Chapter 22.2

Taylor looked down at the woman she loved. Sophie had red marks all over her neck and breasts, from all the men who had mauled her. Her vulva was overflowing with the sperm of the two dozen men who had preceded him, most recently Nigel. Taylor winced as he thought about sticking his penis into her love hole, which was overflowing with sticky white liquid.

But his balls and shaft were aching. If he didn't take this opportunity to get release, he might not have another.

Taylor inserted himself into Sophie, trying to ignore the intensely sticky sensation. He started thrusting rapidly.

"Michael, I'm so sorry," Sophie began.

He kept thrusting, gritting his teeth.

"They made me do it! I had no choice!"

Taylor groaned aloud.

"Michael, I-'

Taylor's body stiffened as sperm shot out of his penis. After hours of intense edging, it could hardly have been otherwise. He deposited rope after rope of sperm inside her cunt, adding to the massive accumulation already there. Taylor groaned as his balls finally got their long deferred release.

He gasped slowly as he pulled out of her, thoroughly deflated.

"Michael, I'm so sorry I'm messy down there-"

"Don't worry about it," said Taylor, getting up and walking away.

Julie was waiting for him in the training room. "How was it?" she said, giving him a kiss.

"Adequate," said Taylor.

Julie frowned. "This was more than one kind of lesson for you, I think. You need to learn to obey, Michael. And you need to learn that your body, and Sophie's body, belongs to the Hive now. Once you learn this there won't be need for such... blunt... lessons."

Taylor nodded.

"Why don't we resume our own lesson plan?" she said brightly.

Taylor looked down. "I don't think I'm ready for it."

"Oh, I think I can fix that!" said Julie brightly. She got down on her knees and before Taylor could protest, she took his penis in her mouth. The same penis which was coated with the dried sperm of up to two dozen other men.

But instead of showing revulsion, Julie simply smiled and let his penis out with a pop. "I sensed a very well traveled organ, Captain!" She grinned and winked at him before taking him in her mouth once more.

Taylor didn't think it would be possible to get hard so quickly again, but once again he underestimated the power of the Hive. Soon he was hard and ready to resume his training. Julie lay on her back and spread her legs and Taylor plunged into her once more.

"You want to be controlled by the Hive," she said.

"I want to be controlled by the Hive," Taylor repeated.

"You want your rider heavy on your back and in your mind."

"I want my rider heavy on my back and in my mind," Taylor said. There was not a shred of resistance left in him now.

Taylor completed his lessons in a satisfactory manner and was eventually allowed to climax. He thought that was the end for the day but Julie pulled his arm. "I think there's something you might want to see."

She led him to the Auditorium. There were approximately thirty people standing in front of the Hive Mind. They were all members of Taylor's crew. The first wave taking Shore Leave. Taylor heard a sound waft over the air. "Momomomomomomom."

His crew immediately stiffened and each one said, "Momomomomomomom!" with a faraway look in their eyes.

"Do they all have riders?" Taylor whispered.

"Not yet," said Julie.

His crew started to take off their shirts at the exact same time, as if their bodies were all under someone else's central control. Twenty three men and five women stood topless in front of the Hive Mind. Taylor recognized the redheaded Ensign Wendy German, standing there with wide eyes and only wearing a control collar above her waist.

Hive Slaves escorted by Harem Guards started to move among them. One by one the Hive Slaves put a rider on each crew member's back. Every time a crew member got a rider, he would grab his head and yell "My head, my head!" but the others were so deeply into the alien trance that they never noticed.

Taylor watched as one by one, all twenty eight crew members were brought into the Hive. When Ensign German was brought into the Hive, her body stiffened and she gasped. When the last crew member got his rider, the Hive Mind spoke to them.

What are you? A deep voice boomed in their heads.

"We are Hiveflesh," they all said in unison.

What is your purpose?

"To be fruitful and expand the Hive," they repeated.

"Beautiful! Amazing!" said Julie. She kissed Taylor strongly. "Thank you! You were the one who made this all possible!"

Taylor and Sophie walked back to the Immortal. Sophie didn't say a word until the spaceport came into sight. Then she spoke.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Taylor said nothing.

"They made me do it," said Sophie.

"Made you do what, urinate on me, or have sex with other men?" Taylor asked bitterly.

"Both. Everything," said Sophie.

"When I joined the Hive, you promised we would be together. I never thought together would mean your peeing on my body," said Taylor.

She grabbed his arm tightly. "I'm so sorry about that! But Michael, you have to understand, the Hive demanded it!"

"And did the Hive also demand that you thoroughly enjoy sex with Nigel, and who knows how many other countless men?"

Sophie swallowed heavily. "No, that was my idea."

"I thought so," said Taylor.

"You have to understand-"

Taylor turned to face her. "What is it, Sophie, what is it I have to understand?"

Sophie said, "I have to serve in the Enrichment Chamber. I'm one of the most popular options there, and I am making so many of the Hive members happy!"

"I can see that!" said Taylor.

"My rider gave me a c-choice," She said.

"What kind of choice?" Taylor asked.

Sophie looked away. "It offers me a... reward... periodically... for my obedience.... It lets me... choose... who I orgasm with."

Taylor blinked as if he had been slapped.

"Don't you see, Michael? I'm being trained, just like you. If I'm not allowed to climax periodically I'll go insane. Are you going to fault me for choosing to climax with men I happen to find attractive?" She stared at him. "And what about Julie?"

"What about her?"

"How many times have you climaxed with that sexy 18 year old girl?" Sophie demanded.

"Well, that's different-"

"No difference!" Sophie shook her head. "We're both doing what we have to to survive! Do you really want to know how Nigel was, Michael? Do you really? Nigel was a good fuck, Michael. An incredible fuck. He's more muscular than you! The Hiveflesh on the tip stimulates me in ways I have no words for! But if I had a choice of fucking Nigel a hundred times, or you once, I'd take you!" And she gave him such an intense stare that Taylor grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

Sophie leaned into it, wrapping her arms around him and rubbing her hands up and down. "Michael... Michael... my dear, sweet Michael."

"Sophie, will we ever be together again?" Taylor asked.

"Once your training is finished, Michael," she said.

Taylor wondered if that was a real promise... or simply what Sophie's rider wanted him to think.

Susan Cleary was waiting for them as they entered the ship.

"Captain," she said.

"Susan. How are things?" he asked.

"On the ship? Everything's condition green. But the first shore leave party we sent out have not yet returned, and I can't raise them on the comm."

"They're probably too busy enjoying themselves," said Taylor.

"Captain?" said Susan.

"They'll be back shortly," said Taylor. "I want you to continue sending out shore leave parties tomorrow. Everyone should get a rotation in the next few days." He glanced at her. "That includes you, Susan."

"Yes sir," She said, frowning. She looked at Sophie for support, but Sophie was carefully looking away.

That evening Taylor felt aroused once more. That kiss with Sophie had left him oddly unfulfilled. She had once again refused to come back to his quarters, stating that her master would not permit it. The sex with her today had been the worst ever but the kiss had rekindled his intense lust for her. But as Taylor tried to stroke himself in his bathroom, his master would not permit it. It was as if he was stroking an inanimate block of wood.

Taylor's mind raced with thoughts of what would get his master's approval, of what would get it to turn on the feelings and sensations he desperately hungered for. He thought he knew what the rider on his back wanted, though it pained him to say the words. Nevertheless, he needed some form of release. The events of the day--the sexual torture, seeing Sophie enjoying herself in the arms of another man, having unsatisfying sex with her while her body was oozing sperm, seeing his crew brought into the Hive--made him extremely anxious and depressed.

He needed it!

And so Taylor stood naked in front of the mirror and said, "I'm so glad my crew is being brought into the Hive!" He started to stroke his penis. He felt something!

"It felt so good seeing them brought into the Hive!" said Taylor. He groaned with pleasure, and suddenly he was hard again!

"When I saw Wendy German given a rider, I got so hard, so aroused!" said Taylor. "She has a very sexy body, one which will be used to serve the Hive well!" Taylor groaned with pleasure. It was as if a switch had been flipped on his back. He was suddenly intensely, intensely aroused.

He had to climax. He would say whatever was necessary to get his release, to release the chemicals in his brain which would help him relax and forget about the terrible events of the day. And at that moment Taylor knew just what his master wanted to hear, as he stroked his firmly erect cock ever so strongly.

"When I saw Susan at the airlock, the only thing I could think of is how beautiful she would look with a rider! How sexy she would look with a rider!" Taylor gasped, as his cock and balls throbbed mightily in his strongly roving hand. "I want to see Susan given a rider! I want to see her mind and her body and her cunt enslaved by the Hive! Ah, ah, ahhhhh!"

Taylor's body stiffened as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis in a fine arc. Despite having climaxed twice already today, he shot three small streams into the air. Immediately he collapsed into bed, and fell into a deep slumber, even as tears streamed down his cheeks.​
Next page: Chapter 23
Previous page: Chapter 22.1