Chapter 04.1

Age 30

I had just turned 30. I felt old and adrift.

Much as I liked Mr. Brodsky (and secretly was beginning to enjoy every new and creative way he fantasized about inseminating me), I finally realized that after 8 years of going to a World Government jobs counselor that I had reached a dead end. I had to try something new.

And new in more ways than one. It had been nearly four years since I last had a boyfriend (of sorts), the longest dry spell of my entire life.

Little did I know that this was going to be the most consequential year in my life, both professionally and sexually.

I scrolled through job listings on the holonet while idly eating blueberries. After my experience working for a World Government Food Auditor, I now bought the cheapest brand of everything even if they were made by white people (as they usually were). I ignored more expensive brands that claimed they were made by blacks or women or lesbians realizing it probably was a giant scam. I even grew skeptical about the absorbent power of Cherokee Hair Tampons--if indeed they really were Cherokee Hair Tampons, and not a product of the Territorial State of India, as I suspected--and started buying ordinary Blonde Hair Tampons--and found them just as absorbent, for a third of the price.

I scrolled through the hololistings which appeared in the air above me. One of them caught my eye.

Staffers were needed to help create the Eternal Social Justice Machine.

The Eternal Social Justice Machine? What was that? There was no description, only a comm code to apply.

After my time working for Children Who Matter I had become skeptical about philanthropies, and so put the matter aside.

But over the course of the next week, I found myself thinking again about the Eternal Social Justice Machine. I thought about it when I played nuclear golf by myself at the Malcolm XYZ course in suburban Charlotte; I thought about it when I was making a vegetable stew which had been 92% prepared by white people; I thought about it when I exercised at the gym, pumping the blood rushing Menstrual Cycle while my yoga tights cruelly hugged my large titties and my vag; and I even found myself dreaming about it....

A machine that brought justice... to everyone. The thought tantalized me. I don't know why I kept thinking about it, but I did.

Do it, Shelly. Do it, and help the world get Eternal Social Justice, a small voice whispered to me in the deep of night, so quiet that I wasn't even sure if it were real.

And so, on the morning of the seventh day after I had first seen the advertisement, I searched for it on the holonet again. I felt a momentary panic rising in me as I failed to find the ad. Why should I care about such an insignificant thing? But then I found it, and I felt myself taking a deep sigh of relief.

I called the number on the ad and set up an appointment for later that day. The location was at a warehouse in the industrial part of Charlotte. When I got there I saw that the front part of it had been converted into an office building. What kind of place was this?

When I went inside I saw a beautiful blonde girl sitting at the reception desk. Her hair was radiant and fluffy like cotton candy. She looked a lot like Sandy Colley, who I hadn't thought about in many years.

"Hi, my name is Shelly Diggler. I have an appointment to see Mr...."

"Mr. Serf," said the woman. She gave me a strong smile. "We've been expecting you, Miss Diggler. My name is Sylvie." She extended her hand, and I took it. "Joe will be with you in just a minute."

She spoke into her holocom, giving me periodic looks. There was something very sensual about this woman!

Now, before you think more about it, you're probably wondering if I'm a lesbian or something, because of my experiences with Angelika. And the answer is no, I am not a lesbian. I'm simply a heterosexual woman... who had sex repeatedly with Angelika. But I don't find other women attractive, not in the least! I hope that's cleared things up for you, thank you very much!

Sylvie brought me into a large laboratory. At the center of it was something that looked like a giant black box with a round globe on that that technicians were working on. What in the world is that?

"This, this is the Eternal Justice Machine."

I turned to see a handsome brown haired man, perhaps in his early 30's, looking appraisingly at me. The most amazing thing about him were his piercing green eyes. They seemed to see right through me.

No, that wasn't the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing was that I sensed nothing from him.

Nothing at all.

"I'm Joseph Serf," he said extending a hand.

I stared at him in shock. The only person I couldn't read was my Aunt Tammy. I had never met anyone else like him before.

Mr. Serf had his hand outstretched.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I shook his hand vigorously. "I'm Diggler, Shelly Diggler."

"Nice to meet you, Diggler Shelly Diggler."

He had such a nice smile!

"Please call me Joe."

"Shell, I mean Shelly. You can call me that," I said. Why was I suddenly having problem speaking?

I couldn't read his mind! I was still trying to process that.

"Behold the Eternal Social Justice Machine, Shelly," said Joe.

I looked up at the giant black box. It must have been two stories tall. "What does it do?"

"Right now, not very much. But when it's done, it will bring Social Justice instantly around the globe."

Joe was talking about harmonic signals and physics and the human brain and I didn't understand a word he was saying. There was just something so captivating about his green eyes. Something so exciting about not knowing what he was thinking. Was he thinking about fucking me? Or how big my breasts were? For once, I really wanted to know.

But I had no clue. Nor did I really understand what he was building. "What do you want to hire me for?" I asked. "I'm not a scientist."

"The Eternal Social Justice Machine needs people from all walks of life, Shelly, all kinds of people. Even beautiful blonde women," he smiled at me.

"What... what kind of work would I be doing for it?"

"Whatever is required." Joe smiled at me, and I smiled back. "It's difficult to explain in just a few moments. I could make a better case for working for us over dinner, perhaps."

Joe was smooth! I liked that. He was as smooth as Julian, when I first met him, I think. But although I couldn't read his mind, I didn't get the sense that Joe was a player like Julian. And I was curious to learn more about this Eternal Social Justice Machine. And even more curious to learn more about the man called Joseph Serf. So I agreed to dinner.

That was the beginning of the end for me, leading to a chain of events which would affect me and my family for the rest of our lives and make me forever remorseful... but in another way, also extremely grateful.

Joe talked at dinner about his great love for Social Justice. Since I couldn't read his mind, I was left to wonder if he really meant what he was saying, or if he was merely trying to impress me. It was a very strange sensation. It was like being used to playing poker all my life where I could see everyone else's cards, but now all of a sudden I couldn't.

I found myself wondering less and less whether Joe was sincere and more and more how handsome he was.

He seemed to have a certain way of talking, a certain way of looking at me that I found hypnotic. I found myself focusing less on what he was saying and more how he was saying it. I looked at his full lips and wondered what they would be like to kiss.

And then somehow, in a blink of an eye, our dinner ended, and I hardly remembered what happened in it.

As Joe walked me back to my car he said, "Well, this is it."

"This is it," I admitted.

I knew what was going to happen now. He was going to kiss me. I couldn't read his mind, but I knew how he looked at me. As all men looked at me. He probably had been thinking about fucking me blind. I leaned forward very slightly and puckered my lips.

Joe started to lean forward, and then he shook his head, as if to say, This isn't proper. I'm moving too fast. I don't know why I thought he thought that but I did.

Instead he took my hand and squeezed it. I found it so romantic that I almost swooned. "Shelly, I know you came here for a job interview... but I have to be honest, I find myself attracted to you. Giving you a job under such circumstances wouldn't be ethical. But... would you have dinner with me again sometime?"

"Yes!" I said without thinking. I almost gasped with shock. Joe was so moral, so decent! I had never met a man like that before. That's why he didn't kiss me; he felt it was presumptuous, because he hadn't made it clear in advance we were on a date.

He gave my hand one last squeeze before letting go, giving me a charming smile. "Have a nice night."

"You too" I called after him, with naked eagerness in my voice.

"Auntie, this is the one!"

"Uh huh," said the holoimage Auntie, sitting in her living room with Henry, who had his arm around her.

"I mean it!"

"I know you do," said Auntie. "Shelly, dear, how long have you known this Joe?"

"Well... a few hours... two, maybe."

"Uh huh. Do you remember when you called me and told me that Julian was the one, after your first date with him?"

"Yes, Auntie, but Joe is no Julian."

"What is he?"

I couldn't answer that. I couldn't put it into words. I didn't really know anything about Joe. I just felt a powerful attraction to him.

"I know what you're thinking, Auntie. That I'm going off half cocked again. That Joe will be a disaster. But this time it will be different. I feel it!"

"All right, dear. Have fun, but keep your eyes open, all right?"

Joe and I had dinner again two days later. I met him at the lab. Sylvie welcomed me like a long lost friend. "Shelly!" and she actually hugged me. "Joe told me you were coming back. The two of you are going out to dinner, right?"

"Yes," I blushed. How did Sylvie know this? Did Joe tell everyone at the company about his dinner plans?

"Oh, I'm so happy. Joe is such a nice man, but lonely, and he needs good company."

And why don't you offer him some of that company, Sylvie? She was such a sexy siren that I found it hard to believe that she hadn't tried to put her claws into Joe. Indeed, while I couldn't read Joe's mind I could read hers, and what I read I didn't like. I saw her having sex with Joe in her mind. Maybe it was a fantasy... or maybe it actually happened. From my experiences with Angelika I learned that memories weren't always easy to distinguish from fantasy.

But then Joe came into view looking more handsome than ever.

"Shelly!" he said, giving me a big hug. Then he pulled back. "What a pretty blue dress. It makes the color of your green eyes stand out."

"Thanks!" Didn't someone else used to tell me that?

Now that we were on an official "date" date, Joe was full of compliments. He loved the way the light sparkled off my bright blonde hair. He said my high cheekbones made me beautiful. He loved the fact I was wearing blue again. And he liked the way I looked at him.

"And how is that?" I asked, smiling as I rested my chin my hand as I leaned forward.

"You just have such... such an intense way of looking at me. It's fascinating."

He was such a charmer! And so handsome. Somehow, though, he looked a bit different from the last time I saw him. His green eyes now looked greenish-blue, and his brown hair seemed lighter in color.

I told Joe a little more about myself. He was very understanding about my extended job hunt. "Of course you're going to have a difficult time finding a job you like. You're so capable that most jobs aren't challenging enough for you."

He had such a nice way of talking to me! I could see he was smitten with me. But still his thoughts were a complete mystery to me. I wondered if the man who was too prim and proper to kiss me on the first date was thinking of kissing me now. I wondered if he was thinking of more than kissing me, of easing himself between my legs and making love to me. Somehow it wouldn't have upset me quite so much if he had.

Joe smiled at me. "I'm afraid I can't tell you what I'm thinking of doing with you."


"I'm a man, like anyone else, and not immune to feminine charm such as yours." And then he reached out and kissed my hand!

I was stunned. What had just happened here? Did Joe just read my mind?

"Yes." He nodded slowly. "I'm a telepath, just like you, Shelly."

Joe discovered his telepathic abilities at the tender age of 12. Everyone at school thought he was a freak. He was tormented and ostracized. His father, frustrated with his problem child, beat and physically abused him. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and put on mind altering drugs.

Young Joe ran away from home. He found himself in a World Government orphanage where his newest tormentors were older boys. He learned to hide the secret of his ability. He was eventually adopted by a kind family, applied himself in school, and got a degree in particle physics. But his childhood had obviously scarred him, and he always felt wary of forming attachments with others. He even had trouble making friends, and had even more trouble finding girlfriends.

He took my hand. "For years I buried myself in my work, Shelly. But as I got older I found that it just wasn't enough. I needed more companionship than Pads and machines."

"What about Sylvie? It seems to me that Sylvie would be more than pleased to provide you with companionship." I watched closely for his reaction.

"Oh, Sylvie is a fine person," Joe said. "I like her a lot, as a friend. But... I don't feel that spark, you know what I mean? The spark of attraction. At least, I didn't feel it, until the day I met you."

"Really?" I so desperately wanted to read his thoughts!

"Really. When I saw how pretty you were, and well spoken... and then I learned you were a telepath! I debated telling you, but... I was afraid. I should have told you on our first date. I'm sincerely sorry about that."

What a sweetheart! I was liking Joe more and more by the minute. "But Joe... you can read my thoughts, but I can't read yours."

He nodded. "It's not surprising. I've met three other telepaths over the years. I could read their thoughts but they couldn't read mine. It seems my mind is different in some way. I'm not a neurologist, so I can't explain more." He squeezed my hand. "I know how awkward this must be to you. You're used to reading other people's thoughts, and not having your own thoughts read. I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable."

"Oh no, no no no no!" I babbled rapidly. I couldn't read a single thought in Joe's minds, but I was getting to know him quite well from his words, and I could see he was an incredibly kind and sensitive guy. I wanted to get to know him more so badly I could almost taste it. "It's not your fault! I don't blame you."

"So... you don't mind... if I read your thoughts?"

"I can't turn off my ability, so I expect you can't either. You're not to blame. You're a good man, Joe." I squeezed his hand back.

"Good," he smiled. "I hope you won't think me forward, but I've learned a thing or two about you during our brief time together. Your failed romances... and Tom, the man who got away...."

"I don't want to talk about Tom right now," I said firmly, squeezing his hand again for emphasis. "I just want to talk about us."

"I'm glad," said Joe, in such a simple, kind voice that I felt like kissing him right then and there.

But in the end I let him do it first. After Joe's heartfelt confession, we fell in together as thick as thieves. I felt as relaxed with Joe as I had been with Tom; Tom had not only been my lover, but also first and foremost my friend. I told Joe how my ability had estranged me from my parents and my classmates for many years, and the bumpy childhood I had gone through.

I felt a warm glow in my chest as we walked hand in hand to my grav car. When we got there Joe turned and looked at me. I looked at him. Then he pressed his lips against mine. I moaned as we kissed for the first time. I wanted him so much. If he had invited me back to his apartment I probably would have gone with him.

But he was too much of a gentleman for that. Instead he said, "Same time, Friday night?"

"Friday night," I grinned. "I can't wait."

For the first time in my life the tables were turned. I was with a man who could read my mind but I couldn't read his. Maybe it was for the best. It had been my jealousy and insane "Michelle" mode which had destroyed my relationship with Tom. This way I wouldn't pick up on any stray thoughts from Joe which would set me off.

Besides, I was thoroughly convinced that Joe was a perfect gentleman. Any other man would have invited me back to his apartment by now. Joe knew, he knew that I was already in love with him, and I knew he was in love with me. But he wanted to show me respect by waiting, and I appreciated that.

I showed up with a bounce in my step at the lab for our third date. I was wearing blue again (I hope he wouldn't get sick of it!), having bought a new bright blue dress I hoped he would like it. When Sylvie saw me she broke out into a giant grin. We embraced like sisters.

"Shelly, I'm so happy!" She said.

"You are?"

"Um hm. Joe said he's having such a good time with you. I've never seen him like this before!"

I relaxed slightly. Sylvie wasn't talking like a jealous lover; if anything, she was talking like a concerned sister. Maybe there really was nothing between them. "I'm glad," I said.

Sylvie looked into my eyes. "I hope we're going to become good friends."

"I know we are, Sylvie," I smiled at her.

"Who's that lady in blue?" said a new voice.

"Joe!" I flew into his arms and kissed him. It was only our second kiss, but I felt entitled because he had already kissed me first.

He laughed as I pulled back. "What have I done to deserve this?"

"You're taking me out to dinner!"

"Then remind me to take you out to dinner more often!"

Sylvie smiled as we walked out, arm in arm. "Have fun, you two!"

We were constantly touching on our third date. It was nothing obscene or scandalous! We held hands. We stroked each others' legs under the table. We kissed once or twice... or maybe more than once or twice. I'm afraid we might have made a small spectacle of ourselves. But I was too busy focusing on Joe to care.

Each time I saw him he looked a little different. Now his hair was sandy blonde, instead of brown, and his eyes were all blue, instead of green. He bore a mild resemblance to Tom, of all people.

As we ate dinner, Joe said, "You know, now that we're seeing each other, I feel more comfortable telling you that we really could use your help on the Eternal Social Justice Machine."

"You could?" I was excited about the idea of working with Joe. "What would I be doing?"

"Oh, many things. How would you like to be my personal assistant?"

"Would I!" A broad smile spread across my face.

"We can talk about it next week, if you like."

I liked!

When we walked in the parking lot, I couldn't help but notice that Joe was guiding me to his grav car, not mine. My heart started to beat rapidly. When we got to his grav car, an ultramodern Roadstar 3000, he turned to me and gave me a long kiss. I reciprocated passionately. Then he pulled back and looked at me. His face in shadow. "Shelly, dear Shelly, I so very much want to be with you. But I don't want to ruin things between us by going too fast. I'd love for you to come over, but if it's too much too soon-"

"No!" I cried, hugging him tightly. "Not too soon!"

We were kissing and hugging the minute we got to Joe's apartment. As we kissed, I started working on his clothes and he on mine. At this point you probably think I'm an incredible whore, but keep two things in mind:

1) I hadn't had sex for nearly four years. Four years is a fucking long time for a dry spell!

2) I liked Joe. I really liked him. His nobleness, his courtesy and restraint inflamed me. I honestly believed he was the One, and I wanted him so bad!

In moments we were nude and I felt absolutely no shyness. It felt like I had known Joe for years. Joe got me, if you know what I mean.

And now I got him. I pressed my body against his strong, manly form. I shivered as I felt his palms moving and down my back. I thought that there was kind of an oily substance on his hands. I shivered again as it was absorbed into my skin.

And then we moved to his bed, and Joe was on top of me, kissing, touching, fondling. "You are so beautiful, Shelly. I've been searching for you for so long. I can't wait for us to finally get together."

This confused me because I thought at that moment that we were together.

Joe raised his penis above my vulva. He was proudly erect. "It is a new kind of togetherness I speak of, one you will simply love and adore." And then, as he inserted himself into me, he said, "Welcome to Us!"

I gasped as I felt myself richly entered. Joe smiled and started moving in and out of me. Even as he did so, he started to rub my clit. He knew, he simply knew! "That's right, Shell. I knew all about you even before we met."

"You did?"

"Yes. We were destined to meet."

I panted as I felt his stiff erection coursing in and out of me.

"That's it, Shell, take it, you're taking it so well. Soon We will be together inside of you."

His words confused me, but I was so aroused that I was more focused on the physical sensation of being used. I hadn't had a man inside of me for nearly four years, and I really really liked Joe. He was the One!

"Yes. We are the One," said Joe, grinning wickedly as he poled into me. But then he started frictioning faster, and his breathing became labored.

I thought about birth control, as always way too late for it to matter. "Joe, have you-"

"No birth control is required, Shell."


"You will not get pregnant tonight. When We decide the time is right, We will let you know."

We? Who was We?

"Soon you will understand all," Joe promised. His eyes had an alien gleam to them as he pounded into me hard. He grimaced, and he gasped, and he tightened up inside of me. "Shell, get ready to join Us!" He gasped again, and then he released inside of me.

I cried out as I came at nearly the same time. I vaguely felt his wetness releasing inside of me.

Joe pulled out of me, with an intense look of satisfaction on his face. He put an arm around me.

"That was good," he said.

"Better than good," I said, kissing him. "I'm sorry I rushed things so quickly." I felt I had rushed through foreplay.

"No need to apologize. It was important to begin your introduction to Us."

"I don't understand."

"You will."

At that moment I felt a burning sensation, deep in my vagina.

"I feel something. Hot," I said, puzzled.

"I know," said Joe. He smiled at me as he started to play with my clit with his free hand.

"It's rising," I said, feeling it going up underneath my pubic hair and into the area around my belly.

"That's called progress," Joe said, as he continued to gently fondle my clit.

"It's rising to my chest now," I said, starting to panic.

"It's just the Serum," Joe assured me.

"Serum, what Serum?"

"I have Infected you," Joe said, smiling broadly.

"Joe, I feel it going into my head! Joe, there's something happening!" I felt a tingling, boiling sensation inside my head. I grabbed my head with both hands.

"Just let it happen, Shell."

I gasped as my body shuddered and went through convulsions. And then I must have blacked out because some time appeared to have passed and I found myself staring up at Joe.

"Contact," I whispered.

"Yes, Shell?"

"Contact has been made."

"Welcome to Us." Joe kissed me tenderly.

I felt more than a little confused as I got dressed. What had just happened here? Joe took my head in his hands and kissed me at the door. "You've made excellent progress. I'll see you tomorrow, Shell."



When I got home I felt exhausted, I collapsed in my bed and fell asleep, convinced I had drunk too much wine.

Good morning, Shelly.

I opened my eyes. Where had that voice come from?

I am within you, Shelly.

Who are you?

I am Us.


Joe is part of Us. And now, so are you.

I frowned as I got out of bed and got dressed. Then I made a careful search of my apartment, room by room.

What are you looking for, Shelly?

Joe. If I'm hearing you in my head, you must be somewhere nearby.

This is a different kind of connection, Shelly. Our connection is much more organic. Proximity is not required.


Why don't you have some breakfast?

The Voice talked to me as I ate.

Did you enjoy our night together?

You know I did,
I thought accusingly. Somehow, through a means I was not aware of, Joe was speaking to me inside my mind. I had experienced this kind of joining of minds briefly, at the height of intercourse with Julian and Angelika, but this felt... different.

I'm anxious to see you again tonight in my apartment. We can grow still closer.

Joe... I'm interested in getting to know you better, but this long distance talking in my head thing is a little too odd for my tastes. I think I want to take a break until my head returns back to normal.

That is not an option. You will grow closer to

That word again. Us. I started to get a very nervous feeling. I reached for my Pad to call Auntie, and dropped the Pad to the ground as I felt a stabbing pain in clit. I cried out, grabbing myself.

There will be no calls. You will not have contact with anyone until your conversion to Us is complete.

I reached for the Pad again but felt another stab of pain. I cried out with tears in my eyes as I tried to activate the comm system, but the pain got so intense that the Pad went stumbling out of my hands yet again.

I lay on the floor sobbing.

The pain will go away if you promise to obey.

The pain was too much to bear. I promise!

The Voice made me go into the bathroom and take off my clothes. I stood nude in front of the holomirror, aware of an alien presence staring at my heavy presence and my furry pubis. The voice said, We have searched for you for a long time, Shelly Diggler.

You have?

Yes. Your DNA is of particular interest to us. We found you through your World Government's DNA database.


You are a woman. A beautiful woman who may be compatible with us.

Compatible in what way?

You will see.

I looked at my naked body in the mirror and shivered. What were they going to do to me?

I learned that the Voice could deliver pleasure as easily as could deliver pain.

You will return to Joe's apartment tonight to receive another dose of Serum.

Serum? What's that?

What we put inside of you. Some humans require multiple doses.

Some humans? And you're not human?

I received no answer.

"Well, I'm not doing it!" I said. "There's no way I'm going back to Joe's tonight to get 'Serum' or anything else in your perverted little mind."

And then the pleasure began.

A tingling in my clit, a tingling which only grew stronger with each passing second. In moments I was gasping. It was as if invisible fingers were expertly stroking me. I put my hands in my pants to try to get relief, but every time I touched my clit I felt a painful shock.

You will not be allowed to relieve yourself, Shelly. The only relief you will find is in Joe's apartment when you get your next dose of Serum.

I cried out in agony as I was ruthlessly stimulated for the next twenty minutes. You may be thinking that twenty minutes is nothing, or that it even sounds like fun. It isn't. Being kept on the brink of orgasm is pleasurable for a few seconds. For 20 minutes it is pure, unadulterated torture which feels like hours.

I writhed in sexual pain and agony on the floor, unable to bring myself to climax but forced to endure the extremely painful skating on the edge. I was gasping for breath and I felt my pulse pounding heavily in my head as I was in sheer agony.

"All right, all right," I whispered.

You will go to Joe tonight?


The pain in my clit immediately leveled off. The Voice, perhaps not trusting my newfound commitment, left me with a remnant of the stimulation, one which gnawed at me as the very slow hours of the day passed. By the time seven o'clock rolled around, I was frantic to get relief.

When Joe opened the door to his apartment, I flew into his arms. "Help me, Joe, help me please, please please please," I said, kissing him wildly.

Joe laughed. "Come with me."

I followed him to the bedroom, taking off my clothes even faster than he did his. "What are you going to do? I need relief, Joe."

"I'm going to give you the relief you need, Shelly. That, and more Serum."

"No." I shook my head. "Not that. Just relief, Joe. Please, stop the agony."

By now we were both naked. Joe took me in his arms. "It pains me to see you suffering like this. Once you join Us completely, your life will be full of ecstasy."

"I don't understand what that means. I'm scared, Joe," I whispered, as I pressed my titties against his chest.

Joe smiled. "There's nothing to be scared of." He gently lay me down on the bed and aimed his penis carefully. "I'm just going to give you another dose of Serum. It will make you feel really good."

"No!" I cried.

Joe rubbed the head of his penis against my cruelly tortured clit. I cried out in agony. "Please, Joe!"

"Do you want more Serum, Shelly?"

I knew the price for my relief. But anyone experiencing torture can be said to say anything. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Just stop the agony."

"Relief is on the way, Sweet One." And then Joe smoothly inserted his shaft between my labial lips. He started poling into me rapidly. "Excite me, Shelly. Excite me with your insides so I fill you with more Serum."

I gasped, wide eyed as I realized I was a part of the process. I was stimulating Joe to ejaculate inside of me... and to fill me with some kind of alien liquid.

I saw his eyes shining as he pounded into me.

"What are you?" I gasped.

"We are Us," he said, with a smile. "You want to be a part of Us, don't you, Shelly?"

"No," I shook my head.

"You're very brave," said Joe. "Usually a human with one dose of the Serum is eager to cooperate in any way they can. You resist our control."

"And I will continue to resist you," I snarled, even as Joe continued to pole into me. "Oh, Joe, I need to come!"

He started rubbing my clit with his fingers. He at least was permitted to do that. The combination of feeling his motion inside me and his digital stimulation caused me rapidly to go over the edge.

"That's it, that's it, Joe! I'm going to come!" I cried.

"So am I," Joe grinned.

"No, please Joe. Just get me my orgasm, not the other thing," I gasped.

"You don't want me to climax as well? I'm surprised at you, Shelly. Are you really so greedy that you don't want your partner to experience the same pleasure you are?" He gave me a giant grin, a grin that stayed rock solid even as I felt his penis start to pulse and throb.

"No!" I cried, as my long deferred orgasm washed over my body. But even as it did, I felt Joe, pumping me full of... of Serum.... I felt the heat of it, slowly rising from my vagina again.

Joe pulled out and started to play with my titties. "It won't be long now."

I just lay there helplessly as I felt the liquid heat rise within me. "What is it?"

"The Serum? It's a form of Infection."

"An Infection of what?" I felt the heat rise to my chest.

"An Infection of Us."

"What are you?"

"You will see," said Joe.

I felt the heat starting to rise from my head. "What do you want with me?"

The last thing I knew was Joe was fondling my nipples as I blacked out.​
Next page: Chapter 04.2
Previous page: Chapter 03.2