Chapter 22.1

Taylor smiled as he woke up the following morning. All the tension in his body was gone. He vaguely remembered his rider once again singing to him in his dreams, singing a song of peace and love and friendship.

Sophie said that her rider was pure love. Maybe she's right.

Taylor went into the bathroom and looked at his rider in the mirror. He watched it inflate between his shoulder blades. It was beautiful! Taylor wondered why he had never noticed that before. He modeled it before the mirror, realizing how well it fit in with his strong back and tight ass. It also made his penis feel more potent too. More manly.

Whistling, he slowly got dressed for breakfast.

"Hi Julie!" said Taylor, kissing his trainer on the lips when he entered the Hive.

"Captain!" she grinned. "You seem in a fine mood today!"

"And why not?" said Taylor. "What do we have in store for us today?"

"More training," Julie smiled. "Does that please you?"

"As long as I can get into that tight cunt of yours again," Taylor said.

"I think that can be arranged," she said, looking pleased.

At first the morning training went quite easily.

"It feels good having a rider on my back and in my mind," said Taylor, with a wide grin as his penis moved in and out between Julie's thick orange cuntlips.

"Very good," said Julie approvingly. "But are you just saying that because you think that's what I want to hear? Or do you believe that, my dear Captain?" She gave him a hard look.

"I can feel my rider changing me," said Taylor, as he relished the feeling of the head of his penis rubbing against Julie's Hiveflesh coated vaginal walls. "It sings to me every night. It feels better to me every morning. I can feel the heat of it on my back. I can feel its tendrils in my mind. Changing me... remolding me... making me into better Hiveflesh...."

"Very good, Captain," said Julie, with a broad smile. "And tell me, as you become better and better Hiveflesh, do you want to serve the Hive more and more obediently?"

"Yes, of course!" said Taylor.

"Of course," Julie repeated. "So you wouldn't mind performing a task or two for the Hive Mind?"

"Of course not!" said Taylor. "What did you have in mind?"

"We want you to send a message to Admiral Jekl," said Julie.

"Admiral Jekl?"

"He is your superior, is he not?"

"Yes," said Taylor, still plunging inside her.

"We want you to tell him that you will need to spend a few more weeks on the planet, to finish up negotiations. You were scheduled to leave next week, were you not?'

"Well yes, but-"

"Tell him you need three weeks more beyond that."

"Three weeks more?" Taylor suddenly looked concerned.

"Yes. That should give us enough time to take control of your entire crew," said Julie. "You will do this for us, won't you, Captain?"

Taylor bit his lip as he continued to thrust inside of her. Suddenly the friction against the head of his penis dulled, just when he needed it most.

"Yes," said Taylor hesitantly. "I'll do it."

"Good," said Julie. "And you will also immediately announce to the crew that you are permitting shore leave for the entire crew."

"The entire crew?" said Taylor.

"Yes," Julie said. "You will encourage them to all come and visit our very hospitable planet. You will tell them that a special recreation area has been set up just for them in the North Building, with food and drink and other great recreational opportunities."

"No!" said Taylor. "Not my crew! I won't do it!" The friction on his penis ended abruptly. He still found himself in tremendous need, but it was like his penis was sliding through cold water.

"You will," said Julie, her eyebrows coming together suddenly. "You will help us bring your crew into the Hive, all 234 of them. Including this one," she said. Suddenly life sized holos appeared all around them. They were holos of Susan Cleary, completely nude.

One holo showed Susan smiling, standing with her arms on her hips while her beautiful pear shaped breasts stuck out and her bright red pubic triangle was on display. Another showed her on her knees, sucking Taylor off while her head moved back and forth rhythmically over his shaft. A third showed her on the couch with her knees widely spread as she polished her clitoris, which looked like a small penis head.

"How did you get these?" Taylor asked.

"Did you really think we didn't have our eye on you for some time, Captain?" said Julie, in an amused tone. And then her tone hardened. "You are going to tell your crew to come to the North Building, aren't you Captain?"

"No!" Taylor cried.

Julie's 18 year old face hardened. "You are going to do it, Captain! You're going to tell Susan Cleary who you love so much, to come here! You're going to watch while men fuck her and give her a rider! You're going to watch and approve of all of it!"

"No, I won't do it!" Taylor pulled out, his penis hard and red, and glared at her.

Julie actually looked pleased, which surprised him. "Well, then maybe you've still got a little nugget of resistance left in you after all." She rubbed her stretched pussy lips. "Don't worry, my dear Captain, we'll find a way to work it all out."

For the rest of the day Taylor endured the worst form of torture imaginable. He was made to sit there, in the Enrichment Chamber, watching Sophie service man after man after man. She occasionally cast worried glances in his direction but otherwise focused on her task.

But that was not the main form of torture. Taylor hadn't been permitted to climax, wouldn't be permitted to climax, not until he obeyed. His rider had kept his penis in a state of perpetual arousal for hours. Taylor's testicles were so tight and throbbing that they hurt to the touch. His penis felt like it was about to burst from the agony. And this went on for most of the day.

From time to time he had visitors. First came Nils.

"You seem to find yourself in a difficult situation, Captain," said Nils, giving a friendly smile.

Taylor was sitting with his back to the wall, his legs widely spread. His penis was hard and erect and too painful to touch. His balls were literally blue. All he could do was sit there, and watch man after man fuck the woman he loved.

"Perhaps you might consider cooperating," said Nils.

"I'm a Survey Service officer. I'm not going to be betray my crew!" said Taylor.

"No," said Nils. "You are no longer a Survey Service officer. You are Hiveflesh. You are our slave. When it was easy to say the words you did so, enjoying amazing sex first with Sophie and then with Julie. But now when it comes to turning words into actions, you resist. This is normal. This is expected. Once you over come this hump, you'll find that obedience comes naturally."

"I can't wait," said Taylor dryly.

"Neither can I," Nils grinned, turning away.

Taylor's next visitor was Chloe Fema. But he almost failed to recognize her. Chloe had some kind of mask over her face. It pulsated, and was yellowish-brown.

"Hello, Captain," she said.

Taylor glanced once at her, then twice, then a third time. "Chloe?" he said disbelievingly. "What happened to you?"

"The Hive happened to me," she said. Chloe turned around and showed him her rider. It was huge, covering her entire upper back. There were three golden rings on it, one inside the other. She turned to face him again. "My rider has grown even more rapidly than my masters expected. I now have a Rider Mask on my face. Do you like it?"

Taylor looked with horror at the pulsating Hiveflesh on her face. "It's beautiful, Chloe," he said wearily.

"The Hive is a gift which keeps on giving," said Chloe. "I see you're in a bit of difficulty. You're not cooperating, are you? You've always been stubborn, Captain. Don't you know that the Hive knows what is best for us?"

"Just like the World Government?" said Taylor.

"Even better than the World Government. The Hive has taken the concept of central planning to a new level. It makes sure everyone is productively engaged and happy at all times," said Chloe.

"Well, I don't feel happy right now," said Taylor.

"It's all for the greater good of the Community, Michael." She turned away, wiggling her ass. "You'll see."

An interminable period of time passed as Taylor continued to watch man after man have sex with the woman he loved. Taylor watched as Sophie just lay there, her knees widely spread, letting man after man take her. Sometimes the man taking her would create a rider, and Taylor would watch as Hivelife sizzled on the man's back while Sophie's vagina to stimulate him. The new rider would fly off the man's back to stick to a wall, and the man would dismount her, looking incredibly pleased.

Sometimes Sophie would help a man's rider mature, and again Taylor would see the rider sizzling on the man's back. As it matured the man would stand up with new confidence and an alien gleam in his eye.

And sometimes Sophie's body was simply used for enjoyment. There were a number of women serving in this role but none had large, firm breasts like Sophie, and the line of men waiting to use her body was usually the longest in the Enrichment Chamber.

Meanwhile Taylor's cock and balls continued to throb in agony. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out for. He desperately needed release!

And then Julie returned, in the company of her mother, Joanna, the dark haired cutie with the sexy heavy breasts who wore no rider at all on her bare back.

"And here he is, Mom," said Julie. "I feel like such a failure!"

"You're no failure, my dear," Joanna reassured her, giving Julie a kiss on the lips. The kiss lasted longer and longer and then, to Taylor's immense surprise, Joanna slipped a finger between Julie's pussylips and started to rub her clit. Julie gasped with pleasure as her eyes went wide.

"Are you enjoying the show, Captain Taylor?" Joanna asked.

"You're doing that... to your daughter?" said Taylor.

"Of course. In the Hive, old familial relations are irrelevant," said Joanna, working a finger between her dear daughter's pussylips. "You're enjoying it, aren't you, dear?"

Julie gasped, "Ah, ah, ah... oh Mom! Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!" She leaned up and kissed her mother passionately. Then she stared at her with dreamy eyes. "You're even better than my original Mom! Can we... can we cuddle together, later?"

Joanna smiled, looking pleased with herself. "Perhaps, dear. But first we have to see to poor Captain Taylor's needs. You seem to be in a bit of difficulty, Captain."

"A bit," said Taylor, glancing at the enormously painful erection sticking up between his legs.

"Perhaps I can help you with that." The sexy dark haired woman crouched between Taylor's legs. As she did Taylor noticed her thick furry pussy lips and heavy breasts sloping downwards, and his penis grew even more pained. Joanna reached out and gently touched his cock and balls. Taylor recoiled and cried out in pain.

"Oh dear. This is too advanced for me to help," said Joanna. "Who else could help our noble Captain in his time of need?" She looked around. "Sophie! Would you like Sophie to help you out, Captain?"


Taylor nodded enthusiastically.

"Stay right here. I'll go get her."

As Joanna left Julie said, "My Mom cares for you so much. She really likes you, I can tell."

"I'm sure she does," said Taylor, watching Joanna's oddly empty back. "What did you mean when you said she was better than your original Mom?"

"She's my new Mom. Made entirely of Hiveflesh. I gave birth to her in the birthing chamber."

"You gave birth to her?" said Taylor. "And what happened to your original Mom?"

At that moment Joanna returned, with Sophie trailing behind her.

"Here we are!" said Joanna brightly. "Sophie, I want to tell you how proud the Hive is of you. Everyone who has used your sexy body has spoken quite highly of you!"

"I am proud to serve," said Sophie simply.

"I'm sure you are," said Joanna, admiring Sophie's heavy breasts which stood out in front of her without a hint of sag. "Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Captain Taylor. He is showing a rebellious streak. Refusing to obey the orders of the Hive."

"How unfortunate," said Sophie flatly.

"Unfortunate... for him. I even told him that if he obeyed us that he could enjoy the pleasures of your body." Taylor's eyebrow shot up. He remembered no such conversation. Joanna gave him a cold smile. "But our dear Captain apparently is no longer interested in you. Does that offend you, Sophie?"

Sophie's rider pulsated on her back. "Yes," she said slowly.

"Then show us, Sophie. Show us how much you are offended," said Joanna.

Sophie gave Joanna an uncertain look. "What do you want me to do?"

"Stand over your lover, and urinate on him."

Sophie's eyebrows shot up.

"The Hive demands it," said Joanna firmly.

Sophie's rider inflated into a big yellow-brown ball on her back. "I... I must obey," she said.

"Yes, I think you should," said Jo.

Sophie slowly stepped over Taylor's prone form as he lay helplessly on the ground, his legs out, his penis painful and vertical between them. Sophie turned around and faced away from him, and slowly bent her knees. Taylor saw Sophie's well rounded ass cheeks which he loved so much. How he wished he could squeeze them! Above it he saw her rider, ballooned up between her shoulder blades. It was her rider controlling her now. It was the one making her do this.

Sophie was about to bear down when she heard a single word.


Sophie looked at Joanna.

"Turn around. I want you to look him in the eye when you do it," said Jo.

Sophie slowly turned around and again bent her knees.

Taylor looked up at her. Even now, he found her so beautiful. Even though her slender face was empty of emotion, her dark eyes were filled with her secret love for him. Her heavy breasts he loved so much pointed straight ahead of her, the red nuclear enhanced tips erect and firm. Farther down, her dark pubic bush perfectly framed her thick red cuntlips. Above her pussy, Chloe's upside down U symbol marked her as a slave to be fucked. How he wanted to fuck her!

But others had got there first.
As Taylor watched, Sophie's cunt oozed with white fluid, the combined deposits of more than a dozen men this morning. Some of it dripped down on Taylor's thigh, making him wince.

Taylor looked into her gorgeous eyes, even as she prepared to bear down and spread her cuntlips. "Sophie, please don't do this!" he cried.

"Sophie doesn't respond to your commands anymore, Captain. But you do respond to ours, don't you, Sophie?" Joanna asked.

"Yes, Master," said Sophie.

"You may begin," said Joanna.

Sophie squeezed down, and a trickle of urine came out of her cuntlips. It splattered on Taylor's lower belly and pubic hair. She grunted and bore down even more and the trickle became a flood. A thick stream of warm liquid settled on Taylor's enormous erection and his balls. The impact of the liquid was not especially strong, but his balls were so engorged that Taylor moaned with pain. When the warm liquid coming out of his lover's cunt touched the tip of his penis, however, Taylor felt himself getting even stiffer, if that was even possible.

Sophie seemed to sense his increased arousal, causing Taylor to feel intense shame. He couldn't be aroused by this! He simply couldn't! And yet every time the stream crossed his ultrasensitive cockhead, he felt a powerful tingling from his shaft to his balls.

Sophie looked helplessly down at Taylor as she continued to pee on him. She mouthed "I'm so sorry" even as urine flooded out of her hairy cuntlips, just above the mysterious dark hole that Taylor loved so much. The green upside down U above her cunt flashed wildly as she urinated on him. The green rock attached to her vulva swung back and forth violently as Sophie relieved herself, periodically entering the urine stream and causing small droplets to spray unpredictably on Taylor's chest and face. Taylor grimaced as he thought he felt a small droplet land on his lips.

And then the stream started to abate, getting smaller and smaller until it was droplets, discrete drops which landed on his balls or his thighs, with a loud drip, drip, drip, and then Sophie went dry, and it was all over.

Taylor looked down. There were droplets of urine all over his chest and legs. And his cock and balls were simply saturated with it. He felt disgusted by it, even as his penis felt like it was still about to explode.

"Very good, Sophie," said Joanna approvingly, looking at her glistening cuntlips. "You may return to your work now."

Sophie nodded, standing up straight. But she first looked at Taylor. "Good, goodbye Michael," she stammered, walking stiffly away.

Joanna marveled at the sight of Sophie, voluntarily returning to the Enrichment chamber to be fucked by numerous men. "Perfect obedience. That's exactly how you'll be, Captain, once your rider matures."

"I can't wait," said Taylor sarcastically.

"Just look at you. You're a mess!" said Joanna. "Julie, why don't you get the Captain cleaned up? Perhaps he'll feel more like cooperating then."

"Yes, Mom."

"Ahhhhhhh!" Taylor had an enormous smile on his face as Julie soothingly lathered up his chest with soap in the shower.

"You like that?"

"I do!" Taylor said. His cock and balls were still in agony, but having a young, naked 18 year old with a sexy body lather him up was very, very arousing.

Julie's cool hands washed over his chest with liquid soap. Then she took each of his arms in her hands and tightly ran her soapy hands up and down them too, washing them offer under the shower head. That felt really good too!

"Turn around," she commanded. Taylor obeyed with a small smile. Julie started to soap his back, first his shoulder blades, being careful to stay away from his rider, then his lower back, then his ass. As her soapy hands ran over his backside Taylor felt even more aroused. The water washing down his back felt soothing as well.

Julie turned him around again and bent over to run her soapy hands up and down his legs. As she bent down, Taylor got a good look at her rider. It was double banded, with thick knuckles grabbing onto her back. As Taylor watched it inflated slowly on her back. Julie might be the one actually pleasuring him right now, but Taylor was fairly certain it was her rider's idea.

Julie stood up again and carefully started to rub soap into his pubic hair. "Should I risk cleaning your penis, Captain? We have to get that clean too."

Taylor nodded, looking at his enormous painful erection.

"I'll be gentle, I promise," she said, giving him such a sexy smile!

And then, ever so carefully, Julie ran just her fingertips over the length of him. Taylor groaned. It was somewhat painful, but also pleasurable. Very, very pleasurable! Julie's soapy fingertips ran over the his length several times, then the underside, then the tip, and then his extremely swollen balls.

"Ow," Taylor groaned at the slight touch.

"Sorry," she said. Julie licked her lips. "I didn't want this to be done to you. This was all Mom's idea, to have Sophie... do what she did to you. I, I really like you, Captain," she said, giving him an unaccustomed shy look. For a moment, just a moment, she was a simple 18 year old girl once again.

Taylor looked into the sexy girl's green eyes as she gently stroked his penis. He felt so incredibly aroused. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately. Julie ground her lips against his eagerly even as she continued to stroke him most gently and carefully.

When she pulled back, she stared at his enormously painful erection and swollen balls and said, "It pains me to see you suffering like this. It could all be over, if you obey."

"You... you want me to betray my crew," said Taylor, as water dripped off his shaft.

Julie gave him a hard look. "Make no mistake, Captain. Your crew is going to join the Hive, one way or another. If you don't order it, Chloe will. But... it would be preferable if the order came from you." Her fingertips gently scraped the underside of his shaft again, playing with the tip. "If you did cooperate, you could have Sophie."

"What?" said Taylor. Joanna had made a vague reference to this earlier.

Julie looked into his eyes as she touched the tip of his penis very gently, and very carefully. "If you do this one thing for us, this one little thing, you will have Sophie."

"Really? Right now?" said Taylor. "Today?"

"Within the hour," Julie promised, looking him straight in the eye.

The temptation was too much. What Taylor really wanted to do was to pull Julie to the floor and fuck her young cunt senseless until his balls were drained and he could think clearly again. But having Sophie again would be just as good! Reluctantly, he nodded.

"You agree? You'll do it?" Her eyes looked hopeful.

Taylor nodded again.

"Oh, my dear Captain!" As she kissed him, his painful erection was sandwiched between them.

Taylor had his Survey Service dayshirt on. His Survey Service dayshirt, and nothing else. His hair was freshly combed. He sat in front of a holocomm in the North Building.

"Good to finally hear from you, Captain. What is your status?" Admiral Jekl asked, as his eyes moved this way and that.

"The mission is proceeding exactly as planned, sir," said Taylor. "I have almost finished negotiating base rights for the Service, and Sophie is continuing to negotiate the treaty."

"How much longer do you expect it to take?"

"A few weeks," said Taylor.

Admiral Jekl said, "You were expected to finish things this coming week."

"I know, sir, but there have been some extra... complications," said Taylor. He looked to his left, where Julie stood staring at him, and at his right, where her mother Joanna stood doing the same.

"What kind of complications?"

Taylor took a deep breath. "The people on this planet, sir... they have new kinds of sexual orientations and genders we've never seen before."


"Yes," said Taylor. "They all have to be enumerated in the treaty. We have to be sure to have the proper protections for every kind of sex and gender."

"I quite agree," said Admiral Jekl. "It sounds like their sexual and gender diversity will greatly strengthen the Federation."

"I'm sure it will, sir," said Taylor.

"Very well. You may have a few weeks. But when you return to Earth, I expect a fascinating debriefing."

"Of that I can promise you, Sir."

Taylor's smile went blank at the exact same moment the screen did.

"Very good," said Joanna approvingly. "Now we have the additional time we need to bring your crew into the Hive. Only one more holocall remains, Captain Taylor."

"I didn't expect to hear from you, sir," said Susan's holoimage. "Is there a problem with the negotiations?"

"No problem, Susan. None at all. I just have an announcement I want you to convey to the crew," said Taylor.

"Announcement? What announcement?" said Susan.

Taylor took a deep breath. What he was about to do would cause all 234 of his crew members to be taken by the Hive. He glanced to the right and saw Joanna giving him a dangerous glare. He knew if he didn't go through with this, the torture he had endured today would be a picnic compared to what they would do to him next. They would leave him in sexual agony for days until he relented.

He had no choice.

"Sir?" said Susan. "Is everything all right?"

"Everything is fine," said Taylor. He felt the heavy ache in his balls. He needed release! Taylor took another deep breath. "I want you to organize shore leave for the crew, effective immediately."

"Sir? I thought you were against shore leave for the crew," she said.

"Well, I've changed my mind. We've been here for weeks now and seen nothing threatening. It's like the planet of the sea monkeys all over again. False alarm, I guess," said Taylor, giving a weak grin even as her frowned widened. "Susannah Barrington has arranged a welcome pavilion, in the North Building. I'm sending you the coordinates. Inform the crew they can expect food and drink and games and... a warm welcome."

"Yes sir," she said, giving him an uncertain look. "Will you be returning to the ship later today?"

"Yes, of course. Susan, I want these orders issued immediately. Organize the shore leave parties in waves. I expect the first batch of crew members released within the hour."

"Sir... yes, sir," she said.

Her image slowly faded.

"She suspects something is wrong," said Joanna.

"She suspects but does not know," said Taylor. "She will obey."

"Well, we'll find out very shortly, won't we?" said Joanna

Taylor's balls ached between his legs. "You promised me something for obeying."

"Yes," said Joanna. "It's time for you to get your reward."

Julie and Joanna took Taylor back to the enrichment chamber. There they found Sophie, still laying there with her knees spread, while a black man fucked her. There were five other people in line, waiting for the same.

"You can go to the head of the line, Captain," said Julie. "You'll be next after Reginald finishes with her."

"Oh, no no no," said Joanna. "There's to be no line cutting! Hive rules, my dear! You don't mind waiting a bit longer, do you Captain?" She gave him a wicked grin. "After all, you've already waited so long, a little longer won't matter, will it?"

Taylor nodded.

"Good. I'll leave you to it. Come along, dear."

Julie shot Taylor a sympathetic look and turned and left. This was one last part of his punishment, Taylor thought, a reminder of what would happen if I disobeyed again.

Sophie, by virtue of lying on her back on the spongy ground with a man on top of her, had not seen him yet. Taylor watched as the nameless man plunged between her legs.

If you join the Hive, we'll be together forever, she had said.

The man groaned and collapsed on top of her. He had just climaxed inside the woman he loved.

The man slowly got up. "Thanks, Babe," he said, winking to her. He nodded at Taylor and the other men standing in line. "She's hot. You'll really enjoy her." And then he turned and left.

The next man in line took his place between Sophie's legs. As he started to make love to her, the man immediately in front of Taylor, a big muscular body builder, turned to talk to him. "Have you had her before?" he asked conversationally.

"Yes," said Taylor.

"Me too," said the man. He grinned at Taylor. "I don't know you. My name is Nigel." He extended a hand. Taylor reluctantly shook it.

"Michael," said Taylor, not wanting to use his last name in case he was recognized.

"Yes, we're both repeat customers, and we're not the only ones!" said Nigel. "Word has gotten around about her. She has a fantastic body! I mean, have you seen those tits?"

"Yes," said Taylor, watching them bounce as the man at the head of the line fucked her.

"They have absolutely no sag! And she has a really sexy face! High cheekbones, expressive eyes! I really like it! " said Nigel. "Have you seen her face when she orgasms?"

"Yes. Have you?" Taylor inquired.

"Yeah," Nigel grinned. "She doesn't show it for everyone. Just people she likes. This is going to be my third time with her now. You?"

"Oh, I've lost count," said Taylor.

Nigel's grin grew wider. "They say she's the Captain's whore, that she came on the enormous Survey Service ship sitting at the spaceport. I didn't know Survey Service ships had whores! But then she joined the Hive. I guess she got tired of what that Captain of hers had to offer."

Taylor watched the man thrusting in and out of Sophie methodically. "I guess so." He looked down at Nigel's penis. It was thicker than his own, and the tip of it was covered with a yellow-brown sheath, which made it bulbous. "What's that?" he asked, pointing at it.

"This? Don't you know?" Nigel turned Taylor around. "Oh. Of course you don't. You're not even single banded, yet. You have an incredible journey ahead of you, my friend! When you get double banded, one of the many benefits you get is this." He held up his penis. "Hiveflesh coated tip. Doubles or triples the pleasure, if your master is pleased with you. The girls love it! Feels nice and thick inside and stimulates them too!"

"Wonderful," said Taylor.

"It really is," said Nigel.

Taylor's balls were in a slow burn as he waited for his turn. It seemed like four small eternities for the four men ahead of him to take their place between Sophie's legs and to relieve their sexual tensions inside of her. And then it was Nigel's turn.

"Hey Babe!" he said, flowing into her arms.

"Hey handsome!" said Sophie, in a musical tone Taylor had rarely heard before.

"I missed these," said Nigel, squeezing her enormous cold fusion powered breasts.

"And I missed this," said Sophie, grabbing his thick penis.

Nigel embraced her, and they kissed passionately. Before long Nigel was entering her, and pounding between her legs.

"Oh Nigel! Oh Nigel!" Sophie cried. "You feel so good inside me!"

"You do too, Babe!" Nigel cried, his firm ass moving in and out, as Taylor was forced to watch.

"Your chest is so muscular, so strong!" said Sophie. "You're so sexy!"

"You are too, Babe!" said Nigel, as his penis thrust deeply within her.

As Taylor watched, Nigel's thick, double banded rider pulsated on his back in perfect sync with his thrusts. When Nigel inserted his penis inside of Sophie, his rider inflated; when it pulled out, he deflated. It was almost as if his rider was also somehow participating in fucking the woman he loved. Taylor watched Nigel's heavy, double banded rider inflate and deflate. Every time it inflated or deflated Taylor knew that Nigel's enormous penis was moving in and out of the woman he loved.

Taylor looked at Nigel's enormous testicles hanging between his legs. They were larger than his own. Taylor wondered how much sperm he was going to put inside of the woman he loved. Suspended from Nigel's scrotum was the small green rock they all had. As Nigel fucked Taylor's girlfriend, the rock moved violently forward and backwards like a child's swingset.

"Oh Nigel, oh Nigel! I'm going to come!" Sophie cried.

"I am too!" said Nigel.

"Oh Nigel!" Sophie cried, her nipples hard and erect.

"Oh Babe!" Nigel cried, his penis about to burst inside of her.



"Oh... oh.. ooooooh!" they cried out together.

Taylor gritted his teeth as Nigel suddenly collapsed on top of her. He couldn't see it but he knew, he knew that Nigel had just emptied his balls into her. When Taylor had her next, his penis would have to navigate the swamp created by Nigel, as well as all the other men who came before him. Taylor looked behind him. He suddenly noticed that four people had joined the line behind him!

Nigel slowly pulled out. "Thanks, Babe. You were awesome."

"You were too," said Sophie, giving him an appreciative kiss, before letting him go.

Nigel turned around. "She's all yours, Michael."

"Michael?" Sophie frowned.

Taylor stepped forward. "Michael!" Sophie cried, her eyebrows shooting up.

"Hello, Sophie," said Taylor.​
Next page: Chapter 22.2
Previous page: Chapter 21.2