Chapter 20
Susan was ready.
No words had been spoken after her most recent sexual encounter with the Captain, but they both understood. It was as if they had come to a silent agreement: the next time they met, they would go all the way. All the way.
And Susan wanted that encounter to happen now. She stood idly at the entrance to the control room, waiting for the Captain to finish his routine inspection, waiting for him to notice her. He knew she was there, and, knowing Taylor, could probably guess the reason she was there. He saw her tapping her foot impatiently as he went from post to post, talking to the crew. Only when he was done did he turn to her.
"Is there something I can do for you, Susan?" he asked, staring at her frown.
"Yes Captain," she said. "I've been wanting to go over those inventories with you," she said, barely able to hide her anxiety. "Do you have time now?"
Taylor paused. He knew what she was asking for. He knew she wanted to have sex. To breach the final barrier between them. To finally, fully break Survey Service regulations about romantic relationships with junior officers. In truth, they had broken the regulation long, long ago, but once they had full sexual intercourse, there would be no turning back. Susan Cleary would be his lover.
He looked at her. She was so attractive, even in her dayshirt and pants with her bright red hair and green eyes and scowl on her face. He wanted her. So why not have her?
"Very well, Susan."
"In your quarters, sir?" she said, half pleading with her eyes and voice.
"Of course," said Taylor finally.
As the door closed behind them, Susan just stood there, staring at her Captain. She was so sexy with her red hair and bright green eyes. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. And then she started to remove her clothes without saying a word. Taylor followed her, a half-second later.
They both took off their dayshirts. "I can't wait for this," said Susan, turning around to let Taylor remove her breast control collar. She always loved to have Taylor remove it for her, even though she was quite capable of removing it on her own. As it sprang free, she turned around and said, "I've been waiting for this a long time," she said, kissing him lightly.
"I have too," said Taylor.
"You're the one who made it a long time coming," she said accusingly, as she took off her pants. Taylor did the same.
Susan took another deep breath as she hooked her thumbs into her underwear. The Survey Service spaceship and sun logo was emblazoned on it, emphasizing the organization whose rules they were about to flout. She pulled it down, revealing her red triangled cunt. Susan spread her legs to give Taylor a better view of her fleshy cuntlips, and put her arms on her hips in a very sexy way, as if challenging him to match her.
Taylor took a deep breath of his own. This was it, he thought. He slowly lowered his underwear and stepped out of it, revealing his long flaccid penis spilling down below his testicles. Now they were both completely nude.
"Better," said Susan, smiling for the first time. She flew into his arms and kissed him lovingly, grinding her pubis against his. "I thought I was going to go crazy waiting for this day to happen! All the little steps we took together, it was so exciting... so fun... but also immensely frustrating!"
"I know!" said Taylor, kissing her back, as he felt her pear shaped breasts pressing against him. "I'm sorry!"
"Don't be sorry!" she smiled up at him. "Simply be good!"
They kissed and hugged for several long moments. Susan ran her hands up and down his back and ass and Taylor did the same. Finally Susan said, "I can't wait any longer!"
Taylor nodded. He pulled her down to the bed, and got between her legs. He was already hard.
"Wait!" said Susan, as she saw him aim his penis.
"Wait?" said Taylor.
"Just for a moment," she said, smiling at him.
"What are you doing?" Taylor asked.
"Just looking!" said Susan. "I want to remember this image in my mind forever! Your big, long hard thing poised right outside of mine. It looks so long! It looks so sexy! I can't wait to have it in me!"
Taylor gave an embarrassed smile as he held his rod, poised to enter Susan's cuntlips. It was nice to be desired, he thought, as her hungry eyes ate him up. Finally Susan shook her head and gave a massive sighed. "All right! I'm ready!"
Taylor nodded and aimed his penis carefully. But he didn't enter her, not exactly. He started to rub the head of his penis against her clit.
"Oh!" said Susan. "Oh, oh, oh! What are you doing, Michael?"
"I think you know," Taylor grinned. "Your clit is like a little penis head, Susan. I'm simply rubbing my penis head against yours."
"Ooooooh!" Susan grabbed the bedsheets with her hands. "It feels incredible! I love you so much, Michael!"
"I love you too, Susan!" said Taylor. As he rubbed his cockhead against her clit, he relished the sight of Susan's sexy body being wracked with sexual pleasure. Susan's looked so beautiful when she was so strongly stimulated, so strongly lost in need. Her nipples were hard and erect and pointed. Her bright green eyes were filled with lust. Her mouth was open and "o" shaped. She was the very image of a sexually aroused woman.
"Put it in me, Honey!" she cried. "Pleaaaaase!"
"All right," said Taylor. The stimulation was working both ways and he wanted relief too! Taylor aimed his penis lower. "You're going to feel a little pressure."
"I already feel more than a little pressure! Just put it in me, Honey! Make love to me!" Susan cried.
Taylor smiled. The time had finally come! And then, just as he was about to move forward-
His doorway buzzed.
Susan and Taylor looked at each other.
"No," said Susan, her face falling.
The door buzzed again.
"Ignore it!" Susan whispered urgently.
They heard a thumping knock. "Captain, I need to talk to you!" came a familiar voice.
Susan's eyes grew wide. "No," she mouthed again.
"It's urgent!" came the voice.
A moment later Taylor's door opened. He stood there, wearing a bathrobe. "Sophie?" he said.
"Yes Captain," said Sophie. "I need to talk to you."
"Can this wait?" he said, indicating with his eyes.
"No," said Sophie. "It really can't." She stepped into his quarters, and saw Susan standing in the background, also wearing a bathrobe.
"Hello, Sophie," said Susan awkwardly.
"Hello... Susan," said Sophie, swallowing heavily.
There was a long pause.
"Sophie... needs to talk to me," said Taylor slowly. "We can... we can finish up later, Susan."
"I'd like that," said Susan curtly. She hurriedly balled up her clothes and walked briskly to the door, but not before glaring hard at Sophie. The door to his quarters slid shut behind her.
"I'm so sorry to have interrupted," said Sophie. "Did I catch you just before, or after?"
Taylor would not have answered that question for anyone else. But this was Sophie. "Just before," said Taylor, sitting down in his chair. "Right before. It was going to be our first time."
"I'm so sorry," said Sophie.
"No you're not," said Taylor.
"Maybe I'm not," Sophie admitted.
Taylor stared at her for a long moment. "What is this all about, Sophie?"
"It's about... us," said Sophie.
"There is no us," said Taylor.
"There could be," said Sophie.
"What do you mean?"
"We could be together. Would you like that?"
The question gave Taylor some pause. Sophie had just caught him red handed when he had been about to have sex with another woman. "What do you mean?"
"I mean together. Togetherness." She ran a hand over his arm.
"For tonight?"
"For forever," said Sophie, looking into his eyes.
"How?" Taylor asked, his eyes narrowing.
"You've been telling me for weeks that you've sensed something strange about the colonists," said Sophie.
"Yes," said Taylor.
"I've finally found out what that is," said Sophie.
"Really?" said Taylor. "And what is that?"
"Maybe... maybe it would be better if I just show you," she said. She lifted her dayshirt over her head. Underneath she wore her breast control collar, emblazoned with the logo of the Foreign Service on each cup, the symbol of a man bent over while another man entered him from behind.
"What are you going to show me, Sophie?"
"This." She turned around, to reveal the banded rider humping her back.
"What is that?" said Taylor, his eyes going wide.
"It... it is my rider," said Sophie.
Taylor stared at the round thing which was slowly inflating and deflating on Sophie's back. As it deflated, he saw a rigid bone structure clamping onto her. "I repeat my question," said Taylor. "What is it?"
"It is... love, pure love," said Sophie.
"Come on, Sophie, you can do better than that," said Taylor skeptically. "You're a Passive Observer, remember?"
"It... it is a creature attached to my body," said Sophie. "It influences my thoughts, to a certain degree."
"It controls you, you mean," said Taylor.
"To a certain degree," Sophie admitted. "It... unlocks my sexuality, my feelings, my ability to love. If you took one, we could be together."
"You want me to put one of those things on my back?" said Taylor incredulously.
"Do you love me?" Sophie said suddenly.
"Yes, but-"
"Do you want to be with me?" Sophie asked.
"More than anything," said Taylor.
"Then this is the way," said Sophie firmly. "Take a rider."
"Let me give you a rider," said Sophie. "Michael, do you remember my Future Prediction?"
"How could I forget it?"
"I was told if I quit the Survey Service and joined the Foreign Service that you and I would be together forever," said Sophie. "So I did, and here we are. This can't be coincidence. This is what my Future Prediction meant."
"That we will be together... with those things on our backs?" said Taylor.
"It's the only way," she said, running her hands over Taylor's chest. "This is our last chance, Michael." She kissed him softly. "You said you wanted to be with me more than anything, didn't you?"
"Yes! But consider the price, Sophie!"
"We'll have to obey our riders. And yes, we will be under their control. But we'll be together! They promised us!" Sophie's eyes were wide and needy.
"What about the Survey Service?" Taylor asked.
"What about it?" said Sophie.
"If I take one of these things, it will undoubtedly infiltrate the Survey Service," said Taylor.
"So what?" said Sophie, kissing him again.
"So what?" Taylor repeated.
"What has the Survey Service done to keep your loyalty?" Sophie demanded. "It's become corrupted by radical ideology. Promoting people based on race, sex, and gender rather than on competence and ability. Berating you constantly for not conforming to their new irrational and discriminatory dictates. Trust me, Michael, the Service doesn't deserve your loyalty! It doesn't deserve you! Now, do you want me... or do you want the Survey Service?"
She looked up at him with such intense longing in his eyes that Taylor thought he might melt.
Taylor took a deep breath. He was being asked to make the biggest decision of his life. Instinctually he reached out with his screaning ability once more. It seemed to calm him. He felt feelings filling his brain, wisps of ideas floating by that he couldn't quite put a name to, but wisps of ideas which gave him a feeling of contentment. A feeling of confidence.
He looked at Sophie. He loved her so much! The answer, then, was a simple one.
"They promised we'll always be together?" he asked hesitantly.
Sophie nodded.
"Then... all right," he took a deep breath. "I'll do it."
"You'll... take a rider?"
Taylor took a deep breath and shuddered. "Yes. I will... take a rider."
Sophie rapidly finished undressing. Taylor gasped as he saw her heavy nuclear tipped breasts freed from her enormous breast control collar. Ever since Sophie had gotten cold fusion implants were breasts had gotten bigger and didn't have more than a hint of sag. Next she removed her pants. The last thing were her panties, also emblazoned with the Foreign Service's logo, the symbol of one man having ass sex with another who was bending forward. It was thought to be a symbol of progressiveness. As Sophie took off her panties, he saw her dark pubic triangle and fleshy cunt lips. How he had missed those!
Then the only barrier which remained was Taylor's own bathrobe. He removed it, and stood completely nude in front of his former lover. Sophie's smile grew wide as she looked him over. "I haven't seen this for a while," she said, cupping his penis and balls.
"Did you miss it?" Taylor asked.
"Yes, I did, very much," She said, giving him a wet kiss while still cupping him possessively.
"Ummm," said Taylor.
"Ummm indeed," said Sophie. And then she got down on her knees and slowly inserted him into her mouth.
"Sophie!" Taylor cried, as his lover started to suck his cock. "You didn't use to do that!"
"There's a lot of things I didn't use to do!" said Sophie, between sucks. "The Hive has unshackled my sexuality! As it will soon unshackle yours!"
Taylor couldn't help but get aroused as he saw Sophie on her knees, sucking the head of his cock. Her hazel eyes stared up at him lovingly as she sexually stimulated him. He saw the rider on her back inflating into a yellow-brown mass. It was that creature which was making her do this. He didn't know whether to be alarmed... or grateful. Soon enough he would have one on his own back making him do things too.
The thought of that didn't stop him from enjoying what Sophie was doing. On the contrary, some part of him he'd rather not admit to was actually pleased to see Sophie, under the influence of an alien creature, sucking him off so submissively. Sophie had always been a sensual woman, in private, but never a submissive one. This was a new side of her, one that Taylor's penis, if not Taylor himself, was increasingly learning to appreciate.
Sophie rolled her eyes at him and winked in such a sexy way. Suddenly she pulled out with a pop revealing Taylor's glistening hard penis.
"You're ready," she declared.
"Ready for what?" Taylor asked.
"We must have sex, and I must be on top," Sophie declared. "You will stimulate me to help my rider reproduce and make a baby rider for you."
"Swell," said Taylor, making a face.
"It really will be," Sophie grinned, standing up as her heavy breasts bounced, her nipples red and pointed straight at him.
Taylor's eyes widened as he saw her pubis. "What are those things between your legs?" Taylor asked. "You have a glowing tattoo of some kind. And some kind of chain...."
Sophie smiled and fingered the green gem hanging from her furry cuntlips by a slender chain. "This is my tracking device. It lets the Hive know where I am at all times."
"And you don't have a problem with that?" Taylor asked, staring both at the sparkling gem and the cuntlips it was attached to.
"Of course not!" said Sophie. "The Hive cares about my safety and welfare."
"I'm sure it does," said Taylor dryly. "And the glowing mark above your... your...."
"My cunt?" Sophie said. She fingered the glowing upside down U above her pussylips. "This is my Slave Mark, Michael." She smiled slyly and winked at him in a most un-Sophielike way.
"Your Slave Mark?" said Taylor. "What does that mean, Sophie?"
She wrapped her arms around him. "Each slave is marked for a specific purpose, designated by the Hive." She kissed him tenderly.
"And what does your mark mean?"
"That I am meant to be fucked." Her hazel eyes sparkled with alien magic. "That I am mean to be used for reproduction." She said it in such a sexy way! When she kissed him, Taylor felt a tingling in his already stiff penis.
Sophie looked at him with her big dark eyes. "If you obey the Hive, you may be selected to impregnate me. Does that please you?"
"I... yes," Taylor gulped.
Sophie smiled and gave him the wettest of kisses. Taylor groaned with delight.
"I think you're ready," she smiled. She eased him down on his back. His erection stood straight up, making her wet for more. Sophie mounted him, her green gem swinging back and forth between her thighs as it hung by a slender chain from her hairy cunt lips. Sophie took his penis in hand and took a deep breath. She felt a tremendous sense of anticipation as she prepared to make him part of the Hive. This is what my master wants, Sophie thought, as she slowly slid Taylor into her. And so do I.
"Ahhhhh!" said Taylor, as she sunk down on him.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" said Sophie, as she slowly moved up again.
"Yeahhhh," Taylor grinned, enjoying the sight of Sophie's thick, red cuntlips grasping his cock as it slowly reappeared, inch by inch below her. "It's been too long!"
"I agree!" said Sophie, slowly moving down again. "And I'm afraid it's been my fault," she said. "But the Hive has fixed that. The Hive has fixed me. And soon it will fix you." She stared at him with an alien gleam in her eye.
"Sophie... it's an enormous price we're going to pay to be together," said Taylor, watching his long, thick penis disappear between her cuntlips once more. The green alien character above Sophie's cuntlips glowed brightly, symbolizing the alien control over her mind and body.
"Would you rather be anywhere else, with anyone else?" she asked, as she rotated her hips in a circle.
"No!" Taylor groaned. "Nowhere and no one!"
"Good!" Sophie said. "Neither would I." She smiled adoringly at him as she ground his penis head deep inside her.
Taylor looked at his lover. She had become something else, someone else, a new, overly sexualized version of Sophie, a tool being used to bring him into the Hive. "Sophie, did you fight them when you got taken?"
"No!" said Sophie joyfully, as her vagina was stuffed full of Taylor's cock. "I gave myself freely! It was the price to get you, and I paid it gladly!"
Somehow Taylor was convinced that Sophie was telling the truth. The Hive had seduced Sophie by promising her Taylor; and now the Hive had also seduced him by promising him Sophie. It was using the natural bonds of affections between lovers to take control of him both. Taylor frowned as he instinctively resisted being manipulated like this. But he also gasped as he felt Sophie's frictioning cunt massaging his cock. He had missed this so much!
Sophie started to move faster now, moving up and down more rapidly. "I've waited so long for this to happen!" Incredibly, tears started to stream down her cheeks. She gave Taylor a look of intense longing. Her heavy breasts started to bounce as her rider bubbled up on her back. She started to pant heavily.
"Sophie... what's happening?" Taylor asked.
"My... my rider is starting to reproduce," she said. This was Sophie's first reproduction. She felt immensely proud. She had no idea how to do it or what must be done to make a new rider; all she did was to do what came naturally to her. It was one of the Hive's many gifts. "You're going to be such a prize for the Hive. They want you very badly," she said, gasping as her glistening thighs moved up and down around him.
"What do they want me for?" Taylor asked.
"To use you to control the Immortal," said Sophie. "You will be used to bring the crew into the Hive."
"No!" said Taylor. "Sophie, I won't do it!"
Her eyes narrowed. "Surely you must have known the price to be paid. Surely even you can't be that naive," she said. Sophie gasped again. "Michael... my rider's starting to split!"
"Stop it, Sophie! Don't let it happen!" said Taylor.
"I... I can't!" Sophie cried. Suddenly she felt a viscous fluid stream down her backside and enter her asshole. It acted as a catalyst which spurred Sophie to pound up and down more rapidly. Her increased exertions gave her rider the energy it needed to finish splitting. Suddenly, where there had been one there was now two, a smaller banded rider and a brand new immature one. Sophie's eyes rolled up into her head and her body shuddered as her master rewarded her with a massive orgasmic wave.
Reproduction had occurred!
"Sophie! Sophie, are you all right?" Taylor cried.
Sophie's large nuclear tipped breasts heaved as she panted heavily. Gradually, she recovered control of herself and her eyes returned to normal. "Yes, Michael."
"What happened?"
"Reproduction has occurred," she grinned wickedly.
Taylor's eyes widened as he saw a baby rider crawling down her right arm, the same right arm which was wrapped around the back of his neck. "No, Sophie, no!"
"It's too late now, Michael!" she said. "This is the only way we can be together. The only way! What will it be, Michael?"
Time seemed to slow down as Taylor watched the baby rider move inch by inch down his arm. He knew where it was going and what it would do when it got there. His mind and body would slowly fall under the control of an alien creature on his back. That was the price to pay to be with Sophie.
How he loved her so much! How he missed her! If Sophie's Future Prediction was correct, this was the only way he could be with the. The only way!
Taylor screaned the baby rider, sensing the same wrongness he had sensed before. But he also felt something else he had screaned before. An odd kind of calmness, an odd kind of reassurance. Even as he was puzzling what it meant, the baby rider jumped from Sophie's hand onto his back.
"My head, my head!" Taylor grabbed his head. "I feel things moving in my head!"
Sophie felt another strong wave of sexual pleasure in her cunt as she watched her dearest lover, the man she loved more than anyone else in the world, being brought kicking and screaming into the Hive.
And then as she watched Taylor's face grew slack and his hands fell to the side.
"What are you?" she asked.
"I am Hiveflesh," said Taylor.
"What is your purpose?"
"To inseminate eggs, and create Hivelife which will take over humanity."
"Welcome to the Hive, Michael." Sophie gave him a strong kiss.