Chapter 23

Taylor felt better the next day. Much better. He was even smiling as he casually walked into the Grand Auditorium to find Julie to resume his training. He found his 18 year old trainer and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Why hello to you too!" Julie grinned. "You're feeling good today, aren't you?"

"Never better!" said Taylor. "I think my rider is starting to grow bones. I can feel them pressing against my back!"

"Let me see!" said Julie excitedly.

Taylor turned around proudly.

Julie looked closely at his back. "Yes... yes, I can see the bones starting to form. You know what else? I can see the faint beginning of your first band! Your rider is beginning to mature!"

Taylor grinned and hugged her and kissed her.

Training now was easier, much easier. Taylor repeated everything Julie said with a grin.

"I want to be controlled by the Hive!" he said, as he pounded into her. "I want my rider on my back and in my mind!"

"Do you really?" Julie asked.

"Yes!" Taylor said with a big smile.

"Really?" she asked again. She pulled his head closer, and looked into his eyes.

"Yes," Taylor repeated, with an obdurate stare.

They kissed passionately.

"Come," said Julie. "I think you're entitled to another reward."

The sexy 18 year old brought him to the shower. "Are we going to bathe?" Taylor asked.

"Not exactly," she said, with an eager smile. "Turn around and press your palms against the wall." She saw his curious look. "Just do it!"

Taylor pressed his open hands against the wall, leaning against it. He felt hands rubbing his lower back, his thighs, his ass.

"I wanted you from the day I first saw you!" said Julie, in a very excited voice. "The big bold handsome Survey Service Captain! The most famous Survey Service Captain in the fleet!" She squeezed his ass tightly. "You don't know how disappointed I was when you rejected me!"

"I've changed my mind now," said Taylor.

"We've changed your mind, dear," She said, pressing her breasts against his back. "You know, your rider can do other things besides guiding you and controlling you."

"What other things?" Taylor asked.

"Things like this," said Julie. She reached out with a fingertip and swiped along the edges of his rider.

Taylor gasped.

"Like it?" she grinned.

"Yes!" Taylor cried.

Julie spent the next twenty minutes stimulating Taylor's rider. Each swipe of her fingertip sent sharp tingles of pleasure through not just his penis but through his entire body.

"Oh! Ooooh! Oooooooh!" Taylor groaned. His penis was hard and erect and brushing against the shower wall. It could hardly have been otherwise.

"This is another excellent lesson for you," Julie grinned. "You're learning that your master is in charge of your orgasms now. Soon enough you won't even want to have sex with anyone unless your master is actively involved."

I'm being brainwashed! Taylor thought. But the thought was snatched away as quickly as it came from one of the many tendrils in his mind. It just felt so good!

"You look so sexy, so submissive leaning against the wall like that," said Julie. Her nipples were erect. Her free hand was rubbing between her legs. "I love seeing you like this! The great Survey Service Captain, begging for pleasure from his rider! You love your rider, don't you, Captain?" Julie asked.

"Yes!" Taylor cried, his penis stiff and aching.

"You do want your rider to be involved in all your orgasms from now on, don't you?"

"Yes, yes I do!" Taylor cried. He felt so close to climaxing!

"And it will, Captain, it will. As long as you obey. I just know that you're going to be soooo obedient now, isn't that right?" Julie said.

"Yes! Yes! I will obey my master! I just need to come!" Taylor cried.

"Then beg it to let you climax!" said Julie.


"Beg your master to let you climax!"

Taylor swallowed heavily. He felt words appear in his head. He said them. "Please, Master, let me come! I did everything you said! I ordered my crew to be taken by the Hive! Please, let me come, and I will serve all your needs! Ooooh!" he cried out as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis, striking the shower wall, big thick ropes of cum. He milked the later strands with his hand.

"That's right, Captain, let it out, let it all out naturally," said Julie soothingly. His conditioning was coming along well. Taylor was quickly becoming obedient Hiveflesh.

When Taylor was done, Julie decided it was her turn. Not because the Hive wanted it, but because she did. She leaned against the wall with her palms out. "Now it's your turn to help me, Captain."

"Oh Captain! Oh my dear Captain!" Julie's tits were even harder than before as she leaned against the shower wall. Her cunt lips were dilated and opening. She felt such exquisite pleasure as Taylor expertly stroked her rider. It felt like he was rubbing her cuntlips and clit directly.

"You're so sexy, so fuckable," said Taylor. "I haven't had an 18 year old in years! You were like a dream come true!" He kissed her neck passionately, making her shudder.

"Oh Captain!" Julie cried.

"When I first met you and you seduced me on the beach I was barely able to resist your charms," said Taylor in a low, confidential voice. "I'm so glad you released my sexuality, giving me the chance to enjoy your tight, sexy body."

"Do you mean that?" Julie cried.


"Oh my dear Captain!" Julie cried. She turned her head to the side and they kissed passionately.

"Training me got you excited, didn't it?" said Taylor.

"Yes!" said Julie.

"You enjoyed bringing me to the edge and keeping me there, didn't you?"

"Yes!" Julie cried again. "But what I enjoyed the most was climaxing around my big, hard cock!"

His lips kissed hers and they kissed passionately.

"Just a little more, Captain! I think I'm nearly there!" Julie cried.

And then Taylor abruptly stopped caressing her rider and pulled her out of the shower by her hand.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Julie cried.

"Finishing this the way I want to!" he said, in a very manly way. He pushed her down on a couch and spread her legs and suddenly he was inside her once more.

"Oh Captain! My dear Captain!" Julie cried, wrapping her arms and legs around him. "What about your dear, beloved Sophie?"

"Sophie can wait!" Taylor growled. "Right now the only thing I want is you!" His enormous cock thrust into her strongly, violently, making Julie groan with pleasure.

"My deeear Captain!" she grinned. "You know that every time you thrust into me, every time your heart beats wildly, you're feeding your rider, nourishing it, making it stronger on your back and in your mind!"

"Don'tcaredon'tcaredon'tcare!" Taylor growled, between kisses. His penis rubbed the Hiveflesh coated walls of her cunt roughly. "It's all worth it, if I can come inside of you!"

"Oh Michael!" Julie cried. His ardor sent her over the edge. Her vaginal walls clamped down on his penis like a vice, causing him to ejaculate enormous globs of sperm deep inside of her. "Oh Michael!" She cried again hugged him tightly. "My dear, dear Captain!"

Later that day Joanna came over to see Julie watching Taylor having sex with three other women. They were all college freshman who Julie had personally selected for the Captain, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, all with big breasts, narrow hips, and ravishing smiles. Joanna watched as the blonde, Melissa Haverford, bounced up and down on Taylor's penis as Taylor lay there, his hands behind his head, looking very pleased.

"What's going on here?" Joanna said.

"He's being trained," said Julie, with a grin.

"It looks like he's training them," said Joanna. "He should be on top, to maximize his efforts to feed his rider."

"Relax, Mom," said Joanna. "Michael's rider has already started to grow bones. I can even see the faint outlines of his first band. He's getting plenty of stimulation right now from Melissa, Chauntel, and Judy. He'll join us fully in a day or two, I guarantee it."

Joanna paused. Something was not quite right here. "Why isn't he being made to repeat the key phrases?"

"Because he's already repeated all of them," said Julie, looking pleased. "He's accepted the dominion of the Hive."

"Has he? said Joanna suspiciously.

Julie shrugged. "See for yourself."

Joanna walked over to Taylor, who had a big smile on his face as blonde Melissa Haverford's heavy breasts bounced above them. She was unusually well endowed for an 18 year old. Farther down her fleshy pussylips grasped Taylor's penis tightly as she impaled herself on his cock again and again.

"How are you doing, Captain?" Joanna asked.

"Wonderfully!" said Taylor. "How are you, Joanna?"

"Fine," said Joanna. She looked from Taylor to Melissa and back again. Then she said.


Taylor stiffened immediately and said, "Momomomomomomom!"


"Mamoomisham! Mamoomisham!" said Taylor, with a far away look. Gradually, his eyes returned to normal. "Where was I?" he asked.

"Being fucked by me!" Melissa says.

"Oh yes!" Taylor cackled, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her strongly.

Julie put an arm around her mother's waist. "You see, Mother? He's one of us now."

On the sixth day of his training, Joanna again approached Taylor as he and Julie were once again fucking.

"I want to be controlled by the Hive! I want to be used to breed Hivelife!" Taylor cried, with a big grin, as his long, hard penis split Julie's big orange cuntlips. Suddenly he noticed Joanna. "Oh hi Joanna! How are you?"

"Doing quite well, thank you, Michael," said Joanna, with an approving smile. "How are you enjoying your training?"

"It's great!" said Taylor. "Isn't it, Julie?"

"You bet, Mom!" said Julie, giving a big grin, even as Joanna frowned.

"You'll be delighted to know, then, that most of your crew have come here and taken riders. They are now beginning to work to get their riders to mature. How does that make you feel?"

"Wonderful!" Taylor grinned. "I only hope that soon they will know the joy of serving as I do."

Julie mouthed, "Told you!" to her Mom.

"I'm glad you feel that way," said Joanna. "The only problem is that there are a few holdouts on your ship. Those who refuse our gracious hospitality."

"Really?" said Taylor, as his penis plowed inside of Julie once more.

"Really," said Joanna. "I'd appreciate it if you'd return to your ship and encourage them to come visit us."

"Of course," said Taylor enthusiastically.

"Especially bridge officers Lieutenant Mushy Takorama and your second officer, Lieutenant Commander Susan Cleary."

Taylor's penis abruptly slowed down inside of Julie's tight 18 year old cunt.

"Is that a problem, Michael?" Joanna asked.

"No, of course not," said Taylor. He resumed thrusting at a normal speed once more.

"Can this wait until we climax, Mom?" Joanna asked. "It's really helping his rider grow."

Joanna looked at the rider on Taylor's back. It was much bigger and thicker than when it had been implanted six days ago. She could see the bone structure, strong and firm, gripping his back, and the almost solid golden band. Taylor's rider was on the cusp of maturity. "Of course, dear. You two have fun."

"Thanks, Mom!" said Julie. She turned to Taylor. "All right, get back to work! And can you rub my clit while you're at it?"

"Your wish is my command... Master," said Taylor, making Julie giggle.

Taylor and Sophie walked back to the Immortal after a hard day of fucking.

Taylor spoke first. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yes," said Sophie. "Did you?"

"Definitely," said Taylor. "That Julie is simply delicious." He licked his lips.

"You find her attractive?" Sophie asked.

"And you don't?" said Taylor. "She's 18 and has the perfect body."

"The perfect body?" said Sophie.

"Well, a perfect body," said Taylor. "She doesn't have these," he said, risking a quick squeeze of her tits. He didn't get burned. "She's been very helpful with my training."

"You sound grateful," said Sophie.

"Why shouldn't I be?" said Taylor. "She's helping my master get heavier on my back and in my mind. Who wouldn't be?"

Sophie cast a glance at her lover. Taylor had had his rider for six days now. It was only natural that his mind would start to fall under the influence of the Hive. And yet... Taylor didn't merely seem to be falling under the Hive's influence. He now seemed eager to be a part of it, even more eager than Sophie, who already wore a fully banded rider!

When Sophie's rider matured, she recognized that she was a slave of the Hive, and had no choice but to obey its orders. But she didn't always like doing what she was told. Taylor, on the other hand, seemed enthusiastic about it, even before his rider had matured!

Nils had once told her that people resisted the Hive for different lengths of time. There were single and even a few double banded slaves who still resisted the Hive in some ways, he said. And then there were slaves who were totally obedient, totally committed, from the moment they took their rider. He gave Chloe as an example of the latter.

But Sophie found it hard to believe that her tough as nails, ruggedly headstrong and individualistic Captain had simply... given in to the Hive so quickly. She knew that once Taylor joined the Hive he would have to obey, but she had thought he would do so grudgingly. The Taylor she saw now had become someone different, someone... she was finding herself less attracted to.

"I saw more of the crew in the Hive today. Getting riders," said Sophie. "More than half the crew probably have riders by now." She looked at Taylor for his reaction.

"Good," said Taylor. "I'm so glad."

I'm so glad? Sophie's eyebrows shot up. Taylor, the old Taylor, would have been more protective of his crew.

"After all, we're giving them the greatest gift known to man, aren't we?" He looked at Sophie. "Aren't we, Sophie?"

"Yes," she mumbled.

Taylor gave her a sharp glance. "Did you have fun in the Enrichment Chamber?" he asked. "It must have been exciting, helping all those men make riders or helping their masters grow."

Fun was not the word Sophie would have used for it. Exhausting would have been a better word.

"Did you have any good orgasms?" Taylor asked. "Did you see Nigel again?"

"As a matter of fact he did visit me again," said Sophie, blushing. "And yes... the sex... it was good," She said, looking down at the ground and biting her lip.

Taylor raised her chin. "Now that we have joined the Hive, Sophie dear, there is no longer any need for shyness. You and I were made for sex. Made to serve the Hive. The sooner you understand that, the better off we'll all be."

He gave a broad smile as they walked back to the ship.

This man is a complete stranger to me! Sophie thought.

When they got back to the ship they found Susan leading the watch in the control room. Ever since Taylor and Chloe had been devoting their days to the Colony the watch order had been changed so that Susan took one watch, Eric Penfold took another, and Chief Stoneheld took a third.

And Eric Penfold and Chief Stoneheld had both joined the Hive in the past two days. Taylor had seen Penfold in the Auditorium, stiffening as the immature rider was put on his back. He saw Yoram Stoneheld bouncing up and down on a young woman's penis, learning his first key phrases of obedience. Susan Cleary was the only bridge officer left to be taken. Her and Mushy.

"Captain, welcome back," said Susan, her face betraying her tension.

"Good to be back, Susan. Status report?"

"Everything normal, sir." She raised her eyebrows and casually walked to a far corner of the control room. Taylor and Sophie followed her.

"What is it, Susan?" Taylor asked.

"People coming back from shore leave... they're different," she said.

"Different in what way?" Taylor asked, as he felt his rider snuggling between his shoulder blades.

"I don't know sir," said Susan. She pointed to Galloway. "Take John. He's barely said five words to me today. Normally he's a chatterbox. His face, his affect... it's all flat. Can you... can you analyze him in that special way of yours, sir?"

"Certainly." Taylor turned his gaze to John Galloway. He imagined that Galloway's rider had only begun to take control of him. Galloway was in the early confused period, still being trained, still learning of all the benefits the Hive had to offer him. He would become happier and much more outgoing as his master took greater control of his mind, Taylor was sure.

Taylor pretended to screan his navigator for a moment. Then he turned to Susan. "He's perfectly fine," he said. "Perhaps the problem is you, Susan."

"Me?" said Susan.

"You haven't taken shore leave yet, have you?" He raised his voice and looked at his science officer. "Have you taken shore leave, Mushy?"

"No sir," said Mushy. "I've been too busy."

Taylor frowned. They both knew that was a lie. "Then unbusy yourself. I want you to make a general announcement to the remaining crew ordering them to take shore leave."

"Ordering them, Captain?" said Susan.

"You heard me," said Taylor. "And I want you and Mushy to take shore leave too. That's an order."

"You're ordering us... to take shore leave?" Susan repeated.

Taylor smiled at her. "Susan, I need my second officer properly rested and relaxed. Just try it once! They have a fantastic recreation area at the North Building, I think you'll really like it!"

Susan looked from Taylor to Sophie and back to Taylor again. "Yes, sir, I'll try it."

Taylor screaned her. She was lying.

"Very good," said Taylor, smiling broadly. He patted her shoulder. "You won't regret it."

The next morning, Taylor reported to the Hive and gave Julie a passionate kiss.

"Ummmm," she said. "You seem ready for your training."

"Always ready with you," Taylor said, sending a chill down her spine.

"I regret to inform you that your basic training is over," said Julie.

"Over?" said Taylor.

She turned him around. "Your rider is almost mature. One more session will push you over the edge."

Taylor grabbed her. "Then let's do it!"

Julie smiled. "I appreciate your enthusiasm. But the Hive has something special planned for you."

"Something special?"

"Follow me," she said, turning away. Her firm ass cheeks were an interesting pairing with the enormous double banded rider on her back. The giant knuckles grasped tightly onto Julie's back, while the two gold bands shone brightly in the dim light.

Julie led him to the Main Auditorium. More than two hundred people were standing there, all with riders on their back, most of them immature. "Do you recognize them?" she asked.

Taylor did. They were his crew, most of them, from the looks of it. He recognized Ensign Shanbow, with her large black breasts. He saw Crewgirl Marsha Starsky, her big, thick blonde curls going down to her shoulders while her heavy titties pointed downward. He saw his Chief Engineer Yoram Stoneheld, with a blank expression on his face.

"Why are they here?" Taylor asked.

"They have all come to watch your rider mature." She indicated a large holoscreen above them which was trained on this part of the stage. As Julie lay down on it, Taylor saw her amplified form appear on the holoscreen.

He was going to be used as an example. As an example to his crew who would watch as his rider matured. Taylor bit his lip.

"Coming, dear?" she asked, holding out her arms. "Don't you want your rider to mature on your back and in your mind?"

Taylor paused. "Of course I do!" he said with a grin. He lay down on top of her.

Julie looked so incredibly pleased as they kissed. "This is going to be the fucks of all fucks!"

"I'm counting on it!" said Taylor.

They kissed and hugged and fondled each other while their lovemaking was enlarged on the big holoscreen for everyone to watch. Taylor occasionally glanced out at the crowd. Mostly he saw blank faces. Most of the crew had just taken riders and were under the first layer of control. This is why they had brought him here. To serve as an example to them. His betrayal of his own crew was nearly complete.

"Put it in me, lover," said Julie. "I can't bear to wait another minute without feeling you inside me!"

Taylor screaned her and sensed she was telling the truth. Somehow during the training Julie, the real Julie, had fallen in love with him. Her rider had permitted her these feelings, as long as they facilitated the training. He slowly inserted his long rod inside of her, making her gasp. He started moving back and forth rapidly.

"Oh!" said Taylor.

"Feels good?" Julie inquired.

"Yeah!" said Taylor. "And... I feel something bubbling on my back!"

"That didn't take long, did it?" said Julie. "I told you your rider was on the cusp of maturity." She gave him an endearing look. "I enjoyed training you. All of it."

"I did too," said Taylor. With his penis rubbing her inner walls, he felt so passionate towards her. He kissed her strongly.

"Perhaps we will have opportunities to be together again, if the Hive permits it," said Julie.

"If the Hive permits it," Taylor agreed.

"You'll be given rewards from time to time. The rewards you could choose... could be me," she smiled at him.

"I'd like that!" Taylor grinned. "Oh!" he gasped. "Julie! My rider! It's really growing big now!"

"Great, Michael! Keep thrusting harder!" Julie said, as she watched his long penis moving between her thick orangey cunt lips. Above the young girl's cunt was the glowing upside down U with a dot symbol marking her as a slave to be fucked.

People watching the enormous holoscreen watched as Taylor's rider jetted up enormous bubbles of Hiveflesh like bubbles of boiling water. They watched as his ass pumped forward and backwards as he fucked the 18 year old girl hard. Most of his crew watched this blank faced, but some of the women, like Crewgirl Marsha Starsky, rubbed her cuntlips without even realizing she was doing it.

Taylor looked down at Julie. She was so sexy, so fuckable! The young 18 year old cutie's body had given him hours of pleasures... and many pleasant climaxes. Taylor felt his orgasm rapidly approaching.

"Julie, I'm going to come!" he cried.

"That means your rider is maturing! Do it, Michael, do it now!"

Taylor made one last thrust inside her and groaned as an orgasmic shockwave moved through his body. It was incredible. He felt it from head to toe. As he climaxed, he felt his rider resolidifying on his back. He felt its tendrils growing stronger in his mind. It felt like a heavy curtain falling over him.

Julie groaned as her own rider rewarded her. Even as Taylor was releasing inside of her, her inner walls spasmed around his pulsating cock. No one spoke for a long moment.

Then Taylor pulled out and gasped. "My rider!" he cried.

"What about it, Michael?" Julie asked.

"It loves me! And it wants the best for me!"

They slowly stood up, with Taylor giving her a helping hand. Julie turned Taylor around to face the holocamera. His rider now had a solid gold band on it.

His crew clapped mechanically.

"Welcome to the Hive, Michael!" she cried, hugging him tightly.

Taylor was dressed again, in his Survey Service uniform. He felt confused as Julie, wearing a bathrobe, led him to the exit. His eyes squinted under the bright daylight. "What am I doing here?" he asked.

Suddenly he saw Sophie, also clothed, standing there, looking at him.

"Sophie!" he cried, giving her a big hug. "My rider... it's matured!"

"I saw," said Sophie.

"You were watching?"

"Yes," said Sophie calmly. She had a carryall over her shoulder.

Taylor looked at Julie. "What are we doing?"

"Whatever you like, Michael," said Julie. She smiled at him. "See you later." She went back into the building.

Sophie and Taylor were finally reunited, here in the outside world. Theoretically they were free. They could go anywhere they wanted, do anything they wanted. Except for the fact that they both had mature riders on their back. They had the illusion of freedom.

Sophie led the way.

"Where are we going?" Taylor asked.

She just gave him a mysterious look. She took him past the small spaceport and the hulking form of the Immortal, which was now empty, as everyone was now part of the Hive. She took him in a sandy wooded area which seemed familiar to him. Taylor recognized it when they reached the beach by the river, the very same beach which Julie had once taken him to.

Sophie sat down and opened the carryall, revealing sandwiches, glasses, and a bottle of wine.

"Let's celebrate," she said simply.

They ate in silence, with eyes only for each other. They had been kept apart ever since Taylor had joined the Hive. There had been that one time, when Taylor briefly had her for a few seconds while she was overflowing with the sperm of other men, but that was a memory best forgotten. As he looked into her beautiful hazel eyes he realized what he was there for.

To claim his reward.

Taylor had obediently allowed himself to be trained. He had helped his rider mature and take more control of his mind, and now the Hive was permitting him a reward.


Taylor screaned her. Despite her calm exterior, Sophie was feeling very, very passionate about him. She was barely holding herself back. Taylor sipped on his wine. "You're looking very attractive today, Sophie."

"You are too, Michael," she said, staring at him intently. She seemed calm but her eyes welled with impatience.

Taylor reached out and put an arm around her. "Will our riders now permit us to kiss?"

"Yes," said Sophie.

He kissed her strongly. She immediately responded, grinding her lips against his.

"That was good," he said.

"Very good," said Sophie.

"Will our masters permit me to touch your fabulous tits?" he asked, squeezing her breast through her shirt and control collar.

"I believe they will," Sophie smiled.

And then Taylor reached out and boldly rubbed her between her legs, making her gasp. His breath was hot and heavy in her ear. "And will they permit me to fuck you? Will they let me fill you with my big cock and empty my aching balls inside of you?"

"I... I don't think that would be a problem today, Michael," said Sophie, her face finally betraying her arousal.

"But is that what you want?" Taylor asked, kissing her again.

She looked into his eyes. "More than anything!"

They undressed each other slowly, lovingly.

"I missed these!" Taylor cried, squeezing her nuclear tipped breasts as her control collar came off. Sophie's breasts were perfect, simply perfect, enormous breasts without a hint of sag because of the cold fusion generated implanted inside.

"I missed you missing these!" Sophie cried, giving him a strong kiss. She ran her fingertips over his hairy chest."And I missed this!"

"You did?"

"Yeahhhhh," she growled in a deep, deep voice, as she rubbed his chest in a very un-Passive Observer kind of way.

When all their clothes were off, Taylor stared at his lover's dark pubic bush. "How many... how many men have used you today?" he asked.

"None," said Sophie.

"None?" said Taylor.

"They had me sit in a corner all morning, doing nothing," said Sophie. She smiled at him. "They wanted me to be clean, Michael. Totally clean for you. You... you will be my first lover of the day. If... if you'll have me," she said, smiling shyly.

Taylor felt aroused by her words. He looked between her legs more closely, carefully lifting up the green gem which was chained to her vulva. He fondled it in front of his lover's big dark love hole. "This makes you look so sexy," he said.

Sophie lifted up his own green gem, which hung from a slender chain from the bottom of his scrotum. She cupped his balls gently. "Yours does too."

She stared at him with her beautiful hazel eyes and they kissed.

Taylor's fingers parted her pubic hair, making her green glowing slave mark more visible. He stared at the upside down U with a dot in it. "Your Slave Mark," he murmured.

"Yes," said Sophie. "I am marked... to be fucked." She fondled the tip of Taylor's penis, her forefinger running over the green glowing curved bone symbol which caused him to stiffen. "And you are marked to do the fucking."

They kissed again. Sophie groaned. "Oh, how I missed you so much, my love!"

"I missed you too, Sophie!" Taylor cried.

"Even while you were fucking that 18 year old?" she said accusingly.

"Julie is gorgeous," Taylor admitted. He kissed her again. "I thoroughly enjoyed fucking her." He kissed her again. "But she doesn't have your eyes. She doesn't have your big, firm tits." He kissed her again. "And what about Nigel? What about all the men you fucked?"

"Nothing," said Sophie automatically. "They were all drops of water, compared to the rain storm," she stared at him with intense lust.

"Drops of water compared to a rain storm." Taylor grinned. "I like that! Maybe you could become a poet, Sophie!"

"What I want is to be fucked, Michael!" Sophie snarled, rubbing her body against his erection. "Take me, Michael," she said, rubbing her breasts against him. "Use me," she whispered, her eyes begging him. "Fill me," she said, kissing his lips. "Seed me," she said, squeezing his ass tightly.

Taylor smiled and lowered her down to the sand. In seconds they were making love by the rapidly flowing river.

"I missed this so much!" Sophie cried, as Taylor moved inside of her.

"I missed it too!" said Taylor.

"I love the feeling of your chest against me!" she said. "I love the feeling of this inside me!" She looked down at his enormous penis.

"I love it too!" Taylor cried. "I love you so much, Sophie!"

"I love you too, Michael!"

The lovers continued to enjoy each others' bodies. As they did, Taylor felt his rider bubbling up on my back.

"Sophie... something's happening... on my back... could my rider be maturing again, so soon?" Taylor asked.

"No!" said Sophie. "I think... I think you're creating your first rider!"

My first rider. Taylor suddenly realized the real purpose of this picnic excursion, of this so-called "reward". The Hive wanted to know if he had the ability and inclination to create a rider. He paused, but only for a moment.

"Keep fucking me, Michael!" Sophie cried.

Taylor resumed thrusting. He could feel his rider sapping his body's energy, converting his chemical energy into muscle mass it could use to reproduce. His rider was acting like a parasite, sapping energy from his body for its own purposes.

But he couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop. He had been too long without Sophie. He plunged into her cunt even as his rider started to split on his back, his penis a solid rod and his ass cheeks as hard as rocks. Taylor's rider rewarded him by stimulating his penis. He could feel its tendrils stroking his cock and balls. "Oh Sophie! It feels so good! It feels so wonderful!" Taylor cried. "Does making a rider always feel this good?"

"Always!" Sophie grinned.

"If it feels this good, I could make a rider every day!" Taylor cried. He felt incredible. He was making love in the great outdoors by a roaring river on a sandy beach. He felt the warmth of Sirius Minor's twin suns beating on his back and legs as he made love to the woman he loved. His rider filled him with a tremendous sense of euphoria. Nothing felt better than this. Nothing! At that moment Taylor was so very glad, intensely glad, that he had joined the Hive.

"Sophie, it's splitting, I can feel it!" Taylor cried.

"Keep going, Michael!" Sophie cried with urgency in her voice.

Taylor thrusted faster. As he did he could literally feel one rider becoming two on his back as he rapidly humped the woman he loved. And then, after ripping one last burst of energy from his body, it was done.

Reproduction had occurred!

Taylor's rider flipped a switch in his head, and he flooded into Sophie with his sperm. He had just had sex with Julie a few short hours ago but his orgasm was strong and productive, sending rope after rope of semen into the woman he loved. He collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath, feeling a pounding in his head.

Sophie reached around and cupped his new, baby rider, while Taylor's smaller, mature rider reasserted itself between his shoulder blades. "It's beautiful!" she said. "Your master must be so proud of you!"

"It is," Taylor smiled. "I can feel it!"

They kissed. As they did, the rider flew off of Sophie's hand, into the sky.

"Where will it go?" Taylor asked.

"Wherever it is needed most," said Sophie.

Taylor smiled and fondled her hair. "Did you climax?'

"No. You were the one being rewarded, not me." said Sophie. "Would you... would you help me make a rider too?"

Taylor barely paused. "I'd love to!"

This time Sophie was on top, bouncing up and down on Taylor's penis. His penis had shrunk after his last effort, but Sophie quickly fixed that, working her mouth over the tip of him as her eyes sent him naughty messages.

Taylor gasped as he hardened in her mouth. "You didn't use to do that!"

"There are a lot of things I didn't use to do, before I joined the Hive." She said it in such a naughty voice that Taylor's penis tingled.

And then Sophie mounted him and started riding his shaft. Very quickly she started feeling her rider bubbling up on her back. "Oh!" she cried. "It's begun!"

"So soon?" Taylor inquired

"It's you!" Sophie said accusingly. "You always do this to me!"

Sophie looked so sexy. They had never before had sex in the great outdoors. Even though they were the only ones there, Taylor felt a thrill watching his lover bounce up and down on his shaft. Anyone could walk by, anyone at all, and they would be treated to the sight of the most beautiful woman in the world riding up and down on his cock.

Taylor watched Sophie's short dark hair whip in the wind. He enjoyed how the bright light of twin suns illuminated Sophie's heavy breasts, her nipples proudly erect as they pointed straight at him. He loved watching his penis disappear all the way inside of Sophie's cunthole again and again and again. But most of all he loved her sexy smile, her sexy loving smile. She was clearly infatuated with him, and being taken by the Hive hadn't changed that one bit.

It had taken the Hive to bring them together, Taylor realized. It had taken the Hive to enable him to have sex in the great outdoors with the woman he loved, something Sophie would never have done with him for one of a thousand practical reasons. But as she rode up and down on his cock, he realized he had paid a heavy price for it.

"I can feel it, Michael!" she said, her eyes getting wide with genuine excitement. "I can feel my rider bubbling up on my back!"

"Good, Sophie! Keep going!" Taylor ugred her.

"Oh, nothing could make me stop, nothing!" Sophie cried. "Making riders feels so good, Michael! Nothing feels better! It's bubbling up, Michael, I can feel my master bubbling up! We're creating Hivelife together! Your penis is stimulating my cunt to help it grow!" She reached down and gave him the wettest of kisses. Taylor groaned as her thick lips set his entire body a-tingling.

"I love you Michael Taylor! I love you so much!" she said fiercely. "I can't think of anything better in life than having your dick inside me while making a master on my back!"

Sophie was totally into it now. Taylor realized he had never seen her look this athletic, this sexual. The Hive was using her for its own ends but in the process had turned Sophie into the most sensual woman he had ever seen. Her wicked grin as she rode on his shaft, her intense, pained look of sexual desire for his cock made Taylor so excited, so aroused.

As Sophie rode up and down on his cock her sizzling rider released a viscous yellow liquid which flowed into her asshole. Sophie gasped and her eyes went wide and she started to pound up and down on his cock more rapidly. "It's happening, Michael!" she cried, as her heavy, big nippled breasts bounced in every direction. "It's happening NOW!"

Sophie's rider split down the middle on her back as her athletic body rode up and down on her lover's enormous penis. Sophie's sexual exertions gave her master the energy it needed to reproduce. And then, as she joyously bounced up and down to help the creature on her back reproduce, it was done! One rider became two.

Reproduction had occurred!

Sophie's body shuddered and shook and her eyes rolled up into her head as her rider rewarded her with a tremendous orgasm. "Michael!" She cried out, just before collapsing in his arms. She panted heavily in his arms as her warm, heavy breasts pressed against his chest.

And then it was done.

Sophie recovered her breath and slowly sat up with a satisfied smile on her face. She reached behind her and brought forth the newborn rider. It was small and immature and yellow with a very soft skin. On her back, her mature rider, smaller now, reasserted itself over a space covered in red rashes.

"Look at it, Michael, isn't it beautiful?" Sophie asked, her eyes sparkling.

"As beautiful as you," said Michael, and something in his tone made Sophie kiss him passionately. As she did, she felt her rider fly off her hand, heading off into the sky.

They lay together for a long time after that, their arms and legs intertwined.

"I love you so much," she whispered. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Taylor smiled and hugged her tightly, feeling extremely content.​
Next page: Chapter 24.1
Previous page: Chapter 22.2