Chapter 26
The following morning Taylor stood in front of the Hive Mind, standing stiffly at attention. A white light again came down to shine down on Sophie's left breast, her right, then her groin. Sophie gasped as she felt herself being probed.
"Momomomomomomom!" she said.
Taylor thought she looked so sexy. Sophie's eyes were large. Her mouth was open and her thick lips formed an "o" ring. Beautiful pulsating Hiveflesh covered her face. Her heavy breasts were pointed straight forward at the Hive Mind, her nipples proudly erect. Her legs were widely spread. The bright white light put a focus on her thick cuntlips, and the sparkling green gem hanging from them. Her rider was fully inflated on her back like a giant balloon. Sophie's upside down U slave mark flickered like mad as Sophie shook and shuddered as the Hive Mind stimulated her sexy body. Taylor got an erection just watching her.
And then Sophie was released and it was his turn.
"Momomomomomomom!" Taylor cried. He stared straight ahead, with his broad shoulders and hairy chest that Sophie loved so much. She looked downwards at his massive erection. How she loved feeling that inside her! The green glowing curved bone symbol on the head of his penis made him look so manly. So did the green gem hanging from his scrotum. Taylor's rider was fully inflated on his back, making him even more masculine. As Sophie stared at her lover being manipulated by the Hive Mind, Sophie sincerely hoped that he was being reprogrammed to love her even more. For whatever reason. It didn't matter. She just wanted him. She wanted him so much!
And then Taylor relaxed and started breathing more easily again.
"Michael, are you all right?" she asked, touching his wrist.
Taylor looked down at her touch and nodded.
You have done well, boomed the voice in their heads.
Sophie saw the enormous dark eyes looking down on them and she trembled.
You, Sophie Astor, have proven very popular in pleasing my other slaves. Humans seem to find your body pleasing. Your body and others like it will be used to spread the Hive once we reach Earth.
"Yes, Master," said Sophie.
And you, Captain Taylor, have served the Hive well, bringing your entire crew into our service and opening the door to the invasion of Earth. We are still analyzing your biological distinctiveness and plan to add it to our own to make stronger and more effective Hivelife. What is this special ability you seem to have?
"It is called screaning, Master," said Taylor. "It was given to me by aliens in the distant future, when I traveled through time."
We do not yet fully understand this ability, but in time we will and use it to our advantage. The seeds of life contained in your sexual organ will be modified to serve us, as will the reproductive cycles of the females we select for you. For now you must venture deeper into the Hive so that you may be better employed for our purposes. Joanna, see that it is done.
"Yes, Master," said Joanna. Julie was standing by her side.
The Hive Mind's gaze turned elsewhere, even as slaves worked continually fucking it around its black oily base. Taylor gave a sigh of relief as he and Sophie were released.
"What must we do now?" Sophie asked.
Joanna looked at them. "You must both work to help your riders mature once more. You must both become double banded."
"What... what will happen when we become double banded?" Sophie asked.
"You will experience more pleasure serving the Hive than you ever imagined."
Sophie nodded. With her rider growing stronger on her back it would take even more control of her mind. A part of her, a small part, found this upsetting, but Sophie could no longer understand why. It seemed a curiosity, really, until the entire train of thought was whisked from her mind as her rider pulsated strongly on her back.
"See that it is done." Joanna turned on her heel and left.
That left Julie. Good. Julie was more approachable, even though she was already double banded. But at least she was still human. Sophie went up to her. "Julie, does it matter where we do it?"
Julie cocked her head as her rider expanded on her back. "I suppose not, why?"
Sophie gave a shy smile. "I was wondering if we could go back to the beach we went to... the day Michael's rider matured."
A smile spread across Julie's face. "Of course!"
"Good," said Sophie. "And there's just one more thing...."
Taylor waited impatiently at the entrance to the North Building. He was eager to get his rider double banded so his master could take more control of his mind. He was wearing his Survey Service casual dayclothes, but when Sophie appeared, she was dressed quite differently. She was wearing white shorts and a nearly sheer white top that was one size too small for her. Her creamy breasts stuck out of it, and the shape of her control collar was clearly visible through the thin porous fabric.
"Wow!" said Taylor, making her blush. He kissed her strongly. "Where did you get that?"
"Julie lent it to me," said Sophie. "We're not exactly the same size, but-"
"I like it!" Taylor grinned. He grabbed her hand."Let's go!"
First they walked to the small spaceport, where they passed by the now empty hulk of the Immortal. That was Taylor's past life. The Hive was his future. He had no regrets. The Hive had given him everything he ever wanted--purpose, a sense of belonging, and above all Sophie Astor.
He loved just looking at her. Her tight shorts perfectly showed off the outlines of her nicely rounded ass. Taylor could even see the outlines of her buttocks clenching and unclenching as she walked. It excited him. In front, he could see the stress lines all around the crotch like arrows, pointing to her vulva. It was a space he knew he would be occupying in just a few minutes. The thought excited him. Farther up her round melons were perfectly outlined in her sheer shirt. How he yearned to squeeze them!
Taylor couldn't resist any longer. He touched her shoulder and stopped her. Sophie looked around. They were in the marshlands just north of the spaceport. They hadn't yet reached the river. "We're not there yet."
"I know," said Taylor. He grabbed her and kissed her passionately, grinding his lips against hers. Sophie responded, becoming alive in his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I want you so much, Sophie," he said.
"I want you too, Michael!" she replied, her eyes looking earnestly at him. When she pulled away she saw the erection in his pants and smiled.
Taylor saw her nipples sticking out through her shirt and control collar. He smiled too.
Sophie reached for his hand. "Come. It's just a little farther."
Taylor reluctantly followed. By the time they reached the familiar beach his heart was pounding with anticipation.
"Do you remember what we did here?" Sophie asked, as she pulled off her shirt.
"How could I forget?" said Taylor, pulling off his own shirt.
"We created live. Hivelife," said Sophie, with sparkling eyes. She reached behind her and unclipped her breast control collar. Her large breasts came free. Her nipples were hard and red and stiff. She was as excited as he was. Sophie put her arms around him. "But now we're going to do something even more important. We're going to help our masters mature even more on our backs and in our minds."
"Is that what you want, Sophie?" Taylor asked, enjoying the feeling of her firm breasts.
"I can't think of anything I want more," she said, as her rider inflated on her back. She smiled as she reached down to remove his pants. As she did, Taylor saw her rider and the faint outlines of a second band growing inside the first.
"Your rider is almost mature," he said, as Sophie removed her own pants.
She nodded. "I got a head start on you by about a week. I've also been fucking more," she said most casually, as she pulled down her panties. Sophie's Slave Mark was glowing brightly just above her cuntlips. The jewel hanging between her legs glinted in the yellow light of Sirius Minor's twin suns.
Sophie pulled down his own underwear. She smiled when she saw his erection. "I thought so," she murmured, grabbing it as she stole another kiss.
"You always make me hard, Sophie," said Taylor, feeling terribly masculine at that moment.
"Then take me, Michael," she said, her eyes sparkling. "Take me and help our riders mature."
They took turns, alternating, sometimes with Taylor on top, pounding into her vagina, and sometimes Sophie on top, riding his shaft. Every so often they would stop and look at their riders and see if there were any changes.
"I can see liquidy bumps forming on yours," she said approvingly, touching one. "That's good. That means your rider is storing more energy than it immediately needs. Once it digests these, it will help it grow."
Taylor looked at Sophie's rider in turn. "It seems to me these bones are getting thicker." He saw the symmetrical sets of v shaped knuckles on his lover's back. Her rider was much farther along than his was. Would his grow as big as that?
"That makes sense, given the size of the bone inside me," Sophie grinned.
She pulled him down and they made love again.
"I love you so much!" She said dearly, looking at him with dreamy eyes as he pounded into her cunt. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"You joined the Hive," said Taylor, enjoying the pleasant friction on the head of his penis inside her. "That's what you did."
"Yes," Sophie smiled. "And it gave me you!" She hugged him tightly and wrapped her legs around him.
For two days they came to the little beach and made love. They took frequent breaks and simply lay on the sands, sunning themselves, while their legs and arms were intertwined. Sometimes they talked about their love for each other, but other times they just looked at each other with pure adoration. Sometimes they fell asleep in each others arms without realizing it until they woke up afterwards.
And then, towards the end of the second day of on and off lovemaking, it happened. Sophie was riding him from above and she gasped. "Michael! My rider is bubbling up! I think... I think it's happening!"
"Great, Sophie!" Taylor cried.
Sophie cocked her head and nodded. Then she started moving up and down more rapidly on Taylor's cock. "Oh," she said. "Oh oh oh oh oh," she gasped, her heavy, sweaty breasts bouncing in every direction. Taylor's cock moved in and out of her widely spread cuntlips like a human drill. The head of his penis stimulated her vagina so exquisitely.
"Ah!" Sophie cried. On her back, the knuckle bones were protruding more. Her rider was slowly growing over part of her shoulder blades. It was also getting thicker. And then, even as she continued to rider her lover wildly, the second golden band solidified within the first one. Sophie's body stiffened and she cried out one last time as she was given her reward.
Her rider had matured once more!
When Sophie had recovered, she turned around to show Taylor what they had accomplished together.
"It's big," said Taylor, with admiration in his tone. "Really big!"
"Isn't it wonderful?" Sophie asked. Suddenly she frowned. "Something is wrong."
"What is it?"
Sophie reached behind her. "I think my rider... is leaking."
Her hand came back with gelatinous semi-liquid.
"What is that?" said Taylor.
"I'm... not sure." Sophie lay down on the ground and spread her legs.
"Sophie, what are you doing?"
Sophie didn't answer. She spread her knees even more widely, which in turn spread her cuntlips, and then she poured the contents of her hand over it.
"No, Sophie!" Taylor cried. He watched as the liquid entered Sophie's vagina. Sophie shook and trembled wildly. Taylor took her in his arms. "Sophie!" he cried again.
She settled down a moment later.
"Are you all right?" he asked.
"I... think so." She looked down. Her vulva was now coated with Hiveflesh. Her cuntlips were thick and orangey. The insides of her vagina was coated as well. Her master had taken direct control of her vagina. It could enhance her sexual pleasure, as well as her partner's... or deny it utterly.
"I've seen this before," said Taylor. "Julie has this kind of coating on her vulva too. And she's very tight inside. That's... that's what it must be to be double banded as a woman. You... you're probably really tight in there right now."
"That's what I'm thinking too," Sophie grinned. "Want to give it a try?"
Taylor didn't have to be asked twice. He got between her legs and inserted himself into her. His eyes went wide. "Oh Sophie! You're so tight now!"
"You feel so good too! The sensation feels twice as good!" Sophie cried, grabbing onto him. But as Taylor made love to her, Sophie sensed something else happening on her back. She could feel part of her rider moving. It was flowing up the back of her neck, around to the front of her neck, and onto her face.
"Michael, what's happening to me?" She cried.
Taylor pulled out and looked at his lover in horror. "I don't know!"
"What's... happening?" Sophie gave a cry of pure terror as Hiveflesh covered her face. She tried to pull it off with her fingertips but it burned her hand to the touch. She felt like she was going to suffocate as the hot bubbling flesh moved over her face. But it quickly settled down, leaving holes for her eyes, nose, and mouth. The rest of her face was covered with Hiveflesh.
"What's... happened to me?" She moaned again. Sophie tentatively reached out with trembling fingertips. She was able to touch it now. She felt the pulsating Hiveflesh on her face. It felt incredibly claustrophobic.
"I've seen that on Chloe," said Taylor. "But... she's triple banded. I've never seen that on a double banded person."
"Let's get back to the Hive," said Sophie. "It must be some huge mistake!"
"It's no mistake," said Joanna pleasantly. "It's a blessing."
"A blessing?" said Sophie, feeling very uncertain.
"Usually Rider Masks only appear when the rider reaches the third state of maturity," said Joanna. "It rarely happens, but can also occasionally occur when a rider reaches the second stage of maturity in hosts who have an exceptional amount of... shall we say... sexual energy to feed on." Joanna eyed Sophie's heavy breasts and dark pubic bush and thick cuntlips. "Your unusually sexy body gave your rider the energy it needed to generate a Rider Mask. You should be pleased."
"Pleased," Sophie repeated numbly. She felt her rider, now much larger, pulsating on her back. She felt its giant bones pressing into her. She felt her Rider Mask pressing against her face. "Yes. I am very pleased."
Joanna touched her wrist. "You'll get used to it, I promise. In a day or two you'll wonder how you ever managed without it."
"I'm sure," said Sophie, giving a nervous smile.
"I'm so proud of you that you got your rider to mature!" Joanna said. She turned to Taylor. "You, however, still have a road to travel, Captain. I expect you and Sophie to be back at the beach first thing tomorrow morning, fucking each other's brains out!"
"As you command," said Taylor, with a smile.
Sophie was totally silent as they walked to the beach the following morning. She had barely slept a wink the night before. She felt her Rider Mask pressing against her face. It still felt claustrophobic. Her rider filled her with thoughts of how wonderful it was to have a Rider Mask, a second skin made of precious Hive Flesh, but Sophie still wasn't so sure. When they arrived at the beach her unhappiness was clear to see even through her Rider Mask.
"What's wrong?" said Taylor, as if he didn't know.
"I'm ugly," said Sophie.
"No you're not."
"I'm hideous!" Sophie wailed.
"No you're not!" Taylor said. He took her in his arms and gave her a strong kiss. "You excite me!"
"I do? How could I possibly excite you with this?" she pointed to her face. "You always told me how pretty my face was. How high my cheekbones were. How pretty my eyes and lips were."
"I can still see your eyes and lips," said Taylor. "If anything, they're highlighted even more."
"Be serious, Michael. How can you possibly be attracted to me now?" she said.
"I am extremely attracted to you, Sophie Astor," he said in a deep, masculine voice. "I can't wait to rip your clothes off and spread your legs and put my penis deep inside your cunt and tell you how much I love you! I can't wait to empty my balls inside you and look into your eyes and see you gasp as I climax! I love the Rider Mask on your face! It's a gift from our masters for all the hard work your tits and your cunt have given the Hive and you should wear it as a badge of honor! It makes you look sexy and powerful and beautiful, and if you don't believe that, believe THIS!" He grabbed her hand and put it inside his pants.
Sophie's eyebrows shot up. "You... you're hard... even when I'm... this way?"
"You make me harder than ever," said Taylor, giving her a sexy smile. "Sophie, I want to fuck you so much!"
"Oh Michael!" she cried.
They hurriedly ripped off each other's clothing. Sophie's breast control collar went flying across the little beach. Sophie eagerly lay on the warm sands and spread her legs. Taylor got between them and started thrusting, without any foreplay. Sophie needed immediate affirmation and he gave it to her, in the form of rock hard cockmeat.
As he moved inside her he kissed her repeatedly and looked into her eyes. "You're so sexy," he murmured, as his hard, stiff, red rod moved in and out between her thick, orange coated cuntlips. "So fuckable." In and out. "So attractive." In and out. "I want you more than ever." In and out.
The movements of his cock, the firmness of his tone, and his hard blue eyes staring into hers drove Sophie over the edge. Taylor was the one who was supposed to be helped today, but it was Sophie who climaxed as she realized she was loved, and more than ever.
"Thank the Hive, thank the Hive, thank the Hive," she whispered, as she climaxed.
"Thank the Hive for what?" Taylor asked.
"For you!" She said, hugging him tightly.
For five more days they came to the beach and made love. As Joanna predicted, two days after Sophie got her Rider Mask she barely noticed it. The way Taylor looked at her, the way he talked to her, the way he put his long penis inside of her and made love to her convinced her more than ever that she was loved.
For his part Taylor eagerly participated in the process. Each time Sophie looked at his back he was eager for news about how his master had grown.
"The bones are getting thicker!" Sophie cried. "Do you feel them pressing harder against you, Michael?"
"Yes, I do!" said Taylor. "It feels like it's giving me a firmer backbone!"
They laughed and cried and kissed.
And when the following day Sophie saw the first outline of his second gold band, Taylor hugged and kissed her and threw her into the river. They cried and yelled and splashed in the waves before making their way back to the shore, exhausted, falling asleep in each other's arms.
And when they woke up, they got back at it again, Taylor pounding into her cunt as the twin suns of Sirius Minor warmed his aching back and heavy rider.
"I want my master to grow stronger on my back and in my mind!" said Taylor, as he plowed inside of her. Nothing was prompting him to say these things; Taylor had left his training long behind. He wanted to say these things because it made him happy! As Taylor fucked Sophie his rider inflated on his back, making him look so strong, so manly. Taylor's ass cheeks and thighs were rigid and his penis was as hard a rod as he moved inside her, in and out, in and out.
"I'm so delighted my masters let me make love to you," Taylor grinned. "I'd let my rider grow from head to toe on my back if only they would let me keep fucking you continually!"
Sophie was overwhelmed by Taylor's ardor. She had orgasmed multiple times even though that was no longer required as her rider had already reached double banded status. The intensity of his love, the hardness of his gaze, the hardness of his penis, the stiffness of his hairy chest, all of it drove her wild. She gave into it completely, enjoying the feeling of being taken oh so much.
"I love you!" Sophie said. "I love you so much, Michael Taylor!"
"And I love you, Sophie Astor!" With those words Taylor groaned as his penis ejaculated, hammering out sperm inside of her. It was good. It was always good.
But... when would his rider mature?
On the evening of the sixth day of their beachcapade Joanna looked at his back and frowned. Taylor's rider had been on the verge of maturing for two days now. After making rapid progress in growing thicker knuckle bones which grabbed his back tightly, his rider's growth seemed to have been capped.
When they returned from their seventh day of fucking without a double banded rider on Taylor's back, Joanna's frown grew deeper.
"I'm sure it will happen," Sophie said. "We just need a little more time!"
Joanna said nothing to her. Instead she turned to the Hive Mind and said, "Momomomomomomom."
They heard a deep voice in their heads. Momomomomomomomom.
Momomomomomomomom. Mamoomisham!
"Mamoomisham!" Joanna agreed. She turned to Taylor. "Captain, please insert yourself into the Hive Mind."
"What?" said Sophie.
"Do not interfere, Sophie." She stared at Taylor. "Obey."
Taylor, with an already mature rider on his back, could hardly have done otherwise. "It will be all right, Sophie," he said, to set her mind at ease. The naked man calmly approached the base of the giant alien creature which controlled all their minds. Up close Taylor could see its skin was lubricated with some kind of black oil. Slaves were clustered around the base of it, fucking it wildly, men pounding into holes and women riding up and down on stiff projections.
Taylor put his hand on Daniel Harris's shoulder.
Daniel, looking startled, pulled out. His penis was red and raw.
Taylor calmly took his place and inserted his penis inside the Hive Mind.
"What is it? What are you doing to him?" Sophie demanded.
Joanna said nothing.
Taylor started to gasp as he fucked the Hive Mind. "Oooooooh!" he groaned. The rider on his back started to bubble up furiously. Sophie could see it expanding over his shoulder blades like hers did. Taylor's ass cheeks moved rapidly as he fucked it like a rabbit, in and out and in and out. Taylor moaned as he fucked the Hive Mind hard. And then, while he was fucking away, his ass cheeks moving in and out like a blur, it happened! The second golden band on Taylor's rider solidified within the first one. Taylor's rider was now as heavy and meaty and bony as Sophie... with two solid glowing golden bands.
Taylor gasped as he was seemingly ejected from the Hive Mind's hole. He blinked as he collected his wits.
Sophie flew into his arms. "Michael, are you all right?"
"I think so," he said.
"What did it do to you?"
"The Hive Mind generously gave you the sexual energy you needed to help your master mature," said Joanna. "Usually slaves come here to provide raw sexual energy to the Hive Mind. In this case the Hive Mind reversed the process. It must really value you highly, Michael."
Taylor nodded grimly.
Sophie looked at his back. "Oh Michael, your new rider looks so beautiful on you!" She kissed him passionately.
And then Taylor frowned and pulled back.
"Michael, what is it?"
He reached behind him and came back with a gelatinous material.
"You know what to do with that, don't you?" Joanna said.
Taylor nodded as he wrapped the material around the tip of his penis. It instantly solidified into a yellow-brown bulbous sheath. The most sensitive part of his penis was now encased in Hiveflesh.
"And now your master can increase your stimulation... or deny it entirely if you disobey," said Joanna.
"I trust that won't be necessary," said Taylor.
"I hope not," said Joanna, giving him a firm look.
"Michael, let's go and try out your new Hiveflesh coated penis! I can't wait to feel it inside me!" Sophie sounded like a child eager to play with a new toy.
"I'm afraid not, Sophie," said Joanna. "Taylor must rest now. Tomorrow he begins an important assignment." She saw Sophie's disappointment even through her Rider Mask. "But don't worry, you will be of assistance as well."
The following morning, Taylor and Sophie reported to Joanna once more.
"Good morning, you two! Did you sleep well?" she asked.
"Yes," They both said. That was a lie. After permitting them to have sex together for a week, the Hive had separated them again, insisting they sleep apart. It seemed that sex was being withheld until it suited the Hive's purposes. It was an excellent way of getting slaves with emotional attachments to cooperate.
"Come with me to the Experimental Wing," said Joanna. She turned, and they followed.
Neither of them had been in the Experimental Wing but they had heard rumors, of nightmarish experiments on human beings they would rather not know about. They quickly found out that the rumors were true.
Joanna brought them to what looked like a bear enclosure. There were four brown bears inside. Taylor noticed immediately that the bears were wearing riders, and their riders were huge, much larger than the ones human beings wore. The second thing he noticed was that the bears were not really bears at all.
When one turned to face him he saw that she (it was a she) had a bear nose and a bear mouth but human eyes, clearly human eyes. Taylor looked down and saw that she had breasts, human breasts. He tried to comprehend what he was seeing. It was like a human being had bulked up in body mass, grown brown fur, and claws, and part of a bear's face.
"What have you done here?" he said.
"We're always experimenting with creating new and exciting Hive Life. You could view the Hive as your Garden of Eden," Joanna smiled.
"Of course," said Taylor, as his rider filled him with calmness and acceptance that he still didn't quite feel. "And what do you want us for?" He looked at Sophie. Were they to be turned into bears too?
"Not very much. Not very much at all," said Joanna. "We want you to make love to Trixie," she pointed at one of the bears.
"Make love... to that?" said Taylor. "It won't work."
"It will work," said Joanna firmly. "The Hive has thousands of years of experience in blending species." She reached out and cupped his testicles, making the green gem underneath rock back and forth. "We have analyzed the sperm you thoughtfully provided us and have concluded you would be the perfect subject for a cross breeding experiment. The results aren't guaranteed, of course, but we feel that we will achieve the best results with your... robust... seed." She smiled even as she cupped his balls even more tightly.
Joanna put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. "Trixie! Trixie! Come here, girl!"
One of the bears bounded over.
"Good girl," said Joanna. "On your back, girl! Just like we taught you!" She spun her finger in a vertical circle.
The bear growled and lay on its back, instinctively spreading its legs.
It's wearing a rider too, Taylor recalled.
"You may begin, Captain," said Joanna, releasing his testicles.
Taylor looked at the thick black lipped vagina between the bear's legs. It looked enormous, like he could slip a hand into it. He also looked at the bear's three inch claws. He gave Joanna a doubtful look.
"Go ahead. You'll be perfectly safe." Her expression hardened. "The Hive demands it."
Taylor's heavy double banded rider pressed against his back with its thick bones. Do it.
Taylor tentatively got on top of the bear. He looked into her blue eyes. She was human. Probably one of the colonists. What did they do to you?
He slowly inserted himself into her. He was surprised that while her opening was spacious, it narrowed quickly. He started thrusting.
"That's it, that's it Captain," said Joanna encouragingly. She turned to Sophie. "Isn't he handsome?"
Sophie looked at Taylor's ass cheeks thrusting back and forth as he made love to the she-bear. Higher up on his strong back, she saw the thick knuckle bones protruding from his rider, gripping him tightly as Taylor fucked the hybrid. As it inflated it became a giant yellow-brown ball on his back. Watching Taylor being controlled by his master was incredibly, incredibly arousing to her.
The she-bear started to growl. Her giant claws stirred. Taylor looked worriedly at them. Just a swipe could scratch him deeply.
"Grrrr!" said Trixie. "Grrrr Grrr Grrrr!" she growled, showing fangs.
"Don't stop now, Captain!" Joanna cried. "Trixie is just getting excited!"
Taylor looked into the eyes of the poor woman. What did they do to you? How was this done? What kind of monster baby would we even create? Despite these disturbing thoughts, he felt his climax closing in. It was his rider. It was helping him, stimulating him. He thrust faster into the furry beast. You must inseminate, a small voice said in his head. You must inseminate and expand the Hive!
Taylor's penis stiffened and exploded inside the creature. He felt gobs of gooey sperm releasing inside of her.
"Ahhhhh!" said Trixie, in a disturbingly human way, as he flooded inside of her.
And then it was done.
Taylor pulled out, feeling ambivalent. What kind of monster was I creating inside of her? he wondered. But then his rider pulsated and that thought was replaced with pride. Pride that he had expanded the Hive. He smiled and beamed.
"Very good," said Joanna approvingly. "Come, I will take you to the next subject."
"There is more?" Taylor asked.
They went to another enclosure, a much larger one. It contained giant spiders, eight to ten feet tall. Sophie gasped when she saw them.
"What do you want me to do with that!" said Taylor, pointing to one of them.
"I want you to fuck them," said Joanna sweetly.
"There is no way that my penis and that... thing can create a baby," said Taylor resolutely.
Joanna crossed her arms under her heavy downward sloping breasts. "You're wrong about that. You are Hivelife now. Hivelife comes in many forms. The Hive has designated you, Michael, to be the father of a whole new generation. You should be honored."
Taylor's rider inflated on his back and his penis stiffened. "I am honored."
"Good," said Joanna. She made a clicking sound with her tongue. One of the spiders came to the edge of the enclosure, turned around and lowered itself down to the ground. When it did, they saw a reddish brown pubic triangle at waist level. And just below that was an unmistakable set of cuntlips.
"As I said, there are many forms of Hivelife," Joanna grinned. "You may begin, Michael."
Taylor nodded. He went up to the wall of spider flesh. The skin of it was brown and wrinkled. He slowly inserted himself into it and started thrusting. The insides felt like soft sand paper, irritating but also stimulating. He started to thrust into it but wasn't making much progress, even with his rider encouraging him.
He stopped after a few moments. "I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to get into the proper state of mind...."
"Sophie, help him."
Sophie suddenly realized why she had been brought along. She didn't know what to do, but her rider did. She went over to the spider and leaned her back against it, careful not to injure her rider. She loved it so much and would never want to harm it. She spread her legs so her vagina was just above the giant spider's. She smiled at Michael and said in her warmest voice, "Come here, dear."
Taylor went into her arms. They started hugging and kissing instinctively. As they did, Sophie reached down and inserted him into the giant spider. Taylor started thrusting immediately, feeling the familiar scrapey soft sand papery feel.
But this time it was also different. He was in Sophie's arms. It was Sophie's heavy breasts he felt pressed against his chest, Sophie's legs pressed against his, Sophie's lips grinding against his own. Taylor was naturally excited. He started thrusting strongly into the spider.
"I still haven't felt your new Hiveflesh coated penis inside me," she said, a bit regretfully.
"I wonder why," said Taylor.
"I think there is something more I must do to earn it," said Sophie. "I sense there will be an opportunity soon."
"Hopefully sooner rather than later," Taylor grinned at her, as he felt his penis tensing up.
"Much sooner," Sophie agreed, kissing him passionately.
Her lips and arms around him pushed him over the edge. Taylor gasped and flooded into the giant spider.
Insemination had occurred!
When he pulled out, both of them looked content.
"Very good, Micheal," said Joanna. "And you were helpful too, Sophie."
"I serve the Hive." Sophie bowed her head.
"Yes you do," Joanna agreed, her hungry eyes devouring Sophie's heavy breasts. "Come."
She led them to another room with a familiar green column. Taylor inserted his cock and balls into it. He smiled as he felt his penis beginning to become excited again.
"How many more... creatures... will I have to tend to?" he asked.
"Just one more," said Joanna. "And then tomorrow you will be put to your primary purpose."
"What primary purpose?" Sophie asked.
"What are you, Michael?" Joanna asked.
"I am an inseminator," said Taylor, in a deep voice.
"Then you have your answer."
"But... that's what he's doing now," said Sophie.
Joanna gave no answer.
When Taylor pulled out, he admired his penis with satisfaction. He was stiff once more, and felt his balls were full once again. Somehow the column seemed capable of not only recharging him but encouraging his testicles to produce more sperm.
Joanna led them to another chamber which was truly frightening. It was a room filled with bodies on examining tables. All the bodies were wrapped up in strips of white cloth from head to toe. The only things that were unwrapped were their eyes, nose, mouth... and their genitals. All of them were human... so Sophie thought.
"What is this place?" she asked, grasping Taylor's arm tightly.
"One the labs," said Joanna simply. She brought them to a table that a mummy creature was laying on. Sophie looked at the gasp between bandages and saw the mummy had had green eyes, staring out at her helplessly, as if in a silent plea for help.
"What is this?" Sophie asked.
"These test subjects have just undergone an experimental kind of gene surgery which if successful will turn them into a new and exciting kind of Hivelife," Joanna explained.
Sophie looked at the poor woman's eyes and shuddered.
"We are very interested in seeing if these new hybrids can mate with unaltered humans," said Joanna. "You may begin, Michael."
Taylor looked at the bandaged wrapped mummy. "You want me to have sex with that?"
"Why not?" Joanna put her hands on her hips, making her heavy breasts stick out. "You fucked the bear. You fucked the giant spider. It's all Hivelife. What does it matter?"
Taylor nodded and mounted the Mummy. She had a dark brown pubic triangle and very normal looking pussylips. He inserted himself into her and started thrusting. As he did the mummy spoke.
"Momomomomomom!" she said.
Taylor, startled, continued thrusting.
"Momomomomomomom!" The mummy repeated. Taylor stared into her green eyes and shuddered. Susan had green eyes too.
"Momomomomomom!" she cried, as Taylor fucked the mummy vigorously. His body was pressed tightly against her rough bandages. He felt his penis moving in and out of the mummy's cunt. In out, in out, in out. The bandages rubbed roughly against his skin. He was fucking a mummy. HE WAS FUCKING A MUMMY!
Taylor's rider pushed him to continue. But even with its encouragement, he realized he couldn't do it, couldn't reach the state of mind needed to climax. He pulled out and shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said.
"Sophie, help him," said Joanna.
"We could have sex almost to the point of climax, and then he could finish off inside her," said Sophie. She still was very interested in feeling Taylor's new Hiveflesh coated penis inside of her. But then she stiffened and cocked her head as her rider pulsated on her back. "But my... my master... will not yet permit me... to have sex with Taylor again."
"Then you must think of another way," said Joanna.
Sophie's rider inflated on her back into a giant yellow-brown balloon. Sophie stood still for a moment, then nodded slowly and got to her knees in front of Taylor and took his penis into her mouth.
"Good, Sophie, very good," said Joanna, as she watched Sophie's mouth bob back and forth. "Just make sure he doesn't climax inside your mouth."
"I won't!" Sophie promised, in between slurps.
Jo put her hands on Taylor's shoulder. "Isn't she so incredibly beautiful, Michael?"
"Yes, she is." Taylor looked down at Sophie, sucking on his penis. Her hazel eyes stared at him hungrily through the holes in her Rider Mask. The yellow-brown Hiveflesh bubbled up on her face as she sucked him.
"Tell me, would she do this for you before she joined the Hive?"
Taylor watched Sophie's mouth bobbing back and forth, taking his penis between thick red lips closely surrounded by her Hiveflesh mask on all sides. "No."
'Then who do you have to thank for this?" Jo asked.
Taylor looked at the giant double banded rider on Sophie's back, at the heavy knuckles which gripped her tightly as she sucked on his cock. "The Hive."
Jo turned his head to face her. "Kiss me," she said simply.
And then, as Taylor's lover sucked on his penis, Taylor pressed his lips against Joanna. He had always found the heavy breasted woman attractive. The fact that her breasts hung downwards instead of sticking straight out like Sophie's didn't diminish his ardor for her. The combination of Joanna's warm, meaty lips on his and Sophie's plush lips on his cock made Taylor gasp.
Jo stopped abruptly. "Pull out, Sophie!" she said sharply.
Sophie pulled back. Taylor's penis was red and a tiny trickle of wetness was coming out of the tip.
"Just in time," said Jo approvingly. She slapped Taylor on the ass. "All right, you know what to do, don't you, lover boy?"
Taylor did.
Sophie watched as Taylor once again mounted the Mummy. He started thrusting within her. He didn't last long. Even as the Mummy shouted "Momomomomomomom!", Taylor was climaxing inside of her, gasping as he filled her with his seed. His big ass cheeks flexed mightily. His big, heavy balls were flush with the bandages around her cunt. The green tracker gem dangling between his legs bobbed wildly, making Susan feel a tingling on her back and in her cunt.
Taylor pulled out, revealing the long, stiff cock which had just been inside the Mummy. As he did so, Sophie saw a line of sperm connecting the tip of his penis with the Mummy's vagina. Joanna snapped the connection with her finger and smiled. She rubbed his hairy chest endearingly. "Very good work, Michael. Very good indeed! Now you'd better rest up. Tomorrow is going to be a very important day... for the both of you." She cast a glance at Sophie, who, still on her knees, was anxiously rubbing a finger back and forth across her lips.