Chapter 02.3

Audrey tittered. What happened to my kid sister, and who replaced her with a cloned duplicate?

But however much I still thought of Audrey as a kid, she clearly wasn't. She was 21 years old and having sexual relations with men, the same as me. In fact, Audrey was having much more sex than I did with men at 21.

The conversation progressed. My sisters and mother were clearly infatuated with Julian. As for my Dad... he didn't really like Julian. I'm not sure why, because he wasn't thinking very specifically about it. I mean, I'm not really sure, but I sensed... disapproval might be the best word. He thought Julian was too slick, too... too something that wasn't quite clear to me.

I turned to my Auntie. Due to the metal plate in her head (if it was there at all!) I had given up trying to read her mind. She saw me looking at her and gave a thin smile, the same thin smile she had been giving all evening. Something was making her unhappy, but I wasn't sure what it was.

I turned back to Claire. She was peppering Julian with questions. She was such a terrible flirt! She was thinking, How did my awkward kid sister attract such a foxy guy? He's so incredibly handsome! I'm going to have to have Jamal give me an extra hard fucking tonight or I won't get a lick of sleep!

I felt startled by my older sister's attraction to Julian, though I suppose it was natural, given that he was such a handsome man. But "startled" didn't even begin to describe my reaction to my sister Audrey's thoughts.

Audrey, my 21 year old red headed sister, was having sexual intercourse with my boyfriend.

I had seen it a million times before. Men fantasizing about having sex with me. Even women fantasizing about having sex with Julian.

But I never in my life imagined that my sister, my own kid sister would be doing it. I looked at Audrey's eye shining with an unfamiliar light as she boldly stared at Julian, with a smile on her lips which made me feel increasingly uneasy. As Audrey stared at my boyfriend, she was imagining him making love to her, taking her in his arms, kissing her, undressing her, and slowly inserting himself inside of her. I wanted to scream aloud as my younger sister violated my boyfriend sexually.

Relax. It's just a harmless fantasy.

A harmless fantasy?

She's just a girl. A cute girl.

You think Audrey is cute?

It's just a harmless fantasy. Relax.

I turned my thoughts to my mother's mind, hoping for boring relief. I was in for another rude surprise.

Mom was also thinking of my boyfriend. In her mind, my mother was kissing my Julian!

They were both fully clothed. I suppose the kiss could be described as chaste. Nevertheless my Mom, Maureen Diggler, the woman who bore me (so she said!), was fantasizing about making out with my boyfriend.

You might think this would be less shocking than tapping into Audrey's fantasies about fucking my boyfriend, but you'd be wrong. Coming from Mom it was like a shot to the back of the head, totally unexpected and paralyzing.

Mom was attracted to Julian. She... she shouldn't be... it wasn't right... it wasn't proper!

Oh, relax, Shelly. You get too wrapped up in random thoughts. Everyone has them.

My Mother is fantasizing about kissing you!

Which shows that she's a very proper woman. No sex on a first fantasy roleplay.

I laughed unexpectedly, and Auntie Tamara's eyes turned from me to Julian and back to me again. There was not a smile on her lips at all.

After dinner I walked Aunt Tamara to the door. I wanted a private moment with her as we stood outside by her grav car together.

"Well?" I said.

She just looked at me. "He seems nice."

"Why don't you like him?"

"I didn't say that."

"Why don't you like him?"

Auntie sucked in her lips and looked at the night sky for a moment. "Let's just say that I never imagined you going out with his type of guy."

"What kind of guy is that?"

Auntie struggled for the right words, which was so unlike her. "A man very different say, from someone like... someone like Tom."

That made me angry. "Tom was a boy. Julian was a man."

"As you say." She kissed me on the cheek. "Good luck with your man, dear."

After kissing Julian goodnight, I went to sleep in my old bedroom while Julian slept in Clay's. It had been a whirlwind of an evening. My Mom and younger sister were sexually attracted to my boyfriend. Could this be normal? In most families which had no telepaths these kinds of thoughts would stay deeply buried. Maybe they were normal, and the abnormal thing was that I was picking up on them! It was hard to know.

I wondered why Dad didn't like Julian. And Aunty Tamara. Despite her denials, there was something she wasn't telling me. I tried to figure out what it was as I fell to sleep....

I dreamed of Julian making love to me. I think I knew it was a dream, a dream within a dream. Julian had made love to me so many times that it wasn't surprising that I felt him between my legs in a dream.

Except this was no dream. I gradually became aware that my lover was between my legs... in my childhood bedroom... in my parents' home... and this was no dream!

Have you gone mad?

In the dark, Julian was simply a shadow. A shadow who was pounding into my pussy. A shadow who felt warm and familiar against my chest.

Yes. Mad for you.

I felt his fingers manipulate my clit in a very familiar way and I shuddered.

They'll hear us.

Not if we're quiet.

Julian was quiet. But my bed was not.

Creak, creak, creak, creak, creak.

I suddenly became aware of thoughts next door. In my parent's bedroom.

They're doing it, my father thought/said.

Maybe she's just turning over in bed, my mother thought.

Every two seconds?

Creak, creak, creak, creak, creak.

Julian, stop!

I can't.
He kept pounding my pussy.

I warned you about this boy.

Jonathan, they're just excited about each other.

Shelly, your mother is defending us
. Julian felt extremely amused. Do you know why? Dig into her thoughts, Shelly.


Dig in!

I bit my lip and probed my mother's thoughts. Mom was imaging Julian making love to me in my bedroom. No... no... not to me... to her! Mom was lying on her back, giving a smug grin as my boyfriend moved between her legs, pounding into her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him-

I'm sorry, Shelly, but your Mom will have to wait for her turn.

That's not funny!

Your Mom's hot for me, Shelly. There's no denying it. Even as I'm pounding your pussy, your Mom is imagining that I'm pounding hers. No wonder your Dad is furious.

Mom... Mom was attracted to Julian?
I felt confused, distressed, and aroused as Julian continued to thrust in and out of me. I sensed he was getting close to his orgasm, very close. I felt Dad's anger in the other room, anger at Julian, anger at me-

He's powerless, Shelly. I'm fucking you mere feet away and your Dad is powerless to intervene. I'm going to fuck you and come inside you and all your Dad is going to do is thank me in the morning and shake my hand and tell me how good it was-


At that moment Julian flooding into me, with one, two, three four powerful throbs. His orgasm triggered my own, and I came, with a mixture of horror and eroticism as my very own orgasm came at the price of my father's intense distress.

As I came down from my high, I thought, what just happened here?

We both just had an incredible experience.

At the expense of my family!

No one was hurt, Shell. No one was even embarrassed, unless you are, tomorrow morning. We had a new experience. A new kind of experience only telepaths can enjoy. The more you do it, the more you'll want it. I promise.

He kissed me tenderly the forehead, stood up, went to the door, and was gone.

By the fifth month of our relationship, the equilibrium changed yet again. Julian and I stopped doing activities together. No more shopping or walks or parties. He was working on a big deal and simply didn't have the time. We no longer even had regular meeting times. He was so busy, he said, that he couldn't predict his schedule.

Instead, he would simply show up at my apartment at odd times, sometimes in the middle of the night. We would have sex, and cuddle for a while, then he would have to go. Since I gave him the passcode to my doorway, sometimes I would wake up at night to find him literally inside of me. I gave into it because I wanted him so badly.

And then came the time when I missed my period.

I told Julian about it one night after we had sex, as he was getting dressed to leave. He was staying for shorter and shorter periods of time to cuddle after sex, I noticed. "I was supposed to have my period today."

"We were lucky, then," Julian grinned, as he closed his shirt.

"Maybe lucky in another way as well," I said meaningfully.

"You're pregnant?"

"I don't know yet, it's too early to tell."

Julian reached for his jacket. "Well by all means, let me know how it turns out!" He kissed me and laughed and left.

By all means.

Three days later I got my period. I don't know whether I felt relieved or disappointed.

While Julian didn't have time to go out on proper dates with me, he did have time for poker nights with "the guys". I was quick in pointing out the contradiction to him.

Julian kissed me on the cheek. "My sweet, this is business."


"I play with lawyers at other firms. Lawyers in megacorporations. Lawyers who work for the World Government. People who can throw a lot of business my way."

"Oh." I thought about it. "Could I play with you?"

Julian chuckled. "I don't think so."

Just as Julian had the passcode to my place, I also had the one for his. So he was surprised when I entered his home on a Tuesday night bearing a large square box. I found him sitting at a round table with three other men, one of who I recognized as Jimmy Murphy. And in addition to these three men was a woman. A woman who was very familiar to me.

It seemed that Angelika, the makeup expert, was also "one of the boys".

Julian and I talked in the kitchen. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you this," I said, opening the box to reveal a chocolate cake.

Julian smoothly put the box on the counter. "We both know you didn't come here to deliver cake."

"Why is she here, Julian? Do you get business referrals from makeup experts as well?"

"Angelika is not just a makeup expert, Shelly. She's a friend."

"What kind of friend?"

"She's a lawyer at another firm that does a lot of M&A work," said Julian.

"Why would a lawyer at a firm which does M&A work steer that M&A work to you?"

Julian licked his lips and looked wildly around for a moment. "It's not like that. Angelika hears things, rumors about pending details, and tells me about them."

"And what do you give her in return?"

"Really, Shelly, this jealousy does not become you. Now I want you to smile, go out there, make smalltalk with the guys for a moment, and then go."

"You're sending me away?'

"I told you this was poker night. We'll talk later."



"You promise?"


And so, gritting my teeth, I went out and said hello the guys... and Angelika.

"Hey good looking," said Jimmy Murphy. "Whatcha doing here?"

"Just bringing some cake."

"Got anything sweet for me?" Jimmy asked. Another man laughed.

"Afraid not," I said. I turned to Angelika. "Hello, Angelika."

"Hey, Shelly. It's so nice to see you. How are you doing?'

"Fine. And you?"

"Just great," said Angelika. She was amused, I sensed it. She's so obviously needy. Can Julian really be in love with her? And then she said, "Dear, your chikdik."


Angelika looked downwards with her eyes. I did the same. My chikdik had somehow gotten loose from my panties pocket protector and was pointing straight downwards. "Thanks," I said sweetly, "I'll get that fixed."

"Not a problem. Great to see you," she said.

I was finished crying by the time Julian came over that night, around 2 AM. He immediately took me in his arms and hugged me. "Shelly, dear sweet Shelly, there's so much you don't understand."

"What? That you would rather be with her than me?"

Julian gave me a hard stare. "There were three other men there, in case you didn't notice."

"But how is it you have time for them and not me?"

"I explained that to you. Our work cycle is at a frantic pace now. You're a freelance journalist, you don't understand the stress of working 80, 100 hours a week."

That was true.

"But... you do have time for poker."

"Yes. I have a bit of a life outside of you and work. A tiny bit. Shelly, when we got into this, I knew you hadn't been properly socialized."

"Me? Not socialized?"

"You've never had a real boyfriend before. Never been in a relationship. Don't deny it or call those one night stands relationships, they weren't."

I fell silent.

His hand played over my shoulder. "In a relationship there is togetherness, but you also have to give your partner some breathing room, you know? Otherwise you smother them."

"Is that what I'm doing? Smothering you?"

"A poor choice of words." He kissed me, and I responded. "I need a balance. We all do. You have to understand that. When my latest deal is over I promise you we will spend more time together."

"Do you promise?"

He kissed me again. "I promise."

"You do?"

He kissed me again.

"I really really do."

There was something else bothering me, but I only realized it the morning after. During the brief time I was there I probed the minds of the players. Julian had been winning.

Winning a lot. If what Jimmy Murphy was thinking was true, Julian had won over 20,000 credits last night alone. Something a telepath wouldn't find very difficult to do playing a game of poker.

I asked him about it two nights later when he dropped in unexpectedly for sex. After we both climaxed, I asked him about it.

Julian chuckled as he lay in bed with me. "Are you accusing me of cheating, Shelly?"

"Did you?"

"Of course not."

"Then how did you win 20,000 credits?"

"Who says I did?"


"He told you that?"

"He thought it."

Julian chuckled again. "Then he's mistaken. Or your reading of him was mistaken. It was more like 2,000 credits."

"Are you sure?"

"Shelly, these are business contacts. Think logically. Am I really going to get business referrals from them if I cheat them big-time at poker?"

"I suppose not."

"You're still unconvinced." He sighed. "All right. Look into my mind. Look really deeply. How much money do I believe I won?"

I probed his mind. Unlike other people, his thoughts were so... disciplined. Orderly. "You... you think you only won 2,000 credits."

"Exactly." He kissed me on the nose. Then he got up and started to get dressed.

"When will I see you again?"

When I can.

When will that be?

I don't know.

How about Saturday?

I'm working Saturday.

How about Sunday?

(Pause). Maybe Sunday evening.

What are you doing during the day?

"I'm racing, at the track with the boys. Would you like to join me?"

Julian knew I hated grav car racing. I shook my head. He kissed me, laughing, and bade me goodnight.

Julian had a jet black XT-7 racer. His car did high speed laps on the test circuit as a red hot rod competed with him. There was much roaring and maneuvering and Julian finished his eighth lap just seconds ahead of the red hotrod.

He got out of his grav car, and so did the driver of the hotrod. Then he gave her a kiss on the lips.


I put down my electrobinoculars and frowned.

"Auntie, when is a kiss not a kiss?"

"Is this a riddle, Shelly?" Auntie asked. She was wearing a sexy nightgown in holo which showed off her red areolas. I heard rustling in the background which I presumed was Henry.

I explained what I had seen.

"I mean, he kissed her once before, on the lips, right in front of me," I said. "Is that a cultural thing, just a thing that French people do?"

"I don't know, Shelly."

"Auntie, you know everything! This is not the time for you not to know something!"

Auntie smiled at me. "Congratulations."


"The day you realize that people around you don't know everything is the day you become an adult."


"All right." She ran a hand through her luxurious red hair. "It doesn't matter what French people do or don't do. What matters is what you think. Is Julian the kind of man to cheat on you?"

"I... I don't know."

"Of course you know," said Auntie mockingly. "You've always known. You just haven't wanted to know. He was too handsome, too perfect! And a telepath! You didn't want anything to ruin that. Especially after you ruined things with Tom."

"Auntie, what do I do?"

"You know the answer to that too."

I had to be very careful. I could probe Julian's mind.... but he could also probe mine. I had to be careful to not think about what I shouldn't be thinking about. But thinking about what I should not be thinking about caused me to think about it even more. I spent much of the rest of the day practicing not thinking about it without actually thinking about it.

I was all smiles when Julian came over for dinner that night. I sweetly asked how his racing had went and didn't ask any invasive questions. We had dinner and then sex and then lay together afterwards, and then after an appropriate time of snuggling together he got up and got dressed and prepared to go.

"Tuesday night?" I inquired. We often saw each other on Tuesdays.

"Tuesday... sure," he said.

"No, I'm sorry, I mean I can't do Tuesday night," I said sweetly. "I got a new freelance assignment. They're sending me to Oregon."


"Yep," I said, thinking of Oregon. "I'm writing about a new magnetic ski slope."

"Sounds fascinating."

"It is. Friday then?"

"Maybe. Call me."

"I will."

And then he kissed me, and left. I stood there, rubbing my lips thoughtfully.

As I said, I already had the passcode for Julian's apartment. I figured about nine o'clock would be the appropriate time to come over unannounced, so that's exactly what I did. I was prepared to wait for him, however, but that didn't prove to be necessary. I heard sounds of rustling in the bedroom, and I can't say I was surprised to see what I found.

Angelika was lying on her back with her legs spread. Julian was pounding away between them, in the classic missionary position. I watched his ass cheeks flexing rhythmically in and out, in and out. It was actually Angelika who noticed me first, which is the only thing, I think, which surprised me.

"Oh, it's Shelly. Hey Shelly," said Angelika, waving a friendly hand with a little smile.

"Hey," I said. But I wasn't smiling.

Julian pulled out of Angelika. He was still erect. He said exactly one word. "Shelly."

"I was wondering when you would figure it out," said Angelika. She didn't seem at all embarrassed to have been caught having sex with another woman's boyfriend.

Except he wasn't another woman's boyfriend, Angelika thought smugly.

My jaw dropped open in shock.

"That's right, Shelly," said Angelika.

"You... you're a telepath too?"

Angelika turned to Julian. "She's pretty... but not very bright."

"One compensated for the other."

"I can see that."

Suddenly I understood everything. I turned to Julian. "That's how you knew how to do everything we did together. The sharing of emotions. The sampling of thoughts and emotions of others. Because you already did them all with Angelika."

Angelika put a finger to her nose and grinned. "You're taking it well, dear. Better than I expected. I thought you could handle it, but Julian wasn't sure. So when he discovered you were one of us, I gave him a bit of a longer leash to go out and lasso you in."

"To lasso me in?"

"Sure," said Angelika. "Telepaths are rare commodities, in case you haven't realized it. You're a pretty girl. Julian thinks so." She put a finger in her mouth. "And I do too. Join us, Shelly."

"You... you claim Julian as your own, but wouldn't mind sharing him with me?" I was fascinated by the depth of her depravity.

Angelika shrugged. "Why not? If my husband doesn't mind, why should I?"

"You're married?'

"Yeah." She yawned, making her breasts stick out. "He's a banker. We give each other a free reign. He doesn't know about the mind stuff, of course."

"Of course," I said. I turned to Julian. "You've been very quiet. I thought you loved me. How could I have been so wrong?"

"I do love you, Shell," said Julian, licking his lips. "But... people like us, you have to understand, we're special. We have stronger appetites than Normals. We can't limit ourselves to one person."

"So... you feel no shame, no embarrassment at having me catch you like this?"

"We're relieved, actually," said Angelika. "I wanted to tell you for weeks. But Julian insisted on waiting. What do you say, Shelly?"

I ignored her and turned to Julian, the man I loved. Goodbye, Julian.

As I turned to go I heard a parting thought.

Shelly, I just want you to know, there are no hard feelings. You can come back at any time... no questions asked.

No questions asked.

[This is an abridged version of my novel "The Story of My Telepathic Life"]

Next page: Chapter 03.1
Previous page: Chapter 02.2