Chapter 24.2

Mushy looked at her naked Captain. His big strong hairy chest and long, stiff penis were very attractive to her. "He's... he's very handsome," she admitted, giving a small smile for the first time.

Sophie and Taylor exchanged looks and nodded.

Suddenly, Mushy started to smell a strong, musky odor.

Taylor put his arm around her. "Tell me Mushy, would you call yourself a very sexually experienced woman?"

"I... not really," she said, lowering her head. The odor started to permeate her lungs. She began to feel sexually aroused.

"Have you ever been with a man?" Taylor asked gently.

"I... once," she said, bowing her head.

Taylor lifted her chin. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I think you just need more self confidence, Mushy. A rider can help you with that."

"It can?" said Mushy. She felt her chest getting tight, really tight, and a tingling all over her body... especially in her small, Japanese cunt.

"A rider will unlock your repressed sexuality," said Sophie. "It did wonders for me."

Mushy's eyebrows shot upwards as Sophie fondled her own nuclear tipped breasts and smiled charmingly at her.

"Look at the Captain's enormous penis, Mushy. Just look at it!" said Sophie. "Wouldn't you like to feel it inside you?"

Mushy eyed Taylor's enormous erection. The musky smell had done its damage. Her clitoris felt tight and in need of release. Her cunt desired to be filled by Taylor's huge cock. "I... yes," she said bluntly. "But... I'm not pretty enough for him!"

"How can you say something like that?" Taylor said.

"My breasts... they're ugly," Mushy said.

"Nonsense!" said Taylor. "Let's take off your clothes and see. Would that be all right, Mushy?"

"You're just going to look, nothing else?" said Mushy. She rubbed her thighs anxiously back and forth, trying hard to resist the urge to touch herself. She was so sexually aroused now!

"I promise," said Taylor. He smiled broadly as Mushy lifted her arms even before Taylor reached for her shirt sleeves. Mushy had already inhaled a prodigious quantity of the alien pheromones. She was desperate for sex now. All she needed was an acceptable way of giving in which wouldn't be too embarrassing for her.

With her shirt off, Taylor noticed that Mushy was wearing the tiniest Survey Service bra he had ever seen! It looked like a training bra. He decided to do the pants next instead. He removed her shoes and rubbed her feet, making her smile. Mushy lifted one leg and then the other as he removed her pants, trying not to look too cooperative as she cooperated. Sophie and even Susan flashed her smiles which seemed to reassure her.

Taylor reached behind her and gently removed her breast control collar. When it came off they were all in for a shock.

Mushy had small breasts. For an Asian woman to have small breasts were no surprise. But Mushy's breasts were... unusual. They pointed straight downward and were narrow, extremely narrow. They looked like cucumbers except they were extremely soft to the touch, like wilted cucumbers, perhaps, or the trail a melted ice cream cone leaves in the summer heat. But Taylor treated them like the world's most amazing wonders. He reached out and gently stroked one of them.

"Mushy, your breasts... they're beautiful!" said Taylor.

"Really?" said Mushy.

"Yes!" said Sophie.

"But... yours are so much bigger!" said Mushy.

"It's not size that matters," said Susan. "Michael taught me that. It's how you carry them." Susan saw more words appear in her head. She said them. "You're simply gorgeous, Mushy!"

Mushy gave a nervous smile as Taylor stroked her limp tits. As Taylor lifted one up he saw her small Japanese nipples were proudly erect. Taylor's touch was driving her wild. The chemicals from the musky odor were deep in her bloodstream. Mushy started to rub her bare thighs. She desperately wanted to touch herself down there.

"So how about it, Mushy?" said Taylor. "Do you want to have sex with me?"

She looked at Taylor's enormous penis. "Can that thing really fit inside me?"

"Of course it can," said Sophie. "Susan managed, and she's smaller than I am, aren't you Susan?"

Susan nodded. "It will stretch your vagina out a bit at first, Mushy, but it will feel really good really quickly! I promise!"

Mushy licked her lips, not entirely convinced, but obviously hungering for it. Taylor went to her panties but Mushy put her hands over his. "No. You can't!"

"Can't?" Taylor smiled.

"I... my period," she explained, looking embarrassed. "Can we wait a few days?"

Taylor's rider pulsated on his back. "No. It won't be a problem. Trust me, Mushy."


"Trust me," he said again. His smile gave her the reassurance she needed. Mushy nodded and removed her hands.

Taylor's smile grew broader as he removed her panties. Sure enough, there were blood stains inside of it as well as smeared blood on her cuntlips. For a small Japanese woman, Mushy sure had a big period!

"It's a... heavy flow day," she said miserably.

"I see," said Taylor. He leaned forward and kissed her for the first time. Mushy groaned and immediately grabbed him and kissed him back.

He looked into her eyes. "Let me do it," Taylor implored her. "Let me make love to you, Mushy."

Mushy ground her wilted cucumbers against him. "What about the rider?" she asked.

"You let me worry about the rider!" said Taylor. "Let's have sex, Mushy!"

Mushy, half out of her mind with need, nodded.

Taylor smiled and lowered her to the spongy ground. He got between her legs, lifted her knees and aimed his enormous penis. He could see how small her opening was. It excited him! "This is going to hurt a bit, at first, but soon it will feel really good!"

Mushy nodded.

And then as they watched, Taylor entered Mushy's bloody vagina, bit by bit.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah," Mushy said, as Taylor moved into her, inch by inch.

"You're doing well, Mushy, so very well. Halfway there," he said, pausing for a moment with his penis stuck halfway out of her vagina. Mushy's vagina was tight, really tight! He noticed how wide her tiny cuntlips were spread around his thick shaft. "Mushy, are you doing all right?"

"Yeah," she gasped.

"Ok, I'm going to put a little more into you now," he said. He inserted himself some more, saw her wince. "That's almost all of it. Can I do the rest, Mushy?"

"I... yes," she gasped. And then Mushy cried out as Taylor inserted himself the last two inches.

"Big!" she cried. "Big big big!"

"Relax, Mushy! You'll get used to it, I promise!" said Taylor. He slowly started to move back and forth, back and forth. At first Mushy panted heavily. He could see her starting to adjust. Soon she was breathing more easily and he could see her visibly relaxing. "See? Better now?"

"Yeah! Much better," said Mushy. "You... you're so big!"

"And you're so tight," said Taylor, winking at her in such a way which sent a tingling down her spine. "That's it. That's a goooood girl." He started to move back and forth a little more quickly. His rider started to bubble on his back.

Sophie and Susan, who had both breathed in the pheromones, were also excited. "Look how big and hard he is!" Susan whispered. "Did we have that monster cock inside of us?"

"We most certainly did," Sophie grinned, squeezing Susan's hand.

"I smelled something," said Susan. "Something which excited me."

"It was just something to help Mushy relax," said Taylor, overhearing them.

Mushy looked much more than relaxed now. She was grinning from ear to ear and clutching onto Taylor tightly as he made love to her. "Oh, you feel so good now!" she cried. The demanding itch that needed to be rubbed was being rubbed in just the right spot!

"I didn't smell anything relaxing when Michael gave me my rider," said Susan.

"That's because you were a truly voluntarily host. None was needed," said Susan. "You volunteered to join the Hive just as Michael and I did."

"You and Michael both volunteered to join?" Susan asked.

"Yes," said Sophie. "We both wanted our sexuality to be unlocked. It was the best decision of our lives, wasn't it, Honey?"

Honey. Susan had never heard Sophie say that word before.

"You bet it was," Taylor grinned, as his rider bubbled up on his back. As he moved out of Mushy's tight Asian cunt, blood started to seep out of her onto Taylor's penis. The blood continued to flow down, coating his balls with a thick sheen of red. But however disgusting it was, Taylor kept thrusting. The Hive demanded it.

Susan tried to think. Had she truly volunteered to join the Hive? It was only several minutes ago, but it was already hard to remember now.

Taylor's rider was jetting up enormous bubbles on his back. Mushy must have seen it over one of his shoulders because she said, "Michael, what's happening... behind you?"

When Taylor didn't answer, she said, "You're making a rider, aren't you?"

"It's nothing to worry about," Taylor assured her. "I have to make a rider, but if you don't want it, you don't have to take it."

"Are you sure?" Mushy said anxiously. She was out of her mind with lust, but still wasn't sure if she wanted a rider or not.

"Positively," he said. He kissed her on the lips hard, grinding against her, making Mushy groan as the twin sensations of being kissed and impaled down below doubly excited her.

Mushy wasn't the only one who was excited. Taylor had never been in such a small, tight cunt before, not even Julie's. The friction on the head of his penis was incredible. On his back, his rider bubbled up some more.

"Is he going to be able to do it?" Susan whispered. "Twice in one day?"

"His rider is fresh, but he isn't," Sophie explained. "It takes a lot out of us to make a rider. But if anyone can do it, Michael can!"

"Look, his rider, it's starting to split!" Susan whispered excitedly. She found herself squeezing Sophie's hand tightly as Taylor's rider (really, Sophie's rider) started to split down the middle. "He's doing it! What a man! What a man!"

Sophie looked over at Susan, liked what she saw, and kissed her quickly on the lips. Susan grinned, and kissed her back.

Taylor looked so athletic, so strong, so manly as his bubbling rider sizzled and split on his muscular back. One would never have known that he just made a rider thirty minutes earlier. Sophie and Susan watched as Taylor's enormously hard, thick, red penis rodded Mushy as blood dripped off his testicles onto the spongy ground while a baby rider finished splitting on his back. He looked so incredibly masculine! At that moment both Sophie and Susan wanted to have him on top of them, and inside their aching cunts.

As Taylor's rider finished splitting, he stiffened and gasped. Mushy, lost in her own arousal, barely noticed.

But she did notice when the rider started to crawl down his right arm. "No, Michael! You said I wouldn't have to take a rider if I didn't want to!"

"It will give you that self-confidence we talked about! I know you'll just love it!" Taylor cried.

"I... I don't know!" said Mushy in a panicked voice.

"Please! Just try it! Just for a minute!" Taylor pleaded. "If you don't like it, you can take it off!"

"I, I can?" Mushy said, sounding very confused.

"Of course," said Taylor. "Just for a minute!"

Mushy was lost in lust and so close, so very close to climaxing. She had lost herself to Taylor's thrusting cock. At that minute she would have agreed to almost anything to get her desperately needed orgasm. "All right!" she gasped. "A minute, but only just for a minute! You promised!"

Taylor grinned as the rider crawled down his forearm onto his hand. "Are you close to coming?"

Mushy nodded. "Just a little more, Michael. Ahhhhh! Just... a little... ah... ah... AHHHHH!" Mushy's eyes suddenly grew big and caucasian as she gave a wail straight out of the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia. At that moment the baby rider jumped onto her back. Even as Mushy's cunt exploded with pleasure, she felt her mind being taken over by her new master.

"My head, my head!" she cried, grabbing her head. "There's things moving around in my head!"

They watched and waited for the inevitable to occur.

"What are you, Mushy?" Taylor asked, after she had calmed down.

Mushy blinked, looked around at everyone watching her curiously, and said, "I, I am Hiveflesh."

"And your purpose?"

"To ovulate, quicken eggs, and expand the Hive," she said.

"Welcome to the Hive, Mushy!" Taylor cried.

They all hugged her in turn, even Sophie and Susan. Mushy felt overwhelmed. She totally forgot about her desire to remove her rider after only a minute.

Afterwards, it was only natural for the girls to be branded and tagged. Susan obediently stood still while Taylor pressed the green cone above her cuntlips. Susan cried out, but a moment later looked down proudly at the upside down U symbol with the dot in it.

"It means you're slated for reproduction," said Taylor.

Susan cried out and hugged him.

Next came her branding. Taylor put her in a light Hive trance and pierced her labia, and inserted her vulva chain and green gem. When Susan came out of it, she fingered her cuntgem with delight.

She's going to be excellent Hiveflesh, Taylor thought.

Mushy was next. Taking a rider, even an immature one, had watered down some of the resistance within her, and she reluctantly allowed herself to be branded and pierced. Interestingly enough Mushy's Slave Mark was also the upside down U with the dot in it. All three women--Mushy, Susan, and Sophie--were all marked for reproduction. Taylor wondered exactly what the Hive had planned for them.

Taylor had just finished installing Mushy's cuntgem dangling so beautifully from her hairy pussylips when Nils entered the chamber. "Sorry I was delayed," he said. "I've come to bring Mushy Takorama into the Hive."

"You're too late," said Sophie gleefully. "Michael already did it!"

Nils looked at each of them. He noticed that both Susan and Mushy had cuntgems hanging from their vulva. "I thought Michael was supposed to bring Susan into the Hive."

"He did. And then he made a rider for Mushy as well," Sophie explained.

Nils put on an admiring smile. "Well well well, Captain. I see the rumors of your... abilities... are not exaggerated! Good work! Come with me, Mushy," he said.

"What? Where?" said Mushy.

"To begin your training," said Nils.

"I... I thought..." she looked at Taylor.

"Nils will train you," said Sophie. He saw her fallen look. "Don't worry, he trained me."

"He did?" said Mushy.

"He'll be very gentle with you," Sophie promised. She leaned forward and kissed Mushy on the forehead. "Go with him."

Mushy, looking reluctant, nodded.

Sophie called after them. "Nils! You might want to wash her down first. She's on her period!"

"Thanks for telling me, Sophie," Nils said, with a friendly wave. And then they were gone.

Susan turned to Taylor. "But you... you're going to be the one to train me, right?"

Taylor gave a wide grin. "Of course, Susan."​
Next page: Chapter 25.1
Previous page: Chapter 24.1