Chapter 06.1
As springtime blossomed around us, I was well into my second year as a whore, working for a cabal of my hometown's most wealthy and influential citizens, happily expanding my horizons and capabilities as a born slut while ensuring that my family's home remained secure -- the cabal paying our extensive mortgage each month and me making as much in tips as I had ever made in any job in my previous life. Things seemed to be going well. Donnie had somewhat accepted his role as a cuckold -- still acting angry with me for being such a whorish slattern, but always waiting eagerly each time I returned from an assignment of fucking and sucking to have his way with me, relishing my cum filled cunt and ass almost as much as I did.
Our oldest daughter was about to graduate from high school, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, on the brink of glorious womanhood. Tara had been accepted into a good university and between scholarships and some of my tips, we were going to be able to provide her the chance to go. Our younger children were growing up fast and happy, Donnie Junior nearing age fifteen was quickly shaping up into a fine young man.
Then the bottom dropped out...again. We should have seen it coming...Mister Richards had hinted that something was amiss months earlier when he'd first come to Sunday dinner. One day, Donnie came home, sullen and anguished, not speaking for hours before he finally told me that his company had gone belly up. They'd all received two weeks severance pay and pink slips, locking the gates behind them. Now since the economy had gone into recession, Donnie had not been bringing in more than half salary, but that combined with my extra earning from whoring had been more than enough -- we'd even salted some money away for Tara's education and an emergency fund, but now...
As Tara's graduation drew close, things were tense around the house. Tara was a bright girl and she knew that things were going to get more difficult again. She began dropping hints that maybe she would put off college for a year or two, maybe going to the local community college instead and her good natured willingness to sacrifice her hopes and dreams for the family nearly broke my heart.
I began thinking of going to Mister Richards and see if I could increase the days I could work in exchange for more money. Failing that, I thought about seeing John at the XXXtreme Adult Bookstore and working out a deal to work my off days sucking cock in one of his glory hole booths. I had enjoyed it the few times I had done it in exchange for sluttish outfits from their clothing boutique. Sucking cock wasn't a chore to me, it was a pleasure and I never ceased to marvel at the incredible variety to the taste of men's semen...each one unique and special and most of all, delicious.
Two weeks before Tara graduated, I'd made up my mind to discuss my dilemma with Mister Richards and it was weighing heavily on my mind, albeit buoyed by the anticipation I always had when going to the bank to suck Mister Richards' fine cock. I strolled through the bank lobby, always feeling eyes following me, and even though I wasn't dressed for whoring, wearing a simple summer dress -- a light cotton flowery print with spaghetti straps that left my shoulders bare, I always wondered how many of the bank's employees knew what I was arriving to do.
It didn't bother actually created arousal in me to imagine that they all knew that immediately upon closing the door behind me in the bank manager's office, I'd be getting naked and sucking their boss's cock. Truth be told, I was half in love with the sixty-something, potbellied man. He might not have had a matinee idol's face, but he was charismatic and powerful and he knew it.
Lilly Fox, his luscious secretary was at her post and smiled at me as I approached and beyond her usual smirk was a frank appraisal and expression of interest as she gazed at my luscious body tightly contained in the summer dress. For my part, I was wet with anticipation, knowing that in a minute or two, I'd be on my knees and likely tasting her cunt on Mister Richard's long, hard cock. Nodding at me, she picked up her phone, pushed a button and said in a husky voice, "Sir, your two o'clock is here." Lilly winked at me as she nodded at the reply and then hanging up the phone said, "Go right in, Sonya...he's been anxiously awaiting you."
I passed her desk and entered Mister Richards' office, closing the door behind me before I realized he wasn't alone. Two cushioned chairs were drawn up in front of his desk, reminding of the first time I'd been in here, with Donnie, when Mister Richards had offered me the opportunity to be his whore. In one chair sat a woman with sandy blonde hair. There was something very familiar in her posture and profile. Mister Richards beamed at me and said, "Ah, Sonya. We were just discussing you and looking forward to your arrival. Please take a seat."
I quickly strutted across the room, hips rolling naughtily as I walked over in my sandaled wedge-heeled shoes. I turned at the chairs and stopped abruptly as I looked down at Mister Richards' guest. The woman had been staring into her lap, but now looked up quickly to face me, her blue eyes bright in her blushing face. I brought my hand to my mouth and gasped, "Tara...what are you doing here?"
"That would be the topic at hand, wouldn't it," said Mister Richards in a smug and pleased voice. He gestured to the empty seat. "Please have a seat, my dear."
I groped for the empty chair, my eyes never leaving my daughter's red face. A jumble of emotions rocketed about my brain as I dealt with suddenly dampened lust...literally disappointed that I wasn't already on my knees between the banker's legs and wondering just what the hell my daughter was doing here. It didn't help that amidst all my confusion over the surprising situation, my recently expanded libido was taking in my daughter's attractive outfit and her burgeoning sexuality.
Tara was dressed in a black and gold miniskirt, short enough to show off her toned and muscular legs and tight enough to mold itself around her luscious young and firm breasts, but not so immodest to be out of place. Her high heels were sexy, but not outlandish or slutty. She'd brushed her long, sandy blonde hair until it gleamed, falling down over her shoulders and framing her lovely face perfectly. She was lovely and sexy in a young woman's sort of way and she made me wet between my legs as she had done so many times over recent months whenever my increasingly naughty thoughts turned towards her..
"Tara?" I started again as I sat down. "What are you doing"
My daughter face was nearly crimson and she finally broke our gaze, looking down into her lap again as she murmured, "Mom...I..."
Mister Richards jumped into the conversation, such as it was, saying, "Tara and I have been discussing college, Sonya. I don't have to tell you how intelligent she is. If she does follow through on pursuing a degree in business, perhaps even obtaining her M.B.A., why, there is no end to what she might do"
I felt honest pride as I replied, "I know. I am very proud of her." Tara raised her head and gave me a grateful smile.
"Alas, that the current economy throws so many obstacles in our young folks' path," said Mister Richards...pausing to give a heartfelt sigh. "Young Tara here has come in to discuss how we might be able to circumvent such obstacles." He paused again to grin knowingly at me...letting the import of his words sink in.
"Really?" I replied, feeling my pulse quicken even as the specter of what I felt might be coming began to materialize.
"Absolutely and she had done it on her own." Mister Richards leaned forward and said, "As I already said, Tara is quite intelligent. Despite our relative discretion, she has ferreted out your mode of employment and is making inquiries of being engaged in a similar fashion."
"Really?" I said again, my voice scarcely above a whisper. Now, I had long suspected that Tara had figured out what I did for a living, how could she not between the occasional glimpses of my more naughty work outfits and the sometimes loud arguments between Donnie and me. Still, having it out there in the open was a powerful thing and to my amazement, a bit of a turn on. "You understand everything, Tara?" I said, my voice still barely audible.
My daughter nodded and said, "You have sex with men...and women maybe, for money. Her blue eyes glimmered with something that was unreadable as she said matter of factly, "Mom, you're a whore."
"An exceptional whore, Tara," interjected Mister Richards. "Your mother is one of the most adventurous and talented sluts it's ever been my privileged to fuck, young lady." He added in an almost scolding tone, "And in doing so, she has kept your family from losing the home you've grown up in and being turned out into the streets."
Tara glanced at him and nodded before returning her gaze to me, her face starting to return to normal even though she was nervous and breathing heavy, her full, firm breasts heaving under her dress. "I know. I'm...fine with it, Mom." She stopped and licked her lips. "I actually think it's hot. It's turned me on for months knowing what you do...knowing you go out and fuck all those men."
It was my turn to blush now, hearing my daughter say these things so openly. I reached out and took her hand in mine as we faced each other. "You're not ashamed of me, baby? You don't mind me being a whore?"
Tara shook her head and squeezed my hand harder. "Not in the least, Mom. It makes me excited and..." She paused for a moment and flashed an embarrassed grin at me. "And it makes me a bit relieved to know I'm not all that abnormal...that thinking and doing such nasty things runs in the family."
Mister Richards raised an eyebrow in surprise at her words and I was even taken a bit aback. "What do you mean, Tara?"
She hesitated before speaking, but then looked me right in the eye and said, "I think I take after you, Mom. Just the thought of being someone's slut, doing whatever they tell me too, makes me wet. Knowing that you've done it and God, its obvious that you love it, makes me think I could do it too."
"Hence, the matter at hand, Sonya," said Mister Richards. "Before you walked in, Tara and I had agreed to some basic plans. associates and I will underwrite any expenses that Tara will have in college not covered by her scholarships, along with a stipend for those little unexpected things that occur."
I turned to look at him in surprise. "You mean, at the university?"
"Absolutely. Tara is too bright and promising to waste away at the local community college." He smiled at us both. "In exchange, Tara will, during the summer months, make herself available for um, assignments, three days a week as well as twice a week during all breaks and once a week while attending the university, she will be available to meet and, shall we say, recreate with one of our distinguished members of their faculty or alma mater." His smile evolved into something of a leer. "My colleagues and I have a mutual support agreement with certain influential members of that scholarly community."
I felt my stomach do a flip-flop as different aspects of my personality were feeling conflicted about this. The old fashioned mother in me wanted to grab my daughter's hand and run away and hide her someplace safe from all the carnal appetites that existed in the world. The whorish slut in me quivered with lust excitement at the thought of my little girl doing all sorts nasty things to sate those carnal appetites. The part of me that was both mother and whore wanted to do all those awful and lewd things with her.
"Tara...are you absolutely sure about this?" I said, trying to sound calm and reasonable. "This is a world unlike anything you can imagine...not necessarily bad, but so very, very different from anything you might have done before."
"Your mother is correct," added Mister Richards. "This is not like giving up your virginity in your boyfriend's car or going down on him at the drive-in theater. You will give yourself over to us heart and soul, happily willing to do whatever we demand of you."
Tara was silent for a long minute, her gaze steady, shifting to look at us with what I could describe only as youthful confidence before she finally replied, "I'll be honest...I'm scared to death, but I'm also excited..." Her face began to blush again. "Mom, I'm wet already just trying to imagine what I might be doing with people I've never even met." She squeezed my hand and said, "You've done so much for our family and I know you plan to try and do more to help me, but it's time for someone to help you shoulder this burden."
My daughter sat up more erect, causing her young, firm breasts to jut out further and looked at our banker and said, "I'm your girl, Mister Richards. I want this job."
Through tear blurred eyes, I watched Mister Richards smile happily and said, "I am so happy to hear let's put it to the test. Please take off your clothes, Tara." He pushed back from his desk and walked around it and over to the couch, his erection prominent in his tailored slacks. Tara turned to watch him, growing wide-eyed as he dropped his pants to the floor before sitting down, his erection waving in the air.
Before he could bark a command for her to strip as he had had to do with me my first time, I snapped at her, surprised at the strength and lust in my own voice, "Tara...Mister Richards told you to get naked...DO IT NOW!"
My daughter flinched at my raised voice, but quickly jumped to her feet, murmuring, "Yes, Mom...sorry," as she reached back and undid a button at the back of the dress and quickly yanked it over her head. To my surprise, she was wearing a sexy black half-cup bra and G-string that contrasted well with her still winter pale skin...her flawless flesh almost like alabaster. I felt the first burnings of pure incestuous desire ignite between my legs as I admired my daughter's lovely body.
"Go on," I said, nodding my head to prod her on. Tara nodded in reply and unsnapped the front of her bra, freeing her large and firm breasts, making me feel a bit wistful at how they seemed to defy gravity. Her nipples greatly resembled mine, not quite as large and not showing the signs of nursing three children. They were swollen to the point of bursting, almost visibly pulsating with excitement. Tara then slipped her panties off, the dark gusset not betraying her arousal unlike her lovely labia which were in full blossom, red and gleaming wet against bare skin. I hadn't even known that my daughter shaved her pubic hair.
"Very good, Tara," sighed Mister Richards, his eyes feasting on her luscious body. "Sonya, if you would."
Without hesitation, I brushed my spaghetti straps off my shoulders and wiggled out of my dress, letting it pool to the floor around my feet." Tara gasped, "Mom!" as she was shocked by the fact that under my summer dress I was totally naked. A grin broke out on her face as she saw that I was aroused as she was -- my pussy lips spread wide and dripping with my arousal below my trimmed bush.
We stepped towards each other, my arm going around her waist as our thighs pressed together. I turned in slightly towards her making my meaty breast brush against her firmer and not quite as large tit. "What do you think, sir?" I asked as we posed for Mister Richards.
He gave us an evil grin and said, "A vision of unparalleled loveliness," he said as his cock jerked up a little more. "Now, my sluts, to your hands and knees. Come crawling to your master."
Tara looked at me with her eyebrows raised, but quickly followed me to the floor. "Pretend you're some sexy, wild panther stalking your prey," I whispered to her before slowly making my way to Mister Richards. Tara followed obediently, mimicking my every move until we were both kneeling before our employer.
After savoring our submissive stance for a bit, Mister Richards looked at Tara and said gravely, "My dear -- have you ever sucked a man's cock before?"
Tara glanced at me, her red face growing even darker before she said, "Yes, Mister Richards, I have. I've um, sucked three different cocks." Her quick confession left me a little surprised. I wasn't surprised that she had some experience...she'd dated the Baker boy for nearly two years before they broke up last month.
"Really, pray tell your mother and me who they are."
Tara gave me a weak grin and then said, "Well...Bobby Baker, my ex-boyfriend, Dan Jones -- a teen guidance counselor at church camp, and um..." She looked down for a moment before again facing us, "Mister Brandford, my Calculus teacher." I gasped in surprise and then gasped again as Tara shrugged her shoulders and said, "I was two points from an 'A,' Mom. I wanted that grade!"
Mister Richards chuckled and said, "Well, we're glad you're not a total novice...not that it mattered. I doubt your mother had sucked that many dicks when she started working for us, but Sonya here is a natural born cocksucker. Show her what I mean, Sonya."
I never hesitated, feeling a new and delicious level of pleasure coursing through my veins as I rose up and took Mister Richards in my mouth as my daughter looked on. I heard her take a sudden breath and then sigh, "Oh, Mom!" as she let it out. I rolled my tongue wickedly around Mister Richards, cock head and then looking sidelong at Tara, gave her a wicked wink as I plunged my lips downward, taking all of his sizeable penis into my mouth down into my throat with practiced ease. I began to work my way up and down his cock, keeping my lips wrapped tight around his big dick as I tongued and sucked him, relishing the taste of Lilly Fox's pussy on him as I always did.
Mister Richards' fingers became intertwined in my dark hair as he demonstrated to my daughter how he could control my movements, communicating with scant touch alone his particular desires for more sucking here, more tongue there. Finally, with commanding force, he yanked my head back, his cock sliding from between my lips with a wet pop, leaving me gasping for breath. "Quite the cocksucker, eh, Tara?" the older man chuckled.
Tara seemed suitably impressed by my demonstration of oral loving, her eyes wide with wonder at watching her mother go down on a man. "Wow...Mom, you were awesome!"
"Thank you, sweetheart," I gasped, feeling pussy juice nearly gushing from between my legs.
"Now, Tara...let's see if you've inherited your mother's natural ability," said Mister Richards, his voice indicating that this was a command, not a request.
Tara moved a little closer to him, rising up as she did and carefully wrapping her hand around the base of his cock as she lowered her head. I watched approvingly as she kept her eyes raised to look into his as she came closer to his cock. "So big!" she whispered, her breath making his cock twitch.
"Bigger than your father," I blurted out, shocked and surprised that I had opened my mouth and said those words. I hadn't a clue why I'd said it.
Tara broke eye contact with Mister Richards and whipped her head around to look at me, a look of surprise on her face that slowly gave way to a sly grin. "Really, Mom?" After I nodded, grinning as I did so, Tara again turned her attention to Mister Richards. "Well, it's certainly the biggest dick I've ever had in my hand," she said in a little girl's voice just before she opened her mouth and slid her lips over the head.
Mister Richards let out a satisfied moan as she lingered over the crown of his cock, finally reaching out to stroke her long, sandy-blonde hair as he smiled at me and said, "Your daughter has a lovely and talented tongue, my dear."
Tara's eyes beamed up at him in response to his praise and after another minute's ministrations of her tongue on his cock head, my daughter proceeded to give Mister Richards an enthusiastic, albeit sloppy blowjob. She sucked most of him into her mouth before choking and having to back off, but she recovered nicely, running her tongue up and down his long shaft, licking the swollen head like it was the world's most delicious ice cream cone and continuing stubbornly to try and deep throat the older man, almost succeeding once or twice.
Sweat broke out on Mister Richards' brow as she never relented, her eyes on him constantly, only sparing me a brief glance once in a while to confirm that I was looking on proudly and lovingly as she sucked his cock. After several minutes, he spoke up, his voice betraying his need to climax. "Tara, listen to me carefully. When I cum, do not swallow and do not spit it out. Hold my sperm in your mouth, savor the taste, but under no circumstances swallow."
Tara gave him a slight nod as she sucked to indicate that she understood. Her lips retreated up his long cock until she was holding only the head between her luscious lips. My daughter's cheeks hollowed out somewhat as she sucked him more forcefully and I watched with glee and awe as my oldest child made Mister Richards gasp and moan and finally cry out, "I'm cumming, you sweet little slut!"
His body shook and trembled with each ejaculation, his fingers entangled in Tara's sandy hair, holding her mouth in place as she continued to suck, her eyes glowing with triumph and perhaps pleasure as she accepted his hot semen into her mouth. Finally, with a pleased groan, Mister Richards yanked Tara's head back and off his cock, a wet string of spit and semen following her lips, finally snapping to splatter between her firm breasts.
My daughter kept her mouth open, showing us the thick blobs of semen pooled on her tongue, showing Mister Richards that she could obey his commands. He grinned down at her and said, "You were marvelous,, kiss your mother and share my semen with her."
Tara made a strange noise deep down in her throat as his request caught her off guard, but didn't resist as I turned towards her, moving on my knees until I could put my arms around her, our naked breasts mashing deliciously against each other. I could see amazement and lust and even a little fear in her eyes as I pressed my lips against hers.
I could feel her heart beating wildly beneath her breasts as I hugged her tightly to me and slipped my tongue into her mouth to roll over her semen covered tongue, lapping up Mister Richard's seed, so wonderfully familiar but with a slightly different that I knew instinctively, recognizing it as my own flesh and blood.
Tara moaned into my mouth and then moaned again as her tongue responded to mine, coming to life to twirl and dance around mine as we passed Mister Richards' sweet and salty tasting sperm back and forth between us, the kiss growing more intense as my daughter's arms came up to embrace me, pulling me tighter against her, her hard nipples poking into my soft, meaty tits.
Since my first assignment for Mister Richards, I had discovered my lust for women, but this surpassed any desire I had had before and I knew almost instinctively that it was the familial connection coming into play. I had been aroused by my experiences with others practicing incest, most notable with Mister Stockman and his daughter, Jane, but now to be kissing my own daughter...not a motherly kiss, but a passionate, sapphic kiss, sharing a man's semen, I felt my pussy quiver, flirting with orgasm without any direct stimulation.
Finally, Mister Richards said in a voice tinged with regret, "Time, ladies. You may both swallow now." It was with great hesitation that I did so...the first time I had ever reluctantly followed one of his commands. My daughter and I broke the kiss, pulling back to see each other's lips shiny with each other's saliva and Mister Richards' semen.
"Have you ever kissed a woman before, Tara?" Mister Richards asked.
My daughter nodded slowly and said, "A few and some girlfriends at sleepovers and stuff." Her voice was soft, almost cowed as she kept glancing at me with amazement and longing. My hand was slowly caressing her arm, maintaining some sort of physical contact.
"Have you ever licked pussy before, my dear?"
Tara's eyes were again wide with surprise as she slowly shook her head and whispered, "No."
Mister Richards leaned forward, "Now I know that if I asked your mother to put her face between your legs and eat you until you were screaming with pleasure, she would do it....I can see it in her face that she's dying to lick your sweet little cunt right now. If I told you to put your tongue into your mother's pussy and lick her until you were practically drowning in her cunt cream, what would you do?"
Tara licked her lips and said in a quavering voice, "I'd do whatever you commanded me to do." She looked at me and said, "I'd love to find out what Mom tastes like."
"Wonderful, wonderful," Mister Richards chortled. "Well, then. Let us get busy then." My heart was beating wildly as I expected him to order us into a sixty-nine position, but he surprised me by standing up and saying, "If you would, Sonya," pointing to his pants pooled around his ankles.
I recovered quickly and pulled his slacks back up, pausing to nuzzle his now semi-erect penis against my cheek and lips before tucking it in, earning a naughty grin from my daughter. After I buckled his belt, he moved briskly back to his desk, saying, "You lovely ladies get dressed...I need to make a phone call." He pushed a button and said, "Lilly, get me Steven Dechane on the phone, please."
He looked up, the phone cradled on his shoulder. "I should've asked before now, but Tara, are you a virgin? Be totally honest, now."
It was a bit odd to see my daughter who'd just sucked the cum out of a man's cock who was three times his age, blush, but she did, her face growing red again as she said, "Yes, I am." She grinned defiantly at my surprised face and said, "I'm still cherry with my hymen intact."
For the first time since I'd known him, Mister Richards seemed surprised, but he recovered quickly as someone came on line. As my daughter and I got dressed, we listened as he talked. "Steve? Louis here. My boy, I do believe we need to make some changes for our entertainment and subject for the charity auction...yes, our Sonya will still be the entertainment and subject, but I'm now going to sweeten it. Not only will our championship whore be on the auction block, but her daughter as well...Yes, I'm damn serious. Eighteen years old and a virgin, Steve...yes, her name is Tara, how did you...I see, she's on the high school soccer team with your daughter...Yes, she is lovely...I'm thinking we're going to see six figures...Absolutely...So, you spread the word, eh...They'll all be coming to see something most have only dreamed about...Right, see you Saturday."
As he talked, we were dressing, both of us intensely curious as to what he was referring to. He eyeballed us as we gathered our clothes together, taking advantage of the moment to steal a few caresses and touches of each other's palms sliding over Tara's swollen nipples as I helped her put her bra back on, my fingers brushing against her swollen labia which her G-string was ineffectual in covering up.
"Now, now...control yourselves, ladies. Have a seat," he said as he hung up his phone. I have a proposal for you Tara...your first assignment and your Saturday assignment as well, Sonya." We both took our seats, reaching out to each other and holding hands, both of us curious and a bit nervous.
Mister Richards leaned forward and said, "Sonya, originally, I was planning to serve you up as the entertainment at the Superior Club's annual charity auction as well as being the subject of the auction...the high bidder has you for the night." I nodded. The Superior Club was a local civic organization made up of the most powerful and influential people in the county...they sponsored many worthy charities year round.
He grinned evilly and continued, "But, Tara's decision to join our little enterprise changes everything. You two will have a joint assignment. First, you two will star as the evening's entertainment -- offering everyone in attendance the opportunity to witness the first time you two make love to each other."
"Omigod," I breathed, feeling my daughter's hand tighten around my fingers.
Mister Richards nodded. "Yes, Omigod indeed! We've never had a mother and daughter give a lesbian performance before. I myself can barely wait." He held up a hand and said, "Secondly, Tara, we will be auctioning off a night to be with you and your mother along with having the privilege to be your take your virginity."
Tara made a squeaking noise and looked at me, a silly grin on her face, but a grin that told me that all this was suddenly and terrifyingly real to her. She started to respond, but Mister Richards held up his hand and said, "If you offer up your cherry for this worthy charity, your first year's college is paid for."
We both gasped. Tara laughed and said gushingly, "Yes! Absolutely, sir!" She turned to me and squealed, "My first year paid for, Mom!" She let go of my hand and was on her feet and around the desk before either of us could react, hugging Mister Richards and kissing him repeatedly on the face.
Mister Richards was flabbergasted by her enthusiastic response, finally calming her down by groping at her breasts and kissing her on the lips, his tongue having a settling effect on her...or at least focusing her passion more precisely. Finally, he broke the kiss, coming out of his seat and forcefully spinning her around and sending her away with a playful slap on the ass. "Enough, my dear. Away with you and your mother before I decide to fuck you right here and now and deny our charity all that potential money."
I saw him glance at the closed door and I knew that we were being dismissed. I stood up and smiled gratefully at our banker and benefactor and steered Tara towards the door. "Saturday then, Sonya. Six o'clock at the Superior know where it's located, yes?"
"Yes, Mister Richards," I replied. Everyone in town knew it, an austere, yet grand old brick building in the downtown business district. I'd never been inside, but I was anxious to see have the experience.
He shook his finger at us playfully, but his commanding voice was brooking no argument as he said, "Now, feel free to kiss each other all you want, but no fingering or licking until Saturday...we want to be honest when we say this will be your first time as lovers!"
We left his office and dazedly nodded as we walked past Lilly Fox and on out of the building. Tara rode home with me, having gotten a ride down to the bank from a classmate. For several minutes, we drove silently, both of us still trying to digest what had been done and said inside Mister Richards' office.
Suddenly, I veered off the road, pulling into the very same deserted parking lot where I had once gone down on Tara's father after the first time I'd sucked off Mister Richard's cock. I turned the car off and scooted around in my seat to look at my eldest child. "Tara, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"
She looked back at me with her face glowing with excitement, reminding me of so many Christmases when she would descend the stairs to see what Santa had left her under the tree. "Mom, I am so fucking wet. I cannot believe how excited I am. I don't understand why more people don't think about sex like this. I know now why you're so much happier than you ever were before."
I nodded, acknowledging the truth about myself. "I know, Tara, but I am a took me all these years to discover that about myself, but baby, you're still practically a child."
Tara reached out, surprising me as she placed both her hands on my cheeks. "And I'm the daughter of a whore...maybe the world's greatest whore and ever since I've understood that, all I can think about is being like you, Mom. I love you and I want you. I want your life and I want to discover what it feels like to have your mouth on me...your tongue in feel a big cock inside me, making me cum my brains out." Tara smiled at me as she added, "I might not be a whore yet, Mom, but I want to be. I want to be every bit the cumslut, pussy licking whore you are."
I was struck by the earnestness in my daughter's voice...the passion and the hunger, seeing in her eyes the same thing I saw in mine every time I looked in the mirror. I felt my eyes misting up again as I replied, "Thank you, Tara." I leaned over and kissed her, her tongue slipping out to greet mine and draw it back into her mouth.
We kissed for several minutes, pausing only when I felt her hands cup my breasts through my dress. I pulled back, gasping, "I want you so much, baby."
Tara nodded, sighing, "I want you too, Mom...I want to know what you taste like."
We stared at each other hungrily and then simultaneously began to laugh. "We better get going," I giggled, "Or some police officer's going to find my face buried between your legs."
Tara shivered at my teasing comment, but then grew a little more serious. "Mom...what about Daddy?"
I immediately sobered up and sighed. "Yeah, he's going to be very pissed about this. You're his little darling."
Tara smirked and said, "You mean he wants to fuck me, right?"
I opened my mouth and then closed it, trying to remember how to speak. My god, but our daughter had grown perceptive. Finally, I replied, "Um, yeah. You've picked up on it, huh?"
She nodded and replied, "Oh yeah, I feel his eyes on me all the time and a few times I've heard my name come up when you've let him fuck you after you've been out whoring." Tara paused a moment, giving me an odd and questioning look. "If I understand this all correctly, Daddy's maybe more of a freak than you are, Mom."
I was totally speechless, realizing how that either Donnie and I had not been as good as we'd thought at concealing our increasingly evolving relationship or that I had seriously underestimated how bright our daughter was. Tara prompted me into responding by saying, "I know Daddy gives you hell for all the whoring, but it turns him on too, doesn't it? He even likes to watch Mister Richards fucking you, doesn't he?"
I heaved a great sigh and said, "I don't know if he actually likes it, but me being unfaithful...being with other men and women too, I guess, does turn him on more than just about anything. I don't understand it, him getting off on being what they call being 'cuckolded,' but it does excite him." I gave my daughter a sly smile and added, "Almost as much as it excites me to cuckold him."
Tara nodded and said, "I think I sort of understand. When we tell him, Mom, let me handle it. I think I know what to do."
I reached out and stroked her face. "My sweet baby, you've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you."
My daughter shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I guess...more like I've been dreaming about it for a long time." Her words, the timbre of her voice filled with hungry anticipation nearly made me cream my pussy right then and there. A part of me anxiously wanted to get to Saturday night as soon as possible, even though a nastier part of me was anxious to see how we would deal with her father.
Telling Donnie didn't take all that long. Friday night, we grilled burgers out on the patio and afterwards, sat out and admired the starry night. Donnie Junior went off to a friend's house to play computer games and our littlest one went to bed. Tara and I gathered up the dirty paper plates and utensils and were waiting for my husband when he came in from cleaning and covering the grill. He had a moping expression on his face as he did most of the time these days, his face only brightening a little as he spared his daughter an appreciative glance as she washed the few dirty items left over in the sink.
Tara was wearing a short denim skirt and a tight T-shirt that molded itself around her firm, youthful breasts with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. I saw her smile to herself, somehow sensing that he was watching the subtle, teasing roll of her hips as she shifted from one foot to another. Finally, our daughter glanced coyly at her father and said, "Daddy, can we talk for a's about school."
A dark cloud passed over Donnie's face and he heaved a great sigh and said, "I suppose we need to, honey. I ain't been looking forward to it." He dropped heavily into a kitchen chair, glancing at me a little shamefacedly.
Tara dried her hands on a kitchen towel and turned to face us both, leaning against the sink counter, thrusting her breasts out proudly. "Daddy, I know that things have gotten tougher again and you've been worried about how I can still go to the university, but..."
I'm sorry we can't do it, sweetheart," Donnie blurted out, interrupting our daughter. He threw up his hands and continued, "Maybe in a year or so, but until then, I think going to the community college is what you'll have to do." He tried to look into Tara's eyes, but couldn't manage it, lowering his gaze to her shapely legs.
"Daddy," Tara began again patiently. "What I wanted to say is that you don't have to worry any more. I've figured out a way to pay for pay for everything."
Donnie's head rose sharply as he gazed first at Tara and then at me in disbelief. "E-Everything? is that possible? Did you get another scholarship?"
I took a deep breath and held it as Tara smiled sweetly at her father and after a moment's hesitation, said in a rush of words, "Daddy, I'm going to start working for Mister Richards just like Mom does."
I slowly let the breath hiss between my lips as I exhaled, watching the words go from being meaningless to being completely comprehended, Donnie's expression going from surprise to slack confusion to darkly furious in the span of a few seconds. Suddenly, Donnie leapt to his feet, turning the kitchen chair over with a clatter as he did so. He turned to me with his hands balled into fists, "YOU FUCKING CUNT! WHAT DID YOU DO?" he screamed at me, spittle flying from his lips to splatter on my face.
"I didn't do anything, Donnie. Our daughter went to Mister Richards on her own."
My husband drew back a fist and I flinched as I expected to be hit, but before he could swing at me, he was frozen in place as Tara said softly, but confidently, "Daddy."
Donnie turned and looked at our daughter, his mouth dropping open in surprise. I turned and gasped a little as I looked at my oldest child who was still leaning against the sink, but who had grasped the hem of her denim dress and had pulled it upwards, revealing her naked pussy underneath -- her legs spread slightly apart to allow us both to get a good look at her swollen and glistening labia
"T-Tara? What...what do you think you're doing, s-s-sweetheart?
"Showing you your heart's desire, Daddy," replied our daughter, confidence and purpose growing stronger in her voice with each spoken word. "I know you want my pussy,'ve dreamed of fucking me for years. You look at me and wonder what it would be like to feel my hot, tight pussy wrapped around your cock...right, Daddy?"
My husband's lips moved silently and it was only after staring at our daughter's vagina for nearly a minute, watching her lips swell even more and part to reveal pink and wet succulent flesh that Donnie found his voice and whispered, "Oh yes, Tara."