Chapter 29.1
When Taylor returned to the cabin exactly two hours later he knocked on the door. He had spent the time wandering relentlessly through the forest. He felt so aroused! He knew what was going to happen tonight. He was going to fuck three of the sexiest women he had ever known, to fuck them and fill them with Hivelife. And he couldn't wait to begin!
When the door opened he was in for a surprise. Susan, Sophie, and Mushy stood there, waiting for him, but they had changed. They were wearing fancy dresses and had done their hair and makeup as well. They looked like totally different people.
"Well?" said Susan. "Aren't you going to say anything?"
"Wow," said Taylor slowly. He looked Susan up and down. She was wearing a bright yellow sun dress which went down to her knees but exposed her shoulders and forearms. She was also wearing bright red lipstick and rouge and had yellow eye shadow... yellow, almost like the color of her rider! And best of all, her hair had been curled!
"How did you do that?" said Taylor, pointing at her hair.
"Do you like it?" Susan asked, petting her curls self-consciously.
"I love it!" Taylor cried. "It makes you look very sexy!"
Susan smiled. "Sophie helped me do it."
"Then I'll have to thank both of you," Taylor murmured. Susan leaned forward, as if expecting a kiss, and Taylor obliged her. Their lips pressed together. "I'm so excited about having you tonight," he told her.
"I am too," she whispered. She turned him to face Sophie. "And what do you think of Astor?"
Sophie was wearing a blue dress with a flower pattern. Sophie Astor, wearing a dress with a flower pattern! The rich blue dress was covered from top to bottom in flowers of all the colors of the rainbow. The dress showed off her shoulders and creamy breasts but conservatively went down to her ankles.
"Sophie... I never thought I'd see you in a dress like that!" said Taylor.
"I never thought I'd be in a dress like this," Sophie admitted. "But... Susan made me try it on when we went shopping with Julie. She said... she said it looked really good on me." She stared at him shyly through her Rider Mask. Even though she had Hiveflesh covering most of her face, she was still wearing bright red lipstick and had even applied blue eye shadow, to match the color of her dress. Sophie never wore eye shadow, not even off duty!
Sophie Astor was a changed woman. Her short dark hair had been combed to the side, to look like a man, but on her the effect was oddly erotic.
"Your dress does look beautiful, Sophie. And so do you." Taylor leaned forward and kissed her. Sophie responded eagerly, grinding her lips against his. "I want you so badly Michael," she whispered.
"Just remember, you get me first tonight," said Taylor.
"First can't be soon enough," said Sophie urgently.
"And what about me?" said a new voice.
Taylor turned to see Mushy standing with her arms on her hips. "And what about you?"
Mushy was wearing a bright pink dress that was most revealing of all, barely going down below her hips. It had cups built into it to make her small breasts look larger. Her long silky black hair had been washed and combed and was shining. Her eye makeup was also pink, perhaps to match her dress... or perhaps the insides of the love tunnel between her legs?
Taylor took her in his arms.
"Happy to see me?" the Japanese cutie asked.
Taylor kissed her strongly.
"Mmmm, I see you are," she smiled. Her previous reluctance had vanished. She seemed as eager to be inseminated with Hivelife as the rest of the girls.
Taylor stared into her eyes and saw the lust, the hungering. He smiled at her, and her smile grew broader. I'm going to fuck you hard tonight, his smile seemed to say.
I know, and I want it more than anything, her smile seemed to reply.
Taylor found himself getting lost in her eyes when he heard Susan's throat clearing. "Ah, yes," he said. He turned around to face all the girls. "I'm afraid I'm underdressed, compared to all of you," said Taylor.
"You always looked sharp in your Survey Service casuals, Michael," said Susan, giving him another kiss.
"I fell in love with you while you were wearing your casuals," said Sophie, worming her way in between them to also give him a kiss.
"Of course, you look even better naked, with a stiffly erect cock," said Susan, worming between him and Sophie to kiss him again.
"On that we're agreed," Sophie smiled.
Taylor felt a tightness in his chest as the girls competed for his attention.
Susan ran her hands over his arms and legs and devoured him hungrily with her eyes, making him feel a stirring in his pants. "Michael, we've prepared a special dinner, which will determine who you sleep with tonight," she said.
"I thought we already settled that," said Taylor, giving a glance at Sophie.
"We settled who you are going to have sex with," said Susan. "Sophie first, then me, then Mushy. Don't look so glum, Mushy, you had your chance just like the rest of us!" She paused. "But then there is the question of who you are going to spend the rest of the night with, once the deed... is done."
"I... I haven't given it much thought," said Taylor.
"But we have," said Mushy. "We'd all like to sleep in your arms after you inseminate us, Michael," she said boldly.
"But only one of us can," said Susan. "So each of us have prepared one stage of dinner. Sophie prepared the main course, Mushy prepared the side dish, and I made the dessert. The one you like best will determine who sleeps with you tonight."
"That's putting a lot of pressure on me," said Taylor.
"You traveled to the year one billion, dear. I think you can handle it," said Susan.
There was wine with dinner. But while the girls' glasses were full, Taylor's was only half full. He tasted the vintage, liked it, and reached for the bottle before Susan put her hand over his, shaking her head.
"Why not?" Taylor asked. "You're drinking more!"
"You have a very full evening ahead of you," said Susan.
"So do you!" said Taylor.
"But you're the one who has to do all the work. We three are simply... recipients of your love," Susan said, stretching her arms to reach out to Mushy and Sophie.
Taylor sighed. He tasted the Roast Beast, which Sophie had prepared.
"How is it?" Sophie asked anxiously.
"Good," said Taylor.
"But not great?" Sophie said.
Taylor turned to Susan. "I told you I didn't want to play this game."
"-and I had a such a great time with you today, Astor!" said Susan, touching Sophie's arm adoringly. "I loved how I threw an insult at you and then you found a way to top me and sent one right back!"
"I barely stopped myself from laughing when I was swinging knee deep in that pond!" said Sophie. "That joke you made about me being wet between the legs was hysterical!"
Susan leaned closer to her. "Well, were you, Astor?"
"Was I what?" said Sophie, leaning towards her.
"Wet between your legs?" Susan asked, her green eyes gleaming.
"In more ways than one," said Sophie, in a low tone.
The girls kissed. Mushy and Taylor exchanged excitable glances.
When they pulled back, Susan said, in a low, intimate voice, "That's what I wanted to do to you when I discovered you were hiding my ball by standing on it."
"You wanted to do what?" Sophie asked.
"To knock you down to the ground. To mess up your hair. And to give you a big, wet kiss!" Susan gazed longingly Sophie for a long moment. Sophie was an intense beauty, even behind her Rider Mask.
Sophie felt the sexual tension between them. "Maybe... maybe you'll get that chance again."
"I look forward to it, Astor," Susan replied.
"-and I like the way his penis hangs down over his testicles. Not when it's erect! Although erect is nice too, very nice!" said Sophie, chewing on her food. "I like it flaccid when it just hangs straight downwards."
"A penis that isn't hard isn't much use to a woman," said Susan critically.
"It is to me!" said Sophie. "I think he looks really sexy that way! And there's no greater compliment a man can give a woman then to get an erection for her!"
"You're right about that," said Susan. She grinned at Michael. "Do you remember how hard you got for me on the beach?"
"I was ready to burst for you, Susan," said Taylor, just getting excited thinking about it.
"I know." Susan leaned towards him. She looked so sexy with her red hair curled! "Kiss me."
Taylor obeyed. Sophie and Mushy watched as Michael and Susan lips pressed together hungrily. They stared into each others' eyes adoringly.
After a long, hypnotic moment Susan blinked and sighed. "Oh, that was good! Where was I?"
"We were talking about what's sexy about Michael," said Sophie helpfully.
"Yes, of course," said Susan, smiling at him and taking a deep breath. "It's easy enough to talk about Michael's penis. We all think about it. But that's the easy answer. What else do you find attractive about him?"
"His voice," said Mushy promptly. "His voice is very sexy."
"You like his deep voice?" Susan asked.
"It's not just how deep it is," said Mushy. "Michael's voice... it's commanding, it's full of authority. It makes a girl feel safe."
Taylor put an arm on her shoulder. "Do I make you feel safe, Mushy?"
She gave him a pleased look. "When I'm in your arms, Captain. Always."
They kissed passionately. When Taylor pulled back he saw Mushy's pink tinged eyelids flutter furiously.
"I like his chest," said Sophie. "It's big and strong. But it's also hairy. The hair stimulates my nipples."
"Really?" said Taylor. "You never told me that, Sophie!"
"I'm telling you now," she said, in a newly confident tone now that her sexuality had been released by the Hive. Sophie looked so sexy in her flower dress. The bright red lipstick and the blue eye shadow made her look so eager for sex, so eager to be boned, even behind her pulsating Rider Mask. Taylor pressed his lips against hers and Sophie moaned. Sophie started to grab him for more, but Susan pulled her back.
"Patience," Susan said.
"Something I'm rapidly running out of," said Sophie.
"You are going first," said Susan.
"I'd go crazy if I didn't," said Sophie.
"I know," said Susan. That's why I let you win at golf, her eyes seemed to say.
"I also like Michael's strong legs and ass," said Mushy, relentlessly staying on topic.
"You do?" Susan said, startled to hear Mushy admit that.
"Yes," said Mushy. "I've seen Michael making love to other women. I like the way his ass moves in and out when he's... when he's...."
"It's all right, dear, you can say fucking," said Susan.
"-when he's with other women," said Mushy. She smiled shyly at him. "My only regret is that I won't be able to watch his marvelous ass when he's taking me." Mushy looked so sexy in her hot pink dress. Her bright red lipstick and her pink eye shadow made her look so ready to be fucked.
Taylor leaned forward and kissed her again. "You turn me on so much, Mushy," he said.
"You do too, Michael," Mushy whispered back.
"Michael will keep you suitably occupied, I'm sure," said Susan. "The thing I'm still wondering about is that Hiveflesh coated penis of his. Of the three of us, I'm the only one who hasn't experienced one."
Sophie made a face. "Nils had the same thing when he trained me and it was nice. But I'm sure Michael's will be ten times better."
"A hundred times better!" Mushy echoed.
"Will I like it, Michael?" Susan asked. "Will I like feeling that thick bulbous tip inside of me?"
"You might," Taylor allowed.
"I might?" Susan pulled his face towards her and kissed him "Make sure I will," she said.
"Yes, Ma'am," said Taylor, making her grin.
"You. You and your bulbous dick," she said, ruffling his hair playfully. "I remember back in the days when we were fooling around when you had quite an ordinary looking penis."
"Ordinary looking?" said Taylor.
"Very ordinary," Susan grinned. "Except for the fact that it spilled over your testicles like a garden hose. That really turned me on too! You were practically scraping the deck plating with it. I wondered how I was ever going to fit that monster inside me! When you got hard and I saw how big you were I realized I never would."
"But you did," said Taylor.
"Only with tremendous effort," she said, leaning forward again, showing him more of her breasts encased in her sexy bright yellow sundress. Those green eyes were filled with lust as they stared into his. "Do you remember, back on the Immortal, the first time I touched you and stroked your thing, and made you hard, Michael?"
Her lips were next to his. He looked at her yellow eye shadow, at her heavy makeup, and realized just how eager she was to be fucked tonight, to be used, entered, and impregnated by him. The thought excited him wildly.
"How could I forget?" Taylor asked.
Susan's breasts heaved. "To think that my body, my touch was making the penis of the most famous Survey Service Captain in history aroused was so... so fucking exciting! Oh Michael, when I made you hard it turned me on so much! For days afterwards I thought of nothing else as I did it to myself, and did it and did it and did it!"
The intimacy of her confession was intensely arousing. Taylor felt her plush lips grinding against his and his penis started to become hard and firm in his pants.
"Wow," said Taylor weakly after it was over. "True confessions."
"Yeah," Susan smiled at him. "You really turn me on, Hon."
"You... you do too, Susan," said Taylor. And he meant it.
"Speaking of true confessions, I have one as well," said Mushy. "One time I saw Michael and Susan coming out of his quarters. Probably after one of their... earlier... sessions. They both had big smiles on their faces."
"And justifiably so, I'm sure," said Susan, stroking Taylor's cheek lovingly.
"I'm sure it was," said Mushy. "But the thing I noticed was that the Captain... the Captain had an enormous bulge sticking out of his pants!"
"What?" said Taylor. "You saw that?"
Mushy nodded.
"Did anyone else see?" he asked anxiously.
"I was walking past you with Ensign Parsons. She was the one who giggled and pointed it out to me," said Mushy.
Taylor reddened. "I never knew."
"You had to know that what we were doing would become known to the crew sooner or later," said Susan. "But none of that matters now, does it? It's ancient history. We're all Hiveflesh here. All those inhibitions have been stripped away."
"And no one is more glad for that than me," said Sophie. "For 20 years I watched as Michael fucked woman after woman. Cherry Oteri, Andrea Farber, Tessa Hetford, the list goes on and on. But I was never permitted to get inside his pants because of rules and regulations." She paused. "I remember one time when Michael came out of his quarters with Andrea Farber on one of her "consultative visits". Andrea was adjusting her dayshirt, making her big tits stick out more, and her hair was all messed up. They had obviously just been fucking. I was so angry with them both. So jealous."
"Sophie... I never knew," said Taylor.
"Now you do," she said simply.
"But there is no reason to be angry or jealous anymore," said Susan. "The Hive has freed us from irrational inhibitions. In just a few short minutes you, Sophie, will be the first beneficiary of their policy. Which brings us to dessert." She got up and went to the small kitchen. When she returned, she carried a tray of small fudgsicleson a stick. When Taylor took one, his mouth dropped open.
The fudgsicles had been sculpted to look like penises. The end of it was thicker and curved. A small slit had even been carved into the dark chocolate.
"Try it," said Susan, putting one in her mouth. The other girls followed. Soon all of them were sucking on what looked like black penises. Susan grinned at Taylor as she sucked and slurped. She watched as he distastefully put it in his mouth.
"Like it, Michael?" she asked
"It tastes good," said Taylor. "I might have preferred another shape, though."
"But I made that shape just for you, Honey," she said, her eyes sparkling. "All right, now that you've tasted all three courses, which was your favorite?"
All eyes were on Taylor. Sophie had prepared the roast beast. Mushy had prepared an Asian dish called Ching Chang Chung, a mix of rice and vegetables. And Susan had prepared the "penis pops". Whichever dish he liked best would determine who he slept the night off with, once he had inseminated all three of them.
"Well, I liked the roast beast," Taylor started.
"That means he didn't," said Sophie. "You don't have to be a passive observer to notice the weak tone of voice."
"No, really Sophie, I did," said Taylor.
"See what I mean?" said Sophie.
"And Mushy's dish was also really nice," said Taylor.
"You barely ate any of it," Mushy noted scornfully.
"That must mean he's going to spend the night with Susan," said Sophie, showing vulnerable hazel eyes behind her Rider Mask.
"The... chocolate dessert was also nice," said Taylor carefully.
Susan slammed her hand on the table. "Out with it, Michael! Who's going to share your bed tonight once you've fulfilled your duty to the Hive?"
Taylor looked from face to face. Mushy looked so attractive with her pink eye shadow. Sophie looked sexy with her masculine haircut and heavy breasts overflowing from her flowery dress. And Susan's bright yellow sundress and newly curled red hair made his penis hard just from looking at her.
"I... I don't know," said Taylor miserably.
"Men!" said Susan bitterly. She sighed theatrically. "Well, I guess this is it, then." She reached out and pulled him from his chair and grasped his hand. "Michael, before you go and... do your duty with Sophie, I just want to let you know how much I'm looking forward to tonight. My rider has been filling my mind with images of fucking you non-stop." She kissed him passionately.
"It has?" said Taylor.
"Yesss...." she hissed. She whispered in his ear. "Images of you kissing me. Images of you pressing your hairy chest against me. Thoughts of you putting yourself inside me, fucking me." Another wet miss. "Thoughts of you crying out as you climax deep inside my cunt." She kissed him again. "It excites me. It makes me wild for you. I had to stop myself from raping you on the beach. Seriously. When I made you so hard, so stiff with my hand, I wanted you inside me soooo badly," she said, looking into his eyes. "That's why I chased you into the water. I want you, Michael. I need you!" She kissed him strongly again.
Taylor kissed her back. He was already hot for Susan but her ardor for him turned him on even more. At that moment he wanted to push her onto the tabletop, hike up her beautiful sundress, spread her legs and fuck her right there and then.
But then Susan reluctantly, very reluctantly, pushed back from him with open palms. "Don't take to long with Sophie, Michael. I'll be waiting." She gave him a sly look.
As Susan stepped back Mushy immediately took her place, flying into his arms. "I can't wait to have you either, Michael. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this day," she said. "The golfing... the dinner... the beach... what you did to me... for me... on the beach...." She stared at him shyly. But mixed with the shyness was an increasing amount of lust.
"I enjoyed it too," Taylor said. "But you didn't seem so enthusiastic during golf."
"I was a little girl then," said Mushy contemptuously, as if talking about something that happened decades ago. She looked up at him lovingly. "You unshackled my sexuality. When you masturbated me on the beach, I realized that I was being silly and that I loved you more than anything." She kissed him strongly. "I do love you, Michael. I really do." She stroked his hand. "Don't take too long with Sophie and Susan... I'll... I'll be waiting for you."
"He'll take as long as he needs," said Sophie sharply, taking Taylor's hand. "Come, Michael."
"No," said Susan, separating them. "Not yet."
"Not yet?" Taylor exploded. "Susan, enough is enough! I know you wanted to slow down so we could enjoy ourselves, but enough is enough! I have to start inseminating you girls right now!"
"The Hive demands it!" said Sophie, standing closer to Taylor.
"Of course it does," said Susan. "I'm only asking for a minute. Just a minute. Surely Michael, after all you've waited, you can wait a minute or two longer, can't you? Go to the master bedroom, Michael. Go and undress. Sophie will join you there in just a few moments. I promise."
Michael reluctantly let go of Sophie's hand. "All right," he said. "But if I'm not making love to Sophie in the next five minutes, I'm going to come and take her. No more games!" he roared, in a very masculine way.
"No more games," Susan agreed. "Come, Sophie."
Susan led her into the smaller bedroom. Mushy followed. There they helped Sophie take off her beautiful flower dress and hung it up carefully so it wouldn't get wrinkled. Then Susan reached behind her and unsnapped Sophie's breast control collar. Sophie's enormous nuclear powered breasts came free.
"I know Michael is just going to love these," said Susan, and Sophie was surprised to see her sniffling. She pulled down Sophie's panties, revealing her dark pubic bush. "And I think he'll like this too," she added, rubbing her hand over Sophie's wiry pubic hair.
Mushy and Susan helped Sophie put on the nightgown they had shopped for together earlier that morning, which felt like many ages ago. The nightie was transparent, nudity without being nude, clearly showing Sophie's heavy breasts and hairy pubis.
"How do I look?" Sophie asked anxiously.
"Beautiful!" said Susan, and now tears were streaming down her cheek. She quickly kissed Sophie on the lips. "Good luck... sister!"
Then Mushy got between them and hugged Sophie. "Good luck, Sophie! Leave something for us!"
"I will," Sophie promised. She walked on unsteady legs to the master bedroom. When she got there the door was closed. She knocked tentatively on it.
"Come in."
Sophie slowly opened the door. Taylor was waiting for her, sitting on the bed wearing a bathrobe he had found in the closet.
He immediately stood up and stared at her. "Sophie, that gown!"
"You like it?" she gave a nervous grin.
Taylor stared at her large, firm breasts and thick wad of pubic hair through the transparent gown. "It's incredible! You're incredible!" He reached out and kissed her strongly.
"Oh, Michael!" she cried. She felt busy hands reaching down to remove the nightgown she had just put on. She moved with her own hands to open Taylor's bathrobe and send it falling to the ground. And then they were both finally naked and pressing their bodies against each other.
"Oh Michael, I love you so much!" she cried.
"I love you too, Sophie!" said Taylor.
He pulled her down to the bed and started kissing and fondling her. He was already erect; it hardly could have been otherwise.
"Oh Sophie I want you so much!" said Taylor.
"I want you too Michael!" she cried between kisses. "It's been like slow torture today! I wanted you so badly! Do you remember when you put your hand inside my panties and fingered me on the golf course?"
She gave him such a sexy look when she said that!
"How could I forget?" Taylor grinned.
"You made me so hot for you, Honey!" She pressed her heavy breasts against him. "You put your fingers in my cunt while the other girls watched. You were so bold, so manly, taking what you wanted! I wanted you, I wanted you so badly at that moment! I wanted to throw my golf club into the air and push you to the ground and fuck you hard!"
"I know," said Taylor, grinding his erect penis against her cuntlips. "I wanted you too!"
"Oh Michael, that feels so good!" said Sophie, looking down at the length of his stiff erection rubbed against her vulva. She gave him an intense look of longing. "And then, after golfing, when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it did! Susan rubbed your cock and made you super hard, super stiff, standing straight up between your legs right in front of me! Honey, my chest got so tight I could barely breathe!"
"I know," said Taylor, frantically mashing his lips against hers. "I was super aroused too! I've been wanting you all day, Sophie. I've been aching to make love to you for so long!" The stiffness of the bottom of his penis and his testicles felt so good against her soft, moist Hiveflesh coated cuntlips as Taylor passionately kissed a trail around her neck. "I've been day dreaming all day about it, Sophie," he whispered in her ear. "Fucking you! Seeding you! Filling you with the seeds of Hivelife!"
"Oh Michael!" she cried. She looked down at his enormous erection. "Put it in me now, Honey! I want to feel that Hiveflesh coated tip in me right now!"
Taylor grabbed his penis with his hand and aimed it. Sophie's vulva looked so beautiful, the thick orange Hiveflesh coated lips perfectly framed by her black wirey pubic hair. The most exciting thing for him was her Slave Mark, the glowing green upside down U symbol with the dot in it. Sophie had been marked for fucking. The Hive had taken her mind and removed all her doubts and inhibitions and made her his. As Taylor looked at her Slave Mark, he focused his attention on the glowing dot inside the U. The U is her uterus, and the dot is my sperm. I will be the one to put the dot inside her!
He pressed himself into her, making Sophie cry out and grab his arms tightly. "Michael!" she cried. "Finally! Finally finally finally!" she yelled, as she felt him moving inside of her.
"Yes, finally," Taylor grinned, as he moved inside of her. He groaned as his Hiveflesh coated tip rubbed against her Hiveflesh coated vagina, stimulating him intensely. He wouldn't last long. "Sophie, you feel so good!"
"You do too!" she cried, wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I love how big the tip feels with the Hiveflesh coating. You feel even better than Nils!"
"I do?"
"Yes! Much better!" She gave an excited grin as Taylor moved in and out of her. "This is what I've been waiting for! This is what I've always wanted all my life!"
"You wanted to be impregnated all your life?"
"To have a baby with you, Silly," she said lovingly. "This won't be our first, you know."
"Not our first? What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"We made our first on the alien space station, my love," said Sophie, looking at him adoringly as he moved athletically above her. "The aliens who forced us to breed, remember them?"
"How could I forget?" Taylor gasped, as he felt her cuntlips tightly massaging his cockhead as he moved in and out of her. When he briefly pulled out of her his glowing Slave Mark appeared just below hers. Sophie's was an upside down U, which meant that she was an incubator, and his was a curved bone, which meant he was an inseminator. They were both doing exactly what the Hive required of them.
"We made a baby," said Sophie proudly
"What?" said Taylor. "Where is it?"
You are distracting him. Tell him it is gone, said a voice inside her head.
"It's gone," said Sophie simply.
"Gone," Sophie repeated.
"I'm so sorry," said Taylor.
"I am too," said Sophie. She smiled as she felt his penis coursing inside of her. "But now we will create something new. Something better. Hivelife! This is what I've always wanted!"
What she always wanted. Sophie had only been told this morning that she was going to have an alien egg implanted into her and fertilized. But in her mind she felt she had always wanted this. This was how her rider controlled her, by manipulating her past to control her present.
"Sophie, I'm getting closer!" Taylor felt his balls starting to tighten.
"I am too, my love!" she cried, as she enjoyed the feeling of his pounding cock. "You love Susan, don't you?"
Why were they talking about Susan at a time like this?
"Yes," Taylor gasped.
"I know," said Sophie. "Now that my sexuality has been unshackled, I can accept that without jealousy. A man of your stature can easy accommodate two women in his life. But... who do you find more sexy?"
Taylor pounded into her cunt, as he inched his way closer and closer to his orgasm. "What?"
"Who do you find more sexy, me, or Susan?" she asked.
Tell the female what she needs to feel satisfied, a voice in his head told him. Taylor gasped. "You, Sophie!"
"Me?" she looked pleased.
"Yes!" said Taylor. "Your nuclear implants... your thick pubic hair, your Hive-enhanced cuntlips... you're everything I could want in a woman!"
"Oh, Michael!" she kissed him passionately. "My Future Prediction has finally come true!"
"What do you mean?" said Taylor.
"You know, the Future Prediction I got from Moudy's." She stared out at him from her Rider Mask with blue eye shadow encrusted eyes. "The one that said we would be together if I quit the Survey Service and joined the Foreign Service. That's what brought us together here, on Sirius Minor. Their future viewing machine saw us together if we joined the Hive!"
Taylor suddenly realized how incredibly wrong that was. He knew or strongly suspected that the Hivelife he was about to put inside of Sophie would be a duplicate, a copy of her. It would be born as a fully mature copy of Sophie and then replace her. What the artificial intelligence computer program at Moudy's which analyzed thousands of futures had seen, what they must have seen, was Taylor living happily together... with Sophie's alien duplicate replacement.
He felt a surge of horror as he realized what Sophie had done. She had willingly joined the Hive, let it take control of her mind and body, let it turn her into a willing sex slave, and had used her body to seduce Taylor into joining the Hive, all relying on the false promise that she would be together with him. In reality, her submission would only earn her one reward: oblivion.
At that moment Taylor wanted to stop, but he couldn't, not even to save Sophie's life. The Hive had been willing to delay Sophie's insemination for a few hours in the interests of making the slaves more cooperative, but Taylor sensed his rider would accept no further delays. The Hive demanded it!