Chapter 37
The next day even as Taylor filled Marsha Starsky with sperm from his heavy black testicles his mind was a million miles away.
"Ahhhh," Marsha groaned, as her heavy breasts glistened with sweat, the prominent nipples erect. "That feels so good, Michael! I'm sure you put a heavy load into me!"
"I'm sure I did," said Taylor hollowly. He performed because his rider required him to but that didn't mean he had to like it.
And then a new voice said, "Am I interrupting?"
Taylor turned to see Julie Harris, flanked by two Harem Guards. Julie's belly was green and protruding; it had been three days since he had impregnated her. In a few more days she would give birth to her replacement, and then be consumed by the Hive. The only difference between them is that Taylor knew his fate and Julie didn't know hers. In some ways he envied her.
"We're just finishing here," said Taylor, pulling his glistening penis out from between Marsha Starsky's fleshy cuntlips.
"That never gets old," said Julie with a spark in her eye as she hungrily eyed Taylor's thick cock. "My Mom says she wants to see you in the Incubation Chamber. She says there's something you'll want to see."
Taylor got up, stretching his sore legs. He looked at the Harem Guards. "I know the way," he said.
All the girls were clustered excitedly around the cocoons, which were fully grown now.
"Ah, Michael, you're just in time," Joanna smiled, looking pleased.
"Michael, our babies are hatching!" said Susan. She squeezed his arm. "Aren't you excited?"
"Very much so," Taylor said dryly.
Taylor looked at the "babies". They looked like fully grown human beings. There was a crackling sound, and then the first one hatched. The second one quickly followed and then the third. Somehow they had all coordinate with each other.
The first to step out of the cocoon was Mushy's offspring. Mushy's jaw dropped open as she saw... herself.
"You... you look just like me!" said Mushy.
"I am just like you, Mother," said New Mushy. She embraced Mushy in a tight hug, covering her with slimy wetness. "I'm so delighted to meet you!"
An identical copy of Susan stepped out of the second cocoon. She had Susan's bright red hair, her pear shaped breasts and her bright red pubic triangle. She grinned and gave Susan a hug, even as Susan was recovering from the shock of it.
And then the last cocoon broke apart and out stepped a perfect duplicate of Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor.
Sophie's jaw dropped open. "He... he looks like you, Michael!"
"I am you," said the New Taylor, in a slightly distorted voice. He reached out and hugged Sophie. "I'm so glad to meet you, Mom. Thank you for bringing me to life."
"I... it was my pleasure," she said, giving Taylor a worried glance.
"What is this all about?" said Susan, pulling back from her duplicate. "Why are they perfect copies of us?"
"You are being replaced, all of you," said Joanna.
"All of us?" said Sophie.
"Sophie, we needed you to make a copy of Michael. In your next pregnancy, you'll produce a replica of yourself," said Joanna.
"But... why?" Sophie asked. "We are Hivelife!"
"You are not Hivelife," said Joanna. "You are controlled by Hivelife. You have Hivelife on you and within you. But you are not Hivelife. You are... impure." She let that sink in. "You are an intermediate phase, like a caterpillar which becomes a butterfly. We take alien races such as yours and use them to create Hivelife. You are... a temporary expediency."
Sophie tried to recover from the shock. "Then what will become of us?"
Joanna shrugged, causing her heavy breasts to ripple. "You will be consumed, of course. Your final act will be to give your bodies to nourish the Hivemind, as a useful source of protein."
"No!" Sophie cried.
"Yes," said Joanna. "You are fortunate, Sophie, in that you will have more time with us than your companions. You will have to be seeded again so you can give birth to your replacement."
"I will not!" Sophie cried.
"Yes you will," said New Taylor, now speaking in the exact same voice as the original. He pressed his hairy chest against Sophie.
"No," Sophie whispered.
He put his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. "You will accept me as your lover. You will accept me as the real Michael Taylor. You will eagerly welcome me inside of you, and your fondest desire in life will be to carry to term Hivelife which will duplicate and replace you."
"No," Sophie said again.
"Perhaps a demonstration would be in order," said New Taylor. He pressed his lips against hers.
Sophie felt her heavy double banded rider pumping her with arousal. Taylor watched Sophie grind her lips eagerly against New Taylor as her rider pulsated on her back.
"No, Sophie!" Taylor cried.
"Sophie doesn't obey your commands any more, Dad," said New Taylor. "But she does obey mine. Make me hard for you, Sophie."
Sophie, giving Taylor a wide eyed look, reached down with her hand, but New Taylor slapped it away. He looked at her and stared at her knowingly, then slowly pushed down on her shoulders so that she was on her knees, in front of him. New Taylor's hairy penis was mere inches from her lips.
"No Sophie, don't do it!" Taylor cried.
Sophie felt her rider inflating on her back. "I'm... I'm sorry Michael, but... the Hive demands it!" She slipped New Taylor's penis into her mouth and started sucking.
Taylor, enraged, surged forward, but immediately fell to his knees, grasping his stomach in pain.
"You cannot interfere, Dad," said New Taylor dispassionately. "You can only watch."
Taylor winced as he saw Sophie avidly sucking on New Taylor's penis. Her hazel eyes were filled with fear and subservience as she slurped and sucked on his cock.
New Taylor gave Taylor a wicked smile and pulled out. "Not bad, Mom," he said, staring at his penis, which was now hard and erect and glistening with Sophie's saliva. "I think we're going to get along well, Honey." He winked at her. "Why don't you lay down on that examining table and spread your legs?"
Sophie nodded and lay down on the table, spreading her legs and lifting her knees, showing off her big, thick orangey cuntlips. The green glowing upside down U symbol above them marked her as a slave to be fucked.
"Obedient, isn't she?" New Taylor said, running his hands over her fleshy cuntlips. "You enjoyed plundering her, didn't you, Michael?"
Taylor stared at Sophie's thick orangey Hivecoated cuntlips. "Yes."
"A pity. Because you never will again," said New Taylor. He climbed on top of her, and mounted her. "Get ready to feel me inside you, Sweetie. I'll make love to you while your dear, dear Michael watches."
"No," Sophie whispered, but she didn't move or protest when New Taylor mounted her.
Taylor cried out in pain as he watched New Taylor slowly insert his erection between Sophie's pussy lips. Sophie gasped as New Taylor went balls deep into her.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" He started to pole in and out of her. "Answer me."
"Yes!" Sophie gasped.
New Taylor winked at Taylor. "Watch closely, Michael, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something."
Taylor watched with tremendous anger and frustration as another man, an alien being, made love to the woman he loved while he was powerless to help her. Sophie gasped as New Taylor thrust his long, hard cock into her again and again. She turned to look at Taylor with helplessness in her eyes. She mouthed "I love you", even as New Taylor's cock pounded between her tight cunt lips again and again.
"Why should they have all the fun?" New Mushy asked. She turned to Mushy. "Do you have any last requests before we feed you to the Hive Mind, dear?"
Mushy gasped and started trembling.
"Maybe I can do something you'll like. Hop up on the table."
Mushy found herself getting onto an examining table on one side of Sophie and New Taylor. New Mushy got between her legs and spread Mushy's small vaginal opening with her fingers. "Ah, that's exactly what I was expecting to find!" she grinned. Then she moved her mouth over Mushy's vulva.
"Oh!" Mushy stiffened. "Ooooooh!"
"You like it?" New Mushy asked, as her lips momentarily released Mushy's clitoris. "Think of this as... a going away present." She moved down again between Mushy's thighs, and Mushy cried out with pleasure.
Meanwhile, New Susan decided to have give her Mom some final enjoyment as well. "There's no reason we should miss out on all the fun!" New Susan declared. She had Susan hop onto the examination table on the other side of Sophie and New Taylor and then spread her mother's legs.
"Nice pubes, Mom," New Susan grinned, playing with Susan's bright red pubic hair. Susan trembled in fear as she saw the alien gleam in New Susan's eyes. Then New Susan got on the examining table as well and spread her own legs.
Susan watched with horror as something rope shaped and black came out of New Susan's vagina.
"What is that?" she asked.
"I've had a few minor upgrades," New Susan grinned. The thing which came out of her cunt had tiny eyes and a tiny mouth and it hissed! New Susan reached over and spread Susan's cunt lips.
"No... no...." Susan shook her head rapidly as her vaginal entrance was fully exposed to the creature.
"Yes, yes," New Susan grinned wickedly. "Trust me Mom, you'll simply love it!"
And then Susan watched helplessly as New Susan's vaginal snake plunged into her own vagina. Susan cried out and stiffened as she was penetrated. "Oh!" she cried, arching her pear shaped breasts outwards.
The snake started to thrust in and out of her. Its sides were scaly and rough but stimulated the Hiveflesh coating inside of Susan's cunt. Sophie watched with horror as her dear, dear friend was penetrated by the dark alien snake again and again.
"Susan, are you all right?" she cried.
"She's better than all right!" New Susan declared, as the snake attached to her cunt plowed into Susan again and again. She held up one of Susan's nipples to Sophie to show her that it was erect. Susan panted and her body rocked back and forth as the alien creature moved in and out of her. She gave Sophie a look of intense helplessness as the Hive violated her pussy in this new and unexpected way.
Meanwhile Sophie was still be being used sexually by New Taylor. As he plowed into her with a grin he said, "It's a pity you are not already carrying an egg. I could fertilize it right now and we could begin the process of growing your replacement inside of you."
Sophie stared at Taylor in horror. All the fun, all the pleasure they had had during their two week vacation had all been about creating monsters inside of them who would replace them! The enormity of what she had done, of what she had willingly participated in, suddenly hit her.
She looked at Taylor who was staring at her angrily. Taylor tried to move but he couldn't. He wanted to rip this new Taylor off of her, to punch him in the face, but his rider wouldn't let him move a muscle. Taylor struggled against his self imposed restraints, gritting his teeth as he tried to will himself to move, but his double banded rider's tendrils were too strong to resist.
"I did this," Sophie said. "This was my Future Prediction."
"What are you talking about?" New Taylor asked, as he pounded into her cunt.
"I got a Future Prediction. From Moudy's. It said that Michael and I would always be together if I left the Survey Service and joined the Foreign Service.... if I went on this mission to Sirius Minor." Sophie's heavy breasts jostled as New Taylor's penis pounded into her. "But the AI which analyzed thousands of futures must have gotten it wrong. It must have seen futures with the duplicate of Michael and the duplicate of me. That's the future I've been working so hard to create! A future where we no longer exist and aliens have replaced us!" She turned to Taylor, with tears in her eyes. "Oh Michael, I'm so sorry! I'm so very sorry!"
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Sophie," said Taylor fiercely, still struggling to move. "I love you so much Sophie!"
"I love you too Michael!" Sophie cried.
"No you don't," said New Taylor. "You love me, and only me. Let's prove it."
Sophie gasped as New Taylor's long penis pulled out of her. Her cuntlips were widely stretched from their fucking.
New Taylor lay on his back with his massive erection sticking up. "Fuck me," he commanded.
"What?" said Sophie.
"Obey. The Hive demands it."
Sophie winced as if she had just been hit by an air car. She got up in a daze and climbed on top of New Taylor. She took his cock in her dainty hand and prepared to lower herself down on it.
"No, Sophie, don't!" Taylor cried, as he struggled to move.
Sophie glanced at New Taylor, who was grinning widely, before turning vulnerable eyes to her true love. "I'm sorry Michael... but the Hive demands it!" She slowly lowered herself on New Taylor's shaft.
"Ahhhhhh," said New Taylor, when he was balls deep inside her once more. "I'm inside you... again."
"You're inside me... again," Sophie repeated, in a tame tone.
"Now get moving. Fuck me hard," New Taylor demanded.
Sophie started to move up and down on New Taylor's shaft.
"Michael, man to man, doesn't she look sexy the way her tits bounce up and down like that?" New Taylor asked.
Taylor bit his lip as he watched the love of her life fuck another man, another man who looked just like him.
"Michael, I asked you a question," said New Taylor sharply.
Taylor felt his rider pulsating on his back. He felt the heavy knuckle bones digging into his back, spurring him on. "Yes," he gasped, as it was forced from his lips.
"Yes what?" New Taylor asked.
"Sophie... looks sexy like that. Really sexy!" Taylor gasped, as the words were pried from him. It wasn't a lie. The sight of Sophie's thick orange cuntlips being split open by a penis, his penis, plunging in and out of it excited him to no end... even if the cock going inside her wasn't really his own. Sophie's nipples were erect and hard, betraying her intense arousal, and a sheen of sweat covered her heavy breasts, making them glistening and shiny. Her hazel eyes were wide in the holes behind her Rider Mask, and as she rode up and down athletically on New Taylor's penis it wasn't hard for Taylor to convince himself that she was enjoying it.
New Taylor smiled. "I know she does. This was the Hive's gift to Sophie, releasing her sexuality. You enjoyed that gift many times, didn't you?"
"Yes," said Taylor, unable to take his eyes off the cock plunging in and out of her cunt.
"And now that gift is mine. The gift was never intended to be yours, it was always a loan," New Taylor said. "Sophie, we don't need the old Taylor anymore, do we?" He grasped her arms tightly. "Do we?"
Sophie's rider inflated on her back forming a giant yellow-brown balloon as she rode up and down on New Taylor's penis. She gasped as she felt the heat of it against her. As she felt New Taylor's penis in her vagina she could feel her rider's tendrils in her mind, putting words there that her clitoris burned with desire to say.
"No," she gasped.
"No what?'
"We... we don't need the old Taylor anymore," she said. There were tears streaming down her Rider Mask now, but somehow that only made her look even more attractive.
"I will be your Taylor now," said New Taylor.
"You... will be my Taylor now," said Sophie, her eyes full of tears. She stared at Taylor and tried to tell him she didn't mean it, that she was being made to do this, and saw the same pain in his eyes as there were in hers.
"You will love me, and only me," said New Taylor.
Sophie continued to bounce up and down on his penis.
"Say it!"
"I... I will love you and only you," Sophie gasped.
"You see, Michael?" said New Taylor. "She'll hardly notice when you're gone." He looked lovingly at Sophie. "I can't wait to fill you with my life giving seed once you've been been given another egg. You will create a wonderful new version of you, one which will replace you and serve the Hive even better!"
Sophie gasped, as she realized how sorely she had been misled.
"And how are the other girls?" New Taylor asked. "Michael was always concerned for them, and so naturally so am I. How are you doing, Susan?"
"Susan is doing fine, aren't you, Susan?" New Susan asked, as the scaly black snake continued to plunge in and out of Susan's cunt.
"Uhhhh....." Susan gasped as she was impaled again and again by the scaly creature which somehow seemed to be a part of the inside of New Susan's cunt.
"You want to come, don't you, Susan?" New Susan asked.
"Yes! Yes!" Susan cried, as she was wonderfully impaled.
"How about you, Mushy?" New Susan asked.
Mushy groaned and wrapped her legs around New Mushy's head. New Mushy looked up from what she was doing. "I'd say that Mushy is enjoying her final fuck as well."
"Let's all come together then, shall we?" said New Taylor. "It's the least we can do for our Moms, isn't it?"
"Get ready to climax, Mommy!" New Susan grinned.
"I'm going to make you scream when I suck on your clit again, Mommy!" New Mushy smiled.
"Are you ready to come, Sophie?" New Taylor asked.
"Yes! Yes!" Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat. "I need to come!"
"But... what about Taylor? Won't his feelings be hurt?" New Taylor asked.
"Don'tcaredon'tcaredon'tcare!" Sophie cried, as her rider inflated on her back. "I need to come!"
"Then come for me, dear," said New Taylor, grabbing her by the sides, taking control of her movements up and down on his cock. "Come for me, and enjoy the feeling of your dear son's cock exploding inside of you."
At that moment Sophie realized the perversity of it. Since she had given birth to New Taylor, technically speaking he was her son! But her orgasm was approaching too rapidly for Sophie to dwell on it. She cried out as she shamelessly climaxed on his raging cock, even as Taylor watched with very hurt eyes. At the same moment Susan climaxed as well, her body going rigid as the black snake plunged into her cunt one last time. And Mushy screamed as promised as New Mushy's lips and tongue pulled her clitoris over the edge.
The three sexually mature females climaxed with their new partners, and Taylor was forced to watch. He was forced to watch as Mushy gasped with pleasure while New Mushy sucked and slurped between her legs. He was forced to watch dear, sweet Susan climaxing while a living alien rope plunged into her bright orange cuntlips. And he was forced to see Sophie's body gasp and shudder on top of the penis of a man who looked just like him and was about to replace him as her lover.
He felt so terrible!
But the worst was still yet to come.
New Taylor kissed Sophie tenderly. "You were incredible. I will enjoy filling you with Hivelife. But first, we have your predecessor to attend to." He gently pushed her off him and stood up. "Shall we go?"
New Taylor strode from the Incubation Chamber, supremely confident that the others would follow.
They were on the balcony in the Auditorium, just barely above the Hive Mind. Taylor was surprised to see that the top of the Hive Mind was completely open. The sides of the Hive Mind were covered in black, oily skin. At the base of it down below he could see men and women busy fucking it to provide it with the constant source of sexual energy it needed.
But on top the Hive Mind's brain, if indeed it was a brain, was completely open. It was a sea of a dark, bubbling liquid.
"And now it's time to say goodbye to our dear friends," said New Taylor. "Sophie, would you like to say goodbye to Susan, Mushy, and your former lover?"
Sophie nodded. She went over and hugged Mushy. "I'm so sorry, Mushy," she whispered.
Mushy looked at the bubbling liquid. "Sophie, I'm so scared!"
"Don't be, Honey," said New Mushy, putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "You're about to feed the Hivemind. It's the highest honor imaginable."
Mushy looked appalled.
Sophie turned to Susan. "I'm so sorry, Susan," she repeated.
"Don't be," said Susan. "It wasn't your fault."
But it was, Sophie thought. She had voluntarily joined the Hive, knowing full well what it was. It was her act of joining the Hive which had brought Taylor into it and by extension Susan. Sophie felt terrible.
"I'll miss you so much!" Sophie cried. She leaned her forehead against Susan and cried.
"There there," said New Susan. "You should know your little friend is going to be accorded the highest honor. Her sexy body will be used to provide vital protein to the Hive Mind. And in the meantime, while you're gestating your latest pregnancy, you and I can spend some quality time together," New Susan grinned.
Sophie recoiled with horror as she remembered the snake creature which had come out of New Susan's vagina.
"And now don't you want to say goodbye to your lover?" New Susan asked.
"Yes." Sophie turned to Taylor. "Michael...." She choked up, at a complete loss for words.
Taylor took her in his arms and hugged her tightly as she trembled and sobbed violently.
"Shhh... shh...." Taylor rocked her back and forth in his arms. "It will be all right, Sophie. Everything will be all right."
"You heard him, Sophie. Everything will be all right," New Taylor grinned. "And now it's time for the Hive Mind to be fed. It's very hungry! Who will go first?" He looked from Taylor to Susan to Mushy.
"I'll go," said Taylor.
"No!" Sophie cried.
"You're so heroic," said New Taylor. "Volunteering yourself to give your crewgirls a few extra seconds of life. So brave, so noble." He looked Taylor up and down. "But we can't let you go like that, can we? Sophie dear, take him in your mouth."
"What?" said Sophie. That was the last thing she expected to hear.
"Suck off dear Michael. One last time," said New Taylor. "Make him hard."
Sophie, with a very worried look on her face, got to her knees. She took Taylor's soft penis in her hands. Even flaccid, it had good length and thickness. She looked up at him uncertainly and then took him in her mouth and started to suck.
"That's it. That's a good girl," said New Taylor approvingly, as Sophie's head bobbed back and forth. "Just look at her thick, juicy red lips, Michael! Isn't she just made for it?"
"I always thought so," said Taylor quietly. Sophie stared up at him lovingly as she sucked on his cock.
"Sophie is sucking you off, but something has changed. She's only doing it because I told her to," said New Taylor. "Do you understand how your relationship has changed?"
"Yes," said Taylor sullenly. He started to gasp as Sophie sucked on the ultrasensitive Hiveflesh coated tip of his penis. He looked down at her. At that moment she looked so sexy. She looked up at him with such vulnerable hazel eyes through her pulsating Rider Mask as she sucked him off. Taylor could see the rider on her back inflating into a huge yellow-brown ball making her do this, making her want to do this, and the thought of it made his penis hard and tingly.
"I sense you are enjoying yourself," said New Taylor approvingly. "And so is Sophie."
"You sense it?" Taylor said, sweating as he panted.
"Yes," said New Taylor. "The experiment was a success. I now have your screaning ability."
"As do I," said New Susan smugly.
"Me too, Daddy!" said New Mushy.
"I am only beginning to scratch the surface of this incredible ability, but I sense it will help the Hive take over the Earth even more quickly. Entire generations will eventually possess your wonderful ability... Dad." New Taylor smiled at Taylor's obvious discomfort. "All right, Sophie, you can pull out now. We wouldn't want Michael to climax without permission, would we?"
Taylor frowned as Sophie pulled out. He had been close to climaxing, and New Taylor probably screaned that.
"Now look at him," said New Taylor. "Nice and hard. Ready and excited to be consumed by the Hive. Put your hands on your hips, Michael."
Taylor reluctantly did so.
"Now spread your legs."
Taylor obeyed.
"Now smile. A nice, big broad smile."
Taylor smiled mechanically.
New Taylor squeezed Sophie's shoulders. "Look at him, Sophie. He knows he's about to be consumed in just a few seconds. But doesn't he look so incredibly sexy, so incredibly subservient?"
Sophie looked at the love of her love with watery tear stained eyes. Taylor did look very sexy standing there with his hands on his hips, his legs spread wide, with that enormous smile on his face. And his erection! His long hard rod stuck out at a 45 degree angle. His erection and his smile made Taylor look as if he were not just willing but even sexually excited by the idea of being consumed by the Hive.... as New Taylor no doubt intended.
Horror mixed with arousal and Sophie felt her vulva getting wet as she watched the love of her love turned into a willing slave just waiting for the order to be consumed.
"And now it is time to say goodbye! Say goodbye, Michael," New Taylor said.
"Goodbye, Sophie," said Taylor. And then, "I love you!"
"I love you too!" Sophie cried.
"All right, Michael. Jump!" said New Taylor.
Taylor looked at the open top of the Hive Mind's enormous brain. The oily black bubbly liquid looked toxic.
"Jump now!" New Taylor demanded.
Taylor felt his rider expand on his back into an enormous yellow-brown balloon. He could feel the heavy knuckle bones pressing against him insistently. He felt his rider's tendrils in his mind, issuing one, final command. He stepped forward.
"No, Michael!" Sophie said.
"I'm sorry, Sophie," said Taylor. "The Hive demands it!"
And with that, Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor jumped off the balcony into the Hive Mind's brain.
He sunk into the hot oily black liquid with a splash, and his body disappeared almost instantly.
"Michael!" Sophie cried out.
"He's gone," said New Taylor. "Who's next?"
"I think Susan wants to go next. Don't you Susan?" New Susan grinned, pushing her forward.
The black oily liquid in the Hive Mind started to bubble more strongly. It started to bubble and then to wildly overbubble. Steam started to hiss from the top of it as the liquid started to flow over the top down the sides.
"What's happening?" New Mushy cried.
The Hive Mind started to bloat outwards. Then it started to retract and be sucked inwards, like a can with a big dent in it. The outer black skin of the Hive mind started to be sucked in and out as if enormous pressures were being brought to bear.
"No... no...." said New Taylor, grabbing his head as if he were in pain. "It can't be!"
"What's haaaapennninnnnnng?" New Mushy screamed.
And then the Hive Mind exploded.
A shock wave, a pattern of force visible to the human eye, erupted from the Hive Mind and swept through them. As it did, many things happened at once.
Sophie felt her rider's grip on her mind suddenly release and felt her rider liquify and melt down her back. Her Rider Mask did the same, as it too started to dissolve and to flow down onto her chest and heavy tits. Susan and Mushy felt their riders starting to melt down their backs as their minds were suddenly free of influence.
New Taylor grabbed his chest and belly as if he felt an intense pressure inside of him. "No... no.. NOOOOOO!" he cried, as he exploded, sending green flesh flying in every direction, including onto poor Sophie.
New Susan was next, grabbing her head and screaming as she exploded too, as New Mushy did just a few seconds later.
On the ground floor below them all the gathered slaves were in a state of shock. For the first time in months they were able to think for themselves.
Chloe Fema screamed in panic as her Rider Mask melted off her face and her rider melted on her back. "No, no, come back, don't gooooo!" she cried, having an immediate nervous breakdown.
18 year old Julie Harris, whose belly was big and green with the Hivelife that Taylor had put into her, watched as Colony Leader Susannah Barrington exploded in front of her. And then her Mom Joanna grabbed her belly and moaned.
"Mom?" she said.
Joanna gasped, tried to speak, but exploded instead, covering her dear 18 year old daughter with a wave of green goo.
Julie screamed as she felt her heavy double banded rider begin to melt on her back. Some of the green liquid melted into her ass crack and flowed into her asshole. Suddenly she felt intense nausea in her stomach and doubled over. She started to vomit and as she did she felt an intense pressure in her uterus and her vagina. Julie fell on her ass and instinctively spread her legs. As she did a hard spray of green goo shot out of her vagina like a powerful water hose. As the green goo sprayed and sprayed, Julie pressed down on her belly and felt it getting flatter and flatter as the Hivelife inside her liquified.
"Noooooo!" she moaned. She fainted for a moment.
When she awoke again, she was in her father's arms.
"Julie? Julie, are you all right?" said Daniel Harris.
"Dad?" Julie looked confused. Memory came rushing back to her. Suddenly for the first time in months she was thinking clearly. Dad had been turned into a sex slave for the Hive Mind, fucking it day and night. And Mom? "Where's Mom? Where's Ben?"
Daniel shook his head and Julie slowly remembered. "Oh my Goddess!" she said. "They got consumed by the Hive, didn't they?"
Daniel nodded.
"And I gave birth to her!" said Julie. "I gave birth to Mom's replacement which killed her!"
"It wasn't your fault," said Daniel.
"I remember it all now!" Julie cried. "How cheerful and willing I was to do it! How I let myself be used as a fuck toy to spread the Hive!" She remembered all the men she had been made to fuck, all the men she had cheerfully fucked. She remembered fucking her Dad in front of everyone at the Swim Club. Then she looked down at her flattening belly. "And I was letting them impregnate me with a monster which was going to kill me!" Tears welled up in her eyes.
"It's going to be all right." Daniel hugged her. "Everything's going to be all right now, Honey." She rocked back and forth slowly in his arms.
Mushy, Sophie and Susan stared at each other wordlessly for a long moment. They could all think clearly for the first time in weeks.
"What have I done?" Mushy cried. "I let myself be impregnated with a monster that was about to kill me!" Her mind raced as she remembered the past few weeks. "I let people fuck me in the ass! I let people pee inside my mouth! I begged people to pee inside my mouth!" She wiped her lips with distaste as if she could remove the urine retroactively. "What did they turn me into?"
"A sex slave," said Susan. "They increased our sexual desires tenfold to make us more pliable. How do you think I feel? I didn't just agree to be impregnated by the Hive, I was eager for it! I planned a whole fucking vacation around it full of fun and exciting activities to make us all the more eager to be impregnated with aliens who were going to kill us! I didn't just participate, I helped make it happen!" The enormity of what she had done, what she had so cheerfully and enthusiastically done, struck her like a force eight compression pistol shot.
"That's nothing compared to what I did!" Sophie cried. Tears ran down her cheeks, her own cheeks, for the first time in weeks as bits and pieces of Hiveflesh still clung feebly to her face. "Susan, you participated after they took over your mind. I did something far worse! I let them take over my mind, knowing full well what they were! I agreed to be taken by the Hive because I freely chose to! Without me, they never would have gotten you or Michael or the rest of the crew! I'm a thousand times more guilty than you are!"
Sophie started to cry hysterically. Susan took her in her arms to try to comfort her.
"There there, it will be all right," she said.
"It... it won't be all right! Michael is dead!" She looked over at where the giant Hive Mind had stood. There was a thick mist in the air and it was hard to see. There was oily black wetness and pieces of black flesh all over the auditorium. At the center of the place where the Hive Mind had stood there was an enormous black spot as if a powerful explosive had been detonated. "Oh Michael! I'm so sorry for what I did to you! To all of you!" Sophie started to cry so intensely that she gasped, and struggled for breath. She fell to her knees as she experienced a panic attack of the worst kind.
"Sophie, Sophie, you have to be strong!" said Susan.
"I... I can't!" Sophie cried. She cried, and she cried, and she gasped for breath frantically.
"Stop crying," said a new voice. "The Hive demands it!"
A figure stepped out of the mist.
It was Survey Service Captain Michael Tiberius Taylor.
"Michael?" Sophie looked uncertainly at him. "Who... who are you?"
"Don't you know?" said Taylor giving her a cocky smile. He calmly walked over to her, and pulled her to her feet.
Sophie's trembling hand played over his face. "Is that really you?" He wasn't even wet, not a drop! Could this really be Michael... or was it another alien duplicate?
"Don't you know?" Taylor asked again, staring at her intently. He moved forward and pressed his lips against her.
Sophie groaned, and immediately kissed him back. Suddenly her arms were around his, and his arms were around hers, and they were kissing, passionately, even as Taylor rubbed his soft flaccid penis against her vulva, which was dripping orange goo.
"Oh Michael," she said, looking dreamily into his eyes.
"Yep, it's Michael all right," said Susan, moving behind him. "All you had to do was to turn him around to see the rider rash on his back." They all had it, big red rashes where their riders had been.
"I liked my way better," said Sophie, looking into his eyes.
"I did too," said Taylor, smiling confidently.
"But Michael... how....." Sophie looked at him with wonder and confusion.
"You're a smart girl, Sophie. If you think about it long enough, I'm sure you'll figure it out," said Taylor.