Chapter 27.1

"Wait here until I come for you," said Joanna, turning away for a moment.

Susan and Mushy stood together in a corner of the Main Auditorium as they watched other nude slaves go before the Hive Mind. They watched as their bodies stiffened and they cried out "Momomomomomom" as their minds and bodies and sexual potentials were evaluated, as harsh white lights probed their breasts and cunts and cocks. After they were released they would go in one direction or another. Some were never seen again. Even those fully devoted to the Hive had a healthy fear of the Hive Mind.

A dark haired large breasted woman wearing Hiveflesh on her face approached them. The Hiveflesh was yellow-brown and throbbed on her skin. "How are you?" she asked.

"F-fine," Mushy stammered. "What... what can we do for you?"

The dark haired woman gave her an odd look. "Don't you recognize me?"

Susan's eyebrows converged. "Sophie? Is that you?"

They haven't seen me since my master gave me a Rider Mask, Sophie suddenly realized. She had been wearing it for several days and it had become second nature to her. "Yes, it's me, Susan!"

"What happened to you?" Mushy asked, looking horrified.

"My rider matured. I'm double banded now." She turned around briefly to show them. Her big meaty rider had enormous knuckle bones and two bright gleaming golden bands on it. Sophie turned to face them again. "They say that getting a Rider Mask is uncommon at this stage, but sometimes happens."

"Does it hurt you, Sophie?" Mushy asked anxiously.

"No, not at all," said Sophie. "Does my mask scare you?"

"A little," Mushy admitted, even as Susan kicked her in the leg.

They think I'm some kind of monster, Sophie realized. They're looking at me in the same way Taylor looked at the mummy creature before he was forced to fuck it.

"I like it, Sophie," said Susan firmly.

"You do?" said Sophie uncertainly.

"Yes," said Susan. She stepped forward and smiled at her. "The bright yellow color really provides a wonderful contrast with your hazel eyes and red lips." She put a reassuring hand on Sophie's shoulder. "You look gorgeous, Sohpie. Really, you do."

At that moment Sophie felt so grateful to Susan. "Thank you," she said kindly.

"Sophie, what have you been doing?" Mushy asked.

"Well, Michael and I have been helping our riders mature. We had sex on the beach for a whole week!"

"That sounds great! I'm so jealous!" Susan said. "I haven't seen Michael since my rider matured." She looked clearly unhappy about that.

"What have they had you doing?" Sophie asked.

"We've been working in Enrichment Chamber Number Three," said Susan. "We're helping make riders for the upcoming invasion of Earth."

"How wonderful!" said Sophie. "Mushy, you don't look happy."

"I'm not," said Mushy. She was single banded like Susan, but hadn't embraced the Hive nearly as strongly. "I don't like the idea of men using my body for sex to create alien creatures to take over the Earth."

Sophie paused and frowned. "Why not?"

"Don't you see, it's wrong!" said Mushy. "I do it, because the Hive demands it, but it's still wrong."

Sophie paused another moment. She tried to understand Mushy's thinking, but every time she concentrated her rider snatched her thoughts from her mind and replaced it with some of its own. "Why is it wrong?"

"Why is it wrong? Why is it wrong?" Mushy looked from Susan to Sophie, as their puzzled expression. "We're Survey Service officers! We're supposed to protect the Earth from things like this."

"Not anymore," said Susan. "We serve the Hive now."

"Yes we do," a new voice agreed.

"Michael!" Susan cried. She hugged him tightly and kissed him. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Susan," said Taylor.

"When you brought me into the Hive, you told me we would be together," she said, looking into his eyes. "I had such a wonderful time when you worked with me to help my rider mature, but then they sent me to this room to have sex with strange men. I love my work, but I mean, we... we're supposed to be together, right? You and Sophie promised me!" She looked from one to the other.

Taylor's rider pulsated on his back. "Of course we'll be together, Susan. My master tells me we have a long term project we are about to begin."

Susan rubbed her naked thighs against his. "I loooove long term projects, especially when they involve you." She grinned at him. "Will Sophie be with us?"

Before he could answer, Joanna returned and said, "The Hive Mind is ready for you."

They walked single file before the massive Hive Mind. Slaves were clustered around the base of it as always, vigorously inserting themselves into holes or riding on small black shafts sticking out of the bottom of it. They worked in shifts around the clock; there were always slaves pleasuring the Hive Mind, night and day. Even as they watched, Daniel Harris tirelessly inserted his penis into the hole while his best friend Casey Farmington bounced up and down on an oily black shaft.

Taylor and the girls stood in a line facing the Hive Mind. Their genitalia were open and exposed to their master. Each of them wore riders on their backs. Taylor and Sophie's were double banded, while Susan and Mushy's were single banded. As Taylor stood there, totally defenseless with his penis exposed before his master, he realized it could do anything it liked to him. Anything at all.

The Hive Mind spoke!

You have done well. And now it is time for you to fulfill your ultimate purpose, they heard a deep voice boom inside their heads. Look down at your Slave Mark and tell me your designation and purpose.

Taylor looked down at the glowing green curved bone on the head of his penis. It was covered by his new yellow-brown Hiveflesh sheath, but the illumination was so bright that it shone through. His rider spurred him to speak. "I am marked as an Inseminator, Master. My purpose is to fertilize eggs and to create Hivelife."

Sophie was next. She looked down at the upside down U with a dot inside of it. "I am marked as an incubator, Master. My purpose is to incubate Hivelife, which my vagina will give birth to, which will grow strong and enslave mankind."

Then came Susan's turn. She had the same symbol as Sophie. "I have the same designation as Sophie does, Master. My role is also the same, to incubate Hivelife and to expand the Hive."

Then it was Mushy's turn. She paused, hesitating, and repeated the same. She too had been marked with the upside down U with a dot in it. They were all marked for reproduction.

You will now carry out your assigned purposes. You will be impregnated and give birth to the next generation of Hivelife. The slave Michael Taylor will inseminate you, after you have been properly prepared.

Sophie looked confused. "Master... which of us is to be inseminated by Michael? Myself, or one of the other girls?"

All of you.

Sophie's eyebrows shot up. Susan's mouth dropped open. Mushy's eyebrows shot up and her mouth dropped open.

Joanna, take them and prepare them for impregnation.

"Yes, Great One."

Joanna took the girls to a laboratory with all kinds of green fleshed lined equipment, with two Harem Guards posted at the door. The lab was operated by Colony Leader Susannah Barrington, who Sophie immediately noticed was not wearing a rider. Like Joanna, she was pure Hiveflesh.

"Oh, you're here! Splendid!" she said. "Girls, are you ready to be impregnated? Who would like to have their egg inserted first?"

Sophie, Susan and Mushy exchanged glances. Mushy looked the most uncertain.

"I will," said Susan, stepping bravely forward.

"Then get on the table, dear."

Susan hopped on the examination table and lay down.

"Do I need to restrain you?" Susannah asked. "No, I don't think so. You're going to be a good girl, aren't you?" She looked over Susan's sexy body, at her bright red hair, her pear shaped breasts, and her equally red pubic triangle. Susannah ran her hands up and down her. "A very good girl," she repeated, with a grin. "All right, bring it on."

One of the lab technicians wheeled a creature on a cart between Susan's legs. It looked like an octopus with enormous tentacles. The tentacles were remarkably stretchable. One moved between her legs closer and closer to Susan's vagina. Susan watched it approach her with nervous apprehension. She gasped as it penetrated her. She felt it throbbing inside her.

"What is it doing?" she asked.

"Inserting the egg, " said Susannah. "It's actually your egg you're getting back, my dear. The Hive extracted it from you last week, and made a few improvements."

"Improvements?" Susan gasped as she felt the egg being moved inside her, moving up, up and up, until it lodged in her uterus. She looked down and saw her cuntlips impaled by the enormous tentacle. It was as if she was being penetrated by an enormous cock! She looked up at Sophie and saw sympathy and concern behind her Rider Mask. "I can feel it clamping down inside me!" Susan cried out.

"Of course," Susannah smiled.

Susan gasped again as the long tentacle suddenly pulled out of her. Her cuntlips were obscenely stretched.

"Who is next?" Susannah asked, looking from Sophie to Mushy.

Sophie got up on the table as Susan got off. Susan gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder as they traded places.

Sophie lay back on the table, spread her furry cuntlips, and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

"You are a sexy one, aren't you?" Susannah marveled. She squeezed Sophie's heavy breasts, and then inserted her finger inside Sophie's dense pubic bush. She started to pole back and forth as she stared into Sophie's eyes. "You like that? I'll bet you do. You're Taylor's woman, aren't you?"

"I... yes," Sophie gasped.

"Well, don't worry, Sweetie. We're going to make you good and ready for him. You and he are going to produce the finest kind of Hivelife. And after you're done you and I may spend a little time together, sweet one." She winked at Sophie, and then nodded to the technician.

Sophie gasped as the flexible tentacle entered her vagina. Susan watched with sympathetic eyes as the egg was pumped inside Sophie's vagina. Sophie seemed to draw strength from her gaze. Then she gasped as felt the egg moving inside of her. "I can feel it moving in my vagina!" she cried, just like Susan did. She felt it crawl into her uterus, then her eyes widened as she felt it clamping down. Then the tentacle abruptly pulled out of her, making her gasp.

"Who's next?" said Susannah cheerfully.

Mushy shook her head. "No... no... you're not putting that in me!"

Susannah frowned and gestured with her hand. The Harem Guards, with their imposing Insect Heads and human bodies, approached. One was male and the other was female, with big floppy breasts. Sophie assumed they had been colonists, once.

"No, wait!" said Susan. She turned to Mushy. "You have to do this, Mushy!"

"I can't!" Mushy was terrified.

"You can!" said Susan. She raised Mushy's chin. "You can," She smiled at her. Susan turned to Susannah. "Give me her egg."

Susannah's eyebrows shot upwards. She gave Susan a curious look, but nodded to her technician. The technician put his hand inside the octopus creature and handed it to Susannah who handed it to Susan.

"This should be interesting," said Susannah.

Susan held up the small glowing green ball. "Mushy, I'm going to put this inside you now."

"No!" Mushy cried. "I don't want to be impregnated!"

Susan held her firmly. "Mushy, I'm going to put this inside you and then Michael is going to impregnate you and everything is going to be fine, just fine! Sophie, hold her arms."

Sophie got behind Mushy and grabbed her wrists as Susan got down on her needs in front of Mushy's groin. Mushy had the smallest vulva she had ever seen. She tenderly spread the young woman's small asian cuntlips.

"What are you doing?" Mushy cried, struggling against Sophie's grasp.

"What has to be done," said Susan. "I just know you'll want this, Mushy," she said soothingly, as she inserted the glowing green ball in Mushy's vagina. She used her slender fingertips to push it up as far as she could, making Mushy gasp. She pulled her fingers, glistening with wetness, out of her. "There, you see? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

As Susan stood up Mushy said. "I can feel it... I can feel it moving!"

"It's Hivelife," said Susannah. "It knows the proper place to go."

The egg rolled up Mushy's vagina into her uterus. Susannah looked at Susan and Sophie with new respect. They had not only accepted Hivelife inside them but forced their companion to accept it as well. "You are truly obedient Hivelife. The Hive Mind was quite right to select you for reproduction."

"Thank you Mistress," said Susan and Sophie at the exact same time.

At that moment Taylor entered the lab, escorted by another Harem Guard. "Hey everyone. Are you... ready?"

"They are, but you're not," said Susannah. She approached Taylor and gave him a kiss. "Remember me?"

"How can I forget?" Taylor murmured, his penis at a level with her vagina.

She stared up into his eyes. "You proved immune to my charms. My feelings could be hurt."

Taylor rubbed his flaccid penis against her cuntlips. "Maybe I could make it up to you."

Susannah gave him a wicked smile. "Maybe you could." She cocked her head and nodded. "Another time, though. First we must see to you." She picked up a rubbery patch which seemed to move on its own.

"Is it alive?" Taylor asked.

"In a sense. All Hivelife is alive, in one manner or another. Now just hold still...." She reached out and kissed him strongly. As she did, she cupped his balls with her hand, causing the rubbery black patch to adhere to it. Taylor's cries were muffled by her lips. And then it was done.

When Taylor looked down, he saw his testicles were now jet black. "What have you done?"

"Modified you to create Hivelife."

"But... when I had sex with those creatures, I was not... modified...."

"That was different. What you will be creating now will not be some new variant of slaves. You are going to create one hundred percent pure Hiveflesh," said Susannah. "You don't understand. But soon you will." She handed him a container. "Here are more patches. Apply one every time the new color of your testicles fade." Then she handed him another device, which looked like a big, green loaf of bread. "Use this to recharge yourself."

"To recharge myself?"

Susannah looked at Sophie, Susan, and Mushy. "I think you'll need it."

They were taken to a small, dark gloomy room with a spongy floor. And then they were left there, alone: Taylor and the three girls.

Taylor looked from one to the other and suddenly felt awkward. How to start this? More importantly, which woman should he pick first? Whoever he didn't pick to go first might be offended-

"No," said Susan, shaking her head.

"No what?" said Taylor.

"No as in I can't do this," said Susan firmly.

Sophie grabbed her arm. "Susan, we have to create Hivelife. The Hive demands it!"

Susan shook free. "No, you don't understand." She ran out of the room.

Taylor went to run after her, but froze in his tracks. Wait. The female will be returned to you.

They spent an uncomfortable ten minutes just sitting and waiting. Finally Susan returned, in the company of Julie and a Harem Guard.

Taylor was immensely glad. Better Julie than Joanna. Julie was double banded but still had some humanity left in her. Joanna wasn't even human.

Julie looked at them. "Now what is this I hear about refusing to be impregnated?"

"We're not refusing, Julie," said Susan. "It's just that... this is not the way."

Julie looked amused. "What do you mean?"

"Julie, Michael and I are going to create Hivelife for the very first time!" said Susan. "Do you know how special that is? And this will also be Sophie's first time, and Mushy's first time!"


"So... we can't just create Hivelife in a dark and dismal room. It needs to be special," said Susan. "It should be a celebration. It should even be romantic!"

A smile gradually formed on Julie's face as her rider pulsated on her back. She cocked her head and nodded. "You're right. I know just the thing. Girls, come with me." When she saw Taylor following she said, "Not you, Michael. Wait here."

"For how long?"

"Until we return," she saw the anxious look in his eyes. "Don't worry, Michael. Your pretty ladies will not be harmed."

They turned and left.

Despite her promise, Taylor grew more and more anxious by their absence. He paced the room furiously. If it hadn't been for the Harem Guard at the door, he would have gone looking for them. What was Julie doing with the girls?

Two hours later, Taylor was summoned to the exit. He was released and got dressed in his standard Survey Service casuals. After being nude for so long it felt a little odd to be wearing clothes once more.

When he got to the exit, he saw three very smartly dressed ladies waiting for him. It took him a few seconds to recognize Sophie, Susan and Mushy. Sophie was wearing a tight white blouse which showed off every curve of her magnificent breasts. It was cut low in the front and in the back to give him an eyeful, both of her breasts and her rider. Shopie wore a short white skirt below which barely went down to her mid thighs.

Susan, not to be topped, wore a half shirt which somehow managed to show off even more of her breasts than Sophie. Taylor sensed a competition between the two in that area. Susan also wore short shorts which showed off her shapely ass.

Mushy wore a tight salmon colored shirt and tan shorts. Taylor also noticed that they had luggage. "What is all this?" he asked.

"Food, and clothes, and other things we might be needing for our vacation," said Sophie.

"Vacation?" said Taylor.

"Sexcation?" said Susan.

"Impregnation Vacation?" Sophie laughed. Sophie was laughing!

"I don't have any luggage," said Taylor, just as a red air car with an open top came to a stop next to them.

"Poor Michael," said Sophie, running a hand over his chest as she gave him a sultry look. "You'll just have to make do."

They made him sit in the back. Susan was driving, and Mushy sat in front with her while he sat in the back with Sophie. Sophie flashed him a fabulous smile and grabbed his hand tightly. She looked so excited! And she wasn't the only one.

"-we're going to a fabulous vacation spot that Susan recommended!" Susan was saying. "It has everything! A cabin, a river, a swimming pool, an 18 hole nuclear golf course, diversity vollyball, a firepit-"

"A firepit!" Sophie gave a bright smile. Taylor had never seen her like this. It was like his Sophie, his dear Sophie, was suddenly becoming an extrovert!

Susan said, "Julie says it's a very romantic spot. Not that we need any assistance in the romance department, do we, Michael?" she looked at him in the rear view mirror, flashing him a big grin. "Julie says it's the place where she seduced her father and brought him into the Hive."

"Sounds perfect!" Sophie grinned. "We have an older man we have to do the very same thing with!"

Sophie and Susan shared a big laugh.

"Julie... seduced her father?" said Taylor.

"Yeah," Susan winked at him. "She gave him the very same gift we plan to give you." She stared at him with lust in her eyes. "I can't wait to have you, Michael!"

"You'll have to stand in line, dear," said Sophie, squeezing Michael's hand tightly. "I can't wait to feel you inside me, Honey!"


Taylor's jaw dropped open. To hear Sophie talking this way, in front of two other women, was something the reserved Passive Observer would never have done... before she had taken a rider.

"You can have him inside you once he's finished with me," Susan declared. "Michael dear, would you like to put a baby in me while I'm on top or on the bottom?"

"Whatever... whatever works for you," said Michael, reddening.

"Whatever works for me!" Susan laughed, finding that hysterical. She winked at him in the rear view mirror. "You'll find a lot of things work for me, dear Michael!"

"Don't listen to her, Michael," said Sophie, grabbing his arm firmly. "You'll do me first because you love me, don't you? And then we can sleep in each other's arms every night. How I look forward to that!"

"Wait a minute, Astor! In case you didn't notice, there are three of us!" said Susan. "You're going to have to learn to share!"

"I've never been good at sharing!" said Sophie, intertwining her arm with Taylor's.

"Maybe it's time for a crash course," said Susan, with just a hint of menace in her voice. She turned to Mushy, sitting in the passenger seat. "You've been very quiet. Aren't you excited about Michael impregnating us with Hivelife?"

"I don't know," said Mushy.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"My... my master requires it," said Mushy carefully.

"Your master! What about you?" Susan asked. "Aren't you thrilled at the idea of having Michael impregnate you?"

"I... I guess," said Mushy, giving a weak smile.

"You will be," Susan predicted. With one hand on the steering console she used her other to squeeze Mushy's hand. "It will be all right. Soon you'll want it more than all of us."

"Not more than me!" said Sophie. "Speak for yourself, Cleary!"

Taylor smiled as Susan and Sophie resumed their bickering. He screaned that it was all playful, all an act, that they actually liked each other more than they cared to admit. The bright red air car was roofless and Taylor felt the breeze whipping through his hair as they sped across the gorgeous countryside of Sirius Minor. He looked at the three beautiful women in the aircar. The Hive had arranged for him to impregnate all three. They were not only willing but eager to please him. Well, perhaps Mushy was not yet eager, but Susan was right--she would quickly come around. Mushy was single banded but hadn't yet taken to the Hive like Susan had, but in the end she would do the right thing, Taylor was sure.

As he looked at the gorgeous woman around him he realized he had the Hive to thank for this, for the unique opportunity to have mind blowing sex with three women at the same time. Taylor predicted that it would be the best time of his life. And all the Hive was asking for in return was to impregnate the girls with Hivelife which would enslave mankind! It was a small enough thing to ask.

Sophie must have read his mind because she leaned close and kissed him. "You're going to simply love this, my dear, sweet Michael."

"I'm sure I will," Taylor grinned.

Taylor permitted his mind to wander as they drove further and further away from the colony's city center.

"-now that Michael has a Hiveflesh coated penis," Sophie was saying.

"How is it? Is it good?" Susan asked, looking anxiously in the rearview mirror.

"I don't know!" Sophie confessed. "The Hive hasn't permitted us to make love since he's been double banded."

"You poor dear! I know how frustrating that can be!" Susan gave Sophie a sympathetic look in the rearview mirror. "Yes, I think we both will have a lot of frustrations to work out." She stared at Taylor in the mirror again with very hungry green eyes. "All right, so let's get serious. Who will have him first?"

"I will," said Sophie firmly.

"Who put you in charge?" Susan demanded.

"I outrank you," Sophie explained

"You're not in the Survey Service anymore!" said Susan.

"Neither are you," said Sophie.

The girls gave each other cocky smiles. "We'll have to work something out," said Susan, in a determined tone.

"I'm sure we will," said Sophie, in an equally determined tone.

"Girls, do I get a say in this?" Taylor asked.

"No!" Susan and Sophie spoke as one.

They arrived at the cabin around lunch time. It was as impressive as Susan said. There were a series of cabins around which was a swimming pool, a diversity vollyball net, a firepit, a shooting range, and a deluxe 18 hole nuclear golf course. And of course, the river was nearby.

They ate lunch on an old fashioned picnic table under a group of beautiful trees outside their cabin. The tension among the girls was palpable. They were going to be impregnated. The girls were excited. At least, Susan and Sophie were. Mushy was more apprehensive, but willing to do her duty. When they looked at him Taylor knew what they were thinking. They were imagining him nude, thrusting between their legs, fertilizing the egg which had been placed inside each of them, and filling them with the seeds of Hivelife.

As they finished the last of the sandwiches which they had brought with them Taylor felt the tension in the air increasing. "So... is this the last of the food?"

"We brought enough for about a week to ten days," said Susan.

"A week to ten days?" said Taylor.

"Or maybe a bit longer," said Susan. "Getting pregnant can take a while, so Julie told me."

Sophie licked her lips, with a different kind of hunger. "Soooo... who will start... first?"

Susan didn't want to have another argument with Sophie. "I think I have an idea."

"What is it?" Sophie asked.

"Nuclear golf," said Susan.

"Nuclear golf?" Sophie frowned.

"Sure! A nuclear golf tournament," said Susan.

"Susan, we're supposed to be getting impregnated," said Sophie impatiently.

"We'll play a quick round of golf. The winner will get to have Michael first," said Susan.

Sophie's face immediately brightened. "I agree!" She had worried that Michael would be forced to pick and choose, which would have resulted in hurt feelings for someone. Susan's idea was better, much better.

"Wait a minute," said Taylor. "I'm playing too. What do I get if I win?"

"If you win, you'll get to choose who you want first. But if we win, we get to choose... you!" said Susan.

"I was 11th in my Academy class in nuclear golf," said Susan, wiggling her ass as she did a practice stroke by the first hole. It was a beautiful day. The twin suns of Sirius Minor shone brightly. Lazy clouds floated in the sky. They could hear birds tweeting in the trees. A "v" shaped formation of pancake shaped riders flew above them in the wind.

"I was 7th," said Sophie promptly.

"Must have been a bad year for golfers," Susan commented, giving a broad practice swing which missed the ball entirely.

"Look at that," said Mushy, looking at the V shaped rider formation. "Do you think they're checking up on us?"

"If they are, they'll quickly learn that one of us has trouble even hitting the ball," said Sophie dryly.

Susan paused, concentrating, and then gave a mighty swing, sending the ball flying far into the distance. She put her hands on her hips. "You were saying, Astor?"

Mushy swung next. She gave a brilliant, clear swing, sending the ball sailing towards the distant green. They watched as the ball landed on the green itself, near the hole.

"Incredible!" said Susan.

"I was third in my Academy class in nuclear golf," said Mushy, with a smile.

Mushy won the first hole, two strokes ahead of everyone else, including Taylor. He was next to get his ball into the hole and so they stood together, watching Susan and Sophie battle it out for third and forth place.

"Something confuses me," said Taylor.

Mushy looked up at him.

"You don't seem enthusiastic about having sex with me."

Mushy blushed. "It's not the sex that's the problem, sir. It's the impregnation," said Mushy. "I don't quite know why, but I think there's something wrong with what we're doing."

"Wrong in what way?" Taylor asked.

Mushy shook her head. "I'm not sure. We're being impregnated with alien beings who are going to enslave mankind. I say the words, and it akk sounds perfectly normal, and yet a part of me thinks it's not right. I try to think about it, but can't figure out why."

"Well, if you have mixed feelings about this, then why did you win the first hole?" Taylor asked. "You know the prize you're competing for."

"Sex with you." She gave him a shy glance. "It's not about the sex, sir. It's about me trying my best in everything I do."

"Oh, is that what it's all about?" Taylor gave her a little smile.

Mushy won the second hole as well. Taylor stood with her again as they watched Susan and Sophie bicker and catch up with them. "That's two in a row," said Taylor. "Could it be possible that you want me to make love to you?"

"I... I don't know," Mushy stammered.

Taylor turned and faced her. Mushy was barely five feet tall, and Taylor was six foot one. His head blotted out the twin suns of Sirius Minor. He looked down at her. "Perhaps this will help you think." He kissed her. The feeling of his lips against hers was electric. He squeezed her arms tightly. "Do you remember how I made love to you when I brought you into the Hive?"

"How could I forget," she whispered.

"Would you like to feel that way again?" Taylor asked.

"I... maybe." Her body was trembling.

"Do something!" Susan raged, as Mushy's first stroke again took her ball directly to the green.

"What do you want me to do?" Taylor asked.

"Distract her," said Susan.

Taylor hit the ball, and it landed next to Mushy's. He seemed to be pacing himself carefully, effortlessly. The ball went wherever he wanted it to go, and yet he was careful not to win a single hole.

He followed Mushy to the green. She was about to do some practice swings when Taylor took her into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Mushy asked.

"This," said Taylor. He kissed her strongly. Mushy moaned. Taylor looked her up and down. "Your outfit is very sexy," he murmured.

"It is?" said Mushy.

"I like how your short shorts show off your long, slender legs." Taylor ran a hand up and down her thighs and Mushy shuddered. Then he touched the outlines of her small, cucumber shaped breasts inside her tight white golfing shirt. "Your breasts are so small... so fragile... so touchable...." Even though he was caressing them through two layers, her shirt and her control collar, Mushy felt a wave of lust go through her. She instinctively lifted her lips towards his and he kissed her again.

"Oh Michael!" she groaned.

When Mushy hit the ball again it went in a random direction. She was so distracted that Susan was able to catch up and win the hole by a single stroke.​
Next page: Chapter 27.2
Previous page: Chapter 26