Chapter 36.2

Taylor was once again making love to Julie Harris. The 18 year old cutie had brown hair with blonde highlights and was a nice, tight fit. She gave a broad smile as Taylor plowed inside of her.

"You feel so good," said Julie. "I was the one who let Susan take you and the girls on vacation, you know. Susan asked for it, but it was I who persuaded my master to let you go."

"Then we all owe you a debt of gratitude," said Taylor, pulling out momentarily, waiting a moment, and then thrusting all the way into her, until his balls were flush with her cuntlips. Julie's eyes went wide and she groaned.

"You feel so good, Michael," she repeated, giving him an incredibly tender look. "Did you have a good time with Susan, Sophie, and Mushy?"

"Yes," said Taylor.

"I'll bet you did," said Julie, giving him a sexy grin. "What a fuckfest! I only wish I had been there!" Julie gasped as he pulled out, waited a minute for her to readjust, and then entered her again. "Ahhh! I love how you do that! I just know we're going to make the perfect baby, better than Mom!"

"Better than your Mom?" said Taylor, as his penis moved between the 18 year's tight cuntlips.

"Yeah," said Julie. "This won't be my first pregnancy, you know," she said. "The first time Dad impregnated me with Mom."

Taylor thought about Joanna Harris. "You were pregnant with your Mom?"

"My new Mom, silly," said Julie.

"And what happened to your old Mom, Julie?" Taylor asked.

"My new Mom was so sexy, so exciting!" said Julie.

"But what happened to your old Mom?" Taylor asked.

Julie's face went blank as her rider pulsated on her back. "I just know we're going to make a wonderful baby together!" She kissed him passionately.

Her rider is preventing her from thinking about it. It doesn't want her to think about what's going to happen to her.

Taylor continued to make love to her. Soon he would fill her with Hivesperm, Hivesperm which would fertilize an egg which in all likelihood would produce a duplicate copy of Julie, one which would replace her. By making love to her, he was helping to bring about her doom. As he climaxed, he groaned with pleasure as he felt his Hive-modified sperm pump deep inside of her. Julie smiled so gratefully up at him for being inseminated in such a pleasurable fashion, and, for a moment, just a moment Taylor felt incredibly, incredibly bad. And then his rider pulsated on his back and he stiffened and smiled lovingly back at her.

Sophie was in agony.

She had been having labor pains for hours.

"Push, Sophie, push!" Susan cried.

But Sophie had been pushing. The problem was that nothing was coming out. The green pod was somehow stuck inside of her.

After hours of moaning in agony, the girls went crazy with worry for her. Mushy ran to the entrance of the room to get help but two Harem Guards blocked her way.

"She needs help!" She said.

The Insect-headed creatures with human bodies stood there impassively.

"Do you understand me? She needs help! Go get someone now!" Mushy cried.

One of the Harem Guards turned to face the other. "Momomomomomom!" he said.

"Momomomomomomom!" said the second Harem Guard, who just happened to have breasts and a vagina. It was a woman. A female Harem Guard!

The two Harem Guards conferred for a moment before the female turned and left the room, leaving the male Harem Guard to guard the door. Several long minutes later the Harem Guard returned with Julie Harris, who was smiling and rubbing her soggy cunt lips contently.

"What is it?" she asked. "I was just finishing up an important matter."

"It's Sophie!" Susan cried. "She can't give birth!"

Julie stared appraisingly at Sophie's sweaty, exhausted body, her legs widely spread and raised at the knees. Sophie's orange Hivecoated cuntlips were glistening with sweat and her bloated belly hung heavily in front of her.

"How are you doing, Sophie?" Julie asked, taking her hand.

"Tired," Sophie gasped.

"She's been labor for hours, but can't give birth!" said Susan. "Is that normal?"

"I don't think so," said Julie. "But let me check with Mom. She's Hivelife. She'll know." She turned and left.

Susan squeezed Sophie's hand. "She's going to get help, Sophiekins. She'll be back real soon, I just know it!"

Sophie nodded. "Where... where is Michael?"

"Michael isn't here, dear."

"I... I want Michael," she gasped. Suddenly her body shook and shuddered. She cried out in pain and tried to bear down, but nothing came out of her. "Michael!" she cried out.

Julie returned several minutes later with her mother Joanna. Joanna didn't wear a rider because she was Hivelife, a copy of Julie's mother who Julie had lovingly given birth to.

"So here's our problem child," Joanna commented. She quickly assessed the situation, moving a hand over Sophie's belly while her eyes turned white and she said "Momomomomomomom."

When she was done, her eyes returned to normal.

"So what is happening to her?" Susan asked.

"This sort of complication is uncommon, but not unheard of," said Joanna. "The fetus is stuck inside the womb."

"What can be done for it?" Susan asked anxiously.

"We can cut it out of her," said Joanna.

"Cut it out of her? And what will happen to Sophie?" Susan said.

"She'll be fiinnnne," said Joanna, giving an alien smile. "I'll return with the surgeons. Prepare her for travel." She walked past the Harem Guards and left.

Susan took one look at the distressed expression on Julie's face to know that Sophie wouldn't "be fine" after the operation. They were going to kill Sophie to get the pod out of her.

She turned and grasped Sophie's hand tightly. "Astor! Astor, are you listening to me?"

"How can I not?" said Sophie, looking exhausted.

"You have to squeeze now," said Susan.

"What do you think I have been doing?"

"You have to squeeze like your life depends on it!" Susan cried. "Squeeze, Sophie, squeeze!" She squeezed Sophie's hand so tightly it hurt and she cried out. The pain gave Sophie new resolve and she bore down and bit her teeth.

"Squeeze, Astor!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can!" Susan cried. "They'll be coming for you in moments! If you ever want to see Michael again, squeeze as hard as you can!"

Sophie bit her lip until it bled. She squeezed her vaginal muscles as tightly as she could. Suddenly she felt-"It's moving! I can feel it moving inside me!"

"Good, Astor, good! Keep squeezing, Honey!"

Sophie bore down again. She cried out, a wailing, agonizing sound which caused Mushy to tremble. Slowly but surely her pussylips started to dilate.

"That's it, Astor! Keep going, Honey! You're doing it!" Susan cried.

Sophie squeezed again. Her cuntlips stretched further as a green globe started to appear at the entrance to her cuntlips. It was at that moment that Joanna reappeared, in the company of two additional Harem Guards and two Hiveslaves who they didn't know. The surgeons had arrived.

"Squeeze, Honey, squeeze!"

Sophie looked into Susan's eyes and drew strength from her. She wanted Taylor but she had Susan. Those bright green eyes seemed to give her new resolve, the resolve to live! Sophie grunted and gave a mighty cry and bore down once more.

"That's it, Astor! I got it! I'm pulling it out now!" Susan grasped the slick green pod lodged between Sophie's pussy lips. "Just a bit more Sophie, one more push!" And then she yelled, "Got it!"

"Is it out? Is it out?" Sophie gasped.

"It's all out of you!" Susan grinned. She held up a slick green pod, and put it in Sophie's trembling hands.

"My baby, my baby!" Sophie cried. "It's so beautiful!"

"Beautiful like you," Susan grinned.

Sophie stared into Susan's eyes and at that moment was so grateful. "Thank you," she said. She leaned up a bit, and Susan met her more than halfway, and then they kissed.

"It was my pleasure, Astor," Susan grinned.

Joanna casually plucked the pod from Sophie's hands. "Good work, Sophie. Your womb may present some difficulties, but I'm confident we'll get one more successful birth from you."

"One more?" said Sophie.

"One more pregnancy will be all we'll need from you. Then you'll be able to rest," Joanna smiled.

After three days the pods started to grow into cocoons, which were now two feet tall but getting taller every hour. The oddest thing about it is that the cocoons were growing at the same rate. Susan's pod, which had been born first, had seemed to "slow down" to allow Mushy and Sophie's pod to catch up, as if they were somehow connected to each other and coordinating so they could all be born at the same time.

Mushy and Susan could already tell that they had given birth to girls. "Oh, they're going to be so beautiful!" Mushy cried.

And then Sophie noticed that she had given birth to a boy. She and Michael had produced a son! "Glorious," she whispered.

That evening, as they tried to sleep, Sophie was awoken by a hand stroking her breast. She gasped as fingers fondled one of her tits, making it hard.

"Having trouble sleeping, Astor?" said a familiar voice. Lips bent over hers and they kissed passionately.

"How do you feel?" Susan whispered.

"Empty," said Sophie. "I got used to having life inside of me. Hivelife."

"Me too," said Susan. "Maybe... maybe we both could use something to fill ourselves with."

"Do you have an idea?" Sophie asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do, Astor." As her lips pressed over Sophie's once more, Sophie felt Susan's hand reaching between her cuntlips. It was an easier reach now that their bellies had started to shrink. Sophie gasped as Susan found her clit and started to rub it. And then Sophie returned the favor and reached between her dear friend's pubic folds and did the same.

Mushy, who was lying next to them, felt her eyes go wide as she watched her two friends locked in love. Somewhere, somehow, Sophie Astor and Susan Cleary had become lesbian lovers.

The next day, Taylor showed up for a visit.

"Michael!" They cried as one. Each one pushed their way forward to hug him.

"Easy, girls, easy!" Taylor laughed.

"I missed you so much!" Sophie cried, pressing her breasts against him as she hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too!" said Taylor.

"So did I!" said Susan, pulling him away from Sophie and giving him a great, big kiss. "Did you miss me?"

"Did I?" Taylor grinned.

"And what about me?" said Mushy.

"What about you?" Taylor asked, taking her into his arms where they exchanged a long, leisurely kiss.

"Michael, where have you been?" Sophie demanded to know.

"Busy," said Taylor. "They've been keeping me working all day, every day."

"What about at night? Surely you could have come and slept with us?" Susan asked.

"I couldn't," said Taylor. "During the day they had me engaged in... work," he said carefully. "And at night I was given out to different girls as... as...."

"A reward," Sophie completed for him.

Taylor nodded. "I had no choice, girls! Believe me, I wanted to visit you, but I couldn't! Finally, when I successfully impregnated Julie, she allowed me to-"

"Impregnated Julie?" said Susan. "That's what you've been working on, Michael?"

"Not just Julie," said Sophie suddenly. "How many, Michael?"


"How many?"

"About two dozen," said Taylor.

Susan's mouth dropped open. "You've been impregnating two dozen women?"

"The Hive demanded it," Taylor explained. They all stiffened when the key phrase was spoken. "Only about eight of them are actually pregnant. I'm still working on the rest."

"I'm sure you are," said Sophie, in a very jealous tone.

"Come, Michael," Susan took his hand. "Come look at our babies!"

By now the pods had grown another foot in height. The outlines of their bodies could clearly be seen by the inner bioluminescence glow.

"This is going to be our daughter!" said Mushy excitedly, pointing to the growing body in the cocoon.

"And this is going to be our little girl!" said Susan, pointing to the cocoon her pod had produced.

"Not so little," said Taylor, noticing the body was already starting to grow breasts and pubic hair.

"And this is going to be our son!" said Sophie.

"Son?" said Michael. He looked at the body inside the cocoon which came from the pod that he and Sophie had produced. It was undeniably male. Taylor had thought that the girls would all produce replacements for themselves. So why had Sophie produced a son?

"Isn't he beautiful, Michael?" Sophie asked, putting an arm against his shoulder.

"Gorgeous," Taylor assured her. He kissed her even as her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Girls, I have to go now."

"No, don't go!"

"Julie said I could have a five minute break. I'm already ten minutes into it. I'll come back, I promise!" He kissed each of them hurriedly as he left.

Taylor made love to the remaining dozen women who were not yet pregnant, but his mind was in turmoil. Could the Hive be growing a replacement for him? It was bad enough he was being made to make replacements for the girls, but he certainly didn't want to be replaced too! It was hard to tell if the growing body inside the cocoon was his or not. Only time would tell.

Two days later he smiled and flirted and kissed Julie passionately, praising her growing belly and rubbing her mushy cuntlips, and got the reward he most desired, permission to make another brief visit to the girls. Now that the Hive had gotten what it wanted from his union with Sophie, Susan and Mushy it no longer found any need for them to be together. Sophie and Susan had fantasies about being paired together for the long term, but Taylor knew it just for what it was: a fantasy.

When he returned to the Incubation Chamber he was once again welcomed like a conquering hero. After he had kissed and hugged the girls he made his way to the corner of the room where his offspring were growing. He looked at Mushy's baby and recognized the slender legs and skinny flabby tits. Sure enough, Mushy was going to give birth to a duplicate of herself. He glanced at Mushy's face and understood that she didn't realize it yet. The faces of all the bodies in the cocoons were purposefully obscured, probably for just this reason.

He looked at the Hivelife that he and Susan had created and recognized it as another copy of Susan, down to the bright red pubic triangle and pear shaped breasts. How could Susan not realize she was being replaced?

"Isn't she gorgeous, Honey?" Susan asked, grasping his arm tightly.

Taylor assured her that she was. Then he turned to the third cocoon.

The body inside was undeniably his own. The face was fogged out, but he recognized the legs, the broad shoulders, the arms, even the long, hairy penis. The body was now fully sexually mature, and soon to be hatched.

Sophie grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Isn't he beautiful? I'll bet he looks like you!"

"I'll bet he does," said Taylor quietly.

Sophie looked up at him. "What's wrong, Michael?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong," he said. "I have to go."

"Oh, don't go!" Sophie cried.

"I have to," said Taylor. "I'll be back, I promise." He pulled his hand free of hers.


"Soon," Taylor said.

Susannah Barrington and Joanna Harris were standing in the auditorium watching a line of slaves behind inspected by the Hivemind. Taylor heard the loud humming sound "Momomomomomomomom" and saw bright white lights shining on penises and vaginas as the Hivemind decided what to do with this latest group of slaves.

Taylor walked up to Susannah and Joanna with a grim expression on his face.

"Ah, if it isn't our gallant Space Captain!" said Susannah. "How are you, my dear?"

"Why am I being replaced?" said Taylor. When they didn't respond immediately, he said, "I know about Sophie's baby. Why are you replacing me?"

"You have to ask?" Susannah said.

"I did everything you wanted me to."

"You did everything we wanted you to," said Susannah, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I turned my crew over to the Hive," said Taylor.

"You turned your crew over to the Hive," Susannah agreed, rubbing his hairy chest.

"I impregnated the girls with Hivelife."

"You impregnated the girls with Hivelife." Susannah touched his penis and cupped his balls playfully.

"So why are you replacing me?" Taylor asked.

"That is the fate for our most loyal and productive servants," said Susannah. "Once you have proven your worth, we take your DNA and graft elements of it onto Hivelife. To make a copy, so to speak."

"But why?"

"You are under our control, dear Michael, but being under our control and being Hivelife is not the same thing. The latter is much more desirable," said Susannah. "Once all your senior officers have been completely replaced you will return to Earth and begin the replication process within your Survey Service. Then you will spread out and bring the Hive into key positions within your World Government and then society at large. Then it will be announced that a plague is about to hit the Earth and everyone must wear a rider to save themselves from it. We estimate your entire planet will be under our complete control within a year."

"But... I could do that for you. You don't have to replace me!" said Taylor.

"We don't have to, but we want to," Susannah explained. She kissed him on the cheek. "You replacement will probably be born tomorrow. Why don't you return to the Insemination Chamber and spend your last hours serving the Hive?"

"No!" Taylor cried. "I'm getting out of here!" He tried to run, but faltered and stopped after just a few steps.

"Michael, you forget, you have a double banded rider on your back," said Susannah. "Perhaps you have gotten so used to freedom of movement because your rider has permitted it, and because you have obeyed every order you have been given without question. But believe me when I say that at your stage disobedience is quite impossible. Now, return to the Insemination Chamber and complete your task. We will let you know when your replacement is born."

"No!' Taylor cried. "I won't!" But even as he protested, his legs carried him slowly but surely back to the Insemination Chamber....​
Next page: Chapter 37
Previous page: Chapter 36.1