Chapter 34.2
Susan had another idea. Susan was always full of ideas. She had turned the already appealing idea of being impregnated with alien offspring into the best vacation any of them had ever had, a vacation none of them would ever forget for the rest of their lives.
Susan's latest idea was that they play Diversity Volleyball. There was a net set up not far from the cabin on grey sands. They walked over to the court and saw the half black, half white volleyball net and the equally half black, half white ball sitting there, waiting to be used.
"You want us to play volleyball... when we're like this?" Mushy asked, putting her hand over her enormous green belly.
"Why not?" said Susan.
"Why not?" Mushy repeated, stroking her belly.
"I'm larger than all of you," said Susan. It was true. She had gotten pregnant two days before the other girls and her green belly was bigger than both Mushy's and Sophie's. "What's the matter, afraid we'd beat you?"
"In your dreams," said Mushy. She and Taylor went to one side of the net, and Susan and Sophie went to the other.
And then they started to play.
Mushy was right. The girls were hardly in top form. They had just gotten pregnant a few days ago but already they had enormous bellies as if they were deep in their second trimester of a regular human pregnancy. It was comical watching the girls attempt to run for the ball or jump in the air to intercept it with their heavy bellies... as Susan no doubt intended. She herself laughed when she tried to jump up to intercept a ball flying over her head only to stumble and barely manage to avoid tipping over.
Taylor was enjoying the show too. He loved watching the girls' bloated bellies bounce with Hivelife as they attempted to run or jump to intercept the ball. Every time he saw Sophie's belly bounce, or Susan's belly thrust outwards, he felt a tingling and a tightness in his penis. I did that, he thought again. I put that in all of them!
Incredibly, even though Taylor was able bodied, he and Mushy ended up losing their first game to Susan and Sophie. Even though the girls were slower than he was they were much more well coordinated with each other than he and Mushy were. Taylor got the sense that Mushy had never played much Diversity Volleyball in her youth and was struggling just to make contact with the ball.
Finally after they they had lost two games they switched teams. Taylor acquired Sophie and Mushy went over to Susan's team. Suddenly Taylor's team did remarkably better. When he finally got over how sexy the girls looked with their bouncing bellies and bobbing breasts he realized he could screan where the ball was about to go a few seconds in advance, so he could almost always intercept it. Sophie couldn't screan but she was a Passive Observer, and by watching the eye and arm movements of Susan and Mushy she began to predict where the ball would go as well.
Before long they were operating like a well oiled machine. Susan hit the ball over and Taylor intercepted it, hitting it back in the far corner behind Mushy, just inside-of bounds where it landed on the black half of the ball.
"Score!" said Taylor.
Sophie scored the next point, hitting the ball so it landed just between Susan and Mushy. The two of them were not well coordinated and they both stumbled into each other, making everyone laugh.
"All right, Astor!" Susan declared, after she had been reassured that Mushy was uninjured and given her a quick kiss. "It's your turn now!"
"Bring it on, Reddie!" said Sophie.
Susan hit the ball and Sophie watched it fly over her head, going out of bounds.
"Score!" said Sophie. She half ran, half waddled to the ball and struggled to bend down to pick it up with her enormous belly. Then she hit it back. Susan responded promptly, and the ball came back to Sophie, who did absolutely nothing as it landed right by her feet... on the white half of the ball.
"Score!" said Sophie.
In Diversity Volleyball, a team could only score if the ball landed on its black side, not its white side, because black points always mattered, and white points never did.
Taylor and the girls laughed with glee as they scored points, or lost points, had hysterical losses, hysterical victories, and generally just had a good time. When Taylor and Sophie had won their third game in the row Susan gasped, "All right, we're whipped!"
"You're not whipped until I say you're whipped!" said Sophie. She crossed under the net and took Susan in her arms and kissed her and held her in her arms, just admiring her. "You were an incredible opponent!"
"You weren't so bad yourself," said Susan appreciatively. She reached down and stroked Sophie's enormous big belly. "How did you get this?"
"I don't know," Sophie grinned. She stroked Susan's green belly. "Who put this into you?"
"It was so dark I couldn't see much," said Susan, wrapping a hand around Sophie's waist. "But it was something big, very big! It looked like some kind of enormous cock monster."
"A cock monster? Maybe we should hunt it down!" said Sophie. She approached Taylor, who was looking very amused. "Grab him, Mushy!"
Mushy grabbed his hands and pinned them from behind with her dainty hands.
"Did you do that, Taylor?" she asked him, pointing at Susan's belly.
"I might have," Taylor admitted.
"And this?" she asked, pointing at her own green belly.
"I don't remember. I'm a fertilization drone. There were so many girls, so many nights," said Taylor.
"So many girls? So many nights?" Sophie pretended to be outraged. "Maybe I can help stimulate your recollection!" Sophie grabbed him even as his arms were still pinned and gave him a strong, passionate kiss. Suddenly Taylor's arms were freed and he wrapped them around her and kissed her back, just as strongly. As he felt her big belly pressed against him Taylor's penis started to become hard. "I love you so much," he said. "All of you girls."
"And we love you too!" said Susan gleefully.
That night, Mushy slept with Taylor. Before they went to sleep, however, Mushy brought him a large glass filled with liquid. "Drink," she said.
"What is it?" Taylor asked.
"Just water," she said.
"Just drink," she said.
Taylor shrugged and drained the glass. Then Mushy took it from him and collapsed in his arm with a happy smile.
Taylor woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But when he got there he felt a tap on his back and turned around to see Mushy grinning at him.
"Mushy, I've got to-"
"I know," she said. "Why do you think I'm here?" She pulled him into the shower, took off her nightgown and threw it away, and then got down on her knees in front of him.
Taylor got an uncomfortable feeling. "China Doll... what is it you want of me?"
"I think you know," she grinned at him.
"You... you hated me for it the longest time the first time I did it to you," said Taylor. "Are you now telling me that you actually want me to...." his voice trailed off.
"Yes, Michael." She stared up at him with dark adoring eyes. "I want you to pee on me."
"Why?" said Taylor.
Mushy took his hand and put it over her enormous belly. "It's getting big now, really big! I can feel it moving inside of me. It's driving me wild, Michael! I don't know if it's alien hormones, or the feeling of life inside of me, Hivelife, but my sex drive has pretty much doubled ever since you knocked me up." She looked at him with burning intensity. "I thought when you fucked me in the ass it would douse the flames for a while. And it did, but the flames keep coming back, Michael! I need more, Michael! I need you to do every kind of kinky thing you can to me! So shut up and pee on me, Michael! Pee on me with that enormous cock of yours which dominates my every waking thought every fucking day!"
Mushy's intense raw lust excited Taylor in a terrible way. He gulped and shuddered and found himself with the intense urge to please the nude, subservient Asian woman. He bit his lip and bore down. Urine started to come out of the tip of his penis.
"Yes!" Mushy cried, grabbing his penis and aiming it where she wanted. Sticky, hot yellow liquid sprayed on Mushy's small, limp breasts. Little trickles of yellow liquid started to flow down her belly, into her pubic hair, into her vulva. Mushy smiled as her tits and her labia were bathed in Taylor's bodily fluids. Then she tilted his penis upwards.
"Nooooo!" Taylor cried. He wasn't enjoying this at all now, but once he had started it was too painful to stop. He watched helplessly as his urine stream splattered all over Mushy's face.
Only this time Mushy wasn't recoiling in horror as she had the first time when Taylor had been forced to urinate on her face as a punishment for resisting her rider. Now for Mushy it was no longer a punishment but a reward. Her rider had stoked her sexuality to such extreme heights that she needed more and more sexual stimulation to keep herself sane, just as Sophie and Susan did. Taylor's eyes widened as Mushy actually opened her mouth while he relieved himself on her face.
"No, Mushy!" he cried. But her grip on his penis was firm and unyielding. Taylor wanted desperately to stop but he couldn't; his rider saw to that. It wanted this to happen as well, and there was nothing he could do but watch as Mushy knelt before him, her mouth wide open, as a stream of liquid flowed out of the tip of his penis right into the enormous gap between her slender lips onto her pink tongue. Mushy appeared to smile at his horrifying reaction as his urine filled her mouth with wetness. It almost was as if Taylor was the one being violated rather than her!
When it was done and his stream had been reduced to drips, Taylor's eyes widened again as Mushy swallowed and rubbed her enormous belly. "Good for the baby," she grinned. She patted his cheek. "You did so well." She stared at him for a long moment, feeling that a new barrier had just been breached and something tremendous had been acccomplished. "We don't have to tell the other girls about this."
"I'd prefer if we didn't!" said Taylor.
She patted his arm. "Why don't you get back to bed while I wash up? I'll join you shortly."
The following morning Mushy seemed back to her normal self, chatting and smiling with the other girls, but the memory of what they had done the previous night still haunted Taylor. She caught him staring at her more than once and she gave him a sly, sexy grin, even mocking him by rubbing and licking her lips and looking immensely pleased with herself.
What had she become? What had they all become?
After breakfast Susan, who usually planned the activities for the day, suggested they go for a little walk. In the nude.
"The nude?" said Taylor.
"Afraid I'll see something I haven't before?" she smiled at him. "Don't worry, you can wear shoes. We all will."
What Susan didn't tell him was that her idea of a little walk was to climb the nearest mountain. It wasn't huge, as mountains go, perhaps a little over two thousand feet, but all three girls were heavily pregnant and groaning during the uphill trek.
"What's wrong, Sophie? Never climbed a mountain before?" said Susan.
"Not while I was carrying thirty extra pounds in my belly," Sophie groaned.
"Oh, that can't be more than twenty pounds, max," Susan grinned. "How are you holding up, Mushy?"
"Fine," said Mushy, gasping as she grabbed her stomach. "I drank some power juice last night which gives me energy." She winked at Taylor's obvious discomfort.
"Power juice? Sounds interesting. I'd like to try some," said Susan.
"Remind me when we get back to the cabin and I'll show you where you can find some," said Mushy, enjoying Taylor's pained look.
It was a beautiful spring day, with a nice refreshing breeze. As they walked Taylor couldn't help but admire the women's bodies. They were all heavily engorged now with whatever the Hive and Taylor had put inside of them. Even though they were producing Hivelife which would eventually displace humanity, Taylor still felt a sense of awe and pride as he stared at Sophie's heavy belly. It was so big and round! He felt so strong, so manly, so powerful to have been able to do that to her! Sophie caught him staring at her belly and smiled shyly at him from behind her Rider Mask. He smiled back at her, staring at her heavy tits and big ass and wondering when he would get to fuck her once more.
Finally they got close to the top. Someone had created a gentle winding path which led upwards and they were almost at the peak.
"We're almost there!" said Susan excitedly. "Race you to the peak, girls?"
"Are you joking? We're in no shape to run!" said Sophie, indicating her enormous green belly.
"Speak for yourself, Astor! The first one to the top gets Michael! Ready... set... go!"
Susan started to sprint. At least, it was an imitation of a sprint. Since she was farther along than the other girls her belly was the heaviest. Still, she tried to walk faster, waddling almost comically like a penguin.
Mushy followed and then Sophie, despite herself, joined in too. Taylor had to stifle a laugh as he watched the girls doing a fast-walking race competition, trash talking to each other and yelling good naturedly insults as they very slowly ran to the top.
"Can't keep up, Astor? Maybe I should have raced a turtle!" said Susan, panting heavily. "What's wrong? I have the biggest belly!"
"But I have the biggest breasts!" Sophie gasped. It was true. Her heavy tits were flopping around as much as her belly, much to Taylor's delight.
Mushy took a slight lead until Susan tickled her back and she nearly stumbled.
"Careful, Honey!" Susan cackled.
Then Sophie, who was right behind Susan, tickled her back.
"No fair, Astor!" Susan cried, tickling her rib cage and also her tits.
The girls laughed and cackled all the way to the top. Then they collapsed in a heap on a nice soft mound of grass. Taylor, who had been keeping pace with them and to enjoy the view, joined them.
They lay there and looked upat the sky. "Did anyone see who finished first?" Mushy asked.
"I was too busy tickling Astor!" Susan complained. "Sophie?"
"I was too busy being tickled by you!" said Sophie. The girls laughed and rubbed each others' arms.
"These clouds are amazing," said Mushy. They all lay on their backs and stared at them for a long time.
"That one looks like a dragon," said Mushy.
"How do you know? You've never seen a dragon," said Susan.
"It's... what I imagine a dragon would look like. It meets all my dragon expectations," said Mushy. "See? That's the tail, and that's the head."
"A big head," said Sophie, and Susan laughed.
"That one looks like a boot," said Susan, pointing.
"More like a shoe than a boot," said Sophie.
"A short boot," said Susan.
"That one looks like a breast control collar," said Mushy.
"What? Where?" Susan asked.
"Over there." Mushy pointed. "See the cups?"
"Yeah, I see it. That's a big one. Almost big enough for Astor's heavy tits, I think."
"Are you jealous of my breasts? Because you might just as well come out and say it," said Sophie.
"Yes, Astor," said Susan. "I'm jealous of your beautiful tits. I want implants like yours!"
"Susan, you're beautiful the way you are!" said Sophie. "You don't need them!"
"Ohhhh. You're so sweet, Astor!" said Susan, staring into Sophie's eyes. Sophie stared back. Something passed between them, at that moment.
"Look! That one's a penis!" said Mushy excitedly.
"Michael's penis?" Susan asked. "That's the only one I'm interested in."
"It's too small to be Michael's penis," said Sophie. "It can't be more than a half mile long."
The girls cackled and laughed again.
As for Taylor, he didn't say a word. He just enjoyed lying there with the sexy girls he had impregnated. He loved watching them argue and flirt with each other. He found not just their bodies but also their personalities so attractive, so playful. In some ways the Hive had brought out the best in them, especially Sophie. Taylor had loved Sophie the way she had been before she joined the Hive, but he had to admit there was something appealing about the new Sophie, who slowly was becoming more and more playful like Susan. As he lay there he realized this had been the most enjoyable time he had had in a long time. Perhaps in his entire life!
And then Taylor felt his master pulsating on his back, and words appeared in his head.
"My master is very pleased with us. We have reproduced and been fruitful," he said, as he felt the heat of the twin suns of Sirius Minor bathing his body.
"My master is pleased with me too," said Susan, rubbing her belly with a grin. "All our masters are."
"We are incubating Hivelife inside our bodies. Soon we will give birth to a new generation," said Sophie, rubbing her cuntlips fondly with a smile.
"A new generation which will enslave mankind," said Mushy, rubbing her own vulva just as Sophie was.
"Yesssss," Sophie hissed, looking terribly, terribly pleased as Hiveflesh pulsated on her Rider Mask.
"Our masters are pleased with us," Taylor agreed. "But I sense they want us to return to the Hive now."
"No!" Susan sat up abruptly. "Not so soon!"
"Susan, we've been here almost two weeks," said Taylor. "My master says you are all going to give birth soon, especially you who I knocked up first. They want you all to give birth in the Hive, where your needs can better be attended to."
"When do they want us to go back?" Susan asked.
"Right after lunch," said Taylor.
"No!" Susan said again. She spoke into the air, as her rider pulsated on her back. "Please, master, at least give us the rest of the day! We have done everything you asked, everything! I am carrying the Hivelife you planted inside me! All of us are! Please, reward your humble slaves with just a few hours more...."
She felt silent as she cocked her head and listened. They could all see her master inflating on her back, forming a giant yellow-brown balloon. It would be up to her rider to decide. They were merely slaves who would have to obey.
To their great relief Susan slowly nodded and grinned.
"What did it say?" Sophie asked.
"Yes! We can have the rest of the day, as long as we head back first thing in the morning."
"Susan, you're incredible!" Sophie grabbed her and kissed her hard.
Susan gave her a sultry look. "You're not too bad yourself, Astor."