Chapter 11
Straining Ties: Seeds of Suspicion
"Bhau, what happened? It's been more than two weeks, and I haven't heard any news. I hope you're not enjoying that sex bomb Shipra all by yourself. Don't forget about me, I am getting restless bhau, I wanna fuck her so bad." Toppo said excitedly. "Or is she too much for you to seduce?" He continued, his amusement evident in his voice over the phone.
"You have a very long life, Toppo. I was just about to call you," Patode said, his voice oozing with arrogance. "No woman is too much for me. And for your information, I almost had her last Sunday. So don't you dare doubt my capabilities." He paused, relishing in his own bravado. "I can bed any woman I set my sights on. Shipra is no different. She was practically dripping with desire, begging for it. She just got lucky that night, but with a little more push she'll succumb to the pleasures of my thick meat. She won't be able to resist much longer."
"Reallyyy!!! that's more like it. I was just joking Bhau, I know your sexual prowess. Tell me what happed?" Toppo dialed down his tone.
"I'll let you know but first listen, I need you to make sure she stays here this weekend," Patode instructed, his tone serious and calculating. "Distancing her from Alok is crucial in her downfall. Overwhelm her with a heavy workload. Make her so reliant on me that she has no choice but to see who's really in charge here. I'll make it clear who's calling the shots." He paused, eyes narrowing, emphasizing the gravity of his plan. "That meddling bitch needs to understand her place, and it starts now."
"What's the matter bhau, you seem serious?" Toppo sensed something was bothering Patode.
"This bitch Shipra is as nosy as her husband. She somehow got wind of our SHG and NGO operations, and the diversion of funds we've been doing," Patode said, his irritation evident.
Toppo's excitement turned to concern. "How did she find out? What happened?"
Patode explain him all the details including the trouble she has caused him with Saad Hasan.
Patode's tone grew colder. "She’s been poking around where she doesn’t belong, gathering information. If she keeps digging, she could expose everything. We can't let that happen."
Toppo swallowed hard. "Is it going to be a problem, Bhau? If she links us to anything, I can get her transferred elsewhere, far away from this mess."
"No need for that, Toppo. I'll handle her. Besides, I can't miss the chance to ravish such a beautiful and sexy married woman. It's been ages since Aditi that I've had the pleasure of tasting an exquisite female body, especially that of a bold, elegant lady like Shipra. I'm not going to let her slip out of my grasp, not after seeing her almost naked and in a submissive state last Sunday. You should have seen the view, Toppo. She has such a curvy and juicy body, her pinkish-hued skin so soft and tender. Just the thought of her naked body squirming beneath me, moaning my name as I break and defile her, gives me such a rush. I can only imagine how pink her pussy must be and the sweet aroma it must have. She got lucky last time, but next time, I will plow her sloppy, loyal married cunt so hard that the only thing she’ll be able to think about is the unbearable itch of her cooch, desperate to be quenched by my cock." Patode's voice was a sickening blend of arousal and bitter disappointment.
"Don't tease me, Bhau. It's already so hard for me to control myself. I'll do whatever I can. I'll pile so much work on her that she'll be completely dependent on you. And regarding the weekend, I’ll come up with something to ensure she doesn't leave Kasegaon. Now, give me all the juicy details, Bhau, about that Sunday night," Toppo said, his voice assured and excited.
"Great, now make sure you're alone. This Sunday tale will definitely make you touch yourself," Patode said, a smirk in his voice as he began to recount his encounter in vivid detail.
"Alok bro, the mock test results are out, and you're not even in the top 500. What happened? You're the topper of our batch," one of Alok's friends exclaimed, staring in disbelief at the results on his phone.
It was 6 o'clock in the evening. Alok sat in the classroom of the coaching institute, his face a mask of deep thought. Around him, his friends gathered, their concern evident. The mock test held that morning had yielded unexpected results. Alok, usually a consistent top performer, had performed terribly, failing to secure his usual top 10 position.
"Seriously, Alok, what's going on?" another friend asked, leaning closer. "You always ace these tests. Are you okay?"
"I know what's wrong," commented Vaibhav, breaking the silence. His tone was laced with a hint of amusement. "He had a big fight with Bhabhi Ji this morning. I'm sure this whole mess is the fallout from that argument." Despite his efforts, he couldn't suppress a slight smirk.
Everyone turned to look at Vaibhav, their curiosity piqued. "What happened?" one of Alok's friends asked, leaning forward.
Vaibhav was one of Alok's batchmate who was also amongst the topper of the batch. Although they were friendly with each other but they competed fiercely with one another academically.
Vaibhav paused for effect, relishing the attention and looked at Alok, who was staring at the floor. "They had a pretty intense argument right before he left for the mock test. It wasn't just a small spat either; it was serious. Alok was really upset."
"I don't want to discuss it, guys. I'm going home," Alok said, standing up in irritation and making his way out of the classroom.
"Hey Alok, wait up," Vaibhav called out, quickly following him. "Come to my room instead. Let's have a drink. It's been a while since we had a boys get together. It might cheer up my roommate too," he suggested, placing a reassuring hand on Alok's shoulder.
"Who, that village guy, Chetan? He's still living with you? I thought he gave up on competitive exams and went back home," Alok recalled, his curiosity piqued.
Vaibhav chuckled. "He gave up alright, but stayed back for his girlfriend. That fool."
"If the girl stuck with that quitter, she must be an idiot. What he needs cheering for by the way?" Alok sighed, feeling a little confused.
"The girl stuck with him but wasn't an idiot. She made him squander all his money while banging her ex on the side. Last week, Chetan caught her getting boned hard by her ex in her dorm room," Vaibhav explained, shaking his head.
Alok's eyes widened in shock. "No way! That's brutal. Poor Chetan."
"That fool got what he deserved," Vaibhav said, shaking his head. "He's been a wreck ever since. I warned him several times about that girl, but he was too blinded by love to listen. Now, he's still trying to wrap his head around what happened. He's developed quite a hatred for women because of it." Vaibhav continued. "I think a boys' night might help him forget about it for a bit. Plus, it might help you too, Alok."
Alok paused, considering Vaibhav's suggestion. "Alright, fine. Let's go. Maybe a drink and some company will do us all some good."
Vaibhav smiled, pleased to see Alok nod in agreement. "Great," he said with enthusiasm. "We'll pick up some snacks and drinks on the way. Chetan could really use a distraction, and it looks like you could too. Shipra really got under your skin today. Maybe you both can vent about the women in your lives and blow off some steam."
As they walked towards Vaibhav's room, Alok couldn't help but think about his argument with Shipra. The sudden change in her normally docile behavior had shocked him to his core. For the first time since their marriage, Shipra had shown defiance, a trait he had never associated with her. He knew exactly what had caused it—Namrata. He had never liked Namrata; she had been a bad influence on Shipra from the very beginning.
From the moment Namrata had joined Shipra in Kasegaon, Alok had sensed trouble. He had argued against it, knowing well that Namrata would corrupt Shipra, fill her head with rebellious ideas. And now, his worst fears had come true. Alok's mind replayed the morning's events. Shipra's raised voice, her firm stance, and her refusal to back down were all new to him. She had never spoken to him like that before. It was as if Namrata had given her the courage to stand up for herself, and that infuriated him.The defiance of Shipra had hurt his ego deeply, and the sting of his failure in the mock test had only fueled his anger further.
As they reached Vaibhav's room, Alok took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He hoped a drink would help him relax, maybe even give him some clarity on how to deal with Shipra.
As they stepped into Vaibhav's flat, a wave of melancholy washed over them. The heart-wrenching voice of Arijit Singh echoed through the space. His soulful voice created an atmosphere heavy with emotion.
Ho mujhe chhod kar jo tum jaaoge
Jo tum jaaoge, Jo tum jaaoge
Ho mujhe chhod kar jo tum jaaoge
Bada pachtaoge, bada pachtaoge.
Bada pachtaoge, bada pachtaoge.
- ( If you leave me and go, You'll regret it, You'll regret it)
Alok looked at Vaibhav, trying to suppress a laugh. Vaibhav sighed, rolling his eyes. "Don't even ask. It's been like this for weeks," he said, shaking his head. "Chetan’s got this routine now—watches porn, shags off, drinks alcohol curses all women, and then listens to Arijit all day long." They both chuckled quietly, careful not to mock Chetan too loudly.
"Hey Chetan, look who came to visit you—Topper Alok and his nine icy cold friends, all named Tuborg," Vaibhav said cheerfully, trying to lift the mood with a playful grin as he carried in a crate of beers.
Chetan looked up from his spot on the couch, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey Alok, what's up? Long time no see." He stood up and reached out for a handshake.
Chetan's physical appearance was a stark contrast to the bright and cheerful persona Alok remembered. His hair was unkempt, a wild mess that suggested he hadn't seen a comb in days. His eyes were bloodshot, underscored by heavy dark circles that made him look perpetually exhausted. His slouched posture and the way he held himself screamed of weariness and neglect. A cigarette dangled loosely from his lips, and the distant, almost vacant look in his eyes gave him an air of detachment from the world around him.
"All good, man," Alok replied, hesitantly shaking Chetan's hand after hearing about his recent routine and noticing his disheveled appearance. "I'm really sorry to hear about your breakup." He clapped Chetan on the shoulder, offering a semblance of consolation.
Chetan sighed, his expression softening as he felt the genuine concern in Alok's words. "Thanks man, I am better off without that cheating bitch."
Vaibhav, sensing the need for a change in atmosphere, quickly chimed in, "Well, that's what friends and a few beers are for, right?You could also use a break from all that Arijit Singh and... other activities," he said with a wry smile. "Let's make the best of tonight and try to have some fun."
After ending the day's work, Shipra was on her way back home, exhaustion and frustration etched on her face. It had been one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong. The argument with Alok still echoed in her ears, a harsh reminder of his doubts about her capabilities and his single-minded focus on her promotion, devoid of any support or concern for her moral integrity. His words had hurt her deeply, leaving her questioning if Namrata was right about Alok. As if that wasn't enough, her conversation with Patode had been uncomfortable and filled with inappropriate innuendos that left her feeling degraded and powerless.
Her investigation into the village women's plight had also hit a dead end. Despite her best efforts, she had failed to secure the necessary statements, a setback that weighed heavily on her. Now, she faced the humiliating prospect of seeking a favor from Patode, a man whose advances she found repulsive, just to move her investigation forward.
Sanju had put her in an impossible situation, a moral dilemma that chewed at her conscience. She could either endure Patode's sleazy behavior to get his help or abandon the investigation altogether. Dropping the case would not only betray the village women who depended on her but also validate Alok's accusation that she was naive and incapable of handling the complexities of her work.
While Shipra was immersed in her turmoil, her phone buzzed, and the name "Pervert" flashed on the screen. It was none other than Toppo, her overseeing boss.
"God!!!!!! When will this day end," Shipra sighed, bracing herself as she answered the call. "Good evening, sir," she greeted, forcing a courteous tone despite the disgust etched on her face.
"Good evening, Shipra ma'am. It's nice to hear your voice. I expected you to call me upon joining the branch. Are you settled in nicely?" Toppo's tone was as sycophantic as ever, his fake concern dripping through the line.
"Sorry, sir, I got busy taking over the branch. There was a lot of work to be done. I have no problems, sir. I am adjusting nicely," Shipra replied, understanding the shallow nature of his inquiry.
"You know, I tried very hard to get your transfer order canceled, but it needed a little effort from your end too. It doesn't reflect well on me if I go on requesting the transfer of female employees as per their wishes without them coming forward and exerting a little effort. I hope you understand," Toppo continued, his words laced with insincerity.
"No issues, sir. Thank you for your effort. It's only a matter of six months anyway," Shipra responded, trying to keep her tone neutral.
"Well, it's not too late, Shipra. I can still get your transfer modified. You just have to put some PHYSICAL effort into proving that your need is genuine. I know you can SATISFY my, I mean the HR board for change of posting." Toppo said, his tone turning sleazy.
Shipra grasped the double meaning in Toppo's words but expected nothing less from this pervert. "No need, sir. I am comfortable with my current posting," she politely declined, ignoring his indecency.
"Very well, as you wish. Now, let's get down to business. We have a video conference with the head office next Monday on the performance of our rural branches. In this regard the controlling office has launched a campaign to boost our performance, under which branches have to organize camps to promote both advances and other government social security schemes. Since your branch hasn't been performing well for the last few quarters, it's under special focus. You need to involve the field officer of your branch to organize these camps at various potential locations to source business," Toppo stated, his tone now authoritative. You'll not be so comfortable in coming days you nosy bitch, Toppo said to himself.
Shipra felt a wave of anxiousness, knowing this would interfere with her ongoing investigation and also increase her involvement with Patode. But since it is a official work, she couldn't refuse. "Okay, sir. Please mail me the campaign details, and I will start working on it right away," she responded in accordance.
"Not I but we. I want you to inform the same to your field officer. His involvement is crucial in success of this campaign since you are new there," Toppo pointed out and continued "You are also chosen to be the coordinator for your district, overseeing all six branches under Amruj district. You'll have to compile their performance data and report to me on Sunday."
"But sir, the main branch of Amruj is the district headquarter branch. The manager there should be the coordinator. Why..." Shipra began to protest but was cut off by Toppo's sharp tone.
"Because, Shipra, I decided so. This is an opportunity for you to prove your capabilities and dedication. I expect full cooperation from you. And if you are not up to it, please inform me right now. I'll convey the same to my superiors." Toppo interrupted, his tone carrying an unmistakable warning.
Shipra clenched her teeth, feeling a surge of frustration, but forced herself to remain calm. "No problem, sir. I can handle it," she said, her voice steady even as she resigned herself to the additional workload. This new responsibility meant her weekend plans to spend time with Alok and Aarav would be ruined, and she'd have to endure more unwanted interactions with Patode.
"Great. I expect you'll deliver good results. Alright then, I'll hear from you on Sunday," Toppo replied, sounding pleased with himself for asserting his authority.
"Good night, sir," Shipra ended the conversation. Leaning back in her seat, she closed her eyes, trying to cope with the mounting problems surrounding her. Her mind was a total chaos, unable to focus on what to do, how to handle the difficult situation she has been put under. She was unable to balance both her personal and professional life. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on her. Her thoughts drifted to Alok and Aarav. Imagining the disappointed look on Aarav's face when she would have to tell him she wouldn't be able to spend time with him this weekend sank her heart. But it wasn't just Aarav that she was worried about. Her thoughts turned to Alok and the argument they had this morning. Their conversation had quickly escalated into a fight, and Shipra regretted the harsh words she had spoken in the heat of the moment. Shipra wished to have a calm, honest discussion to clear the air and resolve their differences.
But with the workload ruining her plans for the coming weekend, Shipra knew her personal problems had to take a back seat. The pressing demands of her job required her immediate attention. She decided to focus on the issues at hand, particularly dealing with Patode for both the investigation and the campaign work. She was determined to keep their relationship professional and not let Patode make inappropriate advancement which was evident that he indented to do in the conversation this morning.
Shipra cursed herself for her actions last Sunday, realizing that they had given Patode the wrong impression of her character. She reflected on how her behavior had inadvertently encouraged him to take liberties with her that he otherwise would not have dared. The way he had conversed with her that morning, dropping subtle hints of his impure intentions, made it clear that he wished to take their relationship beyond professional boundaries. His insinuations were unmistakable, and Shipra knew that he would likely exploit her dependency on him to seek sexual favors.
The situation was further complicated by the fact that her best friend, Namrata, had already succumbed to Patode's charms and was involved with him in a physical relationship. This revelation made it even more challenging for Shipra to maintain a strictly professional relationship with him. She felt a pang of betrayal and sadness knowing that Namrata, who had always been her confidante, was now entangled with the very person who was causing her distress.
Shipra knew she had to be vigilant and assertive to keep Patode in check. She couldn't afford to let him manipulate her or compromise her integrity. She had to find a way to navigate this precarious situation without jeopardizing her professional responsibilities or personal values. Taking a deep breath, Shipra resolved to set clear boundaries with Patode. She needed to convey, in no uncertain terms, that any advances or inappropriate behavior would not be tolerated. She had to find the strength to stand up to him, despite the power dynamics at play.
She decided to confront the situation head on and began her strategy to tackle Patode as well as Namrata. By the time she reached home she had come up with a clear plan of action. First, she planned to talk to Namrata. Shipra couldn't let this issue fester between them. She needed to have an honest conversation with her friend, expressing her concerns and seeking support. It was crucial for Namrata to understand the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of her involvement with Patode. Next, she would address Patode. She intended to firmly communicate that their interactions must remain strictly professional, reminding him of her superior position and the respect it demanded. Any behavior or conversation crossing this line would be unacceptable. Their focus should be on the success of the branch, maintaining professionalism at all times.
With this in mind, Shipra got out of the car and headed for her room, her resolve firm.
"You are so naive, Alok," Chetan said, in a condescension tone as he took a big swig of beer. He leaned back, a smug smile playing on his lips. "If you think your beautiful, educated wife is under your control, then you're a bigger fool than me."
It was almost 10 o'clock, and after several rounds of drinks, the trio was thoroughly intoxicated. The topic of conversation had shifted from studies to women. Vaibhav, who was neither married nor in a relationship, sat back and enjoyed the verbal sparring between Alok and Chetan. Occasionally supporting Chetan, in an attempt to tease Alok, his nemesis in preparion of civil service.
On one side was Alok, a proud husband who often boasted about his docile, beautiful, and hardworking wife. He talked at length about how she did everything according to his wishes and how she supported him unconditionally in his preparation for the civil services, despite the fact that he was currently unemployed. Alok's voice was filled with pride as he pointed out the subtle ways he kept his wife in check, all without her complaining about their situation.
On the other side was Chetan, who had recently developed a deep-seated resentment towards women. He countered Alok's praises with a cynical smirk, pointing out random facts and anecdotes that painted women as inherently deceptive and untrustworthy. "You think she's happy to support you?" Chetan sneered. "She's just putting on a show. Trust me, women always have their own agendas. Wait until you see her true colors. Don’t you think being the sole breadwinner gives her an upper hand in your relationship?"
Vaibhav, the spectator in this heated exchange, found himself both amused and intrigued. He watched with a grin as Alok's confident facade began to waver under Chetan's relentless onslaught. Alok's initial bravado started to crumble and was replaced by a mixture of anger and self doubt when his unemployment came into discussion. Though he never openly acknowledged it, relying on Shipra's income was a significant blow to his male ego. He struggled to defend Shipra against Chetan's pointed accusations, his words becoming increasingly desperate.
Chetan, sensing his advantage, pressed on. "You don't really know a women. You think you do, but you don't. Women are masters of deception. They know how to hide their true feelings, their true intentions. And your wife? She's no different. Now that she's away from you, living independently, you'll start to notice changes in her behavior. It starts subtly. She'll begin questioning your decisions, no longer willing to follow your lead unquestioningly. Next, she'll begin to ignore you, realizing that she is the primary breadwinner. The power dynamics in your relationship will shift, and her sense of self-worth will no longer be tied to your approval."
"And finally, you'll notice a chilling indifference in her. The woman who once cared deeply for you will seem distant, almost as if she’s lost interest in maintaining the emotional connection you once shared. When a woman becomes the sole breadwinner, she redefines her identity and her place in the relationship."
Alok clenched his fists, his face flushing with a mix of anger and embarrassment. Earlier that day, Shipra had exhibited a rare moment of defiance—a subtle yet undeniable shift in her behavior that Chetan had astutely pointed out. It was a change Alok had been reluctant to acknowledge, a crack in the facade of the perfect relationship he often boasted about. Chetan's words struck a nerve, flaring Alok's insecurities and forcing him to confront a reality he didn't want to face.
Chetan, sensing his advantage, continued with a cunning smile. "And if you're not careful, my friend, your wife will end up replacing you with someone else who meets both her emotional and physical needs better than you ever could."
Feeling cornered and insulted, Alok's anger erupted. "Shut up, you loser! Just because your own girlfriend turned out to be unfaithful doesn't mean every woman is like that. What do you know about married life, anyway? Your mind is corrupted by all the porn you keep watching. You have no idea what it takes to build a real relationship." Alok's outburst was driven by a deep-seated fear that perhaps Chetan's cynical view had some basis in reality. He couldn't shake the image of Shipra, increasingly confident and independent, slipping away from him.
Chetan smiled, his words slurred,"All women have the same mentality Alok, married or single. My ex girlfriend, that gold digger horny bitch, taught me lessons equivalent to a lifetime. And from all the boasting you've done, I know enough about your marriage to make these assumptions. Yours was an arranged marriage, wasn't it? I bet you weren't the first man she came in relationship with. For an educated and modern girl like her, she must have had one serious boyfriend, if not more, before marrying you."
Alok suddenly went silent at the mention of boyfriend. Shipra did had a boyfriend before marriage. She had told him about her past, but it didn't mattered to Alok at that time, believing their present and future together mattered more.
"Ha, I’m right. Look, Vaibhav, I got Mr. Perfect all silent," Chetan gloated, slapping a high-five with Vaibhav. His eyes gleamed with a twisted sense of triumph as he continued his assault. "I can also bet she wasn't even a virgin. She probably had her fun before deciding to tie the knot with you. And now, with her newfound independence, she's must reminiscing about her past relationships, comparing you to the men she used to be with. She'll soon start to realize what she's missing." he sneered, winking at Vaibhav.
Alok was now furious, his voice trembling with rage as he stepped forward, eyes blazing. "You are crossing the line, Chetan! I know you're hurt by your breakup, but that doesn't give you the right to assassinate my wife's character. So what if she had a boyfriend in the past or wasn't a virgin? What kind of nonsensical logic are you trying to push here?"
Chetan backed up a little, realizing he might have pushed too far. "Calm down, man. What I'm trying to point out is that women who have been with more than one man can't be trusted. In the case of your wife, I'm not saying she's cheating on you, but if I were in your place, I wouldn't be so carefree. If you promise not to get offended I can prove my logic right now."
Vaibhav, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "Cool down, guys. We're friends, remember? I think we've all blown off steam about our personal problems. Let's not ruin the night."
"No, it's okay, Vaibhav. Let him try to prove his so-called logic," Alok, intoxicated and riled up, didn't back down. Vaibhav sighed, giving up his attempt to cool things off.
"Alright, so listen. Let's talk about today, you've been sitting with us since the evening, and not once have I noticed a text or call from your wife. What does that tell you?" Chetan leaned closer, speaking calmly but with a sharp edge. His own hurt and jealousy drove him to malign Shipra.
"It tells me nothing. She might have simply forgotten or is overburdened with work she is not jobless as we are, neither is she idle as you," Alok countered.
"Very well then, text her yourself or call her. Let's see if she has really forgotten. She can't be that busy at this time of night to answer a call from her loving husband," Chetan challenged.
"Okay, let me shut your nonsense once and for all." Alok took his phone and texted Shipra.
Ten minutes passed, and Chetan gave Alok a knowing look, clearly pointing out that she hadn't responded.
"No problem, I'll call her," Alok said, his face showing a hint of concern.
Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring...
The call dropped. Shipra didn't answer. Alok tried again, but with the same outcome. Embarrassment and anger began to creep into his expression. He expected Shipra to respond or call back, but it didn't happen.
Chetan gave a sly smile to Vaibhav as they both chuckled. "She's busy all right, but the real question is with whom and doing what? Alok, bro, you really need to contemplate your situation. Otherwise, you might end up just like me." Chetan stood up, his posture radiating a twisted sense of satisfaction. He relished the discomfort on Alok's face, the doubt he had successfully sown.
Alok's mind raced, a turbulent mixture of anger and doubt clouding his thoughts. Where the hell is she? Why isn't she responding? He stared at his phone, willing it to light up with a message or call from Shipra. His frustration grew with each passing second of silence.
Shipra's empty room echoed with the incessant ringing of her phone, which lay forgotten on the bed, half-buried under her green saree and scattered innerwear. The persistent sound contrasted sharply with the stillness of the space, each ring a reminder of the unanswered calls and messages.
Down the hall, faint sounds of moaning mingled with heavy grunts, filling the floor with a starkly different kind of noise. These carnal voices of pleasure emanated from Namrata's room, where the door was slightly ajar. Soft rays of moonlight filtered through the gap, casting a gentle glow across the room.
Inside, under the illumination of moonlight the perspiring, naked bodies moved in rhythm on Namrata's bed. The silver beams highlighted the sheen of sweat on their skin, glistening with each motion. The air was thick with the musky smell of sex and passion, the bed creaked softly under the weight of their movements.