Chapter 06
Two years and eight months earlier....
Calle wasn't sure what to do. After his last encounter with Marion, he was extremely undecided. Marion clearly had intimacy problems, at least where sex was concerned. It was true that the two of them had only spent five days together. Five days over three months! But they were very intense, very full five days. They both knew that they shared a special connection. There had been plenty of kissing and hugging. But Marion wasn't ready for sex, and there was no telling when she ever would be. And she was a virgin at 23 years of age!
Calle had quickly reached a point where being around Marion without being able to have sex with her was pure torture. Her smile, her large eggplant shaped breasts, her large firm ass cheeks, and the stress lines in the crotch of her tight jeans, were all crying out for the touch of his lips, the caress of his hands, the thickness of his organ.
It was too much torture to see Marion and not to be able to fuck her. And yet... he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile. The way she looked at him. Her deep musical voice. The way she flirted with him. The way her jeans creased so tightly around the joining between her legs with every step she took.
A week passed, a week in which Calle uncharacteristically didn't contact Marion, even to see how she was doing. Then, finally, he decided to give in. Maybe he could never have her in the way he wanted. Maybe not having her would hurt him terribly. But not being with her hurt even more. He intended to write her just to ask how she was doing. Just to say hello. Instead, what he netmailed her was, I MISS YOU TERRIBLY. I WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME? And he pressed the send button before he could consider wisely.
Marion didn't answer that day, nor the next day nor the next after that. Calle figured that it was over between them. Charlie asked him why he was looking so depressed at work, and Calle told him he was having trouble sleeping.
Those glowing orange eyes.....
Calle's heart sank day after day until he felt it could go on no longer. He lost his appetite and had to take pills to help him sleep.
And then, a week after his message, he received a one word reply.
They hugged and kissed each other feverishly right by the Koi fish fountain right at the lakeside entrance to the Mountain House before either said a word. It was as if they were lost lovers who hadn't seen each other for years . Marion looked simply grand in a white button down shirt and equally white pants. She looked like something out of a postcard. Calle's heart thudded as she held out her arms, with a look of longing on her face. Marion hugged him tightly and found herself whispering loudly, "I missed you soooo much."
"I missed you too," said Calle, in a voice half-choked with emotion.
They looked at each other for a long moment, and that was all that needed to be said.
Marion showed him the gardens of Mohonk, which now, in June, were in full bloom. They were magnificent. It seemed there were amazing flowers of all kinds there, flowers Calle had never even seen before. And then Marion purposefully paused by one flower, a giant maroon flower, perhaps a foot long, which seemed to be in the shape of a penis. It was curved, like a male sex organ, with a tip at one end and small maroon balls at the others, like testicles. Marion enjoyed Calle's reaction as she stroked the "shaft" of the plant. "What do you think?"
"Incredible," said Calle, wishing her hand were stroking his instead.
Marion smiled at him and laughed as if she were reading his mind.
Marion took him to the beginning of a boulder field, on the other side of the lake, and a narrow path between the boulders.
"What is this?" Calle asked.
Marion took a deep breath. "It's the Labyrinth."
"I thought... I thought you were afraid to go there."
"I am," said Marion. "But this weekend is going to be about conquering my fears." She put her arms around him. "Will you help me do that, John?"
Calle, his heart thudding in his chest, nodded.
If Calle had thought the beginning of the Labyrinth would be easy, as sort of a training ground, he was wrong. He immediately found himself crawling on his hands and knees into a tiny cave formed by boulders. They were almost completely in the dark except for a shaft of light above them. As Calle entered the cave and found he could stand again, Marion took him in her arms and kissed him. "Yum," she said, smiling at him.
"I think I like this Labyrinth already," said Calle.
"I knew you would," said Marion, giving him an even sexier smile. "Follow me." She started to climb a vertical ladder leading up and out of the little cavern. Calle followed. But when he got to the top, he realized that the ladder had ended too soon. There was a rock slab at about a 45 degree angle above the top of the ladder.
"What do I do now?" Calle asked.
"Climb the rock," said Marion.
Calle stared at the angled rock slab. "Are you serious?"
"Slide upwards on your butt on the rock!" Marion cried.
Calle made a face but slowly slid upwards. Very soon he made his way to daylight. He found himself sitting on a ledge, with a three foot drop below him. "What now?"
"Drop, silly!"
Calle slid downwards, and his feet landed on the ground. Marion hugged and congratulated him.
"Does it get tougher than that?" Calle asked.
"Not until you get to the crevice near the top," said Marion. She started to climb the next ladder. Calle had a tremendous view of her large, firm ass cheeks. Marion had changed into sexy jean shorts which left nothing to the imagination. He saw her naked legs for the first time. They were firm, muscled, well toned, and completely shaven. She looked gorgeous.
He climbed after her. For the next hour they made their way through the Labyrinth, going up and down, down and up, but inevitably, going up and up and up. The first half of the Labyrinth consisted of caves and ladders. But then they came out of it, into a small forest of evergreens. "Are we done?" Calle asked.
Marion laughed. "No, this is just a breather. Part two is just ahead."
Part two was a boulder field. But this time, instead of going into caves formed by the boulders, they were climbing on the top of boulders, big giant white rocks the size of air cars, hopping from boulder to boulder to boulder. Bold red arrows painted on the rocks pointed the way.
Now that they were out in the open, the views were incredible. They could see the treetops for miles around them. The sun was shining, and a gentle wind was whipping on them.
As Marion stood on a boulder, he could see the outlines of her bra through her somewhat sheer shirt. He wondered what she would look like naked. The vertical slit of her zipper on her tight jean shorts only emphasized the object of his mounting desire, and the stress lines on her crotch and between her ass cheeks only excited him further. As he walked behind her, Calle tried not to look, and failed; but when Marion caught him looking, she only smiled.
And then they reached the ladders, the part Marion feared most. There were two very tall ladders, perhaps twenty feet high, one stacked on top of each other, leading into a narrow crevice. Around them, other hikers were posing for photos or even sunbathing on the top of giant white boulders.
"This is it," said Marion. "This is where I turned back last time."
Calle didn't have to ask why. The ladders were leaning precariously against the rock wall. This was nothing like the four or five foot ladders that they had climbed many times before; if the top of the ladder swayed, or cracked, the consequences could easily be fatal.
"You don't have to do this," said Calle.
Marion bit her lip. "I want to. I want to conquer my fears today, John. All of them," she said, looking him squarely in the eye.
Calle nodded.
"I'll go first," said Marion. "That way, you can catch me if I fall."
Calle wasn't sure if she was joking.
Marion started to climb, and Calle followed. Once again, he was treated to a beautiful view of her large, round ass cheeks. Above them he could see the outlines of her bra straps on her back, through her shirt which was now half sweated through.
Marion climbed to the junction between the first and second ladder, pausing on a tiny platform between the two. "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this," Calle heard her mutter. Then she started climbing the second one.
"Marion, are you all right?" Calle asked from behind.
"Yes, John. I'm just not looking down."
Calle made the mistake of doing that, and even he, who wasn't afraid of heights, shivered. There was nothing protecting either of them from a 20 foot drop onto some very sharp looking rocks below.
And then he stopped thinking about it, and found they had made it. Suddenly they were no longer out in the open, but in a very long, narrow crevice. Calle immediately noticed that the temperature had dropped about twenty degrees. The rock walls were not just cold, but wet, with water trickling down the sides.
And suddenly Marion was in his arms. "Hold me," she whispered, and it was at that moment that Calle realized that Marion had claustrophobia.
He held her tightly, and realized how wonderful it was to hold a warm, sweaty woman in a cold place such as this. Her breasts felt warm and reassuring against his chest. After a long moment, he said, "Shall we go on?" he asked, eager to finish for her sake.
"We can't," she whispered. "Traffic jam."
Calle looked over to the far end of the crevice. There were a line of hotel guests standing in a line waiting to climb out of the crevice. The line moved, but very slowly.
"I'll be all right, John. Just hold me," she said.
Calle was glad to oblige.
When their turn came to make the last part of the climb, Marion once again took the lead. She climbed ladders leading out of the crevice. But then, in a cruel joke, the final ladder ended about six feet before the top of the crevice. Marion searched frantically for footholds in the rock wall of the crevice that would let her climb out, and found some that let her climb another two feet upwards, but from there she could go no farther.
"I'm trapped!" she cried. "John!"
Calle climbed up after her. Now that she was no longer on the ladder, there was space enough for two abreast.
"I can't find a foothold! We're trapped! John, we're trapped!" She was babbling.
"No we're not," said Calle firmly. "We're both getting out of here." That seemed to calm her down some. Calle looked at the rock wall. He found the footholds that Marion had found, and they indeed seemed to end about two feet above the end of the ladder... but no farther.
How then did everyone else get out of the crevice?
And then John's special ability came into play. He had no name for it; it was simply the same ability that let him know what part of an engine would fail first, knowing what the key element was for a situation. And John realized at that moment that the footholds were not on the rock face front of him, but on the rock face behind him. He started climbing again, and found himself just two feet below the top. He reached up and pulled himself out.
"How did you do that?" Marion cried.
"The toeholds are behind you. Try it!"
Marion started climbing. Now that she knew what to look for, she found them. Soon she was only two feet below the top. Calle pulled her up the rest of the way.
"I made it!" Marion gasped, hugging him tightly.
"You did," said Calle, hugging her back. It felt really good.
They both instinctively lay back on the giant boulder they had emerged from. They were some thirty feet below the tower at the top, but the way forward would be easy now. But for now they just lay there and stared at the New Paltz valley, stretching as far as the eyes could see. There were miles and miles of farmland in the valley below them.
"I never could have done it without you, John," Marion said. "Thank you. For helping me conquer my fears."
"It's my pleasure," said Calle sincerely.
After a few moments rest, they crossed a small wooden bridge which went over the crevice and made their way to the tower at the top, a tower they had been to before; and yet, having reached it now through such an arduous way, they both found they appreciated the view all the more.
And then something curious happened. They were sitting on a wooden bench, enjoying the view and the breeze and the sun, and Marion started to gasp, ever so slightly.
Calle looked at her. Her head started to rock slightly, back and forth. Her eyes were wide. She gasped a second time.
And then he noticed it.
Her nipples. They were hard and prominent, sticking out through her bra and her shirt.
"It's so amazing here, the beauty of it all," said Marion, who seemingly was unaware of the nature of what she was broadcasting to the world. "The clouds, the view, everything... so beautiful," she said, gasping again. And then she gasped a third time. "It gives me such positive energy... it makes me feel so good... oooooh, so very good..... ah... ah.hh..... aaaaaahhhhhhh......" Marion gave a blissful smile, tiled her head back, and closed her eyes.
Calle looked at her and frowned. Did Marion, right before his own eyes, just have an orgasm?
After four o'clock tea, Marion showered and changed for dinner. Calle let her use the bathroom in his hotel room. He showered first, and then patiently waited while Marion showered and prepared herself. This was the first time she had come to his hotel room, and she had even suggested it.
"Would you mind if I use your shower, John?" she had asked during tea and cookies, without batting an eyelash. Calle could only nod dumbly as she accompanied him to his hotel room.
It was at that moment when they entered the room that he knew that she was ready to have sex. Not that they were going to do it at that moment. Calle was the perfect gentleman, sitting patiently on his little balcony overlooking the lake while she changed and showered in the bathroom. But the thought of Marion, completely nude in a room just a few feet away from him, made him terribly excited. He knew what coming up to his room had meant. He knew what Marion, by coming up and taking off her clothes and bathing right next to him, was signaling to him. Tonight would be the night.
Calle's suspicions were confirmed when Marion came out of the bathroom wearing a silky white dress that sparkled to the eye. Unlike her costume dress he had first saw her in, this dress accentuated rather than hid the shape of her large breasts. Her firm round bosom sloped out and down at him.
"What do you think?" Marion asked, with a note of anxiety in her voice.
Calle took her in his arms, gently, so not as to break her, so not as to break anything about this moment, and kissed her. "I think you look wonderful."
Marion raised the subject they were both thinking about at dinner. "After your last visit, I, uh, didn't hear from you for nearly a week," she said.
"I... uh... work....."
Marion reached out a hand and touched his. "Don't do that John. We're beyond that, don't you think?" She stared into his eyes. "You were going to drop me. You were going to drop me, because I wouldn't sleep with you."
Calle bit his lips, hard. "Marion... I don't know what to say."
"Then don't say anything. Just listen," said Marion. "I thought about it a long time after you left, John. I cried a number of times when I thought I wouldn't hear from you again. But then I did hear from you. And I had a decision to make. I know you'll leave me if I didn't have sex with you."
Calle opened his mouth to protest, but Marion shushed him. "Let me finish!" She said, in an unusually sharp tone. Then her voice returned to normal. "We... we have a special connection, John. I knew that from the moment I made eye contact with you, and it was only gets stronger every moment I spent with you. You have a special appreciation for nature, just like I do. And you're a kind and warm and caring man." She took a deep breath. "And so, I have decided to give it to you."
"To... give what to me?" said John, looking confused.
"My... virginity," said Marion, sucking in her lips as she said the word.
"Marion, you don't have to-"
She put a finger over his lips. "But I want to, John darling. I'm a virgin at 23 years of age. Isn't that more than a bit pathetic? I've let myself be shackled by fear, just like my fear of the Labyrinth. But when I finally conquered that fear, it felt wonderful. Lying with you, all sweaty, on top of that rock face felt like the most wonderful thing in the world. And I want to feel that way again."
She paused, wetting her lips. "I want to know what it feels like to be a woman, a real woman, a fully functional biological female. John, will you... will you help me with this?"
Calle was totally flustered. For a moment he was without words. It was like living a fantasy. Finally he managed to say, "Yes," in a tight voice.
"Good," said Marion nodding. "And now, have you given any thought to dessert?"
Creak creak groan.
Calle would always remember the sound of the colorfully carpeted old wooden staircase as he and Marion, hand in hand, went back to his room where they very soon would be engaging in sexual intercourse. He felt like he were leading an innocent lamb to the slaughter. It was a very special period of time, a time in his life he would never have again, the time right before he had sex with Marion for the very first time. He would never again feel this sense of anticipation again, of excitement, not in the same way. He found himself wishing he had a time machine, and could go back in time and experience this moment again and again, though of course that would be impossible.
Calle would always remember the knowing look Marion gave him as he shut the door to his room behind them. It was a look of excitement, but also a look of vulnerability, knowing that something was about to happen, something that would change Marion forever, something she very much wanted to happen, but also something she feared greatly.
Calle looked at her in her beautiful dress. He felt the tension in the air was so thick he could cut it like a knife. He slowly (very slowly!) went over and kissed her. She kissed him back, and he felt some of the anxiety draining out of her. But not enough.
So he went over and started a fire in the fireplace. Soon they had roaring flames and the wonderful sound of crackling wood. And then Calle sat on the edge of the bed, and patted the space next to him, and Marion fearfully sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around her.
At first, he did nothing. Nothing at all. He sensed curiosity, and then impatience from Marion. Then he started kissing her, but slowly, cautiously. He let his hands start to roam over her arms, then her back, then her legs. He gradually worked his way into it, and before long he was touching her breasts. Marion jumped the first time he touched her mounds, and Calle immediately pulled back.
"It's all right," said Marion rapidly.
"Are you sure?" Calle asked.
Marion inhaled strongly. "Touch them again," she said urgently.
"John, please touch my breasts!" It was practically a command, and Calle found he couldn't refuse her.
Calle put his hands on Marion's breasts and stroked them gently, more symbolically than anything else. Even as he touched them through her dress, Marion shivered. She did not pull back again.
One thing progressed to another, and Calle started to undress her. He purposefully undressed himself first, thinking it might make it easier for Marion. Marion's eyes grew wide when she saw his chest, and grew even wider when she saw the thing between his legs. She tried not to stare at it, but was not very successful.
And then Calle slowly but surely undressed her. First her dress came off, then her bra. When her breasts came free, Calle gasped. They were more beautiful than he had ever imagined. They were perfect bell shaped breasts, wonderful teardrop shaped mounds with hardly any sag. Marion had the largest, reddest areolas Calle had ever seen, making her look so womanly, so tremendously feminine.
And then Marion had to spoil the moment. She felt very defensive by the way Calle was staring at them. "They're ugly, aren't they?"
"No!" Calle cried, with real anguish in his voice. "They're beautiful!"
"Marion, they're perfect!" said Calle, enraged that she should even question it. He had to do something, something to convince her. Marion gasped as Calle started to trace a line with his finger tips over one of her breasts. It was the very first time she had been touched there by a man, to feel a firm masculine touch over her breasts. She shivered as he caressed her titties.
Calle gradually became more bold, and started to plant a trail of kisses around her breasts, moving tactically until he came over her nipple. Then he took it in his mouth and sucked it gently.
Marion cried out. "What are you doing, John?" she asked.
Calle let the nipple slide out with a pop. "I'm sucking you off, Marion. Do you like it?"
"I... I don't know," said Marion.
"Well, let's do it some more and find out," Calle suggested. And he took her teat in his mouth again and proceeded to suck her, softly at first, but gradually, more and more firmly. Marion took sharp breaths and shuddered, but didn't motion for him to stop. When Calle let the teat slide out of his mouth a second time, it was long and hard and red and glistening.
Calle looked at her. "Would you like me to do the other one?"
"Uh... I suppose, if you like," said Marion, feeling flustered.
"If I like," Calle repeated, feeling a bit demoralized. Nevertheless, he moved his mouth down again and tenderfully and skillfully aroused her other nipple. Once he was satisfied, he pulled out, and stared at his work with pride. Both her of Marion's nipples were long and hard now and as red... as red as her brilliant lips. They pointed straight out at him, without a hint of sag.
Calle looked at Marion, and realized she was still tense. He leaned forward and kissed her. He felt her body relax as they grinded their lips together. When he felt she had calmed down a bit, he pulled back, and moved his hands down to remove her panties, the last barrier.
"No," Marion cried.
"No?" said Calle.
"I mean, yes," said Marion.
Calle's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure you want this, Marion?"
Marion thought quickly about it, about her conquering her fears of the Labyrinth, and how she was still a virgin at the age of 23. "Yes, I do."
This time she didn't resist as Calle reached for her panties. Marion even obediently lifted her bottom up as Calle pulled down on it. In seconds, she was completely nude.
Calle's blood pumped hard in his chest as Marion's dark curly pubic bush came into view. Calle gently spread her legs. Suddenly he saw a slender pink cleft emerge, with a narrow opening that was just perfectly designed for all his needs.
Marion felt terribly embarrassed, but she vowed to complete the ritual of reproduction. She let Calle lay her back on the bed and braced herself for the inevitable.
But she was surprised when Calle simply lay next to her on the bed, touching, kissing, caressing. He wanted to make her as comfortable with his body as he could before committing the ultimate act. Calle was taking her virginity gradually, for which Marion was very much aware and equally grateful, kissing him back as he kissed her.
As Calle caressed her shoulders and breasts and belly and pubis and legs, Marion couldn't help but look at his thing. It had grown long and hard now. Marion had seen penises before, of course, but never a big, live one right next to her, one that would very soon be inside of her. Calle noticed her glance and smiled.
"Can I touch it?" she whispered.
"Of course," said Calle generously.
Marion extended a trembling hand. Hesitant fingers started to touch the shaft. Calle gently took her hand and started to move it up and down his shaft. "That's right. That's a nice way to touch it. "
"It's so big, so hard," she whispered, as her fingers ran along the length of it. "Is that really going to fit inside of me?"
Calle saw the worry in her eyes. "Of course," he smiled.
"But it's so big," she said again.
"Penises were meant to make girls happy," said Calle. "They're long, and wonderful, and girls learn to love them."
Marion looked doubtfully at Calle's organ of reproduction. At the moment, she just wanted to be able to tolerate it; she wasn't sure if she was ever going to learn to love it. "Will it hurt? When you take my virginity?"
"Maybe, for just a moment," said Calle. "But it won't feel like more than this." And for a second he squeezed her hand tightly.
"Really? Not more than that?" Marion said.
"Um hm," said Calle, kissing her neck. Right now he would have said anything to have sex with her. All the circuits in his brain were overloaded with sexual desire. He looked at Marion and knew he had to have her. She was just so sexy: her beautiful face and gleaming eyes, her heavy, sloping breasts with their giant, red areolas, and her thick rich triangle of pubic hair made him realize that yes, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. His penis quivered with anticipation and need, and he knew he needed to be inside her, and very soon.
It was time.
Calle raised himself up and aimed himself. He saw the fear in Marion's eyes and smiled reassuringly as he pressed the head of his penis against her nether lips. He looked down at his penis, rigidly at attention at the entrance to her vagina. Marion's dark wavy pubic hair so beautifully framed the fleshy pink entrance to her warm pussy. Calle felt a surge of elation inside of him. This was a scene he wanted to burn into his brain forever.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
Marion's eyes said no, but she bit her lip and nodded.
Slowly but surely, Calle entered her. Marion gasped as he sunk an inch into her, just the semi circular head at the tip of his shaft. He stopped immediately. "Are you all right?" he asked.
"Yes... I... I just need time to adjust." She looked at him with adoration in her eyes. He was such a sensitive lover! "All right. You can put a bit more of it into me now."
Calle moved a little deeper into her. Marion gasped again. He looked up inquiringly at her. "Keep going," she whispered. He was big, so big! But she wanted to get it done. She wanted to become a complete woman. Her virginity had become a burden to her, something she wanted Calle to help her shed forever.
And then Calle moved all the way into her, and from his perspective it felt like the head of his penis broke through a thin layer of plastic wrap. Marion thrust her head back and cried out as she felt something rupture inside of her. And suddenly she knew it; her hymen had been broken. She was no longer a virgin. She felt a sharp stab of pain, which quickly faded. She had been penetrated.
Suddenly Calle's organ was all the way inside of her. His brown pubic hair was right up against her black pubic bush. They were connected, in the most intimate way a man and a woman could be.
"Marion?" he said, his voice heavy with concern.
"I'm all right," she said tightly, as she felt herself uniquely filled. It felt so... odd! "I just need a moment to adjust... I'm fine now. Go on."
"Are you sure?" Calle asked.
She loved him so much for asking! "Of course," she said, trying to give a reassuring smile.
Calle slowly started pumping in and out of her. At first, Marion felt pain, but pain turned to discomfort, and the discomfort slowly started to fade away. She noticed that Calle seemed to be enjoying it immensely. He smiled victoriously as he thrusted inside of her, in and out, in and out.
There was an old fashioned body mirror by his bed, and when Marion looked at it, she saw Calle's ass, pumping up and down, forwards and backwards, with every thrust. Somehow it made the penetration of her body all the more vivid, and she had to look away.
But Marion enjoyed the look on Calle's face as he moved in and out of her. His face looked more and more intense as he thrust more and more rapidly. She could see the great pain and need and pleasure he was experiencing and it moved her, even if she wasn't feeling it herself. With each thrust he looked into her eyes and held her hand, building and reinforcing their emotional bonding.
Calle looked pained. "Marion... I... I'm going to come...."
"Then do it, darling," she whispered. "Do it for me."
And with that Calle gritted his teeth and cried out, and suddenly he surged into her and gave a yell as his penis tingled and released inside of her. Marion could only imagine what was happening inside of her vagina, the little ropes of sperm whipping out of the little slit at the head of his penis, shooting deep inside of her. Calle cried out as he felt each orgasmic pulse from the head of his organ, filling her with his manly seed.
When he was done, Calle collapsed on top of her for a long moment while she petted his head gently. Then he slowly pulled out. By the firelight they could see that his organ was coated with blood. Her blood. Calle had officially turned her into a complete woman.
They lay together, embracing each other, and fell asleep as the fireplace crackled the night away.
At breakfast the next morning, Marion realized how much had changed. She was a complete woman now. She had participated in the ultimate biological act. Now she knew what all her friends were talking about. She had become one of them, joining the secret society where glances conveyed meaning. And yet... she still wondered what it was all about. She hadn't felt anything, certainly not resembling pleasure. Unfortunately, Calle's persistent questioning found that out.
"How do you feel this morning?" he asked her.
"Fine," she said.
Calle frowned. "Did you enjoy... what we did?"
Marion bit her lip and gave a pained nod. "It was fine."
Calle's eyes narrowed. "You didn't feel anything, did you?"
"I...." Marion suddenly felt helpless. She loved Calle and didn't want to offend him. "I enjoyed sleeping together with you." That much was true. She loved waking up with his body wrapped around hers.
But Calle was still frowning. "Does this mean... you don't want to be... intimate again?"
"Noooo," said Marion, her voice suddenly rising an octave as she averted her eyes to the ceiling. "I'll... I'll do it again. If it makes you happy."
Calle frowned. It didn't make him happy. Not at all.
They both tried to put what was worrying them out of their minds and enjoy their last day together before Calle flew home. They took a leisurely walk around the rim of the lake. Usually they walked on the far side, away from the hotel, but this time they walked on the same side as the hotel, an area which had enormous cliff faces right next to the water. Marion was wearing jean shorts again and a tight short sleeve shirt.
As they walked, Calle couldn't help but stare at the tight joining between her legs. As they walked together, he realized that Marion had a little piece of himself inside of her, his own precious genetic material, nestled deeply between her legs, in her most sacred precincts. In the most intimate way possible, he had marked her as his mate The thought made him feel grand. Perhaps she could even get pregnant....
Calle had purposefully not asked if Marion was Protected; he assumed she was, but he fantasized that she wasn't. Marion was a smart, gorgeous woman; he would be delighted to get her pregnant, accidently or otherwise. The thought of filling her with his baby made him feel....
"You're smiling," said Marion, as she held his hand.
"Because I'm with you," said Calle.
"Oh, that's so sweet," said Marion, giving him a kiss.
She had changed since last night, in subtle ways. She was a little more affectionate in public now, kissing him even if other people were around. Before she would hold off or even push him away if other hotel guests were in viewing distance. As they walked, she grabbed his arm more tightly, and she smiled as broadly as he did. She may not have enjoyed the sex, but she obviously felt more of an attachment to him since he had given her his two pound sausage of love.
They walked to a gazebo at the far end of the lake, one surrounded by pine trees. The lake was so narrow here that it was reduced to a small stream, one forded by a cute wooden bridge. They sat there for a while, admiring the view and smelling the pine needles, before turning abruptly and climbing upwards. Soon they were on the Eagle Cliff Trail, and they were looking to the west and seeing puffy clouds for miles and miles. Calle confidently snaked an arm around Marion and realized that life had never been this good.
And then it happened again. While they were sitting in a gazebo, just holding hands, staring at the view, Marion made a tiny sound.
"Uh," she said.
Calle raised his eyebrows.
"It's so gorgeous here," said Marion. She started taking deep breaths. Her lovely breasts were heaving. Calle's eyes widened as he saw her nipples start to become erect. Soon they were making bold imprints in her shirt. "So wonderful to be out in nature... it feels so good," said Marion. She started to rock back and forth slightly. One hand held Calle's hand tightly, but the other was rubbing her inner thighs.
"Ahhhh," said Marion, rocking back and forth. "Aahhhhhh," she said again. And then she moaned one last time, "Aaaaaaah!" and smiled and closed her eyes.
Calle suddenly realized what he had just seen.
Marion, the woman who couldn't get a sexual climax, had not just had an orgasm, but a naturegasm. She herself seemed partially unaware of it, or why else would she have done it right in front of Calle?
When she opened her eyes and turned her head upwards for a kiss, Calle decided that now was not the time to talk about it, and they made the natural connection.
Later, they went back to the Mountain House where Calle bought some stick candy for both of them. This time Marion wanted sour watermelon. They sat and sucked and smiled and flirted with each other on a grand sofa, a plush bright red antique that looked like a priceless artifact from the 19th century.
And then time flied, as they talked and flirted and they had dinner, and then, the inevitable happened.
Calle's pulse quickened as Marion obediently followed him up the creaking stairwell in the hotel. He remembered yesterday as they came up these steps, on the way to taking Marion's virginity. Well, he had taken it. But... what would he take tonight?
Calle resolved that he would take nothing. Instead, he would give.
Even though Marion smiled and followed his lead, he sensed her slight reticence as he undressed her in his hotel room. She was probably feeling sore down there. It would be insensitive for him to fuck her again. And yet, she was so in love with him, that she was willing, willing to let him use his body for his sexual pleasure all over again.
When Calle had both their clothes off, he kissed and fondled her breasts reverently. They really did resemble large teardrops. If they were fruit they would have been wide eggplants or oval shaped melons. They looked simply gorgeous the way they hung down slightly from her wonderfully tanned and athletic body. Calle kissed and hugged her, leading up to the natural progression, but when it came time to perform the act, Calle didn't enter her. Instead, he laid her back on the bed and started to play with her clit.
"Oh!" said Marion, smiling as he started to finger her. He watched her face carefully. He knew that getting the right rhythm was like tuning a piano. He started to flick his finger, back and forth, back and forth, just... like... that....
"Oh!" said Marion again, and her whole body buckled.
Got it.
Calle started to play her body like the proverbial piano, even though he only had access to a single key. But Marion sang for him, crying out as he played a tune of lust and sexual desire. Marion's breathing started to follow the rhythm of his hand even more closely--swish, inhale, swash, exhale, swish, inhale, swash, exhale. Her pubic hair and nether lips looked simply gorgeous as her knees were bent and legs spread in the universal female gesture of submission.
And then it happened. Marion's' breathing quickened, and her breasts heaved and her chest turned red, her eyebrows furled in mock pain, and she cried out in sexual ecstasy, grabbing fistfuls of bed sheets with her hand as Calle sent her tenderly and skillfully over the edge of her orgasmic cliff.
After Marion recovered, she gasped, "Where did you learn to do that?"
Any real answer he gave would have shattered the mood. Instead he said, "I read a holobook on it once."
"You did NOT!" she cried, and she pulled him up and kissed him furiously, and he knew he had given the exact right answer. When she pulled back she said, "And what about you? Do you still want to go in me?"
Calle wanted her more than anything. "That's not necessary."
Her eyes narrowed. "Oh, you are such a gentleman! But surely there must be something I can do for you." She looked pleadingly at him.
Calle quickly thought of something. Before long he was flat on his back, while Marion was working her hand on his shaft up and down, up and down. Calle taught her how to grasp it, and how to move it up and down, making sure to move over the most sensitive tip. Marion was a quick learner. Before long it was Calle's turn to grab the sheets, and, as his sensitivity increased 500%, he yelled out, "Not the head, not the head!" as he erupted. Marion, having been told that the head of his organ was too sensitive to touch right when he was coming, rubbed the base of his shaft furiously as spurt after spurt shot out of him. One of them shot out three feet and landed in an arc on her heavy breasts, making Calle secretly proud. As she leaned over to kiss him afterwards, he felt his wetness on her chest.
It was the best weekend ever.