Chapter 02.2

Julian insisted we do exactly what the newlyweds were doing in exactly the order they were doing it. And so, as the newlyweds had sex for the very first time as husband and wife, with her on top and him on the bottom (a choice which surprised me, as I always assumed the man would want to be on top on the wedding night, although of course this is the 25th century and things do change). And so Julian maneuvered me on top of him. I reached for his erection, but he grabbed my wrist.


The man and woman were kissing in bed, totally naked together. The brunette beauty grabbed the man's erect penis, and raised herself up-


I slid down on my lover's shaft. Julian gave me a giant grin. I returned the favor. Julian tried to synchronize our movements so I was moving up and down at nearly the same time as the bride. It was hard to do it exactly (since we were operating on the thoughts and mental visualizations of the two newlyweds), but I think we had a fairly close synchronization as I poled up and down on Julian's shaft.

Do you feel their love for each other, Shelly? Do you?

I did. Their love for each other was, emotionally speaking, as fierce as the burning sun. They had just gotten married. They were at the top of their emotional game, so to speak. And Julian and I, like emotional vampires, were tapping into that, sampling, tasting, enjoying. The man's arousal as his penis was massaged by his hot wife stoked Julian's fires. And the woman's arousal as she felt herself penetrated again and again by her beloved made me excited. The only difference was that Julian thoughtfully rubbed clit as we went on, knowing I needed that tiny extra assist. But the feeling of the two lovers were overwhelming.

Look how excited he is. Look at how he enjoys watching his lover's heavy breasts bounce up and down.

Yes, Julian! And feel her excitement! Feel her joy at being so marvelously filled!

I felt it too; I felt it just as much as Julian. We looked into each other's eyes, and liked what we saw, and kissed each other as I wonderfully impaled myself again and again on him.

We even timed out climax to match theirs, surfing on their mental waves of orgasmic pleasure to enhance our own. It was as if we were riding on sailboats on the open sea, and a gigantic wind or wave was propelling us to unaccustomed speeds.

When it was done, we lay exhausted in the sheets.

"How do you have such creative ideas?" I asked him. "Have you ever done this before with someone else?"

"No, of course not," he said.

I looked at his thoughts, but couldn't detect otherwise.

The party that Julian had taken me to was merely a reception for clients; as it turned out, Skags and Skags was having a genuine party the following week, to celebrate the Assatronics deal officially closing. It was being held at a fancy country club in southern Charlotte, actually not far from my family's home. I hinted to Julian that this might be a nice time to meet my parents, since we had been seeing each other for nearly four months, but he simply said, "Another time."

Julian made a point of taking me shopping to buy me a bathing suit for the party.

"But I already have a bathing suit," I told him.

Not like this one.

He picked out a beige-gold swimsuit for me. It was revealing, as I expected, showing off the tops and sides of my breasts. The fabric was very narrow between my legs and showed off my ass. "I can't wear this at a law firm party!"

"Of course you can. You have to get over your prudish predispositions, Shelly."

My prudish predispositions?

I looked at myself in the holomirror. Maybe he was right. If everyone dressed like this, why shouldn't I? The only thing that concerned me was the material. It seemed rather thin.

It will be fine. Trust me.

When we arrived at the party, Julian insisted that we immediately take a swim in the pool. It certainly looked inviting, a masterclass 40 foot by 20 foot by 10 foot zero gravity pool, hovering spectacularly in the air two feet off the ground.

"All right," said I said reluctantly, peeling off my shirt and shorts. I was once again aware of how tightly the material of my swimsuit clung to my ass crack and vagina, showing off my ass cheeks and hiding precious little between my legs. Julian, by contrast, was wearing loose fitting navy blue trunks. We walked into the floating cube of water hand by hand and took the plunge.

The water was glorious! It was a beautiful summer day in Charlotte and the water must have been at least 80 degrees. I laughed as I swam with Julian. Ever since I almost drowned in the Abu Abu Muhammad River at Abu Abu Muhammad State Park I decided it would never happen again and so I took swimming lessons at the University of Black Lives Matter from an athletic woman named Siri who swam in a bright yellow burkini. She was covered in loose fitting wet clothes from head to toe but never seemed to mind.

Julian and I swam underwater and tried (with some success) to hug and kiss each other. Julian was a graceful swimmer; he was good at everything, I was convinced. But after only a few minutes Julian signaled he wanted to get out of the pool. I guess he felt it important to mix and mingle with his fellow attorneys.

I had a towel around my neck but felt a little underdressed. "I'll go and change," I said.

"No, don't. We may go in again in a few minutes."

I was confused by this; why did we leave the pool just to go back in again?

Julian took me around again, introducing me to lawyers I hadn't met last time and a few I had. I understood that Julian wanted to "show me off" to his male friends and a few of his female ones; but the entirety of his plan was quickly revealed as Julian introduced me (reintroduced me, actually) to two of the junior lawyers who worked with him.

I looked into their minds and was surprised to see what they saw.

I was virtually nude. I had been concerned that the material of my bathing suit was thin; but when wet, the material became instantly sheer. My areolas, my nipples, my pubic bush... all were completely visible. I was wearing a bathing suit, but was effectively nude in front of all of Julian's coworkers.

I immediately moved to put my towel around my waist, but Julian grabbed my wrist and restrained me. Do you feel it, Shelly?

Julian, let go!

Do you feel it?

I reached out and felt the arousal of the men around me. I had felt men thinking about having sex with me before. But those former thoughts were strictly platonic compared to what I felt now. Every man in the circle we were talking to sported an erection. They didn't just feel a desire to fuck me, but an intense need to. Their need was burning through them, through their minds and their penises and their balls. Their arousal was like a drug, one that stimulated me and made my nipples grow painfully hard. I stopped reaching for my towel and Julian smiled at me.

And then Jimmy Murphy came by to say hello. When he saw me as I was, I felt the an erection that grew in his pants at the speed of Captain Abu Jamal's spaceship on Survey Trek. I felt his intense hungering for me. It was like... like being liked by a lion or a tiger with an enormous tongue, an animal you knew wanted desperately to consume you but couldn't. The feeling of being desired so strongly, so urgently was so tremendously... intoxicating.

"Well well well," said Jimmy, looking me up and down. "Shelly, so nice to... see you again."

"Nice to see you, Jimmy." What was I doing here?

"If you don't mind me saying so, you really fill out that swimsuit rather well."

"Why thank you, I smiled. I felt his intense need, his intense hungering. Julian had made me shameless. I basked in the raw, public display of sexuality.

Jimmy thought intently about fucking me, of pounding inside my vagina until he cold relieve the now painful tension in his balls. But then he grew frustrated, knowing that he couldn't have what he suddenly realized he most wanted. "I think half the men here are going to need a cold shower very soon," he joked. "Are you sure you've never been a professional model, Shelly?"

"I'm sure, Jimmy," I said in a low, musical voice.

And then a woman appeared at his side. I knew immediately from her mind who she was. Cindy. Jimmy's girlfriend, a dark haired woman with small titties. "Jimmy, there you are," she said, with a firm note of disapproval in her voice. "And who are you?"

Jimmy's voice cracked slightly. "This... this is Shelly, Shelly Diggler, Julian's... friend."

"Nice to meet you, Shelly," said Cindy. She didn't offer her own name. So this is Julian's latest whore? Well, keep away from my man, bitchie, if you know what's good for you. I'm surprised that Julian's whores are so low class to dress like that. He must be paying you well. She turned to Jimmy. "Dear, Mr. Sorenson wants to have a word with you." I sensed that Mr. Sorenson was not even aware of Jimmy's existence.

"Of course. So nice to see you again, Shelly." That earned Jimmy a glare as he was led away.

What did he mean, another one of your whores?

I won't lie to you, Shelly. I've had girlfriends before. Would you prefer to date a 31 year old man who hadn't?

I answered him with a kiss.

We were making love in a hotel room. Again.

Think about how the men hungered for you. Think how their penises ached for you.

I groaned aloud, and it wasn't only because of Julian's penis, pumping away inside me, or his busy fingers, working on my clit. He was getting me addicted, addicting me to the idea of living off of sex appeal, of raw sexual attraction from the minds of other men.


As Julian pumped my pussy hard, I saw it in his mind as well. The tremendous thrill and adulation as every male in the room lusted after his woman. It made Julian feel so powerful... so alpha male... so admired in such a twisted jealous way by everyone around him.

"Ooooh!" Julian moaned, thinking about the way he proudly showed me off.

"Ohhh!" I cried, imaging all the men staring at my pubic bush, my erect nipples, thinking about fucking me, taking me, using me....

"Ooooh!" we cried together, as I stared helplessly into his baby blue eyes. Even as we climaxed, so intimately connected, I felt a deep sense of togetherness, one I had never felt before. I collapsed into his arms, feeling my sweaty breasts pressed against his chest, as his shrinking organ deposited the last drop of cum inside of me.

"What kind of misgivings, Shelly?"

It was hard to talk about, but if I could talk about it, the only one I could do so with was Aunt Tammy. I mean, I could talk about sexual matters with Claire or Audrey, but the telepathy stuff, well, only Aunt Tammy knew about that. I mean of course Audrey and Claire knew, in a sense, they might remember I had claimed to be telepathic years ago, but they thought it was a joke, and had probably forgotten it years ago.

"Aunt Tammy, he paraded me around completely naked."

"You told me you were wearing a bathing suit."

"A transparent one."

"Why did you put on a transparent bathing suit?"

Was Aunt Tammy being purposefully obtuse?

"Shelly, you told me you were uncomfortable being paraded around naked to Julian's coworkers."


"You also told me that you had a towel around your neck. Why didn't you cover yourself with a towel?"

"Well... at first Julian stopped me, but then...."

"Then what?" Aunt Tammy asked. When I didn't immediately respond, she said, "You also told me that he took you to a hotel room immediately after that and had sex with you. Did you hate that as well?"

"No! We...." I felt her holographic gaze on me. "It was fun," I whispered. "As he paraded me around, almost naked like that, I felt intensely used, embarrassed. But when we had sex... when he focused on the feelings of lust all the men had for me... something changed... it... it felt good. Aunt Tammy, am I... am I a whore now for enjoying this?"

"Shelly, if you told me five years ago you liked parading around nude at a law firm party, I'd say who kidnapped my beloved niece and replaced her with a duplicate? But you're not the same as you were five years ago. Julian is your first real boyfriend. I think you're still figuring out who you are and what you want."

"So it's not... what I did... inherently bad?" I remembered walking around practically nude at that party. I felt so ashamed!

"You tell me."

I swallowed heavily. "Then... then there was the wedding. I told you about that, right? I... we... we both felt the same thing when we tapped into the thoughts of that wedding couple. We invaded the privacy of their minds, to get off sexually. Aunt Tammy, what am I becoming?"

"I don't know," said Aunt Tamara. "You're both telepaths and both in love. I don't think there's a rule booklet written for this."

"But is what we're doing wrong?"

"Did you harm anyone, at the party or the wedding?"

"Well... no. They weren't even aware what we were doing."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I, uh...."


"Yeah, I did."

"Then you have your answer." She paused. "When are we going to get to meet this Mr. Wonderful? It's been what, four months now?"

"Four and a half," I said. "I've asked him repeatedly to come home for dinner but he's very busy. I'm sure he'll come soon."

"I'd be very interested to meet him," said Aunt Tammy.

Julian had been dragging his feet when it came to meeting my parents. I had asked him for over a month now and he always came up with some excuse. I could understand not meeting his parents immediately (they still lived in France), but my family only lived 45 minutes away. Finally, my repeated nagging (verbally and mentally) became too much for him and he sighed and said, "Perhaps I could do dinner with your family Thursday evening. But... I could really use a favor."


"Well, I have a meeting at the Tansdale Country Club the following morning. It's practically next door to where your parents live. It would save me a lot of time if I could sleep over there."

I gave him an appraising look. By now I could tell when Julian had another agenda. I just had no idea what it was. I could read his mind, but he was remarkably skilled at being very focused in his thoughts.

"All right," I said. "I'll talk to Mom and Dad. I'm sure they won't mind."

Mom was thrilled that she was finally going to meet the "mysterious Julian" I had told her so much about, and of course she didn't mind if he slept over! He could sleep in Clay's bedroom, while Clay was on that class trip to Click! Click! Sip! Sip! in Northern New Guinea. In addition to Mom and Dad, Claire was there (though Jamal couldn't make it) and Audrey and Aunt Tamara, of course.

My family swamped Julian with curious stares as he stepped through the front door.

Handsome! Was my mother's first thought.

Sexy! Was Claire's.

WOW! Was Audrey's.

The Diggler girls were evidently quite taken with him, swarming him with questions even before he sat down at the dinner table.

"What is France like?" Audrey wanted to know.

"How long have you been in America?" Claire asked.

"Girls, girls, there will be enough time for questions over dinner," said Mom. "Let's all wash our hands and then we will eat."

As the girls marched upstairs to do just that, and Mom and Dad went into the kitchen, Julian turned to me.

You have a nice family.


Your Dad especially.

Especially! Is there something you want to tell me?

Ah, Shelly, I don't want to be indelicate, but... are you aware that your farther is thinking about repeatedly stabbing you with a butcher knife?

Really? Wait, let me check... yeah, you're right. A big knife, too.

And before, when we first came in, he thought about drowning you in a river.

How very odd. There are no rivers anywhere near here.

Shelly, are you aware that your father is planning to violently mur*er you?


And so?

You get used to it.

Their questions to Julian broke down into categories. Mom demanded his entire life history as if she were doing a security background check. Where did he grow up? Who are the members of his family, and what do they do for a living? Why did he become a lawyer, and how does he feel about the World Government?

Claire and Audrey, however, asked very different questions.

"So Shelly says you're 31, right?" said Claire.

"That's right," said Julian.

"Why aren't you married?" said Claire bluntly.

"Claire!" said Mom.

"I'm just asking a question, Mom. He's a handsome guy, Mom. Very handsome."

"Why thank you, Claire. I think you're beautiful as well," said Julian, in such a calm, masculine voice that I sensed my older sister shivering. She smiled shyly at him.

"But in answer to your question, of course I have had girlfriends, and relationships. All pretty women, but of course none who held a candle to your lovable sister."

"None who held a candle to my lovable sister?" Claire looked like she was about to break out in laughter. How she was enjoying this!

"I dated a lot of beautiful women but they bored me."

"Yeah, I'll bet they did," said Claire dryly.

"Your sister... is a woman of substance. Very special substance." He took my hand, and smiled, and I felt a warm glow.

"What do you and Shelly do?" Audrey asked.

"What do we do?" Julian asked, pretending to be confused while thinking. We fuck. We fuck all the time!

My face turned red.

"For fun," Audrey explained.

"Oh. That. Well, we go shopping-"

"Julian bought me shoes, and clothes, and a genuine imitation fur coat-"

"Julian! That must have cost thousands!" Mom said.

"I didn't notice how much it cost." said Julian. "It enhanced your daughter's beauty and made her happy. That's all that mattered to me."

That was the moment, I think, that Mom was putty in Julian's hand. He could do no wrong in her eyes.

"But where was I? Other things we do. Well, we go out to eat, we go to see holofilms, we go swimming...." He gave me a placid smile.

My face, which I thought had recovered from my previous blush, turned a furious red again. Auntie Tamara, who probably was the only one who knew pretty much what was going on, gave a thin smile.

Audrey frowned. "Shelly can't swim."

"Oh, you'd be surprised to see what she can do in a bathing suit," said Julian.

Auntie Tamara looked sharply away.

"You're so handsome," said Audrey, her eyes shining. "Shelly is so lucky to have you."

"Thank you, Audrey. I think you're pretty too."​
Next page: Chapter 02.3
Previous page: Chapter 02.1