Chapter 05.2


It was obvious that Audrey was going to be a problem. She had become part of Us but Our control over her was not very strong. We could make her do things like get dressed and go places, but Our level of control wasn't strong enough to make her want to be impregnated by the Revered One.

Joe realized that I had required multiple doses of the Serum before I became more pliable, and figured that Audrey would be the same way. So he took her to a quiet corner of the warehouse and made love to her.

At first, Audrey wasn't in the mood to have sex with my former boyfriend, especially after she figured out that he was intending to Infect her again. However, he spent several minutes coating her arms, face and legs with the oily pheromone, and in just a few minutes Audrey was actively pressing her lips against Joe, eagerly cooperating with her ravishment.

Mom came to my side to watch. "Isn't she so beautiful?"

She was. I watched as Audrey, with a big smile on her face, lay on her back as Joe pounded between her legs.

"Sis, what is he doing to me?" Audrey asked.

"He's making you feel good, Audrey. Don't you want to feel good?" I asked.

"Yes, but..." Audrey gasped "...he's going to put more of that alien stuff in me, isn't he?"

Joe nodded. "Yes I am, Audrey, but you're going to like it a lot, and after I finish with you you'll procreate with the Revered One and love every minute of it."

"No!" Audrey gasped, as Joe's frictioning penis moved even more intently. "I... will... never... do that!"

Joe's body stiffened, and his ass cheeks clenched tightly, and he released another load of Serum into my rebellious sister.

Audrey started to pant. "I feel the heat, rising inside me. You did it to me again!"

"Yes, Audrey, I did," said Joe, pulling his long, still erect penis out of my sister. The tip was red and wet. "But in a moment you're going to feel good, so very good."

Audrey glared at me. "You should have fought it more. You shouldn't have gotten us involved." She gasped as the heat moved up to her chest.

"Shelly did what We required of her," said Joe. "And so will you."

"Audrey, dear, don't be hard on your sister. In a moment we'll all be laughing together about this," said Mom.

"I... can't wait," Audrey gasped. Then she grabbed her head, and screamed.

"I am part of Us," said Audrey, her face blank.

"Very good, Audrey. And what is your purpose?" Joe asked.

Audrey chewed her lower lip. "The Voice says... my purpose is to reproduce, and expand Us."

"And are you ready to do that?"

Audrey turned to look at the Revered One, with its giant searchlight eye, hissing and steaming in its dark pool. Her face suddenly came to life. "No!"

A debate suddenly came to life in my head, as if I were sitting in an audience listening to a panel discussion group.

We could simply bring her there and hold her in place. It would not be difficult.

Our past experiments have shown that, for whatever reason, compelled subjects have a much lower probability of success in delivering a viable fetus, possibly due to aspects of the brain/body connection which are beyond our understanding.

Then what is the alternative?

We still have the mother, and the original subject which was a success. This one is extraneous, and more trouble than she is worth. Consume her.

"No!" I cried. I turned to Joe. "Don't do that!"

Joe turned to me. "It is plain your sister will not cooperate."

"You... you only gave her two doses. Give her another!"

"The chances of success are not high."

"What do you have to lose by trying!" I was fighting for my sister's life.

Joe looked out into space. He was obviously consulting with Us. "Very well," he said. "We agree to try one more dose of the Serum. You may begin."

"Me?" I put a hand to my chest. "Why me? Surely you have enough volunteers-"

"You have proven very successful in bringing people into Us. To date you have brought twelve people in Us, and all have proven completely malleable upon receiving the first dose of Serum from you. You will be the one to try, or no one at all."

"But... we're both girls...."

"I know your thoughts, Shelly. I know about you and Angelika."

I reddened. "But... she's my sister, Joe! Surely you can understand...."

"All I understand is that if you do not begin to give your sister Serum in the next ten minutes, and she is not ready to perform in the next thirty minutes, that she will be Consumed."

Consumed! I couldn't allow that to happen to Audrey!

"All right, I'll do it!"

I walked over to my sister, who had an understandably worried look on her beautiful face.

"Shelly, what's happening?" she whispered. She was trembling. Even now she looked so beautiful. Her body was covered in a fresh layer of sweat from the intercourse she had just enjoyed with Joe, her prominent nipples still erect. I was nude as well, having taken off my clothes when I entered the warehouse, which was hot and humid.

I pulled my sister down on the ground and put an arm around her. "Audrey, let's talk."

"They're going to consume me? Shelly, what does that mean?"

We will show you.

We both looked up, on cue, at one of the tentacles holding a body in the air plunged downwards. The Voice told us that it held a body which was almost used up. The man (I think it was a man) screamed as his body was dragged underwater at high velocity. There was an enormous splash, and all was silent.

"You mean...."

I nodded.

Audrey hugged me tightly. I felt her erect nipples pressing against mine as her warm, trembling body sought the comfort it badly needed. "Help me, Shelly! Don't let them kill me!"

"There's only one way I can help you, Audrey," I said. "You have to agree to take another dose of Serum."

"You mean...." She looked down at her pubis.

I nodded.

"What's more, you have to accept it. You have to accept it in your mind, and not fight it."

"No! I'll turn into one of them!"

"It's better than being dead!"

She started to cry.

I shook her roughly. "Listen to me, Audrey, listen! If you cooperate, if you let them do this horrible thing with your body, it will buy us time. Time to find a way out of this, time to find a way to escape. But if you're dead, we have no chance. Do you understand?"

Audrey, whose crying reduced to sniffles, nodded. "Who... who is going to do it to me again? Joe? Alpha." She looked at the expression on my face."Oh no. No. Shelly, we're sisters!"

"They're making me do it. I think... I think it's a punishment, for both of us," I said. The Voice hadn't said so, but that was the feeling I got. "To make you loyal... and to prove my own loyalty."

I saw the panic in her eyes. "Shelly, I can't! I've,... I've never been with a woman before!"

I hugged her closely, loving the feeling of her softness against mine. "It will be fine. It will all be fine." I looked her in the eye. "Do you love me, Audrey? Do you really love me?"

"You know I do!"

"And I love you!"

She looked up at me, with sadness and resignation in her beautiful green eyes. She knew it had to be done. And so did I. And then, without any additional delay, I kissed my red headed sister on the lips.

I felt Audrey struggle against me, but only for a moment. And then suddenly, surprisingly, she embraced me, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me even more tightly. The kiss went on and on, and I rubbed her back and arms reassuringly.

When I pulled back, I saw her nipples were longer than ever. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No," she sniffled, even giving a little smile.

And then I proceeded to make love to my little sister, to help Us take over her mind so her body could be used as an incubator for an alien form of life.

What else are older sisters for?

I was on top of Audrey, rubbing and grinding my body against hers. I suppose, strictly speaking, that this was not necessary; I wasn't a man, and I didn't have to ejaculate anything to Infect her. All I had to do was to scoop out some Serum from my vagina and put it inside of hers. But I sensed that if this was going to work (and that was a big if!), that Audrey had to be as relaxed as possible so she would truly accept Us in her mind.

I ground my breasts and pubis against my little sister. I found, much to my shame, that I was enjoying it. But even worse, Audrey was enjoying it.

"Shelly!" she whispered.

"Yes?" I said, in between kisses.

"You... you feel good. Really good."

"You do too!"

I could see it in her mind.

Shelly is so sexy! I should have done this with her years ago.

I blushed. Was that Audrey thinking that... or the Voice?

We kissed and grinded our bodies together as Audrey got hotter and hotter. I slipped a finger between us and found her clit.

"Oooooooh!" Audrey cried. "Shelly!" I sensed pleasure, embarrassment, shame, and joy, all swirled together.

"Does that feel good?"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-" Audrey thrust her chest upwards, her proudly erect nipples red and elongated, pointing straight up at the ceiling of the warehouse. She was aroused... she was close to climaxing... it was time.

Do it now
, the Voice instructed me.

I had no choice. I grimaced with tears in my eyes as I slowly reached inside my vagina, and scooped out some oily residue.


I held the sticky substance up in my hand so Audrey could see.

"Are you ready, Aud?"

"Do we have to, Shell?"

I nodded sadly.

Audrey took a deep breath, and nodded. "All right, I'm ready."

As I lowered my hand towards her vulva, I said, "I love you."

"I love you too!" Audrey cried.

No, I couldn't do this!

I had to.

And then, with tears streaming down my cheeks, I inserted my Serum laden fingers inside my sister's engorged labial lips.

Audrey stiffened and gasped as I inserted my wet fingers into her. "Shelly," she whispered.

Give her another dose to be sure, said the Voice.

I frowned as I once again put fingers inside my vagina, collecting my sticky wetness, then inserted them into my sister again.

Audrey looked nervously at me. "I feel the burning."

I nodded.

I looked up for a second, and saw Mom, still completely nude, looking down at us.

And smiling. She was completely happy with all this.

My dear baby girls are helping each other. I'm so proud.

I looked down at Audrey. She was panting softly. "Shelly, it's moving up into my belly. I don't have much time. I just want to let you know that whatever happens, I take it all back! I don't blame you!"

"You should!"

"I don't," she smiled. "It's not your fault. I realize that now."

I smiled at her as I started to rub her clit again.

"Ooooh," said Audrey. "I'm close!"

"I'm going to try to make you come now, Audrey. I think... I think it will help if you're distracted."

Audrey nodded worriedly. "A little tighter, sister, at the tip. Yes, that's right. Ah, ah,ah,ah... Shelly, it's in my chest now, it's almost there!"

"I know! Remember, Audrey, don't fight it! Let it happen!"

"I know." She grabbed my hand. "Oh, Shelly! Ooooh!! Shell Shell Shell Shell SHELLY!" Her head abruptly kicked back and trembled.

I had timed it almost perfectly. Audrey was in the depths of her orgasm just seconds before the Infection reached her head. She cried out and stiffened and her body shook violently.

"My head, my head!" she cried, even as she felt sexual release washing over her body.

"Don't fight it, Audrey!" I cried, even as I kept rubbing her clit. I felt her coming down the steep hill of her orgasm, and kept rubbing her clit in the hopes of distracting her so she couldn't fight the takeover of her mind.

"I... I'm trying... to let go...." Audrey gasped. She shuddered and her eyelids fluttered rapidly as the virus rapidly reprogrammed her mind. Her titties bounced around madly as her stiff body vibrated and shook some more.

And then Audrey fell completely still, and for a scary moment it appeared like she stopped breathing.

And then, like a computer which had just been turned off and on again, Audrey took a deep breath as she came to life again. And then she opened her eyes in a big way and stared out at me.

"Audrey! Audrey, are you all right?" I cried.

Audrey gave me a calm smile. "Of course I am, Sis."

"Oh, Audrey, I was so worried!" I hugged her tightly. "Did it work? Are you willing to serve Us now?"

"Of course I am," said Audrey, in that same unnaturally calm voice.

"And you're willing... willing to be impregnated by the Revered One?"

"Of course," said Audrey. "I'm a sexually mature female, aren't I? It's what I was made for." She was almost smug about it.


Audrey looked up at Joe, who had been watching us. "I have joined Us."

"I'm so happy," said Joe.

"So am I," said Audrey smugly. This was a new Audrey, one I hadn't seen before. I had encouraged Audrey to give in, thinking she would become like me, biddable but still retaining the essence of what she was-

My thoughts were cut off by a passionate kiss. I gasped as I felt my sister's body pressed tightly against mine.

"What was that for?" I said.

"A little thank you," said Audrey. "For making me part of Us."

Oh oh. We had taken control of Audrey. Total control, just like Mom.

Audrey looked up at Joe. "I am ready to serve Us. But before I do, could I have a few minutes, to thank my sister for her help?"

Joe nodded. "The Revered One will be ready for you in twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes will be just what I need." And then Audrey turned to me, and waggled her finger, with a wicked smile. "Come here, you!"

And so my younger sister made love to me. Note what I said. I wasn't the initiator; she was.

Audrey was like an animal, kissing and touching and fondling and arousing every inch of my body. There was no cold purpose such as reproduction, or spreading Us; the only purpose was pure pleasure. Her pleasure!

"I have always wanted you, Shelly," Audrey said, as she grinded her titties against mine.

"No," I babbled, as I felt Audrey's pubis grinding against mine. "You don't know what you're saying. It's Us speaking."

"No, Sister. It's me," said Audrey, her eyes sparkling as she kissed me furiously. "I've wanted you for years."

That couldn't be! That was impossible!

"When you were with Tom, I was soooo jealous," she said, smiling as she boldly put her finger inside of me and started rubbing my clit.

"Oh! Audrey!"

"You like?"

"Yes!" I cried. I tried to focus. "You were jealous... of me and Tom?"

Audrey nodded. "I never quite knew if you were fucking him or not, we didn't talk about such things back then. But I knew you loved each other. I just wished it could have been me!"

The movements of Audrey's fingers on my clit was clouding my brain. Audrey was not like that... she had never been like that....

"Kiss me, Shelly... kiss me now..." Her lips were so red, as red as her hair. I pressed my lips against her and kissed her passionately. I felt double pleasure as I was penetrated by her tongue above and her fingers below. Both moved together to make me groan with pleasure.

When she pulled back I felt so conflicted, even as my sister continued to manipulate my sex. "Audrey, how did you learn how to do that?"

"Oh, you'd be surprised what I know, Sister." She abruptly repositioned herself so that she was facing me in a sitting position, with one leg under my right leg and the other leg above my right leg--the perfect position to grind her vulva against mine. And then she started rubbing. The wet softness of her labial lips ground against mine, and I felt like my cunt was receiving a sloppy wet kiss.

"Ooooh! Oh Audrey!" I cried, fingering my nipples furiously.

"You like, Shelly?" She grinned, her eyes sparkling, her nipples pointed long and hard straight at me.

"Audrey, I love it!" I cried, forgetting my earlier reluctance. "Ah... ah... ah.... Audrey, Where did you learn how to do this?" I am certain that my younger sister didn't know how to scissor with another woman.

"Angelika," Audrey grinned, as her labial lips grinded against mine.


"When We took over your mind, We knew everything you did. And We found out about your experiences with Angelika."

"And We shared that knowledge.... with you."

"Yess...." She grinned. "I never knew you had been with another woman, Sister. Did you pick a redhead because of me?"

"I...." I was finding it impossible to think straight. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember," said Audrey, in her new, mocking way. She grinded her cunt harder against mine. "Did you think of me when you fucked her, Sister? Was I the one always on your mind?"

Audrey burned for me. I sensed it I her mind, and felt it myself, in my tits and my clit and my cunt. Audrey looked so incredible as she leaned back on her elbows and grinded her pussy lips against mine. Her long red hair was spilling down her shoulders. Her heavy melons were tipped with blood red nipples which were hard and pointing at me. Her areolas looked stretched to the breaking point over her firm melons. Below her flat belly, her triangle of dark red pubic hair was perfectly framed by her young muscular dancer thighs. Her labial lips were thick and dilated and glistening with our combined juices. But sexiest of all was her smile and her gaze, the look she gave me which seemed to be a mirror of my own, which expressed all so well how much I wanted her and how much she wanted me.

I grinded against her furiously, and she against me.




"Shell!" And then she gave me a look of longing, of such intense longing and need, and we squeezed our hands together and cried out as one, and as my cunt exploded so did Audrey's, and I was in her mind and she was in mind and we shared the most intimate experience that two women could have together as one.

We collapsed together in a jumbled heap of arms and legs. Her warmth felt so good against mine.



"That was good."

"Really good!" I agreed. I looked at my sexy red headed sister. What had she become? What had we become?"

"The Voice tells me it is time," said Audrey seriously.

"Yes, it is."

I got up slowly and extended a hand. Audrey took it. As she got to her feet she kissed me passionately. "Thank you, Sister."

I blushed furiously.

The first step in preparing Audrey to be impregnated was to take her to get her golden shower.

I took her to the giant organic hose which hung in the air. As she stood underneath it, the sticky yellow liquid started to stream out and cover her body. I watched as the slick fluid covered her breasts, her belly, her pubis. Audrey saw the way I was looking at her and beckoned me. "Come, sister."

"I don't know," I said hesitantly.

"I do." She reached out and pulled me in. Suddenly, I was covered in the sticky yellow fluid once again. As it rained down on me, Audrey turned me to face her. I saw her face and her luscious lips covered in the yellow rain. Her face came closer, closer to mine and we kissed, embracing like lovers as the sticky substance covered us. Her smile was so potent, so sexual. I had never seen anything like it. My sister had become a different person.

When it was done and we were dried off, Audrey said, "What's next?"

I stroked one of the pods off the moaning, writhing vines, being careful not to touch any of the giant thorns. The furry pod reacted to my feminine touch, and started to open. Inside was what looked like a black cotton ball.

Audrey smiled. "We tell me that's the egg which has to go inside of me."

I nodded.

"Then put it in me, Sister." Audrey spread her legs wide. She saw my hesitation, and kissed me, and then whispered in my ear, "If you put it in me, I'll be very, very grateful to you Shell."

I felt a tingling in my clit. Audrey gave me a wolfish smile as I reached down and inserted my fingers into her pussy lips.

Audrey leaned on my shoulders, standing on her tippy toes, and gasped as I penetrated her. "Ah! Good! Get it as high up as you can, Shelly. We say that the higher, the better."

She stood on her toes again and gasped as I entered her as deeply as I could. "Ah! That's it." She smiled at me and kissed me again. "Thank you, Sister. I owe you one."

Audrey looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. "Is it time to go to the Revered One?"

"Yes," I said, looking for any sign of hesitation on her part. I found none.

Audrey smiled confidently and extended her hand. "Walk with me?"

I nodded and took her hand.

We walked to the Revered One, two sisters, completely nude, hand in hand. As we approached the giant one eyed tentacled monster we all loved so much, I reflected on how much she had changed, and what Mother had said. That to be happy, one had to submit. Well, Audrey and Mom and submitted, and they were both happy. So why couldn't I?

Suddenly Sylvie and Henry came into view. Both were as naked as we were.

"Audrey!" Henry ran to us, and hugged Audrey tightly. Audrey let him hug her for a moment, then pulled back.

"Audrey, dear, are you all right?"

"Of course, Henry. Did you enjoy Sylvie?"

"Did I enjoy her?" Henry frowned. "Audrey, I'm sorry, she seduced me. There's this voice in my head, but-"

"I hope you enjoyed her. She's a very sexy woman," said Audrey.

Henry stared at his wife. "Audrey, what's happened to you?"

"I have joined Us, dear husband." She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "And now I must get inseminated by the Revered One." Her gaze turned to the giant one-eyed orange monster in the black pool.

Henry's jaw dropped open. "No, Audrey, no!"

"I'm sorry, dear, but We demand it," said Audrey. She kissed him again, this time on the forehead. "Wish me luck. Come along, Shelly."

"No!" Henry cried. He tried to follow them, but dropped to his knees, wincing in pain.

I walked hand in hand with Audrey to the black pool containing the Revered One. I sensed calmness and clarity of purpose in Audrey; she was totally committed to serving Us. What had happened to my prickly, rebellious sister?

She looked at me as we stood in the edge of the pool. "Would you come in with me?"

"Oh, Audrey, I don't know-

Her lips fell over mine. We kissed for a long moment. "Please?" she whispered.

I nodded.

The water was wet and slimy as we stepped in together. I sensed only the slightest apprehension from Audrey as we walked, hand in hand, to the Revered One. The Revered One's giant eye played over my sister's sexy body like a spotlight, first shining on her lovely face, then her breasts, then lingering on her pubis. Then a tentacle snaked out and grabbed Audrey securely by the waist. Audrey cocked her head as if she were listening to the voice, then she spread her legs wide.

And then the Revered One's giant penis emerged, hissing and steaming, from the compartment inside of it. The of it was curved like a giant penis, with an enormous vertical slit. The thing was covered with bulbous orange glowing veins. Hot steam came out of the tip of it and it seemed to hiss! I immediately felt Audrey's apprehension as it slowly approached her.


"I can't help you, Audrey!"

"No, not that," she said. "Can you stand in front of me? Please, Shelly!"

I knew what she wanted. I asked the Voice for permission, and nodded. I moved in the water so I was facing my sister. I could see her trembling now, even as the tentacle held her tightly. The massive phallus was right behind me. I spread my legs so it could get through me, through me to my dear sister.

"I'm scared Shelly! I want to be taken, but I'm scared!"

"I know," I whispered. I saw the desperation in her eyes.

"Kiss me. Kiss me hard, please, Shelly," she said, with a small tremor in her voice.

I nodded, hugging my sister tightly and pressing my lips against hers. I felt her fear and apprehension even as the giant phallus moved between my spread legs and pressed against Audrey's pussy lips. The tip of the phallus probed my sister's vulva, as if getting a feel for the angle of entry needed, and then expertly curved upwards to wonderfully penetrate her. Audrey grasped and held onto me tightly as she was taken.

"It's so big... it hurts!" she said, biting her lip. "It hurts, Shell!" she cried.

"I know," I said.

The phallus started to move back and forth. As it did, I sensed that Audrey was getting used to its width as her young vagina stretched to accommodate this new invasion. "Ahh... that's a little better," said Audrey, gasping as she was richly penetrated. I looked down and saw the most amazing sight. The giant phallus, the thick, orange glowing symbol of the might and majesty of Us, was penetrating my sister's lovely cunt. I watched Audrey's pussy lips lovingly grip Our cock as it coursed in and out of her. I saw the glowing orange veins on the monster cock, and knew it would shortly be filling her with alien reproductive fluid. The head of the alien cock was hard and bulbous, and every time it moved in and out of Audrey, it seemed to stretch her cunt lips just a little bit more.

And as it did move in and out of her I couldn't help but notice the intense thickness of Audrey's red pubic hair. My little sister is a sexually mature woman, I realized. Higher up I saw her breasts, slick with sweat, her nipples still proudly erect, showing just how aroused she was by the entire act. And above that was my sister's beautiful face. Audrey looked down slyly, seeing what I saw, and gave me a sexy smile and a very seductive look, one filled with intense longing. And then she whispered, with intense need burned into her voice, "Isn't what We're doing so sexy, Sister? Aren't We so sexy, Sister?"

At that moment, with her looking so wanting, so needing, I found I couldn't resist, and I grinded my lips against hers, and she against mine, and as the phallus within her groaned and shuddered, we continued to lock lips even as Audrey was heavily inseminated with alien seminal fluid.

Audrey felt extremely pleased with herself as we waded out of the black pool. She had served Us exactly as she had intended to. Joe greeted us with a smile. "You have done well. Both of you."

"I am pleased to serve Us," Audrey said. Orange seminal fluid dripped between my kid sister's thighs.

Joe and Audrey looked at me.

"Yeah, whatever," I growled.

Audrey pinched my ass, making me jump. It seemed like a happy time in old alien mind control village, until Henry had to spoil the moment.

"Audrey, what have you done?" he asked.

"I have been inseminated by the Revered One," she said, rubbing her wet pussy lips with a self satisfied smile.

"The Revered One? You mean that?" He pointed at the one eyed monster.

"Um hm," said Audrey.

"Audrey, we were trying to have a baby on our own," said Henry, with a hurt look on his face.

"Our needs come first," said Audrey. She paused. "The Voice tells me that you have not been serving Us."

"He refuses to give us a sample for the Revered One's sperm bank," said Sylvie.

Audrey put her hands on her naked hips, making her look so incredibly sexy. "It sounds to me, Husband, like you need a fresh dose of Us," said Audrey. And then, without any prompting, she walked up to her husband and gave him a kiss.

Henry reflexively kissed her back. She smiled at him with a gleam in her eyes and started to rub his naked body with her palms.

Audrey was Henry's wife and he was in love with her. Under normal circumstances he would be delighted to make love to her.

But these circumstances were far from normal. They were both in a warehouse full of space aliens. They had an alien Voice in their head trying to control their minds. Henry had just watched as his wife willingly had sex with a giant one eyed monster. Between her legs a sticky orange fluid was dripping out of her.

Henry knew his wife's mind had been taken over. He knew she was having sex with him to help Us take greater control of his mind. But as Audrey lovingly kissed and fondled Henry for several long moments, she also took the opportunity to rub his naked body with oily pheromone. He quickly found himself wild with desire.

"What are you doing, Audrey?" he asked her, as she coated his back with more of the pheromone as they kissed and hugged.

"I think you know exactly what I'm doing, Henry," she said slyly. She kissed him again. "Make love to me, Henry. Join Us."

"No, Audrey! Your mind has been taken over!"

"Yes," Audrey smiled. "And I love every minute of it." This was a new Audrey now, one with sly sexual looks and furtive smiles. She pulled Henry down to the soft spongy floor and lay him on his back. Then she got on top of him. She took his penis in his hand. He knew what she was about to do, but didn't have the willpower to stop her. His wife was so sexy and he was so aroused. His penis felt like it would explode if he didn't get relief. He watched as she lifted and aimed his penis,and raised herself above him.

"No, Audrey!" he whispered.

"We require it," she said sternly, her nipples still proudly erect. She looked down at him. "Henry, you must serve Ussssss," and as she spoke, she lowered herself on her husband's aching organ, immediately infecting him with Serum which lived naturally in her vagina now. As Audrey started to pole up and down she smiled. It was only a matter of time now.

"Audrey, how could you have sex with that monster?" Henry asked.

"We demanded it," said Audrey.


"Ussssss," Audrey hissed again. She moved up and down on him slowly, deliberately.

"Faster, Audrey!" Henry cried. He knew he was being Infected again, but at least he could get his climax he so badly needed.

But Audrey shook her head. "You will not be wasting your precious sperm inside me, husband. You will be giving it to Us!"

"Audrey, I feel the heat rising inside of me!"

"Good." Audrey smiled as she slowly ground her pelvis in a circle. For Henry, the sensation felt incredible.

"It's rising into my chest!" said Henry.

"Let it rise," said Audrey. She waited eagerly for the inevitable.

And then, a moment later--"Audrey, it's in my head!" Henry moved to grab his head with his hands. Audrey grabbed his hands and pinned them down, and put her face over his and stared into his eyes. "Let it happen, Henry! Let go and just let it happen!"

"Audrey-" he gasped.

"Release, Henry! Just let go and you'll feel so good, I promise!"

Henry panted and gasped and blacked out.

Audrey smiled and continued to ride her unconscious husband's shaft, up and down, up and down. She looked so fucking pleased with herself that I wanted to vomit.​
Next page: Chapter 05.3
Previous page: Chapter 05.1