Chapter 30.2

Taylor smiled. The logical thing to say to that was that he hoped the baby looked like her if it was a girl. But he knew what that meant. In all probability the baby he was seeding inside of Sophie would look like her. It would be an alien duplicate, one which would replace her.

Sophie sighed. "This is the happiest time of my life."

"Mine too," said Taylor. "I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"You mean that?" she said.

"Of course."

"Kiss me."

Taylor made the natural connection. He fell asleep that night feeling his sexy lover in his arms.

The following morning Susan opened the bedroom door. "Good morning, lovers! Did you warm him up for me, Sophie?"

"I did my best," said Sophie, giving a lazy smile. She was still lying totally nude with her heavy breasts against Taylor's chest. But they had all become completely desensitized to public nudity long ago. Their sexuality was totally uninhibited.

"Good! Because Mushy is making breakfast and then we begin our morning exercise!"

"You mean, our first round of sex for the day," said Taylor.

"That too," said Susan, her green eyes glinting.

Taylor came to breakfast totally nude, unlike the other girls, who were wearing bathing suits.

Bathing suits?

"I looked for my clothes but couldn't find them," said Taylor.

"Mushy washed them. They're still drying," Susan explained.

"What will I wear?" Taylor asked.

Susan looked him up and down. "What you've got on now will work nicely."

"Nicely for what?"

"We'd thought we'd take a little swim first."

There was an outdoor swimming pool not far from the cabin, near the golf course. The girls were wearing different bathing suits than they had during their first day when they had wore bikinis. Now they were wearing one piece bathing suits. Susan's was tight and very form fitting. Sophie's was blue and showed off her large breasts. And Mushy... Mushy wore a bathing suit of a kind Taylor had never seen before. It was totally transparent! Mushy's small wilted cucumber shaped breasts were totally visible, as was her vagina.

"Mushy!" said Taylor. "I never though you would wear such a thing!"

"Neither did I!" said Mushy. "Julie bought it for me, but I told her I would never wear it!"

"And yet you are," said Taylor.

"And yet I am," Mushy agreed, smiling shyly. She felt his hungry eyes on her. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" said Taylor. He moved forward to hug and kiss her but Susan got in the way. "What's wrong?" he said.

"What's wrong, Michael, is that you have been taking us too much for granted," said Susan firmly.

"What?" said Taylor.

"For the past two days you've been using us for sex. Using our bodies to impregnate us with Hivelife."

"Yes," said Taylor. "That's what we're supposed to be doing. All of us."

"That's all fine and good, but I think all this sex has gone to your head," said Susan. "You've started treating us like objects to be filled."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Taylor asked.

"Do you remember what you said when you finished sperming me yesterday afternoon?" She imitated his deep voice. "All right Astor, you're next."

"Actually, he never calls me Astor," said Sophie. "Only you call me that."

"Sorry," said Susan. "All right, you said, 'All right Sophie, you're next', as if we were machine on an assembly line."

"That's not how I meant it!" said Taylor.

"Did you?" Susan asked. "And do you also remember when you made love to me, how you looked at my Hive Stamp, and told me that the upside down U stood for my uterus, and the dot was going to be what you put inside of it?"

"I... I might have said something like that," Taylor admitted.

"That's all we are to you. Upside down U's to be filled with dots. The dots that come out of your cock."

Taylor screaned Susan. He sensed she didn't mean a word she was saying. This was another one of her little games. "I'm sorry, girls, really I am. Are you ready now to be inseminated?"

Mushy was about to say yes when Susan cut her off. "No, Michael, we are not ready to be 'inseminated', as you so romantically put it. Mushy and Sophie and I are taking the morning off."

"The morning off?"

"Um hm," said Susan.

They started to play and frolic in the pool. Taylor, surrounded by three sexy women wearing tight bathing suits, quickly got an erection. But he noticed that his erection quickly became painful, throbbing, throbbing in time with his rider on his back. It was his master. His master was upset that he hadn't begun inseminating the girls immediately. Do whatever it takes to persuade the females to cooperate, the voice in his head seemed to say. His rider, to properly incentivize him, filled him with sexual desire. It was embarrassing to have an erection in front of the girls and not be able to do anything about it. An erection was usually a symbol of potency, but here it was a symbol of his helplessness.

Susan noticed the rod sticking out between his legs and laughed. "Are you having a bit of difficulty, Michael?"

"A bit," he admitted.

"Maybe we can find some way to ease your tension," she said, smiling at him in a very friendly way. "Let me think about it while I swim."

"Wait!" he said, but she was gone, making a perfect dive into the pool. Her bathing suit wrapped tightly around her ass crack, exposing her well rounded buttocks.

For the next hour the girls dived in and out of the pools like seals, splashing and laughing and having fun. They made sure to periodically come out of pool dripping wet to flirt with Taylor and to show off their adorable bodies.

First came Sophie. She pulled herself out of the pool right next to Taylor, giving him an excellent above view of her heavy, dripping wet breasts overflowing out of her one size too small bathing suit. Taylor loved to squeeze those rich, firm tits, tits which were unnaturally firm because of the cold fusion generators planted inside each of them. But suddenly he had lost access to them, just when he wanted them more than ever.

Sophie grinned at him as if she could read his mind. She had worn a Rider Mask for so long that Taylor practically forgot it was there. He no longer saw the pulsating, yellow-brown Hiveflesh around her mouth, nose, and eyes. He only saw the big hazel eyes he loved so well. He only saw the thick, blowjob lips which had sucked on his cock on more than one occasion.

Sophie's heavy double banded rider had enormous symmetrical knuckle bones sticking out of it. The Hive had taken a sexually shy woman and turned her into an extrovert. She stood proudly erect, still dripping wet from her heavy curves and fleshy thighs. The beautiful curves of her heavy bosom inside her bright blue bathing suit only aroused him further. He looked at the "v" shaped material clinging tightly to her vagina. How he wished he could plunder her!

"Interesting thoughts, Michael?" she inquired, rocking her hips playfully from side to side.

"You might say that," said Taylor.

"It's a pity you can't make love to me. My rider is stimulating me, Michael. It's telling me to make love to you." Sophie grinned at him.

"Then do it!" Taylor cried.

"Nuh uh!" She waved a finger at him in a very sexy way. "You don't respect me!"

"But Sophie-"

She plunged back into the water with a big splash.

Susan was next. He loved the way the yellow-white sunlight of the twin suns of Sirius Minor made her bright red hair shine even more brightly. Her high cheekbones and green eyes were so attractive. Her breasts weren't as large as Sophie's, but they still made pleasing mounds which seemed to have a life of their own inside her bathing suit. Susan was so young, so beautiful, so fuckable, Taylor thought as he stared at her firm, athletic legs. The tight material sandwiched between her legs was the subject of his mounting desire.

"Have you found a way to ease my tension?" Taylor asked.

"Still thinking about it, Hon," she grinned. She leaned forward, giving him an eyeful of her breasts. "Do you think this bathing suit looks good on me?"

"I think it looks amazing on you!" said Taylor. "Come here, little girl!"

She frowned. "That's not a very respectful term!" And she turned and dived back into the water, as graceful as a seal.

Mushy was next. Taylor's eyes went wide as he saw her standing there, smiling shyly at him, dressed in that unusual transparent bathing suit of hers. Mushy's tiny narrow breasts pointed straight down, but somehow seeing them sandwiched against the transparent material of her bathing suit made them look oddly erotic. And between her legs was her dark pubic triangle which excited him tremendously. He remembered how narrow and small Mushy's vulva had been. How he longed to plunder her once again!

Mushy flicked some of the wetness off her long, dark silky hair. "How are you doing, Michael? You seem to be in a state of continual distress." She nodded towards his enormous erection.

"I am," said Taylor. "Maybe you can help me with that, China Doll."

"China Doll?" Mushy frowned. "That's not very respectful!" She turned gracefully, her long hair flinging behind her, and dove into the water once more.

Some time later, Sophie and Susan stood there before him, both dripping wet, both legs widely spread, showing off their breasts and their figures and the tight fabric clinging between their legs. They grinned as they knew the effect they were having on him.

"Would you like a kiss, Michael?" Susan asked, swaying on her hips left and right as she gave him a brilliant grin.

"Yes!" said Taylor.

"I'll bet," Susan grinned. "What kind of kiss?"

"What kind?" said Taylor.

"Maybe something like this?" Susan asked. She reached over and kissed Sophie.

"Ummm," said Sophie.

"You liked that?" Susan asked.

"You bet!" said Sophie.

"Do you think Michael would like it as much as you do?" Susan asked her.

"Maybe. Though I think he might like a kiss like this even better," said Sophie. The larger breasted woman took Susan in her arms. "You're adorable, Cleary, you know that?."

"You are too, Astor. Sometimes I could just eat you up!" said Susan, her green eyes shining.

And then as Taylor watched, the two girls kissed strongly, passionately. Sophie pressed her heavy breasts against Susan's smaller ones, making her groan with pleasure. Their hands were all over each other, rubbing their arms, their lower backs, and their asses. Both of them had nicely rounded buttocks but Sophie's were clearly bigger and more plump. He felt a tightness in his groin as he watched Susan squeeze Sophie's big ass and then heard Sophie groan. The sight of their bodies pressed together, of these two women locked in lesbian love, made Taylor's balls tighten in agony. He tried to touch himself but cried "ow!" as his hand got burned for his efforts.

Sophie and Susan laughed in a musical way, like the sound of a babbling brook. They stood side by side with their arms around each other. Taylor could see that Sophie's enormous nipples were erect, and so were Susan's smaller ones too.

"You can't do that, Michael," said Susan. "Your master won't let you waste sperm like that!"

"Then let's not waste it," said Michael. "Come to me, Susan!"

"I don't know...." Susan bit her lip. "How can I make love to a man with testicles like that?"

Taylor looked down and saw that his testicles were once again almost flesh colored.

Sophie knelt down to his left, giving him an excellent top down view of her enormous breasts. "We can't make love to a man who isn't going to give us Hivesperm, Michael," she said. Her sexy gaze inflamed him. The feeling of her hand on his leg excited him.

"We need Hivesperm in us, Michael. Not ordinary human sperm," said Susan, kneeling by him on the other side, also giving a great view of her tits. She looked at him longingly.

"But... I...."

"Maaaaybe I can help you out," she said. And then, as if by magic, a black rubbery patch appeared in her hand. It vibrated on its own like it was alive. "Put it on, Michael. Put it on and maybe, just maybe, we'll help you out."

Taylor took the patch slowly. He gritted his teeth as he applied it to his testicles. He gasped as he felt the burning sensation and his body shuddered. When he removed his hand, the black patch was gone and his testicles were jet black. And now they felt tight, very tight, even painful as they were filled with alien sperm.

"That's the way we like to see it!" Susan grinned. She gently caressed his testicles, making Taylor cry out.

"Let me make love to you, Susan!" Taylor cried.

"You're in a great deal of discomfort, aren't you?" she said.

Taylor nodded.

Susan looked thoughtful. "Let me think some more about it!" She and Sophie immediately laughed and dived back into the water.

Mushy came to his side some time later, her eyes full of sympathy.

"I respect you, Mushy, really I do!" said Taylor, trying hard not to look at her see-through bathing suit. The dark joining between her legs was the object of his intense desire. How he wanted to fuck her!

"I wish I could believe you, Michael," she said wistfully, sitting provocatively on his lap. She looked at his stiff, purple erection and bloated black balls. "That looks painful."

"It is painful, Mushy!"

Mushy smiled. "Then maybe this will help." She leaned forward and kissed him. "Did that feel good?"

"Yeahhhh," Taylor grinned.

"Let's try it again and see if it helps some more." The adorable Japanese woman sat on his lap and they had a hot and heavy kissing session. Taylor's erect penis was painfully sandwiched between them. How he needed release!

"You're so sexy," Taylor growled. "You're so sexy, China Doll!"

Mushy stiffened and stopped in midkiss. "China Doll?"

"You said you like it when I call you China Doll!" said Taylor.

"I do... but I don't know if I would call that respectful." She gave him a sly look. She was teasing him!

"I do respect you, Mushy, really I do!" Taylor cried. He eyed her breasts and pubis inside her transparent bathing suit. How he wanted to fuck her! How he needed to fuck her! He would say anything to make it happen.

"I don't know what to believe," Mushy said, with innocent eyes. She ran a hand up and down his hairy chest. "How much can you respect me when you peed on my face?"

"Mushy, I already apologized for that many times!" Taylor cried.

"I know you did," said Mushy. "But I can't help remember how pleased you look. How when you were standing over me, with your big heavy thing pointed down at my body, how you gasped and shuddered and smiled as you poured your sticky yellow rain all over my breasts." She kissed him passionately. "All over my vagina." She kissed him again. "All over my face." Another kiss! "Even into my mouth." She kissed him hard, grinding her lips against his.

"Oh Mushy! Oh Mushy!" Taylor cried. His penis felt like it was going to explode. He grabbed her tightly, trying to grind his pelvis against hers, but she abruptly got up and pushed him away.

"I just don't know if you really respect me, Michael!" she said, flicking back her long, black silky hair.

"I do, Mushy, really I do!" said Taylor, aware of his long, aching erection sticking up between his legs.

"I'll give it some thought," she promised, turning away. Her flat Japanese ass stuck out slightly between the bathing suit stuck in her ass crack.

Sophie was next. She sat on his lap and started to kiss him. "I just don't know, Michael," she said. "You seem like you respect me now, but how do I know it just isn't really an act, an act to get inside my pants?" She gave him a sly, teasing look.

"I do respect you, Sophie! Really I do!" Taylor cried.

"No you don't!" said Sophie. "To you, I'm just a set of big tits and a cunt. Admit it!"

"No, Sophie!"

"You can't hide the truth," she said, staring at him lovingly through the eye holes in her Rider Mask. The rider flesh on her face was slowly pulsating, a sickly brown and yellow swirl which gave her a distinctly alien look.

"You want these, don't you?" she said, cupping her large breasts through her bathing suit.

"Of course I do, but... in a respectful way!" said Taylor, kissing her again.

"Of course you do," said Sophie cynically. "All right, Michael. Show me how you would touch my breasts... but in a very respectful way!"

Taylor, wondering if he was falling into some kind of trap, reached out with trembling orgasm-starved hands and squeezed Sophie's breasts. The nuclear tipped beauties were firm like overstuffed pillows. "Oooooh," he groaned.

Sophie smiled, stretching her Rider Mask, as she kissed him again. "I love it when you cry for me, Michael! Now squeeze my ass! Squeeze my ass... but in a respectful way!"

Even as she kissed him again Taylor wrapped his arms around her and was squeezing her tits once again. Now it was Sophie's turn to groan. Every squeeze sent sexual arousal racing into her cunt. Her rider had been stimulating her too, hoping she would give into Taylor's advances sooner rather than later.

Taylor looked down and saw that her enormous nipples were once again creating large imprints on her bathing suit. "Sophie, I want you so much," he said, with a pained expression on his face.

"I know you do," she said. And then she abruptly got up.

"Sophie, you're toying with me!" Taylor cried. "Look at me, Sophie! Really look at me! See how much I need you!" He indicated his painfully stiff penis. The large black testicles were heavily bloated inside his scrotum, aching for release.

"Maybe I am toying with you," Sophie grinned. "But only just a bit."

"That's not nice, Sophie!" said Susan. She took Sophie's place on his lap. "I'll save you, Michael! Tell me how much you respect me and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you inside my vagina." She started to kiss him tenderly.

"I respect you, Susan!" Taylor cried.

"Tell me how much you respected me, Michael," she said. "Were you thinking of how much you respected me when you watched me pleasure myself for you in your cabin on the Immortal?" She smiled mockingly at him.

"Yes! Yes, I respected you greatly!" said Taylor, in between feverish kisses.

"And did you also respect me when I sucked your cock in your quarters?" With her high cheekbones and piercing green eyes and the flirtatious redhead looked so sexy, so fuckable!

"Yes, I did!" Taylor cried.

"I think he respected your liplock more than anything," Sophie said, making Mushy laugh.

Susan pushed hard on his chest. "And did you respect me when you seduced me and fucked me and gave me a rider?"

"Yes!" Taylor cried. "I respected you tremendously!"

"He sounds so sincere now," said Sophie sarcastically.

Susan reached down and gently lifted the head of his ultrasensitive penis, which had the green glowing curved bone symbol shining through his Hiveflesh sheath. "Michael, you're designated as an inseminator. Your job is to inseminate women. To inseminate us. Does that make you respect us so much, dear?" She gave him a sexy, cynical grin.

Taylor tried to think of the right words to say, the right words which would magically allow him access to Susan's sexy vagina. "Yes," he said finally. "You are Hivelife. You're fulfilling your highest purpose, to serve the Hive! Reproduction! I can respect that!"

Susan grudgingly nodded. "All right. That was a good answer, wasn't it, girls?"

"Barely," said Sophie, rolling her eyes.

"He'll just say anything to get inside you," said Mushy cynically.

"Maybe I should just let him, then," Susan grinned, amused by Taylor's expression of surprise and wonderment. Susan felt increasing pressure in her clit and her cunt, stimulating, teasing, arousal. Her rider would not let her draw this out indefinitely. "All right, Michael. Touch my breasts like you did Sophie. Show me how respectful you can be."

Taylor reached out and squeezed Susan's breasts. The big nipple prints through her bathing suit made her breasts inviting targets. But then Susan only increased the temperature by removing one strap and then another, causing the top of her bathing suit to fall down, revealing her bare breasts. Taylor immediately latched onto one of her tits and began sucking madly.

"Oh Michael! Maybe you do respect me!" Susan laughed. She stroked his head as he sucked and slurped. "Oh Michael! You're driving me crazy!"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one," said Michael, between sucks.

"My rider has made me hot and excited for you, dear," she said, her eyes sparkling. "And it didn't take much convincing. Not very much at all." She reached down and pulled aside the bottom of her bathing suit, revealing her shiny pussy lips. "See how excited you make me?" she said accusingly.

Taylor looked down. The material of her bathing suit mashed together her cuntlips in a very sexy way. Susan's cuntlips looked thick and bloated and red, surrounded by curly red fringes of pubic hair. Right above her pussy lips was her glowing slave mark, and hanging from below was her dangling green cuntgem the Hive had given her. So incredibly sexy!

Taylor started to rub her mushy, sopping wet cunt lips in a circle. Susan cried out and groaned and kissed him strongly. "Oh Michael! Oh my dear, sweet Michael!"

He rubbed her some more. It felt like a soft swamp down there. She was obviously aroused!

"Oh!" she cried again. Susan's rider pulsated on her back, and she nodded. "All right, lover. You can put it in me. You've earned your release."

"Really? You're not teasing me?" said Taylor anxiously.

"Really. Let me just take off my bathing suit first, lover." She moved to stand up.

"No!" Taylor flipped her so she was on her back and he was on top.

"Michael, what are you doing?" Susan cried.

"I can't wait!" he said anxiously. He pulled at her bathing suit bottom once more to stretch it so he would have room to enter her. And then he did, plunging into her even as the material around her crotch scratched the sides of his penis roughly.

"Michael!" she said, her eyes wide. "You're an animal!"

"An animal who's been caged too long!" Taylor thrust inside of Susan's tight, wet cunt rapidly.

"Oh!" she cried. "Oh Michael!" Susan held onto him for dear life.

It didn't take long. After all that edging, Taylor climaxed inside of her in little over a minute. "Susan, I love you!" he cried, as he felt his penis pulse inside of her, filling her with sticky black alien goo.

Insemination had occurred!

Taylor slowly pulled out of her. He was still erect, but sticky black Hivesperm was leaking from the head of his penis.

"That was quick," said Susan. "I didn't even get a chance to climax."

Taylor started to move his hand to her clitoris, but then stiffened. "My master... my master wants me to do the other girls."

Susan nodded. "I feel it too. The Hive demands it." She reached up and kissed him tenderly, her eyes full of lust and longing.

"The Hive demands it," Taylor agreed.

Susan stood up and slowly looked down at the black liquid dripping out of her cuntlips. She readjusted her bathing suit to cover her cunt once more, and was lifting the straps over her shoulders when Sophie approached.

"I can see how much you respected Susan. I'm ready to be respected as well," Sophie grinned.

"Come here, you!"

But Sophie pulled away from his grasping hands. She slowly removed one bathing suit strap and then another. Her heavy breasts came into view, proudly firm without a hint of sag, her nipples erect and pointed straight at him. She stepped out of her bathing suit one leg at a time, revealing her thick, dark, hairy pubic bush. Taylor stared at her body. He wanted her so much.

"Come here, Sophie!" he cried.

She flew into his arms with an eager smile. He hugged and kissed her immediately. "Don't ever tease me like that again!" he cried.

"But doesn't it make the sex spicier, when you have to work to get it?" she said, pleased that he was so eager for her.

"Sex with you is always spicy, my love," said Taylor, in such an earnest tone that it sent tingles down her spine.

Even though Taylor had just climaxed moments ago he was stiff and eager for her. He got between her legs and plunged inside of her. Taylor gasped as her inner Hiveflesh rubbed the Hiveflesh on the tip of his penis, generating sparks of sexual energy, like rubbing two dry sticks together to make a fire.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I love you so much, Sophie! I love you so much!" Taylor cried, as her cunt stimulated the head of his penis in an incredible way. He looked down at their shared connection. Sophie's vagina was perfectly framed by her thick, dark, wiry pubic hair. She looked so womanly, so feminine, so mature as Taylor's stiff purple cock rammed her cunthole again and again. The sight of Sophie's big, thick orange cuntlips grasping his penis tightly was so fucking sexy for him!

"I feel like I'm home!" Taylor moaned.


"Home!" Taylor repeated. "When I'm in you, Sophie, I feel like I'm always home!"

"Oh Michael!" Her eyes shined with lust and love from behind her Rider Mask. She loved him so much! "Let's make a baby together!"


"We'll make Hivelife which will enslave humanity and take over the world!" Sophie cried, as her heavy breasts jiggled with every thrust.

"Yes!" Taylor cried, thrusting into her more rapidly.

"Do it, Michael! Fertilize me now!" Sophie cried, as his heavy balls were flush with her aching cuntlips.

"Yes... yes... yesssssss!" At that moment Taylor wasn't thinking of the alien creature he was creating inside of her. He wasn't thinking of the rider throbbing on his back, or the black substance which had altered his own sperm as he pounded into her. And he certainly wasn't thinking of the alien duplicate of Sophie he was planting within her, the alien duplicate which would come out as a pod and then a cocoon and then be born, born to replace her.

All Taylor was thinking was of his pleasure, how good it felt to climax inside her bushy, thick lipped cunt, how good it felt to empty his balls and fill her with the seeds of life! Taylor shuddered as he released inside of her. Despite having had just come inside of Susan he still had enough rich, creamy Hivesperm to fill her with. He collapsed on top of her and sighed as his rider filled him with a sense of a job well done.

Insemination had occurred!

Mushy approached with her hand behind her back. "Ready for me, dear?"

"Uh...." Taylor's penis was small and shrunken. After having just come twice in a matter of minutes, even he couldn't regenerate so quickly.

Mushy's hidden hand appeared, holding the green organic recharging device. "That's all right. I went back to the cabin and got this. I had a feeling you might be needing it."

They flirted outrageously for the next twenty minutes as the device recharged Taylor's penis and caused his testicles to generate more sperm, more alien sperm. Mushy smiled and laughed and giggled and touched him playfully as he tickled her. "You're such a China Doll!" he cried, tickling her chest. "Such a very fuckable China Doll!"

"Is that a respectful way to address your lover?" she asked with a cheerful smile.

"Probably not!" Taylor admitted, pulling her down for another kiss. As he did so he felt the device sandwiched between them.

Mushy pulled it off and saw he was once again erect. "I think you're ready," she said.

"I think you're right," Taylor agreed.

"My master wants you to make love to me," said Mushy.

"And what do you want, China Doll?"

Mushy smiled. "Me? I want something a little different!" She pulled him off the recliner and led him onto the grass where she got on her hands and knees. Her meaning was obvious.

Taylor slowly got behind her. "Is this a respectful way for me to have sex with you, Mushy?"

"I don't care, Michael!" she snarled. "I just want you to pound my pussy real hard!"

Taylor grinned and took his penis in hand, carefully inserting it into her. Mushy gasped as she was filled inch by inch. Then he started moving within her.

Sophie and Susan watched the very sensual scene from just a few feet away. Taylor's penis was pounding in and out between Mushy's ass cheeks. Her small breasts were totally vertical now, like thin, rubbery teats, pointing straight downwards without a hint of firmness. Mushy's rider was fully inflated, as was Taylor's. The sight of a bright yellow-brown balloon inflated on Taylor's back while his strong leg and ass muscles flexed back and forth made him look like a true tool of reproduction. Taylor was no longer a proud Survey Service captain; he was merely an inseminator, a slave of the Hive, and he loved every single minute of it.

Sophie licked her lips and found a hand embracing hers. She looked at Susan and saw her similarly affected. "We'll have to have him take us like that sometime too," Susan whispered.

Sophie nodded vigorously. Her face moved closer to Susan's, and Susan's closer to hers, and then they were kissing once more.

"Sister," Susan whispered.

After lunch Susan drew a pistol and pointed it at Taylor.

"Where did you get that?" said Taylor.

"From a supply closet, just over the hill," said Susan, aiming it at her groin.

"Careful!" said Taylor. The gun flashed and Taylor felt a stab of pain in his thigh. "Ow!"

"Oh, I missed," Susan tittered. "They're training pistols, for kids."

"So I see," said Taylor, rubbing his thigh even as the sting was rapidly fading. "Why shoot me with it?"

"Because you're the theme of this afternoon's competition," said Susan. "We haven't decided who you will take first for our second sex session of the day."

"Does it really matter?" Taylor asked.

"It matters to me," said Sophie.

"And me!" said Mushy.

"We could draw lots," Taylor said. "Or I could think of a number...."

"Give your mind a rest, dear. It's this we want," she said, reaching out to pet his penis. It stirred slightly under her touch, making her smile. "Sophie and I have worked out a plan. There's a target range, just over the hill, with old fashioned paper targets. We each get six shots. The woman with the most bullseyes gets you first."

"I was a crack shot at the Academy," said Sophie promptly. "My weapons instructor Major Shalikashvilli said I was one of the best markswomen he had ever seen."

"I was one of the top marksmen in my class as well," said Susan.

"I got an award on the gun range at the Academy," Mushy added.

"What are the odds of that?" Taylor wondered.

The paper targets had outlines of a human body, but strictly speaking no bullseyes.

"So what will we use for bullseyes? Hitting any part of the body?" Mushy asked.

"Too easy," said Susan. "Let's make it..." She stared at Taylor's anatomy and gave a wicked grin. "Let's make the groin the bullseyes."

"Girls, what kind of message are you sending me?" Taylor cried.

"The kind of message that you are ours, Michael Taylor!" Susan grabbed him in her arms and gave him a strong kiss. Taylor responded, and started to grind his pubis against hers. Susan moaned but pulled away. "Soon," She promised with a smile. "Soon, my love. And this time I want you to take me exactly the same way you took Mushy!"

"Me too!" said Sophie.

"You... you really want to be taken from behind?" said Taylor.

"My dear, I want to be taken every way there is to be taken by you," said Susan. And she said it in such a romantic way that Taylor had to kiss her again! It was a long moment before they parted again.

"I can't wait to have you," said Taylor.

"I can see that," Susan smiled, looking down. "And I can't wait to be had by you." She winked at him, sending a chill down his spine. "All right, girls, let's begin!"

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Three naked girls aimed carefully, firing at targets a hundred feet away. The combination of the guns in their hands and their breasts sticking out in front and their riders and asses sticking out in back was such a unique sight; Taylor only wished he had had a Pad so he could save the visual for posterity.

"Got one!" Susan cried.

"Got another," said Sophie.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

"Mushy, how are you doing?" Susan asked.

"I'm done!" she said.


Susan and Sophie squeezed off their final shoots. Then they walked together to retrieve their targets.

"I'm going to fuck you first, I'm sure of it!" said Susan, her hand possessively around Taylor's waist.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," said Sophie, squeezing his ass.

"Girls! There's enough of me to go around!" said Taylor.

"We'll be the judge of that!" said Sophie.

But when they retrieved their targets, they were for a bit of a disappointment. Sophie had hit a bullesye three times and Susan had only hit it twice.

"Twice? Only twice? I don't believe it!" said Susan.

"Believe it, dear. But look on the bright side, you can practice your sharpshooting while dear Michael is inseminating me," Sophie grinned.

"Let me look at that, Astor!" Susan snapped, snatching Sophie's target from her hand. "You don't have three hits! Look at this one, that's not the groin!"

"It's the upper groin," said Sophie.

"No it's not, it's the belly!" said Susan. "We're tied!"

"So... who gets him first?" said Sophie.

"I do!" said Mushy, grinning widely as she held up her target. There were four perforated holes in the groin.

Taylor groaned as climaxed inside of Mushy again. It was the second time today he had done that; and the Hive required him to attend to each girl three times a day. It was a labor of love, though. "I love coming inside of you," he said, gently removing the black silky hair which had fallen over her eyes.

"And I love it when you come inside of me," Mushy smiled.

"You like the idea of being filled with Hivelife now?" Taylor asked.

She grinned. "Yes, I do!"

Taylor smiled and slowly got up. Mushy handed him the organic recharging box, but Taylor shook his head. "I don't think I need it yet."

He turned to Susan and Sophie. "So ladies, what did you decide? Who is next?"

Susan and Sophie exchanged glances. "We haven't quite figured that out."

"Shall I think of a number from one to ten?" Taylor asked.

"No, that's retarded," Susan decided. She thought a moment, as her rider pulsated on her back. "I have an idea! Sophie, would you like to have Michael next?"

"Would I!" Sophie grinned.

"You can have him... but only for eight minutes," said Susan.

"What?" said Sophie.

"You can either have him now for eight minutes... or you can go third, and take as long as you like."

Sophie wet her lips. "Eight minutes? How about twelve minutes?"

"Eight minutes."

"Ten minutes! Give me ten minutes!" Sophie cried.

"Eight minutes," said Susan. "If you don't want to go second, I will."

"No, I'll do it!" she flew into Taylor's arms. "How will you know-"

"I'll count in my head, just like you," Susan said.

"Don't cheat!" Sophie warned.

"Of course not," Susan assured her with an angelic smile.

Sophie turned to Taylor. "Let's get busy! We've got some heavy fucking to do!"

Taylor pounded into her.

"Five minutes, thirty seconds," said Susan, watching with her arms crossed under her breasts.

"Go faster, Michael, faster! The Hive demands it!" said Sophie.

Taylor plowed into her tight cunt. "I am!" He suddenly regretted not recharging himself after his last encounter with Mushy. He felt himself able to do the deed, but also felt that it would take longer to get there. The Hiveflesh lining of Sophie's cunt stimulated his penis, but Taylor's penis was tired. He had been having constant sex for days. He could perform, but not always on demand and not always immediately.

"Six minutes, thirty seconds!"

"We can do it, Michael, I know we can!" said Sophie. "I have to be inseminated! We have to expand the Hive!"

"We will, Sophie, we will!" Taylor promised her. And he was so earnest that she kissed him passionately, a slave named Sophie having sex with a slave named Michael, both eager to fertilize and grow an alien creature inside her body which would replace Sophie and help take over mankind.

The head of Taylor's penis rubbed her insides feverishly. It felt so good! He loved her so much! He wanted so much to plant the seeds of Hivelife within her!

"Seven minutes, thirty seconds!" Susan cried.

"We're not going to make it!" Taylor gasped. "I just... need... a little more time!"

"We'll make it!" said Sophie, with a look of urgency under her Rider Mask. She pressed her heavy breasts against him. "Fuck me, Michael! Fuck me hard!"

Taylor thrust inside of her as roughly as he could. He felt his rider on his back, stimulating his cock and balls, trying desperately to milk him inside of her. He felt himself closing in on his destination, the place he wanted to go, the place he needed to go, but not fast enough, not fast enough!

"I just... need... a few more... seconds....." he gasped.

"745," said Susan. "746. 747. 748. 749."

"Michael!" Sophie cried. They weren't going to make it!

"Seven fifffftteeeeeeeeeeee," said Susan, suddenly speaking very slowly. She paused a long moment. "Seven fifffteeeee oooooooone," she said again, very slowly. She took another long pause.

Taylor felt new life at the tip of his penis. The feeling spread through his cock and balls as they tightened. "I'm getting there! I'm going to do it, Sophie!"

"Do it now! Do it quickly!" Sophie cried, her hazel eyes crying out for release.

"Seven fifty foooouuuuuurrrrr," said Susan. She paused for a long moment. "Seven, seven fiffffteeee.... seven fiffftteeeee fiiiiiiiivvvvveeee-"

"Uh!" Taylor groaned.

"Ah!" Sophie cried.

"Ahhhhh!" they both cried, as Taylor felt his penis explode inside of her. Taylor felt his rider pounding on his back as he ejaculated sperm deep inside of her. Each ejaculation was in perfect sync with the pulsating of his rider. It was another reminder that his rider was in control of his sexuality now. It was his rider which ultimately controlled who, what, how, when and where he climaxed.

Taylor collapsed on top of her, the deed done.

"Congratulation," said Susan. "You did it with four seconds to spare."

Taylor slowly got up and gave Sophie a hand. Sophie's chest was red, her whole body was covered in sweat, and black goo was dripping out of her thick fleshy orange cuntlips. "Come here, you," she said. She took Susan in her arms and ground her wet cunt against her friend's. Then she kissed her passionately. "Thank you," she whispered. She stared into Susan's eyes. "Sister," she added.

"Ummm, this is nice," said Susan, laying in his arms.

"You deserve it," said Taylor, as they lay in bed together.

"Is that why you chose me to sleep with you tonight? Because I gave your old, worn out penis time enough to come inside your lover?" Susan asked.

"Good deeds should be rewarded," said Taylor. "That was a really nice thing you did for me and Sophie. Especially Sophie.

"Yes, well, I'm becoming just the tiniest bit fond of Astor," said Susan, with a pleased smile. "But don't tell her that."

"I think she already knows," Taylor grinned. "Tell me, do you think, if we had never joined the Hive, that you and she would have...."

"Agreed to share you like this? Never," said Susan.


"Oh, I would have!" said Susan. "But Sophie was a very possessive type. She would never have shared you with anyone."

"Then I guess it's a good thing we all got taken by the Hive," said Taylor.

"A very good thing," said Susan brightly. She reached down and pet his penis. "Poor, weary, tired old thing. Perhaps we should send it to a retirement home."

"You seemed to like it well enough today. Three different times, as I recall," said Taylor.

She stroked his penis fondly. It was so soft now! But even shrunk as it was, it held a strong fascination for her. "Yes, well, I'm a bit... obsessed... with it. To think that this tiny thing, this tiny stub, is capable of bringing three grown women such tremendous.... pleasure. It's amazing, really. A miracle of biology." She gave him a hungry look with her bright green eyes.

"It sounds like you're objectifying me," said Taylor. "Do you respect me, Susan?"

"Ask me in the morning," she said, as her lips found his once more.​
Next page: Chapter 31
Previous page: Chapter 30.1