Chapter 01.2
I grunted as my husband slipped his cock into my cunt for the first time in several weeks. It felt different -- no, it was different, knowing that he was sticking his cock into me and getting himself coated with another man's cum. "Mmmmm, you like that, baby," I cooed. You like my hot cunt? You like feeling all that sticky sperm already in there! Well, fuck me, baby! Fuck your slut!"
My words seemed to both arouse and enrage Donnie and he fucked me viciously, his groin slapping against my ass while he cupped my tits and squeezed them hard. I must confess I liked it too. I liked this angry fucking by my husband just as I liked knowing that while on some level this aroused him and that on another level he was feeling humiliated. It didn't take long for either of us to reach orgasm and I felt him explode inside me and then I was cumming too. It ended with me on my knees cleaning his cock of all the semen, his and Davidson's and my juices while he stared down at me with a mixture of fear and loathing and yes, love. He barely spoke to me the rest of the evening and we fell asleep in silence.
I lay there awake for quite a while, reliving the events of the day. I felt completely alive and I marveled at not realizing this about myself before. I had whored myself out and I had enjoyed every moment of it. I vowed to myself to be completely fearless and to push the frontiers of my new world without exception. I knew I now had a serious addiction to cock and hungered again for the new experience of pussy. I slipped into a fantasy, playing with my pussy and imagining Joan Stockman licking me while I sucked her father. I fell asleep knowing that that fantasy might come true.
The next afternoon, I was right on time for my appointment with Mr. Richards. I wasn't sure about a proper wardrobe, so I was wearing the sexiest thing I owned. It was a short black dress I usually wore to Donnie's boss's annual New Year's Eve party. It came up about five inches from my knees and had a modest plunging neckline. You couldn't call it slutty, but I think it did show off my best attributes and I knew I could turn a head or two with it.
Lilly Fox emerged from Mr. Richard's office at three minutes after two, looking smug and chipper, her face a bit flushed and breathing a mite heavy. "Mr. Richards will see you now," she said, tossing me a knowing wink as I strutted by her.
Mr. Richards was sitting on his sofa again, sans pants and shoes. His cock was standing straight up and glistened in the fluorescent lights of the ceilings. "Ah, Mrs. Lawson, right on time," he murmured as he watched me stride right up to him.
"Should I get naked, sir?" I asked. I said it in a meek tone and was rewarded by his cock swelling a bit and bobbing a bit higher.
"Ah, you learn quickly, Sonya. I like the respect I hear in your voice. Yes, by all means, undress." He had me walk around in my high heels for a few minutes and then had me crawl to him from across the room. Mr. Richards instructed me to clean his secretary's cum off his cock and informed me as I licked her juices off. "I resisted cumming in her today. I wanted you to be the beneficiary of all my seed today, Sonya -- a reward for your good work yesterday. Gus Stockman is quite pleased with your work yesterday. Said, you suck cock like you love it."
Mr. Richards stroked my hair as I whispered, "I do love sucking cock." I ran my tongue up the length of his shaft and tenderly kissed the swollen head. "You taught me that, Mr. Richards. I love your cock. I'll suck it whenever you tell me to. I'll suck you off in front of my husband again if it pleases you. Even if I had my house paid off, I would suck your cock because I love it so much." And the crazy thing is, I meant every word of it!
I worshipped that man's erect penis as best as I could muster -- as if it were the last cock I would ever go down on and I wanted it to last and last and when Mr. Richards finally cried out as he thrust deep into my mouth and let go with a thick blast of semen, it was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me. I almost wept with delight at the incredible load he had built up.
After I was dismissed, I lingered outside his office and waited for Lilly Fox to end a phone conversation. She hung up the receiver and looked at me. "Yes, Mrs. Lawson, can I help you?" She smirked at me with the knowledge that I would be licking her juices off her employer's cock for quite some time to come.
"Well, yes, I hope so." I felt a little nervous around her, why, I wasn't sure. "I was hoping to go shopping for some uh, more appropriate clothes for my assignments, but I'm not sure where to go..." I trailed off, hoping she understood my question.
The secretary studied me for a moment and then smiled, this time with more kindness than before. She pressed a button on her telephone and said, "Mr. Richards. Its almost three -- can I take off a bit early and help Mrs. Lawson shop for a new wardrobe?"
I heard Mr. Richards chuckle and reply, "Absolutely. Take her to Victor's. I'm sure Sonya will appreciate their special discounts."
Lilly had me follow her in her car and we drove to the far end of town, near the airport. We passed several strip clubs and finally stopped at a large blockhouse building with a large sign outside that said, "Victor's Erotica. There were several cars in the gravel parking lot and I felt an excited tingle between my legs. We were definitely on the wrong end of the city -- a place that most of us only knew from infrequent news reports on the ten o'clock news or brief articles in the newspaper when the police would raid the establishments for prostitution.
Taking my hand, Lilly led me inside, through the metal detectors and past a large, black doorman who nodded to Lilly. Inside, she paused to let me take it all in. The place was huge -- massive rows of adult DVD's and magazines and books. To the right side was the novelty section and my eyes hungrily scanned over the dozens of dildos and fake cocks displayed amongst the other sexual "aides." Lilly then led me to the left side where there was a vast section of clothing.
I felt like a child turned loose in a toy store. I couldn't believe the outfits I saw. Some designed for strippers, others for the bedroom, others just for dressing up sexy and going dancing and clubbing and others aimed for hookers in a hurry. Lilly and I giggled our way through, looking at dresses and tops and things that a week ago I would have been mortified to be seen in public in. Before we were done, I had what amounted to two large shopping bags full of dresses, tops, underwear and other things.
As we shopped, other folks passed in and out of the store -- several men looking nervous or tense, a few couples both red-neck and uptown in appearance and a few women who appeared to be wives and mothers like myself.
We finally made our way up to the cashier in the center of the building. He was a large, heavy set man with a three day old beard, several food stains on his grungy t-shirt and a grin that made me both frightened and turned on. He rang everything up and then nodded and winked at me when Lilly told him I would get the special discount.
"Well, sugarpuss, that comes to four hundred and twelve dollars." He looked me over, up and down like he was appraising a side of beef and said, "Shit, let's just call it four hundred even."
I nodded, expecting the bill to be much higher and pulled my wallet out of my purse -- thankful now for the tip money from yesterday's assignment. I felt Lilly lean in against me, her youthful, pert and oh so bountiful breasts rubbing against my arm in a way that thrilled me to my very core.
"Sonya, sweetheart -- you're a whore. You never pay in cash what you can pay for in trade,"
I turned and looked at her in surprise. "You mean I'm going to have sex with someone..." I managed to get out before Lilly pressed a finger to my lips.
I looked up at the cashier. He said, "I reckon four will do -- let her have room three." He extended a big grimy paw. "I'm John by the way. Do we have a deal?" I looked at his hand for a moment and then reached out and shook it, nodding my head as I was absolutely struck mum with shock.
Lilly walked me through the labyrinth of DVD racks towards the back of the store. We took some steps up to the second floor and stopped at a door with a big three painted on it. There was a red light bulb, dim at the moment, above the door. "What do I do?" I asked Lilly.
"Go in, turn on the light and have a seat. I'm sure you'll be able to figure things out from there. Just stay until John comes for you." Lilly ran her fingernails lightly down my arm. "Oh, and have fun, slut!" she added and walked away, calling out, "See you, Tuesday!"
I watched her for several seconds and then became aware that I was the focus of scrutiny of several other patrons. I stepped into the room and flipped on the lights. The room was bare except for a padded kitchen chair -- more a cell than a room -- maybe ten feet by ten feet. On three sides were cheap, large, unframed mirrors. On the remaining wall was a perfectly round hole -- maybe three inches in diameter and I wondered about rats. I sat down nervously on the kitchen chair and wondered what would come next.
Less than a minute later, my question was answered when through the hole in the wall a hard dick slipped in and stopped scant inches from my face. I clapped my hands to my face in surprise. I had heard Donnie crack jokes about glory holes before, but never expected to see one in action, yet here I was, sitting alone in a room with one that was now in use. The penis was long, maybe seven inches and I felt that now familiar desire and hunger well up inside me.
I scooted my chair up closer and closed my mouth over the mystery cock and slathered my tongue over it. I could hear someone on the other side groan and I began sucking him voraciously. He smelled of musk and sweat, like a man who had worked hard all day and hadn't had a chance to shower since this morning or perhaps last night. I liked the smell and wondered about the man behind the wall.
I wanted to please him and I knew that the only way I could that was to make him cum, so I did my whorish best to pleasure his erect penis. I deep throated him until my lips kissed the wall and I heard him gasping and shaking, a bunch of loose change or something jingling in his pocket -- a redneck wallet chain perhaps. Then I heard him cry and I tasted his semen, extremely salty splash into my mouth, three sharp bursts and then a few weaker ones as I sucked and sucked. He withdrew with a gasp and a hoarse, "Goddamn!"
I tried looking inside the hole, but the light was too dim. I put my lips up to the hole and called out, "Thank you! You were delicious!" but got no reply. I savored the taste of cum in my mouth and waited for what came next which after about five minutes was another hard cock sliding through the hole, this one not as long, but much thicker and being careful as it barely was able to thread its way through.
My cocklust was upon me in an instant and again, I made love to this cock as if my life depended on it. I heard no voice on the other side, just a constant breathing that rose and fell as I licked and tongued his magnificent meat stick. I experimented, focusing one minute on using my tongue, the next gently scraping my teeth over the crown and then next sucking on him as hard as I could.
He took longer to bring to orgasm -- whether from my desire to prolong it or from his own level of self control, but the sweat was pouring down my face and I could smell the stink of cum and male musk growing thick in the room and then he cried out and the wall shook as he slammed himself against the wall and began to cum and cum and cum. It was a river of semen and for a minute or so, it just never seemed to slow down, one thick pulse of cum after another, hot, gooey, lovely tasting sperm. It seemed like a lifetime of me sucking jizzum from his cock and I actually felt a sense of being full and imagined all that nice cum in my belly. Finally, he shrank in my mouth and slipped back through the hole. I heard a hoarse voice whisper, "Thank you, that was mighty fine!"
I called back through the hole, "Oh no, thank you. You taste mighty fine!"
I spent a few minutes catching my breath and waiting for the next cock to arrive. The cashier, John, had said "Four will do," and I wondered what "four" meant -- four hours, four cocks? I thought I heard someone enter the room next door. I sat up anxiously and waited only to feel disappointed when I heard a woman giggling. I sighed. Well, surely I wasn't the only whore in the building.
Giggling turned to moans next door and I grinned to myself as I realized someone was getting fucked! As I listened, my state of arousal, already high from being around so many hard dicks, escalated. I tugged my skirt up and rubbed my panty clad cunt, feeling my wetness spreading. The moans escalated to screams and then I heard the woman make several sharp, barking like noises and I realized she had had an orgasm. I wondered what a cock that could make a woman bark looked like.
I quickly got my answer as a very long and hard dick slipped through the hole. He wasn't as thick as the last man, but he was well hung and maybe ten inches by the size of it and maybe best of all, it was coated with a woman's juices! I was on it in a heartbeat, slathering my tongue up and down that cock, taking in the taste of another woman's cunt from another mystery dick. She was delicious and I wished there was someway to lick her pussy too.
I licked that cock clean and then proceeded to blow him like I was going for the grand championship. As I sucked and licked, I wondered who they were -- a married couple out for a thrill or perhaps boyfriend and girlfriend experimenting or maybe just a guy and another whore and this was how he got his kicks. I didn't really care. It was a cock and I was in my element, being a slut and a whore and loving every fucking second that I could feel that wonderful velvety steel flesh of a man inside my mouth, pulsing with life and about to offer me its delicious seed.
And then he came. I heard him snort and growl through the wall and he came in a gusher in my mouth, his cum tasting sweeter and cleaner than the first two (I had yet to learn that a woman can come to know a man's diet from the taste of his semen). I was about to swallow the first spurt when the door opened and a woman appeared. She looked to be about my age with short blonde hair and the bluest eyes and was wearing a denim miniskirt and a halter top. "Don't swallow it!" she hissed, closing the door behind her.
I'm sure I looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she approached. Of course I didn't stop sucking, but I did as I was told and held the man's cum in my mouth. She knelt next to me and watched avidly as I sucked, her hand going to my thigh and slowly rubbing up and down from my knee to up under my dress. "He's my husband," she said in a whisper. I felt a gush of pussy juice soak my crotch as yet again I realized I was going into places I never dreamed existed.
Finally, I had him drained dry and I slowly slid my lips off his cock. He carefully withdrew and when I turned to look at the woman more completely, she almost leapt into my arms, thrusting her mouth against mine as she wrapped her arms around me. When I felt her tongue press against my lips, I instinctively opened my mouth and then we were dueling tongues as we passed her husband's semen back and forth.
We kissed for several minutes and at some point, I heard the door open and close again and when we finally ended our kiss, a stringer of saliva and cum hanging between our lips, I glanced over to see a short, muscled man standing there in a T-shirt and jeans with a sizable bulge at his crotch. Her eyes were aflame with fire as she rose back up. I could smell her arousal on her and couldn't resist putting my hand under her skirt and palming her crotch. I expected panties but found only a sopping wet mass of pubic hair instead. She gasped and stepped away from me and rushed to her husband and kissed him.
I felt like a bitch in heat, but wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to suck or fuck something or someone, but was dismayed when she said, "Thank you. I hope we see you here again!" and she turned and let herself be led out by her husband. I stared after them and almost whimpered. I was in a high state of arousal and my fingers were quickly inside my panties and I desperately began to plunge them in and out of my sodden pussy.
Then the door opened and in stepped the cashier, John. He was grinning at me and said, "Damn, you're a horny bitch, aren't you?" He closed the door and rubbed the front of his dirty jeans. "Well, three down and one to go and I decided it had to be me." He pointed to the ceiling and for the first time, I could see the small security camera mounted next to the light fixture.
He saw the shock on my face and laughed as he walked up to me. He was a big man, over six feet and heavyset. Long, stringy brown hair flopped back and forth over his eyes as he moved. "Don't worry, its just a camera feed -- ain't no recording device, but watching you suck cock like you do sure got me hard." He reached out and took my arm, lifting me to my feet. My hand came out from under my dress and without asking, her took my hand and sucked my fingers dry of my juices. "Mmmmm -- fuck, that's tasty -- nothing like mommy juice, is there?"
He undid his jeans and let them fall to his feet and sat down on the chair. He wasn't wearing underwear and his cock appeared and I groaned. He was a big man and he had a big cock! It was eight inches at least and very thick. John stroked it and growled, "On your knees, slut. Suck my dick."
He was frankly, a gross man, dirty and grimy and I could smell him -- a mixture of sweat and sex -- semen and cunt, much like this room. And I never wanted a cock more in my life. I fell to my knees and took his big stick in hand and rubbed it against my face. I licked his pole slowly and recognized the taste of semen and pussy. His pubic hair was wild and untrimmed and scraped against my face. I licked and sucked and looked up at him soulfully, communicating with my lips and my eyes to let him know how much I adored his cock. He stared back, grinning lecherously, softly saying, "Suck me, bitch. Show me how good a cocksucking slut you are!"
As I sucked him, I could feel the fire growing between my legs. In all my life I have never felt the need to be fucked so badly -- not on my wedding day or at the peak of my honeymoon with Donnie or any other time.
I let my mouth slip from around the huge knob of John's cock and in a plaintive voice, whimpered, "Fuck me. Please fuck me."
John's eyes widened and he said, "My pleasure," and he heaved me to my feet and reached under my dress and stripped me of my panties. I scrambled into his lap, helped by his hands around my waist. I was crying as I straddled his hips and reached down and lined his big dick up with my open cunt lips. I placed his swollen knob into my cunt hole and then cried out as the big, gross man slowly lowered me onto his cock.
I pressed my lips against his neck, smelling his sweaty flesh as inch after massive inch burrowed inside me. I was cumming before he ever reached bottom -- his knob pressing into my cervix even as I felt his pubic hairs scratching my labia. I bit him as I shivered and shook on his cock, my juices coating his cock and leaking out to soak his balls and thighs.
I loved how this big, fat man felt inside me -- this utter stranger with the big cock, stretching my cunt. As my orgasm subsided, I began to move, to ride John's cock, thrilling to the sensation of his cock scraping my insides, touching me so deep within with the head of his dick -- places my husband has never touched. I moaned as he put his big meaty hands on my breasts, tugging and stretching the material and scooping my tits out to squeeze and maul them.
I bounced up and down, crying with delight as I fucked this odorous man, inhaling his sweat and mine and the aroma of my cunt mixed in with the older smells of pussy and sperm that permeated the room. I ran my hands through John's long, oily hair as he bent his head to mouth and suck my breasts -- his teeth sharply nipping my nipples and sending ripples of mixed pleasure and pain coursing through my body.
I had tasted cunt on his cock and realized as we just kept fucking and fucking that he was going to be in control for a while, so I just let myself become drunk on fucking. My whole world centered on the huge cock buried inside me. I came again, sobbing and clawing at him. John laughed and when I had settled down, lifted me off his cock and eased me to the floor and had me lick my own cunt cream from his throbbing cock. I kissed and licked and sucked and rubbed that erect penis hungrily, relishing now his scent that was so obviously carnal and nasty -- knowing that I now reeked of the same fuck scent.
When he was again clean, he pulled me back into his lap and like a rag doll, dropped me onto his stiff dick. I worked as best I could, but he did most of it now, thrusting upwards into my cunt and using his hands on my waist to lever me up and down. His breath quickened and then I was cumming again and as my cunt contracted around his cock, he grunted as he bit my nipple hard and exploded inside of me.
I think I screamed from the overwhelming intensity of my pleasure, but mostly I just knew I was cumming and I couldn't stop. My pussy was a maelstrom of incredible ecstasy and I thought my heart would explode because it just kept building and building. I was crying and laughing and in love with the moment -- the only coherent thought I can recall was the overriding question I kept asking myself -- "Why hadn't I known this about myself before?" I think perhaps that was the moment in time where I passed the point of no return. I knew that I was a slut -- that I loved being a slut and that I would spend the rest of my life exploring how far I could take being a slut.
When I was coherent again, I was once more on my knees, cleaning John's cock of our mixed cum while he heaved and wheezed and shivered -- trying to recover from what I hoped was the monster fuck of his life. Finally, resisting my kisses and licks to bring him back to life, John pushed me away and stood up.
"Wooh! I don't think I ever met a gal that likes sucking cock that much!" the big man wheezed as he yanked up his dirty jeans.
I came to my knees and pulled my dress back up and ran a hand over my cum filled cunt. Streamers of his jism clung and dripped from my fingers and I licked my hand clean, looking at him hopefully. I was ready to go again, but he just shook his head and said, "Get yourself together and meet me at the register and we'll settle up." He walked by, patting my head like a good dog and walked on out.
I got myself straightened up -- hair brushed and looked around for my panties for a minute before realizing that John must have walked out with them. I left the room and walked to the register, getting several knowing stares from customers. I wondered which ones might be the cocks I sucked. Myself, I walked like a woman who had just been well fucked and I relished the feeling of John's load slowly oozing from my cunt and trickling down my thighs.
John informed me that Lilly had already left, handed me my clothes in two large bags and then held out a hundred dollar bill. "What's this for?" I asked.
He grinned -- a lecherous grin I would become very familiar with. "Well, the agreement was to suck four cocks and you did. I wasn't expecting pussy, but was damn thrilled to get it! Consider it an incentive to come back anytime you want. Usually we split fifty-fifty with girls working here. A hot little whore like you can clean up if you want." I grinned and told him I might take him up on that and walked out of there feeling nasty and sexy. I never felt more alive or more beautiful.
At home, my Tara was again helping the younger ones with their homework. My oldest gave me another funny look as I came in still a little disheveled. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she looked stunned. I realized I reeked of sex. I hugged the younger ones who paid me no mind.
"Where's your daddy?" I asked Tara.
"He's upstairs again. I think he's got another headache," My daughter said in a quiet voice. I turned and headed for the stairs and my daughter followed me and as I climbed, she called from the bottom, "Mom? Is everything okay? Are you and Daddy okay?" Her voice was thick with concern.
I turned and looked down at my oldest and suddenly for the first time since this all began, felt a twinge of shame. Not for what I was doing, but because my child was worried for me.
I gave her my best smile and said, "We're okay, sweetheart." I stopped, wondering if or when I should tell her what I was doing for the family. "Things have been tough, Tara -- for all of us, but they're getting better. I've got things worked out and we're going to get to keep the house. Daddy's a little upset about how we're doing it, but he'll be alright."
For my veiled honesty, I got a warm smile from my daughter and I think she realized this was as far as I could go in telling her now, because she said, "That's good, Mom. I'm -- I'm glad." She gave me a little wave and then walked back to the kitchen where it sounded like hostilities were breaking out between the younger ones.
In the bedroom, I could hear Donnie snoring. He had stripped and was only wearing his shorts. Suddenly my thoughts of rubbing it in his face seemed to be something I could do literally. I shed my dress and eased into bed, throwing one leg over Donnie to straddle his face. I could see his nostrils flaring as he breathed, inhaling the scent of sex. I knew he was seconds from waking and I slid forward and lowered my cunt to his mouth and rubbing my well fucked cunt against his lips.
He reacted instinctively, mouth opening up and tongue emerging and then he began to flail his arms, reaching out to move me off, but I used my knees to pin his arms and ground my pussy into his face, smearing cunt cream and sperm over his cheeks and nose and lips.
"You think I'm a whore, baby?" I cooed, feeling a hot bolt of ecstasy run through me from head to toe. "Is your wife a slut? Taste me, Donnie -- eat my whore cunt! Taste my pussy -- taste it, you bastard." I undulated my crotch against his mouth and was rewarded by the sensation of my husband's tongue doing what it had so rarely done in the past -- made love to my cunt. He noisily slurped and lapped at my hot, slick, jism-slimed pussy while I happily rode his face.
I let him eat me for a few minutes and then gathered my control enough to moan, "You like my pussy, Donnie? You love it, don't you? You love the taste?" He groaned agreement into my cunt. I delivered the big blow. "You love how I taste, you love how my cunt tastes filled up with another man's cum!" I ground my crotch more forcefully into his face. "Eat me, eat your wifeslut clean, you bastard. You love it, don't you!"
I could hear him trying to yell and curse me, but he also kept eating me and his lips found my clitoris and he began to suck and chew and a nuclear bomb went off between my legs and I began to cum and cum, screaming, "I love you, you bastard!" My orgasm was so intense, I blacked out and when I came to, I was on my back and my legs were draped over Donnie's shoulders and he was fucking me mercilessly, his mouth coated with cum juice and streaked with the tears running down his face.
"You fucking whore. I love you!" he moaned over and over and then I was cumming again and Donnie was cumming and we collapsed, still joined together, both of us crying and groaning in joined ecstasy.
In the quiet afterglow of the moment as we lay in the steadily dimming light, we could hear our children downstairs, laughing and banging around in the kitchen. I reached out my hand and found Donnie's and squeezed tightly. "There's no going back, Donnie," I whispered.
He was quiet for a moment and then said, "I know," his voice not filled with anger for the first time since that first moment in Mr. Richards' office.
"I love you, Donnie and I still don't know why this is making me feel the way it does, but I know I can't go back to the way things were. I'm a slut. I love feeling like a slut and I'm not going to stop."
Again, Donnie was silent for a bit before he said softly, "I know."
I rolled over onto my side, my and looked at him. "Can you live with that?" I asked him. I slipped my hand down between his legs and stroked his semi-erect cock. "I know this turns you on and pisses you off, but can you live with knowing your wife is fucking other people and loving every minute of it?"
Donnie reached out and stroked my hair out of my eyes. "I'm not sure. I never felt like this before -- watching you with Richards, I wanted to tear his head off and shit down his neck and I wanted to fuck your brains out at the same time. Its nuts."
"I know," I replied, "But it's the way things are going to be. Donnie, I'm happier than I've ever been and I can't stop now. I won't stop. If we won the lottery tomorrow, I'd keep on fucking and being a slut. If you can live with that -- accept who I am becoming, fine, and inside this bedroom we can let it all hang out -- the anger and the sex, but outside this bedroom with our kids and in this home, you have to be my Donnie, my husband -- the man I love and who loves me. If you can't, you need to leave, baby. It's the only fair thing to do -- fair for you and me and fair for the kids."
Another long bout of silence and then I heard Donnie let out a long sigh. "I -- I'm going to try, Sonya. I do love you and I don't want to lose you and part of me is more in love than ever seeing you be such a whore. He reached out again and drew my face towards his. He kissed me and said, "I'll try, Sonya. I'll do my best."
I snuggled up to him and whispered back, "Then I know we can make it." I feel asleep in my husband's arms believing that everything was going to work all alright.
The next day, Friday was both one of the longest and best days of my life. Longest because I found myself all day wishing that the phone would ring and that I would have an assignment that would have me sucking and fucking and licking SOMEONE! But it was one of my off days, so I spent it catching up on housework and having the chance to rethink how I felt about being turned into some kind a strange variety of whore and about how much I loved it.
Maybe I am fucked up -- maybe something was denied me in my childhood and the promiscuous sex and carnality was filling some void. Maybe I just like getting fucked. I had always enjoyed sex, but now I had the opportunity to absolutely intoxicate myself on pure unadulterated sex and like a willing addict, I was going to follow up that opportunity with all my heart and soul.
Friday was also one of the best days in my life because Donnie and I took the kids out for a fun night for the first time since things had gotten bad and I did my heart good to see them laugh and just enjoy themselves. We splurged for dinner at a nice steakhouse, Donnie even telling Tara she could bring her boyfriend Kyle along. Afterwards, we spent the evening playing miniature golf. It was my first real chance to show off the new me in public.
No, I didn't dress up like a whore, but I was looking a lot sexier than I usually had before. My denim shorts were as short as Tara's, showing off my long legs and I had a shell top on that showcased my bountiful tits. I got more than my share of hungry stares both at the restaurant and at the golf park from males ranging from teenage boys to old men. I was even aware that Tara's boyfriend was checking me out, especially when I bent over to pick up a ball allowing him a better view of my breasts.
Tara even sidled up to me at one point and whispered, "What's up, Mom, you trying to steal my boyfriend?"
I winked at her and replied, "No, sweetie, just letting him know how hot my daughter will be when you're my age." She turned a shade of red and reached out and squeezed my hand and then went off to capture his attention. It was a very good night. After the kids were in bed, Donnie fucked his whore slut while I teased him about maybe fucking our little girl's boyfriend.
Saturday morning, Donnie took our son and youngest daughter fishing while Tara went off to her weekend job at a local restaurant. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, getting some sun in the back yard. The sun felt good on my mostly naked skin, making me feel warm as I drowsed and wondered what my Saturday assignment might be. Just knowing I might be sucking and fucking soon made my cunt nice and sticky.
Finally, the cordless phone began to buzz. Trying to sound completely calm, I quickly picked it up. "Hello...Yes, this is Sonya, how can I be of service?"