Chapter 30.1
"I don't know if I'm pregnant... but I might be," said Susan at breakfast. She looked hopeful. "I certainly feel so stretched inside." She winked at Taylor and gave him a sexy grin.
"I do too! I've never had a man so deep inside me before," said Mushy, raising her eyebrows suggestively at Taylor as she too gave him a smug smile. Her earlier doubts and worries had been cast aside. Mushy seemed totally untroubled, even eager to be impregnated with Hivelife now.
Sophie rubbed her belly. "I can't wait to incubate Hivelife inside of me! To get big and heavy with Michael's baby!"
"Mmmmm, I want some of that too," said Susan. "Michael, how are you going to feel when the three of us have great, big bellies, carrying babies you created?"
"Proud. Very proud," said Taylor.
Susan leaned her head on his shoulder. "We'll be the mothers of a whole new generation."
After breakfast, Taylor went to the bathroom and took a leisurely shower. He hadn't had time before. But when he came out, the girls were gone.
He went outside and allowed his mind to roam. One of the many sensing abilities screaning gave him was the ability to locate others around him. He slowly rotated, and started walking in a certain direction.
After several minutes of walking he came to a field filled with colorful wildflowers. Sophie, Susan and Mushy stood there, totally naked. They each had their hands on their hips, their legs widely spread.
And sticking out from their vaginas were colorful flowers.
Taylor immediately thought of his adventures on New Eden, when he and Sophie had been turned into humanoid plant people and forced to fuck for Marine Glickman and her progeny. He sensed the flowers were Sophie's idea, but that the game they were about to play was probably Susan's.
"What's going on here?" he said.
"What's going on, dear Michael, is it is once again time for you to choose who to fuck first," said Susan, in a very powerful, feminine way, her legs widely spread, showing off her bright red pubic triangle. Her green cuntgem dangled from her hairy pussylips, making her look very sexy.
"Must I choose?" said Taylor.
"You must," Susan assured him. "Go to each of us, one at a time, and then decide."
"All right," said Taylor. He went over to Mushy, who was the closest. She had blue and black flowers sticking out of her small, Asian vagina. The skinny girl stood there with her hands on her hips.
"Choose me first, Michael," Mushy said. "I want to feel your long, hard cock in me first, before the other girls do. I want you to fill me with your seed. I want you to make love to me." She leaned forward and gave him a passionate kiss.
Taylor smiled at her and nodded. Then he made his way to Susan. She too still had her hands on her hips. Susan had purple, green, and yellow flowers sticking out of her vagina, like a bouquet. Her pear shaped breasts hung down over her chest. Her bright red hair had lost some of its curl in the shower, but was still wavy and beautiful. He looked down at her bright red cunt lips, the object of his mounting desire.
Susan raised his chin so they were making eye contact. "Fuck me first, Michael!" she demanded. She casually opened his pants and put her hand inside. "I want to see your dick getting hard, Michael. I want to see your heavy black balls, full of Hivecome made just for my cunt, hanging from your shaft as you get ready to bang me hard." Her green eyes flashed with lust and envy. Her hand moved rapidly inside his pants as her lips moved inches from his own. "I want to feel your big dick inside me again! I want to feel the Hiveflesh tip rubbing my cunt walls and stimulating me painfully." Susan's lips were full and red. Her high cheekbones really accentuated her bright green eyes. "I want to look into your eyes, and see you surrender to your own pleasure when you climax! I want to see you experiencing joy because of my body, Michael, my cunt, giving you pleasure that no one else can! I want to feel your sperm shooting up inside me, splashing my egg and fertilizing it! I want to hear you cry and groan as you victoriously create Hivelife inside my body! I want to feel you lying on top of me after the deed is done, feeling you defeated and completed inside me. In short, I want it all, Michael!" Her green eyes bore incessantly into his. Susan's intensity was overwhelming. Taylor's penis was rock hard. He gasped as if they had just made love.
"All right, it's my turn now!" said Sophie. "Michael? Michael?"
"Huh? Yeah," said Michael, blinking rapidly as Susan gave a smug smile. He ambled over to Sophie while not so furtively readjusting his trousers. Sophie had a collection of red, green and yellow wildflowers sticking out of her orange cunt lips which looked especially beautiful.
"Try and top that, Astor!" said Susan.
"All right, I will!" said Sophie, taking up the challenge with aplomb. She stood before Taylor for a long moment and stared into his eyes. That's all she did. Taylor looked confused, but then Sophie swiftly dropped to her knees and pulled his penis out of his pants. Then she proceeded to suck on it.
"No fair!" Susan cried. "That's not fair!"
"You set the rules," said Sophie, pulling back for a moment. "I don't remember a prohibition on oral." She proceeded to put Taylor into her mouth again.
"And you did stimulate him with your hand," said Mushy.
"Yes... but...." Susan watched helplessly as Taylor groaned under Sophie's diligent tongue. After a moment of this she pulled out, leaving Taylor with a hard, glistening organ.
"Well?" she said.
Taylor glanced at Susan and Mushy. "I'll, I'll do you girls next... right after I do Sophie."
Mushy rolled her eyes and Susan slapped her thigh in frustration. "I'll get you for this, Astor!" she cried.
"You'll have to wait your turn," said Sophie. "I'm having Michael first."
And so Taylor had sex with Sophie in the outdoor field. They had had sex in the great outdoors before, when Taylor had helped Sophie's rider get double banded and Sophie had helped Taylor's rider reproduce for the first time. Taylor had very fond memories of the joy he had felt in every cell of his body when his rider split for the first time on his back. He remembered laying exhausted in Sophie's arm as the baby rider took off and went flying in the air.
But that experience had been on a beach by a roaring river. Here they were in a field full of wildflowers. It was more quiet, peaceful. Taylor could hear the birds chirping as his penis thrust inside of Sophie's vagina.
"I love making love to you," he whispered, as he moved inside of her.
"And I love having you around me. On top of me. Inside me," she said passionately, smiling broadly behind her Rider Mask as she wrapped her arms and legs around him.
"Ahh... Sophie..." Taylor poled faster, harder. Then he froze abruptly inside of her. "Ahh... ah.... AAHH!" He emptied his balls inside her lovingly, filling her with his precious Hivesperm. Taylor would always remember the sounds of birdsong chirping as he climaxed, helping to seed the woman he loved with Hivelife.
After that, Susan was next. She quickly overcame her annoyance at being second once again after Taylor gave her another serving of his turgid cockmeat. Soon she was groaning with pleasure and calling his name as he filled her with his seed. Taylor felt intense satisfaction inseminating these females with Hivelife. He was fulfilling his intended purpose.
I am am inseminator, he thought, staring at the glowing symbol at the tip of his penis.
After that he had to use the green organic box to recharge his cock for twenty minutes or so. And then it was Mushy's turn. She smiled happily as his penis bubbled up inside her and she too was inseminated with Hivesperm. The troubling thoughts she had had the night before seemed to have been totally forgotten.
That was their morning sex session. After that they rested and relaxed and had a leisurely lunch. Their riders required them to have sex three times a day, which meant that Taylor had to have sex nine times since there were three women. But with the help of the organic penis recharger he was really, willing and able. He also had to apply a new black patch to his testicles once a day. It was Susan who noticed with alarm that the black color of his testicles were fading. It was Mushy who ran back the cabin and returned breathless with a rubbery black patch which seemed to have a life of its own.
"Thank you, Mushy," Taylor smiled. He winced as he applied the black patch to his balls. The burning feeling was not pleasant. But in seconds the patch had totally dissolved and his testicles were once again jet black, brimming with Hivesperm.
Susan looked relieved. "I'm so glad--you were about to inseminate me with human sperm! That would have been a complete waste of time!"
Taylor agreed. Their riders had told them to create Hivelife, and they were all thoroughly motivated to achieve their goal.
So they had sex in the morning, and then after lunch they began to have their second session of the day. Taylor was trying to decide who to take first (he had tentatively settled on Susan), when the girls came to him with grim expressions on their faces.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"It's Mushy," said Susan.
"Mushy? Are you pregnant yet?" Taylor asked.
Mushy rubbed her cunt lips. "I don't think so."
"Then what is it?" he asked.
"The problem isn't Mushy, Michael. It's you," said Susan.
"We don't feel you're showing Mushy the proper appreciation," said Susan.
"Really? Mushy, do you feel that way?" Taylor asked.
Susan answered for her. "You started on the wrong foot with her when you peed on her face."
"But the Hive made me do it!" said Taylor.
"But the Hive made me do it!" Susan repeated, imitating his deep voice. The girls laughed. "That's always your excuse, isn't it?"
"Sophie peed on me too," said Taylor. "It was part of my training."
"You deserved it," said Sophie smugly.
Taylor frowned. What was going on here?
"We were watching you have sex this morning," said Susan. "You were quite enthusiastic with me and Sophie. And quite vocal. You took your time with us and enjoyed it. But you finished off Mushy in half the time, and didn't say very much."
"Mushy... you climaxed too, right?" Taylor asked.
"It's not only about the destination, Michael, it's also the journey," said Susan. "In a way I suppose it's natural. You were in love with Sophie for years before you joined the Hive. And you recently fell in love with me. But while you liked Mushy, you weren't in love with her, were you?"
"Before we joined the Hive, no," said Taylor.
"Believe me, it shows," said Susan.
"Mushy... I didn't mean to offend you," said Taylor.
"Mushy doesn't want an apologies," said Susan. "She wants actions."
"Sweet, tender lovemaking. Show her she's appreciated. Show her she's beautiful."
Susan instigated this. Mushy was shyly looking at the ground. She was wearing clothes once more, they all were. They were only nude when they were having sex.
"I can do that," said Taylor slowly.
"Good. You can begin."
Taylor took Mushy by the hand and started walking away.
"Where are you going?"
"Away from an audience. I want to be alone with Mushy."
"Where are we going?" Mushy asked, as they walked.
"I'll know it when I find it," said Taylor. "Mushy, are you really upset?"
"Not really," said Mushy. "Susan was more upset than I was."
"I thought so," said Taylor.
"I mean... I'd love it if you were more expressive, Michael. But I was satisfied, very satisfied. I mean, you're giving me the Hivesperm I need to get pregnant, right?" said Mushy.
"Maybe Susan has a point," said Taylor.
When they arrived at a grassy glade by a gentle tinkling stream Taylor knew they had arrived at the right place. He turned around and said to her, "Mushy, I'm sorry I don't show you appreciation like I do the other girls."
"You're in love with them. I understand," said Mushy.
"That doesn't mean I shouldn't show affection to you as well. You're a very pretty woman, Mushy," said Taylor.
"I am?" She looked uncertainly at him.
"I see you still require some convincing," said Taylor. "Why don't you start by taking off my clothes?"
"Taking off your clothes? Aren't you supposed to be the one seducing me?" Mushy asked.
"Just do it," said Taylor. "The Hive demands it."
Mushy gave a little laugh. "All right." Taylor lifted her arms, and Mushy pulled his shirt off. She stared at his broad shoulders and big, hairy chest.
"Would you like to touch it?" Taylor asked.
Mushy nodded. She shivered as she ran her fingertips over his chest. "Niiiiice," she said, again with a smile.
"Nice?" said Taylor.
"Really nice," she smiled.
Taylor leaned towards her but didn't kiss. Mushy met him halfway and pressed her lips against his. "Mmmmm," she said.
"Mmmm indeed," said Taylor. "All right, now the shoes." He lifted up one foot and then another. As Mushy bent down to remove them Taylor could see the rider on her back. The knuckles on it grasped her back tightly. It was her rider which had removed Mushy's memories of the gruesome fate which awaited her. It was her rider which had made her eager to be impregnated with the alien who would repay her by ending her own life. Mushy was still struggling against it unconsciously, without really being sure why.
Mushy removed one shoe and then the other as Taylor lifted each foot with a smile, watching her rider pulsate on her back. "What now?" she asked.
"The pants," he said.
Mushy gave a frown/grin and stood in front of him, opening his pants. She looked into his eyes and smiled. She was not so secretly enjoying this! As she pulled down his pants her gaze turned to his powerful thighs.
"You can touch them, if you like."
Mushy ran her fingers up and down his thighs. "Nice," she said.
"And now the rest," said Taylor.
Mushy looked up and nodded. She lowered Taylor's underwear. Taylor wasn't yet erect. His penis hung down over his testicles like a limp sausage. A chain connected to his scrotum had the green tracker gem dangling from the bottom of it.
Mushy shivered.
"What's wrong?"
"My rider," she said. "It's... filling me with thoughts."
"What kind of thoughts, Mushy?" Taylor asked, moving his lips closer to hers. But he didn't kiss her.
"Thoughts... of making love to you," said Mushy, wringing her hands anxiously. "Thoughts of you inside me. Filling me... filling me with Hivelife." Mushy felt the heat of her rider on her back. She could feel its bones pressing insistently into her. She looked at Michael's face, and pressed her lips against his. "Oh, Michael, I want you so bad!" she whispered. "My rider makes me so crazy for you!"
"Just your rider?" said Michael asked. "Is it only your rider, Mushy?"
"I... I don't know," she said, running a hand through her long, silky black hair.
"Well, why don't you take off your clothes and we'll see."
Again, Taylor was putting Mushy into the position of doing everything herself. He was making her the initiator.
Mushy nodded and pulled her shirt over her arms. She wasn't wearing a breast control collar underneath. Her small limp tits pressed pointed straight down, like wilted cucumbers. She looked anxiously at Taylor, who merely nodded. "And now the rest."
Mushy slowly lowered her short shorts. Then her panties came next, and she was totally nude in front of him.
Taylor started to stroke her arm. "You're so pretty, Mushy."
"No I'm not! The other girls have bigger tits than I do!" she said.
"That's true," said Taylor. "But you have a slender figure. It makes you look young, much younger."
"It does?" Mushy had never thought of it in that way.
"Yes. You're like... like a China Doll." He started kissing her neck.
Mushy tittered. "That's silly! I'm not even Chinese, I'm Japanese."
"You're a China Doll," Taylor repeated, with a tone that brooked no argument. He lifted up one of her flabby tits and started sucking.
"Oh Michael!" Mushy's eyes suddenly grew round and caucasian. "Michael! Oh, oh oh!"
"You like that, Mushy?" he asked, between sucks.
"Yeah," said Mushy.
"I'm only doing it because my master told me to," said Taylor.
"I'm just like you," said Taylor. "I'm not at all attracted to you. It's my master that's making me suck your tits."
"Noooo," said Mushy. She couldn't tell whether he was joking. Taylor dropped one tiny tit, which was now erect, and started sucking on the other one.
"Oooooooh!" Mushy groaned.
"Look at what you're doing to me, Mushy," said Taylor, between sucks. "Look down."
Mushy did. As she watched, Taylor's penis started to get erect! It moved upwards, in little jerks, getting harder and longer and more vertical. "I'm doing that to you?" she whispered with awe.
"Yes," said Michael, his hands roaming her lower back and flat Asian ass. He slowly lowered her to the soft grass and got between her legs. "I like your pussy," he said.
"You do?" she said.
"Yes... it's so small... so tight..." Taylor rubbed her tiny cuntlips, making her shudder. Then his fingers moved upwards, to her Slave Mark. "Even your Hive Mark is sexy. Do you know what it means?"
"That... I am to be used for reproduction. That is my purpose," said Mushy firmly.
"Yes, but do you know what it means?" Taylor traced the upside down U above the Japanese woman's small vulva. "That's your uterus. The place where Hivelife will grow. Does that please you?"
"That is my purpose," Mushy repeated, as her rider pulsated on her back.
"And the little dot inside... that's me," said Taylor. "The Hivelife I will deposit inside you."
Mushy shuddered as her rider fed her images of Taylor ejaculating inside of her, filling her with alien sperm.
"I want you Mushy!" he said, between kisses. "You make me so hard! You make me want to come inside of you!"
"Oh Michael, I want the same thing too!" Mushy cried. She spread her legs, giving the oldest invitation in the world.
They made love. Mushy would always remember the sounds of the babbling brook nearby when she thought of this time she spent with Michael. She had a big smile on her face as her knees were spread and widely bent. She loved the feeling of being filled by Taylor.
"I'm so sorry I peed on your face," said Taylor.
"Stop apologizing!" said Mushy. "That was just an excuse the girls gave to get you to be nicer to me. But you already knew that, didn't you? You know everything!" She hugged him tightly. "Oh Michael, you feel so good inside me!"
"You feel really good too," said Taylor. He started to pant. "Mushy, I think my master is ready for me to climax inside of you now. Are you ready?"
"Ready, willing, and eager!" she said, with a tremendous grin.
Taylor kissed her strongly. Their tongues dueled in Mushy's mouth as he climaxed, filling her with his seed.
Insemination had occurred!
Mushy's rider rewarded her with an orgasm of her own. Since orgasms were now controlled by their riders, they were usually synchronized. Orgasms were planned now, like scheduled events.
She gasped as Taylor filled her with alien sperm. They lay together for a long moment. Then Taylor pulled out of her and they lay side by side looking at the babbling brook.
"Any remaining hard feelings, China Doll?" he asked.
"None at all, Honey," she grinned at him. "You make me feel so good, Michael! If any of the girls try to tell me again that you're treating me badly, they're going to have me to deal with!"
"A frightening prospect," said Taylor. You have done well, he heard in his head. The female is fully cooperative now.
When they returned to the cabin, walking hand in hand, the grin on Mushy's face told the girls everything they needed to know. They laughed and cried and hugged her. Then they hugged Taylor as well and one thing led to another and before he knew it he was making love to Susan and after her Sophie.
They spent several hours resting and then did it again in the late afternoon. That's what their masters demanded, three times a day. But there was a lot of time in between and before and after to just relax in each other's presence.
That evening Taylor was relaxing in the hot tub behind the cabin with the girls. All of them were nude. Sophie's nuclear tipped breasts didn't have a hint of sag; they lay on the surface of the water liked old fashioned boats. Susan's pear shaped breasts had some sag and pointed downwards, and of course Mushy's limp breasts pointed straight down.
"-I already told you!" Mushy cried.
"We want to hear it again, don't we, Sophie?" said Susan.
"Yes!" said Sophie, giving a grin which stretched her Rider Mask.
"You're a Passive Observer. I shouldn't have to repeat myself twice with you," said Mushy.
"Just tell us again, Mushy!" said Susan.
Mushy licked her lips, basking in the moment as she was the center of attention. "Well, Michael took me to a really romantic spot by a stream. He started by making me undress him! He made me appreciate every part of his body. It really turned me on! And then I got undressed, and he... and he....."
"He what?" Susan asked.
"He was incredible!" said Mushy. "He sucked on my tits! He told me how beautiful I was! He called me a China Doll!" Her grin was wide now. "And then he made love to me! He was really into it! When he climaxed, he looked into my eyes and said my name!"
"Awwwww!" said Susan. "This is getting me hot. Sophie?"
"I'm hot already!" said Sophie, grinning from behind her Rider Mask. She swam over to Taylor. "I need a kiss, Honey!"
"I wonder where you'll get it from?" Taylor asked.
"Wonder no longer," she said. She kissed him passionately, grinding her heavy breasts against his.
"Sophie!" Taylor gasped. "We just had sex an hour ago!"
"I don't care! I need more, NOW!" she said. She kissed him again, and got a pained look on her face behind her Rider Mask. "I can't get enough of you, Michael!"
"Neither can I," said Susan, pushing Sophie out of the way. She wrapped her arms around Michael and then her legs. Then she started to grind her cunt against his penis.
"Oooooh," Michael groaned.
"You like?" Susan grinned.
"Incredible," Taylor gasped.
"Kiss me," she commanded.
The sight of Taylor kissing the redhead cutie while she ground her pubis against his was intensely arousing to Sophie and Mushy. They both felt a urgent tightening in their clits. They wanted him too!
"That was so good, Michael," said Susan admiringly. She just hung there, being held by Taylor's arms, looking supremely content. "You know, with all this fucking we've been doing, I wonder if I'm pregnant."
"We should be," said Sophie. "Michael has already put four loads in us, one yesterday and three today."
"It may take a while," said Taylor. "My master says it may take up to a week for impregnation to occur, and even then success is not guaranteed."
"Why not?" said Sophie. "In most cases fertilization fails to occur because of the absence of the egg, or the inability of the egg to attach to the uterine wall. But we know that our Hive eggs are attached and waiting inside of us. Shouldn't we have become impregnated on the first try?"
"I wondered the same thing too," said Taylor. "It turns out that the Hive modified our sperm to impregnate each egg, but the process of cross-species fertilization has not exactly been perfected. A large percentage of the modified sperm simply doesn't penetrate the egg."
"And how do you know this?" Sophie asked.
"I screaned it," said Taylor.
"You screaned your sperm?" Mushy said.
"When?" Susan demanded. "When did you screan your sperm?"
Taylor was silent.
"When you were making love to one of us, Michael? Which one of us, Michael?" She rubbed her pubis against his in the hot tub. "Your mind was so distracted with scientific inquiries while we were sharing our deepest, most intimate affections with you, right? Which one of us did not receive your undivided attention?"
"I couldn't say," said Taylor.
"Of course you couldn't," said Susan contemptuously. She was so angry she could kiss him! "Men!"
"Michael has a very analytical mind," said Sophie, staring keenly at him from behind her Rider Mask. Her heavy tits bobbed on the surface of the water. "Michael, have you decided yet who you will be spending the night with? You spent last night with Mushy, so I presume you're going to choose me or Susan."
"I... I haven't given it much thought," said Taylor.
"Obviously not," said Sophie. "I would be the logical selection."
"Why? Because your tits are bigger, Astor?" Susan said.
"Precisely," said Sophie. "Michael likes big tits, don't you Michael?"
"Ladies, let's not get into another fight about this," said Taylor. "Maybe we can flip a coin, or a rock or something."
"I have a better idea," said Susan. She stood up. Water streamed down from her gorgeous tits and furry pubis. "Come on, girls." She got out of the hot tub. "You too, Michael."
The girls toweled themselves off, just as Taylor did. He paid special attention as Sophie rubbed her big tits with a fluffy blue towel. She smiled at him. He smiled back. Then he saw Susan looking at him while rubbing a towel between her legs suggestively and they exchanged smiles too.
Susan took them to the roaring campfire they had set up not far away and all sat down on an enormous picnic blanket.
"What game do you have planned for us now?" Taylor asked.
"A fun one," Susan assured him. "We each get one minute with Michael."
"What can we do in one minute?" Mushy asked cynically,
"Quite a lot, if you're skilled," said Susan. "As I said, we each get a minute with him. You can only use your hand on him, not your lips. Yes, I'm talking to you, Astor! After the minute is up he goes on to the next girl, and we keep rotating and take turns."
"Turns until what?" Sophie asked.
"Until he climaxes, of course! Whoever gets him to climax first can spend the night with him."
"Ladies, I've just had sex nine times today," said Taylor. "Even with four recharges, I'm feeling a bit-"
"Nonsense!" said Susan. "I've never met a man with a stronger sex drive than you! You can do it, Michael!"
"All right, let's do it," said Sophie. "Who goes first?"
"Me!" said Mushy promptly.
"You'll never get him to climax in the first 60 seconds," said Susan.
"No, but if I have the first turn, I'll also have the forth turn," said Mushy. She stood before Michael. "Are you ready to begin?"
"Wait, how do we count the time?" said Sophie. They were all naked, without even their Pads.
"We'll do it in our minds," said Susan. "Mushy, go!"
Mushy grabbed Taylor's penis and started rubbing it. "I had such a good time with you today," she said, looking in his eyes. She sighed heavily. "I'd simply love to spend the night with you!"
"We just spent last night together, China Doll."
"I'm greedy, I admit it!" she grinned, as she fondled his shaft. "And I love it when you call me that!" She pressed her lips against his, even as she fondled him further.
They kissed and touched for a few seconds more before Susan said, "Time!"
Taylor moved onto Sophie. She immediately grabbed his cock and started stroking it. "I really want to spend the night with you, Michael," she said. "Even if you are distracted by scientific analysis of your sperm."
"I didn't do that with you," said Taylor.
"I didn't think you did," said Sophie, giving him a knowing smile. Her hazel eyes and thick red lips looked so alluring behind her Rider Mask. "I want you, Michael!"
"I want you too, Sophie," said Taylor.
His penis started to get stiff in her hands. Mushy had started the progress, but Sophie had continued it.
"Time!" said Susan. She replaced Sophie in front of him, and immediately picked up where Sophie left off. "They've made some progress with you, but I know you're only going to climax in my hand, right, Michael?" The redheaded cutie gave him a hard stare with those piercing green eyes of hers.
"That's the plan," Taylor agreed.
Susan grinned at him as she fondled his shaft. "You wouldn't secretly be wanting to climax to dear Sophie's sensitive touch? I'd be very offended if you chose her over me!"
"It's not exactly under my control," said Taylor.
Susan looked down at his shaft. It was stiff and hard now. "I'm not so sure about that. You always had a remarkable amount of self-control, at least when it came to me."
"You're wrong," said Taylor. "I never would have done what we did in my quarters on the Immortal with anyone else. The massages, the touching, the fondling... you charmed me with your sexy body, Susan!"
She looked incredibly pleased to hear it. "How sweet!" Susan ground her lips against his, making his penis tingle.
"Time!" said Sophie. "Round two!"
Mushy replaced Susan and immediately resumed what Susan had been doing to his shaft. "It's nice and hard now!" Mushy exclaimed. "I just know you're going to come in my hand, right?" She gave Taylor a pointed stare.
"I... I don't know if I'm ready," said Taylor.
"Well, if you're not, you're going to hold it in for another three turns, right? That's what you want, to spend another night with me, isn't it?" Mushy asked anxiously.
Taylor smiled at her. "Of course, Mushy."
"I so enjoyed our lovemaking by the stream! I want every one of our sex sessions to be special like that!"
"I want that too," said Taylor. He groaned.
"Getting close?" Mushy asked.
"Starting to, yeah." Taylor looked down at his stiff shaft being pleasured by her small Japanese hand and looked back at the slender Japanese girl. Mushy was so sexy when she pleasured him like that!
Susan replaced Mushy. By now Taylor's cock was stiff and fully erect and sticking out of his groin at a 30 degree angle. Susan fisted his shaft vigorously while grinding her lips against his. "Come for me, Michael," she said firmly, her green eyes filled with lust. "Come in my hand. Show me your love."
"Don't do it, Michael!" Sophie cried. "Hold out for just another 30 seconds!"
"Don't listen to her!" said Susan. Her fingers manipulated his sensitive Hiveflesh tip, making him gasp. "Come for me, darling. Come for me now and show them who you truly love." Her lips were close to his, so close....
Taylor groaned as he was intensely stimulated. Susan kissed and fondled him, sensing the end was near, and then-
"Time!" Sophie cried, pushing Susan unceremoniously out of the way before taking her place. "All right, Michael, you can come for me now!" She said. She fisted his shaft vigorously.
"Every time we pause to replace partners it sets me back a bit," Taylor said. "And you have to remember, I've already had sex nine times today."
"I don't want to hear your lame sex excuses!" Sophie snapped. "I want to hear you moan and spurt in my hand!" Her hand moved vigorously up and down on his shaft.
"You're doing it all wrong, Astor!" said Susan. "You don't have the right grip!"
"I've been doing this to Michael longer than you have!" Sophie snapped. She kissed him strongly. Then she openly addressed his rider. "Master, please let him come! I've earned this! I brought Michael into the Hive! I've trained him to be an obedient inseminator! Please, give your slave this small reward!"
She fisted him vigorously
"Ohhhh," Taylor gasped.
"Michael, are you about to come?" she asked excitedly.
"Ooooh," he repeated again.
"Time!" said Susan.
"That was not 60 seconds!" said Sophie.
"It was! Get out of the way, Astor!"
"Fine!" said Sophie. But before she made way, she slammed her fingertips into Taylor's sensitive testicles.
"Ow! What was that for?" he said.
"I've pushed you two steps back, so you hopefully won't come until it's my turn again."
"That's dirty pool, Astor," Susan growled.
'The dirtiest," Sophie agreed. "Are you going to take your turn, or do you wish to give it up to Mushy?"
Susan gave her a dirty looked and grabbed hold of Taylor's penis. "Come for me, Michael! Come for me now!" She kissed him hard as her hand moved like a blur.
"Ohhhh. Oooooooohhhhhh," Taylor groaned as her hand scraped up and down along the sensitive Hiveflesh coated tip of his penis.
"Getting close?" Susan inquired.
"Yeahhhh," said Taylor
Susan looked into his eyes. "Wouldn't you like to feel my naked body against yours? Wouldn't you love to kiss the night away as we lay in each other's arms?"
Susan was so beautiful, so flirtatious! At that moment Taylor wanted her more than anything.
"Don't come in her hand, Michael! Don't do it!" Sophie cried.
"Quiet! You had your chance, Astor!" Susan snapped. She stared into his eyes. "Come for me, lover. Come for me now. Let your milk of love flow freely so the others will see who your true lover is."
"Milk of love?" said Mushy.
"Oooooh!" Taylor cried, as his penis stiffened further. "I'm almost there!"
"That's it, Michael! Come for me darling, come for me now!" Susan cried.
"Time!" Sophie cried.
Susan slammed his testicles out of frustration. He had been so close!
"Ow!" said Taylor. "That hurt!"
"She did it first!" Susan said, pointing to Sophie.
"I'm not going to play this silly game if you keep wacking my balls!" said Taylor.
Susan and Sophie exchanged glances. "All right," said Susan reluctantly. "Mushy, you're next. Round three begins NOW!"
Mushy took Susan's place. "All right, this is just exactly what I was planning for!" She grabbed Taylor's penis and fisted it excitedly. "Come for me, darling, come for me now!" She kissed him excitedly. "It would be so great if you would come in my hand. If you would come in my hand while the other girls watched. Would you do that for me? Would you do that for your sexy little China Doll, Michael?"
Michael gasped, and gasped and gasped again. "Mushy!" he cried
"Yes!" Her smile was filled with glee
"Mushy, I'm, I'm I'm-"
"Time!" said Susan.
"Noooo!" said Mushy. She slapped his penis hard.
"Mushy, we promised not to slap him!" said Sophie.
"His balls! I didn't slap his balls, only the shaft!" said Mushy.
"Susan, no more slapping of any kind," said Sophie.
Mushy gave her a dirty look.
"My turn," said Susan, stepping up to take her turn. She started to fist him strongly. She felt his cock was extremely stiff. Taylor's cockhead was engorged with blood.
"You're almost there, aren't you? I can feel it," Susan grinned.
"Yes... yes.. close, Susan... very very close...." Taylor gasped, wide eyed, his face flushes and red as Susan's hand rapidly ran the length of his penis, back and forth and back and forth.
"Come for me, darling!" said Susan. "Come for me and we'll spend a wild night together! I've earned it, Michael. I've earned you!"
The sexy redhead's lips were thick and pursed. Her green eyes shone brightly. On her back her rider inflated wildly. So did Taylor's, pulsing back and forth and back and forth.
"Yes, my love! Come, come to my touch!"
"Susan!" Taylor cried. "I'm going to come!"
"I know, my love! Come, come on my hand!" she cried.
Taylor's body stiffened. "Ahh.... Ah....."
"Time!" Sophie cried.
Susan gave her a dirty look. Then she stared at Taylor's vibrating penis.
"Don't you dare! Don't. You. Dare," said Sophie.
"Fine!" said Susan, and stalked off.
Sophie replaced her. She started rubbing on his shaft. But it really was no contest. Within ten seconds black sperm shot out of the head of Taylor's penis in an arc. The first shot went clear over Sophie's left shoulder. The second landed on her breasts. The third and fourth landed between her legs.
"Sorry," Taylor gasped, when he had regained control.
"Don't be sorry," Sophie smiled. She pressed her sticky body against his. "We won!"
"This time, Astor," said Susan. "But I want him tomorrow night!"
"We'll see," Sophie smiled.
Taylor and Sophie cuddled in bed. He was too tired to perform again, but Sophie was satisfied just to lie in his arms.
"What do you think our baby will look like?" Sophie said.
Taylor stiffened in bed. "I don't know."
"I hope it looks like you, if it's a boy." She looked up at him lovingly through her Rider Mask. "It couldn't be more handsome than you."