Chapter 24.1
The next day Taylor and Sophie were in the Enrichment Chamber, working side by side. Sophie was being fucked by one of the colonists named Miles Arkanian, who was using Sophie's cunt as a well-earned reward for his hard work training his wife and 18 year old daughter. Taylor, on the other hand, was being used by Crewgirl Marsha Starsky, who was riding on his cock in an effort to make her rider mature.
"You feel really good sir!" she said.
"You don't have to call me sir here Marsha," Taylor chuckled as he watched her heavy breasts bounce up and down.
"I never thought I'd be having sex with my Captain!" Marsha cried.
"Many women under his command have thought the same thing," Sophie said dryly, as Miles pounded into her pussy.
Marsha laughed. "You do feel really good, sir! I mean, Michael."
"Thank you, Marsha," said Taylor. "You're a very sexy woman."
"I am?" The big-breasted blonde cast a glance at Sophie.
"Don't worry," said Taylor. "There's no room for jealousy in the Hive. In the Hive you can have anyone you like... if you obey. You do want to obey, don't you, Marsha?"
"Yes, sir!" she gasped, as her enormous tits bounced around.
"Say it," said Taylor, as his rider pulsated on his back.
"I want to obey," said Marsha, with a big grin.
"You want to serve the Hive."
"I want to serve the Hive," said Marsha, with a blank stare.
"You want your body to be used for reproduction."
"I... I want my body to be used for reproduction," she said, a bit hesitantly. But she did say it!
As Marsha's big breasted body moved up and down on him, Taylor turned to Sophie and they exchanged loving smiles.
Later that day, Taylor and Sophie were sent to a small training room. No one else was around.
"I wonder what we're supposed to be doing here?" Sophie asked.
"Why waste time wondering?" Taylor grinned. He pressed his naked body tightly against hers, rubbing his penis against her pubis as they kissed. Sophie had had no fewer than six men inside of her this morning, but Taylor no longer cared. He would take her any way and any time he could.
They were soon on the spongy ground and Taylor was starting to thrust between her legs when they heard a throat being cleared.
Taylor turned to see Joanna standing behind them. He slowly pulled out of Sophie, and his long penis reappeared from inside of her as if by magic.
"Hi Jo!" said Taylor, giving Sophie a hand to get to her feet. "We were just-"
"Waiting for our next assignment," Sophie explained, running nervous hands over her ass.
"It's nice you lovebirds like to keep busy," said Joanna, giving a little smile. "Captain, it will please you to know that we have successfully removed the last holdouts from your ship. 17 crew members who steadfastly refused to accept your generous offer of shore leave."
"That's good," said Taylor.
"They're being processed now," said Joanna. "I was wondering if you and Sophie could help with two of them."
"Of course!" said Taylor. "Send them here."
"They're coming now," said Joanna.
Two crew members, still fully clothed, entered the room. Each one was being pulled by the arms by Harem Guards.
"Let me go, let me GO!" cried Mushy Takorama, the science officer.
"Michael!" Susan Cleary cried, as her guards pushed her into the room just behind Mushy.
Taylor's second officer looked around. "What's happening? What is this place? Michael, when people started disappearing, I tried to call home but-"
"We have jammed all communications," said Joanna. "Unauthorized messages are not allowed here."
Susan stared at Joanna. "Captain, who is this woman? And why are you all naked? Sophie... you're naked too!"
"Yes I am, Susan," said Sophie calmly.
Taylor put an arm around his second officer. "Let me explain, Susan." And he did. He told her all about the Hive, and riders, and how they had taken over the colony and then the crew of the Immortal... and how he had helped.
"But... you would never do such a thing! You would never betray the crew!" Susan said.
"He would now," said Sophie. "Look!" She turned Taylor around so Susan could see his rider, which was slowly inflating on his back.
Susan gasped. "What is that?"
"It's my rider," said Taylor smugly.
Susan stared at the big yellow-brown balloon with the shiny golden band. When it deflated, she could see the bones, clamped to Taylor's back.
"Does it hurt you? Can you take it off?" she asked.
"I would never want to. It's my best friend in the world," said Taylor.
"Captain!" she stared at him with big eyes. "It's controlling you!"
"That's right, Susan. Nearly the entire crew has taken riders. Except for you and Mushy," said Taylor.
Mushy got his meaning immediately. "You want me and Susan to put those things on our back? No no no!"
"It can be done most amicably," Taylor smiled pleasantly. "We will have intercourse. Your sexy bodies will stimulate my body, which will in turn give my rider the energy to reproduce, and make a rider for your body."
"What?" said Susan, trying to understand all this. "That thing on your back... it's a parasite!"
"It is pure love," said Sophie.
Susan stared from one to the other wordlessly. "No! I won't do it!"
"And neither will I!" Mushy declared.
"Michael, see they both take riders within the hour. I'll be back for them," said Joanna, turning on her heel to go. She left a pair of Harem Guards at the doorway.
Susan looked at her departing form and then back at Taylor. "No... I won't do it!"
Taylor put an arm around her again. "Susan, you are going to take a rider. The only question is how and from who."
Sophie said, "Do you really want a stranger making love to you, Susan?"
"No! I won't permit it!" said Susan.
"You will, Susan. The Hive has ways of unlocking your desires," said Sophie. She paused. Her rider rapidly inflated and deflated on her back. Sophie cocked her head and nodded. Then she continued. "Susan, you're in love with Michael, aren't you? There's no harm now in admitting it."
"I... yes," she said nervously.
"If you let Michael bring you into the Hive, you can have him."
"What?" said Susan. Her eyebrows shot upwards.
"You will be pair bonded with whoever brings you into the Hive," said Sophie earnestly, as her rider pulsated on her back.
That is a total lie, Taylor thought, but he kept silent. That's how the Hive worked. It lied to Sophie to bring her into the Hive, and Sophie in turn lied to him. And now it was using the same strategy on Susan. It was Sophie's rider, not Sophie, who was speaking now, he felt sure.
Sophie took her hand. "We can share him, Susan!" she said.
"Share him?" Susan repeated with disbelief.
Sophie nodded. "You and I."
"You... you would do that?" Susan looked beyond surpised.
Sophie caressed Susan's cheeks. "The Hive has unlocked many feelings I have... for Michael... and for you. I like you, Susan." She stared intently at the younger redhead. "I like you a lot. If you let Michael bring you into the Hive, he'll be ours forever." She paused. "But if you don't, Joanna will come back here and give you to someone else. You'll still join the Hive, but you'll never see Michael ever again." She saw Susan wavering. "What will it be?"
Susan looked at Taylor uncertainly. "Is this... is this true, Michael? If... if I agree to this... we'll... we'll be together?"
Taylor smiled. "Forever and always, Susan."
Susan took a deep breath. Her body trembled. "All... all right. I'll take one of those creatures."
"A rider," said Sophie.
"Yes." She swallowed heavily. "I will take a rider."
"Don't do it, Susan! It's a trick!" Mushy yelled.
"Restrain her," said Taylor.
The two harem guards grabbed her arms.
"No! Don't let them do this to you, Susan!" Mushy cried.
"Don't try to interfere, Mushy!" said Sophie sharply. "Your turn will come soon enough!"
"Do we... do we really have to do this?" Susan asked, her eyes choked with tears, even as she lifted her arms so Taylor could pull her dayshirt off.
"We really do, Susan," Michael assured her, pulling on her shirt.
"Couldn't we... couldn't we just tell them we did it?" Susan asked, with pleading eyes.
"They would know, Susan," said Taylor, pulling off her shirt.
"Our riders would know," Susan explained.
Taylor slowly pulled off her shoes. Then he started on her pants.
"You know, this is partially my fault," Susan sniffled. "Michael, you kept telling me that there was something wrong about this planet. But I was so crazy out of my mind for you that I kept shutting you down!"
"No one's at fault, Susan," said Taylor mildly. As he bent down to remove her pants, Susan got a good look at Taylor's rider. She could see the knuckles on it which tightly grasped his back. The golden band gleamed brightly in the dimly lit cave. Her beloved Captain was under the complete control of an alien parasite!
Taylor reached behind her to remove her breast control collar. As it came off, she reflexively covered her breasts; not because of Taylor, but because of the alien environment she now found herself in.
Taylor gently pulled her hands away, revealing her lovely pear shaped breasts. Susan felt defensive. "You have a very pretty body," said Taylor.
"They're not as big as hers," said Susan, suddenly feeling competitive with Sophie.
"Sophie, you're a Passive Observer," said Taylor. "Tell Susan what you see."
Sophie blinked twice and stared at Susan's breasts in an analytical way which made Susan feel a bit uncomfortable. "I see a set of very attractive breasts."
"You see?" said Taylor. "A Passive Observer can only state facts, not opinions."
Susan frowned. However flattering, calling her breasts "very attractive" was hardly an objective statement! Sophie, like Taylor, was being controlled by her rider.
While she was distracted by Sophie's praise, Taylor pulled down Susan's panties, revealing her bright red pubic bush.
"Her vagina is very attractive as well," Sophie remarked.
Susan was stunned. Sophie Astor would never say that!
Sophie looked her square in the eye. "You're a very beautiful woman, Susan. Now I understand why Michael is so attracted to you."
Susan blushed furiously. How should she respond to her lover's lover telling her that she was beautiful? As she was trying to figure out what to say, Taylor pressed his lips against hers. Susan responded instinctively, groaning as she kissed Taylor harder than he kissed her. Whatever was going on here, it didn't change the essentials: Susan was still very much in love with Michael Taylor.
Taylor smiled as if he could read her mind. He started rubbing her breasts.
"Niiiiice," he said.
Susan looked embarrassed, too afraid to look up in case Sophie had a negative reaction. Instead she reached out for his penis, and started to stroke it.
"Very good Susan. You've learned how he likes to be touched," said Sophie approvingly.
What was going on here? The situation was so bizarre, and yet... and yet... she was kissing and petting with the man she loved, even as his other lover watched. It felt too good to stop! Taylor got her hot and aroused with his lips and his fingers and the feeling of his amazing body against hers. Susan's fingers reflexively moved to the tip of his penis, and felt an unexpected warmth. She looked down and noticed his green glowing Slave Mark. "What's this?" she asked.
"My Slave Mark," Taylor explained.
"Your what mark?" said Susan.
"When you join the Hive, you'll get one too," said Taylor.
"And you'll simply love it," Sophie added. She spread her legs proudly to show her own, an upside down U with a dot it in it.
"Yours is different from Michael's," said Susan.
"Michael is marked as an inseminator," said Sophie. She touched her own Slave Mark and ran her fingers up and down her pubic folds. "I am slated for reproduction."
Susan's eyes shot up. "And what will I be marked for?"
"That will be up to the Hive," said Sophie.
Susan's jaw dropped open. She looked again at the glowing symbol on the head of Taylor's penis. He, like Sophie, seemed perfectly content to be branded as a slave. Would she become like that when she took a rider?
She looked down and noticed something hanging from Taylor's scrotum. Her fingers reached out and touched it. It was a green gem.
"Do you like it?" said Taylor. "When the time is right, you'll get one too."
"Where?" Susan asked.
"Right here," he said, touching her vulva. "You'll love it so much you'll wonder how you ever lived without it," he said, with an alien light shining in his eyes.
That creature controls his mind, Susan thought again. But that alarming thought didn't stop her from kissing and hugging him tightly. The alarming thought also wasn't alarming enough for her to resist as Taylor gently lowered her to the spongy ground and got between her legs. Susan felt a tingle of excitement as Taylor aimed his enormous penis between her vaginal lips.
"I never thought our first time was going to be like this," said Susan, a bit fearfully. "In an alien place, where you're about to have sex with me to create a creature which will go on my back. I... I wish... I wish we had done it first back on the ship."
"I'm sorry our first time has to be under different... circumstances like these." His enormous erection hovered over her cuntlips. He was eager to enter her, eager to bring her into the Hive, but something made him pause. Taylor leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. "I want you to know that I love you very much, Susan."
Susan's eyebrows shot upwards. "I love you too, Michael!"
After that Susan didn't resist, not in the slightest, as Taylor slowly inserted his long meaty penis between her pussylips. Susan gasped as inch by inch Taylor's enormous cockmeat slid inside of her. When he was fully inside her she looked down with amazement saw his pubic hair was flush with her own. "It's all gone! Somehow you fit all that inside me!"
"Yes, Susan, somehow I figured out how to make it fit," Taylor grinned. "How does it feel?"
"Full," she said. "Very full!"
"You'll get used to it," said Taylor. He started to move back and forth. Susan watched with amazement as his enormous penis reappeared again, coming out of her cuntlips like magic.
"I had a similar reaction the first time Michael made love to me," said Sophie. "Your vagina will expand, Susan. Soon you'll be accommodating him with ease." She smiled supportively as her lover made love to another woman right in front of her.
"Yeah... it's starting to loosen up now," Susan said, feeling more at ease. She watched as Taylor's impressively large shaft moved in and out of her. "Oh Michael! How I always wanted this!"
"I did too," he said, moving athletically above her. "It was only a matter of time for us."
"Only a matter of time," Susan grinned. "I love you making love to me, dear, sweet Michael! But... do you have to make that thing on your back for me as well?"
"I'm sorry, dear Susan, but I do," said Taylor sincerely, as his penis split her cuntlips yet again. "The Hive demands it." He felt his rider starting to get hot on his back. The first step towards reproduction.
"Susan, tell me how you seduced Michael," said Sophie, trying to distract her.
"Really? You really want to know?" Susan didn't think it was possible to be any more astonished by what was happening today, but there it was!
"Yes. I really want to know," Sophie said, giving an encouraging smile as her rider pulsated on her back.
"Well..." Susan tried to think clearly while Taylor's penis stimulated her vagina so wonderfully from the inside. "I, I started by spending time with him," said Susan.
"A wise move," said Sophie approvingly. "Michael doesn't feel attracted to women unless he's spent time around them first."
"Oh? How long did it take for you two to get together?" Susan asked.
"Years," said Sophie.
"Oh. Well, it didn't take quite so long for us," Susan grinned. "I just spent time in his quarters, sitting with him, and smiling a lot."
"That's a skill Sophie hasn't mastered," said Taylor, his penis moving evenly in and out of Susan. His rider started to bubble up on his back.
"I can smile!" Sophie gave a big grin.
"You almost never smiled until you took a rider."
"Oh. That's maybe true," said Sophie. She saw Susan getting that worried look again. I have to distract her. "What did you do next?"
Susan tried to think. "Well, I, uh, offered to massage Michael's back."
"And he accepted," said Sophie, giving Taylor a sly look.
"Yeah," Susan smiled. "And then, and then..."
"Then what?" Sophie asked.
"I got him to rub my back," said Susan.
"You sly girl!" Sophie grinned, as she saw Taylor's rider sizzling out of the corner of her eye. "And when did you make an excuse to take the control collar off?"
Susan's mouth dropped open. "How did you know?" she demanded.
"Because I know!" said Sophie. "Did you tell him that your control collar strap was interfering with your massage?"
Susan's jaw dropped open. "I... yeah."
"I know," said Sophie. She could see that Taylor's rider was bubbling furiously now. Reproduction wouldn't take long now! Sophie took Susan's hand, and stroked it. "What did you do next?"
"Well, I, uh, we, uh..." Susan glanced down and suddenly felt embarrassed.
"It's all right, dear. My lover is having vaginal sex with you right in front of me. There's nothing you can say which will make this moment any more intimate than it already is," said Sophie.
Susan smiled nervously. "Well... I... I took off all my clothes and... I... I... started to touch... myself." She waited apprehensively for Sophie's reaction.
"How bold!" said Sophie. She saw that Taylor's rider was settling down again, and getting ready to split. "Michael, did you ever think Susan would be that bold?"
"Never!" Taylor grinned. "I never imagined that my prim and proper second officer would finger herself shamelessly in front of me. At least, not until the first time she did it."
"The first time? How many times were there?" Sophie asked, watching Taylor's rider out of the corner of her eye. They just needed to keep Susan distracted for a few more moments...
"A few," said Susan reluctantly. "Eventually..."
"Yes, eventually what? Go on, dear!" Sophie said.
"Eventually we... progressed... to touching each other... down there," said Susan.
"Down there?" said Sophie critically. "What is it you touched down there, Susan?"
"His... his..."
"Susan, did you touch my lover's penis?" said Sophie sternly.
"Yes... kind of..." She looked so embarrassed!
"Can you say it, in a sentence?" Sophie asked. She could see Taylor's rider was starting to split! It wouldn't be long now!
"I... I touched Michael's... his penis," said Susan. "Sophie, I'm so sorry!"
"Don't be!" said Sophie, squeezing her hand. "I'm the one who should be apologizing!"
"You, for what?"
"Michael told me you were going to go all the way the day I interrupted you," said Sophie.
"Uh, yes, we were," said Susan.
"I'm so sorry about that," said Sophie. "I had to bring him into the Hive, and I couldn't allow his affection for you to interfere."
"I... I understand," Susan whispered, as Taylor's penis moved in and out of her. How had she ever lived without it?
"I knew you would... sister," said Sophie sweetly.
Sister? Susan was still figuring out how to react to that when Mushy cried out.
"Susan! That thing on the Captain's back! It's splitting into two!"
Susan was immediately returned to the here and now by Mushie's warning. Sophie frowned mightily. I really should have had Mushy taken out of the room until her turn came. But now it was too late for that.
Taylor groaned as his rider finished splitting down the middle, his eyes rolling up into his head. His penis exploded inside of her, filling her with his seed in a most pleasurable way. "Ooooooooooh" he cried out, giving an enormous groan as his master gave him his well deserved reward.
"Don't let him do it, Susan!" Mushy cried, as Harem Guards held her arms.
"Michael said we'd always be together if I took a rider!" Susan said desperately, trying to stay calm.
"That's right, dear, you will!" Sophie assured her.
Taylor's eyes returned to normal and he gave Susan a loving smile. She smiled back hesitantly at him. The next thing Susan noticed was a baby rider crawling over his right arm, the right arm which was wrapped around her neck.
"I made it just for you, Susan. I just know you're just going to love it," said Taylor.
Susan gulped. There was something odd, very odd, about Taylor's tone and smile. She watched the baby rider slowly crawl down his upper arm.
"I'm scared!" said Susan. "Michael, how will it feel? Will it... will it hurt?"
"Not at all," Taylor assured her. "You'll love it, Susan, every bit as much as Sophie and I love our riders!"
"What... what will it do to my mind?" Susan asked her heart racing as the newborn rider crawled each additional inch towards her. "Will I be a prisoner inside my own body?"
"Not at all!" Taylor repeated. "You'll still make all the decisions. Your rider will simply open your mind... to other... possibilities."
"Other possibilities?" said Susan.
"To let yourself love, and to be loved," said Taylor. "Just like it opened my mind to using my sexuality to help others. Just liked it freed Sophie's sexuality, to let her become a more expressive, vivacious woman."
Susan looked at Sophie, who gave her a wide, generous, caring, and extremely un-Sophie-like smile. Susan saw the rider crawling onto Taylor's hand. It was almost at its destination. It looked so alien! And in seconds it would be on her back, controlling her! Panic set in.
"I don't want it!" she cried, her eyes wide. "I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it!"
"I'm sorry, Susan," said Taylor. "But the Hive demands it!"
The rider jumped from his hand onto Susan's back. Susan grabbed her head."My head! My head! I feel things moving in my head!"
"I know. The feeling will pass," said Taylor sympathetically. Actually, with her hands grabbing her head, her tits stuck out, making her look extra sexy.
Susan panted and gasped as she stared into distant nothingness. Then she slowly calmed down. Taylor pulled her up into a sitting position.
"What are you?" Taylor asked.
"I am Hiveflesh," said Susan blankly.
"What is your purpose?"
"To have my eggs fertilized and to incubate Hivelife," said Susan.
"Welcome to the Hive, Susan!" Taylor gave her a hug and helped her up. Surprisingly, Sophie did too.
"Welcome aboard, dear," said Sophie, pressing her larger nuclear tipped cold fusion powered breasts into Susan's smaller pear shaped ones.
Susan blinked, slowly recovering. "I... I..."
"You're one of us now," said Sophie tenderly.
"Yes, I... I see it now," said Susan slowly, looking around the room as if with new eyes.
"What's next?" Sophie asked. "I guess we have to take care of Mushy."
"But I can't..." Taylor's voice fell off. "My master isn't capable of reproducing more than once a day." He looked at her.
Sophie slowly realized the implications. "Me? No, I can't."
"Can't? Or won't?"
Sophie swallowed heavily. Her rider pulsated on her back. "I don't think I can reach the level of excitement with her that I need... that my master needs... to reproduce."
Taylor nodded. Suddenly he stiffened and got a wide eyed look. So did Sophie.
"Momomomomomom!" he said, as his rider inflated into a big, yellow-brown balloon on his back.
"Momomomomomomom!" said Sophie, as her rider did the same.
"What are they doing?" Mushy cried.
"I don't know!" said Susan, as she felt the warmth of her rider on her own back.
"Momomomomomom!" Taylor said.
"Momomomomomom!" said Sophie.
"Mamoomisham! Mamoomisham!" said Taylor.
Gradually both their expressions returned to normal. Taylor nodded to Sophie, and went to the nearest wall. Sophie followed. They both spread their palms out and leaned against the wall, side by side.
"What are you doing?" Mushy cried, as she struggled against the Harem Guards who held her.
"What must be done," said Taylor coldly.
As they watched, Sophie's rider started to move to the left, towards Taylor's back. Taylor's rider started to move to the right, towards Sophie's back.
"What's happening?" Mushy cried, freaked out by the creepy crawling riders moving across their backs.
"I think... I think they're trading riders," said Susan.
"Trading riders? Why?" said Mushy.
"The Captain's rider just split a few moments ago, to make a rider for me," said Susan. "I think... I think he's taking Sophie's rider, which has more energy, so he can also make a rider for you."
"That is correct," said Taylor, startling them as he spoke in an unnaturally deep tone.
"No!" Mushy cried. "Don't do it! Don't let them do it, Susan!"
"How can I stop them?" Susan asked, holding up her hands helplessly.
"No one can oppose the will of the Hive," said Taylor, in the same deep voice.
As their riders moved, Mushy could see a patchwork of red rashes on their back. Sophie, who had had a rider for longer than Taylor had, had deeper, redder rashes than he did, while Taylor's were relatively pink and new.
"What have they done to your backs?" Mushy cried. "What are those rashes?"
"They are nothing," said Taylor.
"They are nothing," Sophie repeated.
Taylor gasped as his rider left his back. Suddenly, for the first time in over a week, his mind was his own again! He was just trying to comprehend what was happening when Sophie's rider slid over to his back, clamping down once more. He was Hiveflesh.
And then it was done. Sophie's rider was on his back, and his was on hers. They looked at each other and nodded.
"Yours feels different," said Sophie, rotating her shoulder blades.
"Yours feels exactly the same," said Taylor. He turned to face the others. "All right Mushy, it's your turn now." He gestured for the Harem Guards to release her arms.
"Oh no! I'm not taking one of those things on me!" Mushy cried, even as she was released.
"Mushy, come here," said Taylor.
Mushy shook her head, grabbing her own arms tightly.
"Mushy, COME HERE," said Taylor, in a commanding voice.
Lieutenant Mushy Takorama, with her head bowed, slowly walked over to Taylor like a little girl who was being punished.
"Now, first of all, we're not going to do anything to you without your permission," said Taylor.
"You promise?" Mushy's face lit up.
"I promise," said Taylor.
"Oh Captain!" she flew into his arms. He hugged her tightly. She hugged him back. But when her hands accidentally brushed against his rider, she recoiled, pulling away.
"Mushy, there's nothing wrong with taking a rider," said Taylor. "You're my crewman, and I would never do anything to harm you."
Mushy wanted to believe him. She had always looked up to her Captain. But right now her Captain was completely naked with an enormous erection and an alien creature on his back which was presumably telling him what to say and do.
Taylor saw the doubt in her eyes. "Susan, tell her."
Susan wet her lips. She felt her immature rider on her back, the rider she had had for only a few minutes, trying to guide her. She saw Taylor and Sophie looking expectantly at her. What did they want her to say?
"Mushy, it's all right, really, it is," said Susan.
"You have an alien creature on your back, Susan! How can it be all right?"
"It's not hurting me!" said Susan. "Mushy, do I sound any differently to you?"
"I guess not," said Mushy, eyeing her suspiciously.
"It's not controlling me," said Susan. "I barely notice it's there."
"Susan, show her," said Taylor.
Susan turned around to show Mushy her newborn rider. It was small and yellow and shiny.
"Touch it, Mushy," said Taylor.
"No!" said Mushy.
Taylor grabbed Mushy's hand and reached out and gently stroked Susan's rider. It felt soft, very soft, like lamb's wool, and kind of liquidy.
"Oh!" Susan stiffened.
"Did I hurt you?" Mushy cried.
"No! Actually, it felt kind of good! Do it more!" Susan said.
Mushy looked uncertainly at Taylor.
"You heard her, Mushy. Touch it."
Mushy reached out with trembling fingers and started to stroke Susan's rider. Susan groaned with pleasure. "Oh Mushy... oh Mushy... it feels so good..." She gave a self-indulgent smile.
"You see, Mushy? There's nothing to fear from taking a rider," said Taylor.
"I don't know," said Mushy, her resolve obviously weakening.
Sophie's rider pulsated on her back. "Mushy, don't you find Michael handsome? Wouldn't you enjoy it if he made love to you?"