Chapter 09.1
The Therapist's Journey is set at the first anniversary of the beach trip when Theresa and Miles became lovers, which was the subject matter of Chapter One of the story. Temporally, Chapter Nine is set within the period covered by Chapter Eight. It is an effort to adopt the suggestions of various readers that I more fully incorporate into the story (a) the sales girl who appeared in Chapter One and (b) Lauren Stone and her son Scott, who appeared in Chapter Four, and (c) relate some of my own experiences that underlie this story. Sally Barry, the eponymous therapist, is the narrator of the first and third part of this chapter. Lauren Stone is the narrator of the second part. As to your other suggestions, I appreciate and have read them all. If I can muster the imagination to incorporate them into the story, I will. As for those more interested in Becoming the Alpha Male, another installment is coming soon.
The summer after Theresa and Miles became lovers, the same friends offered the use of the beach home where it all began. Mike, Theresa's husband, had to beg off. All his time was devoted to staving off the bankruptcy of the construction company to which he had dedicated his life. Theresa invited Brad, my son, and I to join them. She and I decided to go down a day early to get the place ready. Brad would pick up Miles at the airport and join us the following day, arriving a day before Miles' friends and providing us twenty-four hours uninterrupted access to our boys' bodies.
Then there was a hiccup. Lauren Stone, the mother of Miles' friend Scott, was scheduled to speak at a conference located about a six hour drive from the town in which we all lived. The beach cottage being the mid-point of the drive, she asked Theresa if she could drop Scott off a day early. The only reason Theresa and I had to say no, that we planned to spend that day screwing our boys, seemed an excuse we should keep to ourselves. Theresa told her she was welcome and, if she wanted, she could spend the night and finish her drive the following day.
Lauren was, like I, a psychologist. She was respected for her meticulous approach to problems, an attitude reflected in her appearance. She was trim, attractive, and always perfectly dressed, every hair in place, make-up exact. During the past year she and I had become, if not quite friends, friendly. She had heard I was having success with some unconventional approaches to sexual issues and consulted with me when her by-the-book approach was not working. I, on the other hand, found it useful to discuss problems with her; she could see the flaws in my more outlandish ideas.
* * * *
Theresa and I were packing for the trip when she exclaimed, " It's her card. The one the sales girl gave me when Miles and I went shopping the day we became lovers."
I remembered the story well. In preparation for their mock date, Theresa and Miles, pretending to be a couple, had gone clothes shopping. The sales girl, for whatever reason, had given Theresa her card and asked that she call. That night Miles made his mother his lover; the rest of the trip was devoted to each other. Theresa must have put the card in her luggage and forgotten it.
She transferred the card to her purse. "On the way down why don't we stop at the shop. We can pick up a few racy items for the boys."
* * * *
When we arrived at the shop the next day we were greeted by a woman whose age was hard to determine. Could be mid-thirties, could be mid-forties. Her thin body was composed, it seemed exclusively, of wiry lean muscles. Her face was narrow and her black hair parted in the middle, stopping before it reached her neck.
"Can I help you ladies?"
"Yes, we're looking for some lingerie. I came here last year and really liked your collection."
"I hope your visit was pleasant. As to the lingerie: practical or fun?"
"Fun, and the visit was wonderful. We were helped by a delightful young woman. In fact, while packing for this trip I found her card." She fished it out of her purse and handed it to our host.
A smile split her face. "That's my daughter, Mehgan. It's nice to hear good things about her. She's just finished her first year at the Culinary Institute of New Orleans and is on her way home. In fact I expect her to call any minute. My name is Nicole Collins, I own this shop."
"My name is Theresa, this is my friend Sally."
Nicole, who was warm and positive, fun and playful, showed us the collection. Then her phone rang and she excused herself. I was holding a teddy in front of Theresa, imagining ripping it off her, when she reappeared with her hand over the phone's microphone.
"I was just telling my daughter the nice things you said about her. She thinks she remembers you. Do you mind saying hello?"
Theresa took the phone and related a few details of her visit. My friend would be a very bad poker player; she wears her emotions on her face. Her face lit up it when it became clear Mehgan remembered her. Then, as if out of nowhere, consternation flashed across her pretty face and her voice cracked. She quickly regained her composure, but something had bothered her. When she finished she handed the phone back to Nicole.
Nicole wandered off to finish the call. When she returned she said, "Mehgan asked if you would like to come to dinner tonight. She's an excellent cook."
I was somewhat surprised when Theresa answered for both of us, "Sure, we'd love to."
Nicole provided a time and place and Theresa and I headed for the car with shopping bags that promised some fun evenings ahead. Once safely outside I asked, "What happened in there?"
"She remembered me. She recalled the clothes I bought and then said 'I hope you and your son had a wonderful evening.' She knew Miles was my son."
"We don't need to go tonight."
"No, I need to know how she knew."
* * * *
We got to the beach house around 5:00. Instead of getting it ready, we talked; Theresa was upset. We then dressed for the evening, stopped for a bottle of wine, and arrived at Nicole's on time. The house backed up on a bayou and wetlands. Nicole, dressed in a loose button-down silk top and leggings, opened the door before we could knock. We handed her the wine and exchanged kisses. She ushered us to the kitchen.
There we met Mehgan. The resemblance between the two women was striking. Mehgan's face was a little wider, but they had the same broad winning smiles. Unlike her mother's brown eyes, Mehgan's were a light sparkling green. Both ladies were in great physical condition although Mehgan was not as slender and a tad more buxom than her Mom. Meghan, moreover, was no longer a blonde. Her hair was dark brown, running past her shoulders. She noticed Theresa's eyes lingering on it.
"Oh this," she said, holding her hair, "it was dyed. I let it return to it's natural color. People do not take a blonde chef seriously."
Nicole filled glasses with our wine and we talked while Mehgan put the finishing touches on the meal. We adjourned to a screened-in porch overlooking the bayou and were served a cassoulet and lemon steamed white asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. Nicole was correct, her daughter was an excellent cook. After we finished we were provided glasses of sherry. I followed Nicole into a large comfortable den which overlooked the thick marshes behind the house. Mehgan and Theresa lingered behind. It was then that Mehgan broached the subject that Theresa had intended to address.
"I need to apologize. I could hear that you were upset when I mentioned your son on the phone; Mom confirmed my impression. She told me how startled you were. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."
"How did you know he was my son?"
"At the boutique, you were enjoying shopping, trying on the clothes, playing dress-up. His eyes, well, they were aflame with desire for you; he was enjoying you. You were pretending to be a couple; he wasn't; he desperately wanted it. It seemed odd. It took about three minutes on social media to confirm you were mother and son. I never forget the two of you, you guys were great together and I always hoped he got what he wanted. When Mom told me how you reacted, well, it seemed obvious he did. You wouldn't have gotten that upset if it was just innocent shopping."
Theresa thought about it a second, struck by the irony that it was her reaction that gave away her secret. "I guess I'm concerned that we're broadcasting it to the world."
The two of them had followed us into the den, but were still out of earshot.
"Does your friend know?" Mehgan asked.
Mehgan went to stand behind her mother, who was sitting on a couch. Theresa sat next to me. "I was just telling Theresa how I knew she was shopping with her son. You could say I have a sixth sense about these things."
With that Mehgan leaned down and kissed her mother on the mouth. Their lips parted and it became a long deep French kiss. Mehgan's hand snaked inside her mother's blouse, kneading one of her small breasts before coming to rest on her flat stomach. They broke the kiss, their eyes brimming with desire. An oil flair lit up between my legs. Theresa's fingers intertwined in mine, she was feeling it also.
Mehgan sat next to Nicole. "I don't think you need to worry about the general population figuring it out. People just don't think that way. My daughter and I have been lovers for two years. There is a tight social circle in this community and there are back channels to learn the gossip. I have my sources. No one suspects."
Mehgan leaned against her mother's body, who laid her arm across her daughter's shoulder and chest. "My father is a big time developer. He's on the road constantly and he's a cheat. One night he and Mom went to a party, he got drunk and started flirting with the hostess. They got home and he passed out. Mom was pissed. She grabbed a glass of wine and went out to the pool to find me skinny-dipping. I had just had a fight with my boyfriend, smoked a joint, and decided what the hell, I'd go for a swim. I invited Mom in and one thing led to another. She wasn't my first woman."
Nicole finished the story. "When Mehgan and I became lovers I grasped the futility of my marriage. He wasn't going to change and I was invested in a relationship that made me miserable when I didn't need to be. He makes more than enough money for the two of us. No we live apart. When he needs me to appear at openings and social events, I go and I'm right charming. When he doesn't, I make no fuss about his mistresses. I have the shop, this house, teach pilates, yoga, and aerobics five days a week, and have my own lovers. It's a wonderful life, I only regret not discovering it sooner."
As I listened to her images were swirling in my head: Miles and Theresa, Meghan's first encounter with her mother, Nicole and her lovers. All of this was feeding the slow burn between my legs.
Trying to calm myself, I walked to the window, but found myself looking for the pool. I could hear Mehgan's light steps approaching from behind. Her small hand came to rest on the middle of my back. She had been reading my mind. "It's over there, to the right." My eyes followed to the spot to which she was pointing. There it was. I pictured Nicole and Mehgan in the water, kissing, discovering a passion they hadn't known existed. My knees grew weaker.
Mehgan's hand, which was running up and down my spine, sent chills through my body.
In a reflection of the glass I saw Nicole walk over and sit next to Theresa. She took Theresa's hands in her own. I looked back out the window, enjoying Mehgan's touch while Theresa explained why we were in town: it was her son's birthday, he and his friends were coming to celebrate, and she and I had arrived a day early to get the place ready.
"I'm afraid we've distracted you."
"We'll just have to get an early start tomorrow."
"Why don't you stay with us tonight? It's better than doing laundry and making beds at midnight."`
"You're sure it wouldn't be any trouble?" Theresa asked.
Nicole leaned forward and kissed Theresa softly on the lips. It was a kiss that promised a lot more. "We have a lot of room. It would be our pleasure."
Theresa turned her head towards me. I looked back. Her eyes were aflame. She was as aroused as I. All I could think about was getting her alone someplace, anyplace, as soon as possible. I nodded my assent. Theresa accepted the invitation and followed Nicole to the guest bedroom. Mehgan showed me where the towels and other necessities were kept. Then she kissed me.
"I don't know if you two are exclusive, but if you're not Mom and I would love for you to join us. We have a very big bed."
The idea of denying that Theresa and I were lovers flitted across my mind, but quickly flitted out. What was the point?
Mehgan led me to the guest suite and said goodnight. I turned to Theresa and kissed her hard. "Are you as turned on as I am?"
"Think so."
"Meghan invited us to join them."
"Yeah, Nicole did also."
"What do you think?" As the words came out of my mouth I saw Theresa's eyes blaze with need and something else, was it the adventure? She wanted it, but she also wanted permission. While we had talked about it, she and I had been with no other women.
Before she could answer I said, "Let's go."
We walked across the den, ran up the stairs, and sprinted down the hall. The bedroom was magnificent. It was decorated with original artwork and the back of the room was a wall of windows overlooking the wetlands. Soft music played from invisible speakers. It was all centered around an immense round bed flush with pillows and silk sheets. On the end tables sat -- it required a second to sink in -- sex toys, including a thick black dildo. I pointed it out to Theresa.
"Just about Miles-sized," she giggled.
We heard Nicole and Mehgan's voices in a side room. We entered; it was a bathroom as imposing as the bedroom. They were in the shower; their forms visible through an opaque glass door.
"Knock, knock," Theresa said.
Nicole answered. "I'm glad you could make it. Come on in, there's room enough for all."
Theresa and I stripped and stepped into a combination shower and steam room. Water dripped from Nicole and Mehgan's exquisite bodies -- their hours in the gym certainly paid off. I was standing before Mehgan; Theresa faced Nicole. After a kiss and hug the two woman shampooed our hair and soaped the front of our bodies, paying meticulous attention to the palms of our hands, our necks, our thighs, our breasts, and our pussies. Mehgan turned me around and scrubbed my back, while making sure the shower's spray landed directly on my sex. After thoroughly cleaning my butt, she replaced her hands with her soft lips, kissing and licking my backside. When her tongue entered the cleft between my buns I opened my legs. Mehgan reached between my legs and inserted a finger into the wet slit of my labia, gently, exquisitely, moved upwards until she skimmed the underside of my bulging pulsating clit. Ripples of pleasure poured from it and I bent over at the waist, trying to push my swollen bud into Mehgan's finger.
That motion further separated my ass cheeks. Mehgan took full advantage, licking along the exposed cleavage. When she reached my asshole she increased the pressure. The sensation was unbelievable. I bent a little more, pushing my butt further out, yearning for Mehgan to continue. The tip of her tongue entered my asshole. My legs were turning to jelly; my insides were trembling. I grasped my breasts and squeezed them, running my fingers around my areolas. I started grunting and Mehgan planted a thumb in my pussy while her finger rubbed my clit. This, combined with the effect of the water from the shower buffeting my cunt, sent waves of euphoric pleasure through me. Her insistent tongue was steadily moving in and out of my sweet sensitive anus. I vigorously kneaded my breasts, pinching my nipples. Spasms of need were rising in my belly. It was wonderful. And then, suddenly, all these separate rivers of pleasure converged in one overwhelming joy. The pressure of my imminent orgasm sent my brain reeling and pelvis rocking. I released my breasts and planted my hands on the shower's wall for support. Then, quivering in both need and delight, I flew over the edge.
As I shuddered and convulsed my thighs clenched, trapping Mehgan's hand, which was covered by a combination of the water and the musky erotic liquid pouring from me. I sat a bench that ran along the side of the shower, shaking uncontrollably as the ripples of my orgasm continued. As the spasms passed I looked at Mehgan, my face shining in appreciation. Then, behind her, I noticed Theresa, her face lit up in a smile that matched my own, slumped against Nicole. I thought back, yes, there had been another voice wailing in orgasmic joy when I came. When I turned my attention to Nicole I saw she had her fingers buried in her own pussy, working herself, looking for release.
"A good guest always returns a host's kindness," I said. I got on the shower floor and slid between Nicole's legs. Nicole's tits were small with bright red areolas covering half their surface. I took a breast into my mouth, working the sides with my cheeks while lavishing love on the nipple with my tongue. Nicole gasped and stroked the side of my head. Her incoherent moans signaled she was in a high state of arousal; she was already close to an orgasm. I knew I should move on but found myself addicted to her breast, reluctantly spitting it out and turning to the other only when she pulled it from my mouth.
Finally, however, her voice desperate with need, she said, "My cunt...., my cunt..., do my cunt."
I pushed Nicole's knees further apart. Her pussy was open before me and my mouth suddenly dried in hunger for it. I licked the full length of her open slit. When Nicole's clit jumped from its hood, my tongue was there to greet it. Nicole's wiry muscular legs tensed and her feet rocked back on their heels, her toes curling. While I continued working on her clitoris I slid a finger inside her. When I found a rough stop I scratched. Nicole jumped. Yep, there's the g-spot. Nicole took a firm grip on the back of my head, centering me on her clittie.
"Oh god yes, oh god you sweet thing. Do it!!... Harder!! YESSS!"
I pulled the skin above her clitoris taut, exposing the red swollen nub and sucked it into my mouth. After lashing it for several minutes, I captured it between my lips so that the head barely poked out. I worked the sides with my lips and ran my tongue over the trapped enlarged tip. Nicole's strong hands were buried in my hair.
"Lick Me, YESSS, Make me cum, Ohhh Yeah, Yeah...It's happening, don't stop...don't STOP, OH MY, OH MY, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, AARRGGHH"
Her juice gushed out as she humped my face. After several long minutes she stopped, her body's tension visibly draining. I looked at her face, I was proud of the pleasure that shone there. Then her eyes, which had been drowsily half-closed, focused, looking behind me. What had attracted her attention? As I moved towards the bench I turned my head.
Mehgan was facing a showerhead, which was spraying water onto her cunt and clit as it had on mine. Theresa stood behind her. Protruding from Theresa's pussy was six inches of a thick bright red plastic cock. Mehgan reached between her legs, placing the tool against her opening, rubbing the fat head against the entrance. Theresa was rolling Mehgan's breasts in her hands while kissing her neck and ears. Mehgan was a lucky girl, I knew how good those soft full lips felt.
Mehgan fed the bulbous head of the dildo into her pussy and then wantonly humped back against it. Nicole and I watched the head of the toy disappear into her pussy. I knew that Theresa had no experience with dildos and at first her movements were slow and careful. But as Mehgan's low moans became distinct over the sound of the shower, Theresa became more assertive, pushing the dildo into her new friend with increasing speed and power. The water flowing down Mehgan's leg was joined with the copious flow of fluid from her cunt.
As we watched as Mehgan's labia swell and turn bright pink, Nicole and I buried our hands in our pussies. Theresa, growing in confidence, started rotating her hips, moving the instrument around inside Mehgan.
"Ahhhhh, yeaahhh, ohhhhhhhh, pleeease, ohhhhh."
Mehgan seemed lost to anything but the artificial intruder stretching her vagina. I watched her breasts glowing red and her nipples, which poked between Theresa's ring and middle fingers, grow and harden. Theresa began moving her own hips up and down, side to side, varying her motions and the speed and power with which she fucked this sexy beauty.
Mehgan loved it. "Oohhhhh! Yesss, yeeesss, ohhh."
The ladies were picking up the pace, fucking with increasing fury. Theresa pushed all the way into Mehgan and then withdrew until only the dildo's head remained inside her, tantalizingly close to popping out, before pushing back in. Mehgan's hands were planted on the shower wall. The muscles of her arm tightened as she leveraged her body to ramp up the already frenzied pace.
"Uhhggg, ohhh Yesss, it's happening, it's coming ohhh yeaaah."
Theresa moved her hands from Mehgan's breasts to her hips, taking full control of the girl's movements. Mehgan was berserk with need, sitting on the brink of cumming, but unable to push herself to that ultimate bliss. Then I heard Nicole explode, "OH, FUCK! OH, SHIT! Ohhh!" I removed my hand from my snatch and pulled Nicole tight against me. I locked my mouth to hers and our tongues played together.
The sound of Nicole's orgasm was what Mehgan needed. As Nicole rocked through her orgasm I heard Mehgan groan as the muscular walls of her pussy contracted on the rubber phallus. "Mmmm, Oh, yeah; Ugh, YEAH; Aahhhhhhhhh, OOOooooohhhhh YES, YES, MMMMMmmmmm. Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She shuddered through what seemed an endless orgasm and then, as if in a deep trance, sank to the floor, curling into a satiated ball.
Theresa turned to face me and Nicole. The dildo slowly slid out of her and fell to the shower floor. I stared at it, then looked up. I was, for the thousandth time, struck by my friend's sensual beauty. Her high state of arousal shone on her face: her pupils were glassy and dilated, her mouth open, her tongue licking her thick swollen lips, her skin flushed. I knew I should do something, but could only stare at her while I fervidly rubbed my clit and cunt.
Nicole came to the rescue. She got on her knees and sank her face into Theresa's crotch., cupping Theresa's ass and pulling my friend's sex tight into her face. Theresa took her full breasts into her hands, massaging them, her elegant fingers working the thick dark areolas and red nipples. Our eyes locked on each other. Our excitement increased in lock-step, charging to the orgasms we both desperately needed. Who came first is impossible to say. I saw her face contort and then my pussy spasmed.
Through half-closed eyes I watched Theresa's face flush with pleasure, as she shouted, "Oh, God, YES; that's it. Right there, more, YEESS, oh yeahhhhhhhh," before her quivering body sank to the floor and sprawled next to Mehgan, who was still curled up in contentment.
* * * *
Eventually four happy bodies made it back to the benches. After a steam four happy wet woman spilled from the shower.
Temporarily satiated, we dried each other off and headed for the bedroom, taking turns blow drying each other's hair. We exchanged kisses and caresses, laughing and giggling in delight, while fostering new levels of arousal.
Theresa's beautiful thick long hair was taking the longest to dry. She was laying on the bed, her hair hanging over the side while I worked on it with the blow dryer. Unfortunately for my concentration, Nicole and Mehgan were working on me; one had a finger in my cunt while the other was thumbing my clit. My hair care skills were quickly dissolving.
Theresa, dear friend that she was, finally rolled over, took the blow dryer from my hands, and said, "Don't worry, I'll finish it myself. Have at her ladies."
Nicole and Mehgan pushed me to the floor and commenced ravishing me. Their hands and mouths seemed to be everywhere. As I watched Mehgan's tongue playfully flick my erect nipple, I had a sudden desire to have her mouth on mine.
"Mehgan, please kiss me."
She lifted her face from my breast. I caught the sparkle in her emerald eyes. She kissed me., not rapaciously, but slowly and sensually. At first it was mostly our lips, working against each other, a tongue darting out occasionally to tap and tease the other. But then our tongues met and explored each other. I caressed the space between her lips and teeth, the roof of her mouth, and her cheeks, before returning to her tongue. She the returned the favor, visiting every crevice of my mouth.
Theresa interrupted us. Her voice strained with need, she said, "Jeez, I've never just watched before. Would you guys mind moving the action up here?"
Nicole and Mehgan stood and helped me up. Theresa was on the bed with the Miles-sized dildo imbedded in her pussy.
Nicole asked, "You like?"
It took Theresa a second to realize Nicole had addressed her. Then the combination of alcohol and lust led her to say something a bit out of character. "Oh yeah...., it's about the size of my son's cock."
Mehgan and Nicole stopped a second, impressed. Mehgan recovered first. "Then I think you'll really like this."
She pulled from a drawer a similarly sized dildo with an electric chord dangling from it. Mehgan removed the plastic cock from Theresa's cunt, whose juices clung to it in elongated stings before breaking and falling onto her legs. Mehgan then slid the new dildo in, nice and slow. Theresa groaned, also nice and slow. "Unnnnnhhhhhhh."
She pointed to a switch on the cord. "This controls the speed. Let's try low."
Theresa responded, "Ohhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh, so goooooood."
I couldn't take my eyes off my friend. She closed her eyes and rested her back against the bed frame. Her cunt muscles contracted and pushed the dildo out. Mehgan grasped the base and slid it back in, twisting and rotating the plastic cock, moving it around and within Theresa. Mehgan clearly reveled in using the dildo on another woman. Her mouth was ajar and her breasts glowed a bright red. I looked back at Theresa. Her face was a mask of lust. She was wholly immersed in a cornucopia of pleasure. I made no effort to disguise my fascination and Nicole accommodated me. She rolled me on my side so I could watch while continuing to feast on my juicy cunt. She had my pussy lips opening and closing at command. She pushed her tongue inside me; a slim strong finger entered my anus.
Mehgan was sitting next to Theresa, one arm draped across her shoulders, her hand on Theresa's left breast, kneading and squeezing the firm ample flesh. The other hand held the base of the vibrator, twisting it within Theresa, who was cooing in delight. Theresa turned her head and her mouth suddenly assaulted Mehgan. When, a few more moments before, Mehgan has kissed me, those kisses started out slow and intimate. There was none of that here. Theresa and Mehgan's kisses reflected the desperate waves of desire flowing through them.
As the kisses became more and more passionate, Theresa turned her body towards her new lover. Her right hand snaked behind Mehgan's neck, pulling their faces tighter together. Her left hand found Mehgan's breast, cupping it while her thumb rubbed the nipple. Mehgan continued to expertly work the dildo, upping the speed until it reached the maximum. Theresa, anxious with need, was humping her hips against the electric cock. Her body was shaking, quivering with desire. I had spent far too many hours in bed with Theresa not to recognize what was happening to her, sheer physical need and desire had supplanted everything else.
As I always did when we reached that point in our lovemaking, I was totally enthralled, I found Theresa's intense arousal to be the most sexually stimulating thing I knew. Nothing could ignite me like watching Theresa's concupiscence aflame. I was once again witness to her approaching a climax.
"My clittie, please do my clittie," I exclaimed. Nicole instantly complied, sucking my clit into her mouth, her tongue pushing aside the hood and bathing my bud in pleasure. Her fingers replaced her tongue in my vagina.
Theresa broke her kiss and turned so she squarely leaned against the headboard of the bed. She dug her feet into the mattress, using it as leverage to push her hips into the dildo. I imagined how deep inside her it must be, pressing against her cervix.
Eyes closed, she shouted, "Omigod, cumming, cumming, I am, I am, so CUMMMINGG!!"
That was all I could take. I took hold of my breasts, rubbing my dark nipples with my thumbs, as my orgasm pounded into me. "SUCK ME, LICK ME, ME TOOOOOO, OH BABY ME TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
* * * *
The four of us lay prone on the bed for awhile, bodies wet with perspiration, breathing heavy. When I opened my eyes, Theresa smiled.
"You look quite content," she said.
"I am," I replied. "You look like your feeling no pain."
"No, none at all. You've got to try one of these things."
The four of us made love deep into the night and yes, I did try one of those things.
* * * *
We dragged out of bed the next morning. We were already late getting the house ready and were getting later by the minute. Nicole and Mehgan volunteered to help. Theresa and I would prepare to the house. Nicole and Mehgan would stop at the supermarket. Theresa and I had completed the preliminary work when Nicole and Mehgan arrived. We had just finished putting the food up and poured four glasses of wine when Miles and Brad appeared.
Mehgan, looking out the window, spotted them first
"What's wrong?" Theresa asked.
"Those boys are gorgeous and I promised by boyfriend in New Orleans I wouldn't be with any other guy while I was away."
We met them on the porch. Theresa made the introductions. "Nicole, Mehgan, this is Brad, Sally's son, and Miles, my own. Miles, when you and I went shopping for clothes last summer, Mehgan was the clerk."
Miles, sheepishly, apologized for not remembering Mehgan. That he did not recall such a lovely woman confirmed that at the moment he only had eyes for his mother. As we finished unloading the car Lauren and her son Scott pulled up in her Jaguar.
The eight of us sat on the porch. The contrast between Lauren and her son was, as always, striking. She moved with grace and eased into the conversation with Nicole and Mehgan as if a long-time friend. Scott was awkward: he was intimidated by the adults and plethora of good-looking woman; he barely said a word. Although his covert glances showed he was smitten with Meghan, his attempts to strike up conversations with her were clumsy. After an hour Brad suggested the four young people take a walk on the beach. Relief flooded Scott's face at the chance to get away.
After they wandered off Lauren said to Nicole, "You have a lovely daughter."
Nicole thanked Lauren and returned the compliment.
And then, after a moment, as if unsure how to broach the subject, Lauren said to all of us, "The contrast between my Scottie and your children is pretty striking, he seems so immature compared to them. What's your secret?"
"Scott's a fine boy, Lauren. Don't be to hard on him." Nicole said. "As to our secret, I don't know. Why don't you ask them yourself?"
Lauren thought a second, "I might just do that."
The four of us enjoyed the sun and sky. Lauren, her tongue loosened by a killer margarita, was more gabby than usual and returned to the topic of her son several times, at one point complaining that he had flunked calculus and statistics and had to take them again over the summer to graduate high school.
After about an hour we heard the young people returning. Scott was tagging along behind Mehgan, who was making a bee-line for her mother. Miles and Brad were a couple of hundred yards behind.
"I just got a call from Heather. One of the guys had to drop out of this afternoon's volleyball tourney. Scott's volunteered to fill in; it turns out he played in high school. Can I take the car; we need to skedaddle to get him registered."
Lauren seemed intent on supporting her son. "Don't worry, Scottie, take ours. My purse is over there."
Scott, who I expect didn't get to drive the Jag all that often, grinned and returned with the purse. Lauren fished out the keys.
Brad and Miles arrived as Mehgan and Scott sped off. Miles told Theresa he wanted to take Brad to an island in the bay that had been designated as a bird sanctuary. I remembered it from my first session with Theresa; it was one of the places Theresa and Miles had visited during the first few desperate days of their lovemaking.
Theresa remembered it too. "It's a lovely place, you'll have fun."
"Why don't you guys join us."
Theresa answered first. "I've had one too many margaritas." Nicole and I also declined. All eyes turned to Lauren.
"Actually, it sounds interesting. You boys don't mind if I tag along?"
"No, Dr. Stone, it's always fun to show the place to someone new."
"Give me a minute to change."
The boys were readying the boat when Lauren came out of the house wearing a a powder blue Jamie Printed Bandeau Maillot one piece bathing suit sans shoulder straps. It was a suit appropriate for an attractive women of forty, it covered her butt and exposed no cleavage, but form fitted her well-kept body, showing off her toned shoulders and upper back. She had pinned her dark blonde hair back and was wearing sun glasses and a broad straw hat. She still had on her pearl earrings. She loaded her iPad, a blanket, and sun block into a small bag and headed for the boat.
The ride to the island was choppy, but otherwise uneventful. The boat was loud; conversation would need to wait for landfall. I did take the opportunity to study the boys -- why were they so different from my son? I had known Miles for years. When exactly had he become such a handsome young man? And while I had only recently met Brad, I was struck by his casual good looks and easy manner.
We dropped anchor by the island. We were the only boat in sight; we had the place to ourselves. As we waded in I asked the question Nicole suggested. "Miles, Brad, you two seem so much more mature, more comfortable in your skin than Scott. What do you attribute it to?"
The boys jumped to their friend's defense.
"C'mon Dr. Stone, Scott's fine."
"I know he is, but he could barely put a sentence together when he saw Mehgan and sat there mute when the adults talked. You guys jumped right in. And please, out here at least, call me Lauren. "
The two boys looked at each other, assessing how far they should go. Finally, they reached an unspoken understanding.
Brad started. "Well, Lauren," consciously trying out my first name, "are you sure you want to hear this."
"Okay, Miles and I have both been lucky enough to have older, more mature lovers. They help you grow up fast."
That seemed far too simple an explanation. They were probably getting college girls because they were mature good-looking guys, not the other way around.
"Has Miles been introducing you to college girls?"
"No, I mean a generation older. Ladies of your age."
I was dumbfounded; this was not at all what I expected. I suppressed my first instinct: to ask whom.
The boys saw my confusion.
"Does that surprise you?"
"Yes," I answered. "Older ladies shouldn't be preying on younger men."
That drew a smile from the boys. "Uh, there was no preying. Miles was certainly the aggressor and I was, at least, an active participant for one and the aggressor for the other."
"Are you telling me there are several?"
""Yes," Miles answered. Then, after a short delay, "You asked."
I was flustered, my thoughts scattered. I wanted to ask more questions, but my mind kept lunging from the analytical to the prurient. What would these handsome young men want in women twice their age? I could certainly see what a woman would see in these two gorgeous young men; it would be like living a fantasy in which the hunky young movie star walked off the big screen and into your bedroom.
"But Brad, I've seen you with Katie."
"Lauren, the fact that Miles and I are involved with older women doesn't mean we also don't like woman our own age."
"But certainly, you find girls your own age more attractive."
They looked at me like I was just being silly. "Oh please," they seemed to say together, "Lauren, look at yourself, you're beautiful."
Then Miles. "You know, there was a reason the guys liked hanging out at Scott's place."
Unsure of whether to fuss or reprimand them, I flirted. "I thought it was the chocolate chip cookies."
He smiled and flirted right back, "Don't sell yourself short. You're intelligent, you're gracious, charming, and gorgeous. You sure do look great in that bathing suit. There'd be something wrong with a man who didn't want you."
My husband's moribund interest crossed my mind.
He went on. "Remember, we all flirted with you, although, I've got to admit, we weren't particularly good at it."
I thought back to how much I had enjoyed their innocent, albeit clumsy, flirtation.
"Through a combination of cowardice and the thought that you couldn't possibly be attracted to any of us, none of us went any further. If any of us had had more guts, if we had approached you and if you had been willing, think about what we would have learned from you."
Thoughts of those young men populating my bed flooded my mind. Their beautiful firm bodies. Young lovers, able to go all night, eager to learn. The mad passionate needy love-making of youth. Had it been that close? I had to get my imagination under control.
And then he broke the mood; his voice dropped a tone, "We're here. Let's keep it quiet for the moment, I want you to see this." The boys took my hands and helped me climb a ten foot sand dune. At the top we found ourselves looking at a lagoon, surrounded by dense vegetation and populated my egrets, ibises, and great blue herons. It was beautiful. I fetched my iPad, made a record, and then just watched. I could feel the boys' hands on my back. I liked their touch.
I not sure how long we lay there, observing nature in its most fundamental beauty. Then the birds took to the air. The three of us walked to the lagoon's edge.
"It's lovely. I imagine the Garden of Eden looked like this."
The boys laid out a blanket and declared it was time for more sun screen, which they insisted on applying. I enjoyed their hands; they knew how to touch a woman. They pushed the edge of the envelope, keeping their hands on me too long, skimming the sides of my breasts, the edges of my butt, and approaching far to close to the spot between my legs. I let them, murmuring my appreciation, praising them, encouraging them.
"Whomever these ladies are, they sure must love their back and neck rubs."
"We get no complaints."
We chatted. They flirted with me, I flirted back. I pretended we were far away from civilization, that it was all somehow innocent. I knew that was a lie, but I needed only the flimsiest of excuses. And there was another voice in my head, the one that said no one would ever know what happened out here. I knew I should stop this; that I should insist on returning to the mainland; that choosing not to decide whether to return was itself a kind of decision -- like not refusing the offer of another glass of wine from the co-worker you find so attractive. And yet I said nothing. I was enjoying myself. The boys were openly checking me out. I was doing the same with them. I rested my hands on their knees. My mind was filled with images of them making love to their mystery ladies, and to me.