Chapter 04.3

"Sylvie will prepare you."

We were both nude. Both blonde nudes. Both blonde nudes with large breasts. The similarities ended there. I reflected a little uncomfortably once again how similar Sylvie looked to my ancient nemesis, Sandy Colley. Her breasts were round rather than eggplant shaped, like mine. Her hair was fluffy like cotton candy. But her smile was as infectious as We were. As she smiled at me, I felt a tingling Down There!

Sylvie hugged me, pressing her large melons against my warm eggplants. "Shelly, dear, I'm so happy for you."

"If you're so happy, why don't you get fucked by that elephant cock?"

Her smile didn't waver. "You are just going to love it so much, I am sure of it. Come, Sister." She took me by the hand.

Sister. I hadn't been called that since Angelika-

Sylvie took me to a platform under which stood a giant organic hose. It was about twenty feet long and five feet in diameter, and had a large opening, which dangled above us.

"What are we doing, Sister?" I asked sarcastically.

"We are preparing our bodies to be beautiful and clean for the Revered One."

"I'm sure the Revered One will appreciate that!" I said.

And then the rains began.

A hot, sticky liquid started to fall from the giant hose above us, encompassing both our bodies. I felt the warm liquid drip down my body. "What is this?" I asked.

"The Juice of Love of the Revered One," Sylvie smiled.

"Lovely," I muttered, as I felt the slimy liquid slide down my breasts and my pubis. Some got into my vulva.

"It is lovely," Sylvie said. She took my head in her hands and gave me a dramatic kiss. Sylvie pried open my mouth and stuck her tongue in. As our tongues dueled some of the liquid seeped into my mouth. It tasted sweet like honey. I groaned as Sylvie rubbed her pubis against mine. When she pulled back she said, "Did you like that?"

I nodded, looking at the liquid pouring down Sylvie's breasts and lovely legs. I hadn't been with a woman since Angelika and as I told you I am definitely not a fucking lesbian, but I had to admit that if I were a lesbian, I would have thought that Sylvie was smoking hot! But as I am not a lesbian I certainly did not think that.

The golden shower ended abruptly. Hot air came out of a fleshy wall. I noticed the way the hot air blew Sylvie's hair luxuriously behind her, how it made her fleshy melons ripple and even her lovely yellow pubic hair make waves. I'm sure all this would have been attracted to someone who was not me, because I certainly wasn't attracted to any of it!

When it was done I was dry, but I felt sticky from head to toe!

Sylvie took my hand. "Come," she said, as if she were summoning a cocker spaniel.


Have you ever heard vines groan before? Me neither. This was my first time.

We went into a... actually, I'm not sure how to describe it. It like a little organic cave, right inside the warehouse, and it was really spooky! The walls on the inside were covered with black vines, black vines with long, two inch thorns and little pods interspersed along the length of them.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"This is the female aspect of the Revered One."

"The female aspect?"

Sylvie nodded.

I heard the vines give that low moan again. "Let's get out of here!"

"We will, once I get something." Sylvie moved her hand closer to the vines. The vines seemed to react to her presence and started to move!

"Careful, Sylvie!" I said, as I saw those giant thorns moving close to her hand.

She smiled. "The Tharaunkar could never hurt me." Then she reached out with her hands and touched one of the little pods, and started to stroke it.

"What are you doing?"

"You will see."

She stroked it some more, and the moaning sound grew deeper and more intense. And finally the pod opened up with a hiss, and what looked like a black cotton ball dropped into Sylvie's hand.

"What's that?" I said.

"That, my dear Shelly, is the egg."

"Spread your legs, Shelly."

"Oh no," I said.

"We require it," said Sylvie. "Kiss me."


"We know you find me attractive," said Sylvie, putting her hands on her hips, making her glorious breasts stick out.

"Attractive? A strong word. Maybe mind control fuckable is more appropriate."

"Kiss me, Shelly." She held the egg firmly in one hand. "You know you want to." She looked so sexy like that with her legs spread, so confident, so demanding-

I flew into her arms and embraced her tightly as I gave her a strong kiss. I couldn't help it. She was just so gorgeous. I loved the feeling of my breasts grinding against hers, the feeling of the remainder of my stickiness from the golden showers against hers, the feeling of my pubis grinding against hers-

I felt a hand snaking down between us. I knew what was going to happen next. "No, please," I murmured.

"Spread your legs, Shelly. Spread your legs, or dear Audrey will be next."

I stiffened at Audrey's name. As I spread my legs, I felt fingers penetrating me digitally. I gasped as Sylvie's delicate fingers moved deep inside. "That's it... just a little more... there."

I felt a lumpy something attach itself deep inside me.

The egg had just been implanted within.

Sylvie smiled and kissed me tenderly. "Shelly, I'm so proud of you."

"I'm so proud of me too," I said dryly. Audrey, if you're listening dear, you owe me big time!

Sylvie walked me hand in hand to the edge of the dark slimy water. I looked uncertainly at the Revered One. His giant eye roamed over my body, gradually moving downwards until it was focused on my vulva. His gaze was a concentrated beam of white light, one which made my pussy hot.

"The Revered One is most anxious to procreate with you," said Sylvie.

"Yeah. I'm really excited about it too," I said, trying not to show my fear as I stared at that giant, unblinking eye which was hissing and psychically salivating at the thought of penetrating my dear, non-virgin pussy. I started to tremble as an organic hatch opened on the Revered One's side and his giant, footlong penis emerged. It had the same orange glowing veins I had seen before. It pulsated and rippled, and was about the same diameter as my wrist. I didn't know how the fuck that was going to fit inside me.

Sylvie pulled me into the dark slimy water which went up to my knees as we approached the Revered One.

"Sylvie, I'm afraid," I murmured.

"There's no need to be afraid of love."

There's no need to be afraid of love! That's a line that none of my lovers have ever used on me before!

I stood three feet away from the Revered One. I felt the heat of his gaze on my vulva. I looked at the giant monster penis. It steamed. It hissed.

"Come on, Shelly, come closer."

I took a step closer.


Another step.


I trembled as the giant penis was mere inches from my labia.

Spread your legs, Shelly, the voice told me.

Gritting my teeth, I obeyed.

And then a tentacle came out and wrapped itself around my waist.

"It's all right, Shelly, it's just to keep you from moving while you are inseminated."

While I was inseminated. I still could not fucking believe that I was going to have an alien cock inside of me!

I felt Sylvie taking my hand even as terror gripped me.

"Close your eyes, Shelly. Close your eyes and think of the one you love."

The one I love.

I closed my eyes tightly as I felt a probing around my vulva. And then I was entered. I gasped as I felt myself being stretched. It felt bigger than anything I have ever had inside of me, like a long, fleshy hose. I whimpered as it moved up inside of me.

"Sylvie! Too big, too big!" I gasped.

"No, it's not," came her voice. I felt her hand tightly over mine. "Think of the one you love, Shelly."

The one I love.

As the huge phallus started to course inside of me, I thought of Tom. Since Tom had never made love to me, it was all in my imagination. I imagined how he would have felt, coursing inside of me. Tom, telling me how much he loved me. Tom, porking me with a penis so large that I felt painfully stretched with every thrust, every in and out.....

And then, without warning, I felt a massive release of liquid inside of me. It was like a firehose letting go. I gasped as I felt liquid shooting into me with sudden force. I would have been thrown back if I hadn't been gripped by the tentacle.

And then it was over. I opened my eyes to see the monster penis withdrawing. It still looked huge, with its glowing orange veins. The only difference is that the tip was wet with an orange fluid. So was my vulva.

I looked down in horror. I was filled with an alien egg and alien sperm.


The following week passed in a blur. They hooked me up to one of those tentacles and I found myself hanging from the ceiling, though I was barely aware of it. It wrapped around my body and snaked into my vagina, stimulating my clit. The Voice told me it would help my baby grow.

My baby. I still couldn't believe I was growing a fucking alien baby inside of me! I even had a frank conversation with the brainwashed part of my mind about it.

Hey, you, brainwashed Shelly! Are you really up for this?

My purpose is to expand Us.

Yeah yeah yeah, I got that. But we're going a fucking monster inside of us. It could be one of those giant Revered things with the big monster eye. Is that what you want to be squeezing out of our bitch hole just a few days from now?

We were made to serve.

Shut the fuck up, you're hopeless, I never want to hear from you again!

The only good news (if indeed there could be any good news about being impregnated with an alien monster) is that I was told the pregnancy would progress quickly, and that I would give birth within 10 days!

Ten fucking days! Sometimes it took me longer than ten days to buy a good pair of shoes!

My belly grew larger as I drifted in and out of consciousness. Some kind of feeding tube entered my mouth but I don't remember too much of that. I was vaguely aware of a growth, deep inside of me. As it got larger, it started to pulsate.

As I drifted in and out of consciousness I wondered how I had ever gotten into this mess. We had used some kind of psychic power to lure me in, that much was obvious now. But they never could have done it if I hadn't been vulnerable. They never could have done it if I hadn't been so lonely. They never could have done it if I had had-

"-Tom is here."

I blinked.

I was on the floor of warehouse. Sylvie was rapidly putting some very ugly looking maternity clothes on me. My belly was HUGE! It looked like I was pregnant with a horse. I looked up and saw Joe. "What's... what's going on?"

"Shelly, I'm so sorry to interrupt your gestation-"

Fucker. He felt bad about interrupting my gestation.

"-but there's a matter which requires your attention."

Sylvia helped me get to my feet, which was a struggle, considering the heavy burden I carried. "What is it?"

"Tom is here," said Joe.


I squinted my eyes. I shook my head. I was so confused. My heavily pregnant body trembled. I got so excited that I practically yelled at him. "Why are you fucking with me, Joe? Isn't it enough that you put this thing in me?"

"This is no joke, Shelly. Tom is here, and he's asking for you. Find out what he wants, and get rid of him."

I had never thought to see Tom again. I had certainly never thought to see him in a laboratory while I was the equivalent of nine months pregnant with a shetland pony. I felt anticipation, shame and embarrassment as I waddled out into the front offices.


My heart skipped a beat. He was in the black and dark blue outfit of a Survey Service officer. What the FUCK was THOMAS DOLBY FISHER doing here?

"Thomas Dolby Fisher," I whispered.

Tom looked at me, and his eyes widened as he saw my giant belly.



I struggled for words. "Tom, what... what are you doing here?" I hadn't seen him even on holo in nearly four years, since he announced his wife had just given birth to his first child.

"Looking for you," said Tom.

For me? "Does your wife and child know you're here?" I asked cynically.

Tom shook his head. "Melissa and I have been divorced for the past two years."

What the fuck?


I felt my heart hammering in my chest. "Tom, this isn't really a good time to rekindle things." I looked down at my belly.

"I can see that," said Tom. "Did you get married, Shell?"

"Not exactly." I turned to Joe, who was standing beside me. "Tom, this is Joe Serf, my... fiancee." I hoped I didn't blush too much! What the fuck else was I supposed to call him? My boyfriend who impregnated me? My sperm donor? A very persuasive door to door salesman for an alien form of life which had just fucked me senseless with a giant monster cock?

Tom smiled. "Nice to meet you, Joe. You're a very lucky man."

"I feel lucky," Joe grinned, taking my hand.

"When are you due?" he asked.

"Any day now," I said honestly. "Tom, my charming Lieutenant, aren't you supposed to be in outer space... you know, on a spaceship somewhere?"

He smiled at me. "Things have changed, Shell. I'm a Half Commander now, on detached assignment with World Government HomePlanet Security."

Oh oh. "Then what brings you here?"

"I'm looking into a number of scientists and business people who have vanished from public life. They all seemed to have ended up here. That's when your name came up, Shell. What is this place?" He looked around.

"It's a highly confidential research project," Joe said smoothly, before I could answer. "Not any concern of the Survey Service. Or HomePlanet Security."

"I see," said Tom. I could hear his thoughts as clear as day. What are you doing here, Shelly? What are you mixed up with?

"Shelly, can we talk?" said Tom. He glanced at Joe for a split second.

"We are talking, Tom," I said smugly.

Get rid of him, said the Voice. Get rid of him, or we will have to take action.

Don't hurt him! I'll get him to go!

Tom lowered his voice and leaned closer to me, as if Joe couldn't hear. "What's going on here, Shelly?"

I lowered my own voice and leaned closer to mock him. "We're working, Tom. You know what working is, don't you?"

"Working on what?"

"Creating Social Justice," I said. I saw him frown. I had to get rid of him now. I raised my hands in mock surrender. "All right, Tom. You got me. All your little spy cameras and databases tracked me here, didn't they? Was it the tracker in my car, or my credit records, or a spy camera in orbit? Did you touch yourself watching me on all your little spy devices? Don't think I don't know what this is about, Tom, because I do. Your wife dumped you, as I knew she would from the moment I met her. You two were never compatible, but you were too mesmerized by her giant titties to see it. And now that she's gone, you come running back to me. Well, Tom, to be blunt, I'm busy now. And so is Joe, and all the other scientists who you feel a perverse need to keep a busybody eye on. We're working and don't have time for your nonsense. You'd better go now Tom, go and run back to your superiors and tell them find you something substantial to do. Because you're barking up the wrong tree here."

Shelly, what's happened to you? I saw the pain on his face, and the agony of indecision. "Shelly, please, can't we go out for coffee and talk?" He reached for my hand, but I recoiled at his touch.

"Don't you think it's a little late for coffee, Tom?" I said, as I padded my belly. I leaned my head against Joe's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me.

Tom, still frowning, turned and left without another word.

"So that was Tom," said Joe.

"That was Tom," I agreed, as I sat down in a chair. With the enormous weight of my belly, standing was kind of hard right now.

"He has a great significance in your mind."

"Does he? I hadn't noticed."

Tom was divorced! Divorced! If only it had happened before I joined Us... we might have had a chance.... I felt like crying.

"Shelly, do you think Tom would be a good addition to Us?"

I stiffened. "Why do you ask?"

"He seems capable and resourceful, and is highly placed in HomePlanet Security."

I shook my head. "No, I don't think he would be a good candidate."

"Why not?" Joe hugged me lightly, feeling his body pressed against my belly, which was full of Us.

"He's too independent. Too strong willed."

Joe kissed me lightly, as he fondled my belly. "Is that really why?"

"What other reason could there be?"

"Shelly, you are part of Us now. You cannot deceive Us. You still love him."

I looked away, but Joe lifted my chin up with his finger.

"All right," I said. "I did love him." Pause. "And maybe I still do. But I love Us more." I kissed him for emphasis.

The next day I gave birth.

I was lying on the spongy fleshy ground of the warehouse. Sylvie was holding my hand as my legs were spread widely. An orange fleshy thing was starting to come out of my vagina. It looked to be the size of a cantaloupe.

"Squeeze, Shelly, squeeze!"

"I am squeezing!" I roared. As I bore down, a disgusting orange liquid which stank terribly came out of me.

"I can see the head!" said Sylvie excitedly.

"The head of what?" I asked unable to see over my belly.

The Voice inside of me spoke. You are giving birth to the next generation of Us. Your offspring will help us subjugate and rule the earth.

You can't know how happy that makes me. Now get this FUCKING MONSTER out of my cunt!

I gritted my teeth and bore down like I never did before. I felt movement Down There, something being expelled, and then a wonderful, glorious feeling of emptiness like I had never felt before.

"Aaaaahhhh," I said, my head collapsing into a pillow which Sylvie had thoughtfully placed behind me.

"You did it, Shelly! You have given birth to the next generation of Us!"

"I'll send you my bill," I said dryly. "Help me sit up. I want to see it."

Sylvie pushed me into a sitting position. I looked at what my vagina had just disgorged.

"What the fuck?"

It looked like a large orange fruit.

They called it a pod. As I rested and recovered, I watched it grow. And grow it did, as it was hooked up to two tentacles which fed it sexual energy from some of those poor unfortunates hanging from the ceiling.

It grew larger and larger quickly, and very soon the pod became a tall, vertical cocoon.

"It is working," said Joe, his eyes gleaming. "Never before has the fetus survived this long."

"I'm so happy for... my fetus," I said. I looked at the cocoon, which was perhaps four feet tall and still growing. "Would you mind telling me what I gave birth to?"

"It is the embodiment of the Eternal Social Justice Warrior. It will bring happiness and equality to the entire planet Earth."

"Oh," I said. "If you had just told me all that in the beginning, I might not have resisted getting blasted by the monster penis."

"You mock us, Shelly Diggler, but even as you mock us you continue to serve and do everything required of you," said Joe. "How do you feel knowing that you are the mother of the instrument of mankind's total transformation into a higher form of life?"

"Oh, I'm all for transformation into higher forms of life. We've had too much lowlife for far too long, as far as I'm concerned." I peered into the dimly lit cocoon. "When is the grand unveiling?"

Joe smiled and put an arm around me. "Any day now." Then, looking extremely pleased, he kissed me. And I kissed him back, hating myself all the while.

It was three days later, or eight days since I had given birth, when it happened. I'm very glad to say that I had completely recovered and my belly was as flat as it always was. It was as if I hadn't even given birth. Joe praised me on my quick recovery, and said that if all went well I would be bred again and again.

"How many children do you need?"

"As many as you can bear."

I shivered.

And then my child emerged from the pod. It cracked down the middle, a gooey liquid came splashing out, and he emerged....

My child looked like a fully formed human male, complete with hair (dark hair), perhaps 20 years age. He looked strong and muscular... and human. But I knew that human beings didn't emerge from cocoons fully grown. My child was an alien who only looked human.

My child opened his eyes. He looked around the warehouse, scanning Joe and then Sylvie and then me. His eyes settled on me and he stared. He spoke in a low, raspy voice. Nothing intelligible came out. Then he spoke again. His voice was a little clearer. Then he spoke a third time.

And the word he said was, "Mother."

He called himself "Alpha", and apparently he knew who and what he was and who and what I was and everyone around us. Evidently We had given him all the knowledge he needed in order to... actually, I wasn't quite sure what it was he was supposed to do.

"I am going to help Us grow, Mother," said Alpha. "The virus is only the first stage. In a generational time, there will be thousands of Us. In three generations, there will be only Us."

"How exciting," I said.

Alpha stepped closer. "I know your thoughts, Mother. I know you do not help us willingly. Yet my existence would not be possible without your unique physiology. I am grateful that your uterus was genetically compatible with my kind."

"My uterus feels so happy to hear that, Son," I said dryly.

"And now the next step must begin."

[This is an abridged version of my novel "The Story of My Telepathic Life"]
Next page: Chapter 05.1
Previous page: Chapter 04.2