Chapter 25.2

As Yoram started thrusting his large Jewish penis inside her, he said, "You're very pretty, Sophie."

"Thank you, Yoram," she said, rewarding him with a smile.

"It took me a while to get used to... this," he gestured downward. "I'm married you know. I have a wife on Earth, who's pregnant with our first child."

"How fortunate for you," said Taylor. "Once we get back to Earth, you can give her a rider."

"I... yes," Yoram grimaced. He was single banded, but clearly wasn't entirely with the program.

"It is the greatest gift you can ever give," said Sophie, in such a sexy way that made Yoram's penis tingled inside her.

"Yes, I'm sure it is," he said. He looked down at Sophie's cold fusion powered breasts. "If you don't mind my saying so, I always thought you were beautiful. So very beautiful." He gasped as his rider bubbled up on his back.

"That's so nice of you to say," said Sophie.

"I was sad when you left the ship," Yoram grunted. His rider was bubbling up wildly now.

"You weren't the only one," Sophie said, her eyes pointing to Taylor.

"Your replacements didn't hold a candle to you," said Yoram.

"What a sweet thing to say!" said Sophie. She had never known the Chief very well. He had always been a reserved man... before he had joined the Hive. But in this brief encounter she found she was liking him more and more. "Let's see what we can do to help your master mature." She wrapped her legs tightly around him, increasing his feeling of impalement, and whispered in his ear. Whatever she said excited Yoram, and he started thrusting wildly.

As Taylor watched, Yoram's rider started to split on his back. As Yoram's penis moved in and out of Sophie, his rider split down the middle so there were now two, a mature half and a newborn immature one.

Reproduction had occurred!

Yoram gasped and collapsed on top of Sophie. Surely he must have come inside of her.

The sight of it somehow sent Taylor over the edge. He gasped as he climaxed inside the green column. He watched as drops of white liquid started to fill the tube in three quick spurts.

That's it? He thought. Most of the tube was still empty. This would take forever!

"Thank you," Yoram said sincerely, as he slowly pulled out of Sophie. He watched as his newborn rider flew off to wherever it was needed. His own smaller rider reasserted itself on his rash-filled back. He turned to Taylor. "Good to see you, sir."

Taylor nodded as he pulled out of the device. He inserted himself in the other, larger hole to recharge himself, which fit both his penis and his balls. Sophie gave him a wide eyed look.

Thankfully, it only took a few minutes for Taylor to recharge. He had just inserted himself in the smaller hole in the column again when another familiar face dropped by.

"Hello, Captain," said Nils pleasantly, as he inserted his penis into Sophie's vagina. Her eyes grew wide as Nils' enormous shaft filled her.

"Hello, Nils," said Taylor, as he thrusted in and out of the column once more.

"I see you're keeping busy," said Nils. "So am I."

"Do you want me to help you make a rider, Nils?" Sophie asked, as she felt his large penis fill her deeply.

"No thank you, Sophie," said Nils politely.

"Then why are you here?" she asked.

"Just for some fun," said Nils. "Would you like me to give you an orgasm, Sophie?"

"I... uh... sure," she said, looking nervously at Taylor.

"You deserve it, for all your hard work," said Nils. "Michael, did you know that while you were training Susan, Sophie here was servicing dozens of men a day?"

"I know it now," said Taylor, as he thrust into the column.

"She's such a productive worker," said Nils, as his long penis moved in and out of her. Taylor noticed that the head of his penis was bulbous, coated with Hiveflesh, which probably stimulated her more. "You feel as good as I remember, Sophie. Did you enjoy how I trained you?"

"Yes," Sophie gasped. She started to pant.

"I enjoyed it too," Nils said. He grinned at Taylor. "I broke her in for you, Michael. She wasn't having sex with you before she joined us, was she? We gave her a very nice attitude adjustment. I hope you appreciated it."

Taylor watched Sophie gasp as Nils' long penis moved in and out of Sophie's thick, red cuntlips. "Yes, I was very grateful," he said.

"And what do we have here?" a new voice said. Suddenly Survey Service Commander Chloe Fema sauntered by. "Michael and Sophie, together again! Almost!" she grinned. Chloe was still wearing her Rider Mask, which made her smile look hideous. Her face was covered in pulsating rider flesh. Chloe wore an enormous triple banded rider, thick and heavy and covering her entire upper back.

Will my rider get this big? Taylor wondered.

"Nice to see you again, Sophie," Chloe grinned.

"Ooooh! Aaaaahhhh!" Sophie groaned.

"Sophie's too busy getting sexual pleasure to answer coherently, I guess," said Chloe. "So how does it feel, Michael? Seeing the woman you loved pleasured by another man, while you...." she glanced at the green column, "...are mating... with technology."

"Good. It feels good to serve the Hive," said Taylor grudgingly.

Chloe smiled. "You say the words, but soon you'll mean it. When you get double banded you won't mind any of it. You'll be happy beyond your wildest dreams."

"I can't wait," said Taylor, thrusting into the column once more.

"Neither can I," Chloe grinned through her Rider Mask, as she casually walked away.

"Oh, ooohh, ooooooooh!" Sophie cried out, her chest flushing red. "Ahhhhh."

Nils grinned. "How was that, my dear?"

"Wonderful," Sophie smiled at him. "Thank you, Nils."

"Glad to be of service," he said. As he pulled out of Sophie's vulva, Taylor could see that his penis had shrunk. Nils had gotten his pleasure too.

Nils gave Taylor a friendly smile. As he turned to go, Taylor said, "Nils, can I ask you a question?"

"Certainly, Michael."

"Can you explain what I'm doing?" Taylor asked, his long penis pulling out and reentering the device again.

"You're filling this tube with your seed, Michael," said Nils.

"Yes, but why?" Taylor asked.

"Joanna didn't explain?"

"No," said Taylor.

"You've been given a singular honor, Michael," said Nils. "The Hive Mind was most impressed with your genome. It has ordered us to gather a sufficient quantity of your sperm for experimentation."

"Experimentation?" said Taylor, even as his penis moved in and out.

"Yes." He started to walk away, waving his hand. "There are many kinds of Hivelife, Michael...."

"Do you do women?" Ensign Shanbow wanted to know.

"I do everyone," said Sophie.

"Good!" she said. Shanbow was a big black woman with equally big black breasts. She was also very dark skinned, like dark chocolate. She lay down on top of Sophie and then frowned. "What dis?" she said, wiping the wetness off of Sophie's vulva. "You a whore," she said accusingly.

Sophie said nothing.

Shanbow sighed and lay down on top of her once more. She squeezed Sophie's nuclear tipped breasts. "You got big tits, for a white girl," she said.

"Thank you," said Sophie.

"It no compliment. It an observation," she grinned. Shanbow pressed her thick black lips against Sophie. Sophie responded. Shanbow started to rub her heavy black breasts against Sophie's white ones. Taylor watched for several minutes as they kissed and hugged and fondled each other.

"You were a cold bitch on da ship, real cold," Shanbow murmured. "You not so cold now, are you?"

Sophie shook her head.

"I bet I probably could not have you like this on the ship," Shanbow grinned, squeezing Sophie's tits.

"I believe it is a bet you would have won," said Sophie.

Shanbow laughed. She kissed Sophie hard, making loud slurping sounds, then abruptly pulled back. "Dis not workin'.. My rider ain't cookin'".

"Perhaps you would do better with a man," said Sophie.

"Perhaps." Shanbow gave Sophie a wicked grin. "I got me a better idea." She leaned back and spread her legs. "Suck me."

"What?" said Sophie.

"Suck me," said Shanbow. "Suck me, bitch!"

Sophie's eyes grew wide. Nyota Shanbow had a thick, black, bushy pubic triangle that made Sophie's bush look like a neatly trimmed lawn. Below that she had a green glowing symbol of the letter "c", a symbol whose meaning Sophie was unaware of. Nyota's cuntlips were huge, dark and black but much, much bigger and thicker than Sophie's.

"What you waiting for?" she demanded. "You want me to call Jo?"

"No." Sophie immediately leaned forward and spread Nyota's cuntlips. Her clit was brown and enormous, like a small penis. Sophie started sucking on it.

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah! Dat hits da spot!" Shanbow grinned. Her eyes rolled around. "Captain! Didn't see you there! Watcha doin', fucking that fancy piece of equipment when your sexy girl be right here?"

"Hello Nyota," said Taylor evenly, his penis moving in and out of the alien device as he watched Sophie sucking on Shanbow's clitoris.

"Not so high and mighty now, are you, Captain? Me be fucking your girl, and you be fucking... Frankenstein, or whatever dat is!" Nyota laughed, showed bright, white teeth.

"I'm so glad Sophie can give you pleasure, Nyota."

She mimicked his even, controlled tone. "I'm so glad Sophie can give you pleasure, Nyota. Yeah, I'm sure you are," she said. Suddenly Shanbow stiffened. "Oh! Oh! It be bubblin', bitch! Suck harder, harder!"

Taylor watched as Shanbow's rider bubbled up wildly. Even as Sophie sucked and slurped between her legs, Shanbow's rider began to split into two. The color contrast was striking, the bright yellow-brown rider splitting on dark black skin. When it was done, the baby rider flew off, leaving the small rider to reassert itself over a patch of dark rashes.

"Ahhhhh. That be good!" Shanbow grinned broadly. She turned to Taylor. "Looks like you liked it too, Captain!"

Taylor looked down. As he had watched Sophie give Shanbow oral sex, as he had watched her rider splitting on her dark black back, he had climaxed inside the alien device without even noticing it. He looked at the tube and now saw it was perhaps one quarter full.

"You good, bitch, real good," Shanbow grinned at Sophie as she got up. "I see you again real soon." She turned and left.

"Are you all right, Sophie?" Taylor asked quietly.

Sophie rubbed her lips. "I will be."

"How did it taste?" Taylor asked.

Sophie made a taste. "Like burned rubber."

"Burned rubber?"

"Yeah," she licked her lips, still frowning.

"I've noticed that sometimes the Hive brings out the best in people," said Taylor. "It's made you more expressive. Susan too. But in some people like Chloe and Shanbow, it's done the exact opposite."

Sophie nodded, standing up slowly as she licked her lips repeatedly. "Excuse me, I have to get a drink of water."

It was some hours later. Taylor had made slow but steady progress. The tube was more than halfway full. He had watched as man after man (and a few women) had sex with Sophie. Few were as nasty as Shanbow, but few were as polite as Yoram Stoneheld. Mostly they used her indifferently. Some barely mumbled their thanks at the end. She, like he, was simply a slave to be used by the Hive. Taylor was recharging his penis in the device when Sophie's next client came by.

"Hello, Commander Astor."

Sophie looked up to see Apprentice Crewman Tom Anderson.

"Hello Tom," said Sophie. "What can I do for you?"

Tom suddenly noticed Taylor. "Hello, C-captain!"

"Tom, said Taylor, his penis and balls deeply embedded in the machine.

"If I may ask, what are you doing, Captain?"

"He's recharging, Tom," Sophie explained. "What can I do for you?"

"I... I was wondering if you'd help my rider mature," said Tom. "It's my seventh day, and they tell me my rider should... should mature by now."

Sophie gave Taylor a warning glance. If Tom's rider doesn't mature soon, perhaps they'll fuck him in the ass like they did Mushy. "Sure, Tom, I'd be happy to help you with that."

"Are you sure?" Tom asked anxiously. "Captain, are you all right with this?"

Taylor slid his penis out, tested its stiffness, and slowly inserted it in the fuck hole once more. "I'm sure, Tom."

He looked nervously from Taylor to Sophie. "I mean, I know you and Commander Astor are-"

"It's fine, Tom," Sophie interrupted. She smiled at him. "Come here. I won't bite."

Tom got on top of her. Sophie started to kiss him passionately. As she did, she reached down and felt his shaft. "You get hard very quickly, Tom!"

"You... you're very exciting, Commander Astor!"

Sophie gave him an amused look. "I haven't been Commander Astor in some time. Call me Sophie."

"S-Sophie," Tom stammered.

Sophie pumped his penis with her hand until she was satisfied with its density and length. "Put it in me, Tom."

"Are you sure?" said Tom. "Captain Taylor, are you really sure-"

"You've already asked him that," said Sophie evenly. "Put it in me, Tom. That's an order."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Tom. He aimed his penis and slowly inserted it into Sophie's warm and wet vagina. "Oh!" he cried, a big smile forming on his face as he started moving back and forth.

"Is that good for you, Tom?" Sophie inquired.

"Very good, Commander... Sophie," he said hastily. Tom cast a guilty glance at Taylor. Taylor gave him a cold smile as he fucked the green column.

"Look at me, dear," she said, turning his head.

Tom started to move back and forth. "Am I doing this right, Sophie? I mean, am I giving you pleasure?"

Sophie's eyebrows shot up. Tom was her first client since Nils who had been remotely concerned about her pleasure! She smiled, "You're giving me tremendous pleasure, Tom. But let's concentrate on you. We have to help your rider mature, right?"

"Right!" said Tom. As he thrust into her, he said, "Co... Sophie, you're so sexy! I... I had a crush on you, back on the Immortal. Back when you were still in the Service. Sometimes I would look at you when I didn't think you noticed. But one time you did notice, and you smiled at me."

"I did?" said Sophie. That seemed highly unlikely. The old Sophie, pre-Hive, barely smiled at anyone.

"Yeah. And then you turned in profile, to the side, like you were showing me your... your...."

"It's all right to say breasts, Tom. You can even squeeze them, if you like," said Sophie.

"I can?" Sophie's big, nuclear powered breasts looked so luscious, as if they were begging to be squeezed! Tom looked up again at Taylor, who was busy fucking the green column. "Captain, is it really all right if I-"

"Stop talking to Captain Taylor, Tom!" said Sophie, turning his head again.

"Sorry," said Tom.

"Now stop apologizing and squeeze my breasts!" she said sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," he said. He reached out and squeezed them. They were so firm, and yet also so soft! And so very sexy! Tom felt a tingling in his cock and balls as he fondled them. "Niiiice! Cold fusion generators, right?'

"You know about cold fusion implants?" said Sophie.

"I... I read a lot," said Tom. "They... they're so beautiful, Sophie!" He wanted to say "sexy" but was afraid to say the word. Tom got so excited that his rider started to bubble up on his back. "You... you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!"

"Why thank you, Tom!" She kissed him tightly.

"Ooooh!" he gasped, as his rider bubbled more strongly.

"You like that?" Sophie asked.


"You're so sweet," Sophie decided, as she felt his penis coursing inside her.

"Can I...." Tom asked.

"Can you what?"

"There's something I really want to know. Can I ask Captain Taylor a question?" said Tom.

Sophie gave him a stern look. "No, Tom. Captain Taylor is busy-"

Taylor sighed. "What is it, Tom?"

"I.... Captain, I'm... I'm having sex with your... with your girlfriend, and... she's amazing. Incredible!" said Tom.

"Yes, she is. What is your question?" Taylor asked, as he fucked the green column.

Tom continued to thrust inside Sophie's vagina as he admired her heavy pubic bush and thick cuntlips. "It's just... she's so beautiful! How... how could you concentrate on your work all those years, with such beauty at your side, distracting you? How could you even think clearly? I... I really want to know, sir."

A slow smile spread across Taylor's face. "It was a problem, Tom. A real one. There were times I almost lost the ship because I was so distracted... by her intense beauty...." He gave Sophie an intense look of love.

Sophie's mouth dropped open. She felt an unaccustomed burst of emotion. She pulled Tom's head to hers, kissed him, and thrust her tongue into his mouth wildly. Tom gasped and it came out as a choked cough as Sophie's tongue danced with his. The feeling of the walls of Sophie's vagina massaging the head of his penis combined with the stimulation of his lips and tongue pushed Tom over the edge. He pulsed inside of her, filling her with rope after rope of sperm. As he did his rider sizzled on his back, the gold band becoming solid and prominent.

"My rider!" he cried, pulling back. "It loves me, and wants the best for me!"

"Yes it does," Sophie smiled.

At that moment something changed in Tom Jefferson, something fundamental. He spoke in a different, deeper voice. "You are sexy, Sophie Astor, you're very sexy!"

"Thank you!" Sophie said.

"I enjoyed coming inside of you. Filling you with my seed," said Tom, in that new, deep voice of us.

"I'm... I'm glad, Tom."

"But what about you?" Tom asked.

"What about me?"

Without waiting for permission he reached into her pubic folds and rubbed her clit.

"Tom!" Sophie cried.

Tom put his mouth against hers and this time his tongue entered Sophie's mouth. Their tongues danced together as Tom somehow expertly rubbed her clit. It wasn't long before Sophie was moaning with pleasure. Her eyes widened and she gasped, and her chest turned red again.

Tom pulled back, looking pleased. "How was that, Babe?"

"Nice," said Sophie.

"Just my way of saying thanks," said Tom. "See you later, Babe." He turned to Taylor and gave a casual salute. As he walked away Sophie noticed even his style of walking had changed now.

"Did I change that much when my rider matured?" Sophie asked.

"I didn't notice any changes in you," said Taylor, looking down at his lover whose neck was covered in red marks, her breasts had fingerprints on them, and her vagina was leeching out sperm.

"I'm really glad to hear that," said Sophie.

The end was near. The hollow tube was more than three quarters full, and Taylor was still pounding away at it. Joanna stopped by to visit and looked approvingly at his progress. "You're doing quite well, Captain," she said, as she watched his heavy balls slam against the green column every time he inserted his penis into it.

"Thank you. I exist to serve," said Taylor.

"That you do," said Joanna. She looked at Sophie, who was resting between clients. "And what about you, Sophie?"

"What about me?" Sophie asked.

"Do you wish to serve too?" Joanna asked.

"Of course," said Sophie.

"Good," said Joanna. And then, to everyone's great surprise, she lay down on top of Sophie Astor.

Taylor was immediately reminded that Joanna was not human. She didn't have a rider on her back. As far as he knew, she was some kind of alien clone of the real Joanna Harris, who apparently had disappeared.

And now this alien clone was kissing and humping Sophie Astor.

Alien clone or not, Taylor had more than once noticed Joanna's heavy eggplant shaped breasts and been attracted to them. He wondered what Sophie felt as they rubbed against her own.

Joanna kissed Sophie passionately. "Have you ever been with a woman, before you joined the Hive?"

"Yes," said Sophie.

"I thought so," Jo grinned. "There's nothing else like it. When I first took my daughter Julie the sensation was incredible."

"You... had sex with your daughter?" said Sophie.

"Well, she's not exactly my daughter, if you know what I mean," Joanna winked. "Her real Mom started it, and I simply picked up... where she left off. Julie says I'm better than the original, and she should know." She winked again.

Her smile filled Sophie with terror. And then Sophie felt something between her cuntlips. Something probing... like a penis. But Joanna didn't have a penis!

Sophie looked down. She saw a black thing slowly snaking its way between Joanna's cuntlips. It was curving and braided, like a black rope, and slimy. Sophie watched as several inches of it unraveled from Joanna's vagina like a fishing line.

"What is that?" she cried.

"That, my dear, is a little extra benefit of being Hiveflesh," said Joanna.

The black rope moved like it was alive. The tip of it was bulbous, like a penis. It coiled up like a snake about to strike.

"No," Sophie whispered.

And then the black rope plunged into Sophie's vagina.

"Ow!" Sophie cried, as she felt the rope move strongly inside her.

"Sophie, what's happening?" Taylor cried.

"Don't try to interfere, Captain!" Joanna snarled.

Taylor watched helplessly as the black rope plunged in and out of Sophie's cunt.

"Sophie! Sophie!" Taylor cried. He tried to move to help her but couldn't. All his rider would let him do was to pound the green column. Taylor pounded the green column forcefully, gritting his teeth in frustration, letting an alien technology milk his balls while watching the molestation of the woman he loved.

"Oooow!" Sophie cried, as she felt the slick alien rope moving inside her vagina.

"Momomomomomomom!" said Joanna.

"Ooooh!" said Sophie.

"Momomomomomomom!" said Joanna.

"Oooooh!" Sophie repeated. Suddenly, pain had turned to pleasure.


"Oh, oh ohhhhhhhhh," Sophie got a huge smile on her face and relaxed. Taylor watched as the black rope moved in and out between her pussylips. The sliminess of it seemed to give it a natural lubrication. It pulled all the way out, revealing the bulbous head of it. Then it plunged all the way into her, six inches or more of it.

"Aaaaaaah," said Sophie, with a big smile.

"You like that Sophie now, don't you?" said Joanna. "You like anything the Hive puts inside you, don't you?"

Sophie gave a slight nod, her eyes glazed in delight.

"It's time to give you your reward, dear."

The rope plunged in and out of thick pussy lips rapidly, making Sophie gasp and her breasts heave.

"Sophie, are you all right?" Taylor cried, as he continued to fuck the alien column, mere feet away.

"Oh, oh oh oh oh!" Sophie cried, her heavy breasts still bouncing wildly. Her eyes got as wide as saucers and she stiffened and cried out. "Oooooooh!" Her body shuddered and her chest reddened. And then she lay still.

"Sophie, Sophie, answer me!" Taylor cried. He grunted, cried out, and ejaculated, filling the column with his seed. He suddenly found himself able to pull out and he did so, still dripping precious sperm. He raced to her side even as Joanna stood up. The black rope coiled up inside her cuntlips.

"She is fine. Better than fine," said Joanna.

"Sophie!" said Taylor, shaking her.

Sophie blinked, as if awaking from a dream. "Michael?" she said.

"Are you all right?"

She looked around, confused. "I... I think so. What happened?"

"You have just had a taste of more of what the Hive has to offer, once you go deeper into the Hive," said Joanna. "You have a truly luscious body, my dear. I'm sure our masters will use it well." She turned and left.

"Are you all right Sophie?" Taylor asked again.

"I... think so." Sophie looked down, and put her hand to her pussylips. It came up with a black liquid... the alien rope creature had ejaculated inside of her!

Taylor was finally done. He gasped and he groaned as his exhausted ass and thigh muscles pounded one last time. He felt himself exploding inside the alien device once more. He looked hurriedly at the transparent tube.

Drip, drip, drip.

It was full! It was finally full! Taylor looked at the enormous tube filled with his white, milky sperm and felt proud, so very proud.

"I did it, Sophie!" he said.

But Sophie was occupied at the moment. One of her regulars, a tall black man named Reginald, was climaxing inside of her, even as a baby rider was sizzling into existence on his back.

"Oh... oh... ohhhh...." Reginald gasped, as he felt himself emptying his balls into her in such a pleasurable way. As he did, his rider split neatly into two. He barely noticed the immature rider flying off, as the smaller mature rider reasserted itself over a smaller space which was covered in dark rashes.

"That was good, Babe," he said, winking at her. He got up casually and left.

"Sophie, I did it!" Taylor cried again.

"What?" said Sophie, wiping sperm off her cuntlips.

"I did it, look!" Taylor cried, pointing at the enormous tube which was full of his milky white sperm.

"Oh, congratulations," she said weakly. After a long day of fucking (or to be more precise, being fucked), Sophie looked exhausted. Taylor was too.

It was at that moment that Julie appeared. "How is it going, Captain?"

Taylor pointed wordlessly at the tube.

"You're done! What a surprise!" She reached out and hugged and kissed him. "Good work, Captain! I know our masters will put your amazing fluids to good use." She grinned as she stared at his penis. "You know, you've earned a reward for this. If you like, you can have Sophie."

"I... I'm too tired," said Taylor. He had climaxed more than a dozen times that day.

"Oh of course!" said Julie. "Sophie, take the rest of the afternoon off. Michael, I want you to lay in her arms and rest. The two of you, just rest! You deserve it!"

Taylor gracefully collapsed in her arms.

"Thank you," Sophie whispered. She looked at Taylor. He was already asleep in her arms, with a broad smile. It felt so good to have him on top of her!

Seconds later, Sophie fell asleep too, dreaming sweet dreams.​
Next page: Chapter 26
Previous page: Chapter 25.1