Chapter 25.1

The following morning their training began. Since the entire crew had joined the Hive there was no need for any of them to return to the ship; they lived full time in the Hive now. That morning Taylor and Sophie stood side by side leaning against the wall as their riders once again switched places. For a split second Sophie didn't have a rider and she suddenly thought, What am I doing here? She was about to say something when her original rider returned to her and the thought was blown away.

"A problem?" Taylor inquired.

"Not in the slightest," Sophie grinned, kissing him. "You're starting to train Susan this morning?"

"Yes, and you?"

"More hard work in the Enrichment Chamber." She winked at him, and slapped his ass. "Good luck, Handsome!"

"You too, Sexy!"

Susan had seemed quite obedient when she had first taken a rider. It is true that she resisted a bit at the end, but relatively little persuasion and trickery had been required to bring her in, and she had even willingly assisted in bringing Mushy into the Hive when Susan's own rider was only a few minutes old and not in very strong control over her.

But as reality settled in, Susan was having second thoughts about becoming a sex slave of the Hive. And so when Taylor took her in his arms the next morning, she was all smiles... but only until her training began.

"I love it when you make love to me," Susan said with a goofy smile, in a little girl's voice, as Taylor pounded thrust into her eager vagina. It was only their second time making love, if their first time, which had involved Taylor making a rider for her, could be called that. Susan was still unused to the sensation of being in Taylor's strong arms, having him look in her eyes and feeling him inside of her as they had intercourse together.

"I love making love to you too," said Taylor. He sensed that Susan needed to be on top, to have her make the maximum exertions to help her rider mature as rapidly as possible, but for her first training he wanted to take it slowly. "You like being in the Hive, don't you, Susan?"

"I... I guess." The question caught her off guard.

"You want to be controlled by your rider, don't you?"

"No! I don't!" she said.

Taylor continued to pump her. "Yes, you do."

"No, Michael, I don't," Susan assured him.

Taylor sighed, even as Susan's cuntlips wonderfully massaged his cockhead. "Susan, you're going to say the words. The Hive is going to make you say the words. There are pleasant ways of doing it, and less pleasant ways. Trust me, you don't want to try the less pleasant ones." He kept thrusting. How he loved the sight of his cockhead splitting her sexy cuntlips over and over! An idea occurred to him, or perhaps his rider. "You know, they're only words. You don't have to mean them."

"I don't?" said Susan.

"Of course not," said Taylor. "All you have to do is say the words."

Susan's eyes narrowed, as if sensing a trap. "I only have to say the words... and this thing on my back doesn't care if I mean them?"

"Not at first," said Taylor. "Just say the words, will you, Susan?"

Susan sighed, causing her pear shaped breasts to heave. "Fine. But I'm not going to mean any of it."

"Of course," Taylor smiled. Who was fooling whom? Somehow, he just knew. "Let's begin. You want to be controlled by your rider."

"I... I want to be controlled my rider." Susan gasped slightly.

"You want your rider heavy on your back and strong in your mind."

"I want my rider... heavy on my back and strong in my mind." Susan gasped again. "What was that?" She asked.

"Obedience is rewarded," said Taylor simply.

"What a reward!" said Susan.

Taylor smiled. "You want to serve the Hive Mind."

"I want to serve the Hive Mind," said Susan. "Wow!" she gasped again, stronger than last time.

"You want to be used for reproduction."

"I want to be used for reproduction!" And as she said it, Taylor noticed, for the very first time, a distinct note of enthusiasm crept into her voice. He smiled warmly, and she smiled back. He didn't have much trouble with Susan after that.

The second day of Susan's training went much the same, except that Susan showed even more enthusiasm in repeating the key phrases than she had done on the first. She also started riding on top of him for the first time. The view of Susan's sweaty, pear shaped breasts bouncing around while she smiled broadly and declared how much she wanted to be a sex slave of the Hive was more than a little arousing for Taylor. Susan was the one being trained, but during her training Taylor got more than his fair share of orgasms.

By her fourth day of training, Susan was eagerly repeating every key phrase without any resistance, with a broad, eager, fuck-me smile on her bright, redhead face.

"I want to be fucked!"

"I want to be used to pleasure other men!"

"I want to breed Hivelife in my uterus!"

She said it all with an enormous grin as she bounced up and down on Taylor's penis. The pleasure she felt and her obedience to the Hive were now one and the same to her. Susan had given in, as every slave had, including Taylor himself. Taylor predicted that Susan would become truly excellent Hiveflesh. He found himself enjoying the sight of her young, firm breasts and sexy cuntlips on her eager young body. Yes, Susan would be a tremendous reproductive asset, something told him.

On her first day of training, once Taylor had gotten Susan at least somewhat comfortable repeating the key phrases, Joanna came by with a tall glass of something. Taylor pulled out of Susan and stood up.

"I brought you a drink," said Joanna brightly.

Since Joanna never brought him a drink, he looked into it and said, "What is it?"'

"Water," she said.

Water. Meaning it could be anything.

Taylor frowned as he sipped it. It tasted like water. He cautiously drained half the tall glass.

"More," said Joanna. "Drink it all, please."

Taylor drained the glass.

"Thank you." She turned and left without further explanation.

Taylor climbed on top of Susan once more.

"What was that all about?" Susan asked.

Taylor shrugged.

"Ahhhhh," Susan said, as he inserted himself inside of her. She smiled as he felt his penis filling her so snugly. "That never gets old!" She kissed him strongly.

Taylor had only begun her training again when Joanna returned, with another tall glass of water.

Taylor slowly got up and took it from her.

"Drink," said Joanna.

Taylor gulped down half of it.

Joanna gave him a look. "All of it."

Taylor drank the rest. "Is there something I should know?"

"No," she said, taking the glass and turning away.

Taylor returned to Susan, exchanging frowns with her.

An hour later Taylor took a break and went to a bathroom. But when he tried to urinate, nothing came out. He felt like he had to go, but nothing would come out. He felt his rider on his back, its tendrils interfering with his penis. He sought out Joanna.

She was in the Main Auditorium talking to Nils. In the background Taylor saw people fucking the Hive Mind. He recognized some of them. One of them was Crewman Reginald Walls. Another was Lieutenant Kiley, the relief navigator. They were pounding their penises into the large, black oily ball that they all called Master.

"Can I help you, Michael?" Joanna asked pleasantly. She had very nice heavy breasts. Taylor would have enjoyed fucking her if only he could be sure that she was human... which he strongly suspected she wasn't.

"I... I need a bathroom break," he said.

Joanna turned to Nils. Nils frowned and shook his head.

"Not now," she said.

"Not now?"

"Try us again later."

Taylor bit his lip and left.

An hour later or so (it was hard to tell time in this place!) he took another break and again tried to go to the bathroom, and again he couldn't get his release. He sought out Joanna once more, who told him to wait.

"Am I being punished?" he asked anxiously

"Should you be?" Joanna asked.

"I'm doing everything I've been asked. I brought Susan into the Hive and I'm training her."

"It doesn't look like you're training her," said Joanna pointedly.

Taylor bit his lip and left.

Finally Taylor could stand it no more. He pulled out of Susan and sought out Joanna. But he couldn't find her. He found Nils instead.

"You seem to be in a bit of distress, Michael."

Taylor's hand was cupping his aching balls. "Nils, I have to go to the bathroom! If I've done something to displease you, I'm sorry!"

"You've done nothing to displease us, my friend." He put his hand on Taylor's shoulder. "On the contrary. You've delivered your entire crew to us. You're an exceptionally valuable slave."

"Then why can't I go to the bathroom?"

"Come," he said.

Nils led him to a small room where Mushy was lying on the ground on her back. Joanna stood watch over her.

"Mushy, are you all right?" Taylor cried.

"Mushy is fine, Captain," said Joanna. "But she's not feeling very obedient, are you, Mushy?"

"I'm not your slave!" said Mushy. "I won't participate in your brainwashing!"

"You see, Captain? Mushy is being quite disobedient. I'm surprised you were able to give her a rider," said Joanna.

"Mushy and I have a... special relationship," said Taylor.

"And that's why we brought you here," said Joanna.

A nasty suspicion started to form in Taylor's head.

"Captain! You've got to help me!" said Mushy.

"Indeed, that's what we've brought the good Captain here for. To help you," said Nils. "Captain?"

Taylor knew what he wanted.

No! He couldn't do this!

But his balls were aching.

He had to. His rider would only let him urinate in one place, and one place only.

And that place was on top of his science officer, Mushy Takorama.

Taylor's balls ached. He had no choice!

He stepped forward so that his legs were straddling Mushy's prone body, facing away from her.

From Mushy's prone perspective, Taylor's ass cheeks looked huge. Below it, the light caught the green gem which was hanging from his scrotum. It reminded her that her beloved Captain was under their control now. She looked up at his rider. She saw it inflate on his back, its bright golden band gleaming. If she wasn't careful, hers would grow big like that and take control of her too!

Taylor bent his knees slightly, feeling the agony in his balls Forgive me, Mushy! he thought, but nothing came out when he bore down. He looked questioningly up at Joanna and Nils. Nils twirled his finger around. "The other way, Captain."

Taylor bit his lip. He rotated his body so that he was now facing Mushy, as they intended.

"You may begin, Captain," she said.

Taylor saw Mushy's eyes pleading him, begging him not to do it. But he had to relieve himself. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

And then he released.

A thick stream of urine came out of the head of his penis. It splattered down into Mushy's pubic hair. Mushy cried out in disgust as she felt some of it flowing inside her cunt. "Noooo!" she said.

"Aim higher, Captain," said Joanna sharply.

Taylor raised his penis. He still had a lot to empty out, as they no doubt intended. He sprayed urine over Mushy's stomach, making it splatter all over the place.

"Higher," Joanna repeated.

Taylor bit his lip and raised his penis some more. Urine came out in an arc now, splattering both of Mushy's small, cucumber shaped titties. He watched helplessly as her long, narrow, jellied breasts were splattered with his warm, yellow fluid. Mushy cried out again as his sticky wetness coated her extremely flabby tits.

"I said higher!" Joanna frowned and stepped forward, and wrested his penis away from his own hand. She aimed it exactly where she wanted it to go.

"Nooooooo!" Mushy cried as her face was sprayed with Taylor's stream. Joanna varied the aim slightly, making sure to get Mushy's hair, forehead, eyes, nose, and especially her mouth.

Taylor's penis was enormously stiff and erect; it could hardly have been otherwise, given how much he had drunk. The green glowing curved bone symbol on the head of Taylor's penis was flashing wildly as he sprayed Mushy with his bodily juices, symbolizing the Hive's complete control over his bodily functions.

"Noooooooo!" Mushy cried again, as Taylor's bodily fluids coated her face thoroughly. It felt like a long time ending, though it couldn't have taken more than a minute. Joanna shook the last drops over Mushy's small red cuntlips and smiled, releasing him. And then it was done.

Mushy was shivering as sticky wetness dripped off her nose and her chin and hair.

"Mushy, I'm so sorry," said Taylor.

"Out of my way," said Nils, pushing him aside. He pulled Mushy up and rapidly wiped her face with a towel. "Mushy, I'm so sorry!" he said. "I didn't want this! I argued strongly against this, but when you wouldn't obey, Joanna overruled me! Here, come with me, we'll go to the showers, and get you cleaned up. Come with me, Mushy! Please?" He held out his hand.

Mushy, looking shell-shocked, took it.

"That's a girl. We'll get you cleaned up, and maybe we'll have a little snack together and talk." He led her gently out of the room.

Taylor looked at Joanna. "Why did I have to participate in this?"

"She viewed you as her protector. Now she no longer does. We had to dispel that image in her mind to break down her resistance." She stared at him for a long moment. "Don't you have work to do?"

"Yes," Taylor said, and he left.

Taylor next saw Mushy later that afternoon when, apparently freshly bathed, she was bouncing up and down on Nils' penis.

"I want to be enslaved!" she cried. Her small, long cucumber shaped breasts were bouncing wildly up and down.

"I want my rider to control my mind!" she said, as she moved up and down on her cock. Nils didn't seem to be prompting her; she was saying these things on her own.

"I want to be used for reproduction!" Mushy said. From her angle, she couldn't see Taylor, but Nils could, and he smiled and winked at him.

Later, Taylor overheard Mushy talking to Susan during a break.

"-and he took me to a shower and rubbed soap over my body from head to toe! He was so gentle, Susan! Nils said he was so sorry I was treated that way. He was surprised and outraged that the Captain brought me into the Hive while I was on my period."

"Really?" said Susan.

"Yes!" said Mushy. "He's so incredibly gentle and caring!"

"And handsome?" said Susan.

"And... a little bit of that," Mushy admitted. She saw the way Susan was looking at her. "What do you expect? A big blonde giant rubs your body all over with liquid soap, then washes it off, bit by bit, fluffs you off with a towel... so when he kissed me, I couldn't resist!"

"You seem to be going with the program now," said Susan.

"Oh, that's just to please Nils," said Mushy. "I don't really mean it. You?"

"Oh, I don't mean it either," said Susan hastily. It was still her first day of training; it might even have been true.

"In fact, Nils promised me-" Mushy cut off when she noticed Taylor. "Captain," She said, in a more formal tone.

"Mushy," said Taylor. "I'm glad to see you a bit better."

"A bit," said Mushy.

"Listen, I want to apologize again-"

"There's no need to apologize, Captain," said Mushy. Her face was stern. "The Hive demanded it."

"Yes, it did," said Taylor. As Mushy looked away from him, he felt increasingly awkward. "Susan, are you ready to resume?"

"Always with you, Captain!" she said, giving him a cheery smile.

After a week both Susan and Mushy were with the program, willingly repeating key phrases as they bounced up and down on their lover's cock. Only one thing remained: for their riders to mature. It was on the seventh day since Mushy and Susan got their riders that Taylor and Susan, taking a well deserved break, came across Mushy and Nils. Mushy was bent over, leaning against a wall, while Nils entered her from behind.

Mushy was moaning, but not in the happy way.

"What's going on here?" Taylor asked. And then he noticed something which gave him pause: there were brown streaks on Nils' cock. Nils wasn't merely taking Mushy from behind; Nils was taking Mushy in the ass!

"What are you doing?" Taylor cried.

"Helping Mushy's rider mature," said Nils, grunting as he shoved his penis in her ass again. Mushy's rider started to bubble up.

"Why?" Taylor asked.

"It's been a week since she joined the Hive," said Nils. "Her rider should have matured by now." He cast a glance at Susan. "Has her rider matured?"

"Ah, almost," said Taylor.

"Make sure her rider matures by the end of the day," said Nils, as he athletically moved forward between Mushy's rather flat ass cheeks.

"What... what if it doesn't?" said Susan.

"Then come see me," said Nils, grunting as he thrusted between Mushy's ass cheeks once more. Mushy's flat Asian ass was small and petite. Nils moved into her until his pubic hair was flush with her ass crack, and his heavy balls hanging down below her, making Mushy's eyes roll up into her head and making her groan again. As Nils impaled himself deep in her rectum, the gold band on Mushy's rider started to solidify. "See? The additional stimulation is pushing her over the edge." The Japanese woman looked to be in a state of shock as she stared upwards, gasping with a wide, open mouthed expression. Nils grunted strongly as his enormous cock thrust into Mushy's tight asshole once, thrice, twice. As he did, they could all see her gold band got brighter and brighter.

"Oh, oh, OOOOOHHHHH!" Mushy screamed, throwing her luscious dark hair back. Her rider's gold band was now bright and shiny.

Nils pulled out. His penis was encrusted with Mushy's excrement. "Did we do it?" he asked.

Mushy turned around. She had an alien smile on her face and a light in eyes."Yes, we did!" And then she actually hugged Nils! "Thank you, Nils! I just realized something incredible!" She gave him an incredible smile.

"What, what did you realize?" Nils asked.

"My rider... it loves me, and wants the best for me!" said Mushy. She turned and smiled at Susan as if to say, you're next.

Susan spent the next hour riding frantically on Taylor's penis. But the faint gold band on her rider refused to solidify. They stopped every fifteen minutes so she could turn around and show Taylor her rider, and each time he would shake his head.

Susan looked panicked after the forth time he did this. "Please Michael! Promise me you're not going to turn me over to Nils!"

"Susan, your rider has to mature," said Taylor.

"Why isn't it?" she cried.

Taylor cocked his head and listened as his rider pulsated on his back. Then he said, "My master says that some people have a harder time getting their riders to mature than others, that some riders need an extra boost to get them over the hump, so to speak."

"An extra boost... like sex in the ass?" Susan asked.

Taylor nodded.

"Please Michael!" She grabbed his arm. "I've been so obedient! I've said all the key phrases! Please help me!"

Taylor looked at Susan. He loved her so much. He really didn't want to give her to Nils to be fucked in the ass. He felt the pressure of his rider on his back, pushing him to give her to Nils, or to just do something.

And so he did. "Let's go see Sophie," he said.

"Sophie, we need your help," said Taylor.

"Right now I need her help too," said the Immortal's navigator, John Galloway, who was currently pounding into Sophie's vagina. John was trying to get his rider to mature and was using Sophie's cunt to help stimulate himself to help his rider grow.

"Sophie, it's important," said Taylor.

Sophie cocked her head as if listening to something. Then she nodded. She looked up at John Galloway. "Climax."


"My master demands you climax," she said. "I have other matters to attend to."

"What?" said John. "How?" Suddenly he felt his rider's tendrils stimulate his penis cruelly. He gasped, and found himself suddenly ejaculating inside of Sophie's vagina. "Ahhhhhh."

Sophie pushed him off her with the flat of her palm. Then she slowly got up, looked down at herself, wiped some sperm from her thick red lipped vulva, and turned to Taylor. "How can I help?"

Susan was terrified. She didn't want to be taken in the ass like Mushy!

"We've been trying to get her master to mature for a week, but it just seems... stuck," said Taylor.

Sophie nodded. "My understanding is that riders need as much stimulation as possible to mature."

"Michael and I have been sex constantly, Sophie!" said Susan.

"And have you been climaxing?" Sophie asked.

"Yes!" said Susan. "Really, I have!"

Sophie frowned. "Susan, before you joined the Hive, how did you get your orgasms?"

Susan looked away.

"Susan, I asked you a question."

"Usually I would... touch myself," she said, looking away.

"Where? In your vagina, or your clit?"

"My... my clit," said Susan, reddening.

"I think we have our answer," said Sophie.

Sophie positioned them both, as if she were directing a holoporn. She had Taylor sit on the ground facing Susan, and Susan facing him.

"Do you want me to touch her?" Taylor asked.

"No!" said Sophie. "I want you to touch yourself."

"Myself?" said Taylor.

"That's right," said Sophie. She turned to Susan. "And you do the same."

Susan tentatively started to rub her clit, putting her fingers between her cuntlips. Taylor started to fist his penis.

"Didn't you tell me that this was something you and Michael used to do?" Sophie asked her.

"Yes," Susan admitted, blushing as she rubbing her cuntlips in a circle.

"Did it feel good?"

"Actually, it felt really good," said Susan. She watched as Taylor's penis rapidly hardened. He was getting hard touching himself and looking at her, just as she was getting aroused touching herself and looking at him. It was just like they had been doing in his quarters on the Immortal.

"Look how big he's getting, Susan," said Sophie. "Do you see how stiff he's getting?"

"Yes," Susan gasped. Her rider started to sizzle on her back.

"He's getting big because of you, Susan," said Sophie, rubbing her shoulders as she admired Susan's bubbling rider. She whispered in her ear. "You make him hard. You make him excited. You make him want to put it in you again and again and again."

"Oooooh!" Susan gasped, as she rubbed her clit. Her clit was now stiff and looked like a small penis head. It was becoming sensitive to the touch, almost painfully so.

"It's true, Susan!" Taylor said, as he fisted his enormous shaft. The head of his penis was engorged with blood, the green curved bone symbol shining brightly. "You're so sexy! I want to fuck you, Susan Cleary! I want to fuck you and make you mine!"

"Oh!" Susan gasped again. Her vulva was sopping wet now. Her fingers rubbed her cunt lips in an intense spiral. On her back her rider was sizzling now, becoming bigger, thicker, stronger.

"Imagine his handsome body pressed against you, Susan," Sophie said, massaging her shoulders more vigorously. "Imagine him inside of you. Imagine him fucking you, telling you what you want to hear, what you've always wanted to hear." She leaned close again to her ear. "That Michael loves you."

"Oh yes!" Susan's head jerked upwards as she cried out. Her nipples were hard and painful. On her back, the golden band on her rider solidified and became bright and shiny even as Sophie stared at it.

Susan gasped as her body shook and shuddered. She started to pant. "I can feel it! I can feel it, Michael! It's... my rider!"

"What about your rider?" Taylor asked.

"It... it loves me! It loves me and wants the best for me!" She cried, laughing hysterically, as she gave Taylor a big hug. "I think my rider has matured!" She looked uncertainly at him. "It has matured, hasn't it? So I won't have to be fucked in the ass?"

Taylor turned her around and looked at her rider. He admired the bones grasping her back, and the solid golden band. "No fucking in the ass for you," he grinned.

"Excellent!" Susan cried. She turned to Sophie, and flew into her arms. "Thank you so much Sophie!"

"It's my pleasure," said Sophie, smiling as she felt the younger woman's pear shaped breasts pressed against her own.

"Good work, Captain," said Joanna, admiring Susan's rider which she proudly modeled for her, with a smug smile on her face. "How do you feel, Susan?"

"Happy. I'm so glad my master has matured!" the red headed cutie said, her pear shaped breasts pointing straight at Joanna.

"Very good," said Joanna approvingly. She gestured to a Harem Guard. "Take Susan to Room 24. I'll join you there in a moment."

Susan, giving Taylor a glance of apprehension, let the guard with the Insect face and human body lead her away.

"Don't worry, Captain, she won't be harmed," said Joanna. She ran her hands over his hairy chest. "We realize her worth. She's only going to be examined. We actually have big plans for Susan and you... if you both cooperate."

"I want to cooperate," said Taylor.

"I know you do," Joanna smiled. "Come with me, please."

Joanna led him to the Enrichment Chamber. Their numbers had grown, there were actually four Enrichment Chambers now, full of people busy fucking and making riders, both colonists and crew of the Immortal.

"Your crew has given quite a beneficial injection to our little gene pool," said Joanna, as they walked by row after row of men and women having sex. Taylor could see the riders on thir backs bubbling and sizzling.

"I am pleased to hear that," said Taylor.

"You should be. You're responsible for it," said Joanna, giving him a sly smile. "The only Survey Service Captain in history to turn his entire crew over to an alien race." She looked into his eyes. "How does that make you feel?"

"Glad. Glad to be serving the Hive," said Taylor.

"Hm," said Joanna, as if she saw something in his eyes she didn't quite believe. "Ah, here we are." She stopped in front of a medium sized green column in the middle of the room, right next to a woman servicing a man. Taylor recognized the woman on her back immediately.

"Sophie!" he said.

"Hello, Michael," she smiled, as a colonist fucked her.

Taylor looked at Joanna.

"We thought you would enjoy your work more if you had sympathetic company," said Joanna.

"How considerate. And what is my work to be?" Taylor asked.

Joanna pointed to the green column. "Insert yourself into this hole here."

Taylor looked at it. "And then what?"

"Keep doing it," said Joanna. "When you climax, sperm from your balls will be collected here," she pointed to a clear vertical tube.

"What do you want me to do when I'm done?" Taylor asked.

"You don't understand," said Joanna. "We want you to fill the entire tube."

Taylor looked at the tube. It looked to be at least five or six inches long. "I can't fill that!"

"You can and you will," said Jo firmly. "Each time you ejaculate you will insert yourself here," she indicated a different, larger hole. "Your penis and balls will be recharged after several minutes."

Taylor looked at the holes, and then the tube to be filled. "But that will still take hours... or longer... to fill."

Jo smiled. "That's why we've given you company. Enjoy the view." She turned and left, confident that Taylor would obey.

Sophie gave him a helpless look as the colonist on top of her slumped his shoulders and sighed, collapsing on top of her. While men from all over the colony was fucking his lover, he was going to be made to fuck this alien column!

The Hive demanded it. Taylor's rider inflated on his back. Its bones pressed into him strongly.

Taylor sighed and inserted his penis into the column. He found it surprisingly moist with excellent friction. He started thrusting.

"How is it?" Sophie asked, as the colonist using her slowly pulled out.

"It's all right," said Taylor. "It's good to see you again, Sophie. You were really helpful bringing Susan's rider to maturity."

"I was glad to help," Sophie smiled appreciatively, rubbing her stretched cuntlips. "She's a sweet girl, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is," said Taylor, thrusting into the green column.

The colonist who had just used Sophie got up and left without saying a word. He was quickly replaced with a familiar face.

"Hello Sophie. And hello, Captain,"said Chief Engineer Yoram Stoneheld.

"Chief," Taylor nodded, as he thrusted into the green column.

"If I may ask, what are you doing, sir?" he asked.

"Serving the Hive," said Taylor, as his penis moved in and out of the column.

"I see," Yoram frowned. He turned to Sophie. "Are you taken, Sophie?"

"Not at all, Chief," said Sophie, even as sperm oozed from her vagina. "What can I do for you?"

"The same as most everyone else. My master wants me to produce a rider to prepare for the invasion of Earth."

"I'd be glad to help with that," said Sophie evenly.

Stoneheld gave Taylor a worried glance. "Are you all right with that, Sir?"

Taylor extended a hand. "Be my guest."

Yoram nodded and got between Sophie's legs. He was already erect, courtesy of his rider. He looked at Sophie's sperm stained cuntlips, grimaced, and slowly inserted himself into her. He saw Sophie's expression. "Too fast?"

"No, it's fine," she assured him.​
Next page: Chapter 25.2
Previous page: Chapter 24.2