Chapter 07.1
The first six months living with Tom were paradise.
I behaved like the perfect housewife, even if we were in a condominium and not a house and I was Tom's girlfriend and not his wife. Every day when he came home he was welcomed with a hug and a kiss and a smile and dinner on the table.
The third day I did it he said, "Shelly, you don't have to make dinner me every night."
"I want to," I said, giving him a look from the corner of my eye which made him blush while his penis stirred in his pants.
I loved arousing Tom. As a telepath, I always knew how effective I could be. It could be a look. It could be a smile. It could be the way I wiggled my hips as I walked to him. Tom was very easily aroused, and I found that I loved being the constant subject of his attention. Tom still didn't know I could read his mind. Whenever I rubbed against him, or squeezed his ass, he would often fantasize about fucking me right then and there. Rather than be threatened or offended by it, I found it glorious.
Every woman (who's rational) wants to feel attracted to her man. And Tom was my man and I was going to make FUCKING SURE he stayed that way!
I cherished every moment with Tom, sure it could all end in a minute if space aliens kidnapped me, or if "Michelle" overpowered me, or if an old girlfriend of Tom showed up... the possibilities were endless. I reveled in his smile, his touch, his laugh, and his charming good looks.
We did nothing and everything together. Shopping, walks, sitting and watching the sunset, whatever. As long as Tom was near me, as I long as I could read his thoughts and hear his voice, as long as I could touch him and be touched by him, I was perfectly content.
Every time I looked into his mind (which was not infrequent!) I saw a man madly, passionately in love with me. There was no doubt about it. Tom had always been in love with me, and if I hadn't been such an insane fucker in my youth, we would have been together long ago.
And speaking of insanity, my best non-friend Michelle made her regular appearance once a month, right before I got my period. During this time I got clear readings of Tom calling me a bitch. Or a cunt. Or planning to dump me. Or sleeping with other women.
Rather than enrage me, these thoughts merely made me laugh. In fact I laughed so much that I had to tone it down in front of Tom, who thought I was going a little crazy.
And then there was the time of my actual period itself. I knew that Tom didn't want to raft the wild red river, and I could hardly blame him. What sane man wants to put his dick in a gunshot wound?
For the first three days of my period I satisfied Tom using my hand. Tom moaned and groaned as I used my right hand to control his sexuality. I could see he was getting a good deal of pleasure from it. But even as he did, he thought, Those luscious blowjob lips.
That thought had been popping up in his mind on and off even before I started moving in with him. Tom was fascinated with my lips (among other parts of me), and seemed to view the thickness of my lips as being a "natural" for sucking on his shaft. As Tom thought about this over and over the idea seemed to seep into my own mind. Tom thinking about me sucking on his shaft for the 20th time slowly wore me down. And so, on the fourth day of my period, Tom was surprised when I went down on him.
"Shelly!" he said, as he saw me lick the tip of his penis (which suddenly stood upright at attention like a soldier on review!). "I didn't think you like this! The last time we did this in our teens you... you stopped in the middle!"
"Well, let's try it and see how far we get now," I said. "Unless you have any objections?"
Tom looked at my beautiful face, my heavy breasts, and my erect nipples. "No!"
"I didn't think so." And then I proceeded to suck Tom off.
I hadn't sucked on a penis since Julian; in fact, Julian was the only other penis I had ever sucked on. But I had taken Julian to completion, and I didn't even love him, and so I thought, why not be fair to Tom?
Tom groaned with pleasure, grabbing fistfuls of bed sheets as I pleasured him. Although I was theoretically the subservient one, I actually felt very much in charge as my lips and tongue made Tom dance to my tune like a puppet. I originally thought to stop in the middle and finish him with my hand, but I was so amused by his antics and panting and wide eyed facial expressions that I decided to take him to completion. No one was more surprised than Tom when he flooded into my mouth. Julian had taught me to be an excellent cocksucker and I didn't cough even once as Tom's sperm smoothly went down my throat.
She's done this before, Tom thought, which dimmed my ardor just a bit.
But on the outside he was all smiles, kissing and hugging me and thanking me profusely. After that, I granted him this boon sometimes but not always during my period--when I felt he was especially deserving.
Tom was promoted to full commander, undoubtedly because of his role in preventing an alien invasion, although obviously the details were classified. At 30, he was one of the youngest white men to make a full Commander! I was at the ceremony, and was so proud to see him decorated in front of his peers as they put shoulder boards on him and everyone cheered. That was my man, my man who had quite literally saved the planet! You can't say that about everyone.
He looked so handsome, and I was so proud of him... and yet, I was sitting at the back of the ceremony. Sitting in front were his parents and his sister Nettie.
I could tell from Tom's mind that they didn't approve of me. I can still remember Nettie telling me never to contact her family again. And why should they be friendly to me? All they knew is that I was the love of Tom's life who had broken his heart not once but twice, apparently for no reason. They thought I was crazy bad news for Tom.
So I let Tom have his day with his family. He went to dinner with them, not me. He was terribly apologetic about it. I think he knew that I knew that his family didn't approve of me and didn't want to offend me. All I did was smile and say, "That's all right dear, we can celebrate the following night." And then I made sure not to cry where Tom could see me.
Oh, and by the way, before I forget, Auntie was promoted to full Admiral! It sounds like a big jump--after all, she was only a Captain, and a somewhat honorary one at that, but Auntie had actually commanded the team which wiped Us out. (What a fucking name--Us! I still can't get over it. Fuck Us! Now I want to vomit every time I hear some World Government fucker say "we" or "us" in a sentence....)
Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. Auntie actually went off the inactive list and became a full fledged reservist. That meant that once every six weeks she got out of her school teacher uniform and played space soldier. I think she missed it, personally.
I really needed to decide what to do about getting myself a job. Mr. Brodsky had retired and his replacement, Mrs. Perez-Pena, didn't quite have the same fertile imagination as he predecessor. I was talking about it with Tom (I talked about everything with Tom, that's what was so wonderful about him!) and he suggested I become a marriage counselor.
"A marriage counselor?" I made a face.
"Sure," he said. "You told me how you introduced Clay to his wife Markessa, right?"
I remembered the day I had gone to a Passive Observer meeting and had done just that, using my talent to find girls who were attracted to Clay. "Yes."
"And you told me you helped Henry and Audrey get married, didn't you?"
I remembered how I had helped Henry overcome his marriage jitters. "Yes." I wonder what Henry thinks of me now!
"I mean, you're always doing things like that, helping your family out with their marital problems. You seem to have a good insight into what they're thinking."
That's because I'm a telepath, my beloved.
"So why not give it a try?"
Why not indeed?
I was an instant success.
My first clients were a woman who hated her husband and wanted a divorce, and a husband who simply didn't know how to please his wife. I listened to them prattle on for a bit, while digging into their thoughts to find out what the real problem was. Within 20 minutes, I knew what it was.
"Keith, Marya says you don't listen to her when she talks about her problems."
"I do," said Keith. "We talk and talk and talk about them," he said, rolling his eyes.
I got into it with them. I told Keith that his problem was that while he offered solutions to Marya's problems, that wasn't what she really wanted. She wanted empathy; she wanted sympathy; she wanted hugs. Keith was startled to hear this, and so was Marya! She knew what the problem was subconsciously, but didn't know how to put it in words.
As for Marya, I introduced her to the concept of limited tolerance, to have a set amount of time to talk about problems but not let it monopolize their relationship. I could see Marya thinking, Oh, I complain about my problems too much? Keith never said anything!
And so their problem was quickly resolved, and I soon acquired a reputation as a great marriage counselor. It was easy, really. People really weren't good at knowing what their actual relationship problems were, and they were terrible at expressing it. But I could just pluck it out of their minds with relative ease. It was really the perfect job for a telepath, and I found myself getting a larger and larger client list and more and more job satisfaction. Soon I was even branching out from marriage counseling to general counseling, and I felt blessed for the FIRST TIME in my life to have a great job AND a great home life!
Tom had a five year old daughter named Megan. He spent every Sunday afternoon with her, as Melissa had custody most of the week. I didn't begrudge him the time he spent with his daughter... oh fuck it, of course I was jealous! Tom worked most weekdays, which left precious little time on evenings and weekends for us to be together!
I saw images of Megan. She looked exactly like an evil mini-me of Melissa. There was nothing to like about her as far as I was concerned.
And yet... By this time Tom and I had been together for four months. I would love to get married to Tom, but I was afraid to rock the boat. So I needed the idea to come from him. And one way that could happen is if I won his little shit daughter onto my side. But how to do it?
Tom wasn't a telepath, but he was very empathic. He knew I wasn't happy about the time spent away with Megan even though I never complained about it. The first few Sundays he thought, Should I ask Shell to come with me? No, she'll probably feel awkward and he left it at that.
But one Sunday when Tom said he was off to see Megan, I sighed and said, "Have a good time, dear."
"What are you going to do?"
"Oh, I don't know," I said, sighing again, in a big way. "Maybe I'll do some database restructuring on my Pad. Or maybe I'll just take a nap." I stretched my arms in a big way and gave him a sad look.
I hate seeing Shell like this! "Listen, Shell, I know it may seem presumptuous of me to ask, but would you like to go with me and Megan today? We're going to the National Aquarium."
"Oh, I've always wanted to go there!" I said, brightening. "But... are you sure I wouldn't get in the way? I don't want to feel like a third grav car thruster, if you know what I mean."
"You won't," said my darling man, kissing me on the forehead. "I'm glad you're going."
I kissed him back. "I am too."
Megan was the little shit that I was expecting, almost as bad, I think, as whatever the Revered One had put inside of me. She was a spoiled little brat full of whines and sighs. She totally ignored me, even after we were introduced, and only had eyes for "Daddy". Most of the time she even ignored the fish tanks around us, lost in her own little world... as five year olds often admittedly were.
Tom pulled her around from exhibit to exhibit. I felt sorry for him. He was spending time with his daughter, but he wasn't really interacting with her. She was lost in her own little world. I looked into her tiny mind....
Rustabunnies. I had no idea what the fuck a Rustabunny was, but evidently it was some kind of holocartoon for kids. And as Tom pulled Megan from exhibit to exhibit, she was thinking about some particular Rustabunny cartoon, a scene where Rustabunny threw some kind of shit into a lake that went-
"Plop plop," I said.
Megan looked startled. A facial reaction!
"Plop plop," I said again.
Megan smiled, and laughed.
Tom's eyes narrowed as he looked from me to Megan and back again, but he was totally clueless.
And that's what I did for the next hour. I tapped into whatever Megan was thinking about, and added the appropriate sound effects at the right time. It was childishly simple. By the end of the visit to the aquarium (which, by the way, neither I nor Megan had paid the slightest attention to), Megan was my number one best buddy, laughing and smiling on my arm.
Tom looked astonished, as if I were some alien from outer space who had abducted his daughter and replaced her with a duplicate. He should have known better, because for me those days were long gone.
Later that evening, after we had... snuggled... Tom said to me, "You know, you had quite a nice rapport with Megan today."
"Did I? A charming little girl."
"I... I've had trouble getting her out of her shell, Shell," he said, smiling at me. "Do you think... you could come along next Sunday and give me some pointers?"
I pretended to consider. "If you think it would help, Tom, then sure."
Point won, favor: Shelly!
Marriage marriage marriage!
I don't sound obsessed with it, do I? I hope not.
Tom and I had been together for nearly six months. You might think I was rushing things on the marriage department, but keep in mind
1) We had known each other for years
2) We loved each other very much
3) I was about to turn 31
4) I fucking wanted to marry him!!!!
Marriage. Marriage marriage marriage! I thought to Tom.
I thought marriage marriage marriage to Tom over morning breakfast.
I thought marriage marriage marriage to Tom over dinner in the evening.
I thought marriage marriage marriage to Tom before sex, during sex, and after sex.
And... maybe Tom was telepathic. Or maybe he was starting to pick up on all the fucking grins and sly looks I was sending him, because he actually started thinking about marrying me!
I'll never forget the first time he thought about it. We were sitting in the backyard, watching the sun set. Tom looked over to me and thought, Life is great. Maybe we should get married.
Yesssss! I thought, even as I managed not to move a muscle. I waited for more.
And then Tom picked up his Pad and checked the scores from the most recent assball tournament.
But increasingly, Tom was thinking more and more about marriage. I tried to facilitate his thoughts in every way I could. I was the happy housewife who cooked meals and snacks for him. I was the adoring girlfriend who fucked him blind, and even sucked him off regularly when I was on my period. I rubbed his feet and told him how handsome and brave he was (the truth!). I wore him down with love and kindness and affection like a well planned military campaign.
And it was working. Towards the six month mark, Tom came home one day and we kissed and I asked, "How was work, Honey?" and he said "Fine" and I drew in a very sharp breath.
Tom had bought a wedding ring. It was in his pocket, RIGHT NOW!
He was going to marry me!!!
I waited breathlessly all evening. I tried to be calm about it. Tom came and sat down with me while I was pretending to watch holovision. He pretended to watch with me.
Come on, Tom, do it! Do it do it do it!
He didn't do it that day.
He didn't do it the next day.
But I knew it was only a matter of time. I could read his mind, remember? He was waiting for the right time, a time of maximum romance we would always remember.
It was all in the bag.
So why was I so fucking worried?
Aunt Tammy was painting holonudes. She had a male nude model, a young man in his 30's, posing for her. My eyes went wide when I saw it. By then Aunt Tammy was in her mid 50's, I think.
"Watcha doing, Auntie?" I asked.
"Painting, dear," she said, holding up her holowand.
I looked at the gorgeous naked man. His flaccid penis was even longer than Tom's. "Does Henry mind?"
"Why would he? He can't paint."
I sighed. "Auntie, we need to talk." In private.
"He wants to marry you. So... what's the bad news? You don't want to marry him?"
"No! Nonononono! Of course I want to marry him," I said. "It's just... What do I do about my thing?"
"What thing would that be, Shelly?"
I looked around. Her male model was in the other room. I jostled Auntie with my elbow. "You know! Telepathy. Should I tell him?"
"Oh." Aunt Tammy thought about it. Then she said, "What do you think?"
"I knew you were going to say that! Why do you always answer a question with a question?"
"Do I?"
"There you go again!"
Aunt Tammy leaned back and poured a glass of wine. She sipped it slowly, confident she had my full attention. "Shelly, you don't come here to make decisions. You never have."
"Haven't I?"
"Then why do I come here?"
"To figure out why you've made your decisions," said Tammy. "Tell me what you're thinking."
I took a deep breath.
"Well, if I don't tell Tom, it's obviously the safest thing."
"But... it's a part of who I am. I'll have to hide it from him for the rest of my life!"
"A point in favor of telling him."
"But... how will he take it? He may not want to marry someone who can read his every thought."
"A point against," said Auntie.
"So... what do I do?"
"What do you think?"
"I think... I think he could handle it. But what if I'm wrong? What if I drive him away?"
Auntie took another sip of wine. "Life is like that. There's a risk for every reward." She paused. "Follow your heart, Shelly. You'll know what to do."
Follow my heart?
Fuck it, Auntie, I'm a telepath, not a cardiologist!
We were lying in bed after another round of mind blowing sex. No, not me and Auntie, pervert! Me and Tom.
Tom looked so peaceful, so tranquil. He was trying to decide if Now was The Time.
"It is," I whispered.
"It is what?" said Tom.
I was unaware that I had spoken. But perhaps it was fate. "It's time, Tom," I said.
"Time for what?" he said, giving me a funny look.
"To do... whatever you're going to," I hedged.
Tom still gave me an odd look, but then he reached under the bed and pulled up a box, and handed it to me.
"Open it."
I opened it.
It was a diamond engagement ring!
I sucked in air. "Tom!"
"Would you marry me, Shelly?"
"Yes, yes yes!"
We kissed and hugged hysterically. But then Tom looked at my face. "What?"
"What do you mean, what?"
"You look worried."
"Why should I be worried?"
"I don't know, Shell, you tell me."
You tell me. Maybe it was meant to be.
I took a deep breath. "Tom, how much do you know about why the aliens selected me?"
He frowned. "I saw the classified report. They searched the World Government DNA database and searched for someone with a certain specialized DNA. It just happened to be you."
"Yes, Tom, it just happened to be me. And do you know why?" I took a deep breath. "I'm a telepath."
Tom blinked once, twice, thrice. "You're joking, right?"
"Tom. You've heard of the Department of Mental Diversity, haven't you?"
"I... yes."
"You know they look for telepaths, don't you?"
"Yes," said Tom.
"That's me. I'm a telepath, Tom."
Tom's jaw dropped open.
"You mean... right here, right now, you can read minds?"
"Yes, Tom." I paused. "Yes, I know what you're thinking. My blowjob lips."
"Oh my God!" Tom cried, shrinking away from me. "You can read minds!" His mind was racing, I could feel it. "How long?"
"Since I was about 12."
"Twelve!" Tom was shocked. "So... all the time I've known you, since we were kids you... you were reading my mind!"
I shifted uncomfortably in bed. "Kind of... not all the time you understand...."
"Not all the time? Shell, do you realize what an incredible invasion of privacy that was?"
"Well... I can't help it! I can't turn it off!" This was rapidly spiraling out of control. I regretted telling him anything. But there was no way to put the genie back in the bottle. I had to hope that he could handle it.
Tom looked away. "I should have known...."
"What do you mean?"
"Little things. You sometimes seem to know what I was going to say before I said it. I just assumed that was because we were so similar... but that wasn't it, was it? You read my mind so you knew exactly what to say."
"Tom, it wasn't like that at all!"
"Tell me, Shell, all the times we were together, as kids... all the times we played together... all the times we kissed, and fooled around... all those times... you were reading my mind?" He looked incredibly hurt. Incredibly violated.
But I couldn't lie to him. "Yes," I said simply.
"Oh my God!" Tom thought rapidly. "Why are you telling me this now?"
"I... I kind of knew you were going to propose to me...."
"Because you could read my mind!"
"Yes, Tom. Because I could read your mind." He winced as I said it, and I winced because he did. This was hurting us both! "I... I thought you should know."
"I should think so!" said Tom, sounding bitter. "Now I understand."
"Understand what?"
"Why you were so skittish. Why you rejected me so randomly. You were reading my mind every second, weren't you? And if I thought something you didn't like, you flew off the handle!"
Tom, intuiting on his own, had discovered "Michelle".
"Tom, I...."
"Tell me I'm wrong, Shelly. Look me in the eye and tell me the truth!"
I looked him in the eye as tears formed in my own. "Tom... you're not wrong."
Tom gasped and rubbed his hand over his head. "I... I need to understand how this would work. If we... if we got married... you'd be monitoring my thoughts every second, right?"
"No, Tom!"
"But you would be aware of my thoughts!"
"Well, yes."
"I... I would have absolutely no privacy. And what if I had a random thought you didn't like? Would you pick up and leave me again, Shell? Would you?"
"No, Tom, I wouldn't!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks.
"Shelly... I don't know.. I don't even know you anymore."
I don't know you.
It was a clear rejection.
"Tom! It's still me! It's always been me! If you believe anything, believe that I love you!" I grabbed his arm and tried to kiss him, but he shied away. "Shelly... I need time."
"Time? Time for what?"
"Time to think," said Tom.
Time to think.
Rough translation: Goodbye, Shelly.
I called him in tears. He told me to come right over.
But when I got there, it wasn't Julian who opened the door.
It was Angelika.
Wack! Wack! Wack!
I flinched with every blow. But this is where I belonged. Even as I felt each lash of the whip landing on my naked back, I realized this is where I was meant to be. With other telepaths who wouldn't reject me for what I was. Julian and Angelika would use my body for their own satisfaction, just as I would be permitted to use theirs; ours would be a transactional relationship, but at least it would be an honest one.
When I stepped through the door I was treated to quite an eyeful. Not Julian, who was standing there in a handsome blue shirt and trousers, but rather Angelika. Angelika was wearing some kind of one piece tight shiny black leather outfit that went from her legs up to the lower parts of her breasts; her titties were very much on display. She also wore matching long black boots, and a mask to cover her eyes... and little tiny ears (cat ears, maybe?) on top of her head. She carried a long coiled whip in her hand. But the most unusual part of her outfit was what it didn't cover... her crotch.
At first I didn't notice it because her pubic hair was now jet black (dyed that way?) but when she spread her legs and put her hands on her hips, her flamboyant nudity quickly became apparent.
I told you she'd come back to us, Julian. Come and give us a kiss dear.
I obediently went and kissed Julian, and he kissed me back. When it was Angelika's turn she grabbed my ass and squeezed it, making the kiss last.
"So, Tom wouldn't have you, and we're stuck with his leavings, are we?" said Angelika. She saw my surprise. "Yes, our ability is just a little bit stronger than yours, Shelly. But in any event, it's written all over you. You got kicked out by Tom, again, and you want back in our little group. You think you can come and go as you will, and that we will always be waiting for you with open arms."
"We are," said Julian eagerly.
"We might be," said Angelika. "But first there is a toll to be paid." She cracked her whip, and smiled when I jumped.
Angelika was on the bed, her legs widely spread. My face was inches from her groin. I saw her thick triangle of pubic hair, and below that, her thick labial lips which were engorged and parting, and covered with a thin layer of moisture.
This excites her.
"You bet it does, dearie. Now chow down!"
She was making me do something I had refused to do last time. That was the price of admission, or should I say, readmission. I looked at her labial lips and shuddered. I had never been attracted to women's vaginas, not orally, anyway, and the thought of sucking a woman down there-
"You'd better adjust your thinking, dearie, if you want to join our little group again," said Angelika.
"Please!" I said, looking at Julian for possible support. "Can't I do something else? Surely there are other ways... I can please you."
Angelika thought about it and slowly nodded, as a smile spread across her face. I didn't trust that smile.
"Nor should you," she said. "All right, get up. Take off your shirt."
"Because I told you to." She saw my expression. "Take of your shirt, or get out."
I turned to Julian, but found him carefully looking elsewhere.
Holding back a sob, I slowly removed my shirt.
"Now the control collar."
I should have expected that. With trembling hands I reached behind me. As I did I saw Julian taking off his own shirt. What were they going to do to me?
As soon as my collar was removed, my titties came thrusting out. I felt a surge of lust from both Julian and Angelika.
"They're a bit lower than they were last time, aren't they dear?" she said, casually squeezing one of them. As she fondled it, she said, "Kiss me, dear."
I gave Angelika a firm kiss, and she back to me. Our tongues dueled in my mouth, and I felt her getting aroused.
"Better," said Angelika, smiling slightly as she took a step back. "All right, Julian. Take her."
Take her?
Julian came up to me and held me in his arms so my bare chest was pressed against his.
I'm sorry, Shelly.
Sorry for what?
And then the first lash came down. I jumped, and my breasts rubbed against Julian's hairy chest.
My back was covered in lash marks and I was on my knees, crying.
"She looks so beautiful now, doesn't she?" Angelika said. Her erect nipples were sticking out of her outfit. I could see a lump in Julian's pants. "All right, dear are you ready to serve us?"
To serve Us.
It was always about an Us. The only thing that changed was who We were.
Angelika sighed. "Not quite ready, I can see. All right, let's do the front." She raised her whip and snapped it experimentally.
"No!" I cried. It was pain speaking now. "I'll.. I'll do it!"
"Will you really?" She gave an evil grin. Angelika sat down on the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wide. "Show us, dear. Show us exactly how far you'll go."