Chapter 01.1
"Mrs. Lawson, I believe I may have come up with a plan to save your house." My heart almost leaped out of my throat as I heard the loan manager from our bank say those words over the phone. "If you and your husband could be here at 2:00 P.M. we can go over the um, details."
"Absolutely, Mr. Richards," I replied. "Thank you, thank you!" I was almost jumping up and down with excitement. I couldn't believe the nightmare of the last several months actually had a chance of going away.
Our family was one of those hit hard by the recent economic crisis. In better times, my husband and I had bought into this whole adjustable rate loan bullshit and had bought our overpriced and now undervalued McMansion along with thousands of others. When our payments suddenly doubled, we were barely able to keep our heads above water and then when the bottom fell out of the economy and my job evaporated along with the entire machinery company I worked for and Donnie's job cut him to half time, we were dead where we stood. We ate through our savings, the kids' college funds and maxed out the credit cards and just a few days ago we had sat in Mr. Richard's office as he told us that in all likelihood we were going to lose our house.
I have to tell you, I haven't slept much lately. A million thoughts just kept coming at me -- we have three growing kids, Tara age 17, Donnie Jr. age 13 and Molly age 9. Where were we going to live? Would we have to move away? Could we start over now? It's been scary -- hell, the last year or so has been scary. Donnie's forty-three years old and I'm forty. We thought we had life all figured out and now to have the rug pulled out from under us...well, when I told Donnie that Mr. Richards had a solution for us, I actually broke down and cried.
We showed up at the bank twenty minutes early and sat outside Mr. Richards' office, waiting nervously. Donnie had actually put on his Sunday going to church suit and I was wearing my best Sunday dress, a dark blue dress that came to just above my knees. I was wearing my best string of fake pearls and heels. Call us silly if you want to. We're both just one generation removed from the hills of Kentucky and when you go see the "man" you wear your best, anxious to impress the person who holds your life in your hands.
Exactly at 2:00 P.M. Mr. Richards' secretary walked out of his office and gestured to us. Over the past several months, we had come to know Lilly Fox quite well and I suspected my husband had a bit of a crush on her. She was in her mid twenties, blonde, green eyed with big firm breasts and a tight butt and except for the fact that she treated us with kindness and respect every time she saw or spoke to us, I would have hated her pretty little guts. I think she'd seen a lot of folks lately who were in desperate trouble and had tried to show her sympathy as best she could.
"Mr. Richards is waiting for you," she said, pointing to his office door. We nodded thanks and hurried towards the door. As I passed her, our faces met and I swore she was smirking at me -- a change from her usual kind demeanor. It was the smirk of someone who was in on a joke that was being played on you. A shiver ran down my spine, but I dismissed it from my mind as we stepped into the office of the person we hoped and prayed would be able to help us out.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson. Please come in, have seats," Mr. Richards said, rising from behind the desk and pointing to two comfortable leather chairs. He glanced over us at his secretary. "Lilly, no interruptions, please," he said in a confident 'I'm the boss and I damn well know it' voice.
"Of course, Mr. Richards," I heard Lilly reply and again, I shivered as I seemed to hear something in her voice -- some sort of amused, snickering tone.
I dismissed it as nerves and focused on the loan manager. Mr. Richards was in his mid fifties, balding and a bit of a middle age spread. Still, there was something about him, about his demeanor that spoke of importance and power. For a moment, no one spoke and he stared at us solemnly and we peered back like nervous children. You could feel the tension building in the room. I felt a strange urge to cry.
Finally, Mr. Richards smiled and said, "Well, I know you're anxious to hear how we might save your home and help you get back on your feet financially," he said. He picked up some papers and continued. "Your current payments are sixteen hundred dollars a month and you are almost four months behind. The bank has looked into beginning foreclosure proceedings and unless we can figure something out, I'd say you'll be out on the street before school ends this coming spring." He smiled brightly at us as if this was good news.
"But you told Sonya that you thought you had a solution for us, yes?" asked my husband, the fear evident in his face.
Mr. Richards nodded and replied, "Absolutely, we have a solution. Actually, your wife is the solution." He paused and watched us for reaction.
Donnie and I looked at each other more than a bit confused. "Um, what do you mean, Mr. Richards?" I asked.
"Well, this is a little complicated, but hear me out. A group of bankers like myself and other civic minded folks in the community have gotten together and created a fund, a stimulus package if you will, to help out certain families save their homes if they meet the right criteria.
"The right criteria?" I echoed, feeling a little lost.
"Yes, Mrs. Lawson. I believe that you meet that criteria and can provide the right services that will qualify your family for our, ahem program." He smiled smugly at us and I slowly shook my head, not understanding.
"Services? What services? I was a quality control engineer at the machine plant."
Mr. Richards held his hands together, fingers pointing upwards to form a steeple. "To be blunt, Mrs. Lawson, you're a fine figure of a woman and there are many willing folks who would enjoy being serviced by you."
Suddenly I understood and I felt my face begin to flame. "You want me to have sex with you?" I gasped, not quite believing I had just asked such a question.
The banker grinned, an awful lascivious grin and replied, "Absolutely, Mrs. Lawson, with me and with a great many others."
Donnie stood up, fists becoming balls and he growled, "You motherfucker, I'm going to kick your fat, lazy ass!"
Although I think all three of us knew that that Donnie could absolutely carry out such a threat, Mr. Richards sat and calmly stared Donnie down while he said in a soft and confident voice. "No, Mr. Lawson, you won't. If you lay one hand on me, you'll spend the next five years in jail and your wife and your kids will be on the street in exactly..." He glanced down at the paperwork before him and continued, "In exactly eight weeks."
Donnie took a step forward and said in a strained voice, "You call my wife a whore and expect me to not beat the fucking shit out of you?"
"Absolutely correct. In fact you should get down on your knees and thank God your wife will have the chance to be a whore and bail your ass and your whole family out of the mess you're in. Now, sit down, Mr. Lawson."
"Donnie," I said quietly, reaching out to touch his arm. "Sit down, darling. I love you and it will be all right. Sit down and let's hear what he has to say." Donnie swallowed hard and his fists clenched all the tighter and I thought for a second that he would jump over the desk and clock Richards, but he didn't. A little shiver ran through his body and he let out a long sigh and sat down. Inside me, my emotions were all churned up. I wasn't sure what made me more upset -- Richards' words or Donnie listening to me and sitting back down.
Tension was thick in the room as I turned back to Mr. Richards and said, "So, what exactly am I supposed to do?"
"First thing, I need to see you undress right now," he said, looking at me with a look of great anticipation. I hesitated, unsure. Maybe this was all some sort of sick joke. "C'mon, now, Mrs. Lawson -- you must get used to obeying commands and obeying them promptly." His voice hardened. "Get naked, whore...NOW!" My head snapped back like I had been slapped. His voice -- that sudden, harsh demanding tone sent a wave of emotion that I didn't recognize coursing through my body.
Standing on shaky legs, I did as he asked. I reached behind and undid my zipper and then in one swift motion, pulled the dress over my head, leaving me standing in a standard black bra and panties. The cool air in his office raised gooseflesh on my arms and legs. My nipples hardened under my bra and I told myself it was the cold air, but that didn't explain the sudden moistness between my legs when he had taken that commanding air with me.
"Very nice, Mrs. Lawson. Now lose the underwear -- all of it." I bit my lower lip and shrugged out of my bra, letting my heavy breasts fall free. I had taken good care of myself and despite having nursed three children and having large breasts, I was proud that they didn't sag much. Mr. Richards studied my breasts and said, "Your tits are splendid, Mrs. Lawson, magnificent if I may say so. What are you, a 40 D-cup? And your nipples are incredible."
At his words, I blushed as my nipples, round like quarters, swelled even more, standing up almost an inch. I shocked myself by saying in a subdued voice, "I'm a 38 D." Then I shocked myself even more by murmuring, "Thank you."
"Now, let's have those panties off." Mr. Richards said, pointing downward between my legs. I bent over and slipped my panties off, stepping out of them and then standing naked before my husband and for the first time since long before I was married, another man. I could feel Mr. Richards' eyes crawling all over my pussy. I had long lips, topped by a carefully trimmed little landing strip. I choked off a moan as I felt a ripple of delicious heat pass outward from my pussy through the rest of my body. I didn't look down, fearing that my labia were already spreading in arousal. I felt ashamed and excited and I didn't understand anything at all.
Mr. Richards sighed and then looked over at my husband who was staring at me as well, veins visible on his neck and face, his face a deep crimson. "Ah, Donnie, you are a lucky man. Your wife is a beautiful woman!"
I felt my whole body blushing at his words, but I felt proud of myself too. I stand five foot, seven inches and weigh on a good day, one hundred-forty pounds. My breasts are still firm and maybe my best feature. I had worked hard to avoid the inevitable stomach pooch from having three children and was proud of my mostly flat stomach. My legs and ass cheeks were shapely from exercise and it wasn't that long ago that I knew I could still turn men's heads.
"May I get dressed, Mr. Richards?" I asked meekly trying to gain rein over the strange emotions running through me.
Mr. Richards pointed me back to my seat and said, "No, Mrs. Lawson, why should I be deprived of such a lovely view. Have a seat and let us discuss your, ahem, duties." I complied, amusing him as I tried to figure out how to sit -- demurely with a leg crossed over the other or with legs open, revealing my steadily dampening pussy.
Mr. Richards stared at me like I was some delicious desert he planned to devour. "Now, as to what will be required of you. Three days a week you will receive a call from Lilly instructing you on that day's assignments. You will be assigned Monday, Wednesday and Saturday -- so stay available on those days and make no other plans." He looked at both of us. "Understand?" When we both nodded, he added, "In addition, on Tuesday and Thursday, you will come visit me here at 2:00 P.M. sharp. In exchange for your services, your mortgage will be brought up to date and paid each month."
"Um...what services am I providing?" I asked, feeling my heart begin to pound as we actually talked about me being a whore.
"Why, whatever you're told to do. Refusal of any request will abrogate the agreement and the bank will immediately begin foreclosure proceedings. Understand?"
"Yes, sir," I replied softly, still amazed that I was agreeing to this and scarcely believing Donnie was standing by letting this happen.
"Well, then, if we understand each other, there's no time for getting started like right now!" Mr. Richards stood up and walked around his desk and pointed to a leather sofa in the far corner. "Donnie, come join me on the couch." He crossed the room and sat down and after my husband quietly joined him, he patted his crotch. I was amazed to see that there was a significant bulge in his gray slacks. "Now, Sonya, isn't it? Sonya, I want you to crawl over here and suck my cock!"
"Crawl, Mr. Richards?"
"Yes, Sonya, crawl over here like the whore slut you are and show me what a good cocksucker you are."
I could see Donnie bristling next to him, but was shocked to hear him say, "Shouldn't I leave the room?"
Mr. Richards laughed and said, "Oh no, certainly not! I want you here, Donnie. I want you to see your wife be the whore she already knows she is." Donnie stunned me by just frowning and nodding meekly. Mr. Richards crooked a finger at me and said, "C'mon you little bitch. I want my cock sucked right now."
Part of me seemed to stand back amazed as I slipped from my chair to the deep carpet of his office. Breasts hanging and swaying, I began to crawl over to him on my hands and knees, trying to deny the heat and the hot and slippery sensations as my labia rubbed together as I moved. I was turned on -- I just couldn't believe it. I crawled between Mr. Richards' legs and slipped a hand over the fabric covered bulge in his pants. I undid the button on his slacks and pulled down the zipper and reached in with shaky hands to fish out his cock. It felt wet and sticky and I didn't understand that, but I was more amazed at its size. Donnie, god love him, is just a bit shy of being six inches long when he's erect and not all that thick. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband's cock, but a thrill went through me as I estimated Mr. Richards at over eight inches and significantly thicker than my husband.
"Mmmmm, I think you like what you've found," said Mr. Richards. "Is it bigger than Donnie's dick?" As I slowly stroked it, I nodded in confirmation. As Mr. Richards chuckled, I shot a glance at Donnie who looked mortified. Mr. Richards reached out and ran a hand through my thick mahogany hair. "Now, Sonya, would you like to suck my cock?"
I looked up at him and whispered, "Yes." And it was the truth. I did want to suck him and he smiled at me and I took him in my mouth. Now to be honest, I don't suck Donnie all that much. He prefers straight up sex, mostly with him on top. There was a time when we were much more sexually active, but the last few years, it had become at best a once a week event and in recent months, Donnie's sex drive had simply disappeared. Now I was consumed with desire to please this man, to pleasure this big penis and so I did.
As I took him into my mouth, I realized I was tasting more than cock -- that the wetness and stickiness on the skin had its own taste and I almost choked as I realized that I was tasting sperm and pussy. I had a sudden epiphany, envisioning Mr. Richards fucking his secretary, Lilly maybe moments before we walked in. I didn't matter. Like a woman starving, I ran my tongue up and down his shaft and licked his cock clean before focusing on sucking him, rolling my tongue around his large cock head. I kept my brown eyes focused on his face, measuring what I was doing from his expression and trying to please him. Once in a while, I would spare a glance over to my husband who stared at me with a confused look -- as if he didn't recognize me.
I felt my cunt grow wet and felt my own juices trickling down my thighs. I felt so confused and wondered if somehow, Mr. Richards had perceived my true nature. Was I a slut? Was I a shameless whore? Thirty minutes ago, I was a jobless wife and mother, now I was on my knees sucking a strange cock and I couldn't seemed to muster much more than a glimmer of shame. I was dealing with the fact that I was enjoying this, that I was happy sucking this man's big cock!
I swirled my tongue and tried to recall every little trick that had made Donnie happy over the years and I was amazed to feel my heart thrill to every moan I drew from Mr. Richard's lips. I quivered as he entangled his fingers in my heavy mane of brown hair and guided my motion as he murmured, "Yes, that's it, bitch! Suck my cock, you little whore. You love it, don't you, you cockloving slut!"
And then without warning, I felt him swell and then my mouth was flooded with his spunk -- hot, thick, salty semen. I gulped it down, eager to please him and to not waste a drop. I sucked and sucked until there was nothing left to suck from him and yet, I still sucked him and tongued his still throbbing dick. Finally, it was too intense and he pushed my head back, allowing him to slip from my lips.
"Oh my, yes! You definitely live up to expectations, Sonya!" crowed Mr. Richards. He nudged my husband who sat there in disbelief. "Again, Donnie, I tell you, you are a lucky man!" As he spoke, he took his still semi-erect cock in his hand and gently slapped it against my face, leaving little splatters of spit and cum on my face. "You enjoyed it too, didn't you, Sonya?"
I looked up at him and nodded and then to reinforce my feelings, I leaned forward, brushing my cheeks and lips against the head of his cock, almost worshipping his meat stick, savoring the feel of his velvety shaft against my skin. Donnie's eyes bulged as he watched me literally rub Mr. Richard's cock against my face.
"I believe you will go far, Sonya," Mr. Richards said, standing up. "There is a whore inside of you just dying to get out!" He allowed me to kiss the tip of his cock before tucking it back inside his trousers. Then, so much like a man, he became all business and instructed me to get dressed. When I was dressed and composed, he told me, "Tomorrow is Wednesday, so be at home and wait for Lilly's phone call. Don't disappoint me and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday."
He walked us to his office door and good heartedly patted Donnie on the back. "Cheer up, Mr. Lawson. Your wife is going to make everything all right. Go home and get a good night's sleep knowing your home -- your life is safe!"
We walked out, Lilly Fox watching us from her desk, the smirk still on her face. I felt my face blush anew, seeing in her eyes the knowledge of what I had done and what I had agreed to become. Her tongue flitted out and over her lips and she gave me a little wink and I knew in my heart at that moment that I had been right. I had just licked her cunt cream off Mr. Richard's cock. What's more, just being sure of that nasty fact made my pussy even wetter than it already was.
Most of the ride home was awfully silent. Donnie's hands were clenched on the steering wheel and he was looking straight ahead with his jaw so clenched I thought he might crack teeth. Finally, in an almost strangled voice, he saw. "You actually enjoyed that. You liked sucking that fucker's cock!"
I rolled my eyes as I shot back. "No! I -- I just did what I had to do."
Donnie took his eyes off the road and glared at me. "Bullshit, Sonya. You loved it, rubbing your face all over his cock!"
"Fuck you, Donnie Lawson," I said with more anger than I felt. "It was just sex and it was just to save our asses. We get to keep our house, goddamnit."
Donnie sneered at me and took one hand off the wheel and shook it at me. "Married all these years and I never knew you were a fucking whore! You sucked his cock like you were starved for it"
"I told you, Donnie, it was just sex! I did it to save our house." Maybe, I should have let it go at that, but to be honest, Donnie had me pissed off, so I opened my mouth and added, "But it was kind of nice to see a nice hard cock -- it's been a while!"
Donnie snarled, "You fucking bitch!" and turned the wheel hard, taking us off the road. Our SUV bounced over a curb and skidded to a halt in the parking lot of an abandoned gas station. I yelped as Donnie grabbed me by the back of the neck, fingers tangling in my hair. His free hand fumbled with his fly and he fished out his cock and I was shocked to see him hard as a rock. "You skanky whore -- you like to suck cock so much, suck this, bitch!"
I cried out in pain as Donnie yanked my head down into his lap, fear pumping adrenaline into my body and to my astonishment, my cunt seemed to catch fire at the same time. I opened my mouth and quickly began sucking my husband off. His cock head was coated with precum and I suddenly realized that the whole incident with Mr. Richards had turned my husband on. My God -- had he had a hard on the whole time?
Again, I let myself go, sucking Donnie furiously like I was a streetwalker trying to get her 'john' to cum before a cop came along. I felt like a whore and I loved it and I wondered how I had gotten to be forty years old and not know these things about myself. Donnie's fingers tightened in my thick mane of hair and I heard him groan, "You fucking cunt of a whore," and then he was cumming -- a big load since he hadn't cum in God knows when." I slurped it up noisily and greedily, trying not to lose a single drop.
When his cock head got too sensitive he pushed me away only to see me scoop up a little dribble of his semen on my chin and suck it off my finger. I looked at him defiantly, daring him to say anything. He glared back as he tucked himself away. He resumed the silent treatment as he put the car in gear and pulled back onto the road.
The rest of the day I got the silent treatment, even through dinner with the kids. By now, all my sweet children were used to tensions running high between their father and mother and just ignored it. Besides, as the day went on, I felt like a great load had been lifted from my shoulders and I was acting more cheerful than any of my kids had seen in a long time. Why not? I had spent months dreading the moment I would have to tell them we were going to have to move and now -- now I wouldn't have to. To be able to see my children grow up in their proper home was worth me whoring. I didn't feel more than a twinge of guilt over the fact that I was basically selling my body to make the house payment and that guilt was more about feeling so turned on about doing it!
Donnie continued the silent treatment all night, turning his back to me in bed and not doing more than grunting during breakfast. After the kids were on the bus and Donnie was dressed for work and at the door, he turned to me and said, "You're going to do this?"
"Of course, I am. Donnie, this is about saving our house, nothing more. I love you. I will always love you. I'm doing this because I love you and the kids."
Donnie shook his head and for a moment I thought he might spit at me. His lower lip curled and he muttered, "Whore," and then he was out the door, leaving me to wait for my call.
It was after eleven when it finally came. "Sonya? This is Lilly Fox at the bank." Damn if she didn't still sound a little smug.
I had been on the edge of my seat since Donnie had left, having cussed out two telemarketers. I tried to sound calm when I replied, "Yes, Lilly. I've been expecting your call."
"You have a 1:00 o'clock appointment at 435 Dallard Ave. Suite 650 -- the Stockman Financial Group -- ask for Gustav Stockman." She paused while I repeated the address and wrote it down. Then before she hung up, she added, "Dress slutty."
I stared at the phone. Dress slutty? I glanced at my watch and shook my head. I couldn't think of an article of clothing that I owned that was slutty and I didn't think I would have time to go somewhere and buy something slutty. Hell, I wasn't even sure of where I could buy something slutty. Then I had a brainstorm.
I scurried upstairs to my daughter's room. At age 17, Tara was challenging her boundaries almost everyday. Two months ago, we'd had a shouting match over an outfit she had bought with her Christmas money. I opened up her closet and began pushing clothes around. There it was -- a red and black plaid school girl's dress, way too short for decency and her school's dress code! She wasn't quite as tall as me, but I had kept my figure pretty well. I shucked off my robe and stepped into it. Oh my god, it was short. The waist band only went up as far as my lower belly and the hemline was, well, if I bent over I was going to being showing off just about everything.
I walked to my room, my breasts jiggling as I did so. I couldn't help but play a little with my throbbing nipples. They were already erect and painfully swollen. I found a white dress shirt I used with a dress suit. I tied it up under my tits, leaving my belly bare. Braless, my heavy tits molded against the cotton material, my nipples clearly jutting out, almost making the cloth seem transparent. I left only one button done, letting the shirt flare out and offer up a stupendous view of my breasts. I felt my pussy quiver as I realized I was about to go out in public like this. White socks, a pair of white cotton panties and my daughter's sneakers completed the ensemble. I finished the look by pulling my hair back into a set of pigtails and tying them with red ribbons. After applying makeup I looked like an over-aged and depraved school girl.
At five minutes to one, I walked into the lobby of Suite 650. I had just ran the gauntlet downstairs, feeling my face and my pussy burn as people in the lobby of this office building stopped and watched me stroll through. Inside the suite, I wondered if I had the wrong address. A severely dressed elderly woman manned the reception desk and she looked at me over her glasses and said, "May I help you?" in a voice that dripped with contempt.
I hesitated but blurted out, "My name is Sonya. I have a one o'clock appointment with Mr. Stockman."
She told me to have a seat and I did, trying carefully not to expose anything, feeling so naughty with virtually all my shapely legs exposed and feeling my erect nipples throb proudly against my blouse. As people emerged from various offices to speak with the receptionist, they would throw idle glances my way, most pausing to appraise me and then reward me with a smirk or with a lewd grin.
"Follow me," the Receptionist said, suddenly rising from her desk. I followed her down a long hall and into a large room with a huge conference table over which was draped a huge green felt cloth, making it look like the world's biggest billiards table. The old woman turned to me and said, "You will place yourself under the table. Once everyone is here and the meeting begins, you will proceed to suck every cock and lick every cunt sitting at the table. You may begin with anyone you like, but you must leave the person at the head of the table..." She stopped and pointed to the far end of the table where an especially ornate chair was placed, reminding me of a throne. "Leave the person sitting there for last. Any questions?"
I was too surprised to speak. Sucking cock didn't shock me although there were twelve chairs around the table and I never would have guessed I would be doing so many at one time, but licking a woman's cunt shocked me. I had never done such a thing in my life. Again, as I had been yesterday, I was surprised at my own physical reaction at the prospect of doing this. I barely managed to not give a little moan of pleasure as my pussy went from moist to absolutely wet in the time she had told me my duties.
"Um, afterwards? What should I do?"
The receptionist smiled and said, "Remain under the table until Mr. Stockman instructs you further." At that moment a soft chime rang out three times over an intercom system. "Ah, everyone is being summoned to the meeting. Please take your place." Without saying another word, she spun on her heels and exited the room.
I quickly crawled under the conference table, making my way to the center. I sat kneeling as I heard people enter the room, chatting and talking and one by one, pulling out chairs and taking seats. I heard small talk about business, family, sports, but as they sat, one by one each nonchalantly undid their trousers and let them pool at their feet, except for two women who simply slipped panties off to pool around their expensive high heels. It seemed so fucking weird I had to clamp a hand over my mouth to stop from giggling. Finally, someone sat down on the fanciest chair and undid his trousers as well and then a sonorous masculine voice that would make any woman wet said, "Let's begin the meeting. Collins, how are things in your district?"
I immediately made for the person sitting to the immediate right of the throne chair and felt him jump a little as I placed a hand on his left leg and eased myself up to him and took his cock in my hand. He was already semi erect and with a few gentle strokes I had him in a full erection and then I took him in my mouth and let my sluttish side take over.
So many thoughts raced through my mind as I furiously licked and sucked this cock -- the least of which was that I for the second day in a row, sucking the dick of a man I didn't know and that that knowledge thrilled the hell out of me. As I was fluttering my tongue over his pee slit, I felt him stiffen and then hot cum was gushing into my mouth. I swallowed it hungrily, gently squeezing his balls to get as much sperm from him as I could.
On to the next cock. He was longer than the first and smelled more strongly of man sweat. I sucked and licked and then felt a hand on my head urging me to take him deep and so I did, doing my best to not gag and glorying in the fact that as I took one inch after another that I was deep-throating someone that made my husband's dick look tiny. His free hand joined his other and I found myself being controlled completely as he moved my head back and forth, fucking my face until he shot a thick load of semen into my mouth that I swallowed like it was nectar. I felt like an absolute slut, reveling in being controlled -- in being used like a common street whore.
I crawled to the next seat and felt my heart begin to triphammer. This cock was black and again, I crossed a boundary. I grew up in an all white community in the Appalachian Mountains and never had an opportunity to be with a black man before Donnie and I were married. I was on him and sucking his dark skinned shaft with gusto, giving him my best effort as a cocksucker, using my tongue like a whirling dervish, licking his long prick like a black all day sucker until he thrust forward and almost choked me with a gusher of steaming hot semen.
On I went down the line, sucking cock until my jaw began to ache. I had finished one side and turned to face the person at the opposite end from the throne chair and saw a woman's legs spread wide facing me. In the dim light under the table, I could see that she was extremely hairy, but that she was aroused -- her labia bloomed like an exotic lilly. I crept up between her legs, trailing my fingertips along her thighs. I slowly eased my face to her cunt until my lips were almost brushing her wet flesh.
I could smell her cunt -- so much like my own and yet with its own unique fragrance. I extended my tongue and gave her a few tentative licks. The taste was much like my own, but again different -- less salty than my own juices. I licked it, but was so nervous. Suddenly a hand shot down under the table and grabbed a handful of my hair, fingers twisting around one of my pig tails and then she both scooted forward and rammed my face between her legs, mashing my mouth against her cunt. I took the hint and thrust my tongue out and began making like a pig at the trough, just slathering my tongue over her pussy flesh. Her thighs tightened against my head as I plunged my tongue deep into her cunt and then gave her long licks alternating with nibbling on her fleshy labia.
As my eyes adjusted, I realized I could see her fat nub of a clitoris emerging from its hood and I licked it and sucked on it and then I began licking her from the bottom of her juicy slit to the top, paying special attention to her clitoris on each pass until I heard her gasp (accompanied by a few chuckles and the sonorous voice scolding with a mild "Calm down."
Her thighs tightened even more against my head and I was astounded to get hit by a burst of fluid -- omigod, she was ejaculating cunt juice into my face. Four solid heavy bursts while I made the effort to just tongue her madly. Her juices trickled off my chin and splashed on my breasts and on my shirt. Finally her thighs loosened and she physically shoved me away. I was thrilled. I had eaten my first cunt and I had made her cum! I could feel her juices dripping from my cheeks and chin and reveled in feeling so carnally nasty.
I resumed sucking cock, another black cock which thrilled my soul. This one not as long as the other, but thicker than any cock I had ever sucked before (alright, before yesterday, that was only two, Donnie's and a high school sweetheart). Three cocks later, I was confronted with my second cunt -- this one as bald as the day she had been born. I threw caution to the wind and like a madwoman, mashed my face into her naked and slippery pussy.
She tasted very different than the other woman -- fresher, cleaner and I knew in an instant that she was much younger than the first woman. I licked and lapped and coaxed her clitoris out of hiding -- this one not as fat, but longer, almost half the length of my little finger, like a tiny penis. She too tightened her thighs around me, but lifted her legs to rest over my shoulders, exposing herself a little better. She really seemed to like my tongue swirling deep inside her pussy, scraping her sweet honey off her sugar walls. I knew she was cumming when I felt her heels beat against my back in an orgasmic spasm before slowly sliding off me, leaving her legs in a wide, careless sprawl. She hadn't sprayed me with her cunt cream like the first woman had, but I felt like I was wearing a facial mask, so heavily coated with pussy juices was my face.
Finally there was the last chair -- the throne chair as I thought of it. Another semi-erect cock greeted me -- maybe seven inches long once I had him stiff. My jaws were sore as hell, but I knew he needed my best and that's what he got. I made love to that cock with my mouth -- inspiring myself by imagining that Donnie was there watching me -- watching me be as complete a slut as I could manage. I sucked that cock and licked it like it was the great love of my life and in a way it was. It took me some weeks to realize how much I relished sucking cock and that to me the most wonderful cock in the world was the cock I had in my mouth at any given moment.
I did my best to make him last, easing off whenever he seemed to be coming close. I did this several times until finally I sensed we were at the point of no return and fluttered my tongue over the crown of his wonderful penis until I coaxed out a large amount of semen -- shot after tasty shot of his load. It was only as I was sucking the last dribbles of his sperm that I realized that my belly was full with the semen of ten men...TEN MEN!!!
I started to ease my lips off his cock, but he dropped a hand into my hair and stopped me. I took it as a directive to keep sucking and so I did, licking and sucking him, keeping him from going soft, but not able to get him back to full mast. As I sucked him, I realized that I could hear him talking and that the meeting was winding to a close.
Finally he permitted me to let him slip from my mouth and he pushed back his chair as he said, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to meet our special treat for the day." He held out a hand and helped me scoot out and stand up on shaky, trembling legs. As my eyes adjusted to the normal light again, I saw I was looking at an older, distinguished gentleman, his handsome face craggy with years of experience, wisdom and power -- think Charlton Heston or Gregory Peck in their late sixties. This had to be Mr. Stockman. I felt my heart do a flip-flop as he smiled at me. "It's Sonya, is it not?"
He turned me around so I could see the rest of the people. There was a mix of young and middle aged men and one young red-headed woman in her early twenties and one dark haired woman that was maybe ten years older than me. "Give her a hand, everyone," he said and they all gave me an enthusiastic round of applause. I couldn't believe it, but I actually blushed.
"Now, Sonya, it's the custom of the monthly meeting to reward our top producer of the month, he gets to, um, well make love to you." Mr. Stockman stroked my shoulder gently and said, "Its one hell of an incentive and well, frankly, you make me wish I was back in the field myself." I felt my heart begin to beat rapidly again. I was going to get fucked! Part of me was already rejoicing, my cunt muscles twitching in anticipation -- I was horny as hell. Part of me was going into shock. I had not been with another man in twenty years...not since Donnie and I had started dating. Part of that shock was acknowledging just how much I was looking forward to it.
All around the table, everyone was looking at me with anticipation and hunger. I shivered as I felt my own juices trickle down my thigh. My panties were absolutely soaked! Mr. Stockman pointed to a man in his mid thirties, with thinning blonde hair. "Davidson, you've done it again. Your region has had its best month yet!"
A good natured groan rose from the rest as the man broke out into a grin. I heard someone in the crowd gripe, "Jeezus, Dennis. That's your third time this year!"
Davidson stepped forward and began unbuttoning his shirt. Meanwhile, a few others surrounded me and lifted me and sat me on the table. The dark haired woman stepped up and placed her hand on my thighs and slowly slid them up under my short skirt. I shivered at her touch -- not repulsed, but turned on. She gave me a knowing grin as her fingers hooked my panties and slid them off. She held them up so the crowd could see my cunt juice stained panties and then held them to her face and sniffed. She gave me a wink as others pulled me on the table, undoing my shirt and running their hands over my heaving breasts and stomach and lifted my skirt to reveal my very wet pussy.
I was eased back, my head resting on a pillow that seemed to come from nowhere. Another was slipped under my hips and my legs were spread apart as a now nearly naked Davidson climbed on the table and between my thighs. His cock was long, hard and dripping precum and I moaned with need. I was almost surprised when I heard myself gasp, "Fuck me! Please fuck me!" The crowd around the table cheered and I heard catcalls and comments of "Jeez, what a whore," and "Now that's what I'd call a slut!" And I was. I was a whorish slut in complete rut and I lewdly thrust my pelvis upwards, aching to get that cock inside me. I was absolutely ready to toss twenty years of fidelity away without a second thought!
Davidson ran his hands over my breasts, roughly squeezing them as he settled between my legs. I felt his cock brush my labia and I began to hunch and twist and then he raised his hips slightly and thrust forward and as he clamped his mouth on mine, he rammed his long cock home with a single thrust. I screamed against his probing tongue as cock pierced me deeper than I had ever been touched before and I felt an orgasm rise out of me before we even really got started.
As I locked my arms around his back and pulled my knees back to let him get even deeper, I heard someone groan and say, "Fuck, she really loves it!" I sobbed with joy as I dueled tongues with this complete stranger while our bodies found a mutually satisfying rhythm. Very quickly, Davidson was slamming his cock into me at a fast and hard pace, our bodies slapping together wetly as we both became coated with fuck sweat. My breasts bounced wildly beneath his chest and I felt feminine hands ran over them from both sides -- long, lacquered nails pinching my swollen nipples constantly, adding to my ever building pleasure.
Soon our kiss ended as we were both gasping for air and we became two wild, clawing and scratching beasts of lust. I heard cheers as I began to scream my demands to be fucked and fucked hard! More cheers accompanied Davidson's groans as I tore twin tracks of blood down his back with my nails as I began to convulse, my orgasm reaching an intensity I hadn't known in years -- if ever! Then the man began to cum and I felt my insides grow even hotter with the liquid heat of his load of semen splashing my womb. The world went white hot for a long minute and I was lost in ecstasy.
When I came to myself, Davidson was climbing off the table and I felt the loss of his cock in every fiber of my body. I held out my arms to those men nearest to me and undulated my pelvis, moaning, "Please...more?"
Mr. Stockman appeared and held out a hand and pulled me up to a sitting position. "Pace yourself, my dear -- there will be other times I'm sure." He stroked my face and smiled warmly at me. "My god, but you're lovely, Sonya. Richards has outdone himself." His hand felt good on my skin and when his thumb ran over my lips, I couldn't help myself and I sucked at it eagerly. He laughed and said, "By god, you are an eager one, aren't you? You remind me of my daughter -- always ready for love."
Mr. Stockman turned to the dark haired woman who had removed my panties. "What do you think, Joan? Doesn't she remind you of, well, you?" I stopped sucking his thumb as my mouth dropped open in shock. This lovely woman whose pussy I had just eaten was his daughter! "I swear, Joan, I think she's the first woman to suck me with as much enthusiasm as you in many years."
Joan smiled and said, "Now be nice, Daddy. I think we're shocking her." She gave her father a kiss on the lips and then and leaned in and gave me a kiss on the mouth. "We don't want to scare her off. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better." She smiled as she eased closer, her hand on my bare thigh again, slipping upwards until her fingers were gently stirring between my spread and cum covered cunt lips. Then in front of her father she held up her cum covered fingers and slowly sucked them clean.
Mr. Stockman laughed and said, "And I look forward to seeing you and her together, dear, but we do have a business to run." He turned and glanced at his executives getting ready to exit. "Back to work, gentlemen. Don't forget the tip bowl, either." He patted my cheek one last time and said, "It's been a pleasure, Sonya, until next time. He moved towards the now open door.
His daughter kissed me again and then held up my pussy stained panties, twirling them from her index finger. "Souvenir," she sang out and laughed and then went and caught up with her father, drawing a laugh from him as she held my panties to his nose. They left the room arm in arm, never looking back.
I eased myself off the table and tried to pull myself back together. I tied my shirt back in place and tried to tug my skirt down so as not to expose my now bare and cum filled cunt. I found a washroom off of the boardroom and got my hair combed and was nearly presentable. I was heading for the exit when Mr. Stockman came back in, holding a lovely, but small glazed pot.
"Ah, you haven't left yet. Good." He held out the small pot. "Here. I know you've made arrangements with Mr. Richards, but I always think its good policy to tip our whores." He smiled toothily and added, "Especially the really excellent whores."
I took the bowl and looked into it and gasped. It was filled with fifty dollar bills! I was totally flabbergasted. "I -- I don't know what to say. I -- surely, I can't take this!" I said.
Stockman patted my cheek again as he might a child that amused him and said, "But of course you can, Sonya. You fuck for money, take it when it's offered to you." He turned and walked out of the room. Then the elderly receptionist came in and while failing to not smirk, asked me to follow her. She escorted me back to the reception area and showed me out.
I walked back to my car in a daze and sat there for quite a while trying to think what I should do next. Finally, I counted my money. There were eleven fifty dollar bills and at the bottom was a hundred dollar bill -- six hundred and fifty dollars total! I sat in my car and just let it all soak in. I had just sucked ten cocks, licked two pussies and had been fucked by someone who wasn't my husband. In doing so, I was making the house payment and getting money to boot. "I'm a whore!" I said to myself. I didn't feel ashamed at all. In fact, I felt almost reborn. I was maybe for the first time in my life, completely sure of who I was.
I drove home, stopping at a discount store to buy a cheap, but long raincoat. I wasn't ashamed of being a whore, but I wasn't ready to explain to my children why I was dressed so sexily...not yet anyways. I came home to find my eldest Tara supervising the others as they all did their homework in the kitchen. She gave me a curious look, but the others were too busy trying to get done so they could go play videogames to do more than say "Hi, Mom!" and kiss my cheek. Tara informed me that Daddy was lying down upstairs with a headache.
I smiled and headed up to our bedroom. I was pretty sure I knew how this was going to play out. Our bedroom was dimly lit -- one small bedside lamp on and Donnie lying on the bed. He came up quickly and sat looking at me accusingly as I shed the raincoat.
"Oh my fucking god," he said, eyeballing my sluttish outfit. "You went out in public dressed like that?"
I stood and face him, my legs spread slightly apart. "Not exactly," I replied. "When I left, I had on panties." I undid the skirt and let it pool at my feet, revealing my still cumstained and gaping open cunt.
Donnie came to his feet like he'd been hit with a cattle prod. "What the fuck have you done?" He said through gritted teeth. "What fucking whorish thing have you done, you bitch?"
As I undid my blouse and let it fall, revealing my breasts complete with my still red from being pinched nipples, I said, "Well, where should I start? Sucking cocks or getting fucked good and hard for the first time in a long time?"
Donnie sprung at me and grabbed me by my long hair. "You WHORE!" he screamed in my face. He dragged me by my hair over to my makeup table and bent me over the chair. I heard his zipper and then the sound of key and coins spilling as he dropped his pants. "You fucking whorecunt bitch. You like getting fucked -- fine, get fucked by this!"