Chapter 21.1

Sophie Astor brought Michael Taylor to the Hive Mind.

Taylor didn't resist. He felt dazed as his rider snuggled against his back. He could hear it whispering all kinds of thoughts to him. Obey. Serve the Hive. Your rider loves you. You love your rider. You want to serve us. YOU WANT TO SERVE US!

He could resist those thoughts for now, but what about when he went to sleep? What about after a day, a week, or a month? He began to understand how easily the others had been taken.

Taylor obediently took off his clothes in the alcove room as Sophie did. She was clearly pleased with his obedience, smiling at him once he was naked and touching his arm with an amorous look in her eyes. Then she led him deeper into the Hive. They passed room after room filled with people.

Taylor realized that this was where the population of Sirius Minor was. This explained why the streets were all empty. They were all here, fucking each other or being fucked, or being experimented on or worse. He saw one room where men with insect heads were fucking women, their heavy breasts bouncing as the bottom halves of the men, which were still human, were pounding into their cunts. He saw one woman with an insect head being fucked by an old bald man, who was gritting his teeth as he pounded into the Insect Woman's pussy.

He gave Sophie a look of wonder and amazement.

"There are many forms of life," she said. "Come." She walked onward, confident he would follow. Taylor admired Sophie's big, round ass cheeks. He had always enjoyed fondling them. But above them was her rider, its knuckle bones digging into her back. As he watched. Sophie's rider inflated, forming a yellow-brown balloon on her back. What was it doing? Issuing new orders? Further restructuring her mind?

The air got hotter and humid and stale but Sophie didn't seem to mind. Taylor heard a loud sound like "Momomomomomom" as he was led into the Main Auditorium. It was there that Taylor beheld the Hive Mind.

"Momomomomomomom!" they heard all around them, in the dimly lit green-tinged room. Taylor saw the 40 foot tall black ball with giant eyes staring down at him and he gasped. He screaned it and sensed intense malice. The Hive Mind was complex, extremely complex, much more so than the riders he had encountered earlier. Even as he looked at it with other-eyes he sensed there was more to it than he could easily perceive at a glance.

"This... is our master," said Sophie, as her rider inflated anew on her back. "We call it the Hive Mind."

The Hive Mind.

Sophie, sensing Taylor's reluctance, pulled him forward by hand. Taylor gritted his teeth. He felt like he was walking step by step into a black hole, one which would consume and destroy him. He was naked, totally naked, just as she was. As those giant eyes stared down at him Taylor felt so vulnerable, so helpless. He had a rider on his back and he stood before this powerful creature which could do anything it wanted to him, anything at all.

A beam of pure white light shot out onto his chest. He felt the warmth of it as it moved from one nipple to the next, then down to his groin. Taylor gasped as he felt his penis being stimulated. "What... what is it doing?"

"You are being evaluated by our master," said Sophie.

"Ah... ah... ah....." Taylor gasped, as his penis was rapidly aroused. He looked up at those giant eyes. He sensed the Hive Mind wasn't trying to sexually pleasure him; no, it wanted something from him. Something contained inside his testicles.

And then another white light shot out and hit him square in the forehead.

"Momomomomomomom!" said Taylor.

Taylor stood there stiffly, his penis erect, as the Hive mind examined his mind and body.

Susannah Barrington and Nils came forward, as well as Julie Harris, all as nude as Sophie was. "So you got him," said Susannah admiringly.

"Yes," said Sophie.

"You have done well, Sophie. You will be rewarded," said Nils.

"I already have been," said Sophie, giving a shy smile.

"Momomomomomomom!" Taylor repeated, his eyes wide and staring into nothingness. Then, "Mamoomisham! Mamoomisham!"

"The Hive Mind seems to have a great interest in the Captain," said Susannah. "I wonder what it has in mind for him?"

At that moment the beam cut out and Taylor gasped, recovering his senses. He looked around. From his perspective, Susannah, Nils, and Julie had just appeared out of nowhere. His eyes narrowed when he saw Julie, standing there naked as he was. "Well, if it isn't the 26 year old virgin who's never had sex," Taylor remarked.

"Hello Captain Taylor," said Julie. "It's nice to see you again." She looked his body up and down, but lingered at his enormous erection. "You have a really nice body."

"You do too," said Taylor, admiring the young girl's cuntlips.

Julie smiled. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

"It has been decided that Julie Harris will supervise Captain Taylor's training," said Susannah.

Sophie's jaw dropped open. "I thought I would help bring his rider to maturity!"

"It has been decided otherwise," said Susannah smoothly.


"Your role is to obey," said Susannah.

Sophie blinked rapidly, as her rider inflated on her back. "Yes... yes... I must obey." She sent Taylor a vulnerable look. They had been betrayed!

Captain Taylor!

They all heard a booming voice in their heads. The voice of the Hive Mind.

Your mind and body have been evaluated. You are a most impressive specimen.

"I'm pleased you're pleased," said Taylor dryly.

Sophie's mouth dropped open. No one spoke to the Hive Mind with sarcasm!

Now that you have joined us, your rebellious instincts will be tamed. You will be made to serve us. Soon you will do so willingly, eagerly.

"Of that I am sure," Taylor replied.

Through you we will take over your Survey Service and soon after that, your planet Earth. Your biological distinctiveness will be added to our own and make the Hive stronger.

"I'm flattered," said Taylor.

Have this slave tagged and branded, and begin his training immediately.

"Yes, Great One!" said Susannah. She handed small objects over to Julie, who approached Taylor.

"What are you going to do to me?" Taylor asked.

"You must be branded and tagged, Captain. The Hive demands it," Julie explained. She grabbed his erect penis and held a green cone over the tip of it.

Taylor tried not to show his concern. "Oh, well, if the Hive demands it--ow!" he cried. Wiping away tears, he looked down at the head of his penis. There was now a glowing green symbol there, a curved bone shape. "What is that?"

"Your slave mark," said Julie. "You will wear this brand for the rest of your life."

For the rest of his life. Taylor shuddered.

"Mine is different from theirs," said Taylor.

"You are marked as an inseminator," said Julie, caressing the curved bone symbol on the head of his penis. "It seems the Hive Mind wants to use you for breeding. You should be honored."

Taylor's eyebrows shot up. "Then I guess I am."

"And now I must pierce your scrotum sack," Julie announced, holding up a small device.

"What? No!" Taylor cried.

"Momomomomomomom!" said Julie

"Momomomomomomomom!" said Taylor, suddenly stiffening.

Julie carefully inserted the bottom of Taylor's scrotum into the device. She activated it and made a small hole, making Taylor jump slightly. Then she knelt down with her head right underneath Taylor's enormous erection as she worked to attach the small chain to his scrotum. When she was done she stood back up and Taylor blinked, coming to his senses.

"What?" he said. He felt a throbbing pain and looked down. He saw a green gem, hanging from a small chain connected to the bottom of his scrotum.

"Congratulations!" said Julie. "You have been branded and tagged!" She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

"Great," said Taylor dryly.

"You will return tomorrow to begin your training," said Susannah.

"And what about Sophie?" Taylor asked.

"She will come too. She has her own tasks to fulfill."

As they walked back to the ship, Sophie said, "Captain, I'm so sorry."

Taylor said nothing.

"I'm sure we'll be together once your training is complete. All you have to do is to obey everything they say."

"That's all I have to do?"

"They promised me we would be together!" said Sophie. She looked like she was about to cry.

Taylor's anger melted. He took her in his arms and kissed her. "Sophie, Sophie," he said, running his hands over her. "Always remember that I love you."

"And I love you too!"

When they returned to the ship they found Susan Cleary waiting for them at the airlock. "Have a nice walk, Captain?"

Taylor bit his lip. There was another unpleasant duty to perform. "Susan, would you come to my quarters for a moment? There's something I... we... need to tell you."

She nodded, looking obviously displeased. No one spoke until they reached his quarters.

Taylor took a deep breath. "Susan, there's something you need to know."

He could already see the disappointment in her eyes. But what could he tell her? Susan, I made a deal with Sophie and now I have an alien creature on my back, an alien creature which is slowly going to take control of my mind and this ship?

For a moment, just a moment, he considered telling her the truth. He started to speak, but the words caught in his throat. He could feel his rider pulsating on his back. He could feel its tendrils tightening around his throat. His rider was still immature, but already it was starting to control him.

He cleared his throat, changing his mind, and found he could speak again.

"Susan... I'm back with Sophie now." He paused, hoping she would say something.

Susan hugged her own arms tightly, looking from Taylor to Sophie and back again. "That's it? You two are... back together again?"

"Yes," said Taylor.

"How? Why?"

"The details... aren't important." Taylor felt like speaking was like struggling against a current. It was as if his rider knew what he was going to say and was screening every word.

"You told me you loved me," said Susan accusingly.

"Yes... I know," said Taylor.

"But... you love her more." She spoke again as if she were making an accusation.

"Yes," said Taylor, with great effort. "Susan I'm... I'm sorry...."

"No you're not!" she cried.

Taylor reached for her but she dodged out of his way, and went running out of his quarters, sobbing wildly.

"I'm sorry," said Sophie, speaking for the first time. "But soon she will understand."

"When she joins us, you mean?"

"Yes," said Sophie. "Once she joins us."

The next morning Taylor went willingly hand in hand with Sophie back to the Hive. He hardly could have done otherwise. His rider sung to him in his sleep, songs of love and caring and affection, and Taylor woke up in the morning beginning to wonder if Sophie was right; maybe a rider was pure love after all. Then he shook his head. He mustn't give in to it!

But he accompanied her like sheep to the slaughter into the Hive, obediently disrobing as she did, reporting once again to the Hive Mind for whatever it had planned for him.

Waiting for them was Nils, Julie, and another woman Taylor didn't know. She was older than Julie, perhaps in her early 40's, but had a remarkably sexy body, with heavy breasts and a dark bushy pubic triangle just like Sophie.

"Captain, this is my Mom, Joanna," said Julie.

Taylor automatically shook her hand. The first thing he noticed was that Joanna wasn't wearing a rider. The second thing he noticed when he screaned her was that Joanna was wrong, not just wrong like Julie, but massively wrong, like Susannah Barrington. He was trying to puzzle out the meaning of this when Nils gave Sophie her latest assignment.

"Report to the Enrichment Room. There is work for you there."

"I understand," said Sophie. She shot Taylor a warning glance and left. As she walked away Taylor admired her round ass cheeks, even as her rider pulsated on her back.

"What are you doing with her?" Taylor demanded.

"That is not your concern," said Nils. "Your only concern is to help your rider grow strong and matures quickly."

"So it can take over my mind?"

"Correct," Nils grinned. "We have never had a client quite like you, Captain Taylor, rugged, individualistic, determined. But I'm confident you'll see things our way, soon enough. They always do." He slapped Taylor on the ass and walked away, chuckling.

"Come here, Captain," said Julie. She saw his hesitancy. "I won't bite," she smiled.

Taylor approached her. "What's going to happen to Sophie?"

"She will serve us," Julie smiled. "Not like you're going to serve us today, Captain. We all serve in our own ways." That cute smile! "Frown all you like, Captain. But I have no doubt that you'll follow the same pattern as everyone else."


She rubbed his arm adoringly. "The ones who claim to resist. The first few days they cooperate grudgingly. They say the words, but claim not to mean them." Her hand wandered down to his penis, to fondle the Slave Mark glowing on the head of it. "But then something happens around day three or four. They start to learn that they like it," she smiled. "Within a week, when their rider matures, they become happier than they've ever been."

"I'm sure they are," said Taylor dryly.

"You remind me of my father," said Julie. "He resisted us at first too."

"Good for him. What happened to him?"

"Oh, he's right over there!" Julie pointed to her father Daniel, who was apparently humping the Hive Mind.

"What is he doing?" Taylor cried.

"He's fucking," Julie grinned at his discomfort. "The Hive Mind has many needs, Captain. It is our job to see to all of them. As you shall soon learn."

She pulled him down to the spongy ground and spread her legs so he was between them on top of her. "Kiss me, Captain."

Taylor kissed her.

Julie looked hurt. "Is that how you kiss a girl?"

"How would you know? A few days ago you told me you've never been kissed by a man before, right? You were the crying 26 year old virgin, as I recall," said Taylor.

Julie bit her lip. "You're not going to get me to apologize for trying to deceive you, Captain Taylor. It is impossible to commit a crime in pursuit of expanding the Hive."

"I admire your very... well defined... moral code," said Taylor.

Her eyebrows converged. "Soon you'll admire much more than that, my dear Captain! Now kiss me!"

Taylor was kissing and hugging Julie Harris. He quickly became aroused. It could hardly have been otherwise. Julie was a gorgeous 18 year old with a young, slim body, and perky, pointed breasts. She had blonde highlights in her light brown hair, and white highlights in her pubic hair, made to look like sperm tracks, Taylor felt sure. Below her light brown triangle was a glowing symbol of an upside down V with dots under it, whose meaning Taylor could not screan. And of course hanging from her hairy vulva was the same chain and green rock Taylor had hanging from his own scrotum. They were both tagged and branded, both slaves of the Hive, both put to exactly the task the Hive wanted them to be doing at this precise moment.

Taylor knew her mind was being controlled, he knew she was being made to do this, and yet, the thought of an 18 year old craving his body, craving his penis, drove him wild with desire.

"Put it in me, Michael," she whispered.

Taylor didn't have to be asked twice. He inserted himself in Julie's young, tight cunt, and cried out.

"Something wrong, dear?" Julie smiled.

Taylor gasped again as he started moving rapidly in and out, in and out. He couldn't stop himself. "You feel tight, Julie! Really tight!"

"I guess you haven't been inside an 18 year old cunt lately," she laughed.

"No, it's something else!" said Taylor, plunging more strongly between her cuntlips. "It's tighter! And I feel some kind of tingling inside which is stimulating the head of my shaft!"

"You're right about that!" Julie grinned. "My cunt is lined with Hiveflesh."

"Really?" Taylor was astonished.

"Really. Look down, darling."

Taylor looked at his penis plunging in and out of her cuntlips. He noticed for the first time that Julie's cuntlips were huge, sticking out a full inch from her skin, and were a dull orange in color.

"That's my Hiveflesh coating," said Julie. "It can be used to enhance the sexual experience... or to dull it."

Suddenly, like a switch had been flicked, the sensation in Taylor's penis plunged nearly to zero. "Hey!" he cried. "Bring it back!"

"I will," said Julie. "Once you earn it."

"You want to be controlled," said Julie.

Taylor kept plunging in and out of her young, tight cunt. But he felt almost nothing.

"You want to be controlled. Say it!" said Julie.

Taylor's balls were aching. He felt sure that his rider was manipulating him, keeping him in a state of intense sexual arousal, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I... I want to be controlled," Taylor said. He gasped as he felt a small amount of sexual pleasure from the walls of Julie's vagina stimulate his penis.

"That's right," said Julie approvingly. "But say it more convincingly. As if a Ramadan pirate didn't have a blaster pistol to your head, Captain."

Taylor couldn't help but laugh. "I want to be controlled!" He plowed into her tight cunt once more. "I want to be controlled! Oooooooh!" he groaned.

"That felt good, didn't it, Captain? Obeying always feels good, you'll find," said Julie approvingly. "Soon you'll equate feeling good with obeying. Soon you'll want to obey, regardless of how good it feels."

Taylor kept plunging into her.

"You want your rider to grow stronger on your back and your mind."

Taylor kept thrusting, but he felt almost nothing. He needed more! "I... I want my rider to grow stronger on my back...." His voice trailed off.

"And in your mind!" Julie's stare was obstinate.

"And in my mind," said Taylor. Nothing happened.

"Now use those words in a complete sentence, Captain."

Taylor grinned as he fucked Julie's cunt hard. "I want my rider to be stronger on my back-" he plunged in and out of her with his enormous cock, "-and in my mind! Ooooooh!"

Julie smiled at him, showing all her perfect white teeth. "That was stronger than before, wasn't it? That's because your rider is starting to think you're believing it."

"Never," said Taylor.

"We'll see," said Julie confidently.

Taylor looked up and saw Julie's mom Joanna watching, with a light shining in her eyes. "Does your Mom always watch you fucking other men?"

"Not always. You're a special case," said Julie. "The Hive has taken a special interest in you."

"Your Mom seems special too," said Taylor, working his penis in and out of her. "How come she doesn't wear a rider?"

"Mom is special. She's become a higher form of Hivelife."

"Sounds fascinating," Taylor grunted, trying to regain some traction inside of her.

"I think you're trying to distract me from your training, Captain!" Julie declared. "You want to serve the Hive!"

"I want to serve the Hive!" Taylor repeated, as he pounded into the 18 year old's sexy tight cunt.

"You want to be used for reproduction!"

"I want to be used for reproduction!" Taylor repeated. Her cunt felt so good against the head of his cock!

"You want to help your rider mature on your back and in your mind!"

"I... I want to help my rider mature, on my back and in my mind!" Taylor groaned as he was rewarded with another jolt of pleasure.

Julie nodded approvingly. "That's right, Captain. Keep going because it feels good! Obeying always feels good," said Julie. "It may interest you to know that each time you move in and out of me, each time you plunder my young, oh so fuckable cunt, your rider soaks up your physical energy. Every exertion you make, every thrust you take makes your rider stronger on your back and in your mind."

"Wonderful," said Taylor, continuing to move in and out of her. He couldn't help himself! He needed to come!

"It is wonderful," said Julie. "The only difference is that soon you'll agree."

Julie kept training him on and off for much of the day, with time allotted for breaks. Taylor was allowed to climax only twice during the course of the day. The first time Julie let him climax was when he said, "I want to be used for reproduction!" so convincingly that his rider felt he had earned a reward. Taylor flooded into the young girl with his sperm after hours of tortuous edging. He groaned and realized he never felt anything quite so good.

"Nice?" Julie smiled, as she felt his sperm deposited inside of her.

"Really nice," Taylor grinned back at her.

During a short rest break Chloe Fema came by.

"Ah, Captain! Good to see that you've joined us!" said Chloe. She was wearing a heavy double banded rider now, with giant knuckle bones on her back.

"I should have expected to see you here," said Taylor.

"Captain, don't be mean!" said Julie. "Actually, you and Sophie and Chloe all have something in common."

"And what would that be?" said Taylor.

"You all joined the Hive voluntarily," said Julie. "Slaves who give themselves freely are among the most prized of all."

"I know why I joined," said Taylor. "But what did they promise you, Chloe?"

"Unity. The beauty of centralized control for the benefit of the whole community," said Chloe.

"I should have guessed," said Taylor.

"Yes, you should have, Captain," said Julie. "But you didn't. And so we took Chloe, and Chloe helped us take Sophie, and now we have you." She gave him a wicked smile. "Are you ready to continue your training?"

Taylor was released close to the end of the day. He was astonished to check his chrono after he got dressed to learn that only seven hours had passed. It felt like days. Sophie was with him as he walked back to the ship.

"What did they put you through?" he asked.

"I was put to work in the Enrichment Chamber," said Sophie.

"Doing what?" Taylor asked.

"Working with... other men," she said vaguely.

"Sex?" Taylor asked.

Sophie nodded. "Helping their riders mature. Or helping them make riders."

"Which man?" Taylor asked sharply.

"Men," said Sophie.

"How many men?" Taylor asked.

"A number," she said stonily.

When they got back to the ship, Taylor gestured for her to accompany him to his quarters. When they got there, he hugged her tight. "Sophie, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too," she said, with big eyes.

Taylor slowly started to kiss her. Even after climaxing twice, he still felt quite aroused. He didn't just want sex; he wanted Sophie!

He reached out to squeeze her breasts, which were neatly encased in her dayshirt and control collar. He wanted to squeeze them, he wanted to touch them, even through her many layers of clothing and control. But even as he reached out to touch them she pulled back abruptly.

"What's wrong?" he said, looking hurt.

"We... we can't," said Sophie.

"Why not? Sophie, I joined the Hive for you!" Taylor said.

"I know," she said, avoiding eye contact. "It's... my rider."

"What about it?" said Taylor.

"It... it doesn't want me to have sex with you," said Sophie. "Not... not until you've earned it." She felt incredibly guilty saying it.

Taylor laughed. "Who cares!" he reached for her again.

"I care!" Sophie cried, pulling away. "Access to my vagina... is controlled by the Hive now. Michael, I'm sorry, but I must... I must obey."

The Hive controlled access to Sophie's vagina. It would withhold access to it until it decided he was worthy of it. Taylor looked at her in a new light. Sophie was firmly under their control. He knew that when she had seduced him, but he had thought... he had thought....

"I'm sorry," she said abruptly, turning away and fleeing his quarters.

Taylor had a very restless sleep that night.

The following day was more of the same, only the statements Taylor was made to repeat were becoming a little more specific. Instead of saying that he wanted to reproduce and expand the Hive, Julie asked him to repeat more detailed instructions.

"You want to fuck women and put riders on their backs," said Julie, her eyes shining as Taylor's long, hard penis plowed in and out of her womanly cunt.

"Yessss...." Taylor said, his eyes hard and focused.

"Say it!" Julie commanded.

"I want to fuck women and put riders on their backs! Oh!" Taylor groaned. It was easier this way, cooperating, repeating whatever he was told. What did it matter? It was all just words!

"You want to make a new master on your back!" Julie cried.

"I want to make a new master on my back!" Taylor repeated, feeling a jolt of pleasure again. Who was fooling whom, he wondered.

"You want to feel your rider sizzling on your back while you're balls deep inside a new slave!"

"I want to feel my rider sizzling on my back while I'm balls deep inside a new slave!" Taylor repeated. "Oooooh!" His eyes widened.

"Was that good?" Julie grinned.

"Yeah! That one was stronger!" Taylor grinned back at her. He felt so sexual, so alive! As Taylor obediently repeated each line, as his cock and balls were stimulated with every repetition, he started to wonder if maybe it would feel good to make a rider for someone. If just talking about it felt so good, maybe actually doing it would feel really good too!

"Imagine your rider splitting into two while your cock is deep inside her cunt!" Julie yelled.

"Ohhhh!" Taylor stiffened.

"Imagine the baby rider you created crawling down your arm as it gets ready to take a new host!" Julie's eyes were filled with alien delight.

"Ahhhh!" Taylor cried, as his penis felt ready to explode. His buttocks were tight as he rammed in and out of her.

"Imagine your baby rider taking control of a new slave while you cream inside of her!" Julie roared.

"Aaaah!" Taylor cried, as his penis and balls tingled most painfully, sending him over the edge!

"Would you like that, Michael? Would you?" she yelled at him.

"Yes!" Taylor cried. "Yes, I would!" Suddenly Taylor stiffened and cried out as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis. He groaned gloriously as his tortured shaft sprayed the insides of the 18 year old girl's Hiveflesh coated cunt with his thick creamy seed. Taylor groaned as the pressure from his balls were suddenly eased. He collapsed on top of her, enjoying his release with an intense sense of satisfaction.

"Not bad," said Julie approvingly, as she ran her hands through his blonde brown hair. "Not bad at all," she grinned at him. She pushed him away. "Time to get up, Captain!"

"That was good. Really good!" said Taylor, smiling as he got up, and extended a helping hand. Julie gracefully accepted it.

"I'm so glad," said Julie, looking pleased. "Now turn around."

Taylor obediently turned around to show Julie his rider. "What do you see?"

"It's starting to mature!" said Julie. "I see a good number of lumps forming." She touched one, making Taylor gasp.


She turned him around to face her. "Your rider often absorbs more energy than it can immediately use. You've been so...." she looked down at his penis. Even flaccid it was quite long! "... so athletic, that you've been more than meeting its immediate needs. But when you sleep it will start to digest the rest."


"Meaning these liquidy lumps will help your rider mature even more quickly. Doesn't that please you?" Julie asked.

"I guess," said Taylor guardedly.

"You guess." She tickled his chin, and stole a kiss. "Soon you won't have to guess." She gave him a hard look. "I think you've earned a little break. Would you like to go for a little walk with me?"

Next page: Chapter 21.2
Previous page: Chapter 20