Chapter 07

We banged on the snooze button the following morning until my son, valiantly, obtained vertical.

"If we have any hope of getting out of here we better not shower together. I'll take the first, you get the coffee."

I handed him a cup of coffee when he got out of the shower. It felt surprisingly natural to be standing naked in the bathroom with him. When I arrived at the breakfast table, nude except for the towel wrapped around my hair, I found toast and fresh fruit waiting.

He then said the words I longed to hear, "I've decided to take you up on your offer."

After last night I thought he would, but still my face lit up. "Honey, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"If I am going to be the boss, there will be need to be a few changes. Over the weekend we'll switch bedrooms. Except for moving the heavy furniture, do the work yourself. I will order some furniture from Modern Living," a local furniture store, "pay for it and ensure it is delivered tomorrow.

"I don't expect you will be spending many nights in your bedroom, so a small day bed should do. Think of it as a boudoir. You can use the guest bedroom as your office. My electronic equipment will go in your office. Move it in, but don't try to set if up.

"Trim your bush. I like them nice and clean.

"I will be at Dad's this weekend. I expect all of this to be complete by Sunday afternoon.

"You may continue to see and have sex with Robert. He brings things to your life I don't. As to Theresa and Miles, it appears I owe 'em. You may have sex with them although, when possible, obtain my permission. You will report to me in detail whenever you guys do." He smiled, "I might learn something.

"Your asshole and throat belong to me. No one else is allowed in. This weekend you are not allowed an orgasm of any kind. I want you steaming hot on Sunday afternoon. I also want you wearing the lingerie you wore Wednesday night."

I nodded my agreement.

"The first thing I will want upon my return is a nice long back rub. Now I gotta get to school. Get the dishes."

He sank his tongue in my mouth, gave my backside a squeeze, and headed out the door.

After cleaning the dishes I fetched the lingerie and filled the sink to let it soak. I stopped briefly in my son's room. This neutral color would need to go. The proper color for my boudoir would be, rose or pink? Running late, I picked out a turtle neck sweater dress to hide the marks the chain left on my neck and 3 3/4 inch open face pumps.

On the way to the office I called Theresa and filled her in on the details. She sounded as excited as I. I also disclosed my breach of confidentiality. She gave me, retroactively, permission. She said she would see if Miles had an objection. Getting permission after the fact would not satisfy the ethics board, but it was the best I could do.

My morning appointments went well. My mind was sharp; it had been awhile since I had been this focused. I found new sympathy for my clients' struggles and an increased openness to new ideas. At lunch I visited Modern Living and paid for my son's furniture. A little flirting got the manager to schedule me for Saturday's last delivery with instructions to the crew to help the nice lady move a few extra things. I visited Sherwin-Williams, choose rose from the fandex, and purchased the necessary paint and supplies. Finally, I stopped at The Massage Place and bought a bottle of it's best lotion.

With the few minutes I had left I buzzed a friend. She was our town's premier antiques broker and a former client. She credited me with allowing her to reconcile her public role as a matron of fashionable society and doting wife of our mayor with her private devotion to her efficient, lesbian-dominatrix, administrative assistant.

My new bedroom would be dedicated to preparing myself to satisfy my man. I described the space available and what I wanted. She and I settled on a vanity table with a large mirror and chair, a chaise longue, a full length mirror on wheels, and two small tables to accommodate some appropriately feminine decorations. I would select the decorations and lush sensual paintings for my walls later. Most of the furniture in my home office would be junked. I would keep the desk. The spare bedroom would feature it and two armoires for the alluring clothing I would be buying. While I am forbidden from using my therapeutic relationships to my personal advantage, last night I had accepted that my professional obligations were secondary to my son. Thus, I called in a favor. She agreed to treat the purchase as confidential and to have the furniture delivered the following day.

My afternoon sessions went as well as those in the morning. After two hard hours at the gym, I headed home. Robert called, asking me to an impromptu dinner. I told him I would love to but was devoting myself to painting. He offered to help, but I said this was something I wanted to do it myself.

I moved the furniture away from the wall and started painting. I got the first coat done about 3:00 A.M., turned off the alarm, and crawled into bed.

I woke up at 9:00 and finished the second coat in three hours. I spent two hours at the gym while it dried and returned home to start the move. The furniture delivery crews were on time. They moved the new furniture in and the larger pieces between the rooms. Then, enjoying the pretty lady in her gym clothes, offered to help me finish. I turned them down, although I let them haul off the furniture we were discarding to Goodwill.

By the time I started preparing for the evening's dinner party I was ahead of schedule. I picked out a loose fitting green dress with one exposed shoulder. It was classy and said I was attractive, but had no need to flaunt it. Robert was, as always, prompt and the evening wonderful. He brought me home about 11:30.

We kissed in the car. I found myself getting turned on. I considered bringing him in for an old-fashioned roll in the hay, but had to nix the idea in light of the no orgasm rule and the lack of a ready explanation for the bedroom switch. So, instead, I reached down and fondled him.

"I know you think it's a bit wayward, but all night I've been thinking about taking you in my mouth. You wouldn't want to disappoint your sweetie, would you?"

I took his lack of response as permission. I unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis, and started sucking. He gasped and then did something I had not heard from him before, talk to me.

"Feels good, feels nice, oh yes... Keep it up, I gonna come. Yes, yes, ooohhhhhhhhh..."

I swallowed his seed.

He smiled, "That was amazing."

"Maybe this old girl can learn some new tricks."

His hand started to slip under my dress. I had to head that off. "Sorry honey, bad time of the month." His eyes were full of love when he said, "I understand."

He walked me to the door and kissed me goodnight. I had not thought Robert the kind of man who kissed a lady who still had his come in her mouth, but he did.

I turned on the computer and found a message from Theresa asking me to meet her for breakfast at 8:00 A.M. I responded affirmatively and, too pumped-up to sleep, decided to finish the move. I would be tired on Sunday, but figured after an intense work-out from my boy, I would sleep soundly. I completed the move at 2:00, showered, set the alarm for 7:15, and collapsed.

I arrived at the restaurant wearing fleece pants over my gym shorts and a short sleeve tee-shirt; I intended to hit the gym after breakfast. Theresa, who had pulled in seconds before me, greeted me with a big hug and a kiss, our tongues playing with each other.

As we ate we carried on like giggling giddy school girls, managing, repeatedly, to accidentally brush our hands against each other's butts and breasts, creating ever higher states of sexual excitement. I imagined her attacking Miles when she got home.

As she paid the bill Theresa inquired what I had left to do.

"I need to make sure the bedroom change is complete. I'd hate to have missed something. Then, trim my bush, put on your chemise, and try to keep my fingers out of my cunt."

"Would you like some help with the trim?"

The idea of Theresa and I naked, shaving my pussy, sent a tremor rumbling through my body. "Damn right I would, but there's no way I'd comply with the no-orgasm rule. Another time?"

"Any time your available. Let me show you one of the reasons why I selected this place."

Theresa led me out of and to the side of the restaurant. There she showed me a lovely spot, a shaded bench next to a flower garden in full bloom. "It's the owner's little urban oasis. Few people know it's here; you can't see it from the street."

A glance around confirmed her statement. Our lips came together and our hands explored each other's breasts, softly caressing them through our shirts. We made no effort to stifle our moans of pleasure. It took all my will power to remove Theresa's hands from my chest. Nonetheless, as we left the garden holding hands, we took a last opportunity to fondle each other while exchanging a brief kiss.

I put in two hard hours at the gym. I don't know if I was simply more sensitive to the ladies' comments or whether, having just locked lips with Theresa, I was exuding a lesbian sensibility, but the women seemed more raucous than usual. Some of them looked damn good. Theresa was not the only woman to whom I was attracted. Was I, had I always been, bi-sexual? If so, what would my son do with that?

I returned home to ensure the move had been completed. First I went to his room, running my hand across the dark wood of the masculine furniture he had chosen. I took the time to polish it, which accentuated its fresh earthy smell. The bathroom between my office and boudoir was in good shape. The office was good, but there was something not quite right in the boudoir. The vanity! It was nice and neat. A kept woman like me would have a vanity cluttered with make-up and perfume as she experimented with new ways to please her man. I scattered materials from the neatly organized drawers on the vanity table. That looked right.

Now to shower and shave my bush. He had not specified what design he wanted so I decided on a minimal trim. That way I would be able to later mold it to his specifications. I used his shaving cream and razor. It seemed sexier to use his tools on my most private area.

I considered trimming it in the shower, but I was so aroused I was afraid the spray on my sex would bring me off. Therefore, after a thorough and careful cleaning, I turned off the water and sat on the shower floor.

I had never studied my pussy before; I had not appreciated how pretty it is. I had a strong pronounced veneris mons. My labia was long, narrow, and not to deep. At the moment my clitoris and its hood, distended and swollen with need, peeked out of my labia. As I thought about it, I realized my clitoris never sat deeply in my labia, it was always percolating just below the surface. The opening of my vagina winked open and shut. It, like the rest of my sex, issued a flow of juice advertising my hunger.

I trimmed the hair of my bush. I then covered it with shaving cream and carved out a large neat rectangle.

I thought about having it waxed. The idea of a beautiful young woman, a total stranger, studying my most private area added another layer to my arousal. I fought the urge to ram my fibnges into my cunt and bring myself off. It was close to sixty hours since my last orgasm. I needed to be fucked. I needed sex.

After rinsing myself off I walked naked through the house -- I suspected there would be a lot of that in the future -- and sat at my vanity. How did a working girl live without one of these? I applied make-up, painted my toes and fingernails, and fixed my hair. I fluffed up the remaining hair on my pussy and dabbed perfume on myself. Finally, I put on Theresa's chemise. I stood in front of my mirror. My body was almost completely visible. I inspected the full globes of my breasts, my newly clean bush, my svelte athletic body. I was hot.

His car pulled up outside. I ran to the door, waiting for him. He came in, preceded by a dozen red roses, which temporarily derailed my plan to leap into his arms. After he handed them to me I, near tears, thanked him and then jumped into his arms, covering his face with eager kisses. Then all I could think to do was show him all the work I'd done in the house. Grabbing his hand, I practically dragged him to his new room. He praised me and liked my suggestion for an improvement: installing large mirrors on the walls and ceiling. We then went to my rooms. He marveled at the complete transformation. Standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head to signal his approval.

I squiggled loose, climbed onto a chair, turned to him, raised my chemise, and said, "Last, but we hope not least, my twat." It was at his face level and his eyes focused on it. Did he disapprove?

"I wasn't sure what shape you wanted so I left enough for you to decide." He blew on my bud, turning my legs into spaghetti and almost causing me to fall off the chair.

"You are incredibly swollen and wet. You obeyed? You haven't had an orgasm since I fucked you Thursday night?"

"No, honey."

"Neither have I. First, however, I want my back rub."

We went to his room. He lay on his stomach. I devoted ten minutes to his back, shoulders, and neck. His muscles, although powerful, were supple and easy to move. I was grateful for all the hours I spent in the gym and my work to strengthen my wrists and hands. I turned to his right arm, returned to his back, and then his left arm. While I did his arms I paid special attention to his hands, rubbing the oil into the palms and sucking each of his fingers into my mouth, making love to them with my lips and tongue.

I moved down to his legs, working from top to bottom and treating his feet as I had his hands, rubbing the oil into their soles and taking the time to lick and suck each toe. I returned to his back before focusing on his butt. Of all his features, this was my favorite. After working the ointment into his hard buns, I nibbled on the edges of his cleft with my teeth before launching a full-scale assault, licking the length of his crevice. I explored the opening of his anus and before repeatedly shoved my tongue into it. I used a lotion covered finger to touch and explore the skin between his scrotum and anus. I then sank the finger inside his butt and found his prostate gland. As I did so I was attentive to his movements and sounds. I wanted to learn exactly how my son responded, exactly how to please him.

I rolled him over, applied lotion to my hand, grabbed the middle of his shaft, and moved my hand, an inch up, an inch down.

His breathing was deep and slow. "Keep it up Mom, feels good."

He was ready. I applied lotion to the length of his tool and then covered my boobs with it. I leaned forward, capturing his cock between my breasts. He got the message instantly. He started fucking my tits, the head of is cock popping rhythmically out of the top. His cock was long enough so that each time it emerged I swiped it's head with my tongue.

I looked up at my son; he was staring: he watched me firmly press my fat tits together while his dick appeared and disappeared into their ample flesh. The lubricant had done its job, his cock slid as effortlessly as if it was pounding my wet pussy. His chest hairs scratching my aroused nipples.

My son lodged his left leg against my cunt, allowing me to slide my wet sex against him. I pushed hard; we both knew how desperate I was to cum. The effortless rhythm we had established for the titty-fuck started to break down as we both moved closer to powerful orgasms. I could feel my son's ball tightening as they slid across my stomach. He was ready. His eyes rolled back into his head and he screamed, "AH! I'M... OH GOD YES! YES! YESSSSS!" The head of his cock emerged shining with oil from the valley of my breasts and geysered sixty hours of stored semen, spraying onto my breasts and chin and coating his flat lean chest. The immense load left no doubt that he had been true to his word, he had not come since Thursday night.

As his body shook underneath mine I pushed my slit hard against his leg, sliding between his knee and ankle. After sixty hours of my own pent up need it was not going to take long. My body was shuddering with the pleasure emanating from my cunt, I felt drops of his semen dripping down my breasts, and imagined what a wanton slut I must appear to be. I could feel the pressure build within me as the muscles of my butt and abdomen tightened.

It was coming, it was coming, and then it came. The pressure in my cunt let loose, flying through my body. I shook violently and fell onto his chest, smearing myself with the jism lying there. I spent the next few minutes savoring the happy glow of our bodies. The first thing I recall as I slowly returned to consciousness was his finger scraping cum off my face and feeding it to me.


"You ready for some more?" he asked.


"Straddle my face, facing my feet."

Struggling back up, I placed my knees on either side of his head, resting my hands on his knees. He pushed me forward, centering his mouth on my vagina. He lapped his tongue over the opening of my sex, then tongue fucked me. I settled in, grinding my pussy into his face. He moved on to my slit, licking along its length, his strong hands on my ass guiding my movements. I moved my hands from his knees to the bed, rendering my body more horizontal and easing his access.

"Oh God baby. Eat my pussy. You eat Mommy so good. You're making Mommy's pussy so hot. That is all Mommy's pussy has been thinking of, waiting for -- her hard cocked son to fuck it and eat it. You eat Mommy so good, baby."

He sucked my clitoris into his mouth. God, it was incredible. I squealed: "AH! OH GOD YES! YES! YESSSSS!" His tongue, focused on my clit, varying its movements from the vertical to the horizontal, fast to slow, hard to soft. Whenever I got close he would capture my clit between his lips, placing gentle pressure on it, delaying my moment of release.

"You are so good baby. Mommy wants to come on your tongue baby, she wants to come on your face. Please make Mommy cum baby, Mommy needs to cum so bad. Please baby, puhlezzee baby."

As he launched a new oral attack on my clitoris, he shoved a finger up my ass and his thumb in my pussy, honing in on my g-spot. I could wait no more: I rocketed over the edge. "I'm cumming! Shitfuck. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! God! I'm cuuuuummmmmminnnng!" I fell onto his muscular chest, but continued to push my sex against his mouth as he guided me through a series of follow-up orgasms.

When able, I crawled off his chest and lay next to him, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm around me. We both slept. Forty-five minutes later I was awakened by the movement of the bed; he handed me a glass of water. He know exactly what I needed; I drank mine quickly. We fucked for a couple more hours, broke for dinner, and returned to bed for more sex.

* * * * Life was great. My son was a tireless lover, my practice thrived, and even my relationship with Robert improved. He said I seemed happier than ever. I realized that I had, half-consciously, resented him for our inadequate sex life. Free of that, not only was I more upbeat with him, but our sex life improved. I was learning what my body needed. I began to educate Robert.

Theresa and I talked to or saw each other every day. While Theresa had promised her son sole access to her pussy until he left town, that didn't mean we had the willpower to keep our hands off each other when we were together. We would touch, fondle, and kiss, leaving us both in an intense state of arousal of which our sons were the beneficiaries. In fact, even though her son was leaving for college in a few weeks, Theresa was joyful, which she attributed to our friendship, the endless great sex, and her faith in Miles' still secret plan.

"He still won't tell you?"


"Then how can you be sure?"

"I don't know. I know he loves and cares about me. I can see the confidence in his eyes and I believe in him. He hasn't steered me wrong yet. He promised to tell you and me at the same time."

Thus at lunch on the Wednesday before the Sunday on which Miles was scheduled to leave, I was ready when Theresa requested an after-hours appointment for Friday. She said they would have two surprises. On the expectation or, at least the hope, that clothes might be shed, I asked for and received my son's approval.

After the staff left on Friday I put a post-it note on the door telling Theresa and Miles to let themselves in, freshened up, and replaced my clothes with her white chemise. They arrived on-time. Miles opening the door for her. Their eyes told me they appreciated my attire.

He spoke first. "Damn Sally, Mom was right. You look great in that thing."

Theresa pointed at my bush. "I want to see the final product."

I lifted the chemise to display a simple small rectangle of pubic hair floating above my vagina.

"Can I touch?"


As she did I licked her ear and nibbled her neck. Our lips then met in a sweet kiss. But for Miles' theatrical throat clearing we might have forgotten he was there.

He looked at Theresa, his voice affecting a whine, and said, "Mommm, you forgot the surprise."

Theresa turned to me. As her finger stroked my nipple she said, "Sally, you remember Miles telling you that I might go for a threesome if we found just the right lady?'


She leaned in, nuzzled one of my ear lobes, and whispered, "I think I found her. Interested?"

"Yes," I whispered back, having heard exactly what I had hoped. Theresa and I, tongues dancing, started kissing each other.

Her son resumed his throat clearing. When we turned to look, he was sitting on the couch, pants off, erection at full mast. Men can be such piglets. Miles might be impatient, but I intended to take my time.

Theresa was wearing a leather-trim blouse, a skirt whose hem fell to mid-thigh, and classy black pumps. The top button of her blouse was already undone. I unbuttoned the next one, exposing the swell at the top of her breasts. I licked her chest just above her cleavage and, in a series of kisses, worked my way up to her throat. Her head was leaning back. I ran my tongue up to her chin. She dropped her head back down and her mouth came to mine. Our tongues teased each other.

I stepped behind her and buried my face in her thick heavy hair. It's scent was clean and light. I would have to ask about her shampoo. I pulled her hair aside, kissing, nibbling, and nursing the back of her neck while moving towards an ear. When I reached it I released her hair, which fell freely against my face. I ran my hands down the side of her body and slipped my tongue into her ear, whispering so only she could hear.

"You're an incredibly sexy woman. You've changed my life, awakened me to my own sexuality. There is nothing I can ever do to thank you enough." I pushed my tongue hard against the inside of her ear. "But I will try."

She rocked back against me while offering a purr of satisfaction. "Ahhhhhh."

While my mouth was paying attention to her ear, I pulled her blouse out of the skirt and its thin black belt. I stepped back and slid my hands under the back of her shirt to release the clasp on her bra.

I now returned to face her. Kneeling down, I undid her belt and kissed and explored her belly button with my tongue. Her hands were on the top of my head, helping it in its movements. After several minutes I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes.

"Help me up, beautiful."

She did.

"Theresa, please take off your."

She reached under her shirt and slid off her bra, dropping it to the floor. I could see the dark outline of her erect nipples through the shirt. I took a single finger and explored them. Miles heavy breathing let me know the effect we were having on him.

I took her in my arms, pressed my breasts against hers, and gave her a long needy kiss, taking the time to thoroughly explore her mouth. I kissed two small birthmarks on her neck that had long fascinated me and brought delighted squeals from her. I loosened her skirt and then let my fingers skip up the side of her body. Her hands firmly grabbed my butt, pulling it into her crotch. After we broke the kiss she raised my arms and ran her tongue in my armpits. When we separated her skirt fell to the floor.

She was now dressed in only a blouse and as I looked down, oh god, stockings, garters, panties, and heels. I asked her to sit in my chair. I sat before her and ran my hands up her legs. There I easily undid the clasps holding up her stockings and slid the stockings down her legs. When they reached her ankle I took off her shoes and removed the stockings. I kissed the arch of each foot and sucked her big toes.

After I helped her stand up I kneeled behind her. I took off her panties and garter belt, giving each ass cheek a kiss as I passed by, and stopping to touch, stroke, and lick the inside of her thighs. She kicked the lingerie onto the couch next to her son. Only her blouse remained. I sood behind her and pressed my breasts into her back as I reached around her to undo her blouse's remaining buttons. As I did so I rubbed my sex against her butt; she returned the motion. Her son was staring, mouth open, slowly jacking his cock. Droplets of pre-cum dripped down its side.

I opened her blouse to expose her chest while nibbling on her neck. My hands covered her breasts.

Miles, his voice glazed with lust, said, "You two are amazing, this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

I whispered to Theresa, "Boys can be such little piglets. He thinks we're doing this for him."

She bumped her butt against me to let me know she knew exactly what I meant but, nonetheless, I should hush. She swivelled around to face me, keeping her body pressed against mine, pulled the chemise over my head, and asked, "Care to join me?"

We sat on the floor before the couch and each grabbed a handful of her son's meat. I slid my thumb along the underside of his cock, forcing out a drop of pre-cum. I gobbled it down. It was followed by another. When I started to dive for it Theresa said, "Share."

She was right. I tipped his cock towards her. She took its head in her mouth.

After she released it we licked its length, then each attacked the side closest to them, trying to play it like a harmonica. These were moments of sheer joy, sitting naked next to my naked friend, sharing a cock with her, free to fully express myself. Theresa and I kept interrupting our oral ministrations to laugh, kiss, and hold each other.

Theresa finally focused. "Let me show you a new trick I've learned." She began to give her son's testicles the same treatment I had several weeks before.

My excitement increased as I watched her take his balls into her mouth. I licked my lips and fondled my breasts and the button between my legs. I looked from his cock to his face. He was watching us. Two beautiful women sitting at his feet, one with her face buried in his crotch, the other, her face a mask of lust, waiting her turn to do the same. He might lay a pretty good claim to be a fuck-machine, but he was still a teenage boy. How must it feel to reduce two successful beautiful women into cock hungry sluts? To know neither one of us would ever say no, would ever not be in the mood to fuck him. We were his fuck-toys. I wanted to please this young man. I wanted to bring his dreams to life.

Theresa had started on the other testicle. I pushed my face close to see if I could do one while she worked on the other, but these were tender things and there was not enough room. It was a no-go. Instead I watched her and finger fucked myself.

Finally she let the second testicle fall from her mouth. "Your turn."

I took the prime position and grabbed his cock with both hands. Theresa effortlessly slid two fingers into my wet pussy. I held the base of his pole, licking its underside, but thought about Theresa mouthing his tender balls. Could I bring him off while also doing something a wee bit dangerous?

I sucked in some skin at the base of his tool, ending with a little nibble, applying the bite more with my lips than my teeth.

He jumped, "Fuck doc, what was that?'

"I'm not sure, you like?"


I started up the length of his cock, nibbling oh so carefully. His groans guided me to just the right amount of pressure. I looked in his face, he was staring back and then, momentarily distracted, he looked to the right. My peripheral vision captured Theresa's lovely face, inches from my own, studying what I was doing. At the same time Theresa's thumb, which had been surfing up and down my labia, started to massage my clitoris.

Miles was expressing his pleasure. "Unnnnnnghhhhh, ugh ugh unnnghhh."

Theresa's actions were also making it hard for me to concentrate. Then she started talking to me.

"You're a magnificent cock sucker. Suck his cock, make him come. You're natural born, you were born to please a man with your mouth. I bet you could live on cum. You're a natural slut, a cock-sucking slut, a cum-drinking slut. Sally, suck my boy's cock, suck the cum out of him."

Her thumb was pressing directly on my clit, her words rebounding in my skull. I wanted to finish what I was doing but my body, it's primal heat climbing, was betraying me. Theresa wouldn't stop.

"Cock sucker, cum drinker, cock lover...."

It was too much. My orgasm crashed into me. I released his cock and shaking, slumped to the floor. I heard Miles beg his mother to put it in her mouth. By the time I was able to focus my vision, Theresa's head was bobbing up and down on his tool. She was going to get the load of cum I wanted. Miles suddenly jerked and Theresa's cheeks bulged.

"Fuck, I'm cumming. Drink it all Mom."

He shot into her mouth.

While he sank back into the couch, Theresa turned to me, her mouth barely open. Except for a small drop that spilled out and onto her breast, she was holding his hot heavy creamy cum in her mouth. I remembered her earlier command, share.

I leaned forward and slipped my tongue into her mouth. It met hers and together we pushed his cum into my mouth. I took a second to enjoy its taste and then ladled it back to her. Our tongues slid against each other, then explored each other's lips and teeth. We soon lost track of who had his seed and became increasingly consumed by our own passion and lust. Theresa's moans were keeping pace with my own.

Theresa was the first woman I had ever kissed or, more accurately, the first I had ever kissed this way. I loved the sweet softness of her lips, their knowing responsiveness to my own. She wasn't like a man, who tried to bludgeon a woman into arousal with the power of his kiss. Theresa, instead, drew me in, knowing exactly when to yield, when to give way. She was tender, yet wanting. I was new to lesbian love, but Theresa did not leave me feeling timid or clumsy. I wondered, if her tongue was this sensitive in my mouth, what could it do in other places?

She was sitting up, leaning forward, legs spread before her. I moved forward, straddling one of her legs, while leaning slightly back, supporting myself with my hands. She wrapped her arms around my waist, and pulled me closer. Our breasts were soon touching and we began swaying back and forth, enjoying the friction between our breasts and of my sex on her thigh. We continued kissing. The scent of our overheated pussies filled the room.

I became the aggressor. I grabbed her chin and angled her head so I could give her an especially deep kiss. At the same time I moved forward, pushing her to the floor. I sucked one of her nipples into my mouth, then the other. Her breasts were firm, yet soft. I took her nipples between my lips, pulled them up, and stimulated them with my tongue. Theresa let out a long groan. I ran my tongue hard around the crests of her perfect bosoms; her sounds ranging from horny contentment to a more guttural need. I alternated breasts. Theresa's sensual moans filled the room. I was reducing her to a feral core, whose only thought was the powerful sensations whipping through her body.

I released her breasts, moving down her body, exploring her silky stomach with my mouth, kissing her softly and sweetly, taking the tight skin of her abdomen between my lips. As I did so I made sure to drag my tits across her body. Their hard tips let her know I was as aroused as she.

Theresa understood my ultimate goal. She spread her legs, waiting for me. I thought of the first time I saw her sex. Then I had been allowed only the briefest of tastes. There would be no limits now. She was already swollen and dripping wet. I took a second to enjoy the view. Her labia was soaked, glowing with need. The musky small was intoxicating. Theresa reached down and spread her womanhood with her hands and I buried my nose in her, immersing myself in her scent.

Pulling back, I licked my lips, ready to confirm my new sexuality. I was going to eat my first cunt. I was nervous; I had never done this before. I lowered my head and tickled her clit with my tongue. Theresa's response gave me all the encouragement I needed.

"Ohh, baby yes. You are so sexy. Eat my pussy, sweet baby, eat my pussy."

Her beautiful clitoris stood at attention, it seemed as excited to see me as I it. Theresa moaned as I started playing with it. I imagined how I would want someone to eat my pussy. I used my tongue, my lips, and some suction. I trapped her clit against my teeth, using them as a back stop as I stroked her with my tongue. Theresa had been revved up before I started and I quickly teased her into a wild frenzy. Theresa babbled and gasped, her body reflexively tightening and relaxing. I left her clit to give her a strong tongue fuck. Theresa was panting, "Fuck me, that feels so fucking good."

I asked the obvious question: "You like?"

Theresa, struggling to catch her breath, answered with a half audible, "Yes."

"Do you want to cum on my face?" "Yes, please make me cum. I can't wait."

I lowered my mouth to her pussy and fucked her wildly with my tongue. I was nearing the point where it would need a rest when I felt a hand on my butt. I had almost forgotten about Miles. Then a well-lubricated finger sank into my ass, moving in a tight clockwise circle. Theresa and I had discussed my new found fondness for anal sex and I suspected that she, like I, told her son most everything about the other's sex life.

My tongue needed a rest. I returned to Theresa's clitoris, sliding it back and forth between my lips. Theresa was stroking my hair, encouraging me. Miles inserted another finger in my ass and started moving them in and out. The sounds of my muffled, "Mmpf, mmpf, mmpfs," joined Theresa's panting and moans.

Then I felt his cock pushing against my sphincter. I lifted my head. "No, only my son gets me there." At the same time I tilted my backside upwards, offering him my cunt. He fitted the head of his cock there and entered my oozy wetness in a series of small incremental movements, each pushing deeper into me until his balls swung against my labia. "Ohhhhhhh, yesssss," I purred. I returned to Theresa's delightful sex.

His initial motions were in time with my mouth sliding over Theresa's mound. He did not want to interfere with what I was doing to his mother. My tongue, fully recovered, was slathering her clitoris. She grabbed my head hard, pulling it into her. She wanted nothing to interfere with the orgasm boiling within her. The room was full of the noise of our sex, my slurping, the sound of Miles' body banging against mine as we fucked, and the low moans of three people absorbed in the pleasure of their own bodies.

Suddenly, Theresa's grip tightened and she pushed her cunt into my face. She was ready to come.

Without taking my mouth from her cunt, l looked up. Her eyes were open, taking in the tableau of lust displayed before whild her tongue played against her full lips. I heard Miles' voice behind me. "This is so hot. Come for us Mom, come on Sally's mouth."

Theresa didn't disappoint. "Ohhhahhhhh. Ohhhh, ohhhhh, ahhh, ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhh goddddd, ohhhhhhh, CUMMING!"

Her body jerked wildly on the floor before finally slowing down to a series of leisurely undulations. I tried, unsuccessfully, to capture all of the juice flowing out of her.

I pulled my mouth from Theresa's pussy and got on all fours, better to push back as Miles fucked me. Miles immediately understood my intentions and picked up the pace. He thrust harder, but no harder than I drove back against him. I wanted his cum. While I doubted he needed much encouragement, I provided it anyway.

"Fuck me stud, fuck my hot pussy, fuck, fuck, fuck..."

At first I was only dimly aware of something snaking underneath me. I opened my eyes and, after taking a second to focus, recognized Theresa's perfect form. As she wriggled under me, I felt my nipples drag across her body. I spread my arms and lifted myself to ease her journey. Her head was under my vagina. Her tongue swiped across my swollen bud.

"Oh god, oh god."

She started licking me hard, focusing on the clitoris, which was trapped between her tongue and her son's rampaging cock. At the same time she slid a finger inside his son's anus and cupped his extraordinary testicles.

I had never imagined such sensations. I was awash in pleasure, conscious only of the intense stimulation Theresa and Miles were bringing me. I couldn't see or hear. I existed in a void where the only thing that mattered were the animalistic sensations buffeting my body. I savored my submission into complete sexual ecstacy.

Then I was brought back to reality when I heard Miles deep voice. "Cumming doc, cumming in you cunt, uhhhh...."

I started jabbering in response, ""FUCK! OH FUCK! YEAH! YES! YES! OH FUCK!" Then, as his shot of seed filled my cunt, my world exploded. I screamed, "OH FUCK."

I couldn't hold my self up any longer and collapsed on top of Theresa. After her son pulled out, she feasted on the mixture of his cum and my juice leaking from inside me, bringing me to several smaller follow-up orgasms. I ended up on the floor, lying next to her, holding her hand. Miles was sitting near us, leaning against the couch.

We took about fifteen minutes to catch our collective breath. Miles brought each of us a bottled water and said it was time for the second announcement: how Theresa would be taken care of after he left for school. First, however, he had to visit the facilities.

"Trying to build the tension?" I asked.

"Cheap theatrics, but they're the only ones I have."

After he left Theresa and I pulled ourselves up to a sitting position. I draped my leg across hers and asked, "What do you think it is? Does he have half a dozen discreet stud friends?"

"I have a pretty good idea, but let's not steal his thunder. He is very proud of himself."

He arrived back to witness Theresa and I exchanging long languid kisses, our hands caressing the other's breasts. He cleared his throat, his go-to way of getting our attention.

"Well?" I asked.

"I want you and your son to take care of Mama. If that is okay with you Mom?"

Her warm winning smile made it unnecessary to answer. She did anyway. "It is exactly what I hoped to hear. If that's okay with you Sally?"

Before she completed the sentence I was hugging her and laughing.

"Its more than okay, it's a dream." I stood up and wrapped my arms around his torso. "I will take very good care of her and you may borrow her whenever you want. I do need to ask my son, but," I looked at Theresa, "I don't imagine he'll turn that down."

I had thought myself fucked out, but found I was ready for more. My companions put up no resistance. Soon I was on my back, Theresa's face buried in my cunt, her son behind her reaming that perfect rump.​
Next page: Chapter 08
Previous page: Chapter 06