Chapter 01.1

I was good at writing and so Aunt Tammy suggested I become a freelance journalist. I decided to give it a try. I worked on and off for a Charlotte area holomagazine who liked my work and gave me several assignments. The pay wasn't very much, but at least I didn't feel like I was wasting my time, as I had with Children Who Matter.

One day I was asked to do a "local celebrity" kind of profile, to interview a high powered lawyer named Julian Darden who had just pulled off the acquisition of Assatron, one of the largest sewage processing firms in the nation. I contacted him and set up a late afternoon appointment through his assistant.

Julian worked at one of the top law firms in Charlotte, Skads & Skads, located in the top ten floors of the gleaming 200 story Crommington Building which defined the downtown area. The firm was so exclusive that it even had human secretaries, a rarity in this day and age.

When I entered Julian's office he was giving instructions to two junior lawyers. "Bret, get that research done. Sally, let me know when the docs come in." And then he suddenly looked at me, and it felt like two spotlights were shining on me.

Well well well, what do we have here? Smile.

I could have said the same thing. Julian was a few years older than me, in his early 30's, but he was simply gorgeous. He had short dark curly hair, high cheekbones, a strong jaw, and stunning blue eyes... just like Tom. He had wide shoulders (which I liked) and a slim, athletic figure. But more than that he had the air of authority about him, and he looked so handsome dressed in his five piece suit and dark tie.

"Are you my five o'clock?" he asked, with a mischievous smile.

"I... uh...."

A gorgeous red headed secretary with big titties entered the room. "Mr. Darden, sorry about that. This is Shelly Diggler. She's here-"

"To interview me. Yes, I remember now," he said, in a calm tone as if he knew everything. He extended his hand. "A pleasure."

I shook his hand. He had a firm grasp. As we touched, he stared into my eyes and I felt a chill between my legs. He smiled again as he let go, as if he knew.

"I am sorry, Ms. Diggler, but I have so much to do and I haven't even had dinner yet-"

"Well, we could reschedule for another time, Mr. Darden-"

"You came all the way down here, I'd hate to have you waste your time for nothing." He paused, appearing to consider. "Why don't we talk over dinner, so I can do two things at once?"

And at that moment I got just an inkling of how smooth and sophisticated Mr. Julian Darden was.

He had just a hint of an accent from his native France. He looked even more handsome in the expensive restaurant we were dining in than he did in his office. I felt tremendously underdressed and as I looked around I realized that I wasn't quite sure I could afford to eat here.

"Relax, it's on me," he smiled, as if he could read my mind.

He was going to pay. This was starting to feel more like a date! What could I do but thank him? "Oh, thank you, Mr. Darden!"

"Julian," he smiled. "Please, call me Julian."

"All right... Julian," I tittered. (I never titter!) "But only if you call me Shelly."

"Deal." The way he said it reverberated in my mind, as if we had just formed the first of many connections.

We talked about his career. He had come over from France at the age of 18, gone to top schools, and quickly rose to the top of the mergers and acquisitions field at Skags & Skags. At the age of 31 he was a junior partner, which was practically an unheard of thing.

"Julian, I did some research on you, and I read that in the past two years alone you have managed seven mergers totaling 22 billion credits. How were you able to do so many big deals?"

"Easy. I don't sleep." He gave me a seductive grin which made me shiver. Why was he affecting me in this way?

"Come on, Julian. Three other firms tried to do the Assatronics merger, and no one could get the job done. You had to convince three different sets of regulators to make it go through, including the Supreme Council of Commissars. How did you do it?"

He leaned forward and flashed another smile. "I can be very, very persuasive when I want to be."

Everything he said seemed to have a double meaning, aimed at me. Or was it my imagination?

"But enough about me," said Julian. "Tell me about you."


"You," Julian said.

"There's... there's not much to tell. I'm just a freelance journalist," I said.

"That's not what I mean," said Julian. Those blue eyes searched me. "Your ring finger. Empty. How is it that such a sexy woman like you isn't married ten times over?"

I recoiled in surprise. His bluntness had startled me. Usually men are blunt in imagining having sex with me, but Julian was blunt not in thoughts but in words, in a way I found appealing. I anxiously probed his thoughts. Julian's mind was very disciplined. He was thinking, What a beautiful, sophisticated woman. But he wasn't thinking about having sex with me. He wasn't thinking about using me as a piece of meat. Could it be that I had finally found a sophisticated man?

I realized he was waiting for an answer to a question. "I... uh...."

He took my hand. "You're very beautiful. You know that, don't you?"

A line of radiant energy travelled up my arm and through my body. His touch was truly electric.

"I... I suppose."

"You suppose," he said mockingly, giving me such a look that I actually felt a tingling in my clitoris. "Let me see if I can fill in the blanks." He gave me a long, hard stare. "You're gorgeous. The most gorgeous woman I have ever met."


"Therefore men hit on you constantly. Am I right?"

I thought about every man who I had ever encountered, all of whom had imagined fucking me blind. "Yes."

He stared at me intently. "You're a sensitive woman. You... you like the intellectual type."

Yes! I immediately thought of Tom.

"Perhaps you had a childhood sweetheart, a science minded type... or no, maybe an artist...."


"You loved him... and he loved you, I think, as no one could resist your charm... but you had some kind... some kind of falling out... and then, you've never loved so deeply again."

I gasped. We had just met, and it felt like Julian knew everything about me!

"Am I right?"

I nodded. Julian looked triumphant.

"How... how did you know?"

"I'm a very empathic individual, Shelly," he said.

"What... what about you? Have you ever loved someone?"

"Yes... but not, I sense, as deeply as you loved your Tom."


I sat upright in my chair. "How did you know that name?"

I stared at him intensely with more than eyes.

He couldn't be... no....

Can you read my thoughts, Julian?

No. I have no idea what you are thinking right now.

I gasped, and my jaw dropped open. "You... you... you...."

"Yes, Shelly, me, me, me," he smiled, as he squeezed my hand tightly. I squeezed him back.

Julian could read minds, just like me. I thought I was alone. I thought Sean Preston was the only other person who could read minds-

"Sean Preston?"

"A boy," I said suddenly. "A troubled boy I met-"

"In Switzerland, yes, I see."

I was suddenly on the defensive. I was used to reading other people's minds, not having my own thoughts harvested!

"Harvested. I hate that word," said Julian. "Dearest, I have searched long and hard for someone like yourself. Let's not alienate each other with bad diction."

"But... but... you can read my mind!" I whispered.

"And you can read mine. And what am I thinking now?"

Julian grinned as I reddened.

We told each other our life stories, our real life stories.

Julian discovered his telepathic abilities at the age of 19. At first he thought he was going insane but he soon realized that he really could read the thoughts of those around him. He had tentatively planned to become an artist (like Tom!) but as soon as he realized what he could do with his mind he decided to go to law school instead.

"You... use your abilities in your work?"

"Yes. I'm a corporate dealmaker. It helps knowing what the person on the other side of the table will agree to, don't you think?" He grinned at me.

"Julian... isn't that unethical? Don't you have an unfair advantage?"

"Shelly, dear, sweet Shelly, everyone in this business has an unfair advantage," said Julian. "What do you say about the man I'm negotiating with who knows a World Government regulator which can tilt the deal to his advantage? Or the other man who knows far more about the company I'm buying than I do, including hidden vulnerabilities they are not revealing? Or the man who is very good at reading facial expressions or body language? I'm just like him. I'm just like everyone else, using whatever advantage I can."

He was a good argumentor (he was a lawyer, after all!), but I still wasn't sure that he was doing was entirely ethical.

"Shelly, do you think I brought you here to talk about work ethics?" He gave me a brave smile. I'm attracted to you, Shelly. Are you attracted to me?

The answer was immediate, with no thought required.

He leaned towards me across the dinner table and I leaned towards him. Our lips met and we shared our first kiss. I felt an electric tingling throughout my body.

I feel it too, Shelly.

We stood outside the restaurant, next to my grav car. I felt incredibly awkward.

"There's no need to feel awkward," said Julian. I was startled as he kissed me again.

I kissed him back.

Julian rubbed my hands. "Would you like to go back to my place?"

Back to his place. I knew full well what Julian was asking for. But I never... not on a first date! Except that one time when I was out of my mind with grief when I heard Tom got engaged-

Julian kissed me again. "Come on, Shelly. We were made for each other. "

We were made for each other. Julian's words rang true. He kissed me again.


"All right," I said. "But just for a little while."

"Just for a little while." Julian gave a mocking smile.

"And Julian... I'm not going all the way. I'm not that kind of girl."

His smile never wavered. "Of course not."

Our hands were all over each other the moment the door slammed shut behind us. Julian owned an expensive condominium in the downtown area not far from his office. We started touching and kissing and rubbing and one thing led to the next and before I knew it Julian's hand was up my shirt, squeezing my titties.

"Not so quick," I murmured, but I didn't move his hands away.

"I'll go super slow," he said. He was attracted to me. He no longer hid his thoughts, he was openly fantasizing about fucking me, about pounding between my legs and making love to me. But given what we were doing, I can't say that my own thoughts were any more pure.

"Julian!" My eyes went wide as he unlocked my breast control collar. Then he started pulling up shirt. "Julian, that's enough!"

"Enough is never enough," he murmured, as he pulled my shirt off and then stripped away my unlocked control collar. My titties sprang free into his greedy hands. I worried that he might not like seeing them like that. They no longer stuck out now, sagging downwards like giant eggplants.

"Giant eggplants, I like that," he murmured, kissing me again as he squeezed my titties. I moaned as I felt shoots of lusts race through my body. Julian was hot for me, and as I experienced his heat, his arousal, it infected my thoughts as well. Before long he was squeezing on my breasts and sucking them and I was moaning with abandon.

Before I knew it his hands moved to the fastening of my pants.

"No," I said. "Julian dear, let's save something for next time."

"Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today," he said, and he again reached for my fastener.

"Julian, no!" I said firmly. I felt that my authority had been diminished as I lay there half nude in his arms, my heavy titties sloping downwards against his chest.

Julian frowned, as if he weren't used to being denied, and then abruptly got up. "All right," he said. He tossed my shirt at me, and it would've hit me in the face if I hadn't caught it. The abruptness of it was a shock. "Get out."


"You heard me," said Julian. "I don't go with women who play games."

"Julian, I don't play games."

"Sure you do. I saw it in your mind. You did it with... Tom, wasn't it? A real cock tease, that's what he thought of you."

"Julian... I... I...." There was no way I could explain this in just a few seconds.

"It would be better if you just left." He turned his back to me.

Tears formed in my eyes and a lump in my throat as I half heartedly started to wrestle with my shirt. This couldn't be happening! It simply couldn't! Not again!

I couldn't let Julian go. I let Tom go and I regretted every minute of it. I turned to him. "Julian, please."

"Please what?"

"Let me stay."

He turned back to face me. He looked so handsome, with a chest full of dark hair.

"I'll... I'll do a little more."

Julian looked annoyed. "How much more will you do? Will I have to plead with you to dole out affection with an eye dropper?"


"I tire of this," said Julian, as his French accent came out more strongly. "If you want to stay, I want a full, willing, partner. One who doesn't have to be cajoled or persuaded."

I licked my lips. "I... I want to stay, Julian."

"No conditions?"

I wrapped my arms around his bare back. "No... conditions." We kissed.

"Convince me, Shelly. Convince me you really want to be with me." His blue eyes glittered with hardness.

I kissed him again, passionately, grinding my heavy breasts against him. I felt my nipples rubbing against his hairy chest and it excited me tremendously.

"It excites me too," Julian murmured. He took me by the hand and led me to his bedroom.

His bedroom!

He gave me a warning glance, and then started working on my pants.

Do you still want to be with me?


Then you know what I want.

With trembling hands I started to remove his pants just as he was doing mine. When we got down to our underwear I found myself trembling.

There's nothing to be afraid of. Men and women have been doing this since the beginning of time.

I know.

Then take the rest off.

With trembling hands I removed my panties, while Julian removed his underwear. Julian had a really nice sized penis, very handsome and manly looking.

"Thank you," he said, kissing me. "I love your vaginal lips."

"You do?"

"Yessss...." He hissed. So nice and fleshy, the way they stick out. So womanly.



He pulled me down to the bed. I couldn't believe it. I had just met Julian a few hours ago, and now I was naked with him and we were preparing to make love!

"Believe it," said Julian earnestly.

He rubbed his organ against my pubis as he hugged me tightly. I had lain naked with men before, but had never felt anything like this! The feeling of his hairy, manly body excited me tremendously.

"You excite me too," he whispered. "Do you feel the buildup in my body? In my mind?"


I felt his erection pressing against my pubis. I felt the tremendous urge, in his mind, to put it in me. I felt the ache in his balls and the painful tingling in his shaft.

Suddenly I understood why so many men wanted to fuck me, needed to fuck me.

Soon you will understand why you need it as well, Shelly.

Julian aimed the head of his penis and sought for and found my clitoris. He started rubbing against it. I cried out at the powerful and unexpected stimulation.

No one's ever done this to you before, have they?


You know, Shelly, it's called a clitoris, but in reality it's simply a little penis, did you know that? And with the proper coaxing, you can be made to want it just as much as a man does.

He continued to grind the head of his solid shaft against my clit. I felt my own heat in my mind as well as his. He so desperately wanted to put it in me but was waiting, waiting for something more. My arousal grew tenfold from the stimulation, from feeling the desire in his mind migrate over and infect mine.

Can you feel it, Shelly, can you?


What do you want, Shelly? Say it!

I gasped. "Put it... put it in me!"

Julian grinned cruelly, but kept rubbing against my clit. "What about your precious Tom?"

Tom. Why the fuck did he have to bring up Tom?

My clitoris felt like it was going to explode. I needed him inside me, I needed him so badly!

"Please, Julian! Make love to me! I want to feel you inside me, NOW!" I cried.

I won!

And with that thought, Julian reoriented his shaft, and then smoothly and easily entered my vagina. I gasped as I was so completely filled. A man I had just met a few hours ago was somehow inside of me, making love to me.

And you'll love every minute of it.

Julian started to move in and out of me with easy strokes. He seemed to enjoy watching his hard shaft moving in and out of me.

Aren't I big, very big?


The biggest you've ever been with?


Julian felt a wave of pleasure as he continued to stroke me. He felt so powerfully attracted to me, my face, my heavy tits, my blonde-brown triangle of pubic hair, everything.

"You're so sexy you make me crazy." He groaned as he kissed me. There's nothing like kissing a man while he's moving inside of you.

And yet....

While I was excited to have Julian make love to me, the stimulation on my clit was gone. And as he coursed in and out of me, I felt almost nothing. I had never been able to climax on penetration alone, with any man. I had always needed to satisfy myself afterwards by attending to my own needs. Sex with Julian was... nice.... but after I went home I would finish things off by-

"No need for that, dear," said Julian, as he snaked a hand down and started to rub my clit, even as he continued moving inside of me.

I gasped at his touch. I had forgotten he was reading my mind! Now I felt tremendously stimulated once again. The combination of his shaft moving deep within me magnified the feeling of his expert fingers on my clitoris.

Why hadn't I ever thought to ask a man to do this for me before?

Because you've only had sex with boys, not men.

I looked up into Julian's eyes and realized, without a doubt, that for the first time in my life a real man was making love to me.

My thoughts inflamed him, and he started pounding harder. But then another thought occurred to me.

Julian, did you use protection? Did you take testicle blockers?

His thoughts were focused on the sensation at the head of his penis, the painful tingling which was only getting stronger and stronger.

What happens if I get pregnant?

I don't use birth control. Oh, you're such a sexy fuck!

The horror of being impregnated flashed through my mind. I hadn't thought about people being used by riders in some time, but now I realized that Julian's rider was driving him to do this, to inseminate me, to use my body for reproduction-

Julian kissed me passionately, interrupting my train of thought. I felt the buildup in his penis, and his balls. He was about to come. The knowledge that my cunt was so exciting to him that I was going to bring this very manly man to orgasm, inflamed me, and speeded me to my very own climax.

"Ah," I said, staring into Julian's eyes.

"Ah!" he said, feeling the painful/pleasurable tightening of his balls--which I felt too!

"Aaaaahhhh!" we cried together, like lovers singing a duet.

"Julian!" I cried, hugging him as tightly as I could.

"Shelly!" he yelled. And then he exploded inside of me, even as I was climaxing around his raging rod.

We enjoyed the afterglow together, our arms wrapped around each other.

I was inseminated.

And I had never felt so good. Come to think of it, this was the very first time I had an orgasm with a man.

"And how was it?"

"It was wonderful," I said, kissing Julian. His reading of my mind didn't seem like such a gross invasion of privacy now. The sex act had stripped away all of my inhibitions.

"That's the not the only thing it stripped away," he grinned. Squeezing a titty.

"Hey! Are you going to read my mind all the time?"

"Only when we're together," he grinned. "Why? Can you turn off your ability?"

I couldn't. And then I realized that my entire life I had massively invaded the privacy of other people, and I took that for granted. This was the first time it was happening to me.

"And I love every minute of it," he said, kissing me. "Our lovemaking was like nothing I've ever felt before."


He nodded. "While you were in my mind I was in yours. The ache in your clit. In your cunt. Your hungering for me... it drove me over the edge."

"That's what your hungering did to me!" I exclaimed. I looked at him tenderly. "Two telepaths making love... we can be closer than any other lover on the planet."

"That's why I was so eager to meet you," he said. "Of course, being gorgeous as well as telepathic was a minor side benefit."

"A minor one?"

He kissed me and laughed. I laughed back and messed up his hair.



"Have you ever had sex with another telepath?"

He gave me a long look, then said, "No. You?"

I shook my head. "The only one I ever encountered was-"

"Shawn Preston. He had the hots for you, didn't he?"

"I don't know."

"You know!" He ticked me. "He did, didn't he?"

"Yes! Yes! Please, stop, stop!" Could he really be jealous of Sean... a disturbed boy who I never even kissed?

"No, of course not. I just like teasing you. As well as..... other things..."

He started to rub my clit with his fingers.

"Oooh! Julian, what are you doing?"

"I think you know what I'm doing." He sucked on one of my nipples as he touched me Down There. As I got excited, I saw his penis starting to stiffen again, and then I read his mind.

"You want to do it twice in one night?"

Julian smiled as he pulled out, making a popping sound as my erect nipple stuck upwards, glistening with his saliva.. "Does that really surprise you? Of course, I've forgotten, you've never done it once in a night with a man, much less twice."

"I've done it with a man!" I said, twirling my hair as I smiled at him. "I just never came with one."

"So you don't know? You really don't know that people can have sex twice in one night?"

"I... I suppose they could. I... I never gave it much thought."

"Let me give you something else to think about."

And he took his erect organ and once again started to rub the head of it against my clitoris. Before long he had me groaning for more. Then he surprised me by maneuvering me so that I was on top and he was on the bottom. As I sat above him, straddling him really, I was unsure what to do.

"It's quite simply, really. Put me inside of you."

I had seen it done before, in old Parasites Love Earth holoporn-

"Parasites Love Earth?"

"Never mind." I took his penis firmly in hand, aimed it carefully, and slowly lowered myself downwards. I shivered as I impaled myself on my new lover. When I was all inside of him, I leaned forward and hugged him as he had mentally requested.

He loved the feeling of my breasts against his chest. He thought I was so, incredibly beautiful!

"You are," he murmured. "Now start to move up and down on me."

I smiled shyly and started to move on his shaft.

"That's right, up, down, up down." You look so incredibly sexy, the way your breasts move as you ride on my cock, the way your hair perfectly frames your face, your sexy smile.

"Aahhhh," I gasped.

Now rotate your hips. Grind horizontally.


Read my mind, lover.

I started to move my lower body horizontally in a small circle. The feeling was incredible. It was like I was massaging the head of Julian's penis inside of me. I didn't know this was even possible.

There's a lot you don't know. I'm going to help unchain your sexuality. I'm going to make you blossom like a wildflower.

"Oooh," I groaned as I felt the sensation of intense sexual pleasure in Julian's mind. There was a tremendous spillover effect, as I felt what he felt and he felt me feeling what I felt in him and it was radiated back and forth between us.

I'm going to change you. I'm going to sculpt you. I'm going to make you my masterpiece. And you're going to love every minute of it.

Ohhh.. ohhh.. ohhhhhhh!

Even though I technically didn't feel pleasure in my vagina, Julian's orgasm triggered my own. As I felt him release inside of me, my clitoris exploded, sending a wave of release shattering throughout every nerve in my body.

I collapsed into his arms and fell asleep.

Julian was making love to me. It was such a vivid dream that it felt real. He was plowing between my legs and I was just lying there, enjoying the sensation.

And then the fine line between consciousness and unconsciousness was crossed and I realized it wasn't a dream! Julian was on top of me, plowing into me. He had mounted and entered me while I was asleep!

I was shocked and surprised in ten different ways. But all my sleepy and groggy head could think was, a THIRD time?

I have large appetites. And then I felt him release into me again.

I awoke again to the sound of a thunderclap, at five o'clock in the morning. I experienced a temporary disorientation. Whose bed was I in, and who was this handsome man with his arm around me? And then I remembered. Julian. We had had a wild lovemaking session on the first night we had met. No, two lovemaking sessions.

No, three!

I looked over at him. He was so handsome. My pussy felt sore but I felt so relaxed. I put an arm around him and immediately drifted back to sleep.

"Good morning."

I blinked as sunlight streamed through the window. Every inch of my body ached. I felt like I had been thoroughly fucked.

"That's because you have been thoroughly fucked. With a young hot body like yours, it was a crime someone didn't do it sooner." Julian kissed me, and I kissed him back.

He was already getting dressed.

"You have to go?"

"Work, you know," he said. "There's food in the stasis freezer, if you want it."

I nodded. I reached out and scanned his thoughts anxiously.

Calm. He was very calm. Centered. Balanced.

"A hearty night of fucking will do that for you, you'll find," he said.

"Will I... will I see you again?"

He smiled. "Count on it."

It had been amazing. I had never felt such closeness, such togetherness with anyone. But then, I had never had sex with a telepath before.

Julian was the One. I was sure of it.

And yet... somehow, something had been missing this morning. I expected him to feel more longing, more needing, feeling the same way about me as I did about him. But he was so focused on getting to work.

Focused. Julian as a very focused individuals, and his thoughts were no different. I'm sure he cared for me, he was just very busy and had to get to work.​
Next page: Chapter 01.2