Update 01

Ben was always known for being full of shit. He was a small man with small man syndrome. The only thing about him that was big as far as I could tell was his ego. He couldn't tell of a single event without embellishing it to the point of ridiculousness. He was always the hero of the story, the champion, the tough guy or the ultimate lover or whatever other banal bullshit he could come up with. He could be funny, he certainly had an active imagination but most of the time he was just annoying.

Everyone knew it was all bullshit and occasionally someone would call him out on it but most of the time we would just laugh along. I don't think he had a clue that we were laughing at him and not with him. Over the years that I worked with him, I found that he was a lot like a chihuahua. Small, annoying, loud, constantly yapping and of no real value to me. The thing that astonished me was that, not only did he have a girlfriend but she was very attractive and quite intelligent. I just didn't get it. He was rude to her and belittled her in front of those who he considered friends. I just assumed that it was his insecurities making him act this way in public and that at home he was quite different. Otherwise, what the hell did she see in him?

I was married at the time, although not very happily. I was always faithful as I was raised in a very conservative family but that didn't stop me from fantasising about Ben's girlfriend Jennifer. If even a quarter of what he said about her was true then I was very turned on thinking about it. My wife was raised in a very conservative family too with the addition of strong Christian beliefs as well. This often led to tension between us, especially in the sex department. I had desires and wanted to try new things, I wanted to explore our sexuality, she most definitely did not. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy sex but as soon as I wandered off the straight and narrow path of "very vanilla" she would put a stop to it.

The weird thing is that although she enjoyed she seemed afraid of enjoying it and just letting go. Like enjoying sex was a sin and if it was for any purpose other than procreation then it was wrong and nasty. It eventually led to a complete lack of sex once our kids were born and that led to real animosity between us. Eventually, it reached a point where we couldn't go on together and we went our separate ways.

The next few years were a whirlwind of exploration for me. I met women and had several affairs but always seemed to come across the same old situation. I would say I wanted to explore and try new things and they were all keen until it came down to it and then they were all boundaries. I do understand that we all need boundaries but I had no idea at the time what mine were. Sure they were all more adventurous than my ex-wife but not by as much as I had hoped. Some were into oral sex, but only ever in one direction, as in I could go down on them but they wouldn't go down on me. Or vice versa. Most wouldn't even let you touch their asshole let alone slip a finger or anything else in and they definitely weren't up for doing any of those things to me. They never gave a blowjob without the expectation of something in return. I had read about women who enjoyed doing that just for fun but never met one. Not one of them was interested in exhibitionism or voyeurism of any kind and they never wanted to do anything outside.

I was beginning to think I was the freak that my ex-wife claimed I was and that what I wanted in a partner just didn't exist and that I would never meet the right woman. Was I chasing a unicorn? Don't get me wrong, sex wasn't the only thing I was looking for in a relationship; I wanted a fair, intelligent, equal and genuine relationship. Was it too much to ask that this fair, intelligent woman was also a little kinky?

Ultimately it all led to me going through the longest dry spell of my life since puberty hit, not to mention a deep depression that lasted for years.

By this time I was no longer working in the same place and I had heard that Ben and Jennifer were no longer together. It's not like I thought about her all the time, far from it, but when I did think of her it was always with a smile and the thought.

"I wonder what she's doing now?"

I assumed she was married to someone nicer and probably had her own little family now. Somehow, the thought of that made me feel both happy and sad. As though I had missed an opportunity that was never really there.

Conferences can be dull at the best of times and this one would be no different. It was one of those events, where the only people excited about being there were the organizers. Everyone else either felt obliged to support their workmates or was there purely because their employer sent them. For me, it was the latter, to the point where my boss straight up said.

"I would rather have my eye gouged out with a blunt stick than go to this bullshit, but they are really pushing for a representative to go. Therefore I am sending a representative...you."

I groaned in obvious displeasure which gained me nothing more than a chuckle from my boss. He knew exactly how much of a waste of time this would be. As the conference was being put on by a company that supplies us with paint, I would quite literally be watching paint dry.

I sighed as I resigned myself to the inevitable and accepted that I would be going no matter what.

"So where is it going to be?"

Living in a regional centre with several large towns around us I assumed it would be local. Maybe it would finish early and I could do something for myself for the rest of the day, I thought as a glimmer of hope emerged. One advantage of being divorced was that I didn't have to answer to anyone. Changes in plans weren't that big of a deal anymore.

"It's in Melbourne, I've got the details in an e-mail. I'll send them through to you."

Fuck! That meant a couple of hours driving there and then again to get home. I was not looking forward to this at all. Two hours driving in traffic followed by hours of boring presentation, followed by several hours drive home. I was either going to fall asleep at the wheel and die or I was going to be completely stuffed. I went back to my work with mur*er in my heart and I realised later that I had forgotten to ask when it was. I was thinking about asking for the day after the conference off because I knew I was going to be buggered from such a long day. Not long after that, the boss disappeared for the day and I didn't get to ask him for more details. I was fuming all afternoon until I could sit down at my computer for a while. I opened my e-mails and found the details my boss said he would send.

The first thing I noticed was that he had picked up on my displeasure. The rest I had to read a couple of times to be certain the details were correct.

"Just so you know, it's not as bad as it seems. The company sent the ticket through, which is on an attachment, and because we are more than 200km away from the conference they also sent a certificate for a motel at their expense for the night. Seeing as it is a Friday night and you are doing me a favour I decided to add another night for you so you can make a weekend of it."

This certainly lightened my mood. So instead of having to drive home after the event I could stay in the city and enjoy myself. I had no idea what it was I was going to do but suddenly it seemed to be full of possibilities. Would I go to a bar and perhaps watch a band or go to a flash restaurant or would I do the thing that I had always been curious about but never had the guts, or the freedom, to do. Would I go to a strip club? Because of my past relationship I had always felt a certain nervousness at doing things like that. I knew it was something that occurred quite often with a lot of guys but I had never had the gumption so I was nervous about it.

Thursday night rolled around and I found myself getting a little nervously excited about the weekend. I made sure I had everything I would need for a weekend in a bag and packed in the car by Thursday night. I had my dinner and tried to concentrate on a movie but it was boring and I knew I had an early start so I hit the bed early.

The alarm went off extra early and I felt somewhat proud of my restraint at avoiding throwing it across the room. I crawled, bleary-eyed out of bed and immediately put the kettle on. Today was going to require a LOT of coffee. Within the hour I was dressed, caffeinated, clean and ready to go. I made sure my bag was in the car and headed off. It was a beautiful clear morning as the sun rose behind me but it was not that easy to enjoy it knowing that I would be stuck inside listening to people talk about paint all day. I still hadn't decided what to do with the extra time I had in the city either.

It was like a monotonous daydream as I crawled through the early morning traffic trying to get into the city. I was almost at the point of worrying that I wouldn't make it in time when the traffic thinned and began to flow properly. I had just enough time to check in to the motel after parking my car and walked over to the convention centre. They had just opened the doors and people were milling about getting coffee and name badges as they registered. The company knew that they would need to keep the people caffeinated. That, although appreciated, did not bode well for an interesting day. I looked longingly at the beautiful day outside and caught a glimpse of a tall, curvaceous woman walking away from me. She was wearing a woollen skirt just above the knee and had very sexy curves. I watched as her ass swayed in that skirt while she strutted away. It was almost like she knew I was watching and put an extra dose of attitude in the walk. I wanted nothing more than to follow her and just watch that sweet ass sway for the rest of the morning. It certainly seemed far more entertaining than what I was about to do.

Everyone began flowing into the room like flotsam on a human tide. I held back hoping to get another glimpse of the woman in the skirt but it wasn't to be. I finally made my way in and sat in the back row against the wall. If I was lucky the place wouldn't fill and I might be able to catch a snooze against the wall if things got too boring. Everyone settled down and there was a murmur humming through the room as people chatted quietly with the others they knew there. Most people had come in groups of two or three and were no doubt discussing the fact that they would rather be at work than sitting here. There was a noise from the front and everyone looked up to the stage.

The talks began with the director of the company giving a run-down of what they were all about then introducing several key members that would be talking later in the day. Bloody hell, It was only twenty past nine and I was already zoning out and yawning. No amount of coffee was going to get me through this. I tried again to focus on what was being said.

"...and Jeff Knowles will be up after lunch to talk about the financial benefits of our primary range. Finally, we will be winding up around four o'clock. So first off the rank is Miss Jennifer Moonshadow to talk about our new ranges coming out in spring."

I swear my jaw hit the floor. There surely couldn't be more than one Jennifer Moonshadow in Australia. When she walked out on the stage I was given a double surprise. First, it was the Jennifer I knew, and second, that skirt was, indeed, the one I had been watching strut across the foyer earlier. Wow! She looked stunning albeit a little nervous. She had dark-rimmed glasses on and a business shirt that, while very professional, gave her an air of "sexy librarian". She certainly had the attention of the men in the room and I dare say some of the women. She was now talking but all I could focus on was how gorgeous she looked. My mind was playing back all the memories I had of her at work events back in the day. She had always been a woman that I found attractive but she always covered up a lot. Jeans and a thick woollen, over-sized jumper were her standard fair. This skirt did a great job of emphasizing her ass and legs while the shirt was very well-fitting and emphasized the curve of her waist and her breasts.

I was mesmerised as she spoke animatedly about products that I had no hope of remembering. I hoped they would have pamphlets later so I could have a read through them before I went back to work because nothing was staying in my head right now. She seemed to be scanning the crowd as she spoke and when her eyes met mine I swear she smiled in recognition. I was suddenly very glad I had come and I was already hoping I could catch up with Jennifer. Would she even want to talk to me? She did smile at me after all, but she may have just been being polite and I may just be a reminder of her relationship with Ben. Jennifer was now standing with her back to the audience while she used a laser pointer to show the different details on a projected display. Every time she moved, her ass jiggled most delightfully. My mind had wandered to the things I would love to do to that ass and I felt my cock harden in my pants, which I couldn't resist giving a bit of a squeeze. I glanced around quickly to make sure that no one else had noticed and was grateful for my decision to sit in the back corner. I watched her ass for a good ten minutes while slowly, rhythmically, squeezing my cock.

Jennifer turned back and looked me straight in the eye. It was like she could see my every thought and knew exactly what I was doing. I could feel myself blushing then she smiled a very seductive smile at me. The whole interaction lasted probably less than five seconds and I doubt anyone else noticed much more than her smile in the direction of the back of the room but it was very intense for me.

I doubt I could recall a single word that was spoken by her for the entire speech but the image of her was burned into my mind. People started to applaud and she smiled broadly at the crowd as she left the stage. It seemed cold and lonely now that she had gone and I was disappointed to see her go. The man who came up next reminded me of a sleazy used car salesman and given that he was talking about the drying properties of paint he almost couldn't have been more boring. Quite a step down in my opinion and judging by the way the audience was shuffling and quietly talking they thought so too. I spent the next hour daydreaming and trying not to yawn too obviously. When I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I was grateful for the distraction. I opened it up and there was a message from an unidentified number.

"Hi... I thought it was you I saw in the crowd. I got your number from the registrations, I hope you don't mind. Would you like to meet me for lunch? We can catch up on life."

Now that was an opportunity I didn't want to pass up.

"I have to admit I was excited when I saw it was you. I would love to catch up for lunch. Can we go now? The only thing more boring than watching paint dry is listening to this guy talk about it. Lol."

"Hmm You did seem a little excited at one point there ;-) Better not, the boss will get cranky if I disappear too soon. I'll meet you at the door when you are all let out."

Holy crap. Had I said too much? Had I been too flirty, too desperate? Shit, could she tell I had been squeezing my cock while thinking about her? A million thoughts ran through my head but only one thing mattered. She had contacted me and she wanted to catch up with me. Any excuse would do me at this point.

I spent the next twenty minutes watching the clock, willing the minutes away. I know I sound pretty desperate, but you have to realize, it had now been over a year since I had been on a date of any description. My love life pretty much consisted of my right hand, some lube, internet porn and shame. Right about now, I was almost ready to explode at the thought of any female attention, let alone someone that I had admired for years.

I had to calm myself down. I gave myself a stern talking too.

"Christ, talk about getting ahead of yourself. Get a grip and stop being stupid about this. She has only said that she wants to catch up, nothing more."

The rest of the morning dragged on interminably. It was like dying a death of a thousand paper cuts. Eventually, they freed us and I had to wait for those that had stampeded for the door to go first. I finally made my way through the door to where Jennifer was waiting for me with a big smile. As I reached her she wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. Something I was not really prepared for, and when she let go of me she laughed at my shocked reaction.

"Oops sorry about that, I sometimes forget where I am. I know this sounds a bit weird but I am just really happy to see you."

"You know what? I have to admit that you have made the day worthwhile for me. I'm very happy to see you too."

She blushed a little but didn't stop smiling for a second. She reached out her hand and it seemed the most natural thing to do to take it and let her lead the way. She squeezed my hand and looked down at it as though realising that this wasn't a normal interaction between two people who haven't seen each other in a long time. She smiled at me once more and nodded towards our hands.

"So we don't get lost or separated in the crowd. Follow me."

Jennifer led the way out of the crowd and towards the large double doors that had been propped open. She led me outside into a beautiful sunny day. We made our way across the street and into a strip of shops that were all spaced along one side of a walkway. They all sold food or drink of one description or other. On the other side of the walkway was a park with a few trees and benches for people to sit around.

The crowd thinned considerably as we walked along the path but neither let the other's hand go. I felt a little giddy with excitement and I couldn't stop checking out her ass whenever I was sure she couldn't tell. She stopped walking and turned to me.

"So what do you want to eat?"

I'm pretty sure my inner thoughts must have been written across my forehead because she laughed.

"Not on the menu mister, for lunch anyway. I'm going to have a roast roll, do you want one?"

I was still in shock about what she had said about the menu. All I could do was nod in agreement and reached for my wallet. Jennifer laughed although I don't know whether it was because of the look on my face or the fact that I had reached for my wallet. She waved a plastic card in the air.

"Don't be silly, company card."

"Oh, okay. Should I find us a seat then?"

"That would be good."

I wandered off in search of a suitable table and when I looked back at one point I noticed she was watching me walk off and admiring my ass. I smiled to myself as I thought this was going better than I could have hoped. I sat down and watched her as she ordered and waited for the food. She seems so different, I thought, as I remembered the girl she had been. She was always nice to me but never flirty like this and she always wore those oversized jumpers as though trying to hide that shapely body.

She picked up the orders and walked back towards me and she had such a sultry smile and a swagger in her walk that by the time she got to the table I was hard as a rock. I loved the way her nipples were pushing at the material of her bra and making points in her shirt. My cock was so hard it hurt in my pants and I wanted to adjust but I didn't want to make a scene in front of Jennifer. She was still smiling that sultry, I know something you don't know smile, as she sat down and handed me my lunch.

"Thanks very much for this."

"You're most welcome."

She looked at me with an inquisitive smile.

"Is everything okay?"

"Ah yeah, it's good, just a little uncomfortable."

I couldn't believe I was putting it out there so casually. It was like she had me under some kind of spell. I figured though that it's out there now and gave myself a quick tug in the right direction and was very relieved to have found more room in my pants. I was trying to be very casual but I am sure that my face was glowing. Jennifer was laughing and smiling even more at my obvious awkwardness.

"Well, seeing as it's not the first time I have seen you... adjust... today I have to assume that it's not the roast roll that has you in this predicament. Either you have terribly designed pants on or perhaps it's me that's having this effect on you."

"Oh god, you saw that earlier. I am so sorry Jennifer."

She laughed heartily.

"Well for what it's worth, yeah I did see you earlier but you should know that seeing that had a similar effect on me, It just isn't as obvious. Besides I will absolutely take that as a compliment."

I couldn't believe this was the same girl I knew back then. She seemed so honest and forthright as opposed to quiet and withdrawn. I knew that when I got her talking in the past she was always keen for an intelligent conversation but she had never seemed so confident.

"Well I have to say, Jennifer, that you are a lot more confident and forthright than you were the last time we talked."

She smiled a little sadly.

"It has taken me a long time to feel okay with thinking what I think. Ben had me so beaten down that it was not possible to say what I was thinking or be confident in who I am. The way he used to talk to me and about me used to really upset me. Don't think I wasn't thinking it back then though. To be honest, if we met under circumstances where we were both single, it would have been a very different conversation."

I smiled at her and reached across the table. I took her hand in mine, her fingers were smooth, cool and slender; very feminine. I gave them a gentle squeeze and she smiled. I raised them to my lips and kissed the backs of her fingers whilst looking her straight in the eye.

"Well things have changed and I am most definitely single. I noticed your name hasn't changed and you aren't wearing any rings. So just how single are you?"

"I want to be honest with you because I think, I hope at least, that there may be something interesting between us. I have been single for quite some time now, not because of a lack of men out there but because of a lack of ...well, suitable men."

"Okay. There's nothing wrong with knowing what you want. For what it's worth I have been single for over a year now for the same reason."

Jennifer looked at her watch and sighed.

"We need to head back but before we do I have something important to ask."

"Sure, go ahead."

"I really want to pursue this conversation but I need to know something."


"Are you just looking to get laid or are you after something more?"

I smiled at her.

"Definitely more."

"Good. Do you consider yourself to be open-minded?"

I laughed, it was like she was reading my mind. She looked at me shrewdly as though trying to work out if I was laughing at her or not.

"Jen, it's the very reason I am single. Sometimes I worry that I am too open-minded. Do you think you can cope with that?"

"Hmmm, challenge accepted."

We stood up and she held her hand out to me again. I took it with delight and marvelled at the little thrill that ran through me as I did. We walked back to the conference centre but before we got back to the door for the audience she drew us both to a stop just outside a corridor that led to the back of the stage area. She turned to face me.

"I think I would like it if you kissed me now."

I didn't need to be told twice. I wrapped one arm around her waist and drew her body to mine. It was like electric shocks running through me wherever our bodies touched and they were touching in all the right places. I bent forward and met her mouth with my own. It began as a warm, gentle kiss that intensified in a hurry. Within seconds our hands were all over each other and I was pulling her in tight against my body. Our tongues wrestled and we were both breathing heavily. She tasted delicious and I found that I wanted to taste every part of her.

When we finally came up for air she grinned at me and grabbed my ass, pulling me against her so that her crotch rubbed against my hard cock.

"Mmm, that was nice. I have to go backstage for a while but I will come out and join you later okay?"

All I could do was nod and grin like a lunatic.

"See you soon."

I watched her gorgeous ass sway all the way down the corridor until she turned off before I checked that my hard-on wasn't too obvious and made my way back into the audience.

I sat in the same spot again, glancing at the door every couple of minutes. The next speaker was just as droll as the one before lunch and I could see heads nodding all over the group as one by one they fought the desire to go to sleep. A warm room, a belly full of food and a boring speaker and you can pretty much guarantee people will start to nod off. I was struggling myself by now and was happily daydreaming about that kiss when Jennifer snuck in through the door. A couple of people turned to look, no doubt hoping for a reprieve of some sort and turning back to their phones or whatever they were using to keep themselves awake once they realised no reprieve was coming.

I watched Jennifer walk towards me like it was in slow motion and before she was even halfway to me I was getting hard again. She was still wearing the same outfit but she also had a jacket and her handbag with her. She sat down and placed the handbag under her seat then sat with the jacket on her lap. She turned and smiled to me and it was all I could do to not repeat the kiss that we had shared out in the hallway.

"So, how's it going?"

I laughed and pointed to a few people in the crowd who had nodded off.

"It's a struggle, to be honest."

"God I hope I wasn't that boring."

"Oh, definitely not. You certainly had my attention."

"I noticed. I have to ask though, were you just adjusting or were you having a sneaky play with yourself?"

I could feel myself blushing but her straight forward manner and openness was refreshing and more than a little arousing.

"It started as an adjustment but watching you wiggle that ass up there may have led to the odd stroke."

Jennifer smiled as she thought about it.

"You know I have always been terrified of public speaking. When I got this job I nearly quit when they told me I would be doing this sort of thing. I finally managed to do one but it was awful. It went very badly, to the point where my boss sent me to see someone who was kind of like a therapist for this sort of thing."

"you wouldn't know to look at you now."

"The therapist gave me a lot of different ideas on being confident on stage. One of them was, imagine the audience is naked. Well, you have seen most of the people who attend these things and let's just say they aren't the crowd you want to think of naked."

I laughed at the thought and a few people turned around to see who had laughed. I sat there with a straight face and waited for them to turn back around.

"So I take it that wasn't what worked for you."

"No, but it did lead to the answer for me. I thought, well if imagining them naked doesn't work, then what about thinking of myself naked? The moment the thought entered my mind two things happened. The first is that I felt excited about it. It worked and thinking of myself naked in front of all those people just seemed to give me the confidence to do the job. The second thing it did was turn me on so much that I just knew I had discovered a major kink for me."

I turned and looked at her but she was staring straight ahead. I couldn't tell if she was pretending to be interested in the guy on stage or if she was afraid of my reaction. I had to say something and it had to be right, what other option was there than go for the truth.

"Jen, that is so awesome. It's fantastic that you overcame your fear and in that spirit, I have to be brutally honest here no matter how embarrassing it is. I am so hard right now imagining you naked up there. You showing off for me and these strangers is so ridiculously hot."

Jen looked me in the eye, testing again if I was teasing her or telling the truth. She then looked to my crotch to see the evidence for herself. I don't know where the bravado came from but it seemed the right thing to do. I picked up her hand off her lap and placed it on my hard cock. She didn't resist at all and when she made contact with me she gave me a squeeze that almost made me groan out loud. The whole time we maintained a fiery eye contact that smouldered with the promise of more to come. Jennifer turned back to the front and began speaking again at the same low level but she never took her hand off my cock.

"So I discovered what works for me but I wanted to play with it too. I started to do things like wear a demi cut bra that left my nipples exposed and although I would wear thick shirts over it I would wonder how many people in the audience could see my hardened nipples. Other times I would wear something like a bustier or a teddy under my clothes and wonder what people would think of me in those outfits on stage."

Every time she spoke of an outfit my cock would throb and swell. She would respond with a gentle squeeze.

"I am very curious as to what it is you decided to wear today Jennifer."

"Well, today it's more about what I'm not wearing. You see today I decided to wear a skirt with no panties at all."

"Oh god."

"Mmm, and it was almost the first time I regretted it because watching you in the audience playing with your cock had me so wet that I had cum halfway down my thighs by the time I walked off the stage. I was so torn, on one hand, I wanted to be professional but on the other I wanted someone to notice how wet I was. I walked off stage and went straight to the toilet where I made myself cum. The whole time imagining I was on stage doing that and you were stroking your cock watching me. I imagined you with cum pouring from your cock as you stroked it for me."

"If you keep this up I will be. I'm so hard right now."

"You are as hard as I am wet. I can feel how hard you are so I think you should feel how wet I am."

I didn't need to be told twice. Jennifer lifted her jacket and my hand went straight for her thigh. I moved my hand higher and felt her thighs part to allow me access. My fingertips travelled up her smooth thighs and I was rewarded with a heat and moistness that I had never experienced before. She hissed as my fingers separated her lips and my finger slid straight inside her. She tilted her hips to allow me better access and her pussy practically sucked my finger inside her. I was so turned on that I was afraid I was going to cum in my pants.

I slid another finger in beside the first until I had my two middle fingers inside her and curled up as best I could from that angle. My palm was pushing against her clit and I was moving in circles that were making soft squelching noises. She was breathing deeply through her mouth and I could smell her scent. I was glad that there was no one for about three rows of chairs. I felt the pressure on my cock change and I realised that Jennifer had undone my fly. She fished around inside my underwear and then released my cock. There I was sitting in a large public place with hundreds of people and my cock out and on display. Pre-cum was oozing out and dripping down my shaft. Jennifer took hold of me again and using my pre-cum as lube began sliding her hand up and down my length. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was so hot and felt so bloody good.

Her hands were like warm silk as she slowly stroked my cock. The drone of the speaker disappeared into the background as I increased my efforts on her pussy. I was rewarded with a fresh flow of fluid and the sound of a very wet pussy. I could see the look on her face as her orgasm approached then the squeezing spasms of her pussy around my fingers. A mixture of ecstasy and agony as she tried to stay quiet as it ripped through her body like an electrical storm. The realisation that I had just made her cum with a whole crowd there, including her workmates sent me over the edge. Jennifer kept hold of me as I pumped stream after stream of hot, sticky cum into her hand. It was now my time to stay as quiet as I could.

We were both coming down from the ecstatic high of our orgasms and silently trying to catch our catch our breath. I was sitting there with a soaked hand and she was sitting with a handful of my cum. I took a quick look around then licked and sucked her cum from my fingers. She smiled and not to be outdone did the same. A sudden noise filled the room and we both jumped as the crowd applauded the ending of the last speech. Amidst the noise of people applauding and standing up to leave we leaned into each other.

It was a beautiful kiss that was made all the better by the fluids we had covering each other's lips. Jennifer still had some of my cum on her mouth and I could taste it on her tongue, just as she could taste her own on my lips and tongue. We parted and both had shiny lips, covered in cum. If only the hundreds of people around us knew.

We stepped out of the room and Jennifer asked me to wait by the corridor for her to go and say goodbye to her boss and workmates. When she came back we walked out of the centre and stood on the street, not entirely sure what to say to each other. Eventually I broke the silence between us.

"Jen, I don't want this to end yet. Will you have dinner with me or do you need to get going?"

"I have a motel room for the night in the city so I don't need to rush off. I would love to have dinner with you. I do need to go and get cleaned up and get changed first though. Should we meet back here at seven?"

I couldn't have wiped the grin off my face if I tried. Jen was smiling too which made me happy in a way I couldn't describe. I leaned in and kissed her again, taking my time and savouring her soft lips on mine.

I felt like I was floating on air as I made my way back to the motel room. I had just under three hours to kill before I met Jennifer back where we had parted company. I entered the lobby and made my way to the elevator. It took me all the way up the thirtieth floor without stopping. I walked the whole way to my room and didn't take in a single detail. In my head, we were still in the conference centre and she was kissing me passionately with the taste of our combined cum lingering on her lips. Her soft, delicious and oh so kissable lips. I felt my cock begin to stir at the memory and chuckled to myself. I had been very quick to recover when I was in my teens but these days it was often twenty-four hours again before I would show any interest. Had she intoxicated me? Recharged my body? Something was going on because just thinking about how sexy Jennifer looked when her face was flushed from her orgasm and my cum glistening on her lips had me ready to go again.

I entered the room and admired the incredible views of the city at night. The motel was shaped like a wide V and my room was on the inside of the V. Standing in the room or lying on the bed offered nothing but open views but if you walked up to the window you could see the rooms of the other wing. I looked out and saw a couple of rooms with lights on but most were still in darkness. they either weren't very busy this weekend or most people were still out. I looked around the room some more but there was nothing extraordinary about it. It was nice but nothing amazing. The bed was a king-size and after a quick lay down on it, it seemed like it would be very comfortable. The question of whether I would be alone in it tonight or not was still up in the air but I felt excited by the possibilities.

I had to admit that Jennifer excited me in ways I had never felt before. Anything and everything felt like a possibility with her. Already, just in a brief afternoon, she had taken me to places I had never been before and I was excited for more. I was nervous about being too eager and putting her off but it seemed to me she was pretty keen for some fun too.

I went into the bathroom and discovered an amazing massage shower with jets out of the wall as well as from above. I just had to try it out and besides, I wanted to be all fresh and clean for Jennifer. I stood in the shower for an eternity as it did amazing things to my muscles. I was still hard as I daydreamed about the afternoon and I was in another world when I heard the phone ringing on the bench. I hurriedly flicked off the water and grabbed a towel. The phone stopped ringing the second my hand reached it.

"Fuck it!"

I looked at the number and it came up as unknown but not private so I called it back.

"Good evening, Como motel Melbourne. How can I help you?"

"Oh hi, It's John Cooke in room thirty oh six. Somebody just tried to call me."

"Oh yes of course. This is Tiffany from reception. There is a lady here looking for you. We don't send anybody up to rooms without clients permission and you weren't answering your room phone."

"Oh right. Yeah, I was in the shower and didn't hear the phone sorry. Just send her up, she's fine. Thanks for the call."

"You're welcome."

I got the impression the receptionist wasn't overly thrilled about sending up someone who wasn't on the list but that's a bit of stiff shit. I hurriedly dried off and got dressed. I was still in the process of buttoning up when there was a quiet knock on the door. When I opened the door Jennifer was standing there looking surprisingly nervous but incredibly sexy in a casual summer style dress that accentuated her curves. It had a low cut cleavage and the hem was further up her thighs than the skirt from earlier. I could see from the look on her face that she was nervous about something but I couldn't tell what.


"Hi, come in. You look absolutely gorgeous."

Jennifer blushed but smiled at me as she came in and walked towards the window. I closed the door and admired the view from behind. My god, she had a fantastic ass. My cock was stirring once again as I Imagined what that ass looked like uncovered.

"Would you like a drink or something else?"

Jennifer turned back to me and as she did the setting sun reflected off the other side of the building, lighting her up in a golden glow. She looked so stunning it took my breath away. I had always found her attractive but why hadn't I seen the sheer beauty in her before? Was it because she was unavailable and therefore out of reach? Was it because she kept it hidden in different ways? Or was it because she had become this radiant, beautiful creature just recently? Perhaps it was all of the above.

"Do you mind if we talk about some things before we go out anywhere?"

There was that nervous look again.

"Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I think so. I just want to be sure we are both on the same page here and well... It's not really the conversation I want to have with an audience in a restaurant."

"Okay... should I be afraid?"

She laughed a little and shook her head no, then took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I don't want you to think I have any regrets at all about what happened today because I very much enjoyed that. Every aspect of it, okay, but I also don't want you to think that I do that all the time. Today was actually a first for me in a lot of ways."

"For what it's worth Jennifer. There were a lot of firsts for me today too."

She smiled as though a little relieved but then her resolve seemed to harden again.

"There's something else I want to talk about too but I want to know how you feel about a few things first."


"This weekend, well, let's just say you are onto a sure thing. If you want it to happen it will happen. I am very into the idea of having a dirty weekend with you, so if you want me, which I'm pretty sure you do then know that I want you too."

"You have no idea how much I want you and the ways in which I want you."

"Mmm good but I do want to know upfront if this is just a fling or if you are looking for something more."​
Next page: Update 02