Chapter 06.1
I wanted to get out of the hospital immediately to go home and rest and recover but Aunt Tammy insisted I was too weak to be on my own. She told me that Mom and Audrey were also recovering in different facilities and would be released as well. She said the Survey Service would put me up at a private apartment her on Kiawah Island, and send an orderly to look after me.
I made a face. "I don't need some orderly, Aunt Tammy."
"He's a very nice man, Shelly. Someone from the Service I can personally vouch for. You've gone through a traumatic experience. It would give me great peace of mind to know that you weren't alone during this trying time."
I nodded reluctantly. "All right."
"Good." Aunt Tammy touched her Pad. "You can come in now."
And then Half Commander Thomas Dolby Fisher stepped through the door.
"Hello, Shell."
"T-tom," I stammered. Suddenly I felt quite helpless.
"I see you two know each other," said Aunt Tamara. "Well, I'll leave you to it."
I jumped in bed as the door slammed shut behind her, leaving me with-
He still had the same gorgeous blue eyes. His hair had gotten a little darker, a little more browner, his face a little more lined. More mature, I thought, deciding I liked it. He looked so handsome in his black and dark blue Survey Service uniform.
Handsome, and single.
I remember it like it was a dream. Tom was divorced from Melissa. How had that happened? But here would be time for questions, later.
"How are you feeling, Shell?"
How was I feeling? Fuck! "A little disoriented, Tom."
"That's naturally, Shell," he said, smiling at me. He had me at that smile. At that moment, I would do anything for him. Anything.
"Tom, I'm sorry for what I said."
"What you said?"
"When I saw you last. The things I said about you-"
"Shell, you were under alien mind control. There's nothing to apologize for." Again, that handsome grin.
He reached out and started to gingerly stroke my hair. I felt like crying. "Tom! Don't come near me!"
I made a face. "I'm dirty... disgusting... tainted...." Tom probably knew everything I did. He must know how I had fucked the Revered One, been impregnated by it, and given birth to an alien child. He must know how I had fucked all those men, like a common whore. And Audrey!
"Hey!" Tom grabbed my hand suddenly. "You are not tainted. Never say that. You're gorgeous."
"You're gorgeous," he repeated firmly. His lips moved down over mine, giving them the lightest touch. I felt fireworks from head to toe.
"You... you're going to take care of me?" I said.
He nodded.
"Don't you have important things to do?"
"No, Shell. Nothing more important than you."
Oh my Goddess! Tom was still in love with me!
I found myself living in a beautiful apartment with beach views. "Is this your bachelor pad, Tom?"
"I guess so, now that my divorce to Melissa is finalized," he said. Tom said he had joint custody of his five year old daughter Megan, though I didn't expect to see her in the few days I was here.
"Have you done much bacheloring here, Tom?"
"A little." Tom gave me an uneasy grin and I blushed. What right did I have to complain? I had certainly been fucking enough people and aliens over the past few weeks! If Tom didn't think I was untouchable, I had no right to complain about his life as a single man!
At first, everything was fine. Tom was so gentle and sweet. He was with me full time. He brought me breakfast in bed every morning, and cooked me lunch and dinner, and was with me all day. I immediately grew used to the security of having him around me. I asked how long he would be staying with me.
"Two weeks," he said.
Two fucking weeks? I thought maybe it would be two or three days!
"I have months of vacation saved up, Shell. My commander insists I use them or lose them."
He was so nice! I should have really cherished my time with him.
Instead, I suffered from terrible nightmares. The first night I dreamed of Mom in one of those tentacles, being dragged underwater. "It's all right, dear. It's what I want," she said, as she was pulled under, to the sounds of my screams.
The second night I dreams of Alpha, bursting out of my cunt, fully grown, ripping my body nearly in half as he yelled, "Hello, Mother!"
The third night I dreamed that Audrey was being penetrated by the Revered One's penis. But instead of enjoying it, she was crying out in pain. "Shelly, Shelly, help me!" And all I did was stand there and laugh.
I woke up screaming. Tom was always there, holding me, hugging me, telling me it was going to be all right, that everything was going to be all right.
"It's not going to be all right! I did terrible, terrible things!" I cried.
"You did what you had to," said Tom. "You kept your family alive long enough to be rescued. You saved Audrey's life. You saved your mother's life. You saved many lives."
"But I also did terrible things," I said. "Tom, people died in there!"
Tom paused. "Your Aunt told me about what happened to her on Ramada.'
"She did?"
He nodded. "We spent several days together, before you woke up. We were sitting vigil outside your hospital room."
My jaw dropped open. Tom sat days... waiting for me to wake up? I so wanted to kiss him!
"We got to know one another. Your Aunt... she's an incredible woman, Shelly. But one with equally incredible guilt. She feels those lives that were lost were her fault."
"I know."
"You don't, not really. You Aunt was ordered to go in and attempt a rescue. She had no choice. You, Shelly, had even less choice than she did. I know it may feel, subjectively, that you were responsible for what you did, but you weren't. You weren't, and you have to believe that, Shelly, you simply have to!"
I stared into his fierce blue eyes, and felt the power of his calm masculinity, and I hugged him tightly.
And after that the nightmares went away. Mostly.
By the fifth day I felt more or less normal. I stopped thinking about the past and started thinking about Tom.
Tom, the man of my dreams, was living with me, however temporary. I realized I was still powerfully attracted to him.
And he was still powerfully attracted to me.
He was always polite, always the perfect gentleman, but as he served me breakfast, or lunch or dinner, or sat on the beach with me, he was always thinking about me. How beautiful I was. How lovely I looked. How he longed to kiss me.
But he never made a move on me, never so much as tried to touch me, as if he didn't trust himself.
What was more eye opening was what happened every night before we went to bed. Tom slept on the couch and gave me his bed. But before he would go to sleep he would take a long, hot shower. And when I just happened to linger outside the bathroom I couldn't help but pick up on his thoughts.
Tom was pleasuring himself, thinking of me. And not just thinking of how nice my hair or lips were; Tom was pleasuring himself to thinking about fucking me. The intensity of his animal-like feelings floored me; I had no idea he still felt such a powerful attraction for me. When he was around me he acted like the perfect butler, perfectly calm.
But the price of calmness was having hot monkey sex with himself every evening in the shower. It was as if he had to drain his excess sexual energy that build up in him in order to remain sane around me.
I of course was powerfully attracted to hm. I realized now that Tom was the only man I had ever loved. We were together, we were single, and yet... nothing was happening.
I tried to give him little hints, and clues. When we walked together I rubbed against him. When we sat on the beach I put my hand on his arm or his leg. He smiled at me but never reciprocated. I smiled back at him, looking at him from the corner of my eye and giving him my best "come hither" look, but all he did was look away, clearly embarrassed.
There was a time factor in play. Tom and I would have to part ways in little more than a week when he had to return to work. But even more immediate than that was the onset of my period. In about four or five days I expected to get my period. That means I would go into Michelle mode any time now. I would start having paranoid thoughts about Tom and drive him away. That's what had ruined things with him the last three times we had gotten together. I knew this would truly be our last chance and resolved not to let my native biology fuck me up yet again.
My paranoia would peak a day or two before I got my period. That gave me a scant three days to seduce and bed Tom before I went crazy. It was a very tight deadline.
I told Tom I wanted to go shopping for clothes. Since I had no clothes with me it was certainly a reasonable request. Tom watched as I tried on shorts and shirts and bathing suits. He couldn't help but notice how revealing the shirts were and how immodest the bathing suits were. He looked at a suit which showed off my titties and asked if I really wanted to wear that at the beach.
"Why not?" I asked.
"You'll attract the crabs," he said playfully.
"You'll fight them off for me, won't you Tom?" I asked, as I rubbed against him. I was always rubbing against Tom now, trying to start a fire.
Later that day we played gravity tennis. Tom watched as my breasts bounced up and down in my new, revealing shirts. I could sense he got an erection from watching me and smiled. When we got home, Tom insisted on taking a long shower.
The next day we went swimming. Tom couldn't keep his eyes off my breasts. My new bathing suit clearly revealed the tops and inner sides of them, almost to the areolas. "Do you like my swimsuit, Tom?" I asked innocently.
"You certainly dress... differently than you used to, Shell," he said, choosing his words carefully.
I wrapped my arms around him. I felt the heat of his arousal. I put my face next to his. "Differently good, Tom... or bad?"
Come on, Tom, kiss me! Kiss me kiss me kiss me!
"Just different," said Tom, abruptly pulling away.
By dinner time I had had enough. I already had started hearing the very first of my Michelle premenstrual whispers.
Tom doesn't love you. Tom doesn't want you. He just feels sorry for you.
I had to trip him up in bed before the whispers became overpowering!
That night we were watching something on holo, I don't remember what, just that we were sitting on the couch together. I was wearing a revealing shirt showing off my titties once more. Tom loved them, and he was busy thinking of how he was going to have to pleasure himself extra hard in the shower that night.
Fuck that! I didn't want Tom pleasuring himself in the shower! I wanted him pleasuring himself in me!
Finally, I had had enough of it. I put an arm around him and started kissing his neck. Tom just sat there and watched me. He felt terribly aroused, but also terribly ambivalent.
Then my lips moved up to his. We kissed. Then Tom pulled back.
"No," he said.
"No?" I said. "Tom, are you seeing another woman?"
"No, Shell!" he said, and I knew he was telling the truth.
"Don't you find me attractive?"
"Shell..." he was at a loss for words. "Shell, you're the most attractive woman I ever met. You're the love that got away."
"But I'm right here!"
"But you're also recovering from a traumatic experience. It's only natural you would reach out to me for... consolation. I can't take advantage of you at a time like this, Shell. I would hate myself for it. And later, so would you."
My jaw dropped open. I had never heard a man say anything so incredibly noble.
Or so incredibly stupid.
I drew myself upright. "I have news for you, Thomas Dolby Fisher."
"And what is that, Shell?"
"I am in love with you, Tom. I have always been in love with you. I let you get away twice, and I'm not going to let you get away again. You are going to fuck me, Thomas Dolby Fisher, and you are going to fuck me right now, and I don't want hear another word about it!"
I flew into his arms and kissed him strongly. After a split second hesitation, he kissed me back. Suddenly it was like a dam in his mind had been breached. A tidal wave of strong emotional attraction and love flooded through him. He started kissing me passionately, hugging and kissing me. "Shell, my dearest Shell! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too, Tom!"
We were naked in bed together. Tom was erect, and I was lubricating. We were touching and fondling each other at an intentionally languid pace. This was our first foreplay in nearly ten years, and would be the very first time we would complete the act. We both wanted the experience to be as memorable as possible.
My hand was on his shaft, moving up and down slowly, very slowly. When Tom got too excited I would stop, or stay away from the sensitive tip. That was the great advantage in being a telepath; I could truly edge my lover forever and make sure he didn't come. Tom took a cue from me and rubbed my clit at the same languid pace, I wanted this to last a long time as we kissed and hugged and made our true confessions.
"Remember when you started tickling me at the stream to get me to kiss you?" said Tom. We were all stripped of our inhibitions now, both physically and emotionally. Tom ate up my sexy body with his eyes, while I stared at handsome male form and rugged erection as I fondled him.
I laughed. "I had to tickle you! You wouldn' t kiss me!"
"I was afraid you wouldn't like it!" said Tom.
"Afraid I wouldn't like it?" I laughed again.
"Well, you didn't. After we started you jumped off and ran away like you had touched a hot stove."
"I did touch a hot stove, Tom," I said. "The one inside your pants!"
"That was it? That's why you ran away the first time?" he said, astonished. "We were only in hgih school! What did you think, Shell, that I was going to whip it out right there and then?"
"I don't know," I said, in a bemused little girl voice. "I was just... surprised."
"Surprised." He looked down at my fingertips, running along the shaft of his penis. "Does it scare you now?"
"A little," I laughed. "But now I'm more intrigued than scared."
Tom cackled and so did I and we kissed and hugged even as we continued our gentle petting. How truly wonderful this was!
Tom smiled at me lovingly. "And then, then you came back to me. I think you were embarrassed after my, my penis scared you off."
"It was a very scary penis for a teenage girl, Tom," I said.
"I know. But something gave you the courage to come back. What was it?"
"I think... I think it was your teenage penis, Tom."
We laughed again and kissed and hugged. I loved every minute of it.
"You were too embarrassed to ask me to kiss you again," Tom recalled. "So you asked me to teach you how to kiss, so you could date Craig Steinfeld."
"I had forgotten that!" I laughed.
"So did I do it?" he asked, as he rubbed my clit.
"Do what?"
"Teach you enough to kiss Craig competently?"
"Dear, you turned me into a very, very competent kisser." As I pressed my lips against his, Tom groaned. What great blowjob lips she has! I felt flattered immensely!
"Teach me, Shelly, teach me how to kiss." He tickled my breasts.
"Teach me Shelly, I want to learn how!" he said, in a high pitched voice.
"I'll teach you!" We kissed longer this time. I enjoyed the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I loved his fingertip inside of me. I loved the hardness of his shaft.
When we pulled back a bit he said, "Those kissing sessions were wild, Shelly. We would do it for hours."
"I know!"
"What you don't know is what happened afterwards. A man who does things like that gets painful down there. It's like a water gun that has a lot of pressure built up into it."
"And did you have to shoot the water gun, Tom?" I fisted his sensitive shaft, just for a moment, making him gasp.
"I did, Shell. I shot my water gun thinking of you."
"Oh Tom, that's so romantic!" We kissed again.
I looked into his handsome blue eyes. "Do you remember when Daniel and Shoshanna demonstrated sex for us?"
"The robots who had sex! Who could forget!"
"You had a thing for Shoshanna, didn't you?" I tickled him. "Didn't you, Tom?"
"Yes, yes I did!" he cried.
"I could tell."
"You did?"
"Your thing... in your pants." I sensed it in your mind. But this is the only way I can tell you.
Tom's jaw dropped open. "Did anyone else see?"
"I think Chrissy Corrensedes took a photo with her Pad."
I laughed hysterically. Tom tickled me all over "Tell the truth! Tell the truth, you big tittied freak!"
"I'm a big tittied freak!" I cried, not sure if I should be offended.
"The biggest!" he cried. And then he took one of long breasts and put it in his mouth and started sucking
"Ooooh... ooooh, oohhh Tommm....." I played with his hair as he sucked me. It felt so good!
My nipple slid out with a pop, long, wet and hard.
"Is the other one feeling neglected?"
"I think... yeah."
And then Tom inserted my other nipple in his mouth. The feeling was incredible, but even more incredible was what Tom was thinking. I love you, Shelly, I love you so much!
When he pulled back both nipples were equally long.
"How I love these," he said, squeezing my breasts.
"You do?"
"Yess......" he fondled them with his hands like he was kneading dough. "I'll never forget the first time I saw them. I finally wore you down enough to let me see your titties."
"What do you mean, finally?"
"I had to go on a pretend date with Sandy Colley to get you to show me your tits!"
"So that was your plan!" What had horrified me more than ten years ago was now, in the perspective of time, no more than an amusement to both of us.
"And it worked," Tom grinned. He was back to rubbing my clit again, and I his shaft. "I'll never forget the look of vulnerability in your eyes, when you took off your breast control collar. The combination of your big delicious breasts and that fearful look in your eye... God, Shell, I just wanted to eat you up."
We kissed passionately again. I had never experienced this kind of personal intimacy, not even with another telepath! I loved him so much!
Tom looked at me as he squeezed my titties with his free hand. "Do you remember the first time we got totally nude, in my home, and touched each other Down There?"
"Uh huh." I said. His fingers felt so good on my clit, his voice so intoxicating.
"Do you remember when I looked at you and told you I loved... loved your cunt?"
My cunt! My mind flashed back to an image of a young me taking off my panties for the very first time, of Tom's enormous flash of arousal and sexual rage as he saw my vagina for the very first time. The memory he evoked was so strong that I felt a flash of orgasm in my cunt.
"Yes, Tom!"
"You were so beautiful Shell!" he cried out, kissing me again. This kiss lasted a while. "I hungered for you so strongly, I needed you so much!"
"I know! I felt the same way!" I cried. "I... I loved making you come. Making this come." I indicated his penis. "You must have sprayed halfway across the room the first time! Do you always do that?"
"No," said Tom. "Only when I'm very very excited."
I groaned as he kissed me again. This wasn't sex; this level of intimacy was better than sex, far better! I wanted it to go on forever.
"And then you broke up with me. Again. Why did you do that, Shell?" I saw the pain his eyes now.
What could I tell him? That I was a telepath and that certain times of the month I became paranoid?
"I... I was confused, mixed up...."
Tom stared at me with emotional eyes. "At the prom I was with Sandy, but I really wanted to be with you."
"You did?" I never knew that.
"Yes. I was so depressed that I started drinking. And then-" His voice broke off.
"Tell me, Tom!" I fondled the tip of his penis, which after all this fondling and edging was ulra sensitive. "Tell me!"
"Sandy... she took me into the bathroom. We... we did it," He blushed. "I was half drunk, but as we made love, I... I...."
"What Tom?"
"I thought of being with you."
"Oh Tom!" That earned him another kiss. And a hug. I loved the feeling of his hairy, manly chest against mine, of his legs intertwined with mine. His penis, sandwiched between us, felt like it was going to explode. I knew Tom had to be taken care of soon, but I wanted more, much more.
As I gently pulled back Tom said, "That time we almost got back together, after I graduated from the Academy. We had dinner and danced, do you remember?"
"Of course I do!"
"You looked... you always looked pretty, Shell. You still do. But when I saw you in that blue dress... for the first time you looked so grown up, so womanly. I wanted you so badly," he said, with a voice heavy in need.
"Oh Tom! You looked so handsome too, in your Survey Service officer's outfit! I wanted you too."
"Then what happened? What happened to us, Shell?"
I went crazy again when I went into Michelle mode. But I had no answer I could give.
"And then when I saw you a few weeks ago. When I thought you were pregnant with another man's child. It... it broke my heart, Shell." His voice was cracking.
"It did?"
"Yes!" He had tears in his eyes. "I had no right to expect, to expect you to wait for me. But when I thought you... you and another man...."
And then I was crying with him and hugging and kissing again.
But Tom wasn't done. "I can't believe it, Shell, I can't believe we're finally together. That after all these years we have another chance."
"Believe it!" I said, kissing him fiercely. "Believe it!" I said again, kissing him more strongly than ever as I rubbed his back all over.
Tom gasped and his breathing became uneven. "Shell... this has been the best time of my life!"
"Mine too!"
"But... I can't hold it in much longer!"
I looked down at his engorged organ, which I had been conscientiously edging for the past two hours. It was red and rock hard. "All right, dear. Make love to me."
Tom nodded. He got up and went to his nightstand. I saw him take out two pills from a small container. "Testicle blockers. I should have taken them earlier. We'll have to wait ten minutes before we...."
"A small eternity, my love! We've waited 10 years, what's another ten minutes?"
Tom nodded. But as he lifted the capsules, I saw a troubled look cross his face. His mind became a swirl of confusion.
He looked down at what he was doing with new eyes. "No... no.... not again!"
"What's wrong, Tom?" I cried.
"This is just like how it happened last time. And the time before," Tom said. "Everything between us was fine. Perfectly loving. But the minute I took the testicle blockers, the minute I was about to broach you, that's when you changed, Shelly. That's when you pushed me out of your bed and ran away." He got an incredibly vulnerable look on his handsome face. "No... I can't let you do that to me again!"
"Tom!" I cried. I got out bed in a single smooth motion and grabbed him. "Look at me, Tom! Look at me! That's not going to happen again!"
"It's not?" he looked at me with incredible confusion.
"No, it's not! I love you, Thomas Dolby Fisher, and you love me!" I plucked the pills from his hand, and threw them to the far side of the room. "Make love to me Tom, and I mean RIGHT NOW!"
Tom looked in the direction of the pills I had just thrown, and then back at my determined features. His eyes grew wider than I had ever seen before, and he roared with renewed masculinity and threw me into his bed and climbed on top of me. He spread my legs roughly and cried out as he entered me in one rapid motion.
"Tom!" I cried out, as I was instantly penetrated.
Tom started thrusting in and out like a madman, like a thirsty man finding an oasis in the desert that he feared could disappear into a mirage. He was enjoying every moment, every second of it, even as he feared it could be taken away from him at any second.
To my great surprise, I was enjoying it too. And by that I mean inside my vagina. For the very first time in my life, I was experiencing sexual pleasure directly inside in my vagina, without having my clit stimulated. The movements of his shaft was creating a wonderful tingling inside my cunt! I hadn't known it was possible. Indeed, it hadn't been possible, not with any man before Tom!
As Tom moved rapidly, I realized he wouldn't last long. I wanted to tell him to slow down but I knew he couldn't. I could feel the sense of urgency in his mind. As Tom pounded into my pussy, he said things. Things I will always remember until the day I die.
"I have always wanted you Shell. I wanted you from the moment I first saw you. I didn't know what love was when we first met, but I do now. It was love at first sight. I loved you from the moment we first met." He gasped, and his words moved me like none other. "Shell, I'm so sorry we waited. I'm so sorry we took so long."
There were tears in his eyes... and mine.
"It was no one's fault, my love!" I cried feeling my own orgasm rapidly approaching.
"I love everything about you," he said, his face incredibly pained. "The way the sunlight glistens off your hair. Your high cheekbones. Your incredible blowjob lips. The way you look at me, the way you smile. Your fucking incredibly sexy breasts! Your long, lean muscular legs. Your thick red cuntlips, and your gorgeous thick curly cunt hair... Oh Shell!"
"I love you, Shell!" I felt a rumbling deep inside my cunt. The end was near....
"I love you, Tom!"
He grabbed my hand tightly, and looked into my eyes, and we cried out together, as if singing a song only we knew. "Oooh. Oohooh. Oooooooh!"
Our bodies went stiff. My own orgasm shot through my body like a tidal wave, stronger than anything I had ever felt in my life. At the same moment I was also in Tom's mind. I felt the incredible joy, the incredible release he had finally found after more than two hours of intense petting and edging, the feeling that he was accomplishing the most important purpose in life as a man by filling me with his awesome seed.
But it was more than that. When I had sex with Julian, it was all about using each other to satisfy our own needs. I was using his body to satisfy my needs, and he was using mine to satisfy his. That's what I thought love was. But I was wrong.
As I looked into Tom's mind, at the moment he came, I saw the psychological urge there, the tremendous need to come inside of me. It was incredibly strong, having been put into the male DNA thousands of years ago to encourage reproduction. But along with that was something else. I can't do it justice in mere words, but the closest I can come to is an incredible... an incredible fondness, an incredible longing, a longing for.... Me.
We lay together afterwards in the dark, our bodies totally spent, holding hands as we stared up at the ceiling, feeling totally, totally relaxed. I felt like I could lay that way forever.
"That was my first time," I whispered.
"With a man?" Tom said.
"No, Silly!" I punched him playfully. "It's the first time I climaxed with a man inside of me."
"Really?" Tom looked astonished.
"Yes. Usually I have to be... fondled to come."
"I didn't fondle you, at the end."
"I know." I looked at him lovingly. "You were the first man to make me come the way most women do."
"Why do you think that happened?"
I shrugged. "I dunno."
"Maybe because you like me?"
"Maybe. Just a little." My smile said it all. He kissed me.
"We should have done this years ago," I whispered.
"We still have the rest of our lives, Shell."
I felt so good when he said that!
Later that night, I woke up and it took a few seconds to realize where I was.
Tom stirred, and I sensed he was awake.
"Playing with you at recess, diverting that stream on the playground?"
"It was the best time I ever had."
"Me too."
We kissed, and I fell asleep in his arms again.
"Good morning."
Sunlight streamed into the bedroom as Tom delivered a delightful breakfast tray to me.
"Tom! You don't have to make me breakfast every morning!"
"But it gives me so much pleasure to do so," said Tom.
I reached up and hugged him. "I love you, Tom."
"And I love you, Shell."
We had a delightful day. We walked on the beach and hunted for seashells. We watched the tide coming in, and we sat in beach chairs and watched the clouds That was it, our entire day. And it was amazing!
And then the voices came.