Chapter 04.2
I came out of the throes of orgasm, feeling the sweat coating my body in the humid room, Mister Stockman' sweat splattering onto my body as he relentlessly fucked me, his face frozen in pleasurable concentration as he rammed in and out of me. I threw my legs up and wrapped them around his hips, urging him to increase his pace as I gazed up lovingly into his eyes. He brought the experience and skill of a man who'd been fucking and pleasuring women for over a half century and I was awed by how he seemed to know my every secret spot, twisting his hips just so to take himself a little deeper and bring me unsuspected depths of pleasure.
I was wrapped up in the depths of my second orgasm when as I bathed his cock with my hot juices that Mister Stockman murmured, "Silk fire, sweet silk fire," and then he rammed himself deep into my cunt and I cried out with great pleasure as his load of hot semen gushed inside me.
It was only when Mister Stockman began to withdraw from my clasping, quivering pussy that I glanced over at my competitor and saw a large Hispanic man fucking her hard and saw a '3" on the sign above her. I was impressed with her quick start, but I wouldn't have traded my lovely fuck with Mister Stockman for anything. In fact, as he came to his knees, I managed to sit up and leaning forward, took his cock in my mouth and licked his semen and my juices off his cock.
I heard Sandra Wellsley cry out something garbled and heard a ring sound over my head and knew without looking that there was now a '1' flashing above me. As Mister Stockman withdrew, he bowed to me and said, "Win or lose,'s been an honor and a pleasure!"
I felt my eyes misting up and a new glow spread through my body as I gasped, "Thank you, sir." Then I turned to see a line of men, grinning and eager lining up near me. The first was a young man, barely eighteen -- red-haired, freckled and naked -- sporting an erection that slapped stiffly up against his body. I gave him a big grin and motioned him to me as I said huskily, "Come to Momma!"
He climbed aboard me eagerly and after a moment or two of floundering about, found my cum filled pussy with his cock and began fucking me frantically. I tried to get him to slow down, but he was single-mindedly hammering his dick into my cunt while ducking his head to work on getting his lips around one of my swollen nipples. I was just getting into it, feeling the glow of approaching orgasm when he bit down hard on my thick, swollen nipple and emptied his load inside me.
The feel of another load of fresh sperm, warming my hungry pussy brought me closer to orgasm and I was disappointed to feel him withdraw, although I felt touched when he fervently gasped, "Thank you, ma'am!"
I patted his shoulder and said, "My pleasure, honey. Get that thing hard and get back in line, sweetie!" He was grinning broadly as he climbed off me and then my attention was all on the large Black man approaching me, the humid heat making his milk chocolate skin glisten and the very large cock swinging between his muscled thighs making me gasp with anticipation.
He reached down and with one strong hand flipped me over onto my stomach and then pulled me up on my hands and knees. Being manhandled like that took me right to the edge of orgasm and then he took me over the brink as his club-like cock spread me wide and slowly buried itself in my flesh. I cried and screamed and I think I even barked like a mad dog as he buried his cock in me, touching virgin pussy flesh before I felt his thighs slap against my hips. He started fucking me slow...allowing my clasping cunt flesh to nearly adapt to his massive cock, but before long, he was fucking me hard and brutally. The world blurred out on me and I think I was lost in orgasm the entire time he was pounding me with his cock...orgasm that became almost lethal when he began to cum, making my womb feel like it was expanding under the tremendous load of semen he ejaculated inside me.
I was gasping for breath as he withdrew from me, his massive cock leaving a trail of sperm and my juices trailing down my thigh and he laughed loudly when I managed to haltingly cry out, "Thank you!"
Next came your prototypical looking surfer bum with an incredibly muscular body, but with a slightly smaller than normal penis. His long blonde hair brushed my face as he pumped in and out of me, soothing me while I gathered myself together. My pussy was more than sensitive and while I didn't reach an orgasm, I was pleasantly close to one while he fucked me.
Once he had cummed and I was waiting for my next, I glanced over at my competitor. Her long black legs were wrapped around another beach bum and her head was thrown back -- a sneer of orgasmic ecstasy etched on her face. A glance upwards showed she was on number '8'! I then looked above my head to confirm my count of '4.'
"Well, howdy there, missy!" I looked up to see a white man of about sixty approaching. His chest was covered with graying chest hair and he had a slight paunch. He was naked save for a ten gallon hat on his head. "You ready for some more?" His cock jutted out and he was stroking its very long and slender shaft.
I licked my lips and got to my knees, scooting over and patting the lounger. "I sure am, cowboy. Come on over here and let Momma give you a ride, you'll never forget!" He gave a girlish giggle of delight, making me laugh as I straddled him and slowly sank down on him, pausing only to snatch his hat off and put it on my head. I felt his cock impale me, going very deep and for a minute or two, I squatted on him and rode him hard before my muscles began to burn from exertion and tremble from arousal. I shifted to my knees and leaned in to lick the sweat on his face. I decided I needed to make up some ground and cried out, "I want to suck some cock!"
I felt motion behind me and then four men shifted to line up alongside me and my elderly cowboy. The first was a whipcord thin Hispanic man with a pencil mustache and a very erect cock. A shiver of wicked delight came over me as I took the stranger's cock in my mouth and began licking it, relishing his taste as I seemed to always do with each and every cock I pleasured. His fingers intertwined themselves in my dark hair, twisting and tugging at my locks as he moderated the movement of my mouth back and forth on his cock.
The moans of both men I was lavishing attention on filled my ears and I lost myself in sucking and fucking, feeling the excitement growing in me as I brought first the Hispanic fellow to orgasm, his salty seed flooding into my mouth as he groaned softly. Another man -- eyes magnified behind thick lenses, stepped up to take his place even as I was still swallowing the thick load of semen. I took his shorter, but thicker cock in my mouth and made him cum quickly, maybe from the noisy squeals I was emitting as I orgasmed from my cowboy's sudden explosion of hot semen in my pussy!
I milked my older gentleman for everything I could, considering I was quivering in the throes of orgasm, but reluctantly climbed off, him, remaining on my knees as I hungrily took the next cock to be sucked into my mouth. I glanced upwards and was gratified to see my number had jumped to '7,' but as I shot a glance at Dominique, I saw she was now on her knees, sucking one man's cock while another fucked her from behind. And her number was now '12!'
I sensed another man stepping up to the lounger and I patted the mattress pad, indicating that he should sit down. He was a clean cut young man with curly, black hair and a six inch hard-on rising up out of a nest of equally curly black hair. Never letting the one cock slip from my mouth, I expertly straddled my newest hard penis and slid smoothly and wetly down on his shaft. I let him the cock slip from my mouth long enough to guide its owner around to stand at the head of the lounger and then before I wrapped my lips around it again, cried out. "Somebody fuck my ass!"
Again, I could hear more than see a shuffling among the men lined up to fuck me as those who wanted a crack at my asshole moved in. Over the last year -- I had taken quite a liking to being fucked in the ass and for the unique orgasms that it produced. There is nothing in the world quite like having a man empty a heavy and burning load of semen into your bowels after having stretched your asshole to accommodate a nice, big cock. Donnie who'd never even asked to fuck me up the ass seemed to prefer it over my pussy now -- I think he thought it degraded me even though all it really did was make me cum all the harder.
Hands spread my asscheeks and began pressing against my butthole, slick and shiny with semen and pussy juice from some of my earlier lovers. I groaned and clamped my mouth tight around the cock I was sucking as something big and flared wormed its way remorselessly into my asshole.
My body went rigid as I went airtight -- all my holes filled with hard, angry cock and as I felt the man beneath me begin nipping at my swollen and aching nipples, it was if something was detonated inside me as there was a terrific explosion of orgasmic pleasure that went off and held me transfixed as I was fucked hard by three cock. I felt slutty and helpless and wanton and I reveled as I was fucked, feeling two of the three cocks sliding back and forth, separated by a thin membrane of skin. My skin was on fire and I felt the sweat breaking out and pouring over my skin as I was filled to the brink with cock.
My jaws and tongue began to ache with the exertion of pleasuring a mouth full of cockflesh, but it was a pleasurable exertion -- my body thrilling as it always did to explore the length and girth and contours of a man's erect penis with my lips and tongue, marveling that each is so similar and yet so wondrously different. As another flood of semen spilled across my tongue I was struck again how every male's seed is alike and yet each so deliciously unique.
I grinned up into the grimacing face of the young man to show how much I enjoyed his seed and let him slip from my lips, semen and saliva smearing across my lips and chin, my tongue darting out to snatch a little glob of sperm that dropped on the corner of my mouth. Another cock, hard and proud waved in my face and I snapped at it hungrily, sliding my lips around the satiny, firm head.
Then my orgasm escalated to a new level as almost simultaneously, the cocks in my cunt and ass both went deep and began filling me with hot semen! I went wild, the cock in my mouth momentarily escaping as I scream with pure carnal pleasure, the spit covered head slapping against my lips and cheeks for a few moments before I regained enough mastery of myself to begin sucking again.
When I felt the slowly deflating cock sliding from my asshole and I was physically lifted off the cock I was sitting on, I became maddened, making garbled demands for more cock -- to be fucked and fucked again. Half prostrate from what seemed a never rending orgasm, barely able to move, I felt other hands take hold of me, opening my legs, spreading my ass cheeks and hard cocks one after another burrowing inside my cum filled holes.
I felt intoxicated, drunk on the incredible amount of semen I felt warming my insides, filling up my womb and my bowels and my stomach and the world around me seemed to gray in and out -- glimpses of cocks coming and going around my mouth, hands caressing my body while cocks of all sizes plumbed my ass and pussy. I was adrift on an ocean of orgasmic delight, riding a vessel comprised of hot, hard and sweaty male flesh, reveling in the never ending storm of semen and pleasure.
Pleasure escalated until my heart would nearly burst and then ebb slightly backwards and then rise again, flirting with that ever so alluring razor's edge of pain and pleasure -- discomfort seemingly always held at bay by the soothing balm of a never ending supply of thick, hot semen, bathing my pussy and ass, soothing both and providing lubrication for the next hard cocks to bury themselves inside me.
I was floating on clouds of carnal ecstasy, sometimes on my back, sometimes on my knees, sometimes suspended weightlessly in midair, impaled on cocks while strong sweaty arms loaned support as I was fucked and fucked again. I would have grown hoarse from cries and screams of pleasure except for a near constant presence of cock and semen, the sweet, salty and tangy sperm of many men coating my throat and filling my belly.
As I drifted in this ocean of excessive debauchery, I had visions and glimpses of others -- of Dominique riding on the same ocean of hard penises and creamy jizzum, her dark skin glistening with sweat while she was fucked by a faceless crowd of men...her arrogant expressions gone and replaced by ones of sheer lust, tinged with something almost indefinable -- perhaps disbelief or concern. Out of my own fog of carnality, between glimpses of cock and flesh, I saw numbers come and go, always getting larger...'20,' '32,' '45,' '60,' '83' and on and on, rising even as my orgasms increased in intensity, never seeming to end, waxing and waning, but never abandoning me.
Then I came to myself, moaning as I felt a very large cock withdrawing from my pussy with a thick, liquid plop. My eyes focused as I recognized the black man who had fucked me early in the contest -- his cock dropping to half mast and coated with semen, still looking massive. I ran my tongue over my swollen lips, tasting the semen of God knew how many men. My body ached from the pounding I had been taking -- my pussy and ass pulsing, sensations drifting back and forth across that fine line of pleasure and pain. I lifted my eyes to the number board above me and I felt a little shock as I saw the number '117' flashing.
Had I actually fucked and sucked a hundred and seventeen men? The way my pussy and ass and jaws ached and the way my head was spinning and my heart was pounding seemed to acknowledge that unbelievable number! I realized that the room had become almost completely silent and I weakly raised my head and saw Mister Stockman and Joan both grinning, their eyes ablaze with excitement. I turned and looked for my competitor and found her lying prone on her lounger, her eyes glazed over and her legs sprawled wide, her hips at the edge of the seat. Her pussy gaped open, an almost unbelievable mass of semen oozing from her. Above her, her sign number was the same as mine -- the number '117' blinking at me.
" it over?" I managed to wheeze.
Sandra Wellsley approached me, thick nipples sticking out against her skimpy, silver dress and even amidst the powerful aroma of all the cum in and around me, I could smell her arousal. She peered down at me and said in a voice thick with lust. "Are you conceding, my dear?" She glanced over at the apparently comatose Dominique and said, "The contest doesn't end until one of you say's 'no more.'"
I shook my head, surprised at how stiff I was and gasped, "Never." I started to call out for another cock, but found my attention frozen on Dominique's well fucked and cum filled pussy. I knew if I was to look down, I would no doubt see a similar collection of spunk slowly flowing from my aching cunt. An idea -- no, a need began to grow in my mind and I moaned as I slowly swung my legs around and over the side of the lounger. A surprised murmur rose from the crowd.
I grunted with effort as I pushed myself up, feeling semen trickling down my leg as I swayed unsteadily for a moment on my feet. I took a step forward and immediately went to my hands and knees, barely avoiding falling flat on my face. I simply couldn't walk...I was too weak and too shaky. Nevertheless, I was determined to move forward. Slowly, I began to crawl towards Dominique -- my eyes fixed on the sperm packed hole between her legs. The crowd grew noisier and I almost could sense the entire room taking a step towards us to get a better view of whatever I was about to do.
I seemed to take forever to crawl over to the young, black woman, my entire body aching, my pussy and ass aching as I moved along, warm semen dripping down my thighs or splattering to the ground as I progressed.
Finally, I found myself between Dominique's spread thighs -- the smell of her sweat and her pussy mixing with the aroma of so many men's sperm to create a heady perfume that filled my nostrils and propelled me to finish what I'd set out to do. As the crowd gasped, I plunged my face into the cummy mess of Dominique's pussy. A tremor of pleasure rippled through me, foreshadowing the possibility of orgasm as my mind processed the sheer and audacious carnality of me rubbing my face in the semen of dozens of men, lapping it up as I ran my tongue up, down and around the black woman's swollen and worn labia -- opening my mouth wide and slurping up all that delicious cum.
After nearly a minute, I felt Dominique begin to shift underneath me as I cleaned her up, lapping away thick globs of semen to reveal her wrinkled pussy folds and her clitoris, swollen and pulsating, nearly an inch long. It was then that I raised my head back up and looked at the crowd behind me, my face covered in semen and pussy juice and croaked, "Give me cock!"
The entire crowd was silent...maybe in shock, maybe in awe and then applause broke out at my perverted actions and I saw the young red-headed man who'd followed Mister Stockman at the beginning of the competition run forward, a big grin on his face and his cock, long and hard bouncing as he ran. I gave him an evil, cum covered smile and wiggled my ass at him, even though my whole body ached with the effort. "Fuck Momma good and hard, baby," I said, my voice harsh with lust.
I watched him kneel behind me and as he tilted my hips up slightly, I turned back and again buried my face between Dominique's thighs, my tongue running up and down her pussy, lapping up the copious amount of semen still oozing from her flesh. She groaned and quivered as my tongue slathered around her clit again and again.
My red-headed lover wasted no time and rammed his cock into my pussy, sending waves of pain and pleasure washing over my body as somehow, my nearly numb and well fucked flesh wrapped around his invading cock, massaging and kissing it as he buried himself deep inside me. His hands roamed all over my back and then down to my front, sliding somehow along my both sticky and sweaty flesh to finally cup my swaying tits and making me moan as his fingers found my sore and well used nipples, blood engorged and feeling as if they would simply explode.
My young man fucked me hard and with confidence and I wondered how many times did he have me today? It didn't matter as he hammered me with his cock -- my nerve endings, worn and frazzled were still firing and I could feel the pleasure build within me, always skirting the edge of pain as it escalated, but taking me up the road to sweet sexual bliss again.
At the same time, I was doing the same to Dominique, my tongue swirling about her clitoris and then delving deep between her pussy lips, retrieving what seemed to be an almost endless supply of semen as her weary cunt bathed my face with fresh pussy cream. She weakly began to buck her hips against my face, trying to time her movements with those of my ravenous tongue which kept pace with my red-head's cock thrusts. In turn, the crowd began to clap along, somehow linking us all into this act of carnality and debauchery.
My orgasm arrived first and I sobbed my ecstatic pleasure into Dominique's pussy as sheer sexual bliss tore me apart again -- pleasure so great I could barely stand it. Then I felt Dominique began to cum, her pussy spraying my face with her tasty juices and then beginning to almost convulse as if having as seizure as I gently wrapped my lips around her swollen, pulsating clitoris and began to suck the little aroused nub.
My red-headed lover slammed into me deep and with a happy growl began to cum in my battered pussy and my pleasure went back and forth across that border it shared with pain and I nearly blacked out from its intensity. Although it probably lasted more than a few mind blowing moments, for what seemed an eternity, the three of us were locked body and soul in perfect sexual satisfaction, our bodies merging as one, sharing and expanding the carnal pleasure that dominated us.
Finally, I felt my young man fall back, his cock slipping from between my still clasping lips and I heard Sandra Wellsley cry out, "One hundred and eight for Sonya!" as the onlookers cheered. I continued to suckle on Dominique's clitoris, my tongue gently teasing it while her body shook uncontrollably until suddenly I felt her badly trembling hands on my head, pushing me away and sobbing, "No more, me -- I'm done...too much...too sweet -- too much, me." I raised my head up over her quivering mound to see Dominique's eyes roll back and then close and then she began to softly snore.
"We have a winner and new record holder!" I heard Sandra Wellsley shout and then it was as if a sea of people swarmed me and I was being touched and fondled by more than I could count. I thought I saw Mister Stockman standing there with his arms raised in triumph and then Joan's face floated in front of me and I could feel her tongue slithering across my sperm spattered face and then things went gray for me. I felt myself being lifted up and being carried or maybe floating along, then a warm, sea-salty breeze washing across my body until finally I was lowered into a bed of incredible softness.
My last memories were of a sweet and loving tongue, gently licking me, delving deep inside me, feeding on the ocean of semen inside me. A warm and stentorian voice urged, "Be gentle...she'll need lots of rest," to which the voice of Joan replied, "Of course, I'll be gentle, but I want it all -- I want all this sweet cum including that first load that you privileged her with." I think I sighed happily as I let myself fall into an unconscious state, savoring the knowledgeable tongue that licked my pussy, following sweet orgasmic pleasure into oblivion.
I let out a groan of pleasure as I let the sun's rays bake the soreness from my weary, naked body, relaxing on a chaise lounger atop the ancient and grand hotel in Key West. Through my sunglasses, I could see the Gulf of Mexico, seemingly almost motionless, a tranquil sea of turquoise. I stretched luxuriously, feeling like a tired, but very satisfied cat.
"Does Madam require the phone anymore?" said a young Hispanic man attired in a formal waiter's uniform.
I could feel his eyes roaming over my nakedness, a smile of appreciation on his lips. I could feel my nipples harden under his gaze and was tempted to reward him for his admiration, but I was under doctor's orders and so, instead, shook my head and replied, "No thank you." He nodded and took it away, me admiring his tight buns as he moved away.
I had just finished talking with my daughter, Tara after Donnie had hung up on me twice. She had confirmed that Mister Stockman had called on Sunday and had informed my husband that I would be staying in Key West until the following Friday in order to rest and recover after my "performance."
Tara had let me know that Donnie had been very polite with Mister Stockman, acting in a totally opposite way than he was currently treating me. "Just enjoy yourself, Mom. You deserve a break from us anyway." She had hesitated before plunging on with, "Congratulations, Mom. Mister Stockman said you outdid yourself." She paused again and said teasingly with a hint of a giggle, "Whatever it is you do."
I felt myself blushing and again wondered how much my nearly eighteen year old daughter actually knew about my work. It gave me a thrill thinking that she understood and approved of her mother. Tara hung up after again telling me to enjoy my rest, finishing with, "I got things here under control, Mom. We love you and miss you!"
It was now Tuesday. I had slept almost twenty-four hours after winning the gang-bang contest. It all seemed surreal to me now, just memories of cocks and orgasms to accompany the soreness that existed in every inch of my body. I didn't truly feel I was in pain, but rather the soreness that comes with good, honest work. A dull, steady ache permeated my pussy and asshole, but it wasn't totally unpleasant. Again, it was the soreness one associated with good, hard fucking.
Mister Stockman had brought in a doctor -- a lovely Asian woman who'd given me a gynecological exam and pronounced me healthy, if not a bit used. She'd prescribed three weeks of rest and abstaining from vaginal and anal sexual activity and while I was horrified at the prospect of going so long without sex after it had become such a daily part of my life, I had yielded to Mister Stockman' command to obey her, feeling all warm and gooey at his show of concern.
For the next several days, I was fawned over like I was royalty with Joan Stockman overseeing my recuperation. I received daily massages from both Mister Stockman' daughter and from the hotel's trained staff and while I resisted breaking the doctor's orders as both Joan's and the staffs loving massages made me drip with passion, it was hard.
I did have an enlightening conversation with Joan as upon waking from a lazy morning nap, I confided in her my confusion at never having been fucked by Mister Richards at the bank.
Joan rubbed my shoulders, her hands slick with a warming oil as she told me. "Mister Richards believes in following a contract to the letter. Your agreement is to suck him off twice a week. He would never dream of pressing you to go further at work." She paused and then said slowly, "You have to think outside the agreement. He will never fuck you as his employed whore." She left the rest unsaid, but I looked over my shoulders at her with understanding in my eyes. A plan began to unfold in my mind.
Finally, it was time to leave and I left the hotel for our plane just as I had arrived, naked and being led on a leash by Joan Stockman. I was given a standing ovation as the workers and most of the occupants of the hotel had either been witness or participants to my victory over the lovely Dominique.
As we rode to the airport, my hand in Joan's, I ran over again the numbers I had achieved in the contest. Of my received one hundred and eighteen loads of cum, twenty men had fucked my ass, forty-one had cum in my mouth and fifty-seven men had fucked my pussy and pumped me full of their wonderful semen. It had been a new club record. I was aware that in maybe someway, I had traveled a mad and deviate road, but I was proud of myself and aroused that I could be that free and sluttish. I might never attempt such a thing again, but I had done it. I had given myself body and soul to a game of debauchery and lust that most people couldn't even conceive of.
Even though it had been barely a week, in many ways, as I walked back up the front walk of my home, it had seemed like a lifetime since I had left. I felt odd, definitely overdressed in my skimpy black miniskirt after a week of being constantly naked. I checked and rechecked that I had my handbag, new arousal growing over Joan's parting gift that she had slipped into my bag as I had leaned back into the open limo door and gave her one last loving kiss.
"It's a DVD of your record breaking performance. Father let me have a sneak peak. It's very good...the cameras missed nothing!" It was with those words ringing in my ears and lighting afresh the almost constant fire in my pussy that I greeted my family, receiving hugs and kisses on the cheeks and even receiving a kiss on the lips from my husband. I had to wonder if Donnie could taste Joan on my lips and I regretted not eating her cunt on the flight home.
The afternoon and evening flew by, my kids chattering excitedly all through dinner, bringing me up to speed on their week. Donnie, who had started with being actually friendly, grew more quiet and sullen as the hours passed. Finally, Tara took her leave of us -- doing a slumber party with friends -- a reward for being the mistress of the house while I was gone, and my younger ones finally went to bed.
It was after midnight when I checked on them both and found them both sound asleep. Downstairs, I found Donnie in the living room, nursing his sixth or seventh beer of the night. He'd not said a word to me since dinner. He downed the rest of a beer, crumpled the can and ignored me as a sportscaster relived the day's key events.
I went to the kitchen and retrieved another can of beer for my husband and a soda for me and returned, sitting next to him on the sofa. As if I had something catching, he scooted slightly away from me. I sipped my soda and waited patiently for him to break the silence. It took him nearly fifteen minutes to speak.
"I reckon you really whored yourself up good down there in Florida," he muttered almost in a whisper.
"Do you really want to know, Donnie?" I said looking up at him.
My husband licked his lips slowly and I could see both the hate and the need in his eyes, both thrilling me yet making me a little afraid. Not for the first time I had to wonder if Donnie had a breaking point. He sneered, "Sure honey, why don't you give me a blow by blow description."
I grinned, having expected a response something like that, including the anger and resentment in his voice. I stood up and replied, "I can do better than that, Donnie. I can show you how much of a slutty whore I was." I went to my purse and withdrew the DVD Joan had given me. Without saying another word, I went and loaded it into the DVD player and then returned to my seat next to him, handing him the controller. "Go ahead, Donnie. You have no idea!" I purred.
Donnie looked down at the remote control for a long time, a muscle in his face twitching. Finally he nodded and pressed play. He stared intently as it opened with me parading naked into the large room to the cheers of the crowd. Donnie never said a word, staring intently at the screen as he listened to Sandra Wellsley's introduction and then the beginnings of the contest. The DVD utilized a split screen format and for the first time I was glad that I'd allowed Donnie to splurge with a bit of my whoring tips to buy a large, flat screen television. I had not even noticed any cameras during the gang bang competition, but Joan was correct -- it was very, very good, not missing anything.
The only words Donnie uttered as he watched were, "You fucking whore," once in a while, not even bothering to look at me as my performance kept him spellbound. He didn't even respond when I made comments while we watched such as, "Mister Stockman fucks like a man a quarter his age...he has a magnificent cock."
As Donnie watched me get fucked, one man after another, I saw his pants begin to tent. Pleased, I reached out and began to rub my hand over the growing erection in my husband's pants, finally unzipping his fly and reaching out and taking his cock in my hand, stroking it gently. Glancing at the screen, I saw myself being fucked by the hugely hung Black man, screaming with pleasure and smiled as Donnie's cock throbbed with excitement.
While he watched me get gangbanged, both captivated and horrified, I leaned down and began sucking his cock, lovingly lavishing it with wet attention with my tongue. I bobbed up and down, my lips sliding back and forth along the length of his shaft, letting my tongue run along his hot skin and then over his firm, yet soft cock head, lapping up his heavily flowing precum.
Donnie groaned as we both heard me cry out on the television, "I want to suck some cock!" and suddenly my husband was shooting a load into my mouth, his hot semen so familiar to me...still delicious and triggering a flashback of all the cum I had drank a week ago. I sucked him until he was growing soft in my mouth and when I tried to let him slip from between my lips, his hand came down heavy on my head to hold me in place. "You fucking whore," he groaned, still watching the gangbanging of his wife.
I relaxed and gently sucked and nursed his cock, feeling new life in his member as he watched me call out, "Somebody fuck my ass." As my muffled moans of being fucked in all my holes filled our living room, Donnie's cock returned to full erection and he kept muttering, "You fucking whore," over and over again, as his fingers intertwined in my hair and he roughly pulled me down to the floor onto my knees and dragged me between his knees.
I resumed sucking his cock as he watched me take on cock after cock, white, black, Hispanic and Asian, taking them in my cunt, my ass and my mouth, my moans and those of Dominique punctuating his mantra of, "You fucking whore." Donnie came again, this time forcefully yanking my mouth off his cock and cumming in my face, shooting thick streamers of semen across my cheeks and over my lips and chin and into my hair, cumming and then rubbing his cock across my face as he sobbed, "You fucking whore!"
I chuckled and moaned, "Yes, Donnie, I'm your fucking whore...your slut, your cockhound. I live to fuck and I'm going to fuck the world," before I again took his cock in my mouth,
Donnie groaning and writhing on the sofa cushion as I sucked and licked his now limp cock as he kept watching me get the gangbanging of a lifetime, wondering how I looked, cocks constantly in me, fucking me, cumming inside me and knowing that my husband hated me and loved me and that this all turned him on, moaning happily as he slowly recovered and for the third time became erect, his fingers scrabbling at the sofa cushion and through my dark tresses as I tongued his so sensitive flesh, trying to share in my own perverted way a simple taste of the tremendous pleasure and pain I had experienced.
Donnie came a third and final time as he watched me get fucked, a quick glance showing two big, heavily muscled men -- one white and one black, holding me suspended between them, one's cock buried in my ass and the other impaling me with his tremendous cock, me squalling with carnal delight as they fucked me without mercy. Again, Donnie withdrew from my mouth and sprayed his jism all over my face.
We watched the entire video that night, me on my knees, resting my head on his thigh, kissing and nursing at his exhausted cock, watching me fuck and suck one hundred and eight men and devour the hot, mixed semen of dozens more from Dominique's pussy. When it ended with the large black man who'd been one of the first to fuck me carrying my nearly unconscious body out of the room, Donnie muttered, "You fucking whore," one more time and shoved me away, making me sprawl on the floor as he stood up and tucked his limp cock away.
I stared up at him, proud and defiant, daring him to follow through as he pursed his lips as if to spit. "I am a fucking whore," I said with pride in my voice. "And I love it, Donnie."
My words seem to deflate him and he walked out of the room and went upstairs to bed. He didn't speak another word to me for three days, but for the next two nights, he was waiting downstairs after everyone went to bed and we watched my gangbang again and again while I sucked his cock.
I wasn't sure what would happen next, but I knew that my evolution as a slut wasn't nearly finished. There were desires and ideas and hopes running through my mind and Donnie played a role in many of them. I think he sensed it too. It was no longer a question whether or not I would give my sluttish life up, but rather how far would I take it. I didn't have a clue, but I couldn't wait to find out!