Chapter 04.2
"Hello again," said Joe.
I was lying in bed with him. Some time had passed. I looked at his deflated shaft.
I had been given another dose of Serum.
"How do you feel?" said Joe.
"I'm... I'm not sure."
"Do you want to serve Us?"
I considered. "I... I'm not sure. Maybe."
I could see the look of disappointment on Joe's face.
The Voice had me remove my clothing the following morning and stand in front of the holomirror again.
Shelly, you will be given one more dose of Serum tonight. Tonight is the night you will fully join Us.
I gasped as I looked at my heavy tits, my slim legs. At 30 I was still quite a beauty.
You are a beauty, Shelly, a beauty who will service Us. Now touch yourself.
Touch yourself.
I felt a warning tingling in my clit. I reached inside my vulva and started to stimulate myself.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah," I looked at my body in the mirror. I watched myself pant as my heavy erect nippled breasts heaved.
So sexy. So pliable. We are going to use your body, Shelly. We are going to use your body to spread Us.
"No!" I cried, even as I fingered myself. The tension in my clit was incredible.
Yes. We are going to use your beautiful face and body to seduce men and make them part of Us. But we have big plans for you, even bigger than that. But first you must take one last dose of Serum. You want it, Shelly, don't you?
Say you want it, Shelly!
I tried to bring myself to climax. But I couldn't something was blocking me. I cried out in despair.
Say it, Shelly, say it.
Yes, yes, yes!
When Joe greeted me at the door I flew into his arms and kissed him.
"My little girl is hungry for something, isn't she?"
I nodded. After my "reward" this morning, the Voice had given me a reward of a different kind--near constant low level stimulation for the rest of the day, to make sure I was properly motivated for tonight. The tingling in my clitoris was driving me mad once more. There was an intensely painful fire between my legs, one I needed put out RIGHT NOW!
Joe rubbed his body against my much more aroused form. "What is it you want, Shelly? Tell me, and if it's the right thing, I'll give it to you."
"Serum," I moaned. I looked into his eyes with naked need. "Please, give me Serum, if it will stop the pain."
"It will, Shelly, it will."
Joe's hard organ moved in and out of me. I could tell he didn't have much time. Neither did I.
"Tell me again, Shell."
"I want Serum!"
"Tell me again."
"I want to be part of Us!" I didn't know what I was saying. My mind was overloaded with sexual need. We saw to that.
"I'm getting close, Shelly, very close to giving you what you need. Can you do anything to help me?"
It was a test. He was looking to see how much control he had over me. Fuck the test and fuck him! I needed relief NOW! I grabbed his head and kissed him hard. As I did I grinded my pelvis against his, feeling him move inside me.
"You want Serum, Shelly?"
"I'm going to give it to you, Shelly!"
"Yes, Joe, give it to me NOW!" I cried.
We both climaxed at the same time. As I felt his liquid heat spraying inside of me, I felt the most fantastic orgasm. I collapsed back into my pillow, and lay there almost lazily as I felt the heat starting to rise.
"This last dose should do it, Shell," said Joe. "You'll be One with Us. Would you like that?"
"Ummm," I said, with a little smile. I was still riding the remnants of my orgasmic high, and was half out of my mind.
"You're going to be such a hot and sexy number, I just know it."
"Do you feel it, Shelly? Do you feel the heat rising into your head?"
"Yes....." It was no longer painful now. After two previous doses, it felt less abrupt. It felt smoother.
"Feel the infection taking over your mind, Shell. Feel it repatterning your lines of thought."
"Feel it as you become closer to being one of Us."
I felt consciousness fading...
I sat up abruptly in bed, blinking rapidly. "What's happened?"
"How do you feel?"
"Fine," said Shelly.
"What is your purpose?"
"To serve Us," I said promptly.
Joe took me back to the warehouse the following morning. Sylvie gave me a great big hug. "You've joined Us, haven't you, dear?"
"Yes, I have," I said.
"I'm so happy for you." She gave me a great big kiss on the lips which startled me. "We have big plans for you, Shelly," she murmured.
And then Joe took me to meet the Revered One.
We walked right past the lab which contained the large black box which was supposedly the Eternal Social Justice Machine, and entered the warehouse proper. In there was a creature the likes of which I had never seen.
It was perhaps 20 feet tall. It had a single, giant eye that shined like a spotlight and had an orange exterior, like a giant carrot. And it had dozen of tentacles, projecting out of it like the branches of trees. And on the end of many of these tentacles was a nude human being. Some were pressed against walls; some against ceilings; some hovering in midair. The tentacles were wrapped tightly around their waists, but the end points of the tentacles always connected to their groins. The orange phallic creature with the giant eye was in a pool of black water which was perhaps knee deep.
"What is it?" I asked.
"We call it the Revered One," Joe murmured. "It is more We than any of Us."
"I don't understand."
"You will."
Remove your clothes.
Getting naked in the privacy of my bathroom was one thing. Getting naked in front of a nightmarish alien creature was something else, something I would not have done even this morning. But with a third dose of Us freshly added to my biology I felt compelled to obey. Joe smiled as he saw me start to remove my clothes, and he did the same. When we were naked, I heard the Voice again.
Bring her.
Joe put an arm around me and brought me to the edge of the pool. The water looked black and slimy. I shivered as the giant eye looked downwards. As it did the spotlight created by its eye shone on me. I felt heat on my breasts and then my pubis.
This is the one?
Yes, Great One.
If the experiment is a success, she will serve us well. Prepare her for the next step.
Yes Great One.
Joe turned me to face him. "You have been given a singular honor, Shelly. To serve the Great One."
"I don't understand. What does this have to do with the Eternal Social Justice Machine?" I asked.
"You might say that the Revered One is the Eternal Social Justice Machine, the real Eternal Social Justice Machine. Once reproduction has occurred, and we have absorbed all of mankind, everyone will be truly equal. Everyone will be Us."
In an instant I saw how brilliant it was, and I wanted to be a part of it. I looked up at the men and women attached to the distant tentacles, and realized they were a part of it too.
Yes, Shelly, many of them came here as donors of genetic material.
And now?
Now they feed the Revered One, with the most potent source of biochemical energy known to man.
I looked up at one of the nude men pressed against the ceiling. There was a tentacle wrapped around his body. But the end of the tentacle was pressed against his groin. Every few seconds the tentacle jolted, and so did the man. His eyes were closed, his face contorted with pleasure.
I looked at one of the women pressed against the wall. A tentacle was also wrapped around her but also went between her legs. Every time it jolted, she did too.
Sexual energy, Shell. Our Master has very organic needs.
I shuddered. It was all so terrible.
And yet, We must be served.
Did I just think that?
Yes you did, Shell. And now it is time to prepare you to serve Us.
There were a row of large cocoons on one of the walls, all connected together. As we walked to one of them, it opened up, sensing our presence. I saw inside of it was a long, dark rod emerging from below.
"No," I said, taking Joe's arm. "No, no, no." What the fuck? I wasn't going in there!
You have to understand, I was under alien mind control, but there's alien mind control, and alien mind control, know what I mean? I mean, they could get me to do things against my nature, like fucking strangers, taking Serum, etc. But things that truly scared the crap out of me was a tougher haul, even for my freshly enslaved mind. And going into a tiny cocoon and shoving an alien dick up my cunt fell very neatly in that category.
Joe, not feeling discouraged in the slightest at my hesitation, smiled and lay me on the ground, which was soft and spongy and organic. He got between my legs and slowly entered me. I gasped at the penetration. We had stimulated my body so I no longer needed clitoral stimulation; We took care of that now.
Joe pounded into my pussy. The feeling of pleasure was incredible. I tuned out everything; the cocoon, the horrific sight of people suspended by tentacles, even the Revered One and its giant burning eye.
All that existed was Joe's shaft and my aching pussy.
And, of course, Us.
"You must serve Us," Joe said.
"I must serve Us," I repeated. I had absorbed enough Serum to Infect a small army; it would have been surprising if I didn't repeat what Joe was telling me.
"You must be used as an organ of reproduction."
"I must be used as an organ of reproduction." Part of me was compliant, but another part was horrified. It was as if I had been split into two, a larger part which obeyed, and a smaller part, which simply... watched. The smaller part being me, the part of me that was still left of me, if you know what I mean.
"You must help spread Us far and wide."
"I must help spread Us far and wide." At that moment I knew what they were going to do with me. They were going to use me to spread the Infection to other men, just as Joe had given it to me. I felt horror and resignation and... recognition.
The things I was saying was almost identical to lines from the most famous holoporn in the galaxy, Parasites Love Earth.
It is true that there were important differences. In Parasites Love Earth, the enemy were alien pancakes who rode on people's backs and reproduced through sexual congress. Here, the enemy seemed to be a microscopic organism which passed from person to person through sexual contact. But the principle was the same; peoples' sexualities were being harnessed to spread an alien form of life.
What I had considered extremely erotic in my teens and early 20's, was now a very horrific reality.
And yet a large part of me wanted it.
"You want to lose control of yourself."
"I want to lose control of myself," I said, and at that moment, a large part of me meant it.
As Joe pounded my pussy while an alien with a giant eye watched from a pool of slimy dark water, I remembered the breastology reading Mom had done of me. She had told me I would never have happiness in my life until I submitted.
Your mother was right, Shelly. You must submit. You must submit your body and your cunt to Us.
I must submit my body and my cunt to Us.
You will use your sexy body to seduce men and make them part of Us.
And then suddenly, it was all clear to me.
Yes. That is exactly what I will do... because We demand it!
And as I said it, I felt an explosion in my clit and I cried out again.
When I could think clearly again, I saw Joe looking down at me. "Are you ready to serve Us, Shell?"
"Of course," I said. He gave me a hand and helped me up. He walked me to the cocoon. It no longer frightened me. I looked at the rod emanating from the bottom of it. "What will it do?"
"It will alter your biochemistry ever so slightly to produce Serum, as well as one or two other added benefits," said Joe.
"I understand." I leaned forward and gave Joe a passionate kiss, enjoying the feeling of his body against mine. Then I entered the cocoon and grabbed the dark phallus with my hands, and I slowly squatted down on it, impaling myself neatly. The phallus was thick and a little painful, but I felt the intense rightness of what I was doing and wasn't bothered. Then a fleshy cap descended on my head and the cocoon closed all around me, and time passed from meaning.
When I woke up, I was outside the cocoon and my pussy was sore.
"That's to be expected," said Joe, petting my hair. "You are so beautiful, Shelly. I just know you're going to be a wonderful reproducer."
"I hope so," I said sincerely.
What the fuck? They had just turned me into a fucking sex robot!
My first assignment was a man named Tyler Davis, who was the head of a biotech company in Raleigh. We needed some of his technology to assist in the further growth and development of the Revered One. I was sent to seduce him, fuck him, and make him one of Us.
The vast majority of "me" was not troubled by this assignment. Most of "me" had no trouble fucking a complete stranger, or putting him under alien mind control. It was only the small thinking part of me that had any qualms about this.
I'm being used just like in Parasites Love Earth. The only difference is that it's for real, and it's not any fun.
And then I realized the true secret of sexual submission--when done as part of a game, or a fantasy, it was intensely fun. But when it was done for real, it was a real pain in the ass!
Tyler Davis agreed to meet with me. He thought I was a freelance journalist doing a story on him. He didn't realize the story went something like this: "I am going to fuck you, then take over your mind, then bring you back to my alien hideaway where we will find ten other ways to fuck you over."
Tyler Davis was a happily married man. That didn't discourage my newly reprogrammed self in the slightest. Something I had refused to do for Julian's friend Miguel just a few short years ago seemed completely natural to me now, because that's what fucking Us wanted!
I wondered just a bit how this seduction would be accomplished. I realized I was a very pretty woman, and Tyler was already fantasizing about fucking me from the moment he met me, but that didn't mean he would actually fuck me. But as I talked to him I noticed that I reached out and started rubbing his hand.
What was that all about?
And then I realized that my palms felt oily. The same kind of oil I felt on Joe's hands when we made love.
Joe had said I had been "slightly altered" inside the Cocoon to produce Serum; maybe I had been "slightly altered" to produce other things as well.
Tyler started sweating and getting sexually aroused. He had been thinking of casually fucking me ever since I stepped through the door, but now he was thinking of making love to me with a great sense of urgency.
"Getting a bit hot in here," he said, loosening his tie. He was aware of something happening to him, but wasn't quite aware what it was.
"Yes. And it's only going to get hotter," I said. I leaned closer and kissed him.
Tyler was startled, to say the least; he tried to pull back, but I held his head in my hands, rubbing oily residue on his face and neck. The effect of the pheromone being absorbed on such a central body part was immediate; Tyler moaned and gasped as if I were sucking him off.
I smiled and pulled him his feet, and we started doing some serious kissing. "Shelly, you're so sexy," Tyler whispered. "But here, now, in my office?"
"There's never a better place or time," I whispered, as I pulled off his shirt. Then I took off my own. He gasped as my breast control collar came free, revealing my large fleshy eggplants.
I have to have them! He thought, and I smiled.
But even as I was working on his pants, he said, "Shelly... I don't know... I'm a married man. Jeannette-"
"Shhhh." I pressed my lips against his, simultaneously pressing my heavy breasts against his chest. The combination of the alien pheromones and the sensation of my titties drained all thought from his mind. "I'm going to give you a gift. A great gift."
"What kind of gift?" Tyler asked. He was burning up with desire.
"One you can share with your lovely wife, and all your friends." Because I knew that is what would happen. We wanted Tyler for some of the resource of his company, but We would also use him as We used everyone we made part of Us, to help spread Us far and wide.
When we were both naked, Tyler gasped again at my body. "You're so beautiful! I really don't deserve this!"
I smiled as I pulled him down to his couch. "That's one of the many benefits of joining Us. Old customs will be cast aside, and your sexuality will be unchained."
Your sexuality will be unchained.
It was a line straight out of the Parasites Love Earth holoporn.
Except this was real. The means were different; I was infecting Tyler with an intelligent virus, not putting an alien pancake on his back; but the mechanism was almost the same.
Tyler lay on his back, his penis proudly erect. I got on top of him and took his shaft in hand. The minute I put him inside of me he would become Infected. I would be bringing someone else into Us, for the very first time.
I shouldn't be doing this!
Yes, I should.
And then I lowered myself down on his shaft.
I hated being under alien mind control!
And yet, a part of me clearly enjoyed it. I remember feeling joy, not just in the feeling of a strange man inside of me, but the thrill of making someone part of Us. When Joe had Infected me, I had had to wait until he ejaculated to receive a loving dose of Serum; but in females, the Serum was built in the walls of my vagina; Tyler started to absorb it through the head of his penis the instant I inserted him into me.
"I feel a burning sensation," Tyler gasped.
"I know," I smiled. I started riding him more vigorously. For some reason We wanted Tyler to climax just before the virus took over his mind; I got the feeling that the virus worked more effectively if the victim was distracted at the moment of takeover.
"Oh, Shelly, you're so sexy," said Tyler.
I felt a surge of satisfaction go through my body. Tyler was fascinated by my heavy breasts, my tight cunt, and lovely smile. Immediately possibilities opened up in my mind, the possibility of having sex with men, many men. The thought thrilled and excited me.
"The burning is moving into my chest!" Tyler cried.
Time to hurry up. I grinded my hips in a circle. That did the trick. I felt Tyler's shaft tremble and grow larger.
"Aaaahhhh!" he cried, climaxing just as the virus reached his brain. He shuddered as he felt overlapping sensations and cried out.
Then he laid still.
"Contact has been made."
I brought Tyler back to the warehouse. Sylvie gave me a hug and a kiss, and then Joe did the same. "You have done well. Did you have any problem bringing Tyler into Us?"
I shook my head. "It was easy."
"You're doing very well, Shelly. Now please take Tyler to the Juicer."
The Juicer? What the fuck was that?
Evidently I seemed to know, because I took Tyler by the hand and pulled him along. He floated along like a balloon with a little smile on his face. We reached an orange fleshy pillar perhaps two feet in diameter and six feet tall. I told Tyler to take off his clothes.
"Because We require it."
Oh. That was good enough for Tyler, who started undressing like an obedient little boy. When he was nude, he stood there, completely flaccid.
Help him, Shelly.
I obediently took Tyler in my arms and kissed him, while a hand snaked down and started to masturbate him.
"Yum," said Tyler.
"Yum indeed", I grinned. I felt so feminine, so powerful at that moment.
When he was hard again I brought him to the orange column. There was a hole there about three feet off the ground. I inserted Tyler into it and slapped his ass. "Get to work, lover."
Tyler obediently started thrusting into the column, wrapping his arms around it to get better push and pullback action. I marveled at the sight of it. After only one does of Serum, Tyler was fucking an alien wall.
I had taken longer to break than that!
But you are extraordinary in every way, Shelly.
"What are We doing?" I asked.
We are extracting genetic samples, for analysis by the Revered One. Then Tyler will return home and spread Us to his wife and people at his place of work.
"Sounds grand," I said, watching Tyler vigorously pumping his ass in and out. "What's next?"
I brought Tyler back to the warehouse. Sylvie gave me a hug and a kiss, and then Joe did the same. "You have done well. Did you have any problem bringing Tyler into Us?"
I shook my head. "It was easy."
"You're doing very well, Shelly. Now please take Tyler to the Juicer."
The Juicer? What the fuck was that?
Evidently I seemed to know, because I took Tyler by the hand and pulled him along. He floated along like a balloon with a little smile on his face. We reached an orange fleshy pillar perhaps two feet in diameter and six feet tall. I told Tyler to take off his clothes.
"Because We require it."
Oh. That was good enough for Tyler, who started undressing like an obedient little boy. When he was nude, he stood there, completely flaccid.
Help him, Shelly.
I obediently took Tyler in my arms and kissed him, while a hand snaked down and started to masturbate him.
"Yum," said Tyler.
"Yum indeed", I grinned. I felt so feminine, so powerful at that moment.
When he was hard again I brought him to the orange column. There was a hole there about three feet off the ground. I inserted Tyler into it and slapped his ass. "Get to work, lover."
Tyler obediently started thrusting into the column, wrapping his arms around it to get better push and pullback action. I marveled at the sight of it. After only one does of Serum, Tyler was fucking an alien wall.
I had taken longer to break than that!
But you are extraordinary in every way, Shelly.
"What are We doing?" I asked.
We are extracting genetic samples, for analysis by the Revered One. Then Tyler will return home and spread Us to his wife and people at his place of work.
"Sounds grand," I said, watching Tyler vigorously pumping his ass in and out. "What's next?"
Over the course of the next two weeks, I seduced and fucked half a dozen more targets. They were all scientists with certain specialties that We needed. None of them were any more difficult to take than Tyler had been. I seduced them, and I fucked them, We milked their cocks, and then they were put to work.
But that was not the case with all people brought into Us. A number were brought in and connected to the long tentacles from the Revered One, hanging from the ceilings or pressed against walls or simply hanging in midair, in constant sexual ecstasy as their penises and vaginas were roughly stimulated to provide the sexual energy needed to feed the Revered One. I learned that tentacle tips could change shape as needed, forming small tips to fit into women or small holes to stimulate men.
"How long can they go on like that?" I asked, looking at one man jammed against a wall, his eyes closed and his mouth open, gasping as the tentacle rudely stimulated him.
"With rest breaks, sometimes a week, sometimes two," said Joe, putting an arm around me.
"What happens then?"
"They are consumed."
Joe pointed upwards and as I watched, a man who was stuck to the ceiling was suddenly dragged dramatically downwards. He gave a terrible scream as his body broke the surface of the oily black water with a splash and disappeared completely. In seconds the water was calm again and there was absolutely no sign of him.
Joe looked at me. "The human body is an excellent source of biomass, Shell. Nothing goes to waste."
And then two days later, my time came.
"It is time, Shelly," said Joe, putting an arm around me.
"It is time, Shelly," I repeated, in a deep voice. "You're always so dramatic! All right, what kind of fuckery am I to be involved with now? Am I fucking a scientist? An industrialist? A social worker with a hard dick?"
Joe looked at me. "You continue to surprise me, Shelly. When people join Us, their personalities usually change. They usually become more...."
"Placid, like sheep?" I indicated a nameless man pounding into the orange fleshy pillar, doing his best to give Us another sample of his sperm. "You've taken over my mind, Joe, but a part of me remains. And I want you to know that I'm absolutely horrified by all the shit you're making me do."
"But you will continue to do them?"
"Of course," I said. "Who am I supposed to fuck next?"
Joe's arm was still wrapped around me as he led me to the Revered One. The Revered One was still quite a scary fucker, a big hissing giant 20 foot tall fleshy carrot with a big fucked up eye that stared at me, complete with giant tentacles which branched all over the room with people connected at nearly every end.
"Congratulations, Shell. You have been selected for reproduction."
A compartment in the Revered One opened. A giant phallus shaped thing emerged. It must have been a foot long and as wide as my wrist. It was huge! It had glowing orange vein, and the tip was bulbous, like a penis, complete with a narrow slit.
"Oh no, no no no," I said.
"You should know now Shelly, that you were not selected at random. We searched the World Government's DNA database for someone exactly like you."
"Because I am telepathic?"
Joe paused. "Your telepathy is not essential. It just happens to be an expression of the precise genetic mutation We are looking for. We have reproduced far and wide in viral form, but We have not been able to reproduce physically more than once."
"Who was the once?"
Joe ignore me. "I did not lie to you. We are attempting to create Eternal Social Justice. Our progeny will bring true Social Justice to the world, just like the Eternal Social Justice Machine. Nearly every attempt thus far after has failed. After a single success we were unable to replicate again. But We think we can succeed with you due to your rather unique genetic heritage."
I looked at that massive monster penis in horror. "Oh, no, you're not putting that thing in me!"
Joe looked surprised. "Don't you want to serve Us?"
I smiled at him. "Yes, Joe. You've fucked me enough times with your fucking to make me want to fuck complete strangers and infect them with your shitty virus. I love the idea now, I really do! But even my fucked up brain doesn't want to mess with that!" I pointed at the enormous monster penis.
Joe thought for a long moment, then nodded. "Then we will go with the backup candidates."
"Good! Get some other broad to fuck the monster penis! Maybe she'll even enjoy it!"
"Maybe she will," said Joe. "Do you think your sister Audrey will like it?"
"What?" I said.
"Your sister Audrey. Do you think she'll enjoy sexual relations with the Revered One?" He saw my expression and read my mind and smiled. "I told you, Shelly, that we were interested in your unique genetic heritage. But your sisters also share that heritage. We would prefer to use you, but if you force us, we will take your sister instead."
"Audrey?" I blinked, staring at that giant penis. "No!"
"It's your choice, Shelly. Audrey... or you."