Chapter 03.2

Mother Superior showered my back with kisses as her big, strong hands mauled my tits, pinching them until I screamed which seemed to give Father Thomas additional pleasure as he fed me his cock. Orgasms waxed and waned and it seemed like it would never end.

Between sighs and grunts, my priest told the nun how good my mouth was -- "Sonya's tongue is a devilish thing and it will feel so heavenly inside your wet pussy, Maggie." Father Thomas ran his hand through my hair and added. "Her mouth is as hot and sweet and soft as her pussy. Tis a shame you cannot feel how tight and wet she is, with that dildo."

Mother Superior sighed and said. "That's true, Father." Then she giggled and abruptly withdrew from my pussy. "But Mother Maggie has other ways within her means."

I let the Father's cock slip from my mouth and looked over my shoulder just in time to see Mother Maggie flex her fingers and then I screamed as she plunged her entire hand inside me, pain fighting with pleasure for dominance. Then I really screamed with pain as the nun waggled her fingers inside me and made a fist, filling my cunt to the point I thought it would tear open. She began to work it around and I screamed even louder as white hot pain exploded and was transformed into one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I flopped onto the floor, my face getting carpet burns as I collapsed, helpless under the onslaught of intense carnal joy. My ass stuck up high, hung on Mother Maggie's fist buried inside me. The word 'fistfucked' floated through my mind and a remote part of me was wondering how I had lived so long and never discovered the intense pleasure of this simple yet devastating act.

"Mmmmm -- so wet and hot, Father," Mother Superior murmured. "Very tight -- I love how her pussy throbs and pulses around my fist!"

Time again slowed to a crawl and I was adrift on a sea of intense pleasure, heightened when again, a hand wrapped around my long tresses and pulled me upwards until I was again sucking a long, hard penis. Father Thomas's hard cock became my focal point, my rock in a sea of relentless orgasm and I sucked him feverishly as Mother Maggie pounded my cunt with her fist. She had a maddening technique of flexing her fist inside my quivering cunt and then pressing forward slowly and gently and producing the most intense and delicious sensations within my pussy.

As I wafted down from one orgasm and eagerly anticipated the next, Mother Superior abruptly withdrew from my cunt, making me cry out in pain. I would have collapsed again, but Father Thomas held my head up, his fingers tightly tangled in my hair. In the throes of my orgasm, I had failed to notice how he was responding to both my sucking mouth and the sight of his senior nun fisting my pussy.

Sweat poured off the old man's face, his expression twisted up into equal parts lust and need for release. I realized he was about to cum. "Sweet Sonya," he grunted. "I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!" The last few words came out in a strangled cry and then he slipped from my lips and stroking his saliva coated shaft, my priest ejaculated in my face.

I think he'd been saving it for a while because I was liberally anointed with thick streamers of hot semen. His seed splattered across my cheeks and nose and against my forehead, dripping down my face. Thick wads of sperm splashed into my open mouth and coated my chin. And he just kept cumming, his face growing redder as he kept crying out, "Praise God!"

Mother Maggie scooted around to kneel beside me, reaching out and catching the last few spurts of the priest's jism before turning her attentions to me. Her lips were against mine and I shared the taste of Father Thomas's cock with her before she proceeded to lick my face clean of his semen, pausing now and again to share his creamy goodness with me. I knelt, exhausted and shaking, marveling over the lewdness of the moment, occasionally glancing up at my half naked priest, still wearing his shirt and collar, never letting me forget I was committing sexual sins with a man of God.

As I recovered, I put more passion into my kisses with Mother Maggie, neither of us closing our eyes as we kissed, tongues writhing and sharing the priest's seed. Her blue eyes burned with desire and I could feel the sudden hunger within me to please her. The older woman groaned as I trailed kisses down her neck and over her massive tits, my lips finally finding her stupendous nipples -- the hugest I'd ever seen on a woman. "Yessss, that's a good little slut," the nun sighed as I nibbled and sucked on her rubbery nipples, making her groan as I not so gently bit down on them.

As I sucked Mother Maggie's big tits, my hands fluttered between her thighs, my fingers parting them and discovering her large, wet and so slick hairless mound. Her pussy was like a furnace, her juices almost scalding hot on my shaking fingers. I twisted and turned my fingers inside her cunt, making her quiver with need. She cried out in pleasure as she fell backwards, her rubbery nipple stretching out from being clamped between my teeth before I let it slip free.

She reached out and grabbed my hair and roughly pulled me down between her widespread legs. "Pleasure me, you little whore!" she moaned, thrusting her crotch upwards, letting me see her long and thick labia, slick and gleaming with her juices. Her clitoris had revealed itself, a long, thick nib almost as big as her nipples. "Lick me, slut!" Mother Maggie cried out as she forced my face against her mound.

I obeyed eagerly. I had only now licked four women -- two from the first day of my new line of work and then on two separate occasions since then. I was still new to licking pussy, but I was already developing a hunger for it and I mashed my face into her sodden flesh, her strong scent filling my nostrils while I feverishly began to lick her.

Like semen, every woman's juices were unique and to my taste buds, exquisite! The nun's pussy had a very different flavor than any other woman's pussy I had tasted and then as I was driving my tongue deep inside her, it hit me -- I could taste semen. Mother Maggie had been fucked not long before! I felt a big tremor of orgasmic energy ripple through me. I had not licked a man's cum out of a woman before. I felt my cunt quiver with renewed lust, despite the pounding the woman had given me just minutes before.

I glanced up from her wet, pink mound to see Father Thomas kissing Mother Superior, tongues working furiously. He broke the kiss and turned to see me staring and smiled knowingly. "Yes -- Maggie is a slut for cock too! I believe you're tasting one of her student's cum." He chuckled for a moment and added, "Late at the clinic indeed!"

He watched my eyebrows shoot up in surprise and shook his head. "Oh no, nothing of the sort, my dear -- our tastes run to decadence, not to minors. We like our partners to be at least eighteen years old." He eased himself down next to me, his lips nuzzling my ear as he whispered, "When we see a likely participant, we happily welcome them into our sinful circle as soon as they reach adulthood."

Father Thomas leaned over and licked Mother Maggie's thigh, drenched with her juices. Then he again whispered into my ear. "I seem to recall your Tara will soon be eighteen, won't she?" His tongue slithered around my ear and he hissed, "I wonder if your daughter takes after her slut of a mother?"

"OH GOD!" I groaned, as a wave of pleasure reached out of nowhere and washed over me. Part of me knew I should be indignant and angry, but the part of my soul that now gloried and reveled in being a sluttish whore found his words to be carnal ecstasy itself.

I felt his hand slither down the crack of my ass and fingers pierce my pussy. "Mmmm! I think our Sonya finds that notion every bit as exciting as we do. I for one would pay a handsome sum to see you and Tara together," he said loud enough for Mother Maggie to hear. He fingered me roughly with three digits of his hand and added, "Or perhaps you would like to see your daughter and Maggie here together?"

I began to cum them, despite having been only physically stimulated for a brief time. Awful, wonderful images swirled in my mind and I realized that I had no clue as to the depths of my own sexual depravity! "My goodness, Father, she is a whore, isn't she?" groaned Mother Maggie as she reached out and again tugged my head between her thighs, rubbing her slick folds of flesh over my face.

Father Thomas eased his hand out of my cunt and slid them back over my ass, pausing now to spread my cheeks and smear my own juices over my asshole. I don't know what was more exciting -- his next words or the fact my priest was about to fuck me up the ass! "Well, its good to know the truth about oneself, isn't it?" he said. "She has so much to learn and enjoy -- things that you and I discovered long ago, sister."

His words began to sink in even as his cock, recovered and erect again, began to force its way through my sphincter. I cried out against Mother Maggie's creamy cunt as I heard her reply -- "Absolutely, brother. Vice is nice, but incest is best!"

White hot pain and pleasure exploded in my ass as Father Thomas thrust his erection inside me, slowly and confidently, never completely stopping, but with sure knowledge, worming his way into my tight anus. Mixed in with the sweet pain was the sudden comprehension of what I had been oblivious to for years! Both the nun and priest shared the same brilliant blue eyes and now that my attention was drawn to it, I could see the family resemblance in their faces, the same high cheekbones and while Father Thomas's nose was more pronounced, Mother Maggie's nose shared the same lines.

My voice, partly muffled by Mother Maggie's wet flesh squealed, "You're brother and sister!" Anything further I might have said was reduced to cries of pleasure as the father began to pound my ass, fucking me up the butt with abandon. Mother Maggie gave her own squeals of pleasure as my tongue slathered over her huge, swollen clitoris, making her squirt pussy juice into my face as she began to cum.

My own orgasmic pleasure began to overwhelm me, both from my priest's wonderful cock and from the exhilarating knowledge that I was being fucked by a brother and sister. Pleasure seemed to burn in every atom of my body and I was weeping with joy as I sucked and licked Mother Maggie, my face dripping with her juices while my sphincter kept trying to clamp down on her brother, Father Thomas's invading cock.

I felt him stiffen behind me and again he thrust into me with that delicious stuttering movement, driving deep into my ass, hesitating and then plunging a little deeper. "Oh dear Lord," Father Thomas groaned and then I screamed aloud as he began to empty his balls into my ass, filling me up with searing hot semen. The sweet heat flowed through my bowels, the sensations of ecstasy spreading outward and overwhelming my entire body. I shook and shivered with orgasmic pleasure and then as my world seemed to fill with heavenly white light, I simply passed out from the joy of it all.

I drifted along, my dreams vague and hazy, floating along on a cloud of carnal joy, aware only that my body seemed to throb and pulse with never ending sexual gratification. When I came to, I found myself on the big leather sofa in Father Thomas's office, still naked, my head in his lap, his cum covered cock, semi-deflated and nuzzling my lips. I blinked and smiled up at him while my tongue peeked out and began licking him clean.

A thrill ran abruptly through me as I felt something long and wet swirl around my well fucked puckered asshole. I glanced back to see the Mother Superior kneeling behind me, her large, mannish hands spreading my cheeks wide and her head bobbing as she tongued her brother's cum from my ass. The nasty sounds of wet licking filled the rooms for several minutes intermixed with happy sighs from Father Thomas and myself. I licked my priest's cock clean, but could not get another erection from him.

I looked up at him with a sad and frustrated look, but he stroked my hair and said, "Think nothing of it, Sonya, my dear. I've had two very lovely orgasms myself and am quite contented. You are a very talented whore, God be praised!" I felt like a school child receiving the highest praise from their teacher.

Mother Maggie gave me one last lick and then with her brother's seed smeared on her lips, clambered up and kissed me. "Yes, you've been a wonderful slut experience, Sonya. I'll never see you...or your daughter again without getting wet." She kissed me again, sharing her brother's taste as well as my own funkiness with me, before climbing off me to sit in her brother's naked lap. She looked quite naughty, her thick, voluptuous and naked body, squirming on Father Thomas's lap, him still naked except for his shirt and priest's collar.

We chatted a few minutes more about nothing in particular, both of them taking delight in my childlike astonishment and awe of them being brother and sister. Father Thomas and Mother Maggie would only hint at how long they had yielded together to the temptations of the flesh and the only honest answer I got was from my priest as he caressed my breasts, saying, "Now, Sonya, dear -- we must save something for the next time we all get together. It should suffice for you to know that the next time you are before me to receive communion, I will be wickedly hard for you under my cassock.

Not another word about their incestuous relationship did I get and I knew that like the whore I was, I was being dismissed. I pulled my outfit together, drawing some pointed comments from Mother Maggie about how she'd love to see Tara and I dressed the same once my daughter reached eighteen in a few months. I felt my face blush and the heat of her lewd suggestions spread down my chest and southwards to between my legs.

As I turned to go, Father Thomas came up and gave me a gentle kiss and said, "Go with God," as he handed me a folded hundred dollar bill. Now, I'd gotten used to the extra tips that most of my assignments brought me, but for the first time, I absolutely felt I couldn't accept it.

"Oh, Father Thomas, no! I can't -- I mean, you're a man of God and..." I really couldn't explain be honest, I'm not sure I understood it myself. Just listening to myself try and explain it to my priest made me want to hoot with hysterical laughter.

My priest just shook his head and laughed. "Sonya Lawson, you're a whore and a whore never turns down money!" He leaned in and gave me another kiss while his hand reached down under my skirt and with a skilled move, tucked the folded money between my labia. "God understands and I'm sure he has a special place in his heart for a working girl like yourself!" He pressed it a little deeper inside my wet and sensitive pussy, turned me around, opened the door and with one last firm SLAP of his hand on my bare ass, sent me on my way.

I was halfway home before I had to pull over and calm down, although as I slowly pulled the folded hundred dollar bill from my pussy, completely soaked through with my juices, I knew it would be a long time before I would ever feel calm again!

I had just fucked my priest and a nun! Even more, I had had sex with a brother and sister! My mind was reeling from all the thoughts rampaging through my mind -- not the least of which was the fact that I had practically orgasmed at their teasing hints of having sex with my own daughter! Images I would once have never believed I would even consider cascaded through my mind. I was completely appalled and aroused that I could even think of Tara that way!

I somehow managed to make it home -- not actually remembering the whole drive. I trudged wearily up the stairs, happy that I had an hour or two to rest before the kids came home. I was shocked, almost screaming then as Donnie stepped out of our bathroom, with only a towel around his waist and his hair wet. I'd forgotten this was one of his half days at work.

I looked at him warily and said, "Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?"

My husband looked me up and down, that particular look of disgust he always wore when he greeted me when I came home from MY work. "Better than yours, Sonya," he replied. "What was it today, blowing winos down by the tracks? A gangbang at the fucking bank, maybe?"

I felt that familiar anger stir within my breast and with it, a new surge of heat between my thighs. I admit it, I took great pleasure in stepping up to my husband and laying a big wet sloppy kiss on him, thrusting my tongue into his mouth and rubbing his tongue slowly with my own.

I felt his cock stiffening underneath the towel as we soul kissed and I swirled my tongue roughly around inside his mouth, wanting to share every bit of the flavor that I myself tasted. I smiled evilly at Donnie as our kiss ended, running my tongue over his parted lips.

"You like that, baby," I murmured, rubbing myself against him, towel falling away as I wrapped my fingers around his cock. "You like the taste, Donnie?"

He pulled me in for another kiss, his hands now tugging at my skirt, letting it drop down to my ankles. "I'm glad you like it, sweetheart," I whispered, trailing my tongue over his cheek to tickle his ear. "Remember how sweet it tastes next Sunday during mass. Remember how sweet Father Thomas's sperm tastes after it's been sucked out of my asshole."

Donnie pushed me away, the shocked look on his face akin to someone who has just been punched in the chest by a sledgehammer. "You fucking whore...there aint no fucking way!"

My husband's face reddened with horror and embarrassment and I confess I took great delight in it -- my pussy tingling as I hammered his humiliation home. "Oh yeah, baby!" I replied, wiggling with delight and running my hands down my bare tummy and over my still swollen and open cunt. "Our man of God's big cock has been in my pussy and my mouth and my asshole and I loved it!. The Father cummed all over my face and it was delicious!" I hissed, running my tongue around my mouth. "Take a lick, Donnie if you want another taste."

I spun around and spread my cheeks to reveal my red and abused asshole. "Father Thomas fucked my ass till I was screaming for God and then he filled it up with his hot, holy jizz!"

Donnie's cock was iron hard now and dripping precum even as he struggled not to blow up. "It gets even better, Donnie. Mother Superior Margaret Ann licked his nasty cum out of my ass and shared it with me!"

Donnie's face turned even redder and he stammered, "N-no fucking wa-way! She's Tara's S-Sunday school t-teacher!"

I shouldn't have pushed it any further, but there was something about rubbing my adventures in Donnie's face that wouldn't let me let it go. "Oh yeah, hubby! Mother Maggie loves pussy -- she even thinks it would be sweet to eat Father Thomas's jizz out of both mine and Tara's pussies someday!"

Donnie caught me flatfooted, his palm slashing out to strike me in the face and knocking me right off my feet. I cried out in pain as Donnie raged over me. I rolled over onto my back as he knelt, hands slapping at my mostly bare flesh with him screaming, "No one gets to fuck Tara! NO ONE GETS TO FUCK TARA!"

I was fucking terrified and I thought for a second that he had snapped and was going to beat me to death. His blows stopped and I felt his hard cock bounce against my ass cheek -- then Donnie's hands were digging into my butt, spreading my cheeks as he kept screaming, "NO ONE GETS TO FUCK TARA!" I felt the head of his cock press against my swollen sphincter and then he was thrusting -- no lubrication and without any warning -- thrusting hard and I was screaming as a fresh wave of pain and pleasure exploded between my legs. I silently thanked God that Father Thomas had taken me up the ass earlier so Donnie's entry wasn't as painful as it might have otherwise been.

Donnie was pulling my hair and still screaming, "NO ONE GETS TO FUCK TARA!" as he began to fuck me like a man possessed! His cock was like a jackhammer, rapidly ramming in and out of me and although on one level I sensed he wasn't as big as Father Thomas, Donnie still felt so swollen and thick inside me as I tried to squeeze my anal muscles tight around his cock.

His voice grew ragged as his screams became hoarse sobs and "NO ONE GETS TO FUCK TARA!" was shortened to gasps of "Fuck Tara, Fuck Tara -- Oh God, Fuck Tara!"

I felt my orgasm ignite and spread through my body like a dry season wild fire and my perverse and twisted soul began crying out, "YES DADDYYY! FUCK ME, DADDY, FUCK ME!" My nasty words spurred Donnie on even more -- his hips surely a blur as he fucked me hard and fast, spikes of pain alternating with waves of pleasure -- pleasure growing by leaps and bounds as I realized that Donnie was acting out hitherto unknown fantasies.

I gloried in my sluttish desires and in uncovering Donnie's own deepest secrets and we fucked like perverted maniacs, the air filling with screams of "FUCK ME, DADDY, FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRL" and "FUCK TARA, FUCK TARA!" Donnie had me flat on the bed, drilling my asshole with his throbbing cock and then he buried it as deep as he could, corkscrewing his hips to sink a little deeper and then shrieking one last time, his voice full of desire and rage, "FUCK TARA!" as his cock ballooned inside me and he pumped my asshole full of his burning semen.

My orgasm escalated, my anal muscles squeezing and milking my husband for every drop of his seed and locking us together, bodies going rigid as intense pleasure washed over us again and again. Tears blurred my vision and all I could do was squall as we came and came and came.

When finally our mutual orgasm faded, Donnie fell on top of me, his pounding heart keeping time with mine. He groaned as my sphincter muscles pulsed and squeezed his cock, trapping him inside me. Consciousness was fleeing quickly and I only managed to hear my husband groan, "You fucking whore," before I fell asleep and surrendered to strange dreams of crosses and priest collars and bald pussies and swollen cum coated cocks.

I woke to the sweet and familiar sounds of my children laughing downstairs. I first thought I was alone --still naked and face down on the bed where I had been fucked hard up the ass by Donnie. His cum was cool and sticky between my ass cheeks and crotch. I rolled over, groaning with stiffness to find my husband sitting next to me.

"What the hell are we becoming, Sonya?" he whispered, his voice still raw. "What you've been doing -- what it makes me do, what it makes me feel...what it makes me think." He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, wiping away tears.

"We're becoming what we were meant to be, sweetheart. I told you -- I can't turn back. Darling, I love what I'm doing. I feel free for the first time in my life." I reached out and took Donnie's hand. He tried to look at me, but couldn't and turned his head away, studying a spot on the floor.

"But what we're doing -- today and all the talk. What we did wasn't making love."

I slid next to Donnie and kissed him on the cheek. "No, it wasn't. It was fucking -- good, hard, nasty fucking and didn't you feel alive? Didn't you enjoy it? Baby, I love when we make love, but lets face it -- we forgot how sometimes its good just to be a man and woman and to just fuck cause it feels sooo damn good!" I reached down and caressed his cock. "We didn't do anything wrong today. Just discovered some hot, nasty fantasies that led to some of the best sex either of us has ever had!"

Donnie still couldn't look at me. "It isn't right, Sonya. We're just a couple of perverts."

I turned and took Donnie's face in my hands and turned him to face me. "Who the fuck cares, Donnie? We're aren't hurting anyone and tell me, baby, that this wasn't one of the most memorable fucks of your life!" I climbed off the bed and faced my husband. "Baby, we don't have to apologize to anyone. I love this and I'm not giving it up!" I leaned over and kissed him, my tits swaying. "Get over the guilt, Donnie and enjoy what we've found!"

I left him there to think things over while I grabbed a quick shower, washing the sweet reek of sex off my aching and weary body. My face where Donnie had slapped me was red and tender to the touch, but I didn't think it was going to bruise. I slipped into a modest light green sundress, feeling nice and naughty by not wearing any underwear underneath. It didn't show off much flesh, other than a good expanse of leg, but it did mold itself to my body, showing my curvy ass and clinging revealingly to my breasts.

I joined Donnie downstairs and while he worked on supper, I helped the kids with their homework. Donnie Jr. and Molly both got their work done quickly and fled to go play video games. I sat down with Tara and did my best to help her with her Chemistry, but at best, I don't think I did anything to confuse her. Donnie wasn't unfriendly, but he was distant from both of us -- something that Tara, I think, picked up on, giving us both concerned glances as we tried to figure out the formulas she was studying.

For my part, I couldn't quite get Father Thomas's and Mother Maggie's words and fantasies out of my head and every time Tara's body brushed against mine as we studied shoulder to shoulder, I could feel the wetness between my legs grow a little more. It reached a point where my arousal was becoming obvious as my nipples stood out clearly against the light green cotton of my dress.

To be honest, I felt the slut inside me rising to the occasion and was unable to resist teasing Donnie as he moved around us in the kitchen. I somehow always seem to be showing Tara affection whenever Donnie glanced our way, rubbing my daughter's back or giving her a kiss on the cheek or somehow just managing to somehow to convey my lewd desires to my husband while Tara was blissfully ignorant -- licking my lips lasciviously or fluttering my tongue like I was eating pussy. Donnie's face turned red and grew darker with each passing moment while he worked to keep the more than obvious bulge in his blue jeans hidden as he worked. My pussy was becoming soaked to the point I thought I could smell my lust and I had an almost overwhelming urge to lift the hem of my dress up and just finger myself like a madwoman!

It was both a disappointment and a relief when my husband finally announced that dinner was ready. I stood up, preparing to retreat and set the table for dinner when Tara stood up too and hugged me tightly. "Thanks for the help, Mom!" she said, not letting me go. She felt warm and soft and a shiver ran through my body as my breasts brushed against hers, separated only by my dress and her blouse and bra. I spared Donnie a glance and saw him looking at us with something part lust and part awe.

Impulsively, I returned the hug, pulling my daughter even tighter against me and replied, "Oh sweetie, thank you. You've been a big help to Mom and Dad these last months." I let her go reluctantly and smiling, added, "You will never know how much your father and I love you, Tara!"

"Your mother is right," added Donnie, turning away to hide the hard cock in his jeans. Tara's arm was still around my waist as we both watch Donnie put the finishing touches on his stew. He couldn't look at us, his face reddening as he worked. "You've really helped out, especially with the little ones." He gave me an almost embarrassed glance and murmured, "We both love you more than we can ever say."

It was our teenaged daughter's turn to blush, her eyes glittering and her face glowing with pleasure at the praise we were giving her. Tara leaned back into me and kissed me on the cheek and then slipping from my embrace, hurried over to her father and hugged him from behind and said in an emotion filled voice, "I love you guys too!" I watched with envy as she pressed her young, full breasts against her daddy's back.

She turned and headed out of the kitchen with her books, but stopped and turned and looked at us both with a mix of love and curiosity. "I know you guys have had it hard, but everything is okay now, isn't it -- I mean what with Mom's new job and all?"

"Yes, sweetie, everything is good," I sighed.

Tara nodded, hugging her books to her chest and making both her father and I sigh as it emphasized her shapely much like mine. She started to speak and then hesitated and then said, "I -- I was afraid you guys were going to get divorced or something, but that isn't going to happen now, is it?" She looked at us anxiously and I had to remind myself that despite being so mature looking and acting, that this was still our little girl.

I felt Donnie come up behind me, his arms encircling my waist and pulling me against him -- his erection pressing the material of my dress into the crack of my ass. I could feel my pussy juices trickling down my thigh! "No, Tara honey, your Mom and I aren't gonna divorce," he said, his voice sounding a bit rough.

Tara's face broke out into a brilliant and sunny smile and she said, "God, I love you both so freaking much," and she turned and hurried out of the room, unaware of the two sets of eyes following her shapely jean clad ass as she went.

"Goddammit, you fucking whore," Donnie hissed into my ear. "When we get the kids fed, I'm going to drag you upstairs and fuck you like the teasing slut you are." He reached around and pinched my right nipple, hard and standing out against my dress.

I moaned and wiggled my ass against his hard cock. "Who's teasing, baby?" I giggled in reply. "I'll tell you what -- you take care of the dishes after dinner and I'll go up and borrow one of Tara's outfits and you can fuck your whore wife or pretend I'm your nasty little girl. Either way, I don't care cause this slut's pussy will be filled with hard cock!"

I turned and kissed Donnie, my tongue roiling like a maddened serpent in his mouth. I couldn't remember when I felt so happy or aroused -- just another day in the life of a sluttish whore housewife. I could hardly wait to see what tomorrow brought me!
Next page: Chapter 04.1
Previous page: Chapter 03.1