Chapter 01.2

"He's the one," I told Auntie firmly over holo.

Auntie Tamara smiled at me. "Is he?"

Auntie Tamara was the only one I could tell the truth to. The whole truth. How I had fallen in love with another telepath. "He is! He's handsome and successful and brilliant and-"

"-and still single at the age of 31."

"That's... that's because he's never met anyone like me."

"Uh huh," said Auntie. "How long have you known Julian, Shelly?"

"I, well, let me think...." I was suddenly embarrassed. "I, uh, met him yesterday."


I reddened.

"I know it sounds very all of a sudden, Auntie-"

"It does. Shelly, my rule of thumb is to know a man for at least a week before falling in love." She paused. "Sometimes, two weeks. You know, you got to know Tom for a very long time before-"

"That was different," I said, irritated at the mere mention of his name. "We were kids back then."

"And what are you now?"

Wasn't that obvious? "I'm a woman."

"Oh. Of course," said Aunt Tammy.

"You don't seem very happy for me, Aunt Tammy."

"But I am, Sweetie. Really I am. You found a man you liked yesterday. You're a telepath. He's a telepath. I gather he's satisfying you in all the important ways. What more could you ask for? Let me know how things progress... with your new lover."

The first few weeks we were almost inseparable. We saw each other constantly, three or four times a week. I would have seen him more often, but Julian really pounded my pussy real hard and I couldn't perform again without a day's rest and I wanted so desperately to please him! I was nervous, though, that first day after we parted. He didn't call me at all! I thought he might call me just for a minute, to say hello, but he didn't, not that day, and not that evening.

By the next morning I was all jittery. I resolved not to call him. But what if he didn't call me? Suddenly I remembered how calm he had been yesterday morning. He hadn't acted as if he were in love. Maybe I misinterpreted-

My Pad pinged.

It was him.

I let it ping twice. Then a third time. Then I answered it.

"Hey good looking. How are you?"

I see I forgot to tell you something important, so let me go back in time to the morning after our first date. My pussy was sore and I felt exhilarated but I also felt something else: a feeling of dread.

Julian had pumped no fewer than three loads of sperm inside of me. Even now they were desperately looking for an egg to fertilize. Since he hadn't taken testicle blockers, my only option if I wanted to stop things now was to detonate a mini-EMP bomb inside my vagina. I went to the store and bought some as soon as I left Julian's apartment. The druggist smiled and wished me a good day while thinking, She looks like she's just had a good fucking. Maybe she should take two of them.

When I got back to my apartment I took off my clothes. I had red marks all over my neck and breasts. My pussy lips were dilated and raw from all that hard animalistic pounding. I took one of the large white pills in my hand. Once I put it inside my pussy, it would detonate, creating an electromagnetic shock pulse which would fry all the sperm within me.

I looked myself in the holomirror, at my heavy breasts, my thick blonde-brown triangle of pubic hair, my firm ass.

You were made for reproduction, my rider whispered to me.

I thought about Julian's sperm, oozing inside of me, desperately looking to create new life. My baby. Julian's baby.

I put the pill back on the counter and got dressed.

Two nights later Julian invited me over for dinner in his apartment. Except when I got there, there was no dinner.

"Hey you," he said, giving me a kiss as we hugged tightly.

"Hey you," I said, kissing him back. How I loved to feel his body pressed against mine!

"What's cooking?" I asked, looking around.

Julian frowned. "Oh, I didn't get around to it."

I looked inquiringly at him.

It's been a very busy day. We can order in. And while we wait, we can find other ways to pass the time....

Julian poled in and out of me, fascinated by the sight of his hard rod appearing and disappearing inside my furry muff. It fascinated me too; whatever aroused Julian aroused me, because of our mental connection.

"I love the way the light makes your hair shine and sparkle," he said, as his hard rod pounded inside of me.

"Oooh," I groaned.

"I love your high cheekbones, the way you look at me."

The way you look at me. These were the exact same things that Tom used to tell me.

"I love your heavy breasts, and firm ass, and muscular thighs," he murmured. He must have somehow read my mind to discover what Tom used to tell me.

But it's all true, Shelly. Does it turn you on when I say these things?


We kissed passionately, even as I felt his penis moving deeply inside me.

"Remember how you and Tom used to kiss by the creek?"

I nodded. How had he known that?

"Do you remember how he used to suck on your naked tits, on the bright morning sun?"

I started to sit up. "How did you know that!"

Julian grinned and pushed me down. "It's all in your mind."

"Yes, but I wasn't actively thinking about it.... You, you can actually probe minds for thoughts?"

Julian nodded. "You can't?"

"No! I can only pick up what a person is actively thinking about."

I thought so. That explains so much-

"Explains what?"

"It explains why you're so sexy," he said. He poled into me harder, making me gasp. "Think about the time Tom sucked on your titties. Think how good it felt. Share that memory with me, Shelly. Share it."

I remembered shyly taking off my shirt and breast control collar. I remember Tom smiling and his eyes going wide as he thought, She's incredible. Tom touch a breast in his hand and gently squeezed, sending shoots of lust through his penis.

"Oh." Julian groaned.

Tom sucked on a nipple, making my clitoris tingle. When he pulled out, my nipple was long and red and hard.

Julian groaned again. Shelly, remember when you were fooling around in bed? Do you remember the feeling of hugging Tom completely naked for the first time, feeling his erection against you?

We were both groaning now as we shared the memory.

Do you remember the first time you masturbated each other, how it felt, having your hand on Tom's shaft while he played with your clit?

The sensation had been incredible. But even more so was the sight of it, the sight of Tom staring at me lovingly while I fondled his long, hard penis. Which had become erect because of my touch... because of my beauty. It was at that moment that it hit me that Tom was a sexually mature man, one who was going to become my lover.

Julian groaned again as he was overwhelmed by my emotion. In his mind I saw Julian's penis was tingling much more intensely now.

Do you remember the first time you came to each other's hand, Shell?


I remember being overwhelmed with pleasure, my legs obscenely spread as Tom set off the time bomb in my clitoris. Tom came at almost the same moment I did, sperm whipping out of the head of his penis in an enormous arc, flying over half the bed. The feeling of coming together had been so intense, so special.....

Julian felt his penis and balls getting tight. He couldn't last much longer. Neither could I. Although Julian's penis still didn't stimulate any direct pleasure sensations in my vagina, the emotions he was sharing with me did, doing the exact same work as touching my clit would... but in an even more exciting way.

Remember how embarrassed you felt when Tom's parents caught you at it?


Remember how you came down the stairs and you knew, you knew that they knew what you had been doing?

I had been redfaced when Tom's parents and sister had caught us leaving the house. They knew what we had been doing, but were too polite to say anything. It had been an embarrassing moment.

And yet that embarrassment only drove Julian's arousal even harder. I could feel it.

Remember the prom, Shell. Remember how handsome Tom was. Remember how much you wanted to dance with him.

Yes! I always regretted never getting to dance with Tom at the prom. He looked so handsome as he danced with Sandy Colley. And then, and then....

She fucked him in the bathroom, Shelly. Sandy fucked him in the bathroom, and you overheard every minute of it.

No! I don't want to remember it!

Remember it, Shell!

I grimaced as I remembered Tom climaxing as he sat on the toilet, as a very drunk Sandy Colley rode up and down on his penis. As he came, filling her with his seed, he gasped in release. No!

"Yess..." Julian whispered. His penis was trembling now, just on the edge. "Remember when you met Melissa, Shell?"

"No!" I said, my eyes wide.

Yes, Tom's fiancee Melissa. She was so beautiful. You knew at that moment you would never, ever have Tom again. Do you remember how it felt, Shell? Do you remember how empty and terrible you felt?

Yes, yes yes yes!
Anguish and upset intertwined so strongly with my arousal so I could not tell one from the other. The strength of feeling the intensity of my emotions pushed Julian over the edge. His penis throbbed and I could feel him feeling his wetness shooting out of the head of his penis, bathing my cervix with hot, drippy semen. His climax caused a cascade effect which triggered my own, and I gasped as I came around his quivering, spurting rod.

It was a long time coming down from that incredible high.

"It was incredible, wasn't it?"

I nodded.

"Telepaths can share so much during sex. That's why sex between telepaths is times ten."

Sex between telepaths is times ten. But how would Julian know that if he's never had sex with a telepath?

"It's just obvious," he said, fondling my nipple. "Common sense." He reached down and fondled my vulva, which was wet and sticky with our combined juices. I shivered as he traced an outline with his finger. "You're not on birth control, are you?"

I shook my head.

Julian looked at me as he rubbed two sticky fingers together and smiled. "Maybe we are making a baby together. Would you like that?"

I nodded eagerly.

"If we had a girl, I am sure she would grow up to be as beautiful as you, with big tits and a sexy smile that would drive any man crazy."

Julian's words inflamed me and I groaned as we kissed again. The thought of life being created inside of me excited me to no end. Just as the Hive demanded.

And then I noticed that Julian had grown erect again. I sensed he wanted to go another round, but instead of getting between my legs, I felt subtle pressure being put on my shoulders, and without quite realizing it, I found myself getting face to face with Julian's shaft.

"No," I whispered. Julian's shaft was still sticky with our combined juices.

"Why not?" Julian smiled. "I filled one hole. It's time to fill another." He gave a wide grin.

"Julian, I... I... I've never done it before."

Never? What about that time with Tom-

Julian knew too much! It was unfair!

"All right, there was one time," I admitted. "But only one, and I didn't do him to completion."

But you will for me. Julian's eyes were blue like Tom, but harder, much harder.

The Hive demands it.

I was shocked. Did Julian also know about my attachment to Parasites Love Earth holoporn-

Shell, do it. The Hive demands it!

The Hive demands it!

I shivered as that key phrase triggered something in me. Years of responding sexually to that kind of holoporn moved me in a way I had almost forgotten. I looked at the long shaft hovering at my lips. I had no choice. I opened my mouth, and Julian inserted himself into me.

As I sucked him, I realized it felt different from the time I did it with Tom. With Tom I did it because I wanted to. Now I was doing it because Julian wanted me to.

But what I want, you want, Shell, isn't that true?


As I sucked on Julian's penis I realized what a great cocksucker I was. As a telepath I could look directly into Julian's mind. I knew exactly when he wanted me to speed up or slow down, to focus on the tip or use my tongue on his shaft, to take him more deeply or shallowly as he requested with merely a thought.

You are right, Shell. You are the perfect cocksucker. How do you feel about that?

I love it.

I know you do. That's why you love Parasites Love Earth so much. You love being the lesser. You love being controlled. That's why you're still single. You were looking for the perfect man to dominate you, to shape, you mold you, to release your sexuality. I'm going to take you down a dark road, Shell, a dark road that will terrify and excite you. And when I'm done with you you'll be so different that your former self won't even recognize you, and you'll love every minute of it.

I felt a painful tingling in my clit. Julian's were so terrible, so awful, and yet-

His penis tightened up, and suddenly he started releasing. Spurts of hot stringy sperm shot onto the back of my tongue and into my throat. I started coughing reflexively as I accepted my lover's issue deep inside me.

Swallow Shell, swallow! It's important you swallow all of it!

We lay together enjoying the afterglow. I hadn't climaxed this time, but I hadn't needed to. The satisfaction of Julian coming inside me was more than enough.

"You liked that." It wasn't a question.

"You know I did!" I said accusingly. We kissed tenderly. After he pulled back, I said, "But...."

"But what?"

I stared him firmly in the eye. "I don't want you to call me Shell again. That's his word for me."

I felt a wave of unexpected jealousy and anger building up in Julian which startled me. But it was gone as soon as it had come, like a quick passing group of storm clouds. "All right, Shelly," he smiled, stroking my labia. "Tom can have his word. He can have his word... but I'll have the rest of you." And as he kissed me again, I felt his insistent finger, corkscrewing deep inside.

"He was incredible."

I was having lunch with my older sister.

"Incredible? I haven't heard you use that word since Tom," said Claire. "Better than Tom?"

I hesitated, ever so slightly. "Tom and I never...."

"Never went all the way," Claire grinned. "It's like comparing apples and oranges, right?"

I reddened, nodding.

"Can you still be shy, dear sister? You're not a blushing maid of 17 anymore!" She grabbed my hand. "So how was he?"

"He... he was incredible!" I repealed dumbly. I realized was just using the same word over and over. But how to explain it without revealing the telepathic connection? "He... he made parts of my body come alive that I had never felt before."

"Did he?" She grinned.

"He made me do things I had never done before."

"He made you," said Claire.

"Yes." I looked downwards. "He made me... but it felt so good."

Claire used a finger to lift my chin. "Welcome to the real world, Sister. I'm so glad that you've found a real man. The ones who make you do things are the most exciting."

"They are?"

Claire spooned some grapefruit. I watched the spoon slowly disappear in her mouth. "Um hm."

Julian and I went shopping together. He took me to the most expensive boutiques, which still used real salespeople. An immaculately dressed man in a five piece suit helped us select one sexy dress after another. Julian picked the most provocative dresses, with plunging necklines which showed the tops and inner sides of my titties.

"Julian, I can't wear this," I said, looking at myself in the holomirror. So much of my breasts were showing that one could almost see my areolas.

Yes you can. You look so sexy.

I felt the burning in his mind, his burning for me, and his desire inflamed me.

"Does Madame not want this dress?" said the salesman politely.

Yes, say yes Shelly.

I paused, genuinely undecided.

Look into his mind, Shelly.

I looked into the salesman's mind, a handsome British man in his early 30's.

She looks so sexy. I feel so envious! I'd love to boff her in that, given half the chance!

Before, I had been annoyed by the feelings of sexual arousal of strangers around me. But somehow, Julian had shaped my perception so that I found it almost... flattering.

Say yes, Shelly.

"Yes," I smiled. "I'll take it."

Julian bought me a number of dresses that day, as well as a genuine imitation fur coat and shoes and tight leather pants and equally revealing shirts. I tried to protest. "Julian, you can't spend so much money on me!"

"Of course I can. You're a work of art. I would spend millions to buy the Mona Lisa. What are a few thousand for you?"

His words inflamed me so much that I kissed him right in front of the salesman.

[This is an abridged version of my novel "The Story of My Telepathic Life"]
Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.1