Chapter 36.1
Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor, Lieutenant Commander Susan Cleary, Lieutenant Mushy Takorama, and Special Ambassador Sophie Astor stood in a line in front of the Hive Mind. They were totally nude. Three sets of breasts and vaginas and one penis stood before the Hive Mind, ready for inspection, ready for new orders, ready to be modified or used however the Hive Mind wanted. Each slave had a rider on their back, all of them (with the exception of Mushy's) being double banded with big, thick "v" shaped knuckle bones which grabbed their backs possessively.
Joanna smiled as she watched them being examined. Before they had been brave, bold Survey Service officers. But now they were nothing more than raw material, tools of reproduction willing and eager to have their systems of reproduction hijacked and used for the purposes of the Hive. Sophie, Susan and Mushy stood there proudly with their big, green bellies as warm white lights shot out from the Hive Mind and probed their heavily pregnant bodies.
"Momomomomomomomom," they heard.
"What is it saying?" Taylor asked.
"Our master is pleased," said Joanna, staring at the line of pregnant women. "You have done well, Taylor. You have inseminated the females exactly as you were ordered to."
"Well, maybe not exactly," said her 18 year old daughter Julie, who stood by her Mom's side. "When you didn't come back after the first week, we kind of wondered where you were."
"But we didn't have to guess because of your tracking gem," said Joanna. Her gaze went down to the green crystal hanging from a chain from Taylor's scrotum. "It told us where you were, as well as other things."
"Other things?"
"Let's just say that we knew you were being fruitful and expanding the Hive," Joanna grinned.
"I am pleased to have served," said Taylor, as he felt Joanna's hungry eyes looking at his penis and hairy balls.
"I'm sure you are. And you will continue to," said Joanna approvingly.
The beams of white light cut off and the girls gasped.
"What happened?" Sophie said, reeling on her feet.
"You have been examined by the Hive Mind," said Joanna. "Our master is most pleased with the Hivelife growing inside you."
"I'm so glad!" said Sophie.
"Is our master pleased with all of us?" Mushy asked.
"Of course!" said Joanna, as Mushy gave a wide grin. "Now I want you to follow this Harem Guard to the Incubation Chamber. There you will stay until you give birth."
"What about Michael?" said Susan.
"He has other duties to attend to," said Joanna smoothly. "Don't worry girls, you'll see him again soon."
The girls gave Taylor longing glances as they were led away.
"They really are quite fond of you," said Joanna. "The idea of this so-called vacation was Susan's idea, but we encouraged it once we learned of it. It may be a suitable sweetener to encourage other couples to copulate more productively."
"I'm glad," said Taylor.
"Yes, I'm sure you are," said Joanna, staring into his eyes as if sensing something else from him. "But now you have new duties to attend to."
"New duties?"
"Julie will show you."
Taylor was taken to a room full of women.
"Hello Captain," They said as one in a musical tone.
Taylor looked questioningly at Julie. "What am I to do here?"
"Not much. Really, not very much," said Julie. "Just more of the same."
"The same?"
"The Hivemind scanned the fetuses inside the females you impregnated and was so impressed that it wants you to go into mass production mode."
"Mass production mode?"
"You will start by impregnating these women," said Julie.
Taylor looked around him. There must be at least two dozen women there. "How?" he said.
"We'll give you a recharging device," said Julie. "It will be just like before, only a bit more... intense." She kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck, Captain." She turned and left, supremely confident that the Hive's orders would be obeyed.
Taylor was surprised that some of the women he was assigned to impregnate were not colonists but crewwomen he knew, from the Immortal. And the first one in line was his former first officer, Chloe Fema!
"Michael, so good to see you!" she said, flowing into his arms. Chloe wore a Rider Mask like Sophie did, though Chloe's rider was larger, much larger, with three golden bands on it. Somehow the Rider Mask which looked attractive on Sophie's face looked absolutely repugnant on Chloe's, though Taylor didn't quite know why.
"I hear you've been a productive little fertilization drone," she smirked, cupping his balls.
"Yes," said Taylor reluctantly.
"Now it's time for you to do more work to expand the Hive." She stared at him through her pulsating Rider Mask. "Does that please you?"
"Of course," said Taylor.
"Of course," said Chloe, staring into his eyes and trying to decide if he really meant it. "Then you'll also like this."
Taylor cried out as he felt his testicles burning. Chloe had applied a black patch to them. She smiled as the rubbery patch slowly melted into his testicle sack. When it was done his testicles were once again jet black.
"And now you're ready," she declared.
Taylor and Chloe made love. Only unlike what he had been made to do with Mushy, Susan, and Sophie, Taylor didn't think of it as making love. They were just having sex. There were no feelings attached to it. Even Mushy, who Taylor was not in love with, was more enjoyable to have than his former first officer.
"I gave myself to the Hive freely, did you know that?" Chloe asked.
"I knew that," said Taylor, as he thrust between her legs. He willed his penis to stiffen even more so he could get this over with as quickly as possible.
"I was the one who brought Sophie in. And she was the one who brought you in. So in a way you have me to thank for this."
"I know," said Taylor, thrusting harder now.
"So do it."
"Do it?"
"Thank me?" She grinned, looking delighted behind her pulsating Rider Mask.
"Thank you, Chloe," said Taylor, between gritted teeth.
"For what?"
"For bringing us into the Hive," said Taylor. He felt his rider flip a switch in his mind and he gasped as he flooded into her. He was grateful for the release.
Taylor had sex with three colonists he didn't know, two of them quite attractive, a blonde and a brunette. They were both married, but that didn't matter, as the Hive had assigned them new purposes in life. He used the recharging device after every two women he used. The women all sat there patiently, watching him recharge for twenty minutes or so, before he would move onto the next one. Taylor counted the 23 women in the room. He would have to inseminate them repeatedly. At this rate it would take a long, long time.
And in the meantime, what was happening to the girls?
The Harem Guard with the Insect face and humanoid body led them to the Incubation chamber. There they found other women with big green bellies waiting to give birth. Others had recently given birth and were waiting for their offspring to mature. They met a redhead named Casey Farmington with a green but rapidly flattening belly who had just given birth four days earlier.
"Where is your baby?" Susan asked.
"Over here. Come and see!" She led them farther into the room where a series of green pods lay on the ground.
"You gave birth to that?" Mushy said.
"That's only the beginning. They grow rapidly," said Casey. "Come and see!" She led the pregnant women deeper into the room. Other pods which had been put there days before had grown into tall cocoons, cocoons with growing bodies inside.
"This is what they become?" said Susan. "These are fully mature bodies!"
"Yes," said Casey. "And this is my daughter." She gestured to a cocoon which was almost fully grown. It had some kind of internal bioluminescence. They could see a woman growing, fully sexually mature with breasts and a furry vagina. Only her face was obscured by some kind of fog on the transparency.
"You gave birth to that?" Mushy repeated.
"Four days ago," said Casey proudly. "I'm told she'll emerge soon enough. I can't see her face yet but she's a beauty, isn't she?"
Sophie stared at the heavy breasts and sexually mature body. "A beauty," she whispered.
"I'm sure you'll give birth to something spectacular too," said Casey, patting Sophie's belly. "How far along are you?"
"Michael impregnated me four days ago. But Susan got pregnant six days ago."
"You'll be giving birth any day now, Honey." Casey kissed Susan on the lips. "Welcome to the incubation chamber."
The first day passed uneventfully. But with each passing hour the girls wondered where Michael was. What was he doing? Why hadn't he come to visit them? The Harem Guards couldn't, or wouldn't talk.
By the second day the girls were frantic. Where was Taylor? Sophie resolved to go and look for him.
"No, Sophie, don't!" Susan implored her, as her rider inflated on her back.
Sophie heard the same suggestion in her head but shook it off, striding out of the room.
She returned several minutes later, escorted by two Harem Guards, and looking very unhappy. Several minutes after that Joanna appeared. "What's going on here, girls?" she asked, with a frown on her face.
"We want to know where Michael is," said Sophie.
"He is serving the Hive, just as you are," said Joanna.
"Serving it how?" Susan asked.
"That is not your concern," said Joanna.
"When can we see him?" Mushy asked.
"That will be for the Hive to decide," said Joanna. "For now you are to stay here until you give birth. The Hive will give you further instructions at that time." She turned around and left.
The girls were frantic. What had happened to Taylor? What were they doing to him?
Sophie and Susan were especially anxious. They were both bursting at the seams, about to give birth any day now and felt the intense need for comforting. "Even if they have him working during the day, why doesn't he come to sleep with us at night?" Sophie wanted to know. "Doesn't he love us anymore?"
"Of course he does," said Susan. "The Hive must have its reasons for keeping us apart."
"But what could they be?" Sophie fretted. Her rider pulsated on her back and she nodded. "Turn around."
"What?" said Susan.
"Turn around and face away from me," said Sophie.
"Why?" Susan asked.
"I don't know," said Sophie. "Just do it."
Susan maneuvered her heavy, bloated body so her back was to her dear friend. Their backs, and their riders, were now facing each other.
"What now?"
"Lean back towards me," said Sophie, doing the same. "A little more... just a little more...."
"Sophie, I don't know what this is going to-"
Suddenly Susan was transported to another world, a world she had never seen before, a world pockmarked with craters. Riders came out of the craters by the hundreds, by the thousands. Trains of them blotted the sky above them. And standing there right in front of her was Special Ambassador Sophie Astor, totally nude, her belly flat as if she had never been pregnant. She looked so sexy with her large, firm heavy breasts, her thick dark bushy pubic triangle, and her slender muscular legs.
She smiled at Susan knowingly and opened her arms without saying a word. Susan, who was also nude, flew into her arms and then they were kissing. "I've wanted this for so long," Susan whispered, loving the feeling of Sophie's big, firm tits against her own.
"I know!" said Sophie. "I have too! But our masters decided the time wasn't right. Not until Michael completed his work with us."
She pulled Susan down to the soft ground, and got on top of her. Susan felt Sophie's heavy breasts pressed against her, and farther down her warm, soft pubis grinding against hers. And then, on the planet of the flying riders, they made sweet, tender, lesbian love.
Susan gasped as she came out of it. She was back in the Incubation Room. Her body was all sweaty as if she had just run a mile. Sophie's large breasts were covered with perspiration. Sophie blinked as awareness returned to her.
"Sophie... what just happened? Did we... did we...."
"I... I don't know," said Sophie. "We were... somewhere else... but no longer pregnant. It felt real, but must have been some kind of dream."
"Yes. Some kind of dream," said Susan firmly.
Their anxiety only increased during the day, the second day when they had seen or heard nothing from Taylor. Where was he? Why didn't he visit them, at least for a minute? Had something happened to him?
Their anxiety was only increased by their burgeoning pregnancies. They felt their time had almost come. What would happen when they gave birth?
Later that day Sophie turned to Susan and gave her a look. That's all she did, give her a look. Susan seemed to know what she wanted and immediately turned her back to her. Sophie did the same. In moments they were on the strange alien planet of flying riders, making love to one another once again.
Susan had just fallen into an uneasy sleep that night when she awoke to feeling a hand playing over her breasts. Her breasts had gotten much more sensitive since she had gotten pregnant. She opened her eyes to see Sophie playing with her tits. Susan smiled up lovingly at her.
Sophie reached down and pressed her lips against her, and Susan responded hungrily. One thing led to another and soon Sophie was moving a hand between Susan's legs. Susan gasped and her eyes went wide as Sophie started to stroke her extra sensitive Hive coated cuntlips.
"Sophie!" Susan's eyes went wide. Flirting and even kissing was one thing. But this was something else entirely.
"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Sophie asked. Susan could see the intense hungering in her hazel eyes behind her Rider Mask.
Susan looked terribly conflicted. "I do, but... Sophie, I'm not a lesbian! I've never been with a woman before!"
Sophie grinned through her Rider Mask. "You've never been with a woman until you've been with a woman." She stifled further objections by pressing her lips against Susan's once more. She thrust her tongue into Susan's mouth for the very first time, making her gasp. As their tongues dueled inside the red headed cutie's mouth, Sophie's fingers found her clit and started rubbing. By the time Sophie's lips pulled back, Susan was totally into it. "Ah, ah, ah, ah," she gasped.
"Do you like it now?" she asked.
"Oh yes! That feels so good!" Susan cried. She watched as her dear friend's hand moved between her legs. Because of her enormous belly she couldn't directly see herself being stimulated, but she could feel it.
"I'm glad. I've wanted to do this with you for a long time," Sophie admitted.
"Really?" said Susan.
"Uh huh," Sophie grinned. "You have the largest clit I've ever seen."
"You can't possibly see it with my big belly in the way!"
"That's right," said Sophie. "Remember when you hid the recharging device and we held you down so Michael could edge you? I had a perfect view then! Your clit looks like a baby penis head!"
"Michael said the same thing!"
"He was right. It feels big, really big." Sophie leaned close and this time it was Susan who initiated the kiss. "Ummmm," said Sophie afterwards. "Maybe you do like it."
"Of course I do!" Susan said.
"Then rub me," said Sophie.
"Return the favor," said Sophie, giving her a hard stare.
Susan gulped and awkwardly reached around Sophie's large belly to find her cuntlips. She tentatively put her fingers inside and felt her dear friend's lower wetness inside her tight pussylips.
"I'm inside you!" Susan cried. "I'm inside another woman for the very first time!"
Sophie grinned approvingly. "That's right, dear. Now just move a little bit upwards... there! That's the right spot! Do you know what to do?"
"I... I think so." Susan started to rub Sophie's clit just as Sophie was rubbing her own. Sophie started to pant just as Susan was.
"You're so good at this! I always knew you would be so good at this!" said Sophie. "When we give birth we'll continue to share Michael but we'll also have each other! We'll be like sisters, but even closer. Much closer!" She stared at Susan lovingly as they each manipulated each other's clits.
"I'd like that! I'd really like that... Honey!" Susan said. She stared into Sophie's eyes, which felt almost hypnotic. "Oh! Sophie dear, I'm going to come!"
"I am too!" Sophie cried. "Rub my clit harder, Susan! Harder!"
Susan complied, rubbing her dear friend's stiff clit more intensely. She felt the mushy wetness all around it, showing how aroused Sophie had become. Sophie's clit was as stiff as hers was and ready to explode. Sophie clenched her legs around Susan's busy hand, to give herself the additional pressure she needed to come.
"Oh Susan!" Sophie cried.
"Oh Sophie!" Susan responded, in ecstasy as she felt her orgasm rapidly approaching.
"Susan... my love!" Sophie cried, her eyes going wide behind her Rider Mask. "You're so beautiful! I love your red hair and slender body!"
"And I love your heavy breasts with those enormous tits!" Susan said. "I fantasize about them all the time!"
"You do?" Sophie was amazed.
"Yes!" Susan cried. "That's why I wanted to watch you fuck Michael while you were on top! I loved watching them move around!" It was a time for total confessions now, a final stripping away of all remaining inhibitions.
"Oh Susan, I love you so much!" Sophie cried, rubbing her friend's penis sized clit intensely.
"I love you too, my gorgeous babe!" Susan cried. "Oh, oh, oh Sophie!"
"Come for me, my red headed lover!" Sophie cried. "Climax to my touch and we will be sisters forever!"
Sophie pressed her lips against the red headed cutie and kissed her hard. The combined pressure of her lips and her fingers drove Susan over the edge. Susan gave a muffled cry as she felt an incredible orgasm spreading outwards from her clit. A few seconds later Sophie groaned as she felt the same thing, climaxing wonderfully while feeling the warmth of the younger red headed girl pressed against her.
As they came down from their highs, they both realized what they had done, the door they had walked through together. Things would never be the same between them. They smiled at each other lovingly. Susan caressed Sophie's heavy breasts, while Sophie played with her bright red hair.
"I love you... Sister," said Susan dearly.
"I love you too... lover," said Sophie, her Rider Mask stretched wide with a loving smile.
"Are you going to fill me with Hivelife, Captain?"
"I... guess," said Taylor. He suddenly felt shy. He was still working his way through the nearly two dozen women he needed to impregnate, and now he came across Crewgirl Marsha Starsky. Taylor had had sex with members of his crew before, of course, such as Mushy Takorama and Susan Cleary and even Chloe Fema. But he had never had sex with junior members of his crew. Somehow, despite everything he had done, he felt a bit shy about this.
He stared at Crewgirl Marsha Starsky. Marsha was a competent if not inspiring member of the Immortal's crew. She was a bit heavyset though not fat, with thick curly blonde hair going down to her shoulders, with broad shoulders and heavy breasts to match. Her breasts did sag downwards, but looked like they would be pleasant handfuls. Marsha had always given Taylor shy, furtive looks, leading him to believe that like many members of the female crew that she was secretly attracted to him, but obviously she had never explored her feelings for him on the ship.
In the Hive, however, where social boundaries were totally erased, that was a different matter.
"Yes, Marsha, I'm here to impregnate you with Hivelife," said Taylor.
"I can't wait! I was so delighted when I learned it was going to be you!" said Marsha.
"You were?" Taylor asked.
"Yes!" She gave a giant grin and hugged him, pressing her heavy breasts against his hairy chest. "Your body feels so good, Captain!" She looked up at him. "Make love to me, Captain! Make love to me and fill me with Hivelife!"
Taylor looked down at her. Her rider was only singlebanded, but Marsha had evidently given herself to the Hive early on, as some slaves did. Taylor tried to remember what he had been like when his rider was only single banded, but couldn't. He smiled and laid her gently on the ground and got on top of her. In moments he was inside of her, making love.
"Oh... oh... oh... oh...." Marsha smiled up at him. "You feel good, Captain! Very good!"
"You do too," Taylor smiled. "But Marsha, you don't have to call me Captain. Not here. You can call me Michael."
"Michael, I like that!" she grinned, as she wrapped her arms around his lower back. "I liked to look at you as you walked by my station. Did you ever notice that?" she asked, as her body moved back and forth with every thrust.
"I did," Taylor acknowledged.
"I sometimes wondered if a guy like you and a gal like me could ever get together," she said, her tits jiggling as Taylor thrust inside her.
"You're very attractive, Marsha," Taylor said.
Marsha giggled.
"But you know about the rules about fraternizing with the crew," said Taylor.
"But you did it with Sophie Astor, and Susan! At least, that's what they said."
"That was different," said Taylor, rubbing the head of his penis against her inner walls.
"Different how?"
"Just different," Taylor said. He thrust especially hard, deep inside of Marsha's vagina, making her groan with sexual pleasure.
"Oooooooh!" Susan gave a low moan.
Her time had come.
Susan's water had burst. Slimy green liquid leaked out of her pussy lips. She was up on an examining table, her legs widely spread. Sophie and Mushy each held a hand.
"Push, Susan, push!" said Sophie, squeezing her hand tightly.
"I am pushing!" said Susan. "I wish Michael were here to see our baby being born!" She gave a pained expression.
"He will see it!" said Sophie. "I can almost see the head of it. Push harder, Susan!"
Susan gritted her teeth and bore down. Something started to come out of her vagina.
"It's almost there, I can see it!" said Sophie excited.
"See what?" said Mushy.
Susan bore down again and cried out. A slick green pod stretched her cuntlips. Sophie reached with her fingers and with great difficulty slowly pulled it out of her. "You did it!" she cried.
"My baby! I want to hold my baby!" said Susan.
Sophie put the green pod in Susan's hands. "Be gentle."
"I will," said Susan. She caressed the slimy green pod lovingly. "Look! I created Hivelife!"
"It's beautiful, Susan!" said Mushy.
"Isn't it?" Susan grinned, as she slowly rocked her hands left and right. "In days it will grow into a fully formed human being. I can't wait to see the son or daughter that Michael has put into me!"
"Congratulations, Honey," said Sophie. She kissed Susan on the lips. "You have created Hivelife, and fulfilled your ultimate purpose in life."
At that moment, caressing her alien green pod in her hands, Susan couldn't have been any happier.
Susan's vagina was much too sore to recreate with Sophie again, so instead they communed.
"Momomomomom!" said Susan, her eyes rolled up into her head, as she and Sophie made love on the strange far away alien planet.
"Momomomomom!" said Sophie, her nipples proudly erect, as she shared the same erotic dream with her good friend.
Mushy had gotten into it too. Her back was turned to a pregnant black woman named Kamala, and Mushy also had the far away look as she too cried "Momomomomom!"
Meanwhile Casey was at the far end of the room watching her daughter behind born. The cocoon split up with a cracking sound and liquid gushed on the floor. And then her brand new baby daughter stepped out.
"Mother!" she said, in a raspy voice.
Casey gasped. Her baby was a fully grown copy... of herself!
"It's so good to meet you," said the New Casey with a wicked grin. Her voice was rapidly becoming more like Casey's. She reached out and hugged her mother, coating her with warm slime.
"You... you're me," said Casey, trying to get over the shock.
"Yes, I am," said New Casey.
"Why do you look like me?" Casey asked.
"I'm the new you," said New Casey. "I have been produced to replace you."
"To replace me?" said Casey
"Yes. This is your ultimate reward for serving the Hive. To be copied and replaced by Hivelife. Come." She took Casey by the wrist.
"No!" said Casey. But her heavy double banded rider sapped her will to resist. "What will happen to me?" she asked, as they walked by the communing forms of Mushy, Susan, and Sophie.
"You will be consumed by the Hive Mind, Mother," said New Casey, with a grin. "Your last service to the Hive will be to provide nutrition for our Master."
"Noooo!" she cried, right as she passed by Sophie. But Sophie's eyes were rolled up into her head and her consciousness was a billion miles away, and she didn't hear a thing.
Ensign Oujama Shanbow was enjoying Taylor making love to her.
"You not so high and mighty now, are you Captain?" the black woman grinned, showing very white teeth.
Taylor grunted and said nothing as he rubbed the sensitive Hiveflesh tip of his penis inside of Shanbow's vagina.
"You always happy to give me racist evaluations on the ship," said Shanbow.
"Racist evaluations?" Taylor gasped, as he moved in and out of Shanbow's dark pussy lips.
"You always say I forgetful. Late for shift. Sloppy work," said Shanbow. "Well, you not so high and mighty now, are you, Captain?"
Taylor panted and continued thrusting but said nothing.
"We gonna produce a black baby together. You ever make a black baby before, Captain?"
Taylor shook his head, as he wiped sweat off his brow.
"I thought so. You too racist to make black baby. But you gonna do what da Hive tells you to. Now who's da slave?" She grinned at him. "We gonna make fine black baby together! Maybe we call him Michael! How you like dat idea, Captain?"
Taylor bit his lip but said nothing. He had a pretty good idea what they were going to produce. In all probability it would be an exact duplicate of Ensign Shanbow, one which would eventually replace her....
Taylor thrust faster, feeling his orgasm rapidly approaching.
"It hurts!" Mushy's Japanese face contorted in extreme pain.
"I know, Honey!" This time Susan held one hand while Sophie held the other.
"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Mushy cried. Her vaginal entrance was so small! Taylor enjoyed the tightness during sex, but now Mushy was paying the price for it. She grunted as her vaginal lips painfully expanded to accommodate the slick green pod that was trying to force its way out of it.
"Keep pushing, Mushy! Push as hard as you can!" Sophie cried. She cast a worried glance at an Insect-faced Harem Guard who stood nearby, swaying slightly.
"Errrrrrr!" Mushy roared. She gave a blood curdling scream as the pod squirted out of her cuntlips. She gasped and cried from the pain.
Sophie scooped it up from the exam table. "Look, Mushy, look! You've produced Hivelife!"
Mushy stared at the pod with pain-filled eyes. "My... my baby," she cried.
Reproduction had occurred!
"How are you doing, Captain?" Julie asked.
Taylor stood with his legs taut as his penis was being recharged inside the vertical green column. "I'm doing fine, Julie."
"I can see that," Julie smirked, giving him a lecherous grin as she admired his firm ass cheeks and taut legs.
"How are the girls doing?" Taylor asked anxiously.
"Did no one tell you?" Julie asked.
"No! And I haven't been permitted to see them," said Taylor.
"Oh, poor Michael." The 18 year old cutie put her hand on his shoulder, making his pulse race. "They're fine. Susan gave birth yesterday, and Mushy did just a few hours ago."
"I have to see them!" Taylor pulled out of the column. His firm erection made Julie's eyebrows shoot upwards.
She put a slender palm against his chest. "You can't. You have other duties to perform."
"Not even for a minute?" said Taylor.
"Not even for a minute," said Julie. She pressed her lips against his. "Ummmm," she smiled. "I almost forgot how good you tasted. Are you ready for your next partner, Michael?" She looked down at his erection. "I can see that you are."
"I, ah, suppose so," said Taylor, looking around for the next woman in the room to be inseminated. He felt his chin being turned to face her.
"You don't have to look far for your next assignment, handsome."