Chapter 33

Susan came out of the bedroom an hour later, still arm in arm with Taylor, looking very satisfied.

"Did you do it?" Sophie demanded.

"Of course we did it!" Susan laughed.

"No! I mean, are you double banded?"

"Not quite," said Susan. She gave Michael a mischievous look. "But it wasn't from lack of trying."

Taylor grabbed Mushy by the arm. "You're next, China Doll!"

"Me?" said Mushy, trying to hide her delight. She cupped his black balls. "Do you have anything left for me after doing Susan?"

"A few drops, maybe" Taylor grinned, as he pulled her into the bedroom.

After Taylor had seen to Mushy and then Sophie, they all relaxed in the hot tub. When they weren't doing it they were thinking about doing it. Their riders had to do remarkably little work to make them attracted to each other. The girls were crazy for Taylor and he was infatuated with them, especially Susan and Sophie.

"You girls are so sexy," said Taylor. He stared at Sophie's big breasts floating on the surface, Susan's bright red hair, and Mushy's pretty face. "I feel like the luckiest man in the world."

"Awww," the girls said. They each took turns giving him a kiss.

"We feel like the luckiest girls in the world too, Michael," said Susan. "We should all be grateful the Hive brought us together."

"Thank the Hive!" they all said as one, as their riders pulsated on their back.

Later in the afternoon they had their third session of the day. This time Taylor took Sophie first, then Mushy, leaving Susan for last. Right after inseminating Mushy he used the organic green recharger to get himself in peak physical condition once more so he could give the redhead cutie a good, solid boning.

The effort paid off.

Susan emerged from the bedroom with a big smile, waving her arms above her. "Look at me!" she cried, turning around.

Mushy and Sophie saw that Susan's rider now had two golden bands on the back of it! What's more, it was much larger and thicker, with v shaped knuckle bones that protruded like hands on either side of her rider.

"Susan, it looks beautiful on you!" said Sophie, giving her a hug.

"I'm so jealous!" Mushy cried, hugging her as well.

"I didn't get the Rider Mask," said Susan ruefully. "But I did get this." She spread her legs and showed off her new vagina. Her labial lips were big and thick and orangy now. She proudly spread her labial lips to reveal the orange love hole leading inside of her. "My master is inside me now!" she said, clearly very pleased with herself.

"Have you tried it out yet?" Sophie asked.

"Not yet. It happened right as we were... finishing." She gave a sly smile and glanced at Taylor.

"You'll just love it, I know you will!" Sophie hugged her again.

They celebrated Susan's rider gaining its second band at dinner. They all loved their riders and were thrilled they were growing bigger and stronger on their backs and in their minds.

"I can feel the newer, bigger bones pressing against me! It feels so reassuring!" said Susan.

"Ooooh! I wish I were double banded!" said Mushy.

"It will come, dear," said Sophie, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand.

"I just wish... I just wish...." Susan got an odd expression on her face.

"What is it?" Sophie asked.

"I... I don't know!" She got up and grabbed her stomach. "I... I don't feel well." And then she suddenly turned and vomited on the floor.

"Susan!" Taylor abruptly got up and grabbed her.

"I'm all right!" said Susan, wiping her lips. "I just got... a wave of nausea...." A wave of realization dawned on her face. "You don't think...." She reached down and pressed her fingers against her lower belly. "I... I feel a hardness." Her master inflated on her back. Susan cocked her head and listened. "My master... my master says I'm pregnant!"

"Really?" said Taylor.

"Yes!" Susan cried.

"Oh Susan, I'm so happy for you!" Taylor said. They hugged and kissed hysterically. Then it was Mushy's turn to kiss her, and then Sophie's.

"Sophie, I have Hivelife growing inside of me!" said Susan.

"I'm so proud of you! We all are!" said Sophie excitedly. "Michael, I know it's my turn to spend the night with you, but you should definitely spend it with Susan!"

"Thank you, Sophie!" Susan hugged and kissed her again.

Susan had a big smile on her face as she got into bed with Taylor that night. She was wearing a transparent nightie which showed off her tits and her bright red pubic hair. She snuggled up against Taylor contently. "I can't believe it! I'm finally growing your baby inside me!"

"Not just my baby," said Taylor. "The Hive's baby."

"Of course!" Susan smiled. "But you put it there, you and that magnificent penis of yours." She cupped his balls lovingly. "I feel like I'm doing the most important thing a female can do! I'm bringing Hivelife into the world!"

"And that makes you happy?" said Taylor.

"Of course! Our offspring will help conquer the Earth and displace humanity!" said Susan. She hugged him tightly. "This is what I've always wanted in life!"

What I've always wanted in life.

Susan was so deep into the Hive that she didn't realize how her memories and motivations were being manipulated. She certainly didn't know that in all probability she was growing a duplicate copy of herself inside her womb, an alien copy of herself, one which when born would grow to maturity in days and then replace her. She was growing her own doom inside of her like a ticking bomb, waiting to explode.

Susan gave a content smile and pressed her groin tightly against his as she hugged Michael tightly.

The following morning Susan was excited to see a bulge appearing in her belly. "Already?" She said.

"Already," Taylor confirmed. "My master tells me that pregnancies only take seven to ten days."

"Seven to ten days!" Susan was surprised. "That's quick! I can't wait!"

"Neither can I," said Taylor. He knew he was powerless to affect what was going to happen to Susan. All he could do was to keep her happy until the end.

After breakfast, Taylor got back to work inseminating first Sophie and then Mushy. But when Susan smiled and flowed into his arms he stiffened and pushed her away.

"What's wrong?" Susan asked. "Oh, do you need the recharger?"

"It's not that," said Taylor. "I... I can't have sex with you, Susan."

"What?" she said. "Why not?"

"It's my master," said Taylor. "It wants me to focus on impregnating Sophie and Mushy."

"But surely you'll still have time for-"

"Instead of inseminating each of the three of you three times a day, my master wants me to inseminate Sophie and Mushy four times a day," said Taylor. "It wants me to focus all my energy and sperm on the other girls. I'm sorry, Susan."

"I... I understand," said Susan, as her rider pulsated on her back.

And so Taylor spent the day having sex with Sophie and Mushy four times each. In addition to their morning, early afternoon, and late afternoon sessions Taylor added one in the early evening for the girls. Susan spent time with whichever girl Taylor wasn't inseminating at the moment and she tried to be cheerful, but Taylor could tell she wasn't happy.

The following morning the bulge in Susan's belly grew larger and started to turn green.

"Green?" she said.

"You are creating Hivelife, sister," said Sophie. "How I envy you!"

"Yes," said Susan, with mixed feelings. She was happy to be pregnant, really she was, but she was also missing the comfort of a man, specifically Michael Taylor. It had only been two days since they had last made love but Susan had grown used to doing it every day, several times a day. By midday she had disappeared, and when she couldn't be found at dinner it was Taylor who screaned where she was, at the small beach by the river.

He found her there with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey, what's wrong?" said Taylor.

"N-nothing," said Susan.

"Come on, Susan!" Taylor took her in his arms. "What's wrong?"

"Maybe... maybe I'm just getting emotional now that I'm pregnant. Hormones, you know," she smiled at him nervously. Suddenly the dam broke. "Oh Michael, how I miss you!"

"I haven't gone anywhere!"

"Yes, you're right there, but I can't do this!" she kissed him. "Or this!" she squeezed his balls.

"We just did that... the day before yesterday," said Taylor.

"An eternity!" Susan's green eyes were crying out with need.

Taylor sighed. "Why don't we sleep together tonight?"

"Just sleep?"

"I'm going to be too tired to do anything else. I've had sex six times today and I still have to cover Mushy and Sophie once more after dinner."

Susan sighed. "All right." She put a hand over her belly. "Want to feel our baby?"

"Sure." Taylor put his hand over her growing green belly. Hivelife. That is what Taylor had put inside of her.

Susan smiled shyly at him. "We are going to create the most amazing baby," she said, kissing him fiercely.

"I'm sure of it," said Taylor, smiling back at her lovingly. "Come on. The girls are waiting for you."

When they got back to the cabin they found Mushy jumping up and down for joy. "I just vomited!" she cried.

"You just vomited?" said Taylor.

"And I'm pregnant!" said Mushy.

"How do you know?"

"I feel a stiffness in my belly... and my master told me so!"

"Oh, Mushy!" Taylor cried and hugged her tightly.

"Careful!" she laughed. "I'm an expectant mother!" She stared at him lovingly. "Want to sleep together tonight?"

"I... uh...." Taylor looked at Susan.

"All right, she needs it more than I do, I suppose," said Mushy.

"Are you sure?" Taylor asked anxiously.

"Susan needs it more than I do. I've seen the way she's been moping around," said Mushy. "Don't worry, Michael, we can celebrate tomorrow night. I'll still be pregnant then, right?"

"Of course," Taylor said.

At dinner that night it was Susan and Mushy who were cheerful and Sophie who was sad. "Everyone is pregnant except for me!" she said.

"Don't worry, Honey, your turn will come," said Mushy, taking her hand and kissing it.

"When? We've been at this for a whole week! What if Michael can't get me pregnant?" Sophie asked.

"Tomorrow he'll focus on you, and only you," said Mushy. "He'll bang you so much that you'll have black goo coming out of your ears. Trust me, Honey, you'll get hooked tomorrow."

"I hope so," said Sophie, giving Taylor an uncertain look.

That night Susan was nude when she dove into bed with Taylor. She started kissing and hugging him avidly.

"Susan, I told you I'd be too tired for this!" Taylor cried.

"We can still kiss a little, can't we?" she asked.

"Oh, all right," said Taylor. Her moist, plush lips stimulated him and he was quickly giving as good as he got, grinding his lips against hers. As he did so he felt Susan rubbing her thick red pubic bush against his penis. The Hiveflesh coated tip was especially sensitive and was stimulated by all that hairy rubbing. She felt him starting to get hard and reached down and started to fist him directly.

"Too tired, eh?" said Susan, as he got stiff in her hand.

"You always make me hard, Susan," said Taylor, in a low, intense voice which was laden with emotion.

"Oh Michael!" she cried, kissing him strongly. "Put it in me!"


"Just do it! No one will know!"

But of course, someone would know. Taylor's rider would know. He felt his rider pulsating on his back and nodded. His rider would permit this.

Susan gave such a happy smile as he rolled over so he was on top. As he inserted himself into her she groaned. "I want you inside me forever!" she said, with love and lust mixed together in her beautiful green eyes as he rodded her athletically. She looked down at her burgeoning green belly. "We are just going to create the most beautiful Hivelife. I just know it!"

"I do too," Taylor grinned. He loved how Susan gasped and moaned as he made love to her. Before long the inevitable occurred, and he sighed as he released into her. Susan's master had her climax at the same time and she groaned with pleasure. She fell asleep in his arms with the most beautiful smile. She was so incredibly happy to be with him, so pleased to be incubating Hivelife.

Taylor looked at the smile on her sleeping face. He wished it wouldn't have to end, but he knew all too well where this was going.

"Five times a day?" said Sophie.

Now that Mushy and Susan had gotten pregnant, Taylor's rider decided he was to focus exclusively on Sophie, sperming her as often as possible to try to quicken her hard-to-fertilize alien hybrid egg.

"Twice in the morning, twice in the afternoon, and once in the evening. I'll... recharge... as necessary."

"I can't wait!" said Sophie. She strode forward and kissed him passionately. As she did, Taylor felt her hand moving down to cup his testicles. He gasped as he felt a familiar burning sensation, and looked down to see Sophie applying one of the black rubbery patches they had brought from the Hive.

"We wouldn't want you to fill me with useless human sperm, would we?" Sophie smiled at him through her Rider Mask.

"No, we wouldn't," Taylor admitted. His balls were once again black. "I'm ready," he announced.

"Good luck, Honey!" Mushy cried. Susan kissed her. And then Taylor took Sophie by the hand into the bedroom.

Taylor had sex with Sophie four times that day, but by dinner time she still wasn't pregnant.

"What's wrong with me?" said Sophie worriedly at dinner. "The other girls got pregnant. Why can't I?"

"It may just require a bit longer," said Taylor.

"Longer? It's been eight days! What if... what if I can't get pregnant?" They all had the same thought. If Sophie, for whatever reason, was unable to bear Hivelife, the Hive might reclassify her for other work... or it might consume her.

"Of course you can, Honey," said Susan.

Sophie looked worried. "My master tells me that if I don't get pregnant by the end of tomorrow that we should return to the Hive."

"No!" said Susan.

"My master is telling me that too," said Taylor reluctantly.

Susan licked her lips. "Sophie! You and Michael still have another session to go this evening, right?"

Sophie nodded. "After dinner."

"Let me and Mushy watch."

"Why?" said Sophie.

"We'll be there to give you moral support," said Susan. "Won't we, Mushy?"

"Yes!" said Mushy. "Sophie, I want you to be pregnant every bit as much as we are!" Mushy had only gotten pregnant last night but her belly was already starting to show it, though it hadn't turned green yet like Susan's.

"Moral support won't get me pregnant. It's not logical," said Sophie.

"Forget logic!" said Susan fiercely, stroking her growing green belly.

"Sophie? Do you mind... if the girls watch?" Taylor asked.

Sophie looked at Susan and Mushy. "No, of course not."

They didn't merely watch, they participated. As they all went into the master bedroom, Mushy started to undress Sophie while Susan worked on Taylor.

"Don't worry Honey, everything is going to be all right," said Mushy soothingly as she worked Sophie's shirt over her head. She reached behind her to remove her breast control collar, and noticed how big Sophie's rider has gotten, with thick v shaped knuckles sticking out of her. Sophie's thick, double banded rider covered nearly her entire upper back, including her shoulder blades. "Your rider has gotten so big, Honey, that you can barely wear a control collar anymore," Mushy said, as she unsnapped it.

"I know," Sophie grinned. "If my master gets any bigger, I'll have to stop wearing one."

"Truthfully, you don't need to wear one," said Mushy, sliding the control collar down Sophie's outstretched arms. "Your implants make your titties look firm and perfect."

"Perfect?" said Sophie critically, looking at her firm breasts which didn't have a hint of sag.

"Definitely," said Mushy, squeezing them. "Ummmm," she said, and then her lips pressed against Sophie's, and they grinded together passionately.

Susan removed Taylor's Survey Service dayshirt. "Your shirt is looking a bit worse for the wear, Michael," she said, as she ran a hand over his hairy chest.

"It's the only clothes I have!" said Taylor. "No one told me we were going on this trip, remember?"

"Pooooor Michael," said Susan mockingly. Her lips found his, and they kissed passionately. "Now, while Mushy and I are watching, you're going to rod Sophie reallly hard, and give her a heavy load, aren't you?"

"As heavy as I can," Taylor grinned.

"It excites you to have us watch, doesn't it?" She kissed him again. "Tell me, Michael. Whisper it in my ear."

"Yes," Taylor whispered. "It... it excites me, Susan. It excites me to have you watching."

Susan looked at him knowingly with her bright green eyes as if they had exchanged something very intimate. Taylor's pants came next, and then his underwear. Taylor was already partially erect.

"Hm, I see a little problem there," she said.


"Just a moment, I have just the thing to fix it." She reached behind her and cupped a black patch, and pressed it against his sensitive testicles.

"Aaaahhhh!" Taylor cried as it burned him. "Susan, my testicles were already black!"

"But starting to fade a bit. Now they're even blacker." She pulled her hand away and admired her handiwork. "You have 100% pure Hivesperm now. The perfect thing to put inside of dear, sweet Sophie's vagina."

Meanwhile Mushy removed Sophie's skirt and panties, making her as nude as the rest of them. She admired the older woman's very bushy cunt. "You're so beautiful, Sophie!"

"Thank you, Mushy," Sophie said, looking shy behind her Rider Mask.

Mushy kissed her, her lips feeling the warmth of Sophie's Rider Mask around her lips. "Good luck, Sister," she said, squeezing Sophie's ass, which startled her.

"For luck," Mushy explained.

Sophie and Taylor turned to face one another. The room was filled with sexual tension. They looked at each other for a long moment. Taylor stared at the woman he loved. Even with a Rider Mask on she looked so beautiful, with her big, absolutely firm eggplant shaped breasts, her dark pubic bush, her flat belly and muscular legs. Sophie enjoyed staring at Taylor's big hairy chest which in moments would be rubbing against her, his strong arms and legs, and of course his penis, which was already hard and erect and waiting for her. She was so attracted to him!

They embraced and kissed passionately, as their riders inflated on their back. It was like they both had giant yellow-brown balloons attached to them. "Oh Michael I love you so much!" Sophie cried.

"I love you too, Sophie!" Taylor moved to ease her down on the bed on her back. He was so aroused by the sexually charged atmosphere that he wanted to skip foreplay entirely. But Susan grabbed his arm and said "No."

"No?" said Taylor. "Susan, the Hive demands I take Sophie again!"

"It's not the taking that's the problem," said Susan. "This time I think Sophie should be on top."

Taylor frowned. He had always taken the women while he was on top. "Why?"

Susan shrugged. "A change of pace. You've tried impregnating her that way and it didn't work. Maybe a different position would work better."

Taylor screaned her and quickly determined the truth of it. Susan wanted to see Sophie on top not because of "a change of pace" but because she wanted to see Sophie's breasts bouncing up and down! Susan was attracted to Sophie. It was hardly surprising, the way the two had been carrying on all week.

Taylor nodded and lay on his back gently, being careful not to injure his rider which he loved so much. Sophie got on top of him and mounted him. She took his penis in her hand and raised herself above it. Her orange crusted pussy lips were glistening with moisture. "For the Hive!" said Sophie, plunging herself down on top of him.​
Next page: Chapter 34.1
Previous page: Chapter 32