spongy ground on top of her. His penis was long and hard. "Insert me into yourself."

Sophie bit her lip. She was being asked to have sex with Nils under the terrifying gaze of the Hive Mind. Comply, she heard in her mind, as her rider inflated on her back.

Sophie slowly inserted Nils' penis into her vagina. She winced as she took him inside her. He was big, she judged, perhaps even bigger than Taylor. She began to pole up and down on his shaft, not entirely of her own accord.

"And now your training begins," said Nils, giving a tight smile.

"You want to be controlled by the Hive," said Nils.

"I want to be controlled by the Hive," Sophie repeated. She had been made to ride up and down on Nils' penis for what seemed like a long time. Her rider had carefully controlled her arousal, not allowing her to climax but keeping her steadily aroused, in constant need. The strain of that was taking a toll on her. Sophie wiped sweat off her forehead.

"You want your rider to grow stronger on your back and in your mind," said Nils.

"I... I want my rider to grow stronger on my back and in my mind," Sophie gasped, as she felt her rider inflating and deflating on her back.

"You say the word, but soon you'll mean it," said Nils, as if he knew something she didn't. "As your rider absorbs your sexual energy, it will take more and more control of your mind."

Sophie gave him a wide eyed look, as if she was having second thoughts of what she had volunteered for.

"You will bring Taylor into the Hive," said Nils.

"I will bring Taylor into the Hive," said Sophie, her breasts bouncing up and down as she obediently impaled herself on Nils' penis.

"You will make love to him and give him a rider."

"I will make love to him and give him a rider," Sophie said, as her cunt was stuffed full of a strange man's penis. Would Taylor ever forgive what she was about to do to him? Would he ever understand?

"You will incubate Hive creatures inside your womb," said Nils.

Sophie gasped, and shook her head.

Nils' eyes blazed. "You will grow Hivelife inside your womb, and give birth to the next generation which will enslave humanity!"

Sophie shook her head. "No!" she said feebly, even as she continued to ride Nils' penis hard.

"Do you still want Captain Taylor?" Nils demanded.

"Yes!" she cried, as Nils' penis speared her fleshy cuntlips yet again.

"Then say it! Say it, or you'll never have him, not ever!"

Sophie grimaced. She felt terrible dissonance inside of her. But she also felt her rider pushing her on, encouraging her to say and do more. Don't you want him? Don't you want to be with your lover? it asked her.

"Yes!" Sophie cried, as she plunged down hard on Nils' cock once more. "I want to incubate Hivelife! I want to give birth to the next generation... which will enslave humanity!" She looked up at the Hivemind, which was staring at her with big, dark eyes. Somehow she sensed a faint glow of satisfaction.

"Good," said Nils. "Soon you'll mean it. Soon you'll want to. Soon you'll beg for the honor of it." His smile was the most terrifying thing of all.

"How are you doing, Sophie?" Taylor asked.

It had been three days since Sophie had been taken by the Hive. Every day she had obediently reported to the Hive on her own, to further her training. In the beginning she was made to ride on Nils' enormous cock, repeating the key phrases as she helped her rider grow. She was well aware that her sexual energy was being used to help the parasite on her back grow and mature. She could feel it a bit stronger each day, making "suggestions" which were harder and harder to control. Soon she would be under its total control. She realized Nils had been right; at some point, her rider would exert so much control over her that she would want to obey. She would even beg to do so.

As a Passive Observer Sophie had noticed she was beginning to change. By the morning of the third day she felt her rider growing bones, which were beginning to press into her back. She saw the liquidy bumps which Nils had told her was unabsorbed energy that her rider was digesting more slowly; once those bumps went down, her rider would grow even stronger on her back and in her mind. And on the third morning Sophie stood there, not merely looking at her rider, but actually preening in the mirror. She admired the combination of her heavy breasts, her well rounded ass, and the rider on her back in profile. She fondled the green gem dangling from her hairy cuntlips, below the glowing green tattoo above her cuntlips which marked her as a slave of the Hive. She looked so incredibly sexy!

"What am I thinking?" Sophie told the mirror. "This thing is a parasite which wants to control my mind!"

"But it loves you, and you love it," said Sophie.

"Who said that?" said Sophie.

"You did," said Sophie.

"I did?" said Sophie.

"The new Sophie... which is being made within you," said Sophie. She winked at herself. "Better get dressed, dear. You'll be late for your training."

Sophie obediently reported to the Hive without an escort. Now that she had a rider she had no need of an escort. The Hive knew that she was under their control. She took off her clothes and reported to the Auditorium. The Hive Mind stared down at her heavy breasts and dark pubic triangle and she shuddered. And yet, her pussylips also tingled, as if part of her was becoming aroused. A growing part of her wanted to perform for the Hive Mind, Sophie realized. And that part of her, the new Sophie, was growing stronger every day.

"Hello, Sophie," said Nils. "Are you ready to continue your training?"

"Am I!" Sophie reached out and gave Nils a big kiss, grinding her pubis against his erection. Why had she done that? A part of her was beginning to like it.

Nils grinned as he too noticed the changes in her. "I see you're eager to begin. Come!"

Today's training was different. After riding up and down on Nils' shaft for two hours and obediently repeating the key phrases, Sophie had been handed over to the Enrichment Chamber. There the work had been easier; Sophie was allowed to lie on her back while men took her. Many men. Nils told her that she needed this supplemental effort to help her rider mature as quickly as possible. Sophie lay there obediently, her knees lifted and her leg spread, as one man at a time used her body for sexual pleasure, while a line of men stood behind him patiently waiting for their turn, their faces blank, their erections hard.

"This is what it means to serve the Hive, Sophie," said Nils.

"I... understand," said Sophie, as nameless man number twelve speared her widely spread cuntlips. By now her vulva was overflowing with sperm, but none of the men seemed to mind. "My body was made to serve." She rubbed her upside down U Slave Mark. "I am marked for reproduction."

"Yes you are," said Nils approvingly as he watched Sophie obediently lie there while her body was jolted again and again. As Sophie was fucked over and over, her thoughts strayed to the man she was doing this for... the man she loved.

"Sophie, do you hear me?" Taylor repeated.

"What?" Sophie blinked. She was in a corridor of the Immortal looking at Captain Taylor. "Captain? Yes, of course," she smiled nervously at him. To look at her one would never have known what Sophie was doing just hours earlier. Her hair was perfectly combed. Her uniform was spotless. She looked completely at peace with herself. No one could have ever guessed that she had spent all day fucking 22 men in a dark chamber, even as her cunt was still sticky with load upon loads of anonymous sperm.

"How are you doing?" Taylor asked again.

"I'm fine, Captain. Why do you ask?" said Sophie.

Taylor screaned her. He sensed the same wrongness in Sophie which he had sensed in Chloe. "I went looking for you today during a break I took with Susannah. You weren't there."

"Yes," said Sophie. She felt words appear in her head. "Nils... Nils took me for a walk."


"Why interesting?" Sophie asked.

"Well, first Nils appeared to take an interest in Chloe. That's when I sensed a wrongness in her. Then he takes an interest in you. And now I sense the same wrongness in you," said Taylor.

"Do you?" said Sophie. Half of her was in a panic, but her rider quickly filled her with icy calm. "Do you think I could be as dangerous as the planet of the sea monkeys?"

"Sophie, something is going on here, something I can barely perceive or understand," said Taylor.

Sophie paused, and playfully put her arms around him. "The only thing that is going on here, my dear Captain, is that you're looking for a problem which doesn't exist. You're always prepared for the worst. That's an excellent attribute for a starship captain. But there are also times when you need to stand down, to calm down." Her hands played over his arms slowly. "Tell me, Michael. have you had sex with Susan yet?"

Taylor bit his lip. He shouldn't talk about this with anyone. But Sophie- "Not yet," he said tensely.

"Maybe you should," she said, winking at him. Then she walked away, wiggling her hips.

Now Taylor was convinced there was something wrong with her.

"There's something wrong with her," Taylor repeated.

"Um hm," said Susan, kissing him passionately. Both their shirts were off, and Susan's breast control collar with the Survey Service spaceship and sun logo on each cup was pressing impatiently against his chest.

"I can sense it," Taylor said, between kisses.

"I can sense it too!" said Susan. She turned around. "Undo me, please?"

"Why is it that you can put it on but you need me to take it off?" he asked

"I like it better when you do it," she grinned. Susan's grin grew broader as Taylor released the snap and her breasts came free. She turned around and smiled at him. "Did you miss these?" she asked, cupping them with her hands.

"Yes. But I tell you again, something is wrong with Sophie."

Susan's patience came to an abrupt end. "The only thing wrong with Sophie is that she's not getting fucked. By you, sir! Neither am I, by the way!" She squeezed her tits. "Now, do you like these, or should I pack them up and go home?" She stuck out her lower lip, pouting mockingly.

Taylor took a deep breath. "Susan... your breasts are beautiful!"

"Talk is cheap, sir!" she said, putting her hands on her hips.

Taylor started to stroke her tits from the bottom up. "Susan... they're... their gorgeous... they excite me so much!" And then, for the very first time, he leaned down and started to suck one of her nipples.

"Oh Michael!" She grabbed his head, and messed up his hair. "Oh Michael oh Michael oh Michael!"

The rest of their clothes were rapidly discarded. Susan pushed him down on the couch, and started to play with his penis. Taylor smiled and kissed her tenderly. In the space of a few short weeks he had come to accept it, all of it: undressing and being undressed by his second officer, kissing and fondling her, and, most recently, masturbating each other to completion. Susan was proud of the progress she had made with him. But Susan wanted more.

She gave him a sly smile as she started to fist his penis. "Oh, Susan!" he gasped.

"I like the way you smile at me while I touch you," said Susan. "It really turns me on!"

"It does?" said Taylor.

"Yessss," said Susan. She stared at his erect cock, standing proudly at attention between his legs. "It makes me want to do other things for you, to make you even happier."

"Like what?" said Taylor.

"Like this!" said Susan, as she moved her head downwards.

"Susan, no!" Taylor cried. But he was too late. Susan's lips engulfed the head of his noble rod. Taylor's resistance fled. He groaned as he grabbed tightly to her shoulders. "Oh Susan! Susan Susan Susan!" he cried.

Susan let his wet penis pop out of her mouth. "Want me to stop, my dear Captain?"

Taylor looked at her thick, red blowjob lips. He shouldn't, but.... he shook his head.

Susan laughed and resumed her work. She had beaten him! Susan looked up slyly at him as she sucked on his penis once more. The sight of Susan's thick, juicy red lips sandwiching his cock was almost as arousing as the tactile feeling on the head of his penis itself. Susan had incredible blowjob lips! It stunned Taylor that he had never realized this before.

"Oh... oh Susan... oh Susan!" Taylor cried. Suddenly he realized just how beautiful his second officer was. Her gorgeous red hair, her bright green eyes, her high cheekbones, and those luscious lips! Taylor realized that he was more than just terribly attracted to her. Much more!

"Susan... oh... oh... oh... I think I love you!" he cried.

Susan's eyebrows shot up, but she kept sucking.

"Oooooh!" Taylor cried again. The stimulation on the head of his penis was incredible. What Susan was doing for him was so intimate, so loving, as she held his penis in her gentle hand and sucked her darling Captain off. "I love you!" he said again. "I love you, Susan!"

She didn't respond, couldn't respond, but Taylor saw how pleased she was by her eyes. She started to suck him more vigorously, tightening the seal of her luscious thick lips around his shaft.

"Oh Susan... I'm going to come! Pull out, Susan! Pull out now!" Taylor cried.

Susan's eyebrows furled and she shook her head minutely. She actually wanted him to come on her tongue, to have him come inside her for the very first time, to have him mark her as his woman, in every way she could.

Taylor was powerfully aroused by her attraction to him. Susan's love for him, her lust for him, pushed him over the edge.

"Susan, I love you!" he cried again, as his penis exploded and pulsated in her mouth. One, two, three, four, five, six. Taylor felt immense shame and relief as he climaxed inside of her. The feeling of tension draining from his cock and balls was so amazing. He sighed and leaned back against the couch as if he had just run a marathon.

It was only then that Susan released his spent organ with a pop. Now that his penis had done its dirty work, it was small and shrunken and red.

Susan still didn't speak, climbing up to him and pressing her lips against his. Taylor felt her tongue thrust into his mouth, the same tongue which was coated with his seed. Susan shared Taylor's own exquisite taste with him, her tongue dancing with his, as she hugged him tightly and groaned with satisfaction.

Afterwards she lay in his arms, as both of them enjoyed the post-coital glow.

"That was something," said Taylor.

"An amazing something," Susan grinned.

"I stand corrected," said Taylor.

She looked up at him. "Did you really mean it?"


She shoved him. "You know what!"

"Yes," said Taylor, a very serious tone. "I love you, Susan Clearly." And he grabbed her and kissed her passionately for a very long embrace, to show how much he meant it.

Sophie continued to report to the Hive for slave training. She felt her rider growing on her back and in her mind. She could feel the bones pressing more insistently against her back. Her Slave Mark fascinated her, and she would sit with her legs spread and caress it. She also played with the gem hanging from her cuntlips, admiring its simplistic beauty. Sophie found her ambivalence to her new master slowly fading, replaced with acceptance and even adulation. Sophie's rider sang to her when she was most helpless, in her dreams, songs of love and affection, and by the fifth day Sophie realized she was starting to love it, just as Nils had predicted.

As Sophie enjoyed a brief break she was given one morning, she happened to observe the ending for Joanna Harris.

Joanna stood naked in front of her family alongside a second woman who looked exactly like her.

"There are two of them?" Sophie asked.

"One of them is her replacement," said Nils, as he squeezed her titty. "Watch."

Joanna's daughter Julie was sniffling as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Mom, don't go!" she cried.

"It's what the Hive wants, dear," said Joanna gently. They both wore double banded riders, but Joanna had always been much deeper into the Hive than her daughter.

"But you're going to be consumed!" said Julie. She turned to the Other Joanna. "Don't let it happen, please!"

"It's part of the natural cycle of life," said the Other Joanna, petting Julie's light brown hair gently. "Say goodbye to your husband and daughter, Jo."

Joanna hugged and kissed Daniel. "Goodbye, dear," she said.

Daniel simply grinned back at her. Since becoming double banded, he had become little more than an automaton. His rider had worn down all the rebellious instincts in him until his mind was as smooth as a marble.

Joanna hugged Julie, pressing her heavy breasts against her daughter's smaller, perkier ones. "Goodbye, darling! I'll miss you so much. The sex was incredible!" she said wistfully. "I'm glad we got the chance to explore each other's bodies."

"Yes... Yes Mom, I am too," said Julie, still sniffling.

"It's time to go, Joanna," said the Other Joanna gently.

"Yes, it is time," Joanna agreed. And then Julie watched as her mother slowly climbed the steps to the balcony. When she got there, she was level with the top of the Hive Mind's head. The head was completely open, and a sea of oily black goo bubbled vigorously there.

Jo's rider filled her with a sense of enormous contentment and self-satisfaction. She had given the Hive her mind and body. She had seduced her son and daughter and husband and now was about to make the ultimate sacrifice, to do the most important thing she had ever done. To be consumed. Her life would end, but the Hive would go on. That was all that was important.

And so, with a frozen smile on her lips Joanna stepped off the balcony, sinking into the top of the Hive Mind with a splash. There was a faint scream, and then barely a ripple.

"Mom!" Julie cried. "She's... she's gone!"

"No she's not, dear," said the Other Joanna. "Your Mom is right here inside." She tapped her chest. "I'm a new Joanna, made of all the best stuff of the old Joanna you knew and loved. Come, come and get comfort from me, dear." She hugged Julie, and then the hug turned into a kiss, and then the kiss turned into a passionate one. Julie's thick double banded rider inflated like a large sickly yellow-brown balloon, and she kissed the Other Joanna back.

The Other Joanna rubbed her fingertips against Julie's cuntlips. "What a beautiful vagina you have, my dear."

"T-thank you... M-Mom," Julie stammered.

The Other Joanna smiled and slowly inserted a finger. Julie gasped as she felt her clitoris being doubly stimulated, both by the Other Joanna and the rider on her back. She could feel its tendrils using her nervous system to make Joanna's touch ten times more powerful.

"Oh.. oh... oh Mom oh Mom!" Julie cried. As her mother, her new mother, fingered her, Julie embraced her and kissed her passionately.

"That's right, dear. We will be lovers, just like we have always been," said the Other Joanna. She pulled Julie down to the spongy ground so Julie and her mother, her new mother, could get better acquainted.

Sophie's jaw dropped open with disbelief. "What did I just witness?"

"It is the natural cycle of life," said Nils. He rubbed the upside down U with a dot on it. "When the time is right, Taylor will give you the seeds of life. Hivelife, which will replace your own."

"No," said Sophie, shaking her head.

"Yes," said Nils, grinning widely. He lay down on his back, with his enormous erection sticking up. Sophie wanted to resist, but it was too late. She felt compelled to insert his enormous cock inside her cunt again, and to start moving up and down.

"You want to grow Hivelife in your uterus," Nils intoned.

"I... I want to grow Hivelife in my uterus," said Sophie, as she felt his hardness impaling her.

"You want to grow Hivelife in your womb which will replace mankind."

Sophie winced and shook her head. But the rider on her back had grown too strong! "I... I want to grow Hivelife in my womb which will replace mankind." She gasped as Nils' thick penis moved in and out of her bushy cunt. The almost mature rider on her back dictated every move, every thrust.

She was Hiveflesh.

Two days later the inevitable happened. Sophie was fucking Nils hard, repeating every key phrase she was given without hesitation.

"I want to be use for reproduction!" she cried, looking beautiful as her heavy nuclear tipped tits bounced up and down.

"I want to breed Hivelife in my uterus!" she grimaced, as she felt something powerful happening on her back.

"I want to incubate alien eggs and make them grow big and strong!" said Sophie. Then her eyes went wide. "Nils! There's something happening on my back!"

"Something good I am thinking," Nils grinned, as he watched his enormous cock split her thick, red cuntlips again and again. "Keep going, Sophie!"

Sophie poled up and down, faster and faster. She could feel her rider bubbling furiously on her back. She felt it stronger in her mind, like a heavy curtain settling down over her. She stiffened and cried out. "Ooooooh!"

And then Sophie collapsed on top of him, still thickly impaled. She blinked slowly, as if coming out of a deep sleep.

"Sophie? Do you have something you want to tell me?" Nils asked.

"Yes!" said Sophie. "It's my rider!"

"What about it?"

"It loves me." Sophie blinked rapidly. "And it wants the best for me!"

"Yes, it does," said Nils. "And what is your main purpose in life?"

Sophie's eyes looked far away. "To bring my lover Michael Taylor into the Hive."

Nils smiled. She was ready.
Next page: Chapter 20
Previous page: Chapter 19.2