Chapter 28.2
"An excellent observation from a not-so-passive observer," Susan grinned, as she moved her hand up and down Taylor's cock. It pleased her to be in charge, to have the gallant space captain's sexuality under her control now. Susan was wild for him, wild to feel him inside her, and yet she was also enjoying this long, slow cocktease as her hand moved up and down his stiff, aching cock.
"But once again, how close is close?" Susan fisted Taylor once, twice, thrice, and then suddenly let go. Taylor's penis was now the longest and the thickest she had ever seen it. His penis was nearly totally vertical now, the head of it engorged with blood. His black testicles were pressed tightly up against the shaft, brimming with pent up pressure and eager for release. Taylor's penis was so aroused that it actually vibrated as she let go.
"Close... but not over the edge," said Susan. "Michael and I have a lot of practice skating along the edge, don't we, Michael?" She smiled slyly. "When we were both on the Immortal I wanted Michael so badly and he wanted me." She grinned again as she started fisting him once more, but slower this time. "The only thing standing in our way was Survey Service regulations. No sexual intercourse with subordinate officers, eh, Michael?" She watched his face contort as her hand moved up again, lingering on the Hiveflesh tip. She slowly moved it back down. "So we did everything short of it. And I mean everything. We undressed in front of each other. We watched each either fucking ourselves. Towards the end, the very end, we had progressed to touching each other... just... like... this..."
"Ah... ah... ahhhhh!" Taylor groaned, squinting his eyes in tremendous pain and pleasure. He was a slave to her hand now, a total slave as his stiff, aching shaft cried out for release.
Susan abruptly pulled her hand away once more, just when Taylor needed it the most. His penis was bright purple and it was bobbing and vibrating like mad.
"That's close to the edge!" said Sophie. "Really close!"
"Right on the edge, I'd say," Susan grinned, watching his gyrating penis slowly settle down. The head of his penis was oozing a drop of black liquid. Hivesperm. "What would you say or do to persuade me to take you over the edge, Michael?"
"Anything!" he gasped, as his penis continued to vibrate as it was so stiff, so vertical.
"Anything," Susan grinned. "I love seeing you like this, Michael. So desperate. So needy." She leaned forward and kissed him hard. He gasped as he felt her lips against his. He grabbed her for more but she pushed him back. She looked down at his penis, and waited until it stopped vibrating. Then she grabbed it again, but with the gentlest of grasps, barely touching his shaft.
Taylor moaned with delight. Even with glancing touches, his shaft started to vibrate again. Susan abruptly released him again.
"No!" he cried. "Susan, I need to come! My balls are aching!"
"I'm sorry, Michael, but my master won't permit that!" said Susan sharply. "Before it was Survey Service rules which kept us apart. Now it's Hive rules. My master doesn't want you to waste sperm on the beach. It will only permit you to release inside of us."
Taylor grabbed his own penis, desperate to get himself off, but cried "Ow!" and released it hastily.
"Your master won't permit it either," Susan grinned.
"Let's do it now!" said Taylor, practically begging her.
Susan shook her head. "Tonight!"
"Susan, I want you so badly!" Taylor cried.
She caressed his face. "And I want you too Michael. Tonight!"
"Why don't you go into the water and cool down, Michael?" Sophie said.
"An excellent suggestion," said Susan, staring at his purple, vibrating penis. Taylor was like a bomb, ready to explode at any moment.
"Yeah," Taylor muttered. He turned and walked rapidly into the water, his hard vertical penis bobbing with every move.
The girls immediately started gossiping among one another.
"That was so sexy Susan! You made Michael look so hot, really hot!" Mushy cried, her clit tingling with the thought of Taylor's rock solid cock.
"Do you want him now, Mushy? You didn't seem very interested earlier," Susan noted.
"Yes, I want him!" she cried.
"And you'll have him," Susan assuerd him. "Tonight, after Sophie and I get our hands on him."
"I hate having to wait," Mushy pouted.
"If your golf skills were stronger than your sex drive, you wouldn't have had to," Sophie pointed out.
Taylor groaned as the cold water engulfed his body. He needed to come so badly! Susan's edging had been so expert, so painful! His testicles were tight and throbbing. Nonetheless, the cold water did its dirty work. He could feel the swelling going down. In moments he could breath normally again. The sharp pain he felt was reduced to a dull ache. He swam in peace for several minutes. Then he saw Susan get up and go into the water. She started to go into deeper water, but quickly flailed. "Help, help!" she cried. "I can't swim!"
Taylor's powerful arms ripped into the water and his legs kicked strongly as he sped towards her as quickly as he could. In seconds he had her in his arms and they were both treading water. "I got you!" he cried. "What were you doing coming this deep when you can't swim?"
"It's not so deep," Susan grinned, standing up abruptly. The water level only came to her neck.
She grinned wolfishly as she took him in her arms and wrapped her right leg around him. She kissed him strongly even as she rubbed her pubis against his now flaccis penis. "You see?" she said. "The cold water inhibits you. We can kiss all we want and you won't explode. Isn't that nice?"
"Sort of," said Taylor.
"Sort of?" Susan looked hurt. She kissed him again. Her hot lips excited him, and he kissed her back. The softness of her body was an odd contrast to the coldness of the water around them.
Taylor didn't even hear the sounds of Sophie and Mushy running into the water. It was cold water splashing his head that got his attention.
"Hey!" he said.
"Hey yourself," said Sophie. Her heavy tits bobbed just above the surface of the cold water. "What are you trying to do, Susan, keep him for yourself?"
"Just giving him a little lesson in how to do the breast stroke," she grinned, pressing her tits against him tightly.
That earned her a splash. Before long they were all splashing each other, yelling and laughing.
Taylor was the last to get out of the water. The girls were already on the beach, lying on their bellies, whispering to one another, undoubtedly about him. He saw their eyes looking at his penis. It had gone down some, but even deflated it had quite a good length, falling below his testicles like a long flesh colored rope.
The girls looked so sexy on their bellies. Mushy, it is true, didn't have much of an ass, but Susan's was nicely shaped, and the roundness of Sophie's buttocks really turned him on. And each girl had a rider on her back. Mushy's was the smallest, with tiny bones clamped onto her back. Susan's was a little larger, thicker, with a brighter golden band. And Sophie's, of course, was the largest. Her thick double banded rider perfectly suited her plump ass. The giant knuckle bones sticking out of it looked so sexy clamped to her back.
As the girls' riders ballooned up on their backs Taylor realized how sexy they were, how sexy and fuckable they looked under total mind control. It was only through the Hive that he was able to have the three of them this way. It was only through the Hive that he was able to have his own harem of desirable women, to fuck with and even impregnate at will. The fact that there was a price to pay, an enormous price to pay, was something he'd rather not think about at the moment. All he could think about was having the girls under mind control, ready, eager and willing to be fucked by him repeatedly until all were impregnated. Just the thought of it was starting to make him hard again.
"Hey, look who's returned! If it isn't the Navy Man!" said Susan, laughing. "Come and join us, Michael! Girls, make room for the conquering hero!"
Taylor lay down as he was bidden. He found himself in a kind of sandwich, spooning against Sophie while Susan was spooning against him, and Mushy was spooning against her. He became instantly erect again when Sophie's warm cunt pressed against him.
"We were just talking about you, my dear Captain," Sophie said, touching his nose playfully.
"I'll bet you were."
"We can't wait for the fuckery to begin this evening," Susan grinned at him.
"Neither can I," Taylor said.
"I'll bet," said Susan. "Why don't we take a little nap and while away the rest of the afternoon?"
Taylor was tired. The entire day had been arousing and exhausted. He found the warmth of Sophie's body against his and Susan's body against his back to be so relaxing, so soothing. Before he knew it he was falling asleep under the late afternoon suns of Sirius Minor.
When Taylor woke the suns were starting to dip down towards the horizon. He looked around and saw Sophie sleeping peacefully with a big smile. But behind him it was Mushy who was spooning against his back, and Susan spooning against her. Somehow they had switched places during their nap. How had that happened? Did they take turns?
"Good afternoon, dear Captain," said Susan, kissing him on the lips. "Or should I say almost good evening. Time to get ready for dinner, don't you think?"
The girls got dressed in their bathing suits once more, and Taylor put on his clothes. They walked casually back to the cabin. But when they got there, Susan barred the way with a blunt arm and wouldn't let him in.
"We need some time to prepare for dinner, Captain," she said. "Why don't you take a walk for the next two hours or so?"
"Two hours?" said Taylor.
"Or you could sit by the river again," said Susan. "Come back in two hours."
"Why does it take so long to prepare dinner?" Taylor asked.
"It's not only dinner we're preparing," she said mysteriously, before shutting the door to the cabin in his face.