Chapter 34.1
When Taylor woke the following morning he smiled, his eyes still closed, and reached for Sophie's warm body. But she wasn't there. Taylor opened his eyes and looked startled. He got up and walked around, but he was alone in the cabin.
Had the Hive taken the girls back, now that they were all pregnant?
That was his first thought as he exited the cabin. But he screaned for them and sensed them in a nearby field. What he saw startled even him.
Sophie, Susan, and Mushy were standing in a triangle facing each other, all three completely nude. A beam of white light shot out of Mushy's Slave Mark, right above her cuntlips, striking Susan's Slave Mark. In turn a beam of energy shot out of Susan's Slave Mark hitting Sophie's, and a beam shot out from Sophie's Slave mark into Mushy, making the triangle complete.
The girls' eyes were wide open and they were each saying the same thing.
It was as if they were in a trance. All three girls were pregnant now. Susan was the farthest along with a green bulging belly which was growing larger every day. Mushy's bulge was smaller and just started to turn green, and Sophie's belly had just started to grow. Their legs were provocatively spread wide apart, showing off their thick pussy lips, or in Mushy's case her small tiny ones. Their nipples were erect and red and stiff and thick. Their eyes were rolled up into their heads, giving them a distinctly alien look.
And their hair--their hair was the most amazing thing. Their hair was standing straight up on the top of their heads! Even their pubic hair stood upwards! The hair on top of their heads stood straight up and waved back and forth, as if propelled by an unseen wind, as the energy beam lanced just above their fleshy cuntlips. It was as if raw, sexual energy was causing their glorious manes to dance with one another. Sophie's short dark hair waved back and forth. Mushy's black hair, which was longest, did an elaborate swan dance. And Susan's bright red hair sparkled in the twin suns of Sirius Minor.
Susan looked so sexy with her hair moving back and forth, her nipples prominently erect, her eyes rolled into her head and her bright red pubic triangle glistening in the morning sun. Her rider inflated and deflated rapidly on her back, as if it were absorbing or expending energy rapidly. "Momomomomomom!" Susan said, her eyes totally white, totally unseeing, her nude sexy body so stiff as as energy shot out from above her cuntlips into Sophie's cuntlips while a beam of pure sexual energy from Mushy pleasured her. At that moment Susan and the girls looked so aroused, so sexy, so controlled, that Taylor wanted to fuck all three of them.
And then, as if sensing his presence, the beams cut off and the girls collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.
"Oh, it's you, Michael," Susan said, wiping her forehead. "We... we were waiting for you to wake up."
"Good morning, sleepyhead," said Sophie, getting up and wiggling her hips as she walked up to him, and gave him a great big kiss. That started a predictable chain of events with all three sexy naked girls welcoming him to the new day.
"What were the three of you just doing?" Taylor asked.
Mushy shrugged. "Relaxing, I guess."
"You guess," said Taylor. He frowned. "Let's get dressed and have breakfast. It's time to return to the Hive."
"Is it?" Susan took him in her arms. "We're all pregnant now, aren't we?"
"Apparently so," said Taylor, staring down at her bulging green belly.
"Then what does it really matter if Hivelife gestates inside of us here... or in the Hive?" Susan asked.
"I think our masters want us to return to the Hive," said Taylor.
"Ask it," said Susan. "I don't think our masters care where we gestate, as long as we return to the Hive before it's time to give birth."
Taylor cocked his head and listened as his rider pulsated on his back. "You're right."
"I know my master," Susan grinned. She ran a hand over his big hairy chest playfully. "So what's your hurry to get back, Michael?"
What was the hurry indeed?
Taylor was having sex with the girls once more. But this time the act was bereft of the tension and urgency of the past week. It was all for fun and sexual enjoyment. Taylor made love to each of them in the meadow. He loved the feeling of the morning suns on his back as he pounded into them, one by one. As he saw their burgeoning bellies he felt so proud, so intensely proud of their past week's hard work which had created Hivelife in all of them.
They didn't feel pressured to have sex three or four times a day either. That left plenty of time to relax and flirt and just have fun. At one point Susan appeared, completely nude except for Taylor's dayshirt which she had tied around her shoulders, sprouting an old fashioned garden hose between her tightly clamped legs.
"Look at me, look at me!" she hollered in a deep voice. "I'm the brave, bold Survey Service Captain Michael Tiberius Taylor!"
"It looks like you've gotten pregnant, Captain Taylor," said Taylor, pointing out her green belly. Mushy and Sophie laughed.
Susan glared at him. "I'm here to impregnate you, to fill you with my seed! Who wants to be first to taste my massive man-cock inside of them?" Without waiting for an answer she grasped the handle on the garden hose between her leg and sprayed Sophie with water. Sophie gasped, giggling as Susan sprayed first her breasts and then aimed carefully between her dear friend's thighs.
"Susan, stop that!" Sophie giggled.
"Your wish is my command!" said Susan, in that same artificial deep voice. She turned to spray Mushy next. "Look how strong and steady my stream is!" she declared.
"Stop that!" Mushy laughed, fighting off the spray with her hands.
"One shot Taylor they call me!" Susan declared, making Sophie laugh. "Who is next? Oh yes!" She turned her hips and sprayed Taylor. The stream of water arced from between her legs and sprayed him in the face.
"Stop it!" Taylor cried, trying to deflect the water with his hands.
"Sorry, the Hive demands it!" Susan cried, as Mushy laughed hysterically.
"Why, you-" Taylor charged her. He kicked her feet apart, knocking the hose out of her tight vaginal grip.
"Hey!" Susan cried. She didn't have time to say any more as Taylor grabbed her and kissed her passionately.
"Ummmm," she said, her mood changing abruptly.
"You got me all wet," said Taylor accusingly.
"You always get me wet, darling."And she said it in such a sexy way that she could see Taylor's penis getting hard before her. One thing led to another and before long Mushy and Sophie were watching idly as Taylor took her right then and there.
Everyone thought Susan was very funny, except perhaps when the joke was on them. The following morning Taylor had sex with Susan and then intended to see to the other girls but first he wanted to recharge himself. He looked for the green organic charging box, but couldn't find it anywhere.
"Has anyone seen it?" he asked.
The girls all shook their heads, all except Susan, who merely smiled.
"Susan! What did you do with it?" Taylor asked.
"Me?" said Susan innocently. Her smile broadened.
"Susan, where did you put the recharger?" Sophie asked urgently. Watching Taylor have sex with her had only heightened her arousal.
"Well, let me see...." she tapped her foot, as if trying to remember. "Nope! Can't remember!"
"Maybe we can find ways to improve your recall," said Sophie grimly.
"Oh! No! No, no no!" Susan cried.
"Where is it? Where did you put it?" said Taylor.
"Nooooo!" Susan cried. She struggled to free her arms and legs but couldn't. She was lying on her back on the ground and Mushy held her arms while Susan held her legs. And Taylor was working between her legs. delicately polishing her clit. He had been working at it for some time now and Susan's clit was hard and stiff, like a small penis head.
"Just tell us where it is, Susan," said Taylor. "Tell us, and the torture will end."
"Noooo," Susan moaned, as Taylor stroked her aching clitoris again. He was careful to stay away from the ultrasensitive tip, just working around the clitoral hood, but with the Hiveflesh coating inside of her every touch was driving her mad.
"Michael, stop, noooooo," she begged him.
"She looks very sexy being touched like that," said Sophie. "She has the largest clitoris I've ever seen. It looks like a small penis head."
"I noticed that too," Taylor grinned. He stared at Susan's inflated clit head which was pink and stiff and engorged. She groaned again as he fondled it expertly with the gentlest of touches. "Ready to talk now, Susan?"
"Uh....." She looked indecisively.
"Tell us where it is, Susan or we'll edge you all afternoon!" Sophie cried. Something in Sophie's insistent tone made her resistance collapse.
"All right, all right!" Susan said. "I may have... put it in the attic."
"May have?" Sophie said. She nodded to Mushy. "Check the attic." Mushy ran off.
Susan stretched her arms, which were now free. "Don't believe me?"
"Let's just say we want to verify your assertion," said Sophie.
Mushy returned a moment later. "Got it!" she smiled, holding it above her.
"Oh good!" said Susan. "You can use it, Michael. But... can I get another turn, when you've done the others?"
"She doesn't deserve it," said Sophie darkly.
"Definitely not," said Mushy.
"We'll see," said Taylor, looking at the sweaty, gasping redhead and her puffy, dilated cuntlips which were full of arousal. He saw how stiff her little penis head clit was, and knew that she would need some relief before the afternoon was over....
The girls still competed for who he would have sex with first each day and who he would sleep with each night, but now it was done in a more playful way. One day they had a kissing contest, to convince Taylor to choose one of them.
"Pick me, Michael," said Mushy. "I'll give you a lovely night, darling." She kissed him strongly.
"I'm sure you will," Taylor grinned.
Susan was next. "You know you enjoy fucking me wild, Michael," she said confidently, between kisses.
"I surely do," Taylor agreed.
"Then pick me and we'll have a wild night together!" she said passionately.
And then came Sophie's turn. At first she said nothing, kissing him strongly, intensely, grinding her plush lips against his. Then she reached down and put his hand over her burgeoning belly, which had just turned green. "It's Hivelife, Michael." She looked into his eyes. "I'm carrying your baby. The Hive's baby." She stared at him with those sexy hazel eyes through her Rider Mask, those eyes full of love and secret vulnerability. Taylor's penis stiffened and he knew he had to have her.
Taylor had sex with Sophie that night in bed, but once again Sophie was on top, this time at her own insistence. Taylor hadn't had a pregnant woman make love to him since he had been with his lover Tessa Hetford. He remembered how the sexy redhead had bounced up and down on his penis while carrying the enormous bulge of his baby, of their baby inside of her. That had ended tragically when the Federationistas, deciding she was no longer useful, had ended her life, actually both the lives of Tessa and their unborn child.
As Sophie bounced up and down on his penis and her heavy belly also moved sympathetically, Taylor realized the same fate was in store for her. In all probability Sophie would give birth to an alien duplicate of herself, an alien duplicate which would in all likelihood replace her. Could Taylor love an alien copy of Sophie as much as Sophie?
Sophie, oblivious to her rapidly approaching fate, smiled broadly as her heavy breasts and bloated belly bounced up and down as she rode joyfully on his shaft. Taylor smiled up at her and said, "I love you so much!"
Her eyebrows arched upwards and she said, "I love you too!" and she rode him until they both enjoyed another sweet end.
Susan had another idea for how to play a joke with the alien penis recharging box, an idea that this time the other girls found more interesting. Mushy held Taylor's arms above him while Sophie sat on his chest, pinning him down with her big, well rounded ass, leaving Susan free to insert his penis into the alien recharging device.
Only Susan didn't keep the device in place for the customary 20 minutes.
"Susan, I don't need recharging," said Taylor.
"I know," Susan grinned.
"Then what are you doing?" Taylor asked.
Susan didn't answer.
Five minutes turned into ten minutes which turned into fifteen and then twenty minutes and then Taylor said, "All right, I'm more than ready now."
"But we're not," Susan grinned.
"Susan, what are you doing?" Taylor asked.
"You'll see," she grinned again.
Twenty minutes became thirty minutes and Taylor started to groan with sexual tension. "Take it off, please!" he cried.
"Not yet," said Susan.
"When, then?"
"Not yet," She repeated.
And then thirty minutes slowly became forty minutes and Taylor moaned with agony. "It hurts, it hurts!" he cried.
Susan immediately removed the device and the girls promptly released him. Taylor gasped as he was suddenly freed. His penis was hard, painfully hard, and he felt like he could explode with the slightest touch. He slowly got to his feet.
"What was this all about?" he asked.
"We all have a certain... curiosity....." Susan said, staring at his enormous erection while the other girls giggled.
"Curiosity about what?" Taylor asked.
"About how far you can go," said Susan. Mushy tried and failed to stifle another giggle.
"How far?"
"You see those stick we shoved into the ground?" Susan pointed. "The first one is five feet away. The second is ten feet, the third is fifteen feet, and the fourth is twenty feet away. We want you to climax and shoot as far as you can. We've all placed bets on how far you can shoot."
"You have?" said Taylor. "Who bet what?"
"Well, let me see," said Susan, stroking his arm while giving him a sexy smile. "Mushy predicted you'd reach the twelve foot mark, about midway between the second and third sticks. I predicted you'd reach the 15 foot mark, right at the distance of the third stick."
"And Sophie?" Taylor turned to his other lover.
"Sophie had a much more unrealistic view," said Susan.
"I prefer to call it a more optimistic one," said Sophie. "I think you can reach twenty feet, Michael."
"Twenty feet?" His eyebrows shot up. "There's no way I can shoot that far, Sophie!"
"What a disappointment that would be to Astor," said Susan, giving him sexy eyes as she continued to rub his arm playfully.
"Why? What does the winner get?" Taylor asked.
"What do you think?" Susan grinned at him in such a sexy way!
Taylor turned and faced the polls. He started to stroke his painfully erect penis. He knew he wouldn't last long.
"Make sure you point upwards more than outwards," said Sophie. "The upwards arc will help you cover more ground."
"I think I've been doing this long enough to know," said Taylor, as Mushy and Susan laughed.
He stroked himself as the girls watched. He felt the morning suns on his back and a cool morning breeze which felt delightful. He looked at Mushy with her big green belly and realized what a delight it would be to fuck her again. Or perhaps Susan with her bright red hair and quick wit. Or maybe Sophie, with her big breasts and even bigger green belly. This was a contest he couldn't lose.
But as he stroked himself he found himself staring at Sophie, at the intense look of lust and desire in her beautiful hazel eyes behind her Rider Mask. He stroked himself, groaning as he matched gazes with her and realized that it was Sophie above all he wanted to fuck. Then he cried out as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis, sailing in an enormous arch through the air, landing in the field. Taylor felt so strong, so manly, so masculine as he performed for the girls, as sperm shot out of his enormous erection and sailed through the air. The girls expression of excitement and arousal only served to excite him further.
Mushy, who had strategically been positioned around the 15 foot mark, watched it come down.
"Where did it land?" Susan asked anxiously.
"Somewhere between the 15 foot and 20 foot market," said Mushy.
"Somewhere?" Susan snapped. "Was it closer to the 15 foot marker, or the twenty foot marker."
"Let me see. It came down right about... here." Mushy looked at the two markers she was sandwiched between as the refreshing breeze enveloped her body and made her long dark hair flow. "It's closer to the 20 foot mark, I think...."
"You think?"
"It is... definitely," said Mushy, her voice firming up.
Sophie stood face to face with Taylor. "You are such a disappointment. I expected you to reach twenty feet." She kissed him strongly, grinding her heavy breasts and pubis against him. "But I'll take you anyway, disappointing man."
Taylor grinned as she took him by the hand and led him back to the cabin. Behind him, Susan frowned crossly.
Susan had a head start on Mushy and Sophie but it wasn't long before all three girls had big, bulging green bellies. And each day they grew even larger. It wasn't long before all three girls walked around wearing nothing but bras and panties, proudly showing off the Hivelife growing inside of them. None of them had a shred of doubt about the rightness of what they were doing. None regretted having their uteruses hijacked to be used to create alien life. On the contrary, they felt it was the most important, most noblest thing they had ever done.
Susan and Sophie sat on the beach by the river while Taylor and Mushy took a walk together. He tried to spend time alone with each girl every day, which they all appreciated.
"It's so nice, so peaceful here," said Mushy, walking gingerly because of her burgeoning belly.
"It is," Taylor agreed. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining, and birds were singing. A v shaped flight of riders flew in formation above them, momentarily casting a shadow as it passed over them.
"Remember the time you took me here to calm me down and make love to me? I think this was the very spot," said Mushy.
"Yep. That stream looks familiar to me," said Taylor.
"Is that the only thing which looks familiar to you, Michael?" And then she was in his arms and they were kissing.
"Ummmm," Mushy said when she had opened her eyes again. "So good! The funny thing is, I remember it al! I remember being here, being filled with doubts until you calmed me down and made love to me. But I no longer remember what my doubts were, or why I resisted getting impregnated. Isn't that odd?" she asked, rubbing a hand over her enormous green belly.
"Very odd," Taylor agreed, holding her lovingly.
"But... it's all going to be all right, isn't it?" Mushy asked, as if a shred of doubt remained. "I mean, I'm incubating Hivelife, aren't I? Isn't that the highest service I can perform for the Hive?"
"The highest," Taylor agreed. And then they were kissing again, and Taylor gently lowered her to the ground....
Sophie and Susan were sitting on the beach. Both had bulging green bellies, though Susan's was larger, since she got pregnant two days earlier.
"I never thought we'd be sitting like this," said Susan. "Both of us pregnant... by the same man!" she stroked her green belly. "I hope it's a boy. I hope it's handsome like Michael."
"I know. I do too," said Sophie, rubbing her own belly slowly. She felt the warmth of Hivelife growing inside her. "But... if yours is a girl, I hope it looks like you."
"Do you really, Astor?" said Susan. She leaned her head closer to Sophie in a telltale way.
"I really do," said Sophie, leaning her head towards Susan. She saw how red and thick Susan's lips looked.
"A baby which looked like you would be really cute too," said Susan, in a low voice.
"You think so?" said Sophie.
"I know so," said Susan. And then she made the connection, pressing her lips against Sophie's.
"Oh Susan!" Sophie moaned as they kissed.
"I feel the same way," said Susan, with a dreamy smile. "Do you think the Hive will let us raise our children together?"
"Oh, I hope so! That would be great!" said Sophie.
"It would give us a chance to grow closer," said Susan.
"You don't think we've done that already?" Sophie asked cynically.
"I don't know, Astor. What do you think?" said Susan, in a cocky way which excited Sophie.
Sophie responded by kissing her again.
"Ummmm. Ummmmm!" said Susan. She reached out and grasped Sophie's hand. "Maybe you're right, Astor. Maybe we will grow closer together. Much closer!"
The two women with enormous green bellies sat on the beach, holding hands, basking in the warmth of each others' smiles.
"Good morning, Honey," said Taylor the following morning, waking up with Sophie in his arms.
"Good morning, dear," said Sophie sweetly. "Would you like to shower first?"
"Sure," said Taylor.
He yawned and stretched lazily and made his way to the shower. He had turned on the water and was starting to lather himself up when Mushy darted into the shower cubicle with him.
"Mushy! This shower is taken!" said Taylor.
"I know it is," she said. "By the both of us!" She kissed him strongly.
"What's gotten into you?" Taylor asked.
"You have to ask?" she looked downwards at her enormous green belly. "It's driving me crazy! Alien hormones, I suppose." She kissed him again. "I can't get enough of you, Michael!" She started to jerk him with her hand as they kissed, and before long he was hard. She turned around and bent over, leaning against the shower wall. "Now put it in me!"
"Mushy, can't we wait until after breakfast-"
"No! I want you inside me NOW!" the flat chested Asian science officer insisted.
Taylor fumbled with his penis. The shower stall was small. "Mushy, I don't think there's enough space... I don't have the right angle of entry...."
"Fortunately for the both of us, I have just the perfect angle of entry," said Mushy, reaching behind her to grab his penis. Then she pulled him forward even as she sank backwards.
"Mushy? What are you doing? That's the wrong entrance!" said Taylor.
"Wrong for you, perhaps. But right for me!" said Mushy. She gasped as she was entered in a much smaller, tighter space.
Taylor abruptly pulled out.
"Put it back in, Michael!" said Mushy sharply.
"Mushy, are you sure-"
"Of course I'm sure! Do it!" she ordered him.
Taylor sighed and moved forward again. And then, somehow, he found himself making love to Mushy's ass.
"Oooooh," Mushy groaned.
"Does it hurt?" Taylor asked anxiously.
"A bit. But it also feels good," said Mushy. "Nils took me this way, to help my rider mature."
"I remember," said Taylor. "You didn't seem to like it then." His penis, covered in brown streaks, moved in and out of Mushy's tight Asian asshole.
"There was a lot of things I didn't like then," Mushy grinned, as if it were a million years ago. "I was a silly goose back then. But I've outgrown it!"" She arched her flat ass against his raging cock. "Keep putting it in me, Michael! Go on, Honey, push it, really push it!"
Taylor grunted as he thrusted between Mushy's ass cheeks. Mushy cried out once more. The noise must have carried because Sophie entered the bathroom. "What's going on here?"
"Can't you tell?" Mushy grinned.
"Couldn't you wait until-" Sophie broke off as she looked more closely. She saw the excrement on Taylor's penis. "Michael, what are you doing?"
"What I asked him to," Mushy said, looking very satisfied. "Oh yes, Michael! I'm getting closer! I'm almost there, Honey!"
"Mushy, how could you?" said Sophie, as she started to rub her own cunt lips.
"How could I not?" Mushy countered, as Taylor's long penis moved in and out between her ass cheeks.
Mushy gasped and moaned again. As Taylor brought Mushy to orgasm, Sophie somehow became part of the process. She was already so aroused by her pregnancy. Alien hormones flooded her bloodstream. The sight of Mushy in sexual ecstasy as Taylor shoved his long rod in and out of her ass crack only added fuel to the fire. Soon Mushy wasn't the only one moaning as Sophie shamelessly rubbed her clit in front of them.
"Oh! I'm coming, Michael, I'm coming!" Mushy cried. She stiffened and cried out, even as her rider inflated on her back. She gasped as her face flushed red. "Ooooooh," she gasped, breathing in and out rapidly.
And then it was done. Taylor pulled his own still erect penis out of her. For some reason, his master hadn't let him climax. He soon found out why.
"That was amazing," Mushy breathed. She turned around and kissed him strongly. "Thank you, lover."
"You're welcome," Taylor grinned. They looked into each other's eyes and the bond between them grew stronger.
And then Sophie was somehow in between them and was kissing him.
"Sophie!" said Taylor. "I was just-"
"I know what you were just doing," said Sophie. "And now I want you to do the same for me!"
"What?" said Taylor.
"I want you to take me in the ass, Michael," she said, with a determined look in her eye.
Sophie washed Taylor's penis in the shower before she brought him back to the bedroom. She showed no reluctance in wiping Mushy's excrement off of his cock with her bare hands. She did it quickly and efficiently, washing her hands thoroughly after she was done. Then she took him by the hand and brought him back to the bedroom.
"There's more room here," Sophie explained. She got on the bed and got down on her hands and knees, facing away from him. In that position her heavy breasts pointed straight downwards. Her pregnancy also became much more prominent. As Taylor looked at the enormous bulge inside of Sophie hanging downwards he thought I did that! and felt a surge of pride.
"What are you waiting for?" she snapped.
"Do you really want this, Sophie?" Taylor asked.
"More than anything," she assured him, looking back at him as she was bent over so submissively on her hands and knees.
Taylor moved forward and put his hands on Sophie's ass. This was no flat ass like Mushy's. As Susan had remarked on more than one occasion, Sophie had a very nice well rounded ass. Taylor smiled as he squeezed her rich ass cheeks and then spread them open, widening Sophie's ass crack and revealing her small, tight asshole. He couldn't believe that Sophie was asking him to do this. The alien hormones circulating in her body must be driving her wild. The calm, self-controlled, conservative Sophie he once knew would never want to be fucked in the ass.
But Sophie had become something else, someone else.
Taylor slowly moved forward, inserting the bulbous Hiveflesh coated head of his penis inside of her asshole. He stopped when he saw/felt Sophie gasp. "Should I stop?"
"No! Keep going!" She insisted.
Taylor moved forward another inch, and then another. Sophie gasped again. "Just a minute! Just a minute!" she cried.
Taylor paused, his penis half inserted and half outside of Sophie's asshole. His green tracking gem dangled from its chain connected to the bottom of his scrotum, which was once again flesh colored since he no longer needed to fill the girls with Hivesperm. Sophie had an identical green gem hanging from between her legs which was attached to her vulva.
Sophie took a deep breath as her rider pulsated on her back. "All right, Michael. Put the rest of it in."
"Are you sure?"
She took another deep breath, bracing herself. Her rider inflated on her back. "I'm sure."
Taylor nodded and moved into Sophie the last few inches until his pubic hair was flush with her ass crack. Tight, she was so tight! Sophie's eyes went wide behind her rider mask and she cried out.
"Am I hurting you?" Taylor asked, with real concern.
"Just a minute!" Sophie cried, biting her lip behind her Rider Mask. "It's stretching me... Michael, start moving in and out, but slowly, very very slowly!"
Taylor complied, pulling out an inch or two before reversing course, going back and forth, back and forth.
"Ah... ah... ah...... I'm stretching more now!" said Sophie, breathing heavily. "It's starting to feel good. Real good." Sophie gave a content smile.
"I'm so glad," said Taylor, as he rodded his dear, dear lover's asshole. As he moved in and out of Sophie's anus, he saw brown streaks on his penis. He was being coated with Sophie's excrement. He would have to shower again afterwards. This was so foul! As he started to move in and out more rapidly, Sophie's heavy ass cheeks jiggled in a very exciting way. Her breasts, which were hanging down underneath her, started to move back and forth with every thrust as well. The motion of her body started to excite Taylor, and his penis tightened up. He sensed his master was preparing him to climax. He could feel its tendrils moving from his back through his body into his penis teasing, caressing, stimulating him.
"Oh Michael, this feels sooooo good!" Sophie said, with a blissful smile.
"I know it does!" said Taylor, moving athletically behind her as sweat beaded on his hairy chest. The sight of Sophie on her hands and knees so submissively, taking everything he put into her, excited him tremendously. "Sophie, my master is going to let me come this time!"
"Oh yes, Michael! Come at the same time as me! Fill me with your seed!" she cried.
Taylor pounded into her ass more and more quickly. His penis stiffened as he moved between those well rounded ass cheeks he loved so much. He could feel it about to happen. "Sophie, I love you so much!"
"I love to you too, Michael!"
Taylor gasped and flooded inside of her as he felt his penis erupting. As he did so Sophie's rider caused her to climax, and her body shook and shuddered as her anus was filled with his sticky seed. She gasped as he slowly pulled out, his penis coated in brown, smelly waste products.
Sophie turned around, and, still panting heavily, gave him a passionate kiss. "That was incredible," she breathed. "Ever since I got pregnant, I can't get enough of you." Hazel eyes looked into blue ones.
"I can never get enough of you, Sophie," said Taylor.
Sophie smiled and looked down at his rancid stinking penis. "Let's get you cleaned up before breakfast!"